Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 118 Yun Yanjin Traps Mo Yuhuang [Please Subscribe]

Chapter 118: Yun Yanjin Sets a Trap for Mo Yuhuang [Seeking Subscriptions]

Back then, Daoist Hou Tu was the peak master of Azure Dragon Peak, with his artifact refining techniques reaching the pinnacle of heaven and earth. He was known as the number one artifact refining master in the Divine Continent. Not only in that era, even if it were ten thousand years later, he would still be the only deity.

The countless artifact refining theories he left behind became the benchmark for the Divine Continent. Countless artifact refining masters followed his theories.

It can be said that all the changes in artifact refining techniques over the past ten thousand years were based on his theoretical foundation. It is not an exaggeration to say that he was the founder.

For so many years, this Hou Tu Seal has been passed down, accompanying countless geniuses who followed the path of the Dao within the Immortal Gate.

Now it has fallen into Xu You's hands, and the weight of history suddenly becomes palpable.

But Xu You knows that this thing cannot be controlled at present. It requires a very strong foundation in cultivation, at least at the Late Stage of the Fourth Realm to barely control it.

To fully control it, one would need the cultivation of the Fifth Realm. This is the purest Daoist Law Weapon, emphasizing balance and harmony, using strength to break through cleverness.

Although it is temporarily unnecessary for Xu You's current cultivation, its symbolic significance even surpasses the Pure Yang True Sword and the Lotus Flower Robe.

With the Hou Tu Seal in Xu You's hands, the surrounding gazes have gradually become numb, and no one knows how to describe the shock they are feeling at this moment.

"Fourth, the Kunlun Order!"

As the words fell, another pure white token flew through the air and landed in Xu You's hands.

This time, everyone's eyes were once again filled with indescribable shock.

There are many types of tokens in the Kunlun Immortal Sect, each with various functions, but only one token combines all these complex functions into one.

That is the Kunlun Order.

With this token in hand, it is as if the Sect Master is personally present. One can go anywhere within the sect and handle any matter. Anyone can be seen.

It can be said that as long as you have this token, as long as you don't do anything foolish like betraying the sect, you can achieve anything within the Kunlun Immortal Sect.

Even in certain special circumstances, one can directly command all Kunlun cultivators, regardless of their identity or strength.

In terms of power and authority, the Kunlun Order knows no bounds.

Usually, only cultivators who have made great contributions to the sect or have reached a certain level of status and position can possess the Kunlun Order.

They are extremely rare, and many peak masters do not have a Kunlun Order in their hands, indicating its preciousness.

What's more, during Xue Qianluo's Dao Foundation establishment last time, she didn't even receive a Kunlun Order. Why does Xu You have one? How many years has it been since a young disciple received one?

"I hope everyone can cultivate well, forge ahead, and do their best in this era of great competition."

With the final words from Perfected Being Zi Yang on the Moon Jade Pavilion, this grand and magnificent sect-wide reward event came to an end.

Xu You held a pile of treasures in his hands, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the gazes around him.

This matter was handled too extravagantly.

He quickly took off the Lotus Flower Robe, put away these treasures, and found a secluded place to hide temporarily.

It wasn't until several hours later that the vast Heaven-Connecting Peak slowly began to regain its flow. Of course, discussions about Xu You never ceased.

After a simple disguise, Xu You continued on his way to the White Jade Pavilion.

"Senior Brother Xue, I'm here." As soon as he reached the second floor, Xu You greeted with a smile.

Senior Brother Xue, who was in charge of task assignments and had prominent nose hair, saw Xu You enter and immediately pulled out his right hand from under the table, marveling.

"Junior Brother Xu, long time no see. You've become quite remarkable. You actually established an Eight Yang Dao Foundation, and Elder Zi Yang even presented you with four precious treasures with such solemnity.

To be honest, I've been in this Immortal Gate for so many years and have never seen such a grand scene. Junior Brother, you're the first.

I'm truly envious."

"Senior Brother is joking. I have to thank Senior Brother for your care all these years." Xu You smiled and took a seat opposite him.

Seeing that Xu You was still so humble and polite, Senior Brother Xue's opinion of him grew even higher. He was truly a sensible young man.

"What brings you here this time?"

"Didn't you say that after reaching the Fourth Realm, I should choose a branch office to serve as an attendant for a period of time? I thought it would be better to do it sooner rather than later, so I came to handle this matter directly." Xu You replied.

"Oh, I see. But you've just successfully built your Dao Foundation, why are you in such a hurry to leave? Why not stay in the sect for a while longer?

Furthermore, with your level of Dao Foundation, according to convention, the sect leader would usually want to have a chat with you.

This is a great opportunity. Ordinary disciples may never have the chance to privately meet the sect leader in their lifetime, and now the sect leader is not in the sect.

But I estimate that he will be back in a month or two. Junior Brother, you don't need to rush to leave. I can help you delay it for a while. Even if you don't want to take on any responsibilities, it's not a problem. There is room for maneuvering."

"Thank you, Senior Brother, but the path of cultivation is long and arduous. I don't want to stay in the sect all the time. I want to gain more experience.

Furthermore, if there is anything happening in the sect, they can inform me, and I can come back then. It's convenient."

"It's not convenient to stay in the sect all the time.

The number of young geniuses in the Immortal Gate is far fewer than in other Immortal Gates. It's necessary to publicize and inspire people when an Apex Level genius emerges.

In this way, if I continue to stay in the Immortal Gate, my popularity will be too high. With high popularity, there will be more people watching me, which will greatly affect my daily life.

If I keep showing off, I will be resented by others. It's wise to lower the heat and leave some room for others to show off.

The limelight I just had was enough, I can say that I have achieved great honor.

To strike a balance between low-key and showing off is the key to long-lasting success.

Furthermore, the Four Realms are not worth mentioning to Xu You. His goal is the vast sea of stars. How can he stop his progress?

It's just right to take this opportunity to quietly continue to cultivate and accumulate strength. After this period of time, my popularity will also decrease."

"Okay." Senior Brother Xue smiled and then pondered, "Then let's go to Tianque City. Tianque City is very suitable for you, Junior Brother."

"Why?" Xu You asked curiously.

Senior Brother Xue explained, "As you know, it is the imperial city of Great Zhou, the best city in the Central Land. The Five Gates and Seven Sects, including many other forces, have their core offices there.

Therefore, the disciples who go there for rotation have always been the most elite disciples of the Five Gates and Seven Sects. Otherwise, the scene won't be grand enough.

A disciple just finished his rotation a few days ago, and I didn't know who to send. Now, no one is more suitable than you, Junior Brother.

Moreover, Tianque City is located within the Great Zhou territory, so it's convenient for you to come and go, and it won't take up too much time."

"Understood, Senior Brother." Xu You didn't refuse and agreed.

Tianque City is located in the Central Plains region of Great Zhou. Although it is a certain distance from Kunlun Immortal Sect, it is still manageable. It is relatively convenient to travel back and forth.

While Senior Brother Xue helped Xu You register his information, he said, "Actually, being too outstanding is not necessarily a good thing. In the future, you may not only have to rotate within the Central Land.

You may also be sent to other continents, which are far away. Of course, for someone as outstanding as you, it doesn't matter if you don't go."

Xu You smiled slightly. He knew about this. Outstanding disciples above the Four Realms will inevitably be sent to the offices of other continents for a period of time to represent the sect's overseas offices.

Not only disciples, but even peak-level figures have to take turns.

Just like Xu You's master, the master of Luoyan Peak, who he has never met, is now in charge of all the affairs of Kunlun Immortal Sect in the Southern Barbarian Continent and hasn't returned to the Immortal Gate for many years.

Of course, this is a matter for the future. It's just a matter of a few words if he doesn't go based on the potential he has shown now.

The main reason for going out this time is not to attract attention and criticism.

But it's a coincidence that the Witchcraft and Gu Conference is being held in Tianque City.

Soon, Senior Brother Xue helped Xu You obtain the credentials, and now he is one of the officials of the Tianque City office.

The rotation lasts for three to six months, depending on the specific situation.

During this period, Xu You can leave Tianque City if there is something important. It can be considered relatively free.

This office system is somewhat similar to the diplomatic system. The office is like an embassy.

After receiving the credentials, Xu You asked again, "By the way, Senior Brother, have you received any news about the small tribe of the Green Crocodile Turtle that I asked you to investigate before?"

After obtaining the Beast Core of the Green Crocodile Turtle Shi San, Xu You promised to avenge him and kill the leader of his tribe, Shi Kaitian.

Xu You had always asked Senior Brother Xue to pay attention to this matter.

This time, being able to build the Nine Yang Dao Foundation, the Beast Core of Shi San played a certain role. Now that he has reached the Four Realms, he naturally has to fulfill his promise.

Shi Kaitian has also harmed many people. The longer he stays alive, the longer the disaster will last.

"Not yet. That small tribe of the Green Crocodile Turtle is too small and difficult to find. Junior Brother, rest assured, I have been paying attention to this matter for you. Once there is any news, I will inform you immediately."

"Okay, thank you, Senior Brother." Xu You smiled and thanked him before leaving first.

Joyous Union Sect, Huanxi Tower.

The tower stood tall on top of the mountain, with more than ten floors.

This tower was where Venerable Yun Yanjin of Joyous Union Sect lived on a daily basis. It could be considered a forbidden place, as no one dared to approach the tower without Venerable Yun Yanjin's permission.

Because Venerable Yun Yanjin liked peace and privacy.

There has always been a rumor in Joyous Union Sect that Venerable Yun Yanjin filled the tower with all kinds of toys because she liked them, which was why no one was allowed near the Huanxi Tower.

Yun Yanjin was very angry when she learned about this. It was a blatant rumor! She kept the toys in a very private place, how could others know?

Under her pressure, no one dared to discuss this groundless rumor anymore.

At this moment, a square table was set up on the terrace at the top of the Huanxi Tower, and three mature women sat around it.

Venerable Yun Yanjin, wearing a cheongsam-style long robe with a slit, pressed her fair and plump thighs against the chair, and the stunning curves were immediately captivating under the outline of the robe.

Full buttocks, slender waist, ample bosom, and a face with the charm of an apex-level mature woman.

Just like the protagonist in the classic action film "Mother's Love".

Sitting opposite Yun Yanjin was a woman wearing a blue long coat, with a veil on her face. She was slightly thin, and her eyebrows resembled Huo Lianyi.

And she was none other than Huo Louzhu, the famous May Pavilion, who could play celestial music and had apex-level strength.

Sitting next to Yun Yanjin was a woman dressed as a Taoist nun, wearing a blue Taoist robe. Her black hair was pierced with a wooden hairpin, and her appearance was cold and seductive.

At this moment, her bare hand was playing Pai Gow on the table. Her fingers were slender, and her nails were crystal clear, with the potential of an apex-level hand model.

She was called Taiping Daojun, one of the sixteen Daojun of Taiyi Sect.

Compared to Kunlun, the strength and status of the sixteen Daojun of Taiyi Sect were probably at the level of peak masters.

They were the upper echelons and top combat forces of Taiyi Sect, and each of them had formidable strength.

"You called me all the way here just to play Pai Gow?"

Huo Louzhu frowned slightly as she looked at Yun Yanjin, while Taiping Daojun also looked at Yun Yanjin with a cold gaze.

Yun Yanjin lazily pulled down her slightly tight collar, and as she moved, her two ample bosoms gently swayed.

"Yes, but someone else is coming."


"Mo Yuhuang."

"So, you're doing this for the gambling group he's in?"

"Sort of, so I need the help of two good sisters." Yun Yanjin's voice became delicate and charming as she spoke, and she reached out her hands directly.

She held the hands of Taiping Daojun and Huo Louzhu, and she kept rubbing the back of Taiping Daojun's hand.

Taiping Daojun furrowed her eyebrows and directly withdrew her hand, while Huo Louzhu rolled her eyes slightly. "Stop flirting, let's get to the point."

Her tone was filled with helplessness. Obviously, the two of them had a good relationship. Or rather, Huo Louzhu understood Yun Yanjin's behavior very well.

She knew that Yun Yanjin was such a greasy woman. If she didn't have enough feminine charm, it would be hard for people not to suspect that she had a man's heart.

"Setting up a scheme, I want to win something from Mo Yuhuang." Yun Yanjin explained concisely.

"A scheme? What are you putting so much effort into?" Huo Louzhu asked curiously.

"A person."


"Xu You."

"Xu You? Mo Yuhuang's disciple?" Huo Louzhu suddenly realized. She didn't know who Xu You was, but she played a crucial role in saving her daughter last time.

She was her daughter's lifesaver, so she had a good impression of this unknown junior.


"What do you mean? What do you want Xu You to do? Are you interested in Xu You?"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Yun Yanjin flirted with Lord Huo and said frankly, "It's not that I'm interested in her, it's that my disciple is interested in her and wants to become her cultivation partner."

"Why not just say it directly? Why set up a scheme?" Lord Huo was a little annoyed.

Sure enough, Yun Yanjin wasn't really trying to help her sisters, she was just using that as an excuse to pursue her own interests.

They became allies over a bowl of dumplings that were wrapped in jealousy.

Yun Yanjin said, "You know Mo Yuhuang's personality, if she knows I have a request, she will ask for a lot in return. Besides, with her personality, it's unlikely that she will agree to my idea. Letting Xu You and my disciple become cultivation partners, that old woman is too proud."

"So, you want to use the pretext of playing Pai Gow to make her lose to you at the gambling table?"

"Exactly. You all know that the old woman easily gets addicted to gambling and will bet on anything."

"But she is also notorious for being a sore loser, are you sure?"

"That's why I need you two good sisters to be there to help as witnesses, so she can't cheat."

"It's impossible, when Mo Yuhuang gets addicted to gambling, she becomes irrational. I don't want to play Pai Gow with her at this level of stakes," Lord Huo refused without hesitation.

"I'll add more money," Yun Yanjin replied.

"It's not about the money, I..."

"The Joyous Union Sect's singing concert, you've always wanted to hold a grand concert at my Joyous Union Sect, right? I agree, and I'll let your daughter, Huo Lianyi, be the lead singer."

"Deal," Lord Huo nodded decisively.

"Good sister, you..."

Yun Yanjin looked at Taiping Daojun with gratitude, wanting to continue persuading, but the latter stood up directly.

"Sorry, I'm not that bored of a person. Goodbye."

Yun Yanjin said slowly, "I can lend you the Chongxu Classic for a read. Sister, you also know that this is a treasure that has been cherished by our Joyous Union Sect for many years. I'm not a member of the Daoist community, but I know the level of this scripture for Daoists."

Taiping Daojun stopped in his tracks, turned back, and sat down. A smile appeared on his cold face for the first time.

"How can I help you?"

Yun Yanjin smiled with satisfaction again, "It's simple, let the old woman win first, then slowly make her lose when she's most confident, and finally, when she's desperate, we'll set up a trap and cut her off! Follow my lead when the time comes."

"Understood," Lord Huo and Taiping Daojun nodded in unison.

Then, the three of them finalized the details, and the situation became quite clear. Today was the day to slaughter the pig.

"Why is this old woman taking so long to come?" The plan was set, but Mo Yuhuang still hadn't arrived. Yun Yanjin muttered to herself.

"Who are you calling an old woman? You promiscuous woman." Mo Yuhuang's voice came from the sky, and the next moment, she appeared next to the square table, raising an eyebrow at Yun Yanjin.

"Good sister, long time no see. I wasn't talking about you when I said 'old woman.' Why are you so late?" Yun Yanjin warmly stood up to greet her.

She walked up to Mo Yuhuang with a swaying butt.

These two voluptuous and unconventional women stood together, each with their own unique charm.

Mo Yuhuang also smiled slightly when she saw this, calling them good sisters with great enthusiasm.

If you insist on calling them sisters, it's fine, after all, they have known each other for so many years and have indeed had many gatherings together.

But in essence, they were nothing more than plastic sisters bound by mutual interests.

Don't talk about deep sisterly love with the old woman, it's all a circle formed by driven by interests.

Mo Yuhuang sat down at the table in a carefree manner, her eyes shining as she looked at the Pai Gow on the table. "So, why did you suddenly invite me to play cards today? Is there something good happening?"

"It's been a long time since we've seen each other, and I miss you, so let's play a game. There's no ulterior motive," Yun Yanjin smiled openly.

Among the four of them, Yun Yanjin was the oldest, so when she said that, Mo Yuhuang didn't suspect anything. She had absolute confidence in her gambling skills.

"Come on, let's start, don't waste time," the gambling addict Mo Yuhuang's appearance changed drastically the moment she saw the Pai Gow, completely resembling a gambling addict.

Her fingers skillfully moved and rubbed on the Pai Gow.

From her delicate and flexible finger movements, one could tell that she was a seasoned gambler.

(End of this chapter)

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