Chapter 16: Blazing Sword of Morality

Above the sea of clouds, Xu You and his group left the snake cave and headed back to the Immortal Gate. He sat alone at the front of the white flying boat, cross-legged.

Bai Genshuo, on the other hand, spoke loudly and enthusiastically, explaining the final situation in the cave one by one.

He especially praised Xu You's bravery.

Although Long Tao's dislocated jaw was put back in place, it wasn't very smooth, and he listened with a muffled expression.

Wu Gang's condition had improved slightly, no longer showing signs of madness, but he sat silently. His eyes were dull, still harboring doubts about this world.

Liu Yiyi bit her lip lightly, sitting at the back of the boat with her knees hugged, her gaze complex as she watched Xu You's figure.

The image of the Jade Maiden that she had painstakingly built might collapse into ruins because of Xu You's spiritual pet talisman.

Not only because of that, but also because she had constantly revealed her fragility and admiration to Xu You throughout the journey.

This move was very effective, bringing only benefits, but Xu You remained unaffected, as calm as ever.

Thinking of this, Liu Yiyi's gaze became even more complicated.

In fact, her title as the First Jade Maiden wasn't entirely false. She enjoyed the adoration of her fellow disciples.

But in order to maintain this image of the Jade Maiden, she had never truly gotten along well with any senior or junior brother.

It was either due to her personality or because she enjoyed this feeling. Wherever she went, she maintained the image of a well-behaved little sister, passing through the world like a weed, untouched by any leaves.

But in the eyes of the Pure Love Mouse, this was still unforgivable!

The criteria for a Pure Love Warrior's judgment was not just physical.

Sitting at the front of the boat, Xu You naturally had no distractions. At this moment, he immersed his mind in his divine palace.

First, he refined the terrifying staff of the lower-level Blazing Fire Snake demons, then obtained seven or eight Blazing Fire Snake Beast Cores.

Only then did he look at the thick, red terrifying staff. The terrifying staff of the fourth realm Blazing Fire Snake demon was thicker than any before.

Xu You couldn't wait and pressed the flower bud, waiting quietly. Waiting for more intense trembling and the flow of golden light.

[Blazing Sword of Morality]

[Divine Ability One: Blazing. When activated, the sword is surrounded by blazing fire, primarily used for attack. The flames also have a hallucinatory effect.

Divine Ability Two: Morality. The wielder of the sword upholds justice and slays evil!

It can purify impure evil spirits, with a certain chance of making them temporarily turn good and abandon their wicked ways! (The effect depends on the strength of both parties)

A gentleman hides his weapon and chooses to do good! Please do your best to help the lost lamb!

Also, good and evil are always balanced. Choosing to do good will also backfire, temporarily clouding one's judgment. ]

Xu You was somewhat stunned as he opened his palm, and a small, fiery red, spiritually vibrant flying sword lay quietly there.

Looking at the flying sword lying in the palm of his hand.

His own flying sword had just been broken, and it had thoughtfully been replaced.

He thought that since the Blazing Fire Snake demons were so lascivious, the things they produced should be unconventional.

But what kind of magical ability was this Blazing Sword of Morality?

First of all, Xu You was very pleased that the spiritual sword came with two Divine Abilities. It was not in vain that it came from a powerful fourth realm snake demon.

Secondly, he was satisfied with the Blazing Divine Ability. It was primarily used for attack, a powerful fire attribute attack with a hallucinatory effect, and most likely a group skill with a high probability of success.

No matter how you looked at it, it was practical.

It was just that this Morality Divine Ability seemed difficult to understand.

In other words, could you make an evil being who had done bad things all their life turn good with just one sword?

Looking at the flying sword, Xu You fell into contemplation. How should he use this thing?

Could he use it even if he didn't understand swordsmanship?

If someone is truly chopped up into a righteous person, then wouldn't killing them be equivalent to killing a good person?

Killing a good person means there won't be any rewards from Azure Lotus, right?

This moral Divine Ability made him deeply understand the contradiction in these two words.

But that's all fine, what the hell is this "color makes one lose their wits" in the end?

Once the moral Divine Ability is triggered, does it make one lose their wits?

What a joke, I, Xu Mou, am a righteous gentleman!

This is outrageous.

But thinking about it, this is the even more outrageous creation of Azure Lotus, so Xu You felt it became reasonable again.

After a few moments, Xu You and his group returned to the gate. Bai Genshuo immediately forced Xu You to give him his contact information, as if he wanted to establish a life-and-death friendship with Xu You.

After obtaining the contact information, he hurriedly left, looking like he had important matters to attend to, only saying that he would find Xu You later.

Liu Yiyi still looked at Xu You with a complex expression on her face, wanting to say something several times, but hesitated each time. Finally, she stepped forward and softly called out,

"Junior Brother Xu, wait a moment."

Xu You paused and turned to look at her.

"Um, um, I wanted to ask Junior Brother Xu for a favor." Liu Yiyi pinched her clothes with her left hand and twirled her bangs with her right hand, her voice soft and gentle.

"You may speak." Xu You nodded slightly.

"Well, it's about the underground cave. I..."

"I know." Xu You said indifferently, "I've forgotten what happened in the underground cave."

Liu Yiyi was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Xu You with joy in her eyes.

"But I also have a question, please answer truthfully." Xu You asked in return.

"Junior Brother, please ask."

"Senior Sister's weekly portraits in the mansion's newspaper, are they cooperating with the newspaper? Or, does the newspaper give Senior Sister any compensation?" Xu You asked.

Liu Yiyi thought for a moment and answered truthfully, "Um, there is compensation."

"I understand. Senior Sister, rest assured, I will keep the matter of the underground cave to myself." Xu You added.

"Thank you, Junior Brother. If you ever need my help in the future, feel free to ask. Anything... is fine." Liu Yiyi lowered her head slightly, her face blushing lightly, like a budding white lotus.

Xu You just nodded and said goodbye before walking away.

Liu Yiyi watched Xu You's figure and then immediately went to catch up with Wu Gang, whispering something to him.

Xu You glanced at the two of them out of the corner of his eye and couldn't help but shake his head.

How could Wu Gang, this honest pure love warrior, be a match? Perhaps he feels like a dead ember now, but with Liu Yiyi's company, he will believe he can quickly recover.

Of course, she should be forgiven!

In this situation, persuasion is useless and can even turn into enmity.

Only through personal experience, pain, will one come to repentance, or never repent.

Back at the Immortal Gate, Xu You immediately rushed to the Heaven-Connecting Peak. He first settled the rewards for the pioneering mission.

Originally, this mission was worth 1,000 Kun coins, 200 per person. But since they dealt with a fourth realm snake demon, they each received an additional 100. Plus, they confirmed the existence of the Red Sulfur Spirit Mine, so each person received an additional 200!

500 coins per person, a huge sum!

Satisfied, Xu You left and arrived at the bustling main street of the Heaven-Connecting Peak, called Baitong Street. There were numerous shops here, offering various services.

Following the crowd for a while, Xu You arrived at a shop called Cloud Pill Pavilion.

This was a shop specializing in the buying and selling of elixirs and spiritual herbs, backed by the Yun Dan Peak.

(End of this chapter)

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