Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 169 Chapter 179 180 Fiery Love, Opening A House, The Imperial City, A Sign Of Great Misfortu

Chapter 169 Chapter 179 180 Fiery love, opening a house, the imperial city, a sign of great misfortune, the secret history of Manzhou [10,000 updates]

The emotions and perceptions above impacted Luo Qiaoqiao's consciousness, and she felt like a small boat floating helplessly on the sea.

I feel dizzy, my body feels so light, and my head feels so light.

How could there be such a wonderful feeling in this world? Luo Qiaoqiao bravely stretched out his hands to wrap his arms around Xu You's neck, and stood on tiptoes slightly to match Xu You's enthusiasm.

I don't know how long it took, but when both the four realm monks were out of breath, they separated slightly from each other.

Their foreheads were pressed against each other, hugging each other, breathing in the fresh air.

The surrounding atmosphere was filled with sweet scent, and the concentration was so high that Luo Qiaoqiao's breathing became short.

She was blushing terribly at the moment, her ears were extremely hot, and she had no strength at all, so she could only hold Xu You to support her body.

"Sister Luo, do you still think I'm wrong?" Xu You asked.

Feeling the breath exhaled by Xu You when he spoke, Luo Qiaoqiao shyly turned his face away, leaving Xu You with a side face, humming with a small mouth, not knowing whether he was talking or not.

Xu You lowered his head slightly and looked at the astonishing profile close at hand. How could there be such a beautiful girl in the world.

The threads on this side of the face softened into the depths of Xu You's heart, and the budding girl's heart bounced back to Xu You's heart.

He reached out and held Luo Qiaoqiao tightly in his arms, sniffing the fragrance of the other person's hair with the tip of his nose, and rubbing the side of the other person's face with his chin.

"Sister, I miss you so much."

"Are you ashamed?" Luo Qiaoqiao said in a whisper.

"Huh?" Xu You asked softly, "Sister, don't you miss me?"

"In no mood!"

"You really don't want to?"

"I really don't want to!"

"Okay, then I'm leaving. I'm sad."

Xu You tried to leave, but Luo Qiaoqiao didn't know where he got the strength to hold Xu You and prevent him from leaving. He exclaimed, "No! You can't leave!"

"You don't even miss me, why do you want me?"

"What do you think~" Luo Qiaoqiao said in a low nasal voice.

"Huh? Can't hear you clearly."

"I thought so!" Luo Qiaoqiao raised his voice.

"How much do you think?"

"Xu You, that's enough!"

Xu You laughed out loud and held Luo Qiaoqiao in his arms again, "Senior sister, just tell me if you miss me, I will be at your service at any time."

"You still call me senior sister?" Luo Qiaoqiao has adapted to the current atmosphere and is used to Xu You's warm embrace.

Her hands unconsciously wrapped around Xu You's waist, and her body arched in Xu You's arms to find the most comfortable position.

From an angle that Xu You couldn't see, the smile on her lips was already overflowing with endless sweetness.

My heart is filled with happiness that cannot be contained, but it does not just turn into a sweet smile at the corner of my mouth and spread to the outside world.

"What's that called? Just call it Qiaoqiao?"


"Okay, from now on I'll call you Qiaoqiao in private, and senior sister when there are a lot of people." Xu You agreed and reached out to touch Luo Qiaoqiao's hair.

"From now on, if your cultivation level is too high, don't let me go!" Luo Qiaoqiao said with a snort.

"Ah? Why do you think so? I promise Senior Sister here that unless you don't want me, Senior Sister, there is no way I won't want you, Senior Sister, in this life!" Xu You said sincerely and firmly.

"Bah, bah, bah, don't say such unlucky words. How could I not want you." Luo Qiaoqiao reached out and patted Xu You's mouth.

"That's all good."

"Huh, that's right." Luo Qiaoqiao retracted her hand and was about to find a suitable position when she suddenly stepped back and her face turned red again, "Xu You, what are you thinking about!"

"Can you blame me?" Xu You asked quietly, "What's wrong with me as a young guy?"

"You" Luo Qiaoqiao blushed and was speechless.

Xu You took advantage of the victory and grabbed Luo Qiaoqiao without any explanation and took her away from the alley. Seeing such a lovely Luo Qiaoqiao, he was very anxious now, very anxious.

"Where are you taking me?" Luo Qiaoqiao exclaimed.

"Find an inn or restaurant."

"What are you going to do?"

"Asking knowingly."


"You can't refuse this. You got me high and now you want to let go? There's no way!"

"Xu You! I. I haven't yet."

"Nothing? Be obedient and good. I know you miss me too."

"I didn't."

In this way, Xu You took Luo Qiaoqiao all the way to find a high-end hotel with seven floors.

The "hotel" industry in Tianque City is very developed, and there are many people traveling from north to south, so naturally there are restaurants everywhere.

This is an ordinary restaurant. The people who come here are all mortals, and there are basically no monks. The reason why Xu You chose this kind of restaurant run by mortals was of course for safety reasons.

He is now a celebrity in the monk circle in Tianque City. If he goes to stay in a monk restaurant, it would not be good to be recognized accidentally.

Xu You and Joyous Union Sect disciples open a building outside?

This kind of headline is absolutely explosive and can spread as quickly as possible.

Xu You doesn't want his affair with Luo Qiaoqiao to cause trouble in the city and everyone knows about it now. At this stage, it is still necessary to focus on underground love, so that no one can discover it easily, otherwise it will be very passive.

The temperaments of Xu You and Luo Qiaoqiao seem a bit out of place among ordinary people, but the restaurant is luxurious after all, and the shopkeeper is also a well-informed person.

Not too shocked, just personally receiving Xu You and Luo Qiaoqiao with great respect.

"Choose the best room on the top floor. It should be private and quiet enough. The bedding should be the best and cleanest. In addition, we won't eat or need anything. We don't need to knock on the door or disturb you."

Xu You threw a few gold leaves to the other party and made these requests skillfully.

"I understand, Master, everything is arranged properly. Please come with me, Master." The shopkeeper was even more respectful when he took the gold leaf, wishing he could support Xu You as his father.

Soon, Xu You arrived at the top floor, a luxurious room at the end of the corridor. Everything meets Xu You's requirements.

Looking at the exquisite and tidy room, Xu You was quite satisfied.

The most important thing is the wide view, the lively streets outside the window, and the large balcony.

Wouldn't a place like this be able to withstand an explosion? While enjoying the night view of Tianque City, Xu You started to get a little excited thinking about it.

He immediately waved his hand, "You can go down, remember, no one is allowed to disturb you!"

"I obey the young master's instructions." The shopkeeper immediately left respectfully and closed the door.

As soon as his front foot left, Luo Qiaoqiao pinched Xu You's arm hard with his back foot.

"Hey, what's going on?" Xu You cried out in pain, "Qiaoqiao, I didn't mess with you."

"Didn't you offend me?" Luo Qiaoqiao looked at Xu You suspiciously, "Why are you so skilled? Did you come here often? Did you often bring other sisters here?"

"The conscience of heaven and earth." Xu You made a gesture of swearing, "You are the first girl I have brought to the restaurant. How have I, Xu You, brought anyone else here before?

Senior sister, if you continue to think like this, it feels bad! "

"Hehe, am I kidding?" Luo Qiaoqiao grinned slightly and looked at Xu You with crooked eyebrows, his smile shining with wisdom.

"It's funny. Don't make such funny jokes next time. I'm afraid I will die laughing." Xu You said solemnly.

Luo Qiaoqiao chuckled, then pinched Xu You's arm again, and then said, "Xu You, you are not allowed to lie to me and hurt me in the future."

"Definitely not." Xu You assured immediately.

"Yeah, what are you doing?"

"What do you think, Senior Sister?"

"You are so anxious."


The night is romantic, the evening breeze is sweet, the love is sincere and blazing like a flame.

The surge of love can be overwhelming.

In the next few days, Xu You returned to the same living conditions and lifestyle as before in Tianque City.

In Tianque City, there are two major events on the horizon. In a few days, the witchcraft and Gu conference that has been prepared for several months will be held grandly.

But before that, there was another major event, which was the 100th birthday of the Emperor of Zhou.

In the past few days, the huge Tianque City has been filled with celebrations of great events, with lights and colors everywhere. You know, Tianque City is not very big today.

If you want to create a festive atmosphere in such a big city, you will have to spend a lot of money.

However, neither the officials of the Great Zhou Dynasty nor the imperial clan of the Great Zhou Dynasty were willing to spend this money, probably because the current Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty has indeed made outstanding political achievements in the twenty years he has been in power.

In addition, the emperor usually does not make any grand arrangements when celebrating his birthday. He only holds such a grand event when he is a hundred years old.

And because of the restriction that the emperor of the Zhou Dynasty could reign for less than a hundred years at most, each emperor would basically only live a hundred years of age once during his reign.

Therefore, it is natural to have a grand event. It is also a once-in-a-century event for Tianque City, and every place in the city is bustling with activity.

On this day, Xu You, Xue Qianluo, Zhang Wei and Han Qianyue followed Zhang Changli and prepared to enter the palace for the banquet.

Before this incident, when Xu You first came to Tianque City, Zhang Changli mentioned it at the first meeting that the institutions stationed in Tianque City would naturally give some face to the 100th birthday banquet of the Emperor of Zhou Dynasty.

At Kunlun Tower, Zhang Changli took Xu You, four of them and two other leadership-level deacons to the palace for the banquet.

Of course, Kunlun is so big that it is not just Xu You who goes to the banquet. There are also some people who have personal connections or relationships with the Zhou Dynasty who will naturally receive invitations and go on their own.

This is the case for Mo Yuhuang. She is going tonight too, taking this opportunity to have a "sister" game.

In short, this person and many respectable monks will come to the Imperial City of Zhou Dynasty to participate in this grand event that happens every hundred years.

On the Great Dao in the center of Tianque City, a large carriage from Kunlun Tower was galloping on it.

The central Great Dao is wide and flat, large enough for ten large carriages to drive side by side, but there are very few vehicles on it on weekdays.

This central Great Dao is the only Great Dao that leads directly to the Imperial City. No ordinary vehicles can enter. Only a few official vehicles of the Zhou Dynasty and vehicles of powerful forces like the Five Gates and Seven Sects can enter.

Moreover, vehicles cannot be towed by those Demonic Beasts, but can only be towed by spirit horses. There are still many rules.

At this moment, Xu You was sitting in the carriage looking out at the broad central Great Dao through the window. At this moment, most of the vehicles on the road were entering the palace for the banquet.

The red lanterns hanging high on both sides of the Great Dao are very festive, the kind of mundane celebration that is quite down-to-earth.

Although the Great Zhou Dynasty was founded by immortal warriors, many of its systems were the same as those of a mortal country and did not contain the ethereal immortality.

A few quarters of an hour later, the carriage drove slowly under the imperial city.

The Imperial City of Dazhou is located in the center of Tianque City, covering a huge area. The area of ​​the imperial palace alone is comparable to that of a medium-sized city like Luofeng City.

There are countless buildings in it. It is said that some princes and princesses who have lived in the imperial city since childhood without the qualifications to cultivate immortals will never be able to visit the entire imperial city in their lifetime.

It's so big that there are so many buildings that you can't even count them.

The carriage stopped in front of the city gate. Xu You and others got off the carriage and looked up.

The city gate is dozens of feet wide and hundreds of feet high, and the surrounding imperial city walls are hundreds of feet high.

Such a height is naturally an extremely terrifying height for mortals, but it is acceptable to cultivators.

Standing under this city gate, one can feel as small as an ant.

As Xu You and others landed, an old eunuch immediately came up to welcome Xu You and others in a respectful manner.

After entering, there is the main road, which is still wide. There are huge stone walls on both sides of the main road, so Xu You and the others naturally do not need to walk.

This imperial city is generally prohibited from flying, and it is impossible to walk in such a large place, so there are actually many small teleportation arrays set up in this huge imperial city.

The imperial city is covered by a Transcendent Level formation, and these small teleportation formations are also built based on this formation. Teleportation can only be carried out within the coverage of the formation, which is very efficient.

The eunuch took Xu You and the others to a teleportation point on the right, and teleported to the inner city of the imperial city.

After a very slight trance, Xu You and others have arrived at their destination, which is also the palace where the Emperor of Zhou is hosting a banquet tonight.

This palace is called Taiqing Palace, and it is one of the most luxurious palaces in the imperial city. Xu You looked at the brightly lit luxury.

As soon as you landed, the bustling and lively atmosphere hit your face.

To be honest, Xu You was a little shocked by the luxury of Taiqing Palace. The nobility cannot be described in words. It is different from the architecture of Shanmen.

What this fights for is luxury and appearance. The magnificence of this palace is something Xu You has only seen in his two lifetimes.

"I'm going to meet some friends. You go shopping around first. There are many young people. You can get to know each other more." Zhang Changli said to Xu You and the others immediately.

Then he left with the other two deacons, leaving four young people like Xu You here.

"What do you mean? Where should we go for a stroll?" Han Qianyue asked with a big grin.

Xue Qianluo did not answer this question, but gave the answer with actions. She walked directly to the empty pavilion on the right, then folded her hands on her chest and sat there expressionlessly, looking cool. .

Xu You and Han Qianyue looked at each other, both feeling helpless.

In fact, it is difficult for her to let Xue Qianluo come to such an occasion. She has always disliked such places full of useless social interactions.

The reason why I came here tonight was because I couldn't refute Zhang Changli's face and it made him look bad.

"Then let's sit down and have a rest first." Han Qianyue didn't want to refute Xue Qianluo's reputation. If he came here for a banquet, he would naturally act together in a group. It would be inappropriate to separate.

So, the four of them sat down around the table under the small pavilion.

Only then did Xu You start to look at the crowd outside the building. The 100th birthday banquet tonight was of high standard, except for a large number of high-level officials from the Great Zhou Imperial Court and the Great Zhou Imperial Sect.

The remaining people are all respectable, and they are now gathering together according to their respective forces, especially the younger generation who are acting in groups.

The current emperor of Zhou Dynasty is named Zhou Wuhuai. Before the age of twenty, the blood concentration of his Longyang Spirit Body ranked first among the young people of his generation in the royal family, and his talent for cultivation was unparalleled.

Because of his upright character, he was directly appointed as the crown prince of Zhou Dynasty at the age of twenty.

This is the prince of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Longyang Spirit Body's bloodline concentration and cultivation talent are ranked first, and the proportion is very high.

After that, character comes second, and generally only people who are stable and emotionally stable are chosen. If these two points are well controlled, the rest of the country's governance skills will not be so important.

Therefore, the successive emperors of the Great Zhou Dynasty were all talented and stable people, which also ensured the continuation of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Zhou Wuhuai became the emperor at the age of eighty. Before that, he had been the prince in the deep palace for sixty years.

The span of sixty years was fine for practitioners, as the emperor could not reign for more than a hundred years.

Those who exceed this age will generally abdicate, then become an elder of the Great Zhou Dynasty Sect, and continue to practice Great Dao.

Zhou Wuhuai has only been emperor for twenty years, and is still very young in terms of time. During his reign, he has continued the previous Zhongzheng national policies, plus some national policies he promulgated to benefit the people.

Twenty years later, Zhou Wuhuai's reputation as emperor is still quite good.

"Junior brother, there are a lot of people tonight, and there are also a lot of geniuses from various forces. Because of the Wu Gu Conference and the Penglai Immortal Association soon, Tianque City can be said to have gathered quite a lot of geniuses now.

It can even be said that half of the geniuses on the list of geniuses in Shenzhou are in Tianque City, so naturally many outstanding disciples will come to the emperor's 100th birthday banquet tonight.

The recent swarm of people in Tianque City can be said to be unprecedented in a thousand years. "Han Qianyue explained.

Xu You just nodded slightly. From the moment he came in, he noticed that many eyes fell on him intentionally or unintentionally.

While he was sizing up others, many people were also sizing up at him.

Of course, Xue Qianluo also attracted countless attention.

The number one disciple of Kunlun has successfully entered the fifth realm again. Compared to Xu You, Xue Qianluo is equally valued.

Xue Qianluo, as always, showed no concern for these gazes and always sat there coolly.

Zhang Wei on the other side was sitting there quietly. From a certain perspective, she had the same personality as Xue Qianluo.

At this moment, he was holding three pieces of money in his hand and counting them. He kept the gossip in his hand and held the six lines in his hand.

Most monks like Zouqimen Dunjia are like this. After being obsessed with it, there is nothing more interesting in the world than divination.

"Junior Sister Zhang, are we going to be lucky or unlucky tonight?" Han Qianyue asked.

Zhang Wei glanced at Han Qianyue, and the three coins in her hand began to jump. After a while, the money fell to the ground.

"Good luck."

"Okay!" Han Qianyue laughed heartily, "There are many junior sisters and sisters here tonight. Junior sister Zhang will help senior brother calculate whether he will have such a good fortune tonight?

Senior brother, I am not young anymore, and I also want a warm home. "

Xu You looked at Han Qianyue speechlessly. He was such a damn talent. He couldn't live without the word "woman" anywhere.

"I mean, the three of us are in good luck, but you are in bad luck." Zhang Wei added.

"What?" Han Qianyue's expression froze, "Junior sister, what do you mean by this? Don't make fun of me, senior brother."

Zhang Wei didn't say anything more and just continued to play with the money in her hand.

"Senior Brother Han, let's go for a walk." Xu You stood up and smiled at Han Qianyue.

The latter naturally would not refuse, and got up and followed Xu You to the pavilion, leaving the two cool girls there alone and beautiful.

"Junior sister Zhang is not good at studying. How could I have such a bad omen on this great day?" Han Qianyue muttered.

Xu You actually believes in Zhang Wei's strength. He can be the only true disciple of Yi Li. His attainments and Divine Ability above the Sixth Yao must be at the Apex Level.

Xu You really wants to see if Han Qianyue has any bad omen tonight. If it comes true, he can ask Zhang Wei for more advice in the future.

You should also learn the six-yao technique yourself so that you can seek good luck and avoid bad luck in the future.

"Junior Brother Xu, this way." Xu You and Han Qianyue had just left the pavilion when a voice came from the right.

The two of them turned to look at Li Kun.

"Brother Kun." Xu You waved to the other party and walked over.

After they met, Xu You immediately saw a tall woman standing next to Li Kun.

Wearing shorts and a vest, the waist is exposed, showing an extremely strong vest line. He has a burly figure, with muscles all over his body, and his thighs are tight and full of lines.

The biceps on his arms are particularly conspicuous, and he is also very tall, about 1.8 meters tall.

If it weren't for the fact that his appearance had feminine characteristics and that his breasts were really majestic, Xu You would have almost regarded him as a man.

This is the ultimate King Kong Barbie with great visual impact.

Like Xu You, Han Qianyue's eyes immediately fell on him.

"Let me introduce, this is my senior sister Long Xin." Li Kun introduced him immediately.

Xu You called Senior Sister, who just nodded casually, and then stared at Han Qianyue with very hot eyes.

The sight of the latter directly made the latter's scalp numb, but since Li Kun was here, Han Qianyue could not have any adverse reactions.

"Junior brother, come with me, I have something to say in private." Li Kun directly put his arm around Xu You's shoulders, led him away from this place, and said smoothly.

"Senior Brother Han, please do your part as a landlord and entertain me, my senior sister. See you later."

"Alas" Han Qianyue didn't even have time to open his mouth, and Long Xin stepped directly across from him, his gaze becoming more and more fiery.

Han Qianyue could only bite the bullet and force out a smile, "Hello, Junior Sister Long."

"Brother Kun, why do you have to take me alone to talk to me?" Xu You asked curiously.

"It's okay, I'm just making room for the two of them." Li Kun pursed his lips toward the back.

Xu You looked at Han Qianyue and Long Xin, and her heart moved, "Brother Kun, what do you mean?"

"Matchmaking." Li Kun said with a smile, "Do you still remember what I told you before? We, the women of Nanyi Barbarian Continent, don't like pretty boys like you, junior brother, but like tall, rugged men.

No, Senior Brother Han is completely in line with our woman's aesthetics. And my junior sister, Long Xin, has read some books before and is considered a semi-literate person.

I have always longed for the enlightenment of Middle-earth Heaven Continent, so I applied to take a rotation here. And Han Qianyue is the most suitable person for her.

Her aesthetics are in line with hers, and she is a monk who was born and raised in the Heavenly Continent of Middle Earth. The most important thing is that you Kunlun disciples have been required to read books more or less since you were young, so you have a lot of cultural heritage.

Therefore, after I showed my senior sister Brother Han's portrait and talked about his personality, she fell in love with it.

No, I had to be the middleman for this banquet, and I was forced to do so. "

After listening to Li Kun's words, Xu You was a little confused, "So, just so casual? Are you in love now?"

Li Kun said, "We are very honest and direct about our feelings. We don't want to play around with you here and just take a look at things we like."

"No, during this period, Senior Brother Han has been going to Feixuan Tower with us frequently. Brother Kun, you know what he is like, but you can just trust Senior Sister Long to him?" Xu You was puzzled.

"What's wrong with a man visiting a brothel? It's no big deal. We don't care about that. We just have fun."

"Brother Kun, have you ever thought that Senior Brother Han doesn't like this one?"

"Then there's nothing we can do. We can only try hard to aggrieve him." Li Kun said with some regret.

Xu You looked back at Han Qianyue again, the smile on his face was already very stiff.

Looking at Long Xin's strong figure and pectoralis major muscles, I felt silent in my heart. Zhang Wei's calculations were really accurate!

Just leaving the pavilion is a bad sign!

At this moment, Xu You could only pray for Han Qianyue, hoping that he could survive this disaster.

"Hai Ming, this way." Li Kun said hello again to the pile of bald heads in front of him on the left.

Hao Ming turned around, then quickly said hello to his fellow disciples and came over.

I don't know since when, the four of them established a very close offensive and defensive alliance, and Feixuanlou's escorts belong to it.

"I feel comfortable getting along with you guys. I've been here in Tianque City for a while. I know a lot of people, but you three are the only ones with the appetite." Li Kun sat down directly by the flower garden.

Xu You and Hao Ming also sat down. They didn't particularly want to talk, they just sat there and looked around.

Yes, they are looking at beauties. On this occasion tonight, there are countless girls of Apex Level quality. Even the maids serving in the palace are all of the quality of oirans in ordinary brothels.

Not to mention there are many concubines in the palace here.

After all, the Great Zhou Dynasty is inherited by blood, so it is important to have multiple births. The more births there are, the greater the probability of a genius being born.

Therefore, every generation of emperors of the Zhou Dynasty played songs every night, had to have many concubines, and had countless descendants.

And no matter how many children there are, the vast territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty can still support them, so every generation is open to life.

At this moment, Xu You and the other two people have very sharp eyes for appreciating beauties. Whenever they see something beautiful, they only need one movement to make others understand and then look at it together.

But doing this can't hide it from others at all, especially those women who have cultivated themselves.

They can keenly sense that someone is looking at them, and then quickly turn around. This is when Huiming comes in handy. He would look at the other person with a smile, then clasp his hands and nod.

When Hao Ming became serious, he was still very Buddhist, and with the reputation of the Great Thunderclap Monastery, no woman would suspect that Hao Ming was looking at them with ill intentions.

Not only did they not have any doubts, they would also answer with clasped hands to clarify.

This skill of Hui Ming makes Xu You and the others very envious. It is easy to get things done when wearing a Buddha skin.

Of course, Xu You thought this behavior was ridiculous at first. How could he use a monk as a shield to go around admiring beauties outside.

But later on, Xu You gradually got used to it, because at this time, the one he saw the most was Hui Ming.

After seeing the beauty, they would say that the young monk was very angry, and then asked Xu You to take them to Feixuanlou to have sex for free.

This is especially true these days.

No, the situation is still the same now. When those female monks looked back cautiously, they saw Ji Ming's smile full of Buddha nature. No one would misunderstand him.

"Two senior brothers, it's not appropriate to keep your eyes on those concubines. This is the palace after all. If you are caught, it won't look good." Xu You warned aloud.

"The young monk is not looking at it, the young monk is just envious. Being an emperor seems to be a very enjoyable thing." Hao Ming said with some emotion.

Just when Xu You wanted to talk, a slightly mocking voice suddenly came from behind, "This barbarian from Manzhou just has no rules.

You still don't know the etiquette in the palace. "

The three of them, Xu You, looked back and saw a young man behind the flower garden, wearing a green robe.

Green robes are relatively eye-catching among the monks. Among the five sects and seven sects, only the Beast Control Sect advocates green, so everyone in the sect wears green robes.

The three of them naturally recognized that this was a disciple of the Beast Control Sect. Xu You and Hao Ming did not speak out immediately, but looked at Li Kun.

It was obvious that this disciple of the Beast Control Sect was here for Li Kun.

Xu You could tell from Li Kun's eyes that he did not know this disciple of the Beast Control Sect. Although he was very angry now, he did not take action immediately.

As for why this beast-controlling sect disciple who had never met before came up and taunted Li Kun coldly, Xu You still knew the reason.

After returning from the Lagan Desert, Xu You deliberately investigated all the apparent situations of the Beast Control Sect.

Although Five Sects and Seven Sects is said to be the first episode of Body Integration, there are issues left over from history. If you pick just two sects, there will definitely be more or less grievances.

Not to mention the Kunlun Immortal Sect, as the oldest Immortal Gate, it naturally has the most feuding forces.

Among them, the Beast Control Sect and the Tiangang Immortal Alliance can be said to have great hatred, the kind of real hatred.

Three epochs ago, when the Thousand Beast Valley was still located in the Five Sects and Seven Sects, there were three other sects in the Great Dao that mainly focused on beast control, including the Beast Control Sect.

These three families and the Valley of Thousand Beasts were all located in the Nanyi Manzhou. At that time, the Nanyi Manzhou was unparalleled in terms of beast control in the Divine Continent Immortal Cultivation World.

Probably because the Nanyi Manzhou is rich in an elixir called Demon Refining Grass, which is the most important cornerstone for refining the beast-control elixir. It is extremely difficult to cultivate and can almost only be cultivated in the unique environment of the Nanyi Manzhou. .

And the beast-control pill is indispensable for cultivating Spirit Beast. Therefore, almost all the beast-control forces in the Immortal Cultivation World go to the Nanyi Barbarian Continent.

Qian Beast Gu, the big brother of the beast control at that time, naturally became the leader of the clan, drawing up rules in the Nanyi Barbarian Continent and bringing almost all the beast control forces within the beast control sect into the circle.

Of course, the Valley of Humans and Thousand Beasts does not play the role of dictatorship. It emphasizes shared growth and no defense. It can be said that it fully supports the beast-controlling forces.

At the beginning, everyone was very harmonious, and even under the leadership of Thousand Beast Valley, they occupied almost half of the territory of Nanyi Barbaric Continent, and the beast control group flourished.

At that time, the Tiangang Immortal Alliance was not called the Tiangang Immortal Alliance. It was called the Barbarian Sect, which was named after the three major barbarian tribes that had been inherited for thousands of years in the Nanyi Barbarian Continent.

At that time, the physical cultivation power in the Nanyi Barbarian Continent was still firmly controlled by the three major barbarians, and had not yet penetrated to the middle and lower levels of monks.

But despite this, relying on the foundation of the three barbarian clans, this barbarian sect is still one of the five sects, and is extremely powerful.

Originally, the Barbarian sect was the king of the mountain in the Nanyi Barbarian Continent. The family was the only one, covering the sky with one hand. Every drop of rain falling from the sky in the Nanyi Barbarian Continent must belong to the Barbarian sect.

However, Thousand Beast Valley brought a group of younger brothers to expand infinitely on the Nanyi Barbarian Continent, which naturally touched the core interests of the Barbarian sect, so corruption was inevitable.

But at that time, the Valley of Thousand Beasts was at its peak, and its strength was one of the best among the seven sects. In addition, with the assistance of these Apex Level forces who also controlled the beasts below,

Naturally, they were not afraid of the barbarians, and the two sides fought for thousands of years. Over the course of thousands of years, the two sides became more stable and jointly divided and governed the southern barbaric continent.

Originally, the situation should have stabilized, but two eras ago, before the advent of the Tiger Calendar era, the Beast Control Sect discovered that the Nanyi Barbarian Continent lurked great luck.

This person, when he doesn't have a gun in his hand, will naturally follow his elder brother and not have too many other thoughts.

But once you have a gun in your hand, your waist becomes stiffer unconsciously, and you have more thoughts in your mind.

The Beast Control Sect had such a mentality at that time. Naturally, this sect, which was fundamentally crooked from the very beginning, would not be interested in Thousand Beasts Valley.

Whenever there is an opportunity, the first one to jump up is the Beast Control Sect.

Therefore, before the advent of the Tiger Calendar Era, the Beast Control Sect began to have evil thoughts. He wanted to join the Seventh Sect!

How can a man stay depressed and depressed for a long time?

Thousands of beasts are dead, it is time to control the beasts. With the strength of tigers, the world will be prosperous!

In the past few thousand years, following the elder brother, the Beast Control Sect had already accumulated a lot of strength. In addition, they learned that Thousand Beast Valley had a divine beast egg in their hands.

Of course, the details of the mythical beast eggs were guessed by Xu You himself, and this was not recorded in any data.

Based on these reasons and the growing ambitions, there was no reason not to replace him, so the Beast Control Sect began to plot secretly.

First, he roped in a beast-controlling force that was very close to him, and then secretly colluded with the Barbarian Sect to destroy the Valley of Thousand Beasts in one fell swoop during the chaos of the Tiger Calendar Era.

The Beast Control Sect and the Barbarian Sect agreed that after destroying the Thousand Beast Valley, they would also help eliminate all other beast control forces, leaving only the Beast Control Sect alone.

Moreover, the Beast Control Sect is willing to be an affiliated sect of the Barbarian Sect. Even if it replaces Thousand Beast Valley and becomes one of the seven sects, it will control its strength to the bottom of the seven sects and not threaten the Barbarian Sect.

This proposal hit it off instantly. Compared to the Beast Control Sect, the Barbarian Sect naturally hated the Thousand Beast Valley, which had a profound foundation and acted in the right way.

No one in the Valley of Thousand Beasts could have imagined that the forces that he had cultivated all those years ago would actually give him the cruelest blow behind his back.

You know, the Beast Control Sect Thousand Beasts Valley had no reservations at all, and now it actually did such a reckless thing.

Things naturally went smoothly, calculated mentally and unintentionally. During the Tiger Calendar Era, the Valley of Thousand Beasts was no longer as good as its previous peak, and luck declined.

Coupled with the fact that the two most ferocious younger brothers defected to the Barbarian sect, the end can be imagined, and they were completely destroyed in the Tiger Calendar Era.

The Beast Control Sect thus took the position of the Thousand Beast Valley and inherited almost all the inheritance of the Thousand Beast Valley.

Afterwards, the Beast Controlling Sect also fulfilled its promise and cooperated with the Barbarian Sect to destroy other beast control forces. Even the beast control force that defected to the Beast Control Sect immediately did not escape this fate.

After the end of the Tiger Calendar Era, the Beast Controlling Sect fulfilled its wish and became one of the seven sects, and he was the only beast control force left in the Nanyi Barbarian Continent.

In the end, the Beast Controlling Sect retreated, only allocating a small piece of land in the Nanyi Barbarian Continent for its disciples to live, and returning seven out of ten of the territory previously occupied by the Beast Controlling Sect to the Barbarian Sect.

Compared to the Shameless and Vicious Sect of the Beast Control Sect, the Barbarian Sect keeps their promises. The people of Nanyi Manzhou are simple and honest, and they attach great importance to credibility.

Although the behavior of the Beast Control Sect was shameless, he still tolerated him and did not kill him.

The Beast Control Sect keeps a low profile, but the Barbarian Sect is the only one who follows the lead, and that is called obedient.

But how could the Beast Control Sect be willing to do this? Once you get the position of the Seven Sects, you will naturally look forward to the position of the Five Sects.

Therefore, the attention naturally turned to the "simple" force Barbarian Sect also in Nanyi Barbarian Continent.

In the thousands of years since then, while the Yushou developed vigorously in secret, they also secretly maintained various contacts and instigations with the three barbarian tribes.

On the surface, he has the best relationship with Dragon Race, almost to the point of becoming his adopted son.

At that time, among the three major barbarian tribes, the Dragon Race was the strongest, followed by the Lazi tribe and the Li tribe last.

The three major barbarian tribes have been inherited in Nanyi Barbarian Continent for many years. In fact, they have their own disputes with each other. If there are foreign enemies, everyone will temporarily work together.

But after the foreign enemies are eliminated, more or less fighting will naturally occur. This is the disadvantage of alliances between different clans. Unlike sect forces, this kind of conflict will naturally occur.

Originally there were conflicts, but according to their barbarian straightforwardness, many things could be resolved on the table without causing too much trouble.

But how can the Beast Control Sect be like this? He is the most vicious shit stirrer.

The thinking of these warriors from the Nanyi Barbarians is relatively simple, how can they compare with the foreign scheming sects like the Beast Control Sect.

Therefore, in the next few thousand years, due to the troubles of the Beast Control Sect, the internal strife within the Barbarian Sect became very serious.

It is difficult to describe the twists and turns. I can only say that if a book was written based on the development history of the Beast Control Sect, tens of millions of words could be written in these thousands of years.

In short, before the advent of the last Great Dao Era, the conspiracy of the Beast Control Sect was basically successful. They originally wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to step on the shoulders of the Barbarian Sect and ascend to the position of the Five Sects.

But people are not as good as God. In the last Great Era, the barbarians were blessed with a unique martial arts cultivator who rose from the ground.

This person is from the Li ethnic group and has amazing talent. His improvement in Martial Dao is unique and rapid.

In that Great Dao era, he was the pillar of luck for the Nanyi Barbarian Continent, turning the tide and pulling back the barbarian sect that was about to fall apart with his supreme cultivation.

In the end, he directly integrated all the physical cultivation forces in the Nanyi Barbarian Continent, reorganized the Barbarian Sect, and established the Tiangang Immortal Alliance.

All the physical cultivation forces in Nanyi Manzhou were included in the form of franchise, and the name of Thirty-Six Tiangang was resounding throughout the Divine Continent.

The three major barbarian tribes are still integrated into the Tiangang Immortal Alliance, but they are no longer like before. All major and minor matters are discussed by the three of them.

Instead, the entire Immortal Alliance makes decisions together.

This martial artist is the famous Martial God Li Bachu.

Li Bachu almost single-handedly pulled the entire Nanyi Barbarian Continent back from the edge of the cliff. If the three barbarian tribes fell apart at that time, the entire Nanyi Barbarian Continent would be hell.

Countless foreign forces will carve up and gnaw at it, and finally Martial Dao will die. The Nanyi Barbarian Continent may no longer be a paradise for martial arts.

It was under such a dangerous situation that Li Bachu founded the Tiangang Immortal Alliance and interrupted the martial arts monopoly of the three barbarians.

He himself was born into a royal family, but he rose up against the royal family and once again opened the class barrier for all the middle and low-level monks in the Nanyi Barbarian Continent, allowing all physical practitioners to climb up.

At that time, the Tiangang Immortal Alliance under the leadership of Li Bachu had two purposes.

First, everyone on the Nanyi Barbarian Continent has a Martial Dao to travel to.

Secondly, there can only be one Great Dao in Nanyi Barbarian Continent, and that is Martial Dao.

(End of chapter)

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