Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 140 Killing People Is Heartbreaking! ! ! [10,000 Updates]

Chapter 140: Killing to the Core!!!

Xu You calmly watched Chen Luo. He deliberately withdrew his Divine Ability just now, wanting to toy with Chen Luo on the edge of hell.

At this moment, seeing Chen Luo pounce towards him, Xu You retaliated with a backhand slap.


Chen Luo's fierce pouncing motion abruptly came to a halt, freezing his ferocious expression. Confusion surged in his eyes, but quickly cleared, and he realized his attack on Xu You. He then slapped himself in the face.

How the f*ck did he almost disrespect Brother Xu again?

"Brother Xu, I was being foolish just now, I apologize, I apologize." Chen Luo wore a face full of remorse as he sat down next to Xu You, then looked at Jin Meili.

"What are you standing there for? Pour the damn wine!"

"Brother Luo, Brother Luo, please don't be like this! Wake up quickly!" His little brother hugged Chen Luo's thigh, tears streaming down his face.

"Get lost! What the hell are you doing? Don't embarrass me!" Chen Luo kicked his little brother away.

"Hurry up and pour the wine!" Chen Luo said to his woman with a stern face.

"Do I need to sit on his lap and feed him the wine?" Jin Meili said irritably.

"Does Brother Xu want that?" Chen Luo turned his head and asked Xu You.

"So generous?" Xu You asked.

"Brothers are like clothes, women are like limbs," Chen Luo said generously.

Xu You once again marveled at the wonders of this Divine Ability, of course, he didn't have such a perverted taste now.

Chen Luo as a whole was fine, but this was too low to stoop, as a pure warrior of love, Xu You still had his limits.

"No need to sit, I think your bald head feels good, can I borrow it to punch a few times?"

"Sure, as long as Brother is happy!" Chen Luo gritted his teeth and willingly brought his head forward.

His little brother and Jin Meili were completely numb by now, with only one thought in their minds: Chen Luo was beyond saving.

Xu You didn't hold back, he exhaled onto his sandbag-sized fist, then delivered two explosive punches.

Chen Luo was directly beaten senseless, lying dazedly on his seat.

Seeing this, Xu You first made a winning gesture towards Han Qianyue, then looked at Chen Luo, and once again withdrew the "Forgiveness Hat of the Green Crocodile".

Soon, Chen Luo's resentment surged up again, anger engulfing his rationality like a tide.

Xu You sneered at the other party and began a three-minute tug-of-war.

He activated his skill instantly and then ended it instantly, pulling Chen Luo's emotions like crazy.

In this short period of time, Chen Luo's blood pressure was like a roller coaster, his eyes almost blinded by the surging blood.

He hovered between the words "f*ck you" and "Brother Xu".

Finally, Xu You ended this farce and unleashed another Divine Ability, the "Obsession of the Bottom Turtle".

This had the same essence as the Forgiveness Hat, but the manifestation was different. The Forgiveness Hat directly changed emotional cognition.

But the obsession didn't change emotional cognition, whether he should be angry or not, whether he wanted to kill himself or not, but his behavior showed unconditional support for himself.

Like a kind of perverted lack of control.

At this moment, Chen Luo's expression was ferocious, the anger inside him like a volcano. He wanted to tear Xu You apart, but the mysterious power made him wait and listen to Xu You's next command.

He was ready to unconditionally dedicate everything to help Xu You.

How did it come to this? The emotionally rational Chen Luo was now overwhelmed by sadness.

Why did he become like this? Why did he want to dedicate everything to this f*cking Xu You in front of him?

Two crystal tears slid down Chen Luo's eyes as he cried, a deep sadness overwhelming him.

Xu You didn't look at Chen Luo's current state, he just waved to the little brother who was completely numb.

The latter mechanically walked over to Xu You.

"Chen Luo, this person is having an affair with your woman," Xu You pointed directly at the other person and said to Chen Luo.

Chen Luo was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at his subordinate.

"No, I didn't! Luo Ge, it's impossible! I'm not that kind of person! How could I have an affair with my sister-in-law! He's talking nonsense!" The subordinate's eyes widened as he vehemently denied it.

Jin Meili trembled a few times upon hearing Xu You's words, her eyes avoiding contact, but she quickly denied it.

"Chen Luo, do you believe me?" Xu You said calmly.

"I believe!" Chen Luo looked at Xu You with eyes full of anger, gritting his teeth in fury. "I believe you unconditionally."

After saying that, Chen Luo's bloodthirsty gaze fell on his subordinate.

If he couldn't hit Xu You, then he couldn't hit his subordinate either?

He walked aggressively towards his subordinate, his voice filled with malice. "Tell me, when did this happen!"

"Luo Ge, I didn't do it, I really didn't!" The subordinate frantically denied.

At this moment, Chen Luo's long-suppressed anger erupted, and the overwhelming demonic aura surged towards his subordinate.

The subordinate was instantly frightened by his big brother's aura, trembling uncontrollably on the ground.

Chen Luo knew how ruthless he was. He did indeed have an affair with his sister-in-law, but Chen Luo was usually rough and had no idea about this matter.

Now, suddenly confronted with this, the subordinate was completely unprepared and couldn't explain himself.

Chen Luo wasn't a fool either. Seeing his subordinate so guilty, how could he not know the truth?

Damn it, loving his sister-in-law, huh!

The thought of being cuckolded by his subordinate made his anger even greater than when facing Xu You.

One was the hatred brought by conflict, the other was the hatred brought by trampling on his personality and dignity. At this moment, Chen Luo wished he could tear his subordinate apart.

"Hey, Chen Luo, stop acting crazy here, it's affecting everyone's fun. Take them away from here and deal with it outside, don't bother me." Xu You spoke up.

Chen Luo, still under the effect of the obsession, obediently listened to Xu You's words. He directly grabbed his subordinate with one hand and his woman with the other, walking out.

His aura was particularly terrifying, and the gazes of the people in the private rooms focused on him as he passed by.

The commotion caused by him and Xu You earlier had already attracted a lot of attention. Now, seeing Chen Luo leaving like this, many people speculated about what had happened.

Xu You casually clapped his hands and stood up.

He was in a very good mood this time. In front of so many people, he naturally couldn't kill Chen Luo, but the experience just now was enough to kill his heart.

When the other party fully recovered, these memories would be the most ruthless torment.

This was more painful than killing the other person, this was the true Apex Level torment. Killing someone was too weak.

Xu You believed that after this experience, Chen Luo probably wouldn't recover for a short period of time. Of course, his hatred towards himself would increase.

But Xu You would wait, the next time they met outside, he would just chop the other person directly.

As for exposing the affair between his subordinate and the woman, Xu You did it out of righteousness.

Leaving aside other matters, Xu You had zero tolerance for this kind of behavior. These adulterous scoundrels who cheated behind their backs deserved the harshest punishment!

As a pure love warrior, Xu You naturally had to uphold justice!

So, it was necessary for Chen Luo to know, but what would happen to his subordinate and the woman afterwards was not something Xu You cared about.

What use was there for a subordinate who liked to play with fire and steal his sister-in-law? He must be dealt with severely!

Chen Luo's matter was temporarily resolved, but Xu You suddenly looked towards a corridor on the upper floor.

The Imperial Concubine Tower was a circular building, with each floor having a circular corridor and a circular void in the middle, with a floating platform above it.

Therefore, standing at the edge of each floor's corridor allowed one to see the situation on other floors.

Especially on higher floors, one could see the situation on lower floors more clearly.

Xu You looked up at this moment and his gaze met a seductive and charming gaze.

It was Lady Yun, the one who had received Xu You when he last came here, a familiar, enchanting, sexy, and flavorful aunt.

At this moment, the other party is dressed very coolly, and their attire exudes countless charms.

They hold a peach blossom fan in their hand, their gaze full of a dusty scent fixed on Xu You's side. When Xu You looks over, they even flirtatiously greet him from a distance.

Xu You squints his eyes slightly and nods lightly in response.

Obviously, this woman has been watching since Chen Luo appeared.

The Imperial Concubine Tower has so many guests every day, and tonight there are even more distinguished guests like mountains and seas.

As one of the managers of the Imperial Concubine Tower, Lady Yun should be busy beyond measure, because many big shots require her personal reception.

But now she actually has the leisure to pay attention to the small conflicts on Xu You's side. Or rather, from the moment Xu You entered the Imperial Concubine Tower, Lady Yun started paying attention to him.

Xu You absolutely doesn't believe that this situation is because the other party likes his handsome appearance. It's probably still related to the previous experience.

At that time, he forcibly interrupted the fusion of gods and sensed that something was wrong.

Later, many verifications confirmed that there was no problem at all, but now Lady Yun's "concern" for him at this moment seems to indicate that there is indeed a problem.

Xu You falls into contemplation, and the alarm in his heart is raised once again.

Of course, his expression remains unchanged, just a man looking for fun as usual.

Soon, Xu You returns to his own private room. As soon as he sits down, Han Qianyue and the others look at him like they're seeing a monster, their eyes filled with confusion.

"Junior Brother, what kind of aphrodisiac did you give that dog Chen Luo?" Han Qianyue asks curiously.

"It doesn't seem like a Divine Ability that controls the soul. Chen Luo is completely normal, just with a changed personality."

"I consider myself knowledgeable, but I have never heard of any secret technique that can make a person undergo such a drastic change in temperament without losing their own soul."

These four people express their opinions one after another. Although the Immortal Cultivation World is full of wonders, there are all kinds of strange Divine Abilities and secret techniques.

But techniques that control people are generally considered evil methods, and the cost is high. The victims usually don't retain much emotion.

In other words, techniques that affect the soul would make a person become wooden, devoid of a soul.

But Chen Luo is fine, and he even speaks with such politeness.

"Well, it's hard to say. In short, it's a special secret technique that can only be used in special circumstances, specifically targeting scoundrels like Chen Luo."

"It was taught to me by my master, and I can't explain more." Xu You says apologetically, he definitely can't reveal the real reason, so he continues to blame Mo Yuhuang.

It's normal for them, as Four Realm cultivators, to not understand the Divine Abilities of a Heavenly Dao Realm cultivator.

After hearing this, the four of them stop asking further questions and express their admiration, saying, "Junior Brother's methods just now made us look at you with new eyes. We admit defeat. It was satisfying and refreshing to watch."

"Same here," Li Kun agrees.

"Me too," Han Qianyue nods, "Junior Brother's actions just now were satisfying to watch, but you let that dog Chen Luo off too easily. Next time, if you have the chance, Junior Brother should strive to do better."

Xu You smiles lightly and nods.

The five of them continue to enjoy themselves, and the atmosphere becomes even more lively. Xu You's actions just now have added to his character, making others appreciate him even more.

They laugh and chat, and no one thinks about that demonic cultivator Chen Luo.

"Master Xu, I'm sorry for being late. Please forgive me." After a while, a seductive voice comes from behind Xu You.

Xu You puts down his wine glass and turns around to look. Han Qianyue and the others also look over, wanting to see who the owner of such a voice is.

Then, they all become stunned.

Unlike Xu You, they are regular customers and naturally recognize Lady Yun.

Although they have never had any contact with her, as one of the managers of the Imperial Concubine Tower, how could they not have heard of her name?

Moreover, she is such a Supreme Grade mature woman, she can easily attract the attention of these young men full of vitality.

Lady Yun casually waves her hand, indicating that the accompanying girls should leave.

The girls all stand up and bow, then leave immediately. The crowded private room suddenly becomes spacious.

Lady Yun sits directly beside Xu You, their postures very close, with her plump thighs almost touching Xu You's.

Her right hand is directly rubbing Xu You's hand back, smiling gently.

"I have mentioned before that the next time the young master comes, I will personally come to greet him. It's just that I was busy today, which delayed me for some time."

After speaking, Lady Yun smiled at Han Qianyue and the other three, saying, "You are all friends of Master Xu, have a good time. Today, your expenses will be covered by Lady Yun's decision."

"In addition, I will bring you another batch of hostesses later, the best in quality."

Han Qianyue and the other three were a bit confused. They had never enjoyed such treatment in the Imperial Concubine Tower before. Even though Han Qianyue had often used Zhang Changli's brand before, they still had to pay. Where else would Lady Yun personally come out to welcome and arrange things, and even waive the bill?

What's going on? Is Xu You's face so big? Bigger than Zhang Changli's?

Lady Yun's combination of moves had completely confused them, and now they were all looking at Xu You.

"Master Xu, is this arrangement satisfactory to me?" Lady Yun looked at Xu You again, her eyes full of charm, and her voice silky smooth, truly a supreme-grade beauty.

Xu You discreetly withdrew his hand from Lady Yun's delicate fingertips and smiled slightly, lowering his eyelids. "Auntie, there's no need for all this. We're not familiar with each other, so there's no need for these gestures. Waiving the bill and such, there's no real relationship, please understand."

"Is the young master so heartless towards me?" Lady Yun looked at Xu You pitifully, making everyone feel sorry for her.

This made Han Qianyue and the others anxious. If they were in Xu You's shoes, they wouldn't be able to control themselves at all. But Xu You could still sit there like a gentleman.

Damn it!

Whether it's dry or wet, it's unbearable.

"Auntie, we really aren't familiar." Xu You emphasized once again.

"It seems that the young master is still angry about the last incident." Lady Yun said with a hint of resentment, "I said last time, as long as the young master comes to the Imperial Concubine Tower, it's free. I've been working at the Imperial Concubine Tower for so many years, and I always keep my word, never breaking my promises. Please understand, if the young master doesn't accept, then I don't know how to handle it."

Xu You smiled calmly, "If Auntie insists, it's fine, but let me make it clear, I only want to have fun, I won't participate in anything else. I can't do anything for Auntie, I'm poor and can only freeload."

"Auntie is joking, naturally the young master doesn't need to spend a penny." Lady Yun gently caressed Xu You's hand back, then said to the other four, "If any of you gentlemen want to go to the private rooms upstairs later, just let me know, I will arrange the best hostesses to accompany you."

After saying that, Lady Yun poured herself another glass of wine, "I still have to handle the upcoming event, gentlemen, have a good time, if you need anything, just let me know."

After finishing her words, Lady Yun finished her drink and left with a swaying and enchanting figure.

Han Qianyue and the other three were still in a state of confusion, staring at Lady Yun's figure.

After a while, they finally reacted, and Han Qianyue immediately confronted Xu You, "Junior brother, you're really something! When did you get involved with Lady Yun?"

"Senior brother, don't talk nonsense, I'm not familiar with her," Xu You explained.

"Not familiar? With this treatment? Even if you're not familiar, she looks at you like she wants to eat you. How can you get such generous treatment if you're not familiar?" Han Qianyue didn't believe it at all.

Xu You knew that he couldn't explain this matter, so he could only smile helplessly, "The reason is hard to explain, but in any case, it's not what you guys think. Lady Yun has been working at the Imperial Concubine Tower for so many years, she knows how to talk to people, and we can't fully trust the words of a woman in the entertainment industry. What do you guys think?"

"That makes sense." Huiming nodded happily. He was the happiest one now. Originally, he was the one treating, but now it's free. Huiming expressed his happiness.

"Junior brother, is Lady Yun gentle?" Luo Kaiyang suddenly asked.

When this question came out, everyone looked at Xu You, their eyes full of curiosity.

Yes, they all wanted to know the answer. Lady Yun's reputation was well-known, and these "little cultivators" had no chance to have intimate contact with such a woman.

Men are often like this, what they can't get is the best, especially women with status and background, and especially those with supreme-grade qualities.

To put it simply, Lady Yun's charm was greater than any of the girls in the Imperial Concubine Tower.

"It's alright." Xu You gave an answer.

(Chen Luo, this scene is written a bit roughly, it feels like it's missing something, please forgive me. I kindly ask for some votes. Muah muah)

(I almost forgot to give my blessings. Good luck to the babies taking the college entrance exam tomorrow!! Go for it!!)

(End of this chapter)

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