Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 166 Chapter 173 174 Be The First To Arrive And The Enemies Are All Here. The Girls Xu Knows

Chapter 166 Chapter 173 174 Be the first to arrive and the enemies are all here. The girls Xu knows are all good girls!

After sorting it out, Xu You was still a little worried and said, "If the Beast Control Sect really finds this, they won't find any traces left by us.

But they will definitely investigate all the monks who come and go in the Lagan Desert, and they will naturally investigate us when the time comes.

Because we are here to hunt down the Thunder-type Demonic Beast, and the other party will even directly contact the One-Horned Thunder Dog. When the time comes, I personally think they will also target us. "

Xue Qianluo fell into deep thought and finally said, "Then let's go back generously and immediately report our teaching mission directly. I still keep the materials about the Four Realms Thunder Dog."

When presented as evidence, the more generous we are, the less likely people will be suspicious. After all, the Four Realm Thunder Dogs did run out of the Thunder Territory.

Besides, it’s just the two of us on this trip. Even if the Beast Control Sect suspects us, it is impossible for them to think that we did it.

There is a thunder field blocked by the six-level one-horned thunder dog. It is impossible for the two of us to break through it with our cultivation.

To put it bluntly, even if they still have doubts despite these things, we are not afraid. A strong dragon will not overwhelm a local snake. If the Beast Control Sect doesn't have any evidence to suspect it, it won't dare do anything to you and me.

Of course, the premise is that you will not be able to use this glue Soul Formation easily after passing it. Otherwise, if the news spreads, it will make the Beast Control Sect even more suspicious of us. "

"Senior sister, thank you!" Xu You gave a thumbs up, "My gelling technique is currently known to senior sister. I will use it with caution in the future."

After saying that, Xu You continued, "Before, I always thought that Senior Sister was just an ascetic cultivator. After today's series of contacts, I realized that Senior Sister, you also have a delicate heart.

Senior sister's wisdom is unparalleled in the world, and I admire her very much. "

Xue Qianluo said calmly, "You are the master of this, and you are full of tricks."

"Ah?" Xu You said in shock, "Sister, am I this kind of person in your mind?"

"Yeah." Xue Qianluo nodded.

Xu You said angrily, "I'm very sad now!"

"Then just take your time and be sad." Xue Qianluo turned and walked towards the jade platform, ready to find the cracking formation that could get out.

Xu You followed with a dull expression, stood next to Xue Qianluo and muttered, "I didn't expect you, senior sister, to talk so much."

"What did you say?" Xue Qianluo looked sideways at Xu You.

"I mean, senior sister, you talked a lot today. I don't know how much you have said from the beginning to now."

Xue Qianluo's expression also froze slightly, and finally fell silent.

Seeing this, Xu You smiled and said, "I'm joking, senior sister."

Xue Qianluo ignored him.

"Are you ignoring people?"

Xue Qianluo still ignored him.

"Sister, it's not good for you to do this. We haven't gone out yet and we need to communicate."

Xue Qianluo still ignored him.

"Senior sister, I."

"Shut up and get to work, I'm a man of few words!" Xue Qianluo said rather coldly.

Seeing the other party's expression, Xu You didn't dare to say anything for a while.

The boundary-breaking teleportation array left by Quan Ji is not difficult to use. There is also an instruction manual left on the jade platform. After the activation is completed, the jade platform slowly opens to reveal the small teleportation array underneath.

Xu You and Xue Qianluo went up without hesitation. The formation was not too small, more than enough to accommodate the two of them.

The moment the two people stood up, the formation buzzed into action, and a golden light curtain enveloped the two people, and finally disappeared into this space together with the formation.

The moment Xu You and the two left, the huge Cave Mansion began to tremble, and countless thunder spirit energy poured out from the thunder formation.

The first thing to bear the brunt was the jade platform, which was suddenly turned into powder and completely dissipated. Finally, the thunder spirit swept through the entire Cave Mansion with a violent attitude, crushing all traces.

Above the desert, a space slowly tore open a pitch-black hole.

A golden light burst out, and Xu You and Xue Qianluo both stumbled to the ground, both of them feeling a little dizzy at the moment.

The Divine Ability of this space can only be slowly mastered by monks after the seventh realm. With their cultivation, they will naturally feel huge pressure during this transmission process.

If it weren't for this golden light protection, it could be directly crushed and broken by the power of space.

After a while, the two of them slowly calmed down. Xu You raised his head and looked around, and said in surprise, "Sister, we are out.

This boundary-breaking teleportation array is indeed powerful. "

Xue Qianluo also glanced around and said, "Go back first, those students are still waiting."

It's almost Breaking Dawn now, the bright moon is no longer there, and the morning glow has begun to bloom at the end of the desert. The two of them were delayed for almost a whole night. If they went back later, those students might not be able to sit still.

The two of them looked in the right direction and rushed away. The distance was not far, and it only took them a quarter of an hour to arrive.

Xu You and Xue Qianluo did not choose to stay here longer. They briefly explained the things that needed to be explained to the students and then took them back to Tianque City.

Xu You and Xue Qianluo did not fabricate useless lies to these students, nor did they require these students to keep secrets, etc.

There is no way that dozens of Monster Race boys could hide the information about this one-horned thunder dog, so it would be better to do it openly so as not to arouse suspicion.

Just half a day after Xu You and Xue Qianluo left through the teleportation array left by Quanji Perfected Being.

Two figures suddenly appeared in the darkness under the sand, a middle-aged man and an old man.

Among them, the middle-aged man has a cultivation level of the Sixth Realm Late Stage, and the old man has a cultivation level of the Seventh Realm Late Stage.

They were wearing the same green robes with the word "Beast Control" written on their chests.

At this moment, their eyes wandered around the darkness, and finally they looked straight down.

"Mr. Nie, this is the last hiding place of Quan Ji, the remnant of Thousand Beast Valley." The middle-aged man pointed to this place and said.

The old man who was called Mr. Nie nodded gently, "I didn't expect that there would be such a mysterious space deep under the Lagan Desert with poor spiritual energy.

No wonder our Beast Control Sect exhausted all the strength of the sect and couldn't find Quanji in the end. "

"Yes." The middle-aged man nodded lightly, "When I found this place two days ago, there was a one-horned thunder dog with a cultivation level in the middle of the Sixth Realm. It was backed by the thunder field, and there was a steady stream of thunder skills. I couldn't solve it. .

In addition, if there are no other protective measures in the thunder field, it cannot be easily transmigrated. The deeper it goes, the more violent the thunder aura becomes. Those who are not in the Seventh Realm cannot block it.

I just returned without success. If it weren't for the boundary-breaking talisman given by the door, I would have been trapped in this mysterious space for life.

We have been searching for this Quanji for two whole epochs, almost covering most of the places in the Middle-earth Heavenly Continent.

Finally, combine some clues. Coupled with the minefield underground, I can basically conclude that the place below the minefield is where Quanji finally rested.

Because this minefield is the best place to cultivate the egg of the divine beast, Quan Ji must find a minefield of this level to warm and nourish it if he wants to protect it.

Judging from the clues about Quan Ji's later years, he basically stayed in the area of ​​Dazhou today. Before, we always thought that he was in a geomantic treasure land somewhere.

This time, I searched in the Lagan Desert for nearly five years with an attitude of trying, before I discovered such a place. "

"Deacon Sun, thank you for your hard work. It doesn't matter. We have been waiting for two epochs and it doesn't matter now. As for the decryption talisman, no matter how precious it is, it is not worth mentioning compared to Quan Ji's whereabouts.

Deacon Sun has been looking for you for five years, and it is still in this spiritually barren Lagan Desert. Your hard work will never be forgotten. Mr. Nie smiled softly and his attitude was extremely kind.

The old man is indeed happy now. He is about to find the whereabouts of Quan Ji, who the Beast Control Sect has been searching for for so many years. This will be a great contribution to the sect.

The continuation of the two eras is not just talk. The manpower and material resources spent during the period are unknown. This Middle-earth Heaven Continent has almost been turned over again.

Therefore, when he received the news from Deacon Sun, he rushed over from Tianque City as soon as possible. The sect headquarters will also send some powerful monks to assist.

Yes, this old Nie’s name is Nie Zheng, and he is the general person in charge of the various offices of the Beast Control Sect in the Middle Earth Tianzhou.

Nie Zheng has a very high status in the Beast Control Sect. He is a very senior elder of the Beast Control Sect, and he is currently on duty in Zhongtu Tianzhou. Overall responsible for all local offices in Zhongtu Tianzhou.

The headquarters is usually stationed in Tianque City, but this time I rushed over immediately after hearing the news about Deacon Sun.

A large part of the reason why the Beast Control Sect has deployed such a large force in Zhongtu Tianzhou is to find the whereabouts of Quan Ji.

Many high-level elite pillars in the sect like Deacon Sun were sent to various places in the Middle-earth Heavenly Continent to search for them.

Of course, they kept this kind of activity as low-key as possible, so as not to let other forces know that they were looking for Quan Ji, and it was impossible to make a big fanfare.

They always send a small group of disciples to search quietly.

That's why it took so many years to find this mysterious underground space in the Lagan Desert.

It perfectly explains what persistence means victory.

Back then, the Valley of Thousand Beasts was destroyed, and he, the Beast Control Sect, was primarily responsible. In the end, it was almost the sect that was destroyed by the Beast Control Sect. After the sect was destroyed, it was discovered that Quan Ji's whereabouts were unknown.

Before, the Beast Control Sect had always known that the Valley of Thousand Beasts contained a divine beast egg that had been passed down for thousands of years, so after occupying the Valley of Thousand Beasts, the first thing they did was to look for the egg of the divine beast.

But in the end nothing was found, and Quan Ji disappeared together.

In these two eras, they have never given up on searching for the whereabouts of the eggs of the mythical beasts.

For a sect like the Beast Taming Sect, which is based on beast manipulation, the significance of other extinct Legendary Level existences like divine beasts cannot be described in words.

Therefore, they will definitely spare no effort to find this mythical beast's egg.

When there was news this time, Nie Zheng naturally couldn't sit still and came in person. At the same time, he must take action to break through this thunder field.

Soon, the drag force coming from the darkness dragged Nie Zheng and Deacon Sun downwards. Of course, given the strength of the two of them, the drag force was strong.

But it didn't have much power when it acted on them, especially for Nie Zheng. It fell lightly, and finally landed on the jade slab like a feather.

The two were silent. After waiting for a while, the jade panel automatically collapsed into a hole. The two continued to fall, and finally floated above the thunder field.

Nie Zheng looked at the boundless minefield below with some surprise on his old face, "There is such a mysterious space hidden under the Lagan Desert.

For so many years, no one knew about it. "

"Mr. Nie, I'm really curious about where this place is?" Deacon Sun asked, looking at the boundless darkness around him.

"It's probably a relic from ancient times. That's not important now. What's important is to find out if Quan Ji is here."

"Okay, Mr. Nie, wait a moment, I'll lure the one-horned thunder dog out." Deacon Sun plunged directly into the thunder field, then bombarded some spells and quickly retreated.

Nie Zheng stood there with his hands folded and waited quietly for the Demonic Beast to come out.

But I waited and waited, but there was no movement. Nie Zheng turned to look at Deacon Sun,

The latter shook his head, "I didn't know that the evil beast didn't respond today. Last time when I just entered the thunder field, it rushed out."

"Just go in, don't wait any longer." Nie Zheng fell directly into the thunder field, followed closely by Deacon Sun.

With Nie Zheng, the big boss of the Seventh Realm Late Stage, even in the Thunder Domain, it is a matter of hands to deal with the Sixth Realm Demonic Beast.

So Deacon Sun didn't say anything, just followed Nie Zheng and it was done.

The two of them went all the way down, and finally came to the deepest part of the thunder field. Nie Zheng stopped on the spot. His eyes were fixed on a space on the right.

"What's wrong, Mr. Nie?" Deacon Sun also stopped and asked.

"There is something wrong with the space here, and there are traces of artificial construction." Nie Zheng replied.

"Mr. Nie, are you saying that this space was built by Quan Ji?" Deacon Sun said excitedly.

Nie Zheng shook his head and said, "I don't know. I can only feel it, but I can't be sure. Being able to build a stable space entrance here requires a cultivation level above the mid-eighth realm. I can't see through it."

"Mr. Nie, back then Quanji was a late stage cultivator in the Eighth Realm." Deacon Sun became more and more excited. "Mr. Nie, can you come in?"

"The entrance to this space has collapsed. I can't do anything to tear it apart." Deacon Sun shook his head.

"Is the Boundary Breaking Talisman useful?" Deacon Sun continued to ask.

"No, it has collapsed. The interior has become a state of chaos, and the Boundary Breaking Talisman is useless."

"What should we do?"

"You and I are waiting here for support. The Great Elder will be here soon." Nie Zheng replied.

"Have the great elders come in person?" Deacon Sun was a little stunned.

"For such a big event, the Great Elder must come personally. This time he came across the continent. Although the journey is far away, I think he will be here soon."

“Such great things can be expected.”

Nie Zheng glanced around and frowned slightly, "Is the one-horned thunder dog you mentioned true?"

"It's absolutely true." Deacon Sun replied, "I was seriously injured by his lightning technique due to my carelessness. After I got out, I needed to nurse myself back to health for two days before I recovered.

Although the one-horned thunder dog is only in the middle stage of the sixth realm, its strength is stronger than the late stage of the sixth realm thanks to this thunder field. I just don’t know why it didn’t come out this time. "

Nie Zheng didn't ask any more questions or dwell on the issue, but retreated out of the minefield first.

The cultivation power consumed in the depths of this thunder field is too great, and I have to help Deacon Sun resist. Even with his cultivation level, he couldn't last long.

Soon, the two people retreated and waited patiently. Having reached this level of cultivation, I still have a lot of patience.

In this way, most of the day passed, and the dark space suddenly fluctuated slightly, and an old man walked out from behind.

The old man was also wearing an emerald green robe, with a slender face, three long strands of beard, and a warm smile. There was no fluctuation in his cultivation level, and he looked like an ordinary kind old man.

Nie Zheng and Deacon Sun immediately stood up and bowed to the old man respectfully, "I have met the great elder."

This old man is the great elder of the Beast Control Sect that Nie Zheng and the others have been waiting for.

His nickname is Dongli Perfect Being, and his status in the Beast Control Sect is extremely high, second only to the Master of the Beast Control Sect. He has been the great elder of the Beast Control Sect for more than a hundred years.

Dongli Perfected Being waved his hand gently. He looked around and said, "This is indeed a strange place. This kind of thunder field is rare in Shenzhou."

Nie Zheng immediately reported all the information again.

After hearing this, Dongli Perfected Being nodded slightly, then waved his right hand and disappeared with Nie Zheng and Deacon Sun.

When they reappeared, the three of them had arrived at the space collapse deep in the thunder field.

Regarding Dongli's Perfected Being's terrifying Divine Ability, Steward Sun was extremely horrified at this moment, even if he was a Six Realm Late Stage practitioner.

Nie Zheng didn't have much reaction. After entering the Heavenly Dao realm, he knew the horror of this Heavenly Dao realm.

This Heavenly Dao realm is no better than the realm below. Every time you advance to a small realm, it is a qualitative leap.

Therefore, any heaven-defying Divine Ability displayed by this Dongli Perfected Being would not surprise Nie Zheng.

Dongli Perfected Being studied the space collapse point in front of him, and after a while he said to Nie Zheng, "This place was indeed collapsed by the Eighth Realm monks. No wonder you can't go in."

"Thank you, Great Elder." Nie Zheng said, clasping his fists.

Dongli Perfected Being stretched out his right hand and lightly scratched the collapse point with his fingertips, and immediately a dark crack was opened.

A huge devouring force came straight towards the three of them. Dongli Perfected Being didn't panic at all. With a press of his right hand, the terrifying devouring force was directly dissipated.

"Go in." Dongli said lightly, waved his right sleeve again, and disappeared with Nie Zheng and the two of them into the space crack in front of them.

After some daze, the three of them landed in the Cave Mansion left by Quan Ji.

As soon as he appeared, Dongli Perfected Being frowned slightly.

Nie Zheng and Deacon Sun's expressions also changed slightly, because the Cave Mansion in front of them lost its integrity.

There is a huge hole in the center, which is obviously a trace left by the explosion. There is violent thunder power brewing everywhere in Cave Mansion.

Only the violent thunder energy remained in the entire Cave Mansion, and there was no other trace. Moreover, this special Cave Mansion space has become extremely unstable at this moment, and may collapse at any time.

Dongli Perfected Being glanced around, then looked up at the source of the violent thunder aura, narrowed his eyes and said, "The Thousand-Character Jue to Lead Thunder Formation."

"The Thousand-Character Jue's Thunder-inducing Formation? Isn't this one of the Apex Level cultivation formations in the Thousand Beast Valley? It was specially used to cultivate thunder beasts." Nie Zheng replied.

"Now that the Thousand-Character Jue Thunder Formation is deployed here, it means that this place is indeed probably used by Quan Ji to continue cultivating the eggs of the divine beast's thunder."

"Well, it's indeed very possible."

"What about the egg? Where is the egg?" Deacon Sun asked in shock.

Nie Zheng's face slowly turned ugly. Looking at the Cave Mansion that could collapse at any time, he felt a bad premonition in his heart.

After all the hard work to find this place, the eggs disappeared. How could this be accepted?

Dongli Perfected Being walked to the core of the explosion and looked carefully, and finally said, "There is a High Level one-time small boundary-breaking formation here,"

"What the Great Elder means is that this formation has been used by others?" Nie Zheng asked with a frown.

"Yeah." Dongli Perfected Being nodded gently, "Someone has been here before us."

"Isn't it possible?" Deacon Sun asked strangely, "No one has been here for so many years. Someone shouldn't be the first to get there."

Dongli Perfect Being looked at Steward Sun with an indifferent expression. The latter suddenly felt a twitch in his heart and quickly buried his head deeply, saying, "Great Elder, from the time I discovered this place to the time I came to the notification door, except for the two days spent recuperating from my injuries, I spent no time. any time.

And I discovered that I have never told anyone else about Cave Mansion, and I can swear it with my Taoist heart. "

Nie Zheng also spoke up, "Elder, Deacon Sun is very loyal to the sect and will indeed not betray the sect. Moreover, it has only been less than three days since the discovery.

There shouldn't be anyone taking advantage of this gap to come here and take the mythical beast eggs ahead of us. "

After all, Deacon Sun is Nie Zheng's man. At this time, he, the direct leader, still has to stand up.

Dongli Perfected Being looked at Butler Sun indifferently, "I believe in your loyalty to the door, but your loyalty must be verified."

"Please give me instructions, First Elder." Deacon Sun clasped his fists.

"Let go of your soul and cooperate with me. Let me see what you have been through these past few days." Dongli Perfected Being said calmly.

Deacon Sun's expression changed uncertainly. This kind of thing was difficult for any monk to accept. No one was willing to let go of his soul for others to investigate.

But Deacon Sun knew that if he didn't cooperate, Dongli Perfected Being would definitely come by force.

The eggs of mythical beasts are countless times more important than him, a monk in the Sixth Realm.

But if you force it, your soul will be severely damaged. After thinking about it for a moment, Deacon Sun cupped his fists and said, "I am willing to cooperate with the Great Elder."

Dongli Perfected Being's face softened slightly, and he nodded and said, "Remember to cooperate well and don't lock the soul, otherwise it will easily backfire."

"Yes." Deacon Sun clasped his fists, then closed his eyes and let go of his soul.

Dongli Perfected Being placed his hand on the other person's head and felt it carefully. After a long while, he slowly took back his right hand.

"Great Elder, I am loyal to the sect!" Deacon Sun clasped his fists again and confirmed.

Dongli Perfected Being nodded, and then his powerful spiritual consciousness covered every inch of the Cave Mansion, and finally almost turned the entire Cave Mansion upside down.

No trace of anything, nothing, just a completely empty Cave Mansion.

Faced with this situation, Dongli Perfected Being, who had always been calm and calm, looked slightly ugly. Something that the Beast Control Sect had been looking for for thousands of years had been discovered first.

"Great Elder, how long ago did someone come to this Cave Mansion?" Nie Zheng asked, cupping his fists.

Dongli Perfected Being shook his head and said, "The atmosphere here has been destroyed by this thunder spirit energy, but judging from the degree of space collapse here, it can take as short as three to five days, and as long as three to five years."

Space is something that many monks do not understand at all. Only monks above the Heavenly Dao realm can slowly comprehend this field.

But regarding the collapse of space, even the most Apex Level monks cannot give an exact point in time.

A space that is about to collapse may turn into nothingness today, or it may turn into nothingness in a few years or even decades.

Therefore, for the current space Cave Mansion, Dongli Perfected Being cannot give an exact answer, and can only determine the time range in a general range.

"Three to five years, I'm afraid it won't be easy to trace this back." Nie Zheng shook his head helplessly.

"No matter what, we must find out who came here and took away this beast egg." Dongli Perfected Being said without any doubt, "The few who have the ability to cross the thunder field and come here are the Seventh Realm monks.

For the time being, we will target this group first and investigate as many Tiandao realm monks who have been to the Lagan Desert in the past five years as possible. No matter how difficult it is to investigate, we must do so.

In addition, there is indeed a six-level one-horned thunder dog guarding the thunder field, but now this thunder dog has disappeared without a trace. It must be found at all costs.

Of course, it's also possible that the thunder dog was killed? If this is the case, it means that someone happened to come here in the past few days. First, check the Tiandao realm monks who have come to Lagan Desert in the past few days. "

"Is there such a coincidence? The span of thousands of years happens to be concentrated on these two days." Nie Zheng glanced at Deacon Sun and asked.

He had to ask this. If it was really because someone happened to come in these two days, then Deacon Sun would definitely not survive.

A great feat would turn into a catastrophic disaster, and there was no way the door would let him waste these two days, even though he was recuperating there due to serious injuries.

"The word chance has always been formed by coincidence." Dongli Perfected Being said calmly.

Nie Zheng muttered, "In that case, I will go back and negotiate with the Great Zhou Dynasty Sect to lease this desert first on the pretext of cultivating special Spirit Beasts.

Of course, this was done in secret and no outsiders were allowed to know. After the lease, a station will be set up elsewhere in the Lagan Desert. "

Dongli Perfected Being shook his head and said, "This will only give people clues. If the person who took the eggs of the mythical beast knows about this, it will be easy to think that we are here for this. They will alert the snake.

Then it will be more difficult to get the mythical beast eggs back. After that, I will send some people over to secretly station in this area to monitor. You don't have to worry about things here.

You only need to fully cooperate with the door to investigate the Tiandao realm monks who have been to the Lagan Desert in the past few years. Use today as an anchor point to push forward and investigate. "

"Yes." Nie Zheng nodded.

Dongli Perfected Being said no more, and lightly drew a black hole with his right hand again, saying, "You two leave first, I will stay here to strengthen the space."

"Yes." Nie Zheng and Deacon Sun fell into the black hole one after another.

After a daze, the two of them left the underground space directly and appeared on the surface of the desert.

Deacon Sun's face was still ugly at this moment, and he was worried about his future.

"What? Are you scared now?" Nie Zheng sneered, "How important is this for a mere serious injury? Would you still be like this if you had told me about this right away?"

Deacon Sun said, "Mr. Nie, it is absolutely impossible for a powerful monk to come and take away the eggs in just two days. This is absolutely impossible.

Besides, maybe the mythical beast egg is gone or broken long ago, after all, the thunderstorm in that space is so powerful.

Quanji has been around for thousands of years, so it is very likely that the egg has not been preserved until now.

To put it another way, where in the world can there be so many coincidences? It's been fine for thousands of years, but something happened to me just in the past two days? This must have been someone who came before.

What I'm worried about now is that when I really can't find the egg, Menli will take out his anger on me. "

"Then how do you explain that the one-horned thunder dog has disappeared in the past two days?"

"Coincidence, maybe he ran away to eat blood food. After all, this one-horned thunder dog needs to eat blood food every once in a while."

"Are you telling me a coincidence now?"

Deacon Sun smiled coquettishly, but he still felt very guilty. Damn it, could something happen just by chance in the past two days when he was recovering from his injuries?

"Who is to blame for your own death?" Nie Zheng waved his sleeves and turned into a Jinghong and left.

"Mr. Nie, you have to help me think of a way, Mr. Nie." Deacon Sun immediately caught up with Nie Zheng.

Xu You naturally didn't know what happened after he left Quanji Cave Mansion, but it was indeed as he thought. The person who came before him was indeed a member of the Beast Control Sect.

And with this round of overtaking in a corner, he completely offended the Beast Control Sect by taking everything Quan Ji left behind.

Of course, Xu You is naturally not afraid of this. This kind of thing is all about fate and chance. My tail is also clean and there is no big problem.

When night fell, Xu You and Xue Qianluo took these students back to Tianque City. After sending them back to Shangji Academy, they returned to Kunlun Tower.

"Senior Quan Ji, you still have to treat this matter with caution. Don't say anything you shouldn't say. I still say the same thing, pay attention to safety." When he was about to enter Kunlun Tower, Xue Qianluo said solemnly.

"I understand, senior sister, let's just follow the argument we thought of before. Finally, I will add that when we were chasing the one-horned thunder dog, we found a suspected mysterious space under the Lagan Desert, but we didn't dare to go in.

This time so many students came with us and witnessed us chasing down the one-horned thunder dog for so long. I couldn’t help it, so it would be better to add this explanation. "Xu You replied.

This is enough. If Kunlun is really interested, he will naturally know that he and Xue Qianluo will not be able to get out after entering with the strength of him and Xue Qianluo, so he will not think too much.

I would never have thought that Xu You and Xue Qianluo had slipped around so much.

This matter of Quanji is too big, and the fewer people should know about it, the better. The more people know about the more important things, the greater the variables and risks.

As Xue Qianluo said before, people's hearts are indeed unpredictable. Things you own may even turn against your father and son, so Xu You naturally has to be extra cautious.

And if you tell Kunlun, it will pull Kunlun into the opposite side of the Beast Control Sect in disguise.

As long as Kunlun doesn't know about this, even if the incident comes to light, Kunlun will be able to speak frankly and have a better reason to protect himself.

"Okay." Xue Qianluo nodded slightly and prepared to go upstairs and return to the house. It was obvious that she was not interested in reporting this kind of thing. Xu You wanted to say it herself.

But at this time, her steps suddenly stopped, and then she turned to look at Xu You, "Do you just believe me so much?"

"What?" Xu You didn't understand Xue Qianluo's question at first.

"You are pregnant with a treasure now, and I am the only insider. Do you believe me so much?" Xue Qianluo explained further.

Xu You smiled casually, "Senior sister, of course you believe this."


"You are not the only one who knows how to read people, senior sister. I can also read people very accurately." Xu You pointed to his eyes, "So I trust senior sister."

"What if you saw it wrong?"

"Then you are wrong, but the possibility is very low. I always believe in Senior Sister."

Xue Qianluo was silent for a long time, and finally said, "Stupid."

After saying that, Xue Qianluo strode directly upstairs.

Xu You watched Xue Qianluo go upstairs with a smile. In the final analysis, Xue Qianluo is the same type of person as Mo Yuhuang in some qualities.

Extremely proud of himself, very principled, and most disdainful of those roosters and dog robbers.

In addition, I have been in contact with Xue Qianluo so many times, and I know Xue Qianluo thoroughly. If she really had any bad intentions and had done it when she was underground, how could she wait until now?

Generally speaking, I seem to have always had good luck, and the girls I know and have friendships with are all good girls.

People are divided into groups. Come to think of it, I, Xu, am also a very good man!

(End of chapter)

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