Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 164 Chapter 169 170 Shameless And Cunning Xu You, Eradicate The Roots. If You Laugh At Me Ag

Chapter 164 Chapter 169 170 Shameless and cunning Xu You, eradicate the roots. If you laugh at me again, I won’t change my shape! Grotto-Heaven secret place

Without much effort, Xu You rushed out of the mine field with Xue Qianluo. At the same time, he ejected Xue Qianluo from his stomach, and then returned to his normal form.

Xu You rubbed his slightly numb body and said quickly, "Senior sister, it seems we are going to have a fierce battle."

"Yes." Xue Qianluo could naturally sense that the powerful Great Monster in the Thunder Domain was charging towards us, "The Unicorn Thunder Beast from the Four Realms is also here."

"I suspect that the big one is his father, he is shaking people!" Xu You said angrily.

"Is it possible that we broke into the minefield?" Xue Qianluo said, "Especially when we were close to the glowing place."

"Yes, that proves that our idea is correct. The place we went out may have something to do with it, but if we want to go there, we probably have to deal with this Six Realm Demonic Beast." Xu You said quickly.

"Sister, are you sure?"

Xue Qianluo just nodded lightly, "It's no problem here, but in Leiyu, I am no match.

This one-horned thunder dog is obviously stronger in that thunder field and is at home like a fish in water. "

"Is such that."

As soon as Xu You finished speaking, the hill-like six-realm one-horned thunder dog rushed out, and the thunder light on its body dispelled a lot of the surrounding darkness.

The thunder-type Demonic Beast in the middle of the Six Realms has extremely amazing strength, and the power on its body is extremely frightening.

Xu You was naturally no match for him, so he immediately retreated and handed the stage to Xue Qianluo, as long as he didn't hold him back now.

But Xu You probably feels that Xue Qianluo is also a bit tired. She has only entered the fifth realm not long ago, and facing this Great Monster alone is very stressful.

Xu You seizes the time to adjust his breathing. The trip to the thunder field just now consumed a lot of his cultivation.

As for the one-horned thunder dog in the four realms, he did not dare to run out. Instead, the cat looked outside in the thunder field, and seemed to be quite cautious and could run away at any time.

Obviously, Xu You's pursuit all the way just now caused a lot of psychological shadow to the other party.

Xu You ignored the little one. Now he went up to do it and it will probably annoy the big one even more. He will deal with it later.


The huge one-horned thunder dog beast roared, the sound was deafening, and the breath it exhaled was filled with the strong smell of blood.

The sharp teeth in the beast's mouth are still faintly hung with shreds of meat. This one-horned thunder dog likes to eat human heads and blood. This thing must have had a feast not long ago.

Xue Qianluo didn't dare to be too pretentious, so she directly used Tai'a Jian, the flying sword she relied on most.

With the Tai'a Sword in hand, the temperament of the Sword Immortal is faintly revealed.

The one-horned thunder dog's body exploded with lightning, and a thick thunder method with one horn shot out instantly, hitting Xue Qianluo with a bang.

The strength of the Sixth Realm Demonic Beast is extraordinary. The power of this thunder method is terrifying, twisting the surrounding darkness with electricity.

Its speed was so fast that Xue Qianluo, whose Qi was locked, had no time to avoid it. She held the Tai'a Sword horizontally with her left hand and patted the sword body with her right hand.

A generous Tai'a Jianxu image was a huge shield stopped in front of him, and the thunder technique fell on it and exploded.

The ripples of the explosion were so powerful that Xu You, who was adjusting his breath on one side, was blown away to another place.

Xu You shook his head and quickly looked over at Xue Qianluo, only to see that she was also pushed back far away by the explosive power of this thunder technique.

The Tai'a sword in his hand was trembling a little, and a little blood oozed from the corner of his mouth.

Obviously, both she and Xu You underestimated this mid-six-realm Demonic Beast, whose powerful strength was far beyond that of the ordinary six-realm Monster Cultivator.

"Senior sister, can you hold on?" Xu You shouted.

Xue Qianluo did not answer, but raised the Tai'a sword high and made a secret with his left hand.

Too gorgeous!

A solid sword energy several feet long spurted out. The sword energy was too brilliant, which was one of Xue Qianluo's killing moves as a swordsman major.

When Qi is deficient and full, use force to break things.

Taihua Sword Qi is not about skill, it is purely about swordsmanship. The stronger will be stronger.

With Xue Qianluo's terrifying talent in swordsmanship, there is no need to elaborate on the power of this sword.

This sword energy is the color of sapphire, and it shoots towards the one-horned thunder dog with lightning speed.

Seeing the sword energy coming towards him, the hair on the latter's body instantly stood up. Although it was not very smart, it was still knowledgeable. The horror of this sword energy made him feel a little frightened.

Soon, every hair on the thunder dog's body was directed towards the horn, and a more terrifying thunder technique spurted out, heading straight towards the Taihua Sword Qi.


The dazzling light exploded in the darkness, and Xu You narrowed his eyes subconsciously.

The collision between the sword energy and the thunder technique exploded with terrifying noise, and the spreading aftermath swept into a violent spiritual energy wind, which made Xu You's whole body hurt.

After the aftermath of the explosion dissipated, Xu You's eyes fell on Xue Qianluo for the first time. Her aura was obviously much weaker than at the beginning.

Although they were evenly matched against Todoroki with the sword just now, Xue Qianluo was actually the loser. She was obviously holding on at the moment.

The one-horned thunder dog did not dare to step forward rashly for a while. It looked at Xue Qianluo with its huge pupils in surprise, a little confused as to why this human race whose cultivation level was far lower than his own could be so powerful.

This is very unreasonable. He had eaten some of the Five Realm monks before, but he had solved them all in one move and then swallowed them alive.

When the Demonic Beast hesitated, Xu You immediately flew to Xue Qianluo's side and said through his spiritual consciousness, "Senior sister, the Demonic Beast's aura is still strong. If you continue to fight like this, you will definitely not be able to defeat it.

When we are exhausted, we will all be suspended. "

"What can you do?" Xue Qianluo did not show off. In the end she was no match for the Demonic Beast.

In other words, there is no monk in the world who can defeat this thunder-type Demonic Beast in the middle stage of the sixth stage with the cultivation level of the early stage of the fifth stage.

At this moment, seeing Xu You asking, Xue Qianluo asked directly. She knew Xu You, and he must have had some thoughts before asking her this question.

"Well, there is a way." Xu You quickly replied, "The One-Horned Thunder Dog actually only has one truly powerful Divine Ability, and that is the powerful thunder technique it emits with its one horn.

Other Divine Abilities can basically be ignored. Moreover, this one-horned thunder dog is also a race with relatively low IQ in Demonic Beast. In other words, its nature is relatively axial and accepts death.

So, I want to start from these two points. "

"How to say?"

"I'll drain his cultivation, just cooperate with me."

After Xu You finished speaking, he used Soul Formation again, and his whole body directly expanded into a big balloon, wrapping Xue Qianluo under his belly.

Then, Xu You's big face looked at the one-horned thunder dog and taunted him, "You evil beast, if you dare to electrocute me to death, I will call you by your last name."

The thunder dog was a little stunned, and he immediately recognized the big meat ball as the one that ignored his attack in the thunder field just now.

Now he is mocking himself and protecting Xue Qianluo, who was fighting with him just now. The eyes of the thunder dog are about to burst, and the vicious teeth are barking at Xu You.

The horn on his head once again brewed a powerful thunder technique.


A shocking thunder fell directly on Xu You.

I saw Xu You bouncing around like a rubber ball, but his vitality was very tenacious, and the lightning technique just now did not hurt him at all.

Even during the playing process, he laughed wildly and loudly, "That's it? Can you do it, silly dog? What's going on? There's no electricity in the corner or something? Why are you tickling me here? Come on, continue to electricity me. .”

As soon as these words came out, the thunder dog's eyes turned red and he turned on Xu You again.

But Xu You's ball still didn't appear to be damaged in any way. It was bouncing around and still saying sarcastic words.

The thunder dog lost its mind looking at this hateful big meat ball and kept firing at Xu You.

In this way, less than a quarter of an hour passed, and the one-horned thunder dog had forgotten how many times he had fired the thunder technique. The big meat ball was still tenacious, and he did not repeat what he said to ridicule himself.

Xue Qianluo, who was hiding in Xu You's belly, fell into deep silence at this moment.

This thing is very ridiculous, but I don’t know why but it is so reasonable.

Through the gap, she could clearly see that the thunder dog's aura was getting weaker and weaker, and the thunder technique was getting weaker and weaker.

No matter how high your cultivation level is, you can't withstand such abuse.

Xu You's various taunts about not being a man's son echoed in his ears. At a certain moment, Xue Qianluo had the urge to draw his sword and chop off the big meat ball.

What's more, it's the stupid dog in question.

Xu You in her big meatball state is cute, but she really needs a beating.

"Yo? Isn't this okay, silly dog?"

The one-horned thunder dog's body was covered in sweat at the moment, and there was no more thunder magic that could be condensed into the horn. There really wasn't even a drop left.

Looking at Xu You who was still jumping around and swearing, Shagou said that he was really angry.

Fortunately, it is not that stupid. It knows how to recharge the battery when it runs out. It wants to go back to the minefield to recharge the battery before coming back to kill Xu You.

But the sharp-eyed Xu You was just when the thunder dog wanted to run away to the Demon Realm, he ejected Xue Qianluo with a fat carp and said loudly.

"Senior sister, that stupid dog wants to go back to Leiyu to replenish his cultivation. Kill him now!"

Although Xue Qianluo was a little embarrassed by Xu You's ejection posture, but business was important, she teleported directly to the opposite side of the one-horned thunder dog, holding the Tai'a sword, and fired a sword energy with her backhand.

The thunder dog looked at this terrifying sword energy, and the hair on his body exploded. He tried hard to squeeze out the thunder technique, but couldn't.

In the end, the sword energy struck directly on its body, and the overbearing power knocked it away fiercely, even though its body was so tempered that even ordinary six-level monks could not easily break through its defenses.

However, Xue Qianluo's sword penetrated three-thirds of the flesh directly, making a huge gash on his back, and blood flowed down.

The one-horned thunder dog roared in pain. The sword energy not only cut him, but more importantly, the sword energy penetrated his bones and rushed through his body.

Without enough cultivation to resist, his body was instantly hit hard and turned upside down.

Seeing Xue Qianluo blocking his way, the one-horned thunder dog's anger had reached its extreme, and it couldn't care less at the moment.

The cultivation base is drained, but the Gold Core is still there, and the origin is still there.

Even if it tried its best to damage the foundation, it would still kill these two hateful human monks.

With the call of the original power of Gold Core, the one-horned thunder dog quickly dissipated the sword energy in the body, and the horn gave birth to a more ferocious thunder technique than before.

Blue with red gold, Xue Qianluo's face changed when she saw this, she bit the tip of her tongue, and when she was about to fight with her blood and blood, Xu You, the big meat ball, had already teleported in front of her and swallowed it whole.

When the thunder dog was extremely angry just now, Xu You had already stepped forward, waiting for an opportunity to make a move.

As this terrifying thunder technique fell on Xu You, he was violently bounced away again, and his whole body was electrocuted.

His belly seemed to be a little burnt black, and this lightning technique had caused some damage to him.

The thunder dog was angry. When Xue Qianluo was cut off again, he found that Xu You was beaten so hard that he could not speak, and there were finally scars on his body.

He barked at Xu You excitedly. The meaning in his words was obvious, why don't you continue barking? Yell!

Xu You directly enlarged his middle finger and raised an extra-large middle finger towards the other party.

Seeing that this ball of flesh can still extend its eye-catching middle finger, the one-horned thunder dog has completely lost its mind, and it does not care that continuing to use its original power will cause irreversible injuries to Beast Core.

The horn fired thunder at Xu You.

Then Xu You was banging and banging everywhere, and every point on his body was scorched black. He was still unable to speak and just stubbornly raised his middle finger.

So, one person and one dog were completely on top, Xu You gritted his teeth and raised his middle finger.

With the thought of killing the meat ball, Thunder Dog kept draining the original power of his Beast Core.

In this way, after a little more than a quarter of an hour, the one-horned thunder dog realized something was wrong as he slowly regained his senses.

Damn it, this big meat ball was almost turned into a carbon ball, why is the breath still so stable? Why can the middle finger be raised so three-dimensionally?

The one-horned thunder dog was panting heavily, and the soft hair on its body was now gray and gray. The power of the Gold Core had been drained just now, and its basic source was greatly damaged.

At this moment, it was a little frightened, and even more annoyed that its superiors had tried so hard just now. In this state, couldn't that female swordsman kill him?

Thinking of this answer, the one-horned thunder dog ignored his anger and quickly turned around and ran away. A strong desire to survive occupied his mind.

But how can Xu You let the tiger go back to the mountain?

He fired another belly shot, sending Xue Qianluo out directly, and said loudly, "Senior sister, now that stupid dog has no capital to resist at all, kill him!"

The smart Xue Qianluo naturally seized this opportunity and the Tai'a sword came out without turning into much sword energy.

It was just a simple long sword shot out, with a faint green light wrapped around the blade. It looked extremely simple, just like the sword energy of a little swordsman who had just learned the way of swordsmanship.

But the power is different.

The moment the one-horned thunder dog saw Tai'a Sword charging towards him, fear was written on the huge dog's face, and the despair of death enveloped his heart.

It roared angrily, but it couldn't squeeze out any more cultivation or origin, and it relied purely on its physical body to resist.

But how can we bear it?

The long sword was like a rainbow, cutting off the Thunder Dog's natural horn like splitting tofu, and then continued to move forward, cutting its body into two.

Even the beast soul of the one-horned thunder dog was about to be crushed by Tai'a sword. At this time, Xu You said, "Sister, please show mercy!"

Xue Qianluo braked in time and took back the Tai'a sword.

And the hope of exploding the one-horned thunder dog's transparent beast soul was staring at the big meat ball with its extremely weak eyes.

Xu You returned to his human form, his whole body was scorched black, but he didn't care much and immediately passed over.

"Why do you ask me to stop?" Xue Qianluo asked.

"You go kill the little one, and I'll take care of the big one." Xu You pointed at Leiyu and said.

Xue Qianluo turned around and saw that the little thunder dog of the Four Realms ran away without looking back, not caring about his father.

Xue Qianluo didn't think too much and fired directly at the opponent.

Xu You looked at the huge beast soul floating in the darkness with a smile on his face.

The silly dog ​​also tried his best to put on a kind smile on his face.

"I have a few questions to ask you. Can you answer them? Do you understand me?" Xu You asked with a smile.

The dog's head nods in the air, reflecting its current value.

"where is this place?"

The dog's head shook.

"Huh? Don't tell me? Then I will have no choice but to kill you."

The dog's head shook crazily again, and then it stared into the darkness ahead. Three words floated in the darkness: I don't know.

Xu You continued to ask, "Where is the minefield below?"

"have no idea."

"Why are you in the thunder field?"

"I don't know, I've been living in this minefield since I was born."

"Hmm? Besides you and that little one, are there any other Demonic Beasts or other creatures?"

"No, just the two of us."

"Is that little one your child?"

"It's my child."

"When you ate blood food before, did you always go around this desert to eat it?"

"Absolutely not. We are extremely careful not to allow anyone to discover this place. I used to travel far and wide to eat some secretly.

My son has never been out since he was born. This time he sneaked out while I was practicing and attracted you here. "

Xu You continued to ask, "You don't have anything to do in this minefield? Where was the place I approached just now?"

"I don't know, but I am guarding that place. Anyone who dares to go in will be killed without mercy."

Xu You suddenly realized that this one-horned thunder dog was in a sense the Demonic Beast that was here, and he didn’t know what was behind the light.

There are so many obstacles arranged in front, and there are such powerful unicorn thunder beasts to guard them.

"Has anyone been here before?" Xu You continued to ask.

"There's been one for as long as I can remember."

"Oh? When did you come?"

"Two days ago."

"What?" Xu You was a little surprised, "Just two days ago? Where is he now?"

"I beat him away." The one-horned thunder dog wrote quickly, with a very proud expression.

"What kind of cultivation is he? What does he look like? How did he get out?"

"Sixth Realm Late Stage. Use Zhang Fulu to get out." The One-Horned Thunder Dog described this person carefully.

Xu You fell into deep contemplation. He did not expect such a coincidence. This kind of place would not see anyone for many years, but a strong person from the Sixth Realm Late Stage happened to come two days ago.

In such a barren land, Xu You would not think that the big boss of Six Realm Late Stage broke in accidentally. He definitely came with a purpose.

In other words, there must be something secret about this place that I don't know about.

"I told you, can you survive?"

"No, I'll see you in the next life." Xu You directly used his sword to crush the opponent's remaining beast soul power. By the way, he ingested a thick soul stick.

He will not be merciful. The relationship between the two parties is life and death.

He almost died under the electric shock of this Demonic Beast just now. If he hadn't been clever, he might have died today. Naturally, he would not be merciful to this vicious dog Xu You.

So, kill, just kill.

The spirit stick is important, and the Demonic Beast materials on the ground are also important, but it is a pity that the Beast Core is useless because its original power has been drained.

The physical material also lacks integrity and has little value. The only thing of any value is the huge horn.

And the one-horned thunder dog didn't understand until his death how he died here today?

what is this?

How could there be such shameless and cunning human beings in the world? I regret that I should not have sex!

After Xu You finished cleaning up here, Xue Qianluo also flew back. Looking at the clean surroundings, she asked, "What about the beast soul?"

"I strangled him." With that, Xu You told Xue Qianluo all the information he had just asked about.

After hearing this, the latter said, "It's a good thing you were careful, otherwise I wouldn't have gotten this information if I had killed you just now."

"Where's the little one?" Xu You asked with a smile.

"Kill, the roots have been removed, don't worry." Xue Qianluo said calmly.

"That's good."

"Are you okay?" Xue Qianluo pointed at the dark thing on Xu You.

"It's okay." Xu You stretched out his hand to wipe away the black stains on his body.

"Isn't this someone who was electrocuted?"

"How is it possible? If it was really turned into coke by electricity, I would have lost my body." Xu You explained with a smile, "I am ordinary black powder, sprinkled on my body, to create my body for that evil beast." The illusion of being scorched by electricity.”

"So, the Demonic Beast just used the power of Beast Core to shock you, but you were actually fine?"

"It's a bit troublesome, but I can handle it."

"So you're pretending to be defeated, you can't even talk, and you're spreading all this black powder just to drain that Demonic Beast's Beast Core power?"


Xue Qianluo looked at Xu You speechlessly, but she was worried to death just now.

Now looking back on the way to kill this mid-six realm Demonic Beast, Xu You's method was simply too shameless.

Relying on his gelling technique, he first forced the opponent to drain his cultivation base, and then showed weak stimulation to drain the opponent's Beast Core. Only then did he make a complete counterattack.

The method is indeed a bit shameless, but it is very useful and the effect is very good.

Xue Qianluo expressed his gratitude. After all, Xu You saved both of their lives in a sense.

As for Xu You's fighting method, Xue Qianluo also fell into deep thought. From her perspective, fighting must be an honest fight.

Those scheming tricks can only be done by evil cultivators, but now it seems that this is not always the case.

Xu You's clever and clever approach is sometimes the most useful.

"What matters now is the monk with the Sixth Realm Late Stage cultivation. He definitely came here for some reason two days ago. If he comes back and sees us here later, he will immediately be tempted to kill him."

Xu You pondered and continued, "So, we must get out as soon as possible, otherwise we will be very passive if we are stuck here."

"Yes." Xue Qianluo nodded, "The Six Realm monks must have something they want, and we have to leave as soon as possible."

"But I'm curious, what kind of talisman did he use to leave here?" Xu You asked puzzledly.

"It is estimated to be an Apex Level talisman such as the Boundary Breaking Talisman. However, this kind of talisman is very expensive and cannot be used unless the cultivation level is six or above. It has the ability to travel through space in a short time."

Xu You nodded suddenly, which further proved that the man had a lot of background and had to leave quickly.

"What to do next?" Xue Qianluo asked.

She is now very convinced of Xu You, the kind who can fight wherever she wants.

"The only way out is the place guarded by that silly dog. Let's go there and take a look. We must be able to find a way out.

There is no danger in the minefield below, and my Divine Ability can reach that place and go directly there. "Xu You said.

"But before that, we have to erase all the traces left here to avoid future troubles."

"Okay." Xue Qianluo has no objection to Xu You's caution. She would do this even if Xu You didn't say anything.

Cleaning up the traces of the battle is not difficult, but it requires carefulness and meticulousness. Xu You and the two spent a lot of time working together to clean up all the traces around them, so that no one can see it.

As soon as he finished this matter, Xue Qianluo nodded and said, "Without further delay, let's go."

"Senior sister, you have to give me a breather, right? The donkeys in the grinding mill still have time to rest. I have been enduring all kinds of electric shocks just now.

In addition, if you use the cunning Divine Ability too much, it will have serious side effects. I'll take my time, don't be anxious. "

"Sorry, please adjust your breath first." Xue Qianluo was a little apologetic. Compared with Xu You, she was really struggling today. Xu You solved many things and found solutions.

Xu You was not polite and sat down cross-legged on the spot to adjust his breathing.

Xue Qianluo was quietly protecting the Dharma from one side so as not to disturb Xu You, while at the same time his eyes were on Xu You unconsciously.

Looking at the other party's handsome face, Xue Qianluo was somewhat thoughtful.

I am now very familiar with Xu You, and have accumulated a lot of contact time during this period.

Growing up, besides his master, Xue Qianluo was the second person with whom Xu You had such long contact time.

How can I put it, the feedback from staying with Xu You is very strange. He is a very strange and weird person, but I can’t pinpoint the specific strangeness.

I always feel that it is really comfortable to get along with the other person, not resisting at all, and very comfortable.

Moreover, Xu You always seems to surprise himself every time. Although he is only in the fourth realm, he always gives people the impression that he is invincible and very powerful.

It's really weird. Xue Qianluo couldn't figure out what he knew about Xu You, and then he just looked at Xu You directly, his eyes sinking in.

I don't know how long it took, but Xu You opened his eyes in high spirits, and immediately saw Xue Qianluo staring straight at him.

"Huh? Senior sister, is there something on my face?" Xu You touched his face and asked strangely.

"Oh, no." Xue Qianluo came back with flashing eyes, and immediately turned away with a guilty conscience.

Xu You didn't think too much, but you can't blame him for not being careful. In his mind, he didn't regard Xue Qianluo as a normal girl.

She has always had the impression of being cool, and a cold girl cannot have too many emotions.

"Come on, senior sister, it's time to set off." Xu You said with a smile.

Xue Qianluo turned his head to look at Xu You, and then suddenly laughed out loud, his eyebrows crooked and bursting in the dark night.

Xu You stood there blankly at first, surprised by Xue Qianluo's smile that was so bright that he felt deep in his heart. Then he suddenly thought of something and said angrily.

"Senior sister, what are you laughing at!"

"It's nothing, I suddenly thought of something happy." Xue Qianluo tried his best to suppress a smile.

"You are obviously laughing at me!" Xu You said anxiously, "I won't change my body if you keep doing this!"

"Sorry!" Xue Qianluo apologized seriously.

She really remembered the spherical Xu You just now and couldn't stop laughing.

During the fierce battle just now, she would not have thought about this, but after the battle was over and her heart was relieved, she really wanted to laugh when she thought of the scene just now.

The kind that can't stop laughing.

How could anyone turn into such a big ball of flesh? It’s so cute. If Xu You wasn’t afraid of being angry, she would have pinched it all over. It feels so good and so cute!

Of course, Xue Qianluo would not say this, not only because he was afraid that Xu You would be angry, but also because of his own personality, he was destined not to say these things.

Say it, it’s not cool!

But no matter how tense she is now, the thought of hiding in Xu You's belly makes her want to laugh again, and she can't stop it.

Then Xu You looked at his senior sister with black lines on his head,

In this way, after a while, Xue Qianluo took a deep breath and said, "Sorry, let's go, I have no problem."

Xu You snorted, and this time turned into a big ball rather reluctantly, and then sucked Xue Qianluo into his belly again, and plunged into the thunder field.

With the previous experience and the fact that there were no other dangers in this minefield, Xu You felt confident and bold enough to speed up.

Of course, the most important thing was the confidence that the six-level one-horned thunder dog gave him. The gelling limit of my own is very high, even the full-power motor of the Sixth Realm Demonic Beast can't penetrate it, so the safety threshold is still very high.

Soon, Xu You went all the way down and came to the same place just now.

After getting closer, Xu You found that it was clearly like a huge hole, emitting a white light. Xu You didn't hesitate too much and plunged straight in.

After a slight trance, Xu You felt that the glare of the thunderstorm around him disappeared instantly, replaced by a warm and peaceful light.

The surrounding area is no longer a minefield, but looks like a cave. The cave is very large and inlaid with many luminous beads. This warm light is the light emitted by these beads.

Xu You lost the glue, Soul Formation Tong and Xue Qianluo both fell down.

He and Xue Qianluo immediately observed the surrounding environment. The position they were in now seemed to be at the entrance of a cave. There was a wide passage that extended inside and didn't know where it led.

The spiritual energy in this cave is also very rich, and the surrounding area is covered with some unknown spiritual grasses, spiritual fruits and the like.

"Senior sister, this isn't some senior's Cave Mansion, is it?" Xu You asked.

From all the experiences of coming down from the ground, first the black hole, then the jade plate, then the thunder field, and the Demonic Beast protecting the cave, and finally coming to this cave, it looks like a certain expert's Cave Mansion.

Everything above is used to protect this Cave Mansion.

Looking at the desolate surroundings, I don’t know how many years this Cave Mansion has been here.

"I don't know, but it's very possible." Xue Qianluo replied, "Let's go in. If it's really a Cave Mansion or something, there must be an exit.

But be careful, there may be other tricks here. "

"Understood." Xu You nodded and walked slowly inside with Xue Qianluo cautiously.

[Just be a little lazy today and work hard to update tomorrow, okay? Yesterday, a book friend said that the most important thing for a man is his continuous fighting ability. I agree very much.

Anyway, the number of subsequent monthly updates will definitely be no less than 250,000-280,000 words, because the quality must be ensured when updating, and you cannot blindly update, otherwise the meaning of updating will be lost.

Quality and update quantity are both guaranteed! The coast is guaranteed to fight to the death!

In addition, this plot is very important for what follows and needs more foreshadowing. Finally, I shamelessly asked for a monthly ticket at the end of the month. ]

(End of chapter)

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