Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 152 Mo Yuhuang’S Reverse Scale Is Xu You, Bleeding And Drifting! [10,000 Updates]

Chapter 152: Mo Yuhuang's Reverse Scale is Xu You, Bleeding Profusely! [10,000 more]

On the other side, Luo Qiaoqiao was speeding along with Xu You when suddenly ripples appeared in the void ahead. Startled, Luo Qiaoqiao immediately retreated with Xu You.

At this moment, Xu You's heart also became heavy. He didn't know if he had been targeted again. Why was the situation so intense today?

Are there cultivators at the Heavenly Dao Realm?

Xu You's heart sank, but the next second, his solemn expression turned into surprise. After the void was revealed, a familiar purple figure walked out from inside. It was none other than Xu You's acquaintance, Mo Yuhuang.

Mo Yuhuang's face was solemn as she immediately appeared in front of Xu You. At first, she was somewhat surprised to see Xu You being held by a girl.

But it didn't matter. She immediately took Xu You from Luo Qiaoqiao because she could feel that Xu You's vitality was almost depleted at the moment.

Mo Yuhuang held Xu You's head and forcefully injected her powerful cultivation into his body to observe his injuries.

His cultivation had been drained, and his essence and blood had suffered great damage. Fortunately, the injuries were not irreversible, but his foundation had still been damaged to some extent.

This situation was still very serious. Although it could be nurtured back with precious treasures, it would still take at least one or two months.

Seeing this, Mo Yuhuang breathed a sigh of relief. As long as his life was not in danger, it was good.

But she was still very angry.

Just now, she sensed that Xu You had triggered the sword talisman she had given him, which was why she rushed over immediately.

She understood her disciple very well. Unless it was a matter of life and death, Xu You would not easily use that sword talisman. So without considering much, she didn't even care about the money and directly expended her origin power to display a transcendent cross-dimensional Divine Ability.

That was how she arrived here in such a short time.

"What happened?" While Mo Yuhuang was transferring her majestic cultivation into Xu You's body to nourish his heavily injured body, she asked.

Xu You groaned comfortably and then briefly explained what had just happened.

After listening to Xu You, Mo Yuhuang's anger grew even more intense.

They dared to attack her beloved disciple. If she hadn't given him that sword talisman, wouldn't Xu You have died here today?

Thinking of this, Mo Yuhuang became even more furious, and her expression almost twisted.

She couldn't bear to play with her obedient disciple. In the future, she still wanted to discuss the path of the sword with him, the path that could make people ascend to heaven.

Those rotten eggs and birdbrains actually dared to make a move.

"Where are they?" Mo Yuhuang angrily asked.

"They should all be within the range of Gu Cheng Mountain. I don't know if they have dispersed to search for me," Xu You explained.

"Good, good, good!" Mo Yuhuang said three "good" in a row.

Xu You quickly spoke up, "Master, I suggest that you don't kill them directly. Is there any way to bring them back alive? It would be better to have them alive."

Mo Yuhuang looked at Xu You and nodded, "I understand. You wait here, I'll be back soon."

Mo Yuhuang said, then closed her eyes directly. Her spiritual power spread out like a tide, almost enveloping half of Gu Cheng Mountain to search for the aura of Wu Bufan and the others.

Soon, Mo Yuhuang suddenly opened her eyes and then turned into a stream of light, disappearing on the spot.

Now, only Luo Qiaoqiao and Xu You were left here. The former stared blankly at Mo Yuhuang's disappearing figure, then quickly went forward to support Xu You and exclaimed, "So that's your master, Mo Sword Immortal!"


"So amazing! She seems much more powerful than my master!" Luo Qiaoqiao's eyes sparkled. She was already a fan of Mo Yuhuang.

"But wait, didn't you say before that your master wasn't very good to you? It doesn't seem like it. She came to save you so quickly and is so angry," Luo Qiaoqiao looked at Xu You with some confusion.

Xu You coughed lightly, feeling a little embarrassed. "It's nothing. I was just joking. My master is very good to me."

"How are you feeling now? You look much better," Luo Qiaoqiao said with some joy.

"I'm okay. With my master's energy infusion, I'm stable now and won't deteriorate further," Xu You weakly smiled.

"That's good." Luo Qiaoqiao tightly held Xu You's hand, her eyes filled with joy. At this moment, there was no trace of shyness between them, and they looked like an old couple.

Obviously, the words of a famous female writer were not wrong. The best way to a woman's heart is through ( ) ( ).

Xu You now fully supported this view. After last night, his relationship with Luo Qiaoqiao had progressed by leaps and bounds.

Starting with the stomach, then taking the next step.

Just like this moment, Luo Qiaoqiao had already directly regarded herself as Xu You's true woman.

Xu You dared not say anything now, quickly closing his eyes and pretending to meditate, in case Luo Qiaoqiao asked some difficult questions that he couldn't answer for the time being.

After a moment, a sound came from a distance, accompanied by Mo Yuhuang's powerful aura.

Xu You immediately opened his eyes and saw Mo Yuhuang flying towards them in a very elegant manner, holding a golden rope in his hand, with three people trailing behind.

It was Wu Bufan and the others, with the rope humiliatingly tied around their necks.

The three of them had swollen faces, obviously having suffered some inhumane torture before.

At this moment, they were weak and barely breathing, resembling three beaten dogs.

"Is it them?" Mo Yuhuang stopped in front of Xu You and then brought the three of them over and threw them in front of Xu You.

"Yes, Master."

Xu You nodded, then looked at Wu Bufan and the others. At this moment, the three of them no longer had the confidence they had before, their faces filled with defeat.

At the same time, their eyes were filled with fear towards Mo Yuhuang. Xu You didn't know how Mo Yuhuang had tortured them earlier.

"What do you plan to do?" Mo Yuhuang asked.

"First, bring them back for interrogation?" Xu You replied.

"You're just going to let them off so easily?" Mo Yuhuang narrowed his eyes and said, "After they bullied you like this, you only want to interrogate them?"

"Interrogate them first, then decide what to do next." Xu You replied.

Mo Yuhuang didn't say anything more, agreeing with Xu You's suggestion, but Xu You knew that his master definitely had other ideas and wouldn't just let it go so easily.

In fact, Mo Yuhuang did have the same thoughts as Xu You thought. Everyone has their own bottom line.

Mo Yuhuang could usually play around and have fun everywhere without caring about anything, but when it came to a bottom line issue, it couldn't be resolved with just a few words.

Especially now, Xu You was definitely Mo Yuhuang's bottom line. She genuinely regarded Xu You as her only beloved disciple and had deep feelings for him.

In the future, the Vermilion Bird Hall, Li Changsheng's Great Dao, and even her own Great Dao would all be inherited by Xu You. He was the only successor.

Now that he had been threatened and almost lost his life, Mo Yuhuang couldn't tolerate it, couldn't just let it go.

Xu You was still considering the overall situation, preparing to interrogate the people and then make a decision. Even if Kunlun did nothing in the end, he wouldn't say anything with his calm personality.

Men are often like this, understanding how to endure, thinking that revenge can be taken even after ten years.

But sorry, Mo Yuhuang was a woman. When a woman is truly angry, she won't talk so much about reasoning or endurance.

At this moment, Mo Yuhuang had already figured it out in her heart. No matter what the final decision of the sect was, she would make them pay a heavy price.

This was what she, as Xu You's closest elder, should do for him.

Why should Xu You, who was so young, be so sensible? Why should he understand the big picture?

The fate of Kunlun was not something that Xu You's still immature shoulders could bear.

He had been bullied, so as his closest elder, she must let those who bullied him know the true cost. Let those people never dare to easily deal with Xu You again.

Soon, Mo Yuhuang summoned her large flying boat. Xu You and Luo Qiaoqiao entered the boat, while Wu Bufan and the others naturally didn't receive such treatment.

They were directly tied to the back of the flying boat by Mo Yuhuang and dragged along as the boat sped away.

Inside the flying boat, Luo Qiaoqiao stood with her hands tied, looking around at the luxurious palace-like interior of the boat.

She was now a little nervous and shy, not only because she was close to her idol, but more importantly, she had taken on an important role.

Mo Yuhuang was Xu You's master and also the only elder with an intimate relationship with Xu You. So, was her relationship with Mo Yuhuang similar to that of a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law?

This makes Luo Qiaoqiao feel shy and restrained, how can she not be?

And Mo Yuhuang still hasn't noticed Luo Qiaoqiao, today she is not lying on the soft bed and letting Xu You massage her.

Today, it is Xu You lying on the bed, while she sits by the bedside carefully treating Xu You's injuries.

Xu You, lying on the bed, is honestly a little surprised, looking at Mo Yuhuang's serious and solemn appearance so close by.

It's a bit uncomfortable, is this still her master?

Why does Mo Yuhuang feel so reliable and secure today?

For a moment, Xu You even feels that her injuries were worth it, as she has never seen Mo Yuhuang in this state before.

The flying boat falls into silence.

After a moment, Mo Yuhuang finally breathes a sigh of relief, looking at her pale and weak beloved disciple with some heartache.

"How dare you compete with three Six Realm cultivators? Are you that brave? You don't know how to show weakness, or you could have used my reputation!"

Xu You sweats and smiles, "Well, I tried, but it didn't work. They were determined."

"These bastards!" Mo Yuhuang's expression freezes for a moment, then she takes out a sword talisman and hands it to Xu You.

"Take it, I only have this one left. It's not easy to refine this thing, I can't make more than one or two in a year.

Be more cautious next time you use it, it's too much of a burden on your cultivation."

Xu You gratefully accepts the jade talisman, wondering if her master still loves her. "Master, how did you manage to come over?"

"I can sense it when you use the sword talisman. Fortunately, the distance was close, otherwise I wouldn't have made it in time." Mo Yuhuang casually explains, then suddenly remembers something and says with regret, "Damn, my money!"


"I rushed over in a hurry and forgot my money. I won so much today, it's a shame I forgot to take it. I'll make those bastards regret it later!"

The more Mo Yuhuang speaks, the angrier she gets, and she's about to go out and teach Wu Bufan and the others a lesson.

Xu You helplessly looks at Mo Yuhuang, not knowing what to say.

"How do you feel now? Using my sword talisman shouldn't have caused such a severe loss of your essence and even injured your foundation." Mo Yuhuang asks Xu You.

"Uh, I'm fine. The battle was just too intense. I'll go back and rest for a while." Xu You smiles.

"If you're really fine, let me take a closer look," Mo Yuhuang says, reaching out to touch Xu You's foundation.

Fortunately, Xu You is not currently immersed in the usual routine with Mo Yuhuang, so she coughs lightly to indicate that there are still people in the flying boat.

Mo Yuhuang then remembers that there is a little girl waiting beside her, so she turns her head to look at Luo Qiaoqiao.

Luo Qiaoqiao lowers her head shyly. She has seen how Xu You and Mo Yuhuang interacted just now, and it doesn't seem like what Xu You complained about before, saying that her master is not good.

In Luo Qiaoqiao's limited contact with Mo Yuhuang, she feels that Mo Yuhuang is indeed a very good master.

She is really good to Xu You, very protective, and values Xu You a lot.

She is an observer and can clearly feel the depth of Mo Yuhuang's feelings for Xu You, it's really deep.

But the way they interacted just now was different from the usual master-disciple relationship, and Luo Qiaoqiao can't pinpoint exactly what was different.

She just feels that something was a little strange, but now Luo Qiaoqiao can't think too much about it, as Mo Yuhuang is looking at her shyly.

"Who is this?"

"She is Luo Qiaoqiao, a disciple of the Joyous Union Sect, also on duty in Tianque City. We came here to complete a mission and were targeted by those three." Xu You explains briefly.

Mo Yuhuang nods lightly, then squints her eyes as she looks at Luo Qiaoqiao, her gaze shifting between Luo Qiaoqiao and Xu You. She scrutinizes Xu You.

Finally, Mo Yuhuang says, "So what's your situation now? Why do I feel that something's not right?"

Coughing lightly, Xu You doesn't know how to explain, so Mo Yuhuang turns to Luo Qiaoqiao and asks, "Who is your master?"

"Replying to Master Mofeng, my master is Venerable Yun Yanjin from the Joyous Union Sect." Luo Qiaoqiao obediently answers.

"Yun Yanjin, that old woman?" Mo Yuhuang blurted out unconsciously.

Luo Qiaoqiao was a little stunned. She knew that her master and Mo Yuhuang knew each other and seemed to have some relationship. But she didn't expect Mo Yuhuang to react like this. This relationship seemed to be different from what her master had described.

Mo Yuhuang's rarely used brain suddenly started working, and she seemed to have discovered something extraordinary. She immediately connected the dots.

Previously, Yun Yanjin had set up a trap with two other women to deceive her and play Pai Gow, saying that Xu You should go to Joyous Union Sect as an example. At that time, Mo Yuhuang didn't know the specific meaning, but now, seeing Luo Qiaoqiao, she understood it directly.

This was clearly not about setting an example. Yun Yanjin was thinking about her disciple!

Looking at the subtle atmosphere between Luo Qiaoqiao and Xu You, Mo Yuhuang became more convinced of this possibility!

Was Yun Yanjin trying to make her beloved disciple become her son-in-law in Joyous Union Sect?

Could Mo Yuhuang tolerate this? Absolutely impossible. In her opinion, this was no different from marrying into another family.

No wonder that old woman was beating around the bush and playing these tricks with her. She knew that Mo Yuhuang would definitely not agree if she directly mentioned this matter.

Thinking of this, Mo Yuhuang became a little angry. Xu You was still young. Why did they need to rush into discussing matters of love and marriage? Couldn't they wait for ten or twenty years? No, they couldn't wait for ten or twenty years.

Xu You was still young. They couldn't let those women deceive him. What if he forgot about his master when he found a partner? No, Mo Yuhuang was not prepared for this. How could she let Xu You get into a relationship so quickly?

"How long have you two known each other?" Mo Yuhuang asked directly.

"For about half a year, Senior Mo," Luo Qiaoqiao replied.

Mo Yuhuang breathed a sigh of relief. It had only been half a year, and Xu You had been in seclusion for most of that time. It seemed that their relationship hadn't reached a deep level yet.

"I see. So, you are friends now?" Mo Yuhuang continued to ask.

"Yes," Luo Qiaoqiao replied shyly, lowering her head.

She still felt a little guilty and shy about telling Mo Yuhuang that she and Xu You had already gone that far. It was too embarrassing.

Calling themselves friends was acceptable for now. They could slowly tell Mo Yuhuang in the future, so as not to make their idol think of them as frivolous girls.

"What kind of friends are you? How far have you gone?" Mo Yuhuang continued to ask.

Luo Qiaoqiao let out a small sound and looked at Mo Yuhuang somewhat blankly. She didn't know how to answer this question.

At this moment, Xu You immediately spoke up to change the topic, "Master, shouldn't we go back to Tianque City? Why are we not going back?"

"Why go back to Tianque City?" Mo Yuhuang asked in return. "Of course, we're going straight back to the sect."

"Straight back to the sect?" Xu You said in surprise. "Shouldn't we inform Sect Master Zhang about this matter?"

"Tell him?" Mo Yuhuang sneered. "What's there to tell him? He's just a flatterer and peacemaker. It's better not to say anything to him."

"Master, I think we should still inform him. After all, Sect Master Zhang is in charge of Tianque City. He should know about such a big matter," Xu You suggested.

"Fine, I'll listen to you," Mo Yuhuang nodded and changed the direction of the flying boat, heading towards Tianque City.

Mo Yuhuang's Apex Level flying boat was extremely fast, and they arrived at Tianque City in no time.

After entering Tianque City, Wu Bufan and the others were no longer left dragging at the back of the boat. Instead, they were tied up at the back. After all, Demon Alliance didn't know yet that their operation had failed and that all three of them had been captured.

The concealment of information still needs to be done well. It is not appropriate to drag them through the bustling city.

After arriving in Tianque City, Luo Qiaoqiao naturally couldn't stay for long. The next thing is a private matter for Kunlun, and she is also embarrassed to stay here.

So, despite being reluctant to leave Xu You and worrying about him, she still had to bid farewell first.

"By the way, Senior Sister, how is your Senior Brother Yuan Lei?" Xu You suddenly remembered something and asked.

Luo Qiaoqiao was taken aback for a moment, then slapped her forehead, "Oh, I forgot about this! Senior Brother Yuan Lei is still trapped in the cave."

After running away last time, she encountered a series of events, plus the one last night with Xu You.

Where could Luo Qiaoqiao remember anything about Yuan Lei? Her mind was filled with Xu You, completely forgetting about her mission.

"I'll go back and bring people to find Senior Brother Yuan first. Master Mofeng, goodbye. Junior Brother Xu, goodbye."

Luo Qiaoqiao politely bid farewell and hurriedly left.

Xu You watched Luo Qiaoqiao disappear from sight, and Mo Yuhuang suddenly spoke, "Why are you still looking? She's gone."

Xu You turned to look at Mo Yuhuang, not knowing why, but feeling that his master's tone was a bit off, with a hint of sarcasm?

"You're still young and don't understand many things. You should focus on cultivation, you know? Some things can wait for decades before starting." Mo Yuhuang said with a serious tone.

"Huh? Decades?" Xu You was a little puzzled, "I'm already old."

"What do you mean old? Do I look old to you?" Mo Yuhuang raised an eyebrow, "I'm saying this for your own good. The people from Joyous Union Sect are not trustworthy, and their character is not good."

"As the saying goes, like master, like disciple. Luo Qiaoqiao's master's character is not good."

"I've met her, and she seems fine." Xu You muttered quietly.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing, I understand, Master. I'll listen to you." Xu You smiled.

"Good boy." Mo Yuhuang pinched Xu You's cheek.

After a few words between master and disciple, the flying boat had already arrived in front of Kunlun Tower.

The huge flying boat hung there, attracting the attention of many cultivators on the street. At this moment, Mo Yuhuang's voice echoed from the flying boat.

"Clear the area, close the tower, no one except Kunlun disciples is allowed to go out."

The Kunlun disciples below didn't know why Mo Yuhuang suddenly gave such an order, but no one dared to question anything.

Mo Yuhuang's words were absolute authority and command, and the work of clearing the area started instantly.

In less than a moment, the street was completely cleared, and Mo Yuhuang then led the weak Xu You off the flying boat, dragging three Ha Ba dogs, and swaggered into Kunlun Tower.

The Kunlun disciples present were all stunned, looking at Mo Yuhuang's arrogance. Was it too much to treat three Realm Six cultivators like dogs?

They didn't know what Mofeng Master was planning.

"Zhang Changli, where is he? Come out." Walking into the hall, Mo Yuhuang shouted.

Soon, Zhang Changli and Qing Cang hurriedly came down from upstairs. The former didn't mind Mo Yuhuang's unreasonable behavior, just approached with a smile,

"What's the matter, Master Mofeng? What's going on with these people?"

"What's going on?" Mo Yuhuang sneered, "My disciple almost died at the hands of these people, and you ask me what's going on? How about it, can you handle this?"

"Such a thing happened!" Zhang Changli and Qing Cang were both stunned at the same time, and then looked at Xu You with some nervousness.

To be honest, if Xu You really had any mishaps in Tianque City, they, as the ones in charge, would be implicated. They would be the culprits in the sect.

Qing Cang immediately recognized the origins of the three Wu Bufan people, while Zhang Changli quickly dismissed the Kunlun disciples who were watching, and then looked at Mo Yuhuang with a guilty expression, "Master Mofeng, I'm sorry for this matter. It was my carelessness."

Then, he looked at Xu You and asked, "How are you, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. My master arrived in time, so there's no major problem." Xu You replied.

"Thanks to Master Mofeng's extraordinary strength, I thank Master Mofeng on behalf of Zhang." Zhang Changli bowed to Mo Yuhuang.

Mo Yuhuang waved his hand and asked, "So what do you plan to do?"

Zhang Changli hesitated for a moment and replied, "Naturally, we need to investigate the truth of the matter. I will report to the sect and wait for their response on how to proceed. After all, this matter involves a wide range of people."

"More useless talk!" Mo Yuhuang impatiently said, "Next, Xu You will naturally conduct the interrogation. You just need to cooperate honestly with my disciple. You don't need to worry about this matter. Our Vermilion Bird Hall will handle it efficiently."

Zhang Changli smiled bitterly, wanting to say something but kept it to himself. In the end, he could only clasp his fists and say, "I understand. I will cooperate with Senior Mo."

Mo Yuhuang continued to drag the three of them forward. At this moment, Wu Bufan and the others had gradually recovered, especially Wu Bufan, whose eyes were fixed on Qiong Cang and Zhang Changli, as if he had something to say.

But they were all silenced by Mo Yuhuang's Divine Ability, unable to speak and could only anxiously follow along.

"Zhang Fengzhu, Elder Qiong Cang apologizes. My master is just like this," Xu You apologized in a low voice.

"It's alright, as long as you're okay," Zhang Changli lightly patted Xu You's shoulder. "For the Demon Alliance to send three cultivators at the Sixth Realm to deal with you, this behavior is unforgivable. It violates the rules of the Divine Continent. Nephew, rest assured, I will definitely seek justice for you. It's simply too much."

"Thank you, Uncle Master."

"What do you and your master plan to do?" Elder Qiong Cang asked.

"We will interrogate them first," Xu You replied.

"You can do as you please, just go ahead," Elder Qiong Cang nodded.

Xu You clasped his fists and immediately followed his master.

Zhang Changli looked at the backs of the master and disciple, then looked at the three cultivators who looked like dead dogs. He rubbed his forehead and said helplessly, "Are these demonic cultivators brainless? Always causing such foolish trouble? Why provoke Mo Yuhuang of all people? And they even sent cultivators at the Sixth Realm to deal with a cultivator at the Fourth Realm? The best disciple of Kunlun? Who came up with this idea?"

Elder Qiong Cang also said helplessly, "Indeed, it's foolish. With such large forces, they can't find someone with a brain."

"Regardless of whether they have brains or not, now that the situation has occurred, I'm thinking about what to do next, and just thinking about it gives me a headache," Zhang Changli said even more helplessly.

Elder Qiong Cang fell into contemplation. "From the current situation, I estimate that this matter will be very big, very big indeed. I just don't know what Mo Fengzhu is thinking right now. The Demon Alliance is probably testing our bottom line. If we handle this poorly, it will indeed be detrimental to us."

Zhang Changli sneered, "Li Changsheng has been away from the Divine Continent for too long, allowing these clowns to think that the world is peaceful. They have touched the Vermilion Bird Hall's reverse scale. Just watch, Mo Yuhuang will make a huge fuss about them. But it should be like this. Their methods have already become so despicable, they even want to use Xu You to test our resilience. This matter must not be tolerated. First, we will report the news to the sect, and then we unconditionally support Mo Fengzhu's actions. Whatever she wants to do next, we will do without question."

Elder Qiong Cang paused for a moment, "Even if it means fighting to the death?"

"Even if it means fighting to the death," Zhang Changli said with certainty, "Even if the Azure Dragon is old, it is still a dragon. These brainless fools need to be taught a profound lesson."

After Zhang Changli finished speaking, he and Elder Qiong Cang followed Mo Yuhuang and Xu You.

Mo Yuhuang dragged the three of them down to the underground, where there were secret chambers consisting of three levels. Each level was more secretive than the previous one. They were equipped with the highest level of isolation formations, and no one could forcibly spy on the situation here. It was a heavily protected secret chamber.

The three underground levels were eerie and quiet, and the dim candlelight added a somewhat sinister atmosphere to the surroundings.

"Master, let's put each of them in a separate chamber," Xu You said.

Mo Yuhuang nodded, not in a hurry to ask why, but simply followed the suggestion of his beloved disciple and put each of the three in a separate chamber.

After locking them up, Mo Yuhuang asked Xu You, "What's next?"

"We'll question them one by one after an hour," Xu You replied.

"What's the principle behind this?" Mo Yuhuang asked, somewhat puzzled.

At this moment, Zhang Changli and Elder Qiong Cang also arrived, and they both looked at Xu You, waiting for his answer.

In the basement, the disciples who were working were also cleared out, and now only the four of them remained in the spacious basement.

"Separate questioning yields better results. After waiting for an hour, we can use persuasive techniques to get them to talk," Xu You explained.

"They are each alone in their rooms and don't know what the others have said or not said. We can fully utilize this to get the answers," Xu You continued, providing a simple explanation. This was just a basic prisoner's dilemma.

It may be an old trick, but it is effective, especially when combined with punishment. The effect is simply remarkable.

Mo Yuhuang didn't understand what Xu You was saying, but she didn't ask further questions and simply followed Xu You's lead.

History has proven that Xu You's mind is better than her own. She provides the physical strength while Xu You provides the mental strength. Together, they are invincible.

Zhang Changli and Qing Cang exchanged a glance and patiently waited.

Time slowly passed, and an hour went by quickly. Xu You spent the time resting and nurturing his spirit.

For now, his injuries were temporarily under control, but he couldn't use his cultivation. He needed to completely seclude himself and nurture his injuries.

But now was not the time. Xu You, despite his severe injuries, needed to get the answers in front of him first.

Soon, the hour was up. Xu You directly entered the leftmost secret room, where Gu Gude was being held.

The secret room was not large, but it was dimly lit and well-secured, completely isolated from the outside world.

At this moment, the heavily injured Gu Gude sat behind a long table, still maintaining an impressive aura. Faced with the pressure from Mo Yuhuang and Zhang Changli, he remained cool and composed.

Xu You sat opposite him, while Mo Yuhuang and Zhang Changli stood behind Xu You.

"Cough, cough." Xu You lightly coughed twice, turned on the law enforcement recorder on his chest to start recording, and then took out a luminous jade stone, directly shining it on Gu Gude.

Facing the glaring light, Gu Gude remained unfazed, not even squinting his eyes.

Xu You asked in a soft voice, "How should I address you, sir?"

Gu Gude calmly closed his eyes, ignoring Xu You.

At this moment, Qing Cang spoke from behind, "He is called Gu Gude, a fellow member of the Gu God Clan responsible for Tianque. He just arrived at Tianque recently."

Xu You nodded slightly and continued questioning Gu Gude, "Who ordered you to kill me? Why did you come to kill me? What were your plans after killing me?"

Gu Gude opened his eyes and looked at Xu You. He wasn't a fool and could see that Xu You was accusing him right from the start. In a slightly hoarse voice, he slowly said, "I didn't intend to kill..."

"Master, he's being stubborn. Let's torture him first," Xu You interrupted, turning to Mo Yuhuang.

Mo Yuhuang's face twisted into a slight grin as she agreed, then clenched her fist and stepped forward.

Gu Gude was momentarily stunned, not understanding the progress of the situation. Weren't they still interrogating him? Why did they suddenly start torturing him?

Huh? What's going on?

Before Gu Gude could question further, the sound of a heart-wrenching scream echoed through the room.

Mo Yuhuang had already started, and a solid Sword Qi was moving around Gu Gude's body, inflicting a thousand cuts!

With the experience from the previous Ghost Fire Evil Lord, Mo Yuhuang's actions were much smoother this time. Without endangering Gu Gude's life, she performed the most exquisite artistic dissection on his physical body.

It should be noted that although a cultivator in the Sixth Realm is strong, they are still human. The absolute pain inflicted on their physical bodies would make them deeply feel it.

Especially Mo Yuhuang's Sword Qi, which could make a thousand cuts per second. This high-dimensional pain was simply unbearable for a cultivator in the Sixth Realm.

In addition, his cultivation was currently sealed by Mo Yuhuang, so he could only rely on his physical body to resist this pain.

In a short amount of time, Gu Gude's voice became hoarse from screaming, his facial expression extremely distorted. His whole body was soaked in blood, no longer resembling a human, utterly miserable.

When Mo Yuhuang stopped, Gu Gude slumped in the chair, convulsing unconsciously. This was a numb reaction to the pain that reached the depths of his soul.

"I'll talk, I'll talk, I'll tell you everything," Gu Gude managed to say with his last bit of strength.

Xu You just coldly looked at him and said, "It's too late. I don't want to listen now."

Saying that, Xu You directly dragged him by the rope around his neck and prepared to go to the next secret room.

Countless wounds covered Gu Godde's body as he was dragged on the ground, screaming in pain from the friction between his wounds and the floor.

Mo Yuhuang paid no attention and simply followed behind Xu You.

Zhang Changli and Qing Cang exchanged a glance, both silent as they looked at the long bloodstains left by Gu Godde on the ground.

"Xu You seems... hmm, a bit different," Zhang Changli said softly.

"He is indeed different," Qing Cang said quietly. "The young man is usually polite, humble, and kind. I didn't expect him to have this side."

"The teachings of the Vermilion Bird Palace have indeed been passed down," Zhang Changli sighed. "The young people nowadays are becoming more and more cunning."

Qing Cang nodded in agreement.

Xu You's ruthless actions just now and his calmness and coldness were indeed contradictory to Zhang Changli's impression of him. The young man was also ruthless.

Soon, Xu You dragged Gu Godde to the next room, where Wu Bufan was locked up.

The moment the door opened, Wu Bufan was startled, both because of the imposing presence of the two peak masters of the Kunlun Immortal Sect entering together and because of the pitiful state of Gu Godde. It was too horrifying to see Gu Godde, who was barely recognizable as a human, unable to even scream.

With countless wounds and blood flowing, it was obvious that he had been tortured inhumanely.

It should be noted that the cultivators of the Gu God Clan were originally more resilient due to the pain they experienced during their usual cultivation of Gu insects. Over the years, their ability to resist pain or suffering far surpassed their peers. But seeing Gu Godde's willpower being tortured to this extent, what hope did they have?

Thinking of this, Wu Bufan felt a tremor in his heart. At this moment, he no longer had the superiority he had when facing Xu You before.

Now he was like a lamb to the slaughter, facing two great experts in the Heavenly Dao Realm. How could he dare to be superior?

Xu You sat down opposite Wu Bufan, a smile as warm as a spring breeze on his face. Then he took out the illuminating jade and shone it on Wu Bufan before slowly speaking.

"I have separated the three of you and talked to each one of you. You should know everything you need to know by now. You are the last one. Just now, when I asked this Gu Godde, he refused to speak."

"So I let my master teach him a little lesson, and later he wanted to speak, but I didn't listen."

"Because I really dislike it when people act cool, cold, and aloof in front of me. It's meaningless. I'm also a bit impatient, so I only ask a question once."

Saying this, Xu You paused and turned to Qing Cang with a polite bow. "Elder Qing Cang, who is this person?"

Looking at Xu You's gentle smile, Qing Cang replied, "He is Elder Wu Bufan, responsible for the enlightenment of the Crimson Gold Sect."

"Elder Wu," Xu You looked at Wu Bufan again with a smile.

"Yes," Wu Bufan looked at Xu You with a smile that seemed polite but carried a hint of arrogance, his expression involuntarily becoming somewhat unpleasant.

"Oh? Elder Wu seems a bit unhappy to chat with me. Is something bothering you?" Xu You asked.

"No," Wu Bufan forced a smile. He knew when to be tactful.

"Then I'll ask, and you answer, alright?" Xu You smiled.

"No problem, Junior Xu, please ask," Wu Bufan continued to maintain his smile.

Xu You asked, "Who ordered you to kill me? Why did you come to kill me? What do you plan to do after killing me?"

Wu Bufan was taken aback for a moment and quickly said, "I didn't intend to kill..."

Xu You interrupted him again with a wave of his hand and turned to Mo Yuhuang. "Master, this person is also stubborn."

"What should I do? Should I torture him like I did to Gu Godde?" Mo Yuhuang took over the conversation.

Wu Bufan was shocked and was about to defend himself when Xu You smiled and said, "No need, just give this Gu Godde a few hundred cuts as a lesson. Since his teammate is not reliable, he should bear the consequences together."

"Alright." Mo Yuhuang lifted Gu Godde up like a dead fish and began the gruesome process of cutting him.

Even more agonizing screams came from Gu Godde's mouth, but his vocal cords were already ruined, so the sounds of pain he made were like those from hell.

(Today's chapter is a 10,000-word update. Thanks to Starship Ancestor for the support, and also thanks to the support from You Remember Qingmei. I've been forgetting to thank you.)

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