Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 145 Time Management Master! [10,000 Updates]

Chapter 145: Time Management Master! [10,000 Updates]

"Oh no!" Xu You glanced at the Imperial Concubine Tower next to him and inwardly exclaimed. He never expected Luo Qiaoqiao to suddenly appear here, catching him off guard. He didn't know how to respond for a moment.

Mainly because he was feeling guilty at the moment, very guilty. After all, he had just had a pleasant encounter with Witch Yanluo a while ago.

He didn't expect Luo Qiaoqiao to show up directly like this.

Han Qianyue also turned his head back, thinking it was one of Xu You's mistresses calling him. He was about to make a joke when he saw Luo Qiaoqiao, and his smile froze. He immediately took a step back.

The three of them, Huiming, Ming, and Han, were still unaware of the seriousness of the situation and cheerfully greeted Luo Qiaoqiao.

"Are you all friends of Xu You?" Luo Qiaoqiao took two steps forward, squinting and smiling.

"I..." Huiming was about to speak, but quickly sensed that something was off between Luo Qiaoqiao and Xu You.

As a seasoned player in the realm of love and lust, he immediately sensed the intimate relationship between Xu You and Luo Qiaoqiao.

In an instant, Huiming clearly hesitated and quickly changed the subject. Joking around, it's never good to be caught visiting a brothel.

As a good brother, he had to help Xu You out. He was quick-witted.

"We were just taking care of business inside. Junior Brother Xu only had a few drinks and didn't do anything else."

Luo Qiaoqiao twitched her nose a couple of times. "Then how did you all end up smelling so strongly of cosmetics?"

"A few hostesses accompanied us. I called them!" Huiming gritted his teeth.

"Oh? Is that so?" Luo Qiaoqiao smiled ambiguously.

Huiming was about to continue his explanation, but how could Han Qianyue let him continue to argue? If they kept talking, things would only get worse!

He forced a laugh and interrupted, "Let me introduce everyone. This is my younger sister, Luo Qiaoqiao. She's an outstanding disciple of the Joyous Union Sect, under the tutelage of Venerable Huanxi."

As soon as the words "Joyous Union Sect" came out, Huiming's eyes widened, and he froze in place, his explanation abruptly cut off.

Ruo Kaiyang and Li Kun also stopped in their tracks.

And then they heard the words "Venerable Huanxi," and the three of them instinctively took a step back, covering their groins.

Damn it, a disciple of the Joyous Union Sect under Venerable Huanxi!

Just hearing it was terrifying, especially in front of this brothel.

Han Qianyue's words were like a nuclear bomb to them. How could they dare to say anything more?

Although they were meeting Luo Qiaoqiao for the first time, they were all trembling at the moment and didn't dare to defend Xu You.

Even the tough guy Li Kun was as silent as a cicada.

When he was on duty in the Central Earth Continent, his master had earnestly warned him not to provoke disciples of the Joyous Union Sect, to stay as far away as possible.

So, good luck, bros.

Damn it, how could a Dao companion from the Joyous Union Sect dare to come to a brothel? Is she looking down on her precious status?

"Junior Brother Xu, I still have an appointment for a fight. I'll leave first," Li Kun said absentmindedly.

"Ah..." Xu You didn't even have a chance to say goodbye before Li Kun soared into the sky, his speed so fast that the floor, made of spirit stones, shattered under the recoil.

You should know that the floor was constructed with spirit stones.

"Junior Brother Xu, I just remembered that there's a monster I haven't slain yet. It's a big deal. I'll leave first."

Again, before Xu You could say anything, Huiming had already soared into the sky, disappearing. Before leaving, he even tore off his clothes, revealing his bald head, indicating his identity as a monk.

"Junior Brother Xu, I..." Han Qianyue was about to speak, but Xu You coldly laughed, "Do you have something to do too?"

"Well, Brother Luo is leaving tomorrow, so I'll go back and help him pack. Right, Brother Luo?"

"Exactly, exactly."

"Goodbye then." The two of them sang in unison and quickly left.

For a while, only Xu You remained, guarding this lonely territory.

He looked at these "brothers" leaving with a black line on his forehead. These are indeed the friends of the joyous place!


Of course, Xu You also knew that their departure was actually for his own good. The more people there were, the harder it would be for him to explain. If Luo Qiaoqiao asked separately about the sudden situation, wouldn't everything be exposed at once?

They were all experienced drivers and naturally knew this crucial point. Moreover, the note was thoughtful enough, directly revealing his identity as a monk to Luo Qiaoqiao.

This alone was enough for Xu You to have enough reasons to explain.

Sure enough, when Luo Qiaoqiao saw the note revealing the true identity of the monk, she first showed some surprise, and then her face visibly relaxed.

Xu You immediately greeted her with a smile on his face, "Senior Sister, why are you here?"

"Why, you guys can come to this brothel, but I can't?" Luo Qiaoqiao asked in return.

"Of course not, I just wanted to ask if Senior Sister came here for an important task like us?" Xu You said with an open and honest look.

While pretending to be ignorant, he proved in a very strange way that he really came here for official business.

Sure enough, Luo Qiaoqiao began to believe Xu You's words and even started to feel a little guilty about explaining her reason for coming here. "I also have official business to attend to, and I happened to pass by here."

Luo Qiaoqiao didn't have any official business, she just hadn't seen Xu You contact him these days or come to the school. She wanted to find Xu You to hang out.

So she took the initiative to go to Kunlun Tower and inquired before coming here to see.

Upon arriving here, Luo Qiaoqiao realized that this Imperial Concubine Tower was clearly a brothel!

"I see." Xu You suddenly realized, "You also saw it, we have an important task to do, and Senior Brother Huiming was also here."

He made the greatest sacrifice. He is a disciple of the Great Thunderclap Monastery, and theoretically, he shouldn't come to such a place. But there was no other way, he had to break the precepts tonight.

It's a sin, a sin."

In the end, Xu You devoutly apologized to the Imperial Concubine Tower with his hands clasped together.

Luo Qiaoqiao now basically believed Xu You's words. First of all, Xu You was a gentleman in her perception.

Secondly, when she first met Xu You, it was in a brothel. Sometimes it was very normal to come to such a place for a mission.

Finally, Huiming's identity dispelled Luo Qiaoqiao's last doubt.

The disciples of the Great Thunderclap Monastery were all deeply versed in Buddhist teachings, always maintaining their purity and observing the rituals of Buddhism. How could they come to such a place to do vulgar things?

With Xu You's few words, Luo Qiaoqiao completely convinced herself.

She smiled with her eyes curved and then turned to look at the Imperial Concubine Tower. Suddenly, she was startled. This name sounded familiar!

No, last time when she met Xu You at Shangji Academy, Han Qianyue was also there. He seemed to have mentioned going to the Imperial Concubine Tower for official business?

Thinking of this, Luo Qiaoqiao asked with some suspicion, "Didn't you and Han Qianyue come here for official business last time?"

"When was that?" Xu You didn't react.

"Just last time at the academy, he mentioned it."

"Oh, that time!" Xu You pretended to suddenly understand and calmly said, "That was just reconnaissance. This time we came to follow up. The enemy is tricky, not easy to deal with."

"Really?" Luo Qiaoqiao looked somewhat incredulous.

"Senior Sister, don't you trust me?" Xu You suddenly raised his voice, turning the tables.

Luo Qiaoqiao was taken aback, and Xu You continued, "Do you remember when we caught that Red Hare Fox Demon? We talked about it. Trust is the most important foundation for us!"

But now, why don't you trust me? I, Xu You, am upright!"

Luo Qiaoqiao's memory was instantly pulled back. The long conversation they had that day echoed in her ears. At that time, they even said it was a shared secret.

At that time, she had also determined that trust should indeed be the foundation for her relationship with Xu You, and she shouldn't get jealous over trivial matters.

Looking at Xu You, who looked wronged, Luo Qiaoqiao felt a little flustered.

Luo Qiaoqiao, how could you be like this! You forgot about that day in an instant.

"I haven't forgotten, I'm sorry, I apologize to you." Luo Qiaoqiao blinked her big eyes and sincerely said.

"It's okay, I understand, Senior Sister." Xu You showed a gentle smile and said, "Let's leave here first. It's not appropriate to stay at the entrance."

"Okay." Luo Qiaoqiao quickly followed Xu You's pace and left this street of fireworks.

"What business does Senior Sister come to do?" Xu You asked with a sigh of relief after leaving the street.

It's not easy. I've managed to survive this sudden attack.

Xu Gen: Impressive, another day lived.

But at this moment, Xu You looked at Luo Qiaoqiao, who trusted him so much, and felt somewhat guilty. He had changed now, unlike before. Why did lies come so easily to him now?

It must be because he had been influenced by Han Qianyue and the others for too long. He still felt a strong sense of moral guilt, especially since he had just left Wu Yanluo and was now with Luo Qiaoqiao.

I never thought that one day I would become a master of time management.

Could it be because I used the electric motor's sword too much before and inherited this trait from the master?

You're such a jerk, Xu You, deceiving Luo Qiaoqiao like this.

I will definitely not go to the Imperial Concubine Tower in the next half month!

"It's actually not something important," Luo Qiaoqiao lowered her head slightly. "I just wanted to hang out with you. I found out you were here when I went to Kunlun Tower, and I happened to see you leaving."

Xu You almost trembled. Fortunately, he had come out early. If Luo Qiaoqiao had entered and found him inside, he wouldn't be able to explain anything.

"Sister, if you want to hang out with me, why didn't you contact me first?" Xu You asked.

"Ah? Oh, I forgot."

"Next time, Sister, please contact me in advance. I will reply as soon as I see the message," Xu You patiently persuaded.

"What if I'm busy with something important or really can't make it? It wouldn't be good, right? Besides, I know that when Sister comes, I will treat her with the best attitude."

"I understand," Luo Qiaoqiao smiled sweetly.

With this additional assurance, Xu You quickly changed the topic. "Sister, where do you want to go and what do you want to do? I'll accompany you anytime."

"Let's go to Dongcheng! There are lots of good food there!" Luo Qiaoqiao smiled.

"Okay, let's go to Dongcheng," Xu You also smiled.

Tianque City was too vast, so the two of them didn't choose the usual means of transportation to save time. Instead, they summoned a flying boat and headed towards Xicheng.

It was clear that Luo Qiaoqiao really wanted to be with him. It was already late at night, yet she came to find him.

Driving the flying boat, Xu You looked at Luo Qiaoqiao, who was smiling sweetly, and his mood became joyful as well.

There was no way he couldn't like a girl like her.

After a while, Xu You and Luo Qiaoqiao arrived in Xicheng. It was bustling here, and you couldn't tell it was the middle of the night. Pedestrians crowded the streets.

Luo Qiaoqiao specifically led Xu You to a street for mortals and sneaked in. According to her, when it came to eating, it was better to have the earthly fireworks. The food cooked by mortals naturally had flavors that suited the taste buds.

Xu You wasn't surprised because she had done the same when they went to the night market in Xichuancheng last time.

The two of them squeezed through the crowded crowd, stopping and walking among the small stalls and vendors on the street. Luo Qiaoqiao's hands and mouth were full of food.

In this way, Luo Qiaoqiao ate her way from one end of the street to the other, and finally, the two of them stopped by a small lake to rest.

Luo Qiaoqiao sat down directly on the embankment, swinging her legs gently on the shore as she looked at the lake in front of her.

"Are you full?" Xu You also sat down beside her and asked with a smile.

"Mhm," Luo Qiaoqiao touched her flat belly and looked at Xu You with her round eyes, as if she had something to say.

At that moment, the communication jade token in her arms buzzed.

Luo Qiaoqiao took out the somewhat mood-killing jade token with a bit of annoyance.

After reading the message, Luo Qiaoqiao became even more annoyed and said, "I have to leave first, something came up."

"It's so late, what could it be?" Xu You asked curiously.

"One of my senior brothers went on a mission and hasn't returned. We can't contact him, and the soul card he left here keeps flickering. Now the office wants us rotating stewards to go and see what happened to him," Luo Qiaoqiao explained.

"You're going alone?"

"Yes, my senior brother has been stuck in many places. Now we're short-handed, so we're going to search separately."

"What's your senior brother's cultivation level? What if something dangerous happens when he goes alone?" Xu You continued to ask.

"He's at the mid-stage of the Fourth Realm, so it shouldn't be dangerous. After all, my senior brother's life doesn't seem to be in danger at the moment, and the mission isn't difficult."

"No." Xu You thought for a moment. "I just feel that something is off. I'm not at ease. How about this, I'll accompany you."

"Isn't that inappropriate? You have things to do yourself."

"It's alright. I'll let them know and it won't take too much time to accompany you." Xu You smiled.

Luo Qiaoqiao showed a sweet smile. "So you're really worried about my safety?"

"Yes." Xu You replied affirmatively. "After all, this is Tianque City, unlike other places. Safety is the most important thing."

"Alright." Luo Qiaoqiao clapped her hands happily and stood up.

She was very happy now. How could she not be happy when Xu You cared and worried about her so much?

"Then let's not waste time and set off directly." Luo Qiaoqiao summoned her flying boat. Xu You nodded and followed. The two of them soared into the sky and shot towards the outskirts of Tianque City at an extremely fast speed.

"Xu You, have you noticed that we always encounter various unexpected situations when we're together?" Luo Qiaoqiao suddenly asked on the flying boat.

"Now that you mention it, it does seem that way." Xu You smiled. "Perhaps it's just a coincidence. Show me the details of your senior brother's mission."

Luo Qiaoqiao naturally wouldn't refute Xu You's caution and handed him a communication jade talisman. She said, "My senior brother has traveled to many places and ended up in Gucheng Mountain."

"Because I've been to Gucheng Mountain before, I'm somewhat familiar with that place, so the agency asked me to go to Gucheng Mountain."

Xu You nodded lightly, opened the jade talisman, and read the information about Luo Qiaoqiao's senior brother's mission. At the same time, he also asked Luo Qiaoqiao for clarification, which cleared up the situation.

That senior brother was a disciple of the outer sect named Yuan Lei. He was considered an outstanding disciple within the outer sect, reaching the mid-stage of the fourth realm before the age of forty.

Because of his seriousness and meticulousness, he was assigned to Tianque City for rotation duty two years ago.

At the same time, he was responsible for cultivating demon pets for the sect and specialized in cultivating goat spirits. He was an experienced expert in this field.

Speaking of these goat spirits, especially the female goat spirits, they were famous in the cultivation world. After their cultivation was successful, they could transform into human form, and those with exceptional talent could even become succubi.

Yes, succubi who were so enchanting that no man could resist!

Because it was difficult for the goat clan to cultivate into spirits, and it was even rarer for them to transform into succubi after taking human form.

Therefore, these succubi were extremely precious, priceless, and sought after by many. Countless people would pay a fortune for them.

There were two reasons for this. Firstly, succubi were experts in arousing men's desires, and they were considered one of the most knowledgeable Monster Cultivators in this field.

Born with natural talent and charm, the allure of a succubus is deadly to men. Being with her makes one feel like a true man, exhilarating to the core.

Because of this attribute, succubi are highly sought after in the underground black market, where they are immediately snatched up at high prices upon appearance.

Even the famous Red Hare Demon pales in comparison to a succubus.

Secondly, succubi can assist cultivators in their practice, specifically those who follow the Joyous Union Great Dao. The unique essence of a succubus can purify and nourish during the cultivation of Dao Integration, making it particularly useful during breakthroughs.

However, this method is often associated with demonic practices, and it is favored by those demonic cultivators skilled in this art. Although it may lead to an unstable foundation, speed is all that matters to Demonic Cultivators. They only care about accumulating power.

Based on these two points, the value of succubi naturally becomes high, especially among demonic cultivators.

Yuan Lei claims to be responsible for cultivating the goat spirits, but in reality, he is cultivating succubi.

Indeed, the Joyous Union Sect follows the most orthodox Joyous Union Great Dao, looking down upon such methods of supplementation. They emphasize the harmonious integration of yin and yang, the righteous path of mutual progress.

However, as one of the Seven Sects, there are inevitably many who deviate from this traditional path. There are still those who practice supplementation.

Just like the Connected Tranquility Valley, which was previously abandoned by the Joyous Union Sect, and Xue Beishang, who defected from the sect, they are also skilled in supplementation.

Faced with this situation, it is better to be lenient than strict. Moreover, the Joyous Union Sect prides itself on being a righteous sect, one of the Seven Sects, and certainly does not allow its disciples to engage in demonic activities.

So, the problem arises: if they don't engage in external mischief, they can only turn to internal demand.

As a result, the Joyous Union Sect has established an institution dedicated to cultivating demonic pets. Although they claim to cultivate demonic pets, these pets are primarily used for dual cultivation by the sect's disciples.

Among them, succubi are the most popular among these disciples, but they are also the most difficult to cultivate. It is rare to have a succubus born from a hundred goat spirits.

Yuan Lei is extremely talented in this field. He has cultivated more than ten succubi with his own hands, making outstanding contributions to the sect.

Therefore, despite being an outer disciple, he receives the same treatment and respect within the sect as the true disciples.

He is a master of the technical route.

(End of this chapter)

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