Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 154: Being A Teacher Allows You To Suffer This Injustice? [10,000 Updates]

Chapter 154: Can I let you suffer like this, my disciple? [10,000 more]

"How do you plan to use such a despicable and ugly person?" Mo Yuhuang said disdainfully, clearly finding Qin Long repulsive.

"Master, as I said before, even trash has its uses," Xu You smiled and then turned to Zhang Changli, asking, "Master, can I establish another contract with Qin Long?"

"The pages of the River of Darkness have limits, usually one-on-one until the contract ends. However, if I intervene, I can allow you to establish two contracts, which is the limit," Zhang Changli replied.

"That's enough, thank you, Master Uncle," Xu You turned to Qin Long and explained everything that had just been said to Wu Bufan.

Then he presented the question to him: whether or not he would become his servant.

Although Qin Long's face looked unpleasant and hesitant, he was currently in dire straits and had no choice but to agree.

How could he die when his great magical career was not yet complete?

The situation was stronger than the individual, and now he had no choice but to submit.

Satisfied, Xu You left the secret room. Mo Yuhuang casually left Wu Gude in the room as well. The vitality of a cultivator in the Sixth Realm was quite resilient; he wouldn't die easily.

"So, Master, what are your plans now?" Xu You asked after leaving the secret room.

"Plans?" Mo Yuhuang sneered, "We will directly declare war on these forces. They have disgusted Vermilion Bird Peak to such an extent that there is no forgiveness."

"Are we really going to fight?" Xu You asked cautiously.

"Do you think I'm joking?" Mo Yuhuang said, "I know you always consider the interests of the sect, but after this matter, it has nothing to do with you. Take care of your injuries."

"I will handle the rest. If we don't show our strength, do they really think Vermilion Bird Hall is a small quail hall?"

Seeing this, Xu You realized that he couldn't persuade her anymore. Although Mo Yuhuang usually didn't care, her decision-making was very strong in critical moments.

But they really had to fight. The Demon Alliance had become more and more excessive, taking advantage inch by inch. If they didn't teach them a lesson, they wouldn't know what even more disgusting provocations they would come up with next time.

"Master, I didn't say you shouldn't take action. It's just that we need to have a plan, act with authority, and stand in a position of forced counterattack. This way, public opinion won't be unfavorable to us," Xu You suggested.

"What do you mean?" Mo Yuhuang asked.

"Plan first, then act. Strike the snake at its seven-inch spot!" Xu You made a cutting gesture with his hand.

Mo Yuhuang raised an eyebrow, not in a hurry to ask Xu You, but turned to Zhang Changli and said, "What about you? Do you want to hear the secret plan of Vermilion Bird Hall and then report it to the sect?"

Zhang Changli was first stunned, then smiled helplessly, "Regarding this matter, I unconditionally support all your actions, Lord Mofeng. Whatever you want me to do, I will do without question."

"Hmm? Are you serious?" Mo Yuhuang looked at him in surprise.

"As the heavens and earth bear witness, I never tell lies," Zhang Changli swore to the heavens.

Mo Yuhuang's face eased slightly, and she no longer asked him to leave. She looked at Xu You and asked, "What do you think?"

"Fight fire with fire. Since they want to use real images for public opinion, we will do the same," Xu You smiled.

"What are you thinking?" Mo Yuhuang glared at him and gave him a thump on the head. "Those Demonic Cultivators are despicable, and you want to learn from them? If you dare to film those indecent images, I'll chop you up!"

Xu You rubbed his forehead, "Master, what are you thinking? I'm not that kind of person. I'm talking about public opinion. We already have the real images from the interrogation. I will edit some useful footage. I will cut their purpose of this trip into an attempt on my life, a secret assassination of the Kunlun genius. Then I will have Wu Bufan record some evidence of this purpose, and finally, I will splice together a footage that will incite public anger. We will have the moral high ground! We will be doing righteous deeds, and no one can find fault with us. At least, we won't have to worry about anyone openly opposing us on the side of the Demon Alliance. Because this kind of thing violates the rules of Shenzhou. Now that the Demon Alliance dares to do such a despicable thing openly, naturally, no one will speak up for them."

Of course, during this time, I will stay hidden in the sect. It won't be convenient for me to show myself. I will say that my life and death are uncertain, that I have been seriously injured and on the verge of death due to an ambush. And you, Master, can do whatever you want outside, and no one will say anything."

"That makes sense," Mo Yuhuang looked at Xu You with relief, "It's still your brain that works well, I don't know who to follow."

"Also, Master, I don't recommend declaring war on both the Demon Alliance and the Heng Alliance and the Gu God Clan at the same time," Xu You continued, "It would be very disadvantageous for us.

After all, I am still unharmed, not considered to have made mortal enemies. If we were to simultaneously engage in battle with all three of them, the losses would be too great.

It would only force the three factions to unite more closely against us."

"So, what do you think we should do?" Mo Yuhuang continued to ask.

"Let's focus on one target!" Xu You replied, "My idea is to only target one force, which is the Demon Alliance. We don't even have to fight the entire Demon Alliance. We can just target the Crimson Gold Sect!

I will only mention the Crimson Gold Sect in public, without mentioning the Heng Alliance and the Gu God Clan, completely downplaying their involvement in this matter.

We can act as if these two factions don't exist, and put all the blame on the Crimson Gold Sect.

There are three advantages to doing this. Firstly, the Heng Alliance and the Gu God Clan, seeing that they are not involved, I believe they won't be foolish enough to come forward and say they are related to this matter, which would only make other factions unhappy with them. They will pretend to be ignorant and remain silent, which will greatly undermine their alliance with the Demon Alliance.

Secondly, the Demon Alliance will most likely directly blame the Crimson Gold Sect and declare that they have nothing to do with this matter. Then we only need to deal with the Crimson Gold Sect, which will reduce the pressure on us.

Lastly, our main goal is to establish our authority through this matter and express the bottom line of our Vermilion Bird Hall and our Kunlun. So, it would be much easier and less costly to only deal with the Crimson Gold Sect.

By handling this matter with the lowest cost, we can resolve it beautifully, regain our reputation, and even if we destroy the Crimson Gold Sect, the righteousness will be on our side.

Master, what do you think?"

"You make sense," Mo Yuhuang fell into deep thought and asked after a while, "I don't quite understand, will this method really work well?"

"It's a great plan, Master," Zhang Changli couldn't help but speak up, "Nephew Xu You has considered all aspects, and I think this is a fantastic solution.

If we only deal with the Crimson Gold Sect, the sect will fully support you, and there will be no opposition. We will have a famous teacher leading the way, and justice will be on our side, a great virtue!"

Mo Yuhuang looked at his beloved disciple's determined gaze and nodded, "Alright, let's do as you say."

"But," Mo Yuhuang's tone suddenly turned serious, "Your proposal is made for the sake of the overall situation.

But I don't want you to always consider the overall situation, and my revenge is not just for temporary satisfaction. I don't want you to feel wronged, do you understand?

So, if you are truly angry and upset, tell me, it's not a big deal to fight against these three forces at the same time.

If you feel wronged, I will make it up to you, otherwise, what's the point of being your master?"

To be honest, Xu You was really moved at this moment. Her master truly cared for her in matters of right and wrong.

She didn't care about those grand schemes, she only had one belief: I am my disciple's support. What need is there for grand schemes and reasoning? Just get things done.

"Master, I'm not feeling wronged, really not feeling wronged. Am I not doing well? I even accepted two lackeys without feeling wronged," Xu You replied confidently.

"Really not feeling wronged?" Mo Yuhuang asked again.

"Really not feeling wronged."

Mo Yuhuang looked deeply into Xu You's eyes, then shook his head gently and lightly pinched Xu You's cheek, "You, I understand now. Let's do as you say.

I'll go upstairs and contact the hall first."

"By the way, Master, there's no need to tell Senior Uncle and Second Senior Brother about this matter," Xu You added.

"Alright, understood," Mo Yuhuang paused for a moment, then left the secret room first.

At this time, Zhang Changli said to Qing Cang, "Go upstairs and bring down two copies of the Book of the Underworld."

"Okay," Qing Cang nodded and went up.

In the spacious secret room, only Zhang Changli and Xu You were left. Zhang Changli looked at Xu You with great satisfaction, gently patting her shoulder and said, "Nephew, you have truly impressed your Uncle with your actions."

Zhang Changli really liked Xu You now. From just now until now, everything was handled in an orderly manner, very thorough, and could be said to be dealing with the problem from a strategic perspective.

Most importantly, it was neither completely impulsive nor completely tolerant, but found a middle ground, a fantastic solution.

At this moment, Zhang Changli has unilaterally determined that Xu You will definitely be the helmsman of Kunlun in the future.

At such a young age, he is shrewd in handling affairs, unparalleled in talent, has a broad vision, and is both kind and ruthless in his methods. He has no flaws in his character and conduct.

He is simply the perfect template for a leader, and he is not even twenty years old yet.

The future is immeasurable. In this Great Dao era, Xu You might really lead Kunlun out of the darkest times.

Zhang Changli feels deeply moved in his heart. Xu You always surprises him.

"There is still much to learn from my senior uncle." Xu You smiles.

"But don't learn from me." Zhang Changli sighs, "If this had happened on Heavenly Authority Peak, if a disciple of Heavenly Authority Peak encountered a situation like yours...

I might have made a big deal out of it and turned a small matter into nothing. How could I be as daring as your master, willing to take the lead in the world?

Today, you and your master have truly taught me. If it weren't for the arrogance in your master, would I have let her look down on me?

I sincerely admire the indomitable spirit in your master, the spirit that fears no one."

Xu You is taken aback. He didn't expect Mo Yuhuang's evaluation to be so high from Zhang Changli's perspective.

"You are still young and don't know many things." Zhang Changli continues, "You have yet to experience the charisma of your master. You will know in the future.

This Mo Jianxian, who is praised by everyone in the Divine Continent, do you really think she is just a beautiful woman who likes to gamble?"

Xu You falls into silence, silently remembering Zhang Changli's words. From this perspective, it seems that his understanding of Mo Yuhuang is not thorough enough.

The most common impression of her is that she is unconventional and likes to tease her own disciples.

"The pages of the book are here." Qing Cang's voice interrupts Xu You's thoughts, and he immediately takes the two pages of the Nether River book.

He is quite familiar with this thing. Last time, when he made a covenant with Lu Tianming in the Heaven Splitting Sect, he used this to make the covenant.

After completing the covenant with the other party, the power of the covenant dissipated.

Xu You looks at the two pages of the Nether River book in his hand. Both the aura it emits and the texture it has are far superior to the one Lu Tianming had before.

The Nether River book is produced in the Ghost Realm, made from the water of the Nether River. Swearing by one's Dao Heart immediately generates a contract.

After completion, the pages of the book turn to ashes. If the oath is violated, the person who swore the oath will be devoured by countless ghosts, and their Great Dao will sink.

It is a deterrent similar to a nuclear weapon. Once agreed upon, it is almost impossible for both parties to violate the contract.

The higher the quality of the pages, the greater the restraint on cultivators. The binding power of these two pages is obviously terrifying.

"These two pages are the best quality in the tower. They are enough to exert the strongest binding force on Wu Bufan and Qin Long. During the covenant period, they will not dare to violate the terms of the covenant." Qing Cang explains.

Zhang Changli also adds with a smile, "In addition, with me overseeing this covenant, there is a slight possibility of them breaking the covenant only if their strength surpasses mine. I believe there is enough guarantee. Nephew, rest assured and accept them as your servants."

Xu You is overjoyed and bows, saying, "Thank you, senior uncle and elder."

"Bring those two here." Zhang Changli gestures to Qing Cang.

Qing Cang nods and quickly brings the two out of the secret room.

When they come out, Qin Long and Wu Bufan's gazes meet briefly and quickly separate.

They have only just met on this mission and are not familiar with each other. In addition, the current situation does not allow for any communication.

"Come here." Zhang Changli beckons to them without any doubt, his tone full of the authority of a superior.

Wu Bufan and Qin Long dare not disobey and obediently walk to Zhang Changli's front to await his orders.

"I told you earlier that from now on, you will be Xu You's protectors. Do you have any doubts now?" Zhang Changli's wording is still very high-sounding, using a more pleasant term for servants.

"No." Both of them bow at the same time.

"Very well, now I will establish the terms of the covenant on the pages of the Nether River book, and then you will swear by your Dao Heart." Zhang Changli says, extending his index finger to write words in the air on the pages of the Nether River book, and reciting each word forcefully.

The terms are simple and domineering. In summary, when Xu You's strength surpasses theirs, they will always serve as Xu You's protectors and obey his commands.

The terms cover all aspects and are even more ruthless than a contract of servitude.

Wu Bufan and Qin Long's eyelids twitched as they listened, but they had no choice. At least Xu You didn't block their path.

They have great hope for this matter because once their cultivation surpasses Xu You's, they will be free. With Xu You's talent, they have high expectations.

After a while, Zhang Changli completed the contract content, and Xu You established separate contracts with the two of them.

Of course, Zhang Changli personally guaranteed the power of this contract, and Wu Bufan and Qin Long could not violate it.

The essence of the Nether River Book Page is actually to establish an equal transaction, while a one-sided oppressive enslavement contract like this must meet several conditions.

First, there must be a strong expert like Zhang Changli in the Heavenly Dao Realm to suppress and guarantee it, otherwise both parties signing the contract may suffer from the backlash of the Heavenly Dao.

Second, when establishing this master-servant relationship, the duration cannot be too long, otherwise it will also suffer from the backlash of the Heavenly Dao.

Third, after establishing the master-servant relationship, the Heavenly Dao expert who sits in must regularly strengthen the power of the contract, otherwise it will also suffer from the backlash.

There are many constraints and limitations associated with establishing this relationship using the Nether River Book Page, which is quite troublesome.

Therefore, in general, few people would use the Nether River Book Page to establish such a servant contract. After all, not everyone can easily find a Heavenly Dao Realm cultivator to guarantee it.

Because sometimes the backlash of the Nether River Book Page can rebound onto the cultivator who guarantees it, the risk is still significant.

So, compared to Xu You's "Charm of the Ghost Fire Youth" Divine Ability, this is not just a difference in level, the latter is truly about establishing an extremely loyal follower.

Of course, Xu You is not worried about these things. With Zhang Changli always present, there is basically no possibility of any problems.

After Xu You established the contract relationship with Wu Bufan and Qin Long, the two of them bowed to Xu You.

Of course, their attitude cannot change immediately, it is impossible for them to kneel down to Xu You right now.

Xu You also doesn't care about these things. The contract is just a constraint, and he really has no intention of being a high and mighty master.

If there is something, he can simply order these two top-notch subordinates to do it. Everyone is equal and good friends.

"Elder Wu, I need your cooperation now," Xu You said.

"Young hero, please speak," Wu Bufan changed his address, neither too distant nor too close, just right.

"Cooperate with me to shoot a realistic image. Oh, and Qin Dao, you come to control the quality," Xu You said.

Wu Bufan hesitated and said in surprise, "Young hero, you don't want me to shoot that kind of image, do you?"

"I don't have such a morbid taste," Xu You waved his hand, "I want to shoot a declaration of war against thieves."

"A declaration of war against thieves?" Wu Bufan didn't understand.

"Well, in simple terms, we, Kunlun, are going to deal with your Crimson Gold Sect, and all of this naturally needs to be done openly, so a realistic image is necessary.

Of course, it will be hard work for Elder Wu. After this image is released, you will become a criminal of the Demon Alliance," Xu You said slowly.

Wu Bufan's eyelids twitched twice. He knew that it was only a matter of time before he had to establish a contract, so after feeling a slight sense of emotion, he clasped his fists and said, "Understood, I will fully cooperate."

Xu You then turned to Qin Long and said, "Qin Dao, I have a few requirements. Only Wu Bufan will appear in this image, and the nature of it should show that Wu Bufan wants to take my life.

In addition, all the planning for this will be attributed to the Crimson Gold Sect, with no connection to the Heng Alliance and Gu God Clan. It should even to some extent blur the presence of the Demon Alliance. Do you understand?"

Qin Long fell into contemplation for a moment, then nodded and said, "I understand."

Xu You threw his law enforcement recorder to Qin Long and said, "Then cut the useful clips from this and follow these requirements.

Remember, this matter is only related to the Crimson Gold Sect, and no other forces are involved."

"Understood." As an experienced director, Qin Long naturally understood all of Xu You's demands.

(End of this chapter)

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