Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 105 Xue Qianluo’S Tai’A Sword! [Big Update For Leader Pan Shao! ] [Please Subscribe]

Chapter 105: Xue Qianluo's Tai'a Sword! [For Alliance Leader Pan Shao's Greater Contribution!] [Please Subscribe!]

Suddenly, the jade token floated in mid-air and began spinning at an extremely fast speed. The entire main hall then started to shake violently.

Finally, a cave collapsed in the center, and a sparkling skeleton floated up from the cave. The skeleton was translucent and had a tricolored glow.

The tricolored glow indicated that the owner of this skeleton was a cultivator of the Sixth Realm.

In an instant, a green jade bead and a book filled with flowing colors flew out from the skeleton and landed in a shrine hanging on the wall.

As the bead and the book flew out, the skeleton collapsed and shattered into pieces.

Lu Tianming walked to the side of the skeleton and examined it for a moment. Then, he walked to the shrine and stared fixedly at the green jade bead inside, only giving a glance to the equally mysterious book.

Xu You and the others frowned as they watched what had just happened. They were not inexperienced, and in this uncertain situation, their first instinct was to retreat.


All the doors and windows of the main hall were forcefully closed, and the entire hall was instantly covered in golden light, becoming a solid island.

Lu Tianming pressed the shrine, activating the protective formation and shrinking its power to cover only the main hall and the side hall.

Xu You and the others looked at this sudden turn of events with changed expressions. They could naturally sense that this was a trapped formation.

Moreover, judging from the solidity of the golden light, it was not something they could easily break through.

No one acted rashly. Tang Ruyi questioned Lu Tianming in a deep voice, "Master Lu, what do you mean by this?"

Lu Tianming did not answer the question. He simply picked up the green jade bead and the book from the shrine. Excitement appeared on his aged face, and his eyes gradually became bloodshot.

Finally, his expression became completely mad.

Tang Ruyi furrowed his brows again. He didn't want to think too much and directly unleashed a Sword Qi onto the formation.


The sound of metal collision rang out, but the formation remained intact, without even a ripple.

"No need to try. This formation is not something you can break," Lu Tianming put away the green jade bead, the madness still present on his face, and turned to stare at Xu You.

"Master Lu, I don't know what you mean by this, but the Heaven Splitting Sect is also a major power. Before doing anything, please think twice," Xu You threatened politely.

Lu Tianming ignored the threat. He just turned his head to look outside the hall. In his perception, Lei Ze had already led the core disciples and elders to evacuate from the Heaven Splitting Sect.

The remaining disciples gathered outside, full of confusion, watching as the main hall and the side hall were enveloped by the formation, unaware of what had happened.

"Master Lu, you are still young. Please don't make any mistakes," Xu You said, trying to persuade him.

However, Lu Tianming remained silent, his gaze fixed on the outside.

Bai Genshuo also tried to speak to calm down Lu Tianming's emotions, but before he could finish his words, he froze in place.

Only to see, three huge gu worms fell from the top of the main hall.

They were completely red, with a large mouth on their heads filled with sharp teeth. They had a segmented body like a silkworm.

The segments wriggled, looking very disgusting.

These gu worms were huge in size, and their aura was terrifying. Each one seemed to possess the strength of a Late Stage in the Fourth Realm.

Lu Tianming spread his hands, his blood surged, and a youthful flush appeared on his aged face. Threads of red spiritual energy wrapped around his entire body.

At this moment, the three gu worms directly enveloped Lu Tianming. Their terrifying mouths bit into him and greedily sucked his blood.

As the blood entered their bodies, the red color on the gu worms became even more eerie, as if it could drip blood.

After a while, the three gu worms finally stopped. Two of them disappeared into the formation, leaving only one curled up at Lu Tianming's feet.

In contrast, Lu Tianming's skin was dry and wrinkled, like that of a withered old man.

As the gu worms retreated, the entire main hall began to vibrate, and a strong suction suddenly came from the formation that enveloped it.

The suction was outside, and cries of agony could be heard from outside as disciples of the Heaven Splitting Sect were pulled onto the formation and crushed into bloody pulp.

At this moment, the formation seemed to come alive, wriggling with a crimson color, blood flowing within it, and a strong smell of blood in the air.

Outside had become like a hell on earth, as hundreds of disciples from the Heaven Splitting Sect had all become nourishment for this formation.

Lu Tianming sat cross-legged on the ground, slowly floating in the air. The blood energy flowing within the formation rushed towards his body, forming a storm of spiritual power.

Lu Tianming's physical condition visibly began to recover, and his cultivation level was rapidly increasing at an astonishing speed.

One bizarre scene after another left Xu You and the others in shock.

They didn't know why Lu Tianming had set up this formation to trap them, and they couldn't understand why he, as the head of the Heaven Splitting Sect, would directly kill his own disciples in such a way.

As the cries of agony outside ceased, a complete silence fell over the surroundings.

"Xue Fairy, given the current situation, it seems we have to join forces. This old man has gone mad, and I don't know what he's up to," Tang Ruyi said coldly.

Xue Qianluo glanced at her, then furrowed her beautiful eyebrows and stared at Lu Tianming, who was enveloped in blood energy.

Beside her, Xu You turned to Bai Genshuo and asked, "Do you know what kind of formation this is? And what are those creatures?"

"I don't understand the formation," Bai Genshuo shook his head, "but it's highly likely to be a blood formation. As for those creatures, I've seen information about them before."

It is a very rare kind of Gu worm, the Blood Silkworm Gu.

This Blood Silkworm Gu needs to be nourished with the blood of its owner. Its life is connected to that of its owner. It is said that after being cultivated to the extreme, it can merge with its owner and become a unique life form.

In other words, it is what is known as a human Gu.

But now, very few wizards would choose the path of the human Gu, because this path is too dangerous and cruel. Even if they succeed in the end, they would become a non-human existence.

Therefore, wizards who follow the orthodox tradition of witchcraft would generally not choose the path of the human Gu.

Speaking of this, Bai Genshuo shook his head again and pointed to the blood-red formation, saying, "Look at this blood formation. Have you noticed that it seems to have become one with Lu Tianming?"

Not only Lu Tianming, even the Blood Silkworm Gu can directly absorb the blood spiritual energy from the formation.

The hundreds of disciples of the Heaven Splitting Sect are currently being absorbed by the blood formation, and the terrifying blood spiritual power contained within it can be said to be horrifying.

I strongly suspect that this old man wants to nourish himself and the Blood Silkworm Gu with the blood of all the disciples, in order to achieve a breakthrough in his cultivation in a special way.

After Bai Genshuo's professional analysis, Xu You and the others all nodded in realization.

With sound reasoning and evidence, it is hard not to be convinced.

"What should we do then?" Xue Qianluo turned her head and asked Bai Genshuo calmly.

"I'm afraid we can only rely on brute force," Bai Genshuo replied with a grimace. "But I'm afraid our cultivation is not enough to break the formation with brute force."

Just as Bai Genshuo finished speaking, Xue Qianluo's aura soared dramatically. The long sword behind her turned into a stream of light and directly slashed at the formation above her head.


A dazzling white light fell on it, causing the entire main hall to shake. The blood formation on the surface fluctuated greatly, and finally, it was torn open.

But soon, the opening was closed again, and the surrounding blood energy rushed in frantically to fill the gap.

Xue Qianluo looked thoughtful.

The others, especially the three disciples of the Sword Sect, stared at Xue Qianluo's figure in astonishment.

The casual Sword Qi she just used was so skillful and powerful. It was far beyond the Sword Qi that Tang Ruyi used to attack the formation earlier.

An expert's skill level can be seen from a single move.

The status of Kunlun's number one disciple is truly extraordinary!

At this moment, in the side hall.

At the moment when the blood formation landed, Wang Tanxiao and Li Fengsheng did not feel anything wrong. They just thought that Lu Tianming had made a move.

The two of them also professionally evaluated the practicality of this formation.

It wasn't until the screams came from outside the formation, coupled with the huge transformation after the blood formation absorbed the essence blood, that they realized something was wrong.

But it was too late at this moment. The blood formation also trapped them here, especially when the two blood silkworms appeared on this side at some point and merged into the blood formation. Their huge bodies wandered in the blood-colored light curtain, their blood-filled mouths staring at Wang Tanxiao and the others.

At this moment, the aura on these two blood silkworms was obviously much stronger than before, and under the blessing of the majestic blood spiritual energy of the blood formation, there was a faint terrifying aura of the sixth realm.

Wang Tanxiao and Li Fengsheng were not too panicked. This relatively bloody scene was nothing in the eyes of old demon cultivators like them.

The former frowned and looked at the wriggling blood formation, "It seems that we underestimated Lu Tianming."

"He's fucking more ruthless than us!" Li Fengsheng said a little louder, "I haven't seen such a ruthless way of doing things in many years. Did he sacrifice all the disciples of the Heaven Splitting Sect to this blood formation? What the fuck does he want to do? Is he crazy?"

Wang Tanxiao stared at the blood formation carefully, a look of realization flashing between his eyebrows, "Feeding the blood silkworms and activating the blood formation, he wants to cultivate the human gu, relying on this formation to achieve the sixth realm cultivation. If he really succeeds, his strength under the blessing of the blood formation is probably beyond the two of us."

Wang Tanxiao was indeed knowledgeable and immediately speculated on Lu Tianming's true intentions.

Li Fengsheng widened his eyes, "How is that possible?"

"The path of the human gu destroys the natural order and extinguishes human desires. It is notorious for being an evil path," Wang Tanxiao sneered, "Lu Tianming doesn't want his own Great Dao anymore."

"What does he want to do then?"

"He just wants to swallow the mantis and the sparrow, to devour all of us and the disciples of the Immortal Gate. By then, we will become the best blood food for this blood formation. Maybe he can even further his cultivation." Wang Tanxiao explained casually.

"What should we do?"

"Now these two blood silkworms are probably temporarily used to trap us here. This means that his human gu body has not yet formed. Let's break this blood formation first, and then go and crush Lu Tianming to dust!"

"He fucking targeted us with this plan. If he doesn't die, who will?" Li Fengsheng's face became even uglier.

Without hesitation, they directly attacked the blood formation and the blood silkworms.

On the other side, in the main hall, Xue Qianluo was still looking up at the automatically restored blood formation.

Tang Ruyi shouted loudly, "Shen Yu, Xiao He, form the sword formation and slay the evil path!"

The two simultaneously responded with a sound, and the three dispersed to specific positions.

Behind them, long swords were unsheathed at the same time, and sharp sword energy and Sword Force instantly filled the surroundings. The entire main hall was filled with a fierce Sword Intent.

Three long swords rose like flowing light, converging together to form a solid and domineering Sword Qi.

Wrapping around it was a blue shimmering thunder, with a majestic aura. The power contained within it had already surpassed the limits that a cultivator of the Fourth Realm could unleash.

The Sword Qi, like rolling thunder, descended upon Lu Tianming.

Crack, boom.

The Sword Qi landed on the blood-colored spiritual power, emitting a piercing sizzling sound. The violent aura made the entire hall tremble.

Xu You squinted his eyes as he watched the thunderous Sword Qi unleashed by the three Fourth Realm disciples of the Sword Sect. He thought to himself that Tang Ruyi, the sixth seat of the Sword Sect, was truly formidable.

Amidst the bursting Sword Qi, Lu Tianming's clothes rustled, and his aura was slightly chaotic, but his overall foundation remained intact.

His cultivation also stopped climbing, and at this moment, there was even a Late Stage aura of the Fifth Realm.

In the short time he absorbed the blood spiritual power, his cultivation directly advanced by a small realm.

Lu Tianming slowly opened his eyes and looked at his hands, sighing with regret.

His aging and weakened body couldn't directly break through to the Sixth Realm with the help of this blood spiritual power, but he wasn't discouraged. He knew that his current limit was here.

There were two paths he could take now. One was to leave the sect and integrate the Blood Silkworm Gu into the Sixth Realm.

The second was to focus on studying the true inheritance of the Perfected Being Gu, with the hope of entering the Sixth Realm in his lifetime.

But it was clearly impossible at the moment. The sword was already hanging over his head, and when he decided to convert the sect's protective formation into the Blood Spiritual Formation, he had already made the darkest choice.

Lu Tianming's crimson gaze slowly turned to Xu You and the others, finally landing on Xue Qianluo.

Although he was wary of the combined strength of Tang Ruyi and the others, the real trouble was this girl in front of him.

The probing sword strike just now made Lu Tianming quite wary, even though his cultivation realm was one whole realm higher than hers.

Xue Qianluo raised her head slightly and looked at Lu Tianming, her delicate eyebrows showing a thoughtful expression.

She lightly tapped her wrist storage bracelet, and a cold light flashed. A flying sword flew out from it.

The flying sword was pure white, with a translucent sword body like snow, and the hilt was adorned with a snowflake pattern, engraved with the words "Tai A."

As soon as this sword appeared, the surrounding air seemed to freeze, becoming icy and bone-chilling.

A cold Sword Qi lingered on the sword, capable of creating such a phenomenon without any cultivation driving it.

The snow-white flying sword dances lightly around Xue Qianluo, like a mischievous child, with extremely high spirituality.

This sword is called the Tai'a Sword, ranked third on the Kunlun Immortal Sect Law Weapon List.

When Xue Qianluo entered the Dao Foundation Realm, she was given the Tai'a Sword by the Immortal Gate as soon as possible, as the foundation of the Eight Swords.

This Tai'a Sword has a great background and has been passed down for thousands of years.

It was once held by the Flying Flower Sword Immortal, one of the eight saints of the previous Great Dao era, known as the Sword Saint.

Back then, the Flying Flower Fairy sought out the number one sword master in the world, Mo Tai'a, to forge this flying sword, using the essence of polar ice marrow that had been forged for thousands of years.

On the day the sword was completed, it snowed in June, covering a hundred miles.

This sword is Mo Tai'a's masterpiece, pouring all his efforts into it, and can be said to have an indomitable spirit, hence the name Tai'a.

After the Flying Flower Fairy became invincible with the Tai'a Sword, the sword autonomously hung beside her statue after her fall.

For thousands of years, no one has been recognized by it.

Until Xue Qianluo emerged and established the foundation of the Eight Swords, the dormant Tai'a Sword awakened again, and a clear sword cry filled the Moon Jade Pavilion with flying snow.

Then, the Tai'a Sword flew to Xue Qianluo's side and voluntarily recognized her as its master.

From then on, Xue Qianluo became the second owner of the Tai'a Sword.

Xu You couldn't help but stare at the Tai'a Sword. This sword looks amazing.

When Xue Qianluo sparred with him before, she used a simple flying sword. If she used the Tai'a Sword, she wouldn't even need to make a move. Just the terrifying Sword Force alone could defeat him.

He had underestimated Xue Qianluo's strength.

"Tai'a Sword! You are Xue Qianluo!" Lu Tian clearly recognized it. After seeing the two characters "Tai'a" on the hilt, his face changed drastically.

The reputation of being the first disciple of the Kunlun Immortal Sect was too great, to the point that almost all the middle and lower-level cultivators in the Immortal Cultivation World of the Divine Continent knew this name.

When Lu Tian confirmed that the other party was Xue Qianluo, his heart sank slightly again.

The first disciple of the Immortal Gate couldn't be speculated based on ordinary cultivation. Such people were absolute monsters, the kind that only appeared once every few hundred or even thousand years.

The Kunlun Immortal Sect was at the top of the food chain in the Immortal Cultivation World, and Xue Qianluo was at the top of the top. One can imagine how powerful she is.

At this moment, Xue Qianluo, holding the Tai'a Sword, would probably have fled in panic if she weren't in the blood formation.

Xue Qianluo beckoned lightly, and the Tai'a Sword fell into her hand. She swung the sword back, and the white Sword Qi gently cut through the blood formation, slicing open an exit like cutting tofu.

The exit was sealed by the icy Sword Qi, and couldn't heal immediately.

"Everyone, leave." Xue Qianluo said lightly.

"Sister, we..."

Xue Qianluo remained silent, raising her long sword again, and the gentle Sword Qi instantly enveloped everyone, including Xu You, taking them all away without giving them a chance to refuse.

But just as they were about to reach the exit, a bloody hand emerged from the formation, grabbing Xu You and pulling him back.

Xu You couldn't resist with all his strength at first, he was just dragged back by the powerful force, and even Duan Aotian, who was closest to him, was pulled back as well.

Only Bai Genshuo and Tang Ruyi, along with the three of them, were safely sent out.

Afterwards, the opening instantly closed.

Inside the main hall, only four people remained. Xu You blinked his eyes and stared at Lu Tianming, trying to figure out why he insisted on keeping him.

Duan Aotian was confused and didn't understand why he was caught up in this unnecessary disaster.

Xue Qianluo frowned slightly. At this moment, she couldn't send Xu You away with her sword again.

Lu Tianming was on guard and, being connected to the Blood Spirit Formation, he couldn't allow such a situation to happen again.

Moreover, Xue Qianluo didn't dare to casually make a move against someone who was a whole realm higher in cultivation than her, for fear of leaving herself vulnerable.

"You stay on the side and protect yourself, don't interfere." Xue Qianluo could only instruct Xu You like this.

"Understood, Sister, don't worry." Xu You responded directly. He was a smart person and wouldn't act recklessly or make jokes. His current cultivation level would only be a hindrance, and if he were at the Fourth Realm, he might be able to help. But now, it was definitely not a good idea to get involved in such a high-level battle.

Xu You had a clear understanding of his position and silently retreated to the back.

Duan Aotian wanted to ask Xue Qianluo why she didn't care about him, even though they were all junior disciples.

But looking at Xue Qianluo's high fighting spirit, he held back his words and followed Xu You in retreating.

Outside the main hall, Tang Ruyi, Bai Genshuo, and the others stumbled out, unharmed, having been safely sent out of the main hall.

After a moment of confusion, the four of them once again had a drastic change in their expressions.

The scene outside the hall was too horrifying, with limbs and legs scattered all over the ground, blood flowing like a river. The bloody and gruesome scene had exceeded their tolerance.

Hundreds of disciples from the Heaven Splitting Sect had died in such a tragic way. The entire Heaven Splitting Sect was now eerily quiet, like a ghostly hell.

"Lao Xu, Sister Xue, can you hear us?" Bai Genshuo shouted anxiously towards the Blood Spirit Formation that covered the main hall.

There was no response, and the surroundings remained silent.

"Hey, Tang, aren't you Sword Sect disciples who claim to be ruthless towards evil and want to eliminate all demons in the world? Are you just going to watch as our Kunlun disciples fight and kill each other inside?" Bai Genshuo turned to Tang Ruyi and shouted loudly.

"There's no need for you to say anything about this!" Tang Ruyi firmly said, "Follow me and break through this damn formation in front of us."

Shen Yu and Xiao He naturally had no objections and stood in position with Tang Ruyi. Just as they were ready, a loud explosion suddenly came from the adjacent side hall.

The four of them were startled and immediately looked over.

They saw that the blood-colored barrier had been forcefully blown open, revealing two powerful cultivators coming out from inside.

It was Wang Tanxiao and Li Fengsheng.

At this moment, Li Fengsheng was still holding the body of a blood silkworm gu, an incomplete body. He spat and cursed while holding it.

"Damn, this fucking formation is really amazing. If it weren't for our decades of combined secret techniques, we would have been trapped inside and unable to come out."

As soon as Li Fengsheng finished speaking, he saw Tang Ruyi's group and exclaimed, "Brother Wang, look, those disciples from the Immortal Gate!"

"I'm not blind."

Li Fengsheng smiled awkwardly and then said fiercely, "I don't know what's happening in the main hall, but should we take care of these people first?"

"Okay." Wang Tanxiao casually nodded.

Li Fengsheng threw away the body of the blood silkworm gu in his hand and instantly appeared in front of Bai Genshuo.

"Activate the Sword Escape Formation!"

Tang Ruyi immediately shouted, veins popping on his face.

The moment he saw Wang Tanxiao and Li Fengsheng come out, he shouted like this, wanting to choose to escape without even thinking about it.

The two mid-stage cultivators at the Sixth Realm made him feel completely powerless.

Shen Yu and Xiao He also changed their hand positions at the first opportunity. The three long swords converged into a shield-like object, and Tang Ruyi grabbed Bai Genshuo's shoulder.

The four of them hid inside this shield.


This shield disappeared at an astonishing speed and reappeared ten miles away in the next moment.

(There will be another chapter at 10 p.m. tonight, please subscribe, my dear readers.)

(End of this chapter)

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