Chapter 102: Sword Sect's Arrival

Afterwards, he continued, "We should go and retrieve the legacy left behind by the Perfected Being. The Sect Master specifically asked us to make this trip and emphasized the need for secrecy.

But I don't know what's so special about the legacy of the Perfected Being. What good things can it have that are not available to us Six Realm cultivators?"

Wang Tanxiao was about to speak when suddenly his expression changed, and he looked outside. Li Fengsheng also looked outside at the same time.

The expression on their faces instantly turned fierce and angry. "It's Xu You, that damn bastard, who actually came here on his own! Let me kill him. I won't be satisfied until I tear him apart!"

After that night, he naturally thoroughly investigated all the information about Xu You and the other two. He firmly remembered their aura, deeply engraved in his mind.

Saying that, Li Fengsheng was about to rush out. However, Wang Tanxiao firmly held him back and said in a stern voice, "If you want to die, don't take me with you!"

"What?" Li Fengsheng was puzzled.

"He is Mo Yuhuang's only disciple and currently the third-generation core successor of the Vermilion Bird Hall. Do you think you can survive if you personally kill him? Not to mention Mo Yuhuang, aren't his senior sister and senior brother all powerful individuals? The Vermilion Bird Hall has always been known for seeking revenge for the slightest grievance.

If you kill Xu You, Kunlun Immortal Sect's methods will definitely be able to find out the true culprit. Can you bear the consequences? Do you think you can still see the sunlight in the future? Can you still roam freely?" Although Wang Tanxiao was also very angry at the moment,

reason still prevailed.

Upon hearing Wang Tanxiao's explanation, Li Fengsheng was stunned for a moment, then his face turned pale, and the veins on his hands bulged. "So, should we just let this damn bastard go right under our noses?

We have fallen to this point all because of him. How can we be willing to let him go?"

"Of course not." Wang Tanxiao's face also turned as black as ink, and he said in a deep voice, "We can't take action ourselves, but there are people who can."

"Please explain, Brother Wang!" Li Fengsheng's face changed.

"We have the exact location of the legacy left behind by the Perfected Being." Wang Tanxiao said calmly,

"Heaven Splitting Sect has been declining generation after generation because it lacks the most core inheritance. The legacy left behind by the Perfected Being after his death must contain a complete and intact core inheritance.

If we use this as a bargaining chip, do you think Lutianming will agree to help us get rid of Xu You?"

"He will definitely agree!" Li Fengsheng's eyes lit up, "Lutianming's vitality is declining, and he has no hope of advancing in this lifetime. But if he can obtain this inheritance, there is great hope of breaking through the Six Realms.

For a person who is about to die, the temptation of prolonging their life and increasing their strength is irresistible. Even if it means killing Xu You and even all the disciples of the Heaven Splitting Sect, he will probably agree."

Li Fengsheng knew very well how tempting such an improvement in cultivation and lifespan was for a cultivator. Not to mention asking Lutianming to kill Xu You,

even if it meant killing all the disciples of the Heaven Splitting Sect, he would probably agree.

"Brother Wang, you are truly brilliant! Amazing!" Li Fengsheng praised him fiercely, but he felt a little regretful, "Although the strength of the Perfected Being who founded the Heaven Splitting Sect back then was not that great,

but his witchcraft inheritance was passed down from the True Witch Heaven Gate. But this is something the Sect Master specifically instructed us to do. If we just tell Lutianming the location of his burial place, what if something goes wrong?"

"After the matter is done, we can kill Lutianming and take it back. By then, Lutianming will be the one who killed Xu You, what does it have to do with us? Besides, it is likely that we need the Great Dao inheritance of the Perfected Being to obtain the legacy left behind by the Perfected Being.

If we forcibly take it, we may damage the legacy. It's just right to let Lutianming go and get it for us, and we can reap the benefits.

A mere Five Realm cultivator, we can control him as we please."

Wang Tanxiao's face was full of a cold smile, and his words were extremely firm.

"Brother Wang, you are truly a genius!" Li Fengsheng praised him again, "This is killing three birds with one stone, no, it's killing four birds with one stone!"

By then, Xu You would be killed by Lutianming, the legacy would be obtained with Lutianming's help, and in the end, it would fall into their hands. Perfect!

They came on this trip for two reasons: one was to win over the Heaven Splitting Sect, and the other was to retrieve the relic of the Great Gu, left behind by the Perfected Being, as ordered by their sect master.

Back then, the Perfected Being did not pass on all of his inheritance to the disciples of the Heaven Splitting Sect. Instead, he kept the most crucial and core parts to himself.

After all, he was a disciple of the True Witch Heaven Sect, and his true allegiance still lay with the True Witch Heaven Sect. Even though he was the one who founded the Heaven Splitting Sect, he couldn't pass on the entire inheritance of the True Witch Heaven Sect.

This was both a matter of principle and a way to maintain the inheritance of the Heaven Splitting Sect.

Otherwise, whether it was other forces or the True Witch Heaven Sect, if they knew that the Heaven Splitting Sect possessed a complete witchcraft inheritance, how could they allow the Heaven Splitting Sect to survive?

As it turned out, intentionally leaving the Great Dao inheritance incomplete was still very useful. Although the disciples of the sect couldn't cultivate to a realm above the sixth stage with it, it prevented disasters and allowed the Heaven Splitting Sect to continue unharmed for so many years.

And of course, the Perfected Being had no idea that thousands of years later, his final resting place would be dug up by members of the Demon Alliance.

Afterwards, Wang Tanxiao and Li Fengsheng continued to stay here, using their absolute cultivation advantage to unabashedly observe the situation of Xu You and Lu Tianming.

Xu You had no idea that Wang Tanxiao and Li Fengsheng would actually be here in the Heaven Splitting Sect. At this moment, Duan Aotian was still preaching incessantly.

At this moment, a loud voice suddenly came from outside the hall.

"Disciples of the Sword Sect have come to pay their respects, please come out for a meeting, Sect Master."

The voice was domineering, with an unquestionable tone, showing no trace of courtesy.

Duan Aotian's speech abruptly stopped, somewhat annoyed by the impoliteness of the Sword Sect disciples outside.

Xue Qianluo also slowly opened her eyes and looked outside.

"Please wait a moment, young friends. Let me go out to greet the guests first, I apologize," Lu Tianming smiled bitterly, got up, shook his head, and went out.

Xu You had no curiosity and naturally stayed in place to continue drinking tea.

Bai Genshuo, who loved to watch the show, ran out eagerly, and Duan Aotian followed suit.

In his eyes, these Sword Sect disciples were too arrogant. Duan Aotian would not allow such a powerful person to exist here!

Only Duan Aotian could be arrogant!

Outside the hall, three young men stood tall.

They were all dressed in uniform long robes of jade green color, with three white clouds embroidered on the left chest, and a sword above the clouds. Each of them carried a long sword on their backs.

The embroidery of white clouds and swords was a unique symbol of the Sword Sect.

The appearance of the three of them was quite good, each with a transcendent temperament.

Especially the Sword Intent emanating from them, visibly sharp and with an arrogant posture, one could tell at a glance that they were extraordinary and proud.

The disciples of the Sword Sect were mostly outstanding individuals. Sword cultivators relied on their charm to become famous, so they naturally paid great attention to their demeanor.

After all, it wouldn't look good to see a wretched-looking sword cultivator with a face full of pimples wielding a sword.

At this moment, Lu Tianming's posture was even lower than before. The reputation of the Sword Sect was much worse than that of the Kunlun Immortal Sect, and the nickname of the rogue sect was not unfounded.

"I have seen a few young friends, please come inside the hall," Lu Tianming said as he walked out, "You must be Lu Sect Master, right?" One of them took the lead and directly spoke, "There's no need to sit, I'm here to inform you. Recently, the people from the Demon Alliance have been spreading false information here. Lu Sect Master, you must keep your eyes open. If we find that you have joined the Demon Alliance, the Sword Sect will directly wipe out your Heaven Splitting Sect, understand?"

The person speaking showed no politeness at all and spoke entirely in a commanding tone.

Lutian Ming's expression was slightly unpleasant, but he had no choice. He clasped his fists and said, "I understand, elder."

The three young men didn't say much and were about to turn and leave when Duan Aotian sneered and muttered a few words in a low voice.

"Not knowing the meaning of courtesy, only understanding how to bully others with power."

"What are they pretending for? Just a bunch of stinky sword players."

Although the voice was small, Bai Genshuo, who was beside him, naturally heard it clearly.

Seeing the displeased expression on Duan Aotian's face, Bai Genshuo's eyes flickered and he nudged him.

"Duan senior brother, you're speaking so quietly, they can't hear you."

Duan Aotian's face stiffened slightly, and he said with a forced smile, "The mission is important, there's no need to stir up trouble."

"Duan senior brother, are you getting scared?" Bai Genshuo said with an "enlightened" tone.

"Me, scared?" Duan Aotian's phoenix eyes widened suddenly, and his aura, which had been somewhat feminine, became quite masculine as he said.

"I don't want to cause unnecessary disputes and make things difficult for you, which would then affect our main task. If you were to try it outside? Sword Sect disciples would come one after another, and they would break your legs, let alone..."

At the end, Duan Aotian's voice abruptly stopped, and his eyes stared at Bai Genshuo with an increasingly terrifying look. "What are you doing, kid?"

It turned out that when Duan Aotian was speaking, Bai Genshuo directly pulled out a megaphone and amplified all of Duan Aotian's words.

Everyone present heard it clearly.

"Duan senior brother, you can't lose face, and besides, it's not right to speak ill of others behind their backs," Bai Genshuo said with righteous indignation.

Duan Aotian looked at the other person with a pale face. Bai Genshuo's despicable move made his blood pressure rise a bit.

He was in a difficult position.

Sure enough, Bai Genshuo's move was effective. The three Sword Sect disciples stopped in their tracks and turned to look over.

Bai Genshuo immediately dropped the megaphone and stepped aside, waving his hand to indicate that the words just now had nothing to do with him.

Joking aside, Sword Sect disciples were known for their arrogance and dominance. If they didn't give an explanation for what was said just now, it would be hard to resolve the situation.

Now it was clear that Duan Aotian had to give the explanation. He liked to pretend, so his own behavior could be considered as helping him.

But the next second, Bai Genshuo regretted it a bit. He now clearly saw the faces of the three Sword Sect disciples who had turned around.

The one leading them, he knew him, Tang Ruyi.

He was a disciple of Sword Sect's Azure Cloud Pavilion, following the dominant sword path of Azure Cloud Pavilion's sect leader, Beijian Perfected Being.

That disciple Xiao Yuhe who defeated his fellow disciple and ranked third in Kunlun, and Sword Sect's third seat, Leng Qingfeng, was Tang Ruyi's junior brother.

(I changed the name of Xiao Yuhe a bit, previously some readers saw it as Xu Zijin, from now on it will be called Xiao Yuhe uniformly.

He was the young disciple of Immortal Gate who was defeated by Leng Qingfeng, the first disciple of Black Tortoise Hall.)

The incident of Leng Qingfeng defeating Xiao Yuhe caused quite a stir, so Bai Genshuo specifically looked into all the top ten disciples of Sword Sect.

Tang Ruyi himself was also very powerful, ranking sixth in Sword Sect. He had appeared in Sword Sect's reports several times and was known as the twin stars of Azure Cloud Pavilion alongside Leng Qingfeng.

This resume can be considered quite brilliant. Although the world only knows about the top five disciples of Sword Sect.

But that doesn't mean the sixth place is weak.

For Tang Ruyi to secure the sixth position among the young disciples of Sword Sect, who are filled with geniuses and sword cultivators, his strength is definitely not to be underestimated. He is among the top young disciples no matter where he goes.

I didn't expect him to lead the team here.

This time, we've kicked the hornet's nest.

"What do you mean by that!" When he heard someone disparaging Sword Sect, the young man who had just been bossing around Lu Tianming angrily shouted.

His name is Shen Yu, at the early stage of the fourth realm.

Shen Yu has always had a fiery and arrogant temperament, otherwise he wouldn't have been so disrespectful just now.

Now, with this arrogant challenge, as a loyal disciple of Sword Sect, how could he tolerate it? He directly attacked without hesitation.

Summoning his long sword from behind, the sharp blade unsheathed with a clang, and two fierce Sword Qi shot straight towards Duan Autian and Bai Genshuo.

Although Duan Autian's face looked unpleasant, he wasn't afraid. He spun the white fan in his hand and lightly tapped it, directly dispersing the dazzling Sword Qi.

He effortlessly displayed a relaxed and elegant posture.

If he didn't have the skills, he wouldn't have developed such a show-off personality.

But Bai Genshuo wasn't as lucky. The Sword Qi arrived in front of him almost in the blink of an eye.

The difference in strength between him and the other party was too great, he couldn't block it at all.

His face changed drastically, he was very panicked, and regretted his actions even more. This disciple of Sword Sect really had no sense of martial ethics!

They were even willing to bully the weak.

Just as the Sword Qi was about to hit Bai Genshuo's face, he closed his eyes and was about to use all his strength to fight back, but the movement suddenly came to a halt.

Bai Genshuo opened his eyes and looked somewhat astonished at the figure in front of him.

The figure was tall and slender, with fluttering white clothes and flowing long hair. Xu You had appeared in front of him without him realizing.

Only to see Xu You extending the index and middle fingers of his right hand, lightly pinching the fierce Sword Qi.

The Sword Qi was extremely agile, and as a whole, it seemed to have gone crazy, desperately trying to break free.

But Xu You remained motionless, except for his clothes fluttering, his face calm. He trapped this Sword Qi attack between his fingertips.

At this moment, not only Bai Genshuo was stunned, but also Duan Autian beside him, including Shen Yu who had drawn his sword, all frowned.

How could Xu You, who was only at the late stage of the third realm, stop this Sword Qi in such a simple yet violent and aesthetically pleasing way?

The one who summoned the sword was a disciple of Sword Sect at the early stage of the fourth realm, not an ordinary cultivator.

If it were other cultivators from small sects or independent cultivators, it would be somewhat understandable for Xu You to achieve this level.

But Shen Yu is a disciple of Sword Sect, just like them, a genius who has undergone the most solid cultivation.

Moreover, sword cultivators are inherently focused on killing and fighting, and it is difficult to gain an advantage against them with the same level of cultivation, let alone such a large difference in cultivation.

But Xu You did it.

(End of this chapter)

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