Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 143 Xu Is No Longer A Gentleman Today [Wan Update]

Chapter 143: Xu You is not acting like a gentleman today [10,000 updates]

"Master Xu is wise," Wu Yanluo licked Xu You lightly and continued, "But it's not just because of this. The sect suspects that the True Witch Heavenly Pearl is on you."

"Conveniently, we can use this opportunity to verify if that's the case."

Xu You narrowed his eyes and lightly tapped the table with his fingers. "What is the True Witch Heavenly Pearl, and why would they suspect it's on me?"

At this moment, Xu You chose to play dumb. Although Wu Yanluo is currently loyal to him, Xu You still intends to test her again. He cannot fully trust her all at once.

Wu Yanluo explained, "The True Witch Heavenly Pearl is the treasure of the True Witch Heavenly Sect and is extremely important in terms of the sect's luck. One of them was taken away by the Great Gu Perfected Being in the past and disappeared. Later, it appeared in the Heaven Splitting Sect. At that time, the Heaven Splitting Sect had just been annihilated. Present at the scene were two hall masters from the Crimson Gold Sect, several disciples from your Kunlun Sect, and several disciples from the Sword Sect."

Naturally, they would pay attention to you. And this time, when you were able to erase the aura of the White Qiu Divine Gu, there was even more reason to suspect that the True Witch Heavenly Pearl was on you."

"I see," Xu You said.

So the True Witch Heavenly Sect had been keeping an eye on him for a long time, ever since the day the Heaven Splitting Sect was annihilated.

And this True Witch Heavenly Pearl is actually so useful, directly related to the luck of the True Witch Heavenly Sect, and is their treasure.

"Do you think the True Witch Heavenly Pearl is on me?" Xu You asked in response.

"No," Wu Yanluo said devoutly, "Master, you can never have such a thing."

"What if I say I do?" Xu You asked teasingly.

"Even if you say so, it's not true," Wu Yanluo continued shaking her head, "Master, rest assured, I will explain it when we return to the True Witch Heavenly Sect. You have no connection with the True Witch Heavenly Pearl. And the reason you were able to erase the aura of the White Qiu Divine Gu is because you have a treasure by your side and have no talent in the witch path."

Xu You looked very satisfied as he watched her. See, this is what it means to be sensible! This is what it means to be loyal.

"One last question, why did your True Witch Heavenly Sect create this Divine Ability of merging gods?" Xu You asked.

"Master, do you know about the two Gu God Clan divine bodies that descended in this Great Dao era?" Wu Yanluo asked.

"Yes, I know," Xu You replied.

"The Gu God Clan divine bodies are treasures of the witch path, but if there is only the divine body without the divine soul, it loses a lot of value. And this time, the True Witch Heavenly Sect has obtained two Gu God Clan divine souls," Wu Yanluo revealed astonishing news.

"Why didn't your True Witch Heavenly Sect make a move when the two auspicious signs descended?" Xu You asked first, then continued in his mind.

"So, it's because the Great Dao luck favors you, right?"

"Yes, Master. According to the customs of the Divine Continent, when auspicious signs descend without any signs, it is considered a sign from heaven. The silent descent of the Gu God Clan divine souls this time indicates that the True Witch Heavenly Sect has a chance to lead the witch path to its former glory in this Great Dao era."

When Wu Yanluo said this, her eyes sparkled with excitement. As a member of the witch clan, she naturally felt happy to see such a possibility in her lifetime.

She continued, "To truly become a divine auspicious sign, the divine soul and the divine body must merge. Obtaining this auspicious sign and choosing a master is a major event."

To accomplish this, two prerequisites must be met. First, the fusion of the divine body and the divine soul requires a catalyst, and the True Witch Heavenly Pearl is the best one. It can perfectly merge the two.

The True Witch Heavenly Pearl has always only had two, and now one is lost. Although it is possible to use other treasures to barely achieve fusion, the effect will be diminished.

Therefore, it is necessary to find that True Witch Heavenly Pearl.

Secondly, after the fusion, becoming a divine auspicious sign requires some sacrifices that allow the divine auspicious sign to fully adapt to the will of heaven.

The suitable sacrifices for this requirement are the cultivators we are searching for using the Divine Ability of merging gods.

Because the divine auspicious sign wants to truly descend, it must have traces of the will of heaven. Only a blank slate cultivator who has Apex Level talent in both the witch and gu Great Dao can complete the transformation of the divine auspicious sign with their talent and cultivation.

After the sacrifice, the auspicious signs of the Gu God will finally be fully formed. At that time, the true chosen one will be able to descend among the witch cultivators and revive the witch path.

Xu You didn't understand and asked, "Why do you have to use this kind of white paper as a sacrifice? Can't you witch cultivators do it?"

"No, it won't work. The witch path aura will conflict with the auspicious signs of the Gu God, and both will explode and perish. Only when the auspicious signs of the Gu God complete the transformation of the Heavenly Dao aura can they choose the true witch cultivator as their master," explained Wu Yanluo.

Xu You finally understood the twists and turns in all of this. Could it be that the auspicious signs of the Gu God are not actually auspicious?

"So, the true body of the Gu God belongs to the Gu God Clan, and the true soul of the Gu God belongs to your True Witch Tianmen. If the auspicious signs combine, will your two factions cooperate?" Xu You asked.

"Yes," Su Yanluo nodded. "The Gu God Clan and True Witch Tianmen are of the same origin. In this Great Dao era, we will advance and retreat together. The Gu God Clan will be in the light, and True Witch Tianmen will be in the dark. After the auspicious signs of the Gu God complete their transformation, they will choose from the disciples of both factions."

"How many of these white paper sacrifices are needed for a complete transformation?" Xu You continued to ask.

Su Yanluo shook her head. "Maybe one, maybe several, I can't be sure."

Xu You pondered for a while and asked again, "The cultivators who meet these requirements must have extraordinary backgrounds, and you need more than one. How can you dare to offend more than one powerful force with just the cooperation of the Gu God Clan and True Witch Tianmen? If people find out about what you're doing, your witch path might not even be able to protect its remaining territory."

"We must seize this one and only opportunity for a comeback," Su Yanluo explained. "And the Witch Gu Conference has a traditional event where cultivators with affinity for the witch path are selected. They are then given the Gu Clan's divine Gu to help them refine the Soul Formation Gu. This reward is always the most popular at the Witch Gu Conference, as many people hope to have multiple loyal divine Gu as their means."

"We can use this opportunity to secretly accomplish our goal without arousing suspicion. When the auspicious signs of the Gu God are fully formed and choose their master, it won't matter even if the truth is exposed."

Although the Witch Gu Conference hasn't been held for many years, there is one reward that always attracts non-witch cultivators the most: the divine Gu reward. Each time, lucky cultivators with affinity for the witch path are selected and helped to refine a witch divine Gu for their own use, which is highly sought after at every Witch Gu Conference.

Witchcraft techniques are known for their unpredictability, and combined with the power of divine Gu, having these additional means can greatly enhance personal combat strength.

This Witch Gu Conference is no exception, and it naturally attracts many cultivators to come and take a look. Since there is no cost involved, what if one becomes the lucky one?

And this time, by first selecting suitable sacrifices using the Divine Fusion Technique, and then using the Witch Gu Conference as a cover to make these sacrifices willingly become the nourishment for the revival of the witch path.

After listening to all of Wu Yanluo's explanations, Xu You felt quite emotional. He finally understood all of these things.

True Witch Tianmen and the Gu God Clan were playing a big game. If he hadn't subdued Wu Yanluo, he would never have known about this. He might even receive special attention from the witch path because of the True Witch Pearl and his "affinity for the witch path."

At that time, the enemy would be in the dark while he would be in the light, and he would surely face great danger!

But for now, the roles had reversed!

When he turned back, Wu Yanluo would naturally help him clear all the attention on him. True Witch Tianmen would definitely believe in the "loyalty" of the disciple of the Young Priest's True Transmission.

Even if he switched from light to darkness, he would have no worries.

The true charm lies in the eternal godliness of the Ghostfire Youth.

"Now, how many target sacrifices have been selected?" Xu You asked.

"The promotion of Shenrong Technique hasn't been long, and currently there are only two candidates." Wu Yanluo replied.

"Who are they? Are they the friends who came with me, or are they disciples of Kunlun?" Xu You continued to ask.

"No, they are not." Wu Yanluo shook her head.

"Very well." Xu You added, "Now that you are stationed at the Imperial Concubine Tower, I hope that Kunlun's disciples and my friends will never be on this list."

"Yes, young master. I will definitely do as you command," Wu Yanluo agreed without hesitation, showing absolute loyalty.

Xu You was quite satisfied and took a sip of wine. As long as it didn't involve Kunlun, this matter was not a big deal for him.

He was now considering whether to inform the sect about this matter. If he did, there would be a great danger for Wu Yanluo if the secrets of the Gu God Clan and the True Witch Heaven Gate were made public.

Because there were probably very few people who knew about this plan, especially in the Imperial Concubine Tower. It would be easy to trace it back to Wu Yanluo and himself.

Xu You couldn't bear to expose or harm Wu Yanluo like this. It was in his best interest for her to live well.

Furthermore, the situation was already unstable, and Kunlun Immortal Sect had become a thorn in the eyes of many forces. It was wise to protect oneself at this time. If this matter was rashly revealed, it would only invite the relentless revenge of the witch cultivators, which would be a thankless and futile endeavor.

After thinking for a while, Xu You decided not to mention this matter for now. He would observe and use subtle ways to indirectly inquire about Zhang Changli when he returned. He wanted to see how he would handle a similar situation, and then make his own decision. In any case, the initiative should be in his and Kunlun Immortal Sect's hands.

"Yanluo, I have some more questions for you." Xu You pinched her cheek and smiled.

Wu Yanluo's expression showed a comfortable look as she smiled, "Young master, please ask. Yanluo will tell you everything."

"Do you know a lot about the Gu God Clan? Are they secretly cooperating with the Demon Alliance and the Heng Alliance to target Kunlun?" Xu You asked.

Wu Yanluo shook her head, "I don't know many specific things about the Gu God Clan. As I just said, our True Witch Heaven Gate is currently operating in secret. So we haven't been involved in the external affairs of the Gu God Clan, nor have we let other forces know that we have formed the strongest alliance in secret. But if young master wants to know, I can inquire about it later."

"No need!" Xu You said directly, "Don't rashly inquire about things you're not supposed to know. It's a special period for your witch cultivation now. It must be strict. If you inquire about certain things, it may not be good for you. What you need to do now is to follow the instructions of the sect, just like before. Only know what you should know, everything as usual. Don't make any abnormal changes because of me."

"Yes, young master. Yanluo understands," Wu Yanluo nodded gently.

Xu You had originally wanted to see if Wu Yanluo knew about the decisions made by the higher-ups, but it seemed that he had expected too much.

Although Wu Yanluo held a core position in the sect, she naturally wouldn't know many things related to the strategic aspects of the sect.

But Xu You wasn't in a hurry. After all, these were all matters of the upper echelons. It would be great to maintain regular contact with Wu Yanluo and know some general situations in the future.

"Then there's only the Witch Gathering left. Besides using this opportunity to select sacrifices, are there any other special aspects? Or is it the same as previous years' Witch Gatherings?" Xu You asked.

"From what I can see, it's the same for now. That's all I know," Wu Yanluo replied.

"Okay." Xu You nodded, then solemnly reminded, "You must keep everything that happened today a secret. Publicly, we are just acquaintances. If we happen to meet in public, you should act as if we are not close."

"I understand," Wu Yanluo said.

"Also, you must come up with legitimate reasons to explain the True Witch Heaven Pearl or my perception in the field of witchcraft. I hate being watched by others. I hope that from tomorrow onwards, the True Witch Heaven Gate will not focus its attention on me."

"Yan Luo understands."

Xu You nodded with relief. After finishing the business at hand, he couldn't help but be a little restless when he looked at the beauty in front of him with a soul ring. It was a "flawed nature" that no man could escape from. An Apex Level supermodel who listens to your every word, admires and is loyal to you, and is willing to dedicate everything to you. She even wears a bunny girl headpiece and obediently lets you do as you please. Could you handle it if you were in Xu You's shoes?

Xu You considered himself not a saint, and facing such a situation, he really couldn't handle it. Perhaps Xu You's gaze was too intense, or perhaps the current Wu Yan Luo could keenly sense what Xu You was thinking. She smiled shyly, a slight blush appearing on her delicate face. "Young master, do you need fusion power? Or... something else?"

"Cough, cough." Xu You coughed lightly.

Just as Xu You's coughing subsided, Wu Yan Luo suddenly collapsed to the ground. Xu You was startled and immediately squatted down to support her arm, asking, "What's wrong?"

At this moment, Wu Yan Luo looked at Xu You with a hint of redness in her eyes, her expression full of dependence, and she seemed even more timid. She directly hugged Xu You's thigh and gently caressed his cheek, showing an extraordinary attachment.

Seeing her cling to him like a little bunny, Xu You suddenly realized. Damn it, he had forgotten to take off the Red Rabbit Demon's soul ring on her head all this time. This thing couldn't be worn for too long. Firstly, the way she treated him was almost perfect, just like a Red Rabbit Girl. The effect of the soul ring depended on the other person's character and their fondness for you. Wu Yan Luo's fondness for him didn't need to be mentioned; it had already reached the level of worship. Secondly, long-term wearing would make the other person's behavior more and more like a rabbit.

Wu Yan Luo was completely like that now, and when the two factors were combined, she really seemed like a little bunny that Xu You raised. The main reason was the last point: when a rabbit gets anxious, it bites.

And Wu Yan Luo was clearly anxious.

Damn it, he didn't want a lover, he wanted the most loyal servant! What the hell, was he really going down this irreversible path in the end?

Xu You's heart was surging at this moment as he looked at Wu Yan Luo in front of him. To be honest, he didn't want to be a noble gentleman anymore.

Forget it, today he would go against his gentlemanly style!

A certain gentleman once said: In life, we will face countless choices. When someone wants to bite you, what you should do is not remain silent, but fight back like a brave warrior!

So, Wu Yan Luo sat down on the ground, and Xu You took decisive action.

The candlelight flickered as a song was dedicated to everyone.

(There is a lot of daily updates now, I don't have time to write more. I will create a group later, please give me a vote, thank you)

(End of this chapter)

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