Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 170 Chapter 181 182 Domestic Slaves With Five Surnames, Violent Aesthetics, Xu Is Supporting

Chapter 170 Chapter 181 182 Domestic slaves with five surnames, violent aesthetics, Xu is supporting his buddy [Please vote for me at the beginning of the month

After establishing the Tiangang Immortal Alliance, Li Bachu would naturally not let go of cunning forces like the Beast Control Sect.

Directly leading the team to the expedition, if the Beast Control Sect had not had a sharp nose and ran out of the Nanyi Barbaric Continent as soon as possible, they would have been destroyed under the iron hoof of the Tiangang Immortal Alliance.

At this point, Nanyi Manzhou has completely unified Harmony, and Martial Dao is prosperous!

It has become the only continent among the five continents where only one Apex Level force exists.

And Li Bachu was also worshiped as a god by countless people in the Nanyi barbaric continent. His statues were everywhere. He was known as the True Martial God and was respected by all people.

To this day, the True Martial God Li Bachu is still the most noble belief in the Nanyi Barbarian Continent, and will be remembered for generations to come.

As for the Beast Controlling Sect, after they fled, they ran to Hanzhou in the north and took root there.

Of course, he did behave well this time, because he didn't dare to provoke Immortal Gate, the leader over there.

They have been living in Hanzhou in the north for thousands of years, not daring to expand their strength, but just maintaining their status.

And the most important point is that it is impossible to cultivate demon refining grass in a bitter cold place like Hanzhou in the North. This huge sect has to rely on the Tiangang Immortal Alliance for its supply of demon refining grass.

Tiangang Immortal Gate also specially arranged many people to plant demon refining grass, and you, the Beast Control Sect, want it?

Sorry, you have to pay a sky-high price to buy it. The seller has a monopoly market.

The Beast Control Sect's hand couldn't even reach into the Nanyi Barbaric Continent which was a piece of iron barrel.

Over the past few thousand years, I could only swallow my humiliation and purchase those demon refining grasses from Nanyi Barbarian Continent at exorbitant prices. Let's put it this way, over the years, most of the money he earned from the Beast Control Sect was earned for the Tiangang Immortal Alliance.

First, they were driven out of the Nanyi Barbarian Continent and almost wiped out. Coupled with so many years of oppression, it is natural to imagine the hatred of the Beast Control Sect towards the Tiangang Immortal Alliance.

As for the Tiangang Immortal Alliance, they also hate the Beast Control Sect.

Because it was the beast-controlling sect that almost caused the destruction of Martial Dao in Nanyi Barbarian Continent.

During that period, the Yushou Sect was just a loser, and successively took refuge with Dragon Race, the Lazi tribe, and the Li tribe. Whichever clan is stronger, he will be the dog of that clan.

Therefore, as long as the monks of the Tiangang Immortal Alliance meet the disciples of the Beast Control Sect, they are indispensable without greetings from the slaves of the five surnames.

First, he stabbed his "adopted father" in the back with Thousand Beast Valley, and then he stabbed the three "adopted fathers" in turn against the three barbarian tribes. Even the mention of the word "Beast Control Sect" makes the disciples of the Tiangang Immortal Alliance disgusted.

Of course, there are very few places where these old events can be found now. Xu You also relied on the Cave Mansion in Quanji to obtain many secrets of the Thousand Beast Valley, and relied on his Kunlun Order to find these beasts in the door. Zong is not ashamed of his past.

Now the Beast Controlling Sect wants to clear its name, follow the old path of Thousand Beast Valley, and spread the beast control industry to all parts of the Divine Continent to make money.

Therefore, these dirty pasts must be abandoned. For the past one or two thousand years, the Beast Control Sect has been committed to this matter.

Supporting justice and doing various charities are just to cover up those shameful reputations in the past.

The effect is still very good. If Xu You hadn't received the inheritance from Quan Ji, I would have really believed that the Beast Control Sect was a very good and serious sect.

It is precisely because of the entanglement of the backgrounds of these nearly three Great Dao eras that the current Beast Control Sect and Tiangang Immortal Alliance are indeed enemies who are extremely jealous of each other.

In the early years, if the two disciples met outside, they would even fight to the death. That is to say, with the deepening of business cooperation, things have eased a little.

But he was still very uncooperative. Xu You took it for granted that this disciple of the Beast Control Sect couldn't help but taunt Li Kun when he saw Li Kun squatting here looking at the beautiful woman.

"You, a slave with the fifth surname, what is the name of the dog here? I am here to ask what the name of the dog is?"

Li Kun directly raised his voice and insulted him. He was born in the Li ethnic group and had the purest barbarian blood. He was straightforward and had no sense of worldliness at all.

The main thing about my brother is to be sincere. He will treat you with all his heart even if he can have fun, and he will treat you with all his heart and soul if he can't have fun.

In addition, Brother Kun's voice is already loud, and he doesn't care about the psychological feelings of the disciple of the Beast Control Sect. What comes out is a soul-piercing attack.

Sure enough, when the Beast Controlling Sect disciple heard these words, he suddenly became angry and pointed at Li Kun's nose and was speechless. In the end, he could only blush and said,

"Shameless! Uneducated."

Brother Kun continued to insult, "You don't even know how to curse, so you come out to provoke grandpa?

What, you just made the eunuch in the palace your adoptive father? Your fucking crotch is rotten, isn't it, talking bitch? "

After this scolding, the other party could no longer reply, and his face became increasingly angry and speechless.

Li Kun's voice also attracted the attention of many people around him. After all, everyone was chatting happily and softly on this occasion tonight.

On the emperor's 100th birthday, the courtesy must be observed. Wouldn't it be a slap in the face to make a big fuss?

As the eyes looked over, a lot of eyes were also focused on Xu You. Just now, there were a lot of vague eyes on him, but now they are all open and honest, more and more.

Xu You frowned slightly, coughed, then touched Li Kun again, and gave him a final wink.

Li Kun looked around to see if he was straightforward or stupid, and he slowly suppressed his anger at this moment. After all, those two sentences just now were very satisfying.

He waved his hand and prepared to ignore the other party and settle the matter.

But it was obvious that the disciples of the Beast Control Sect did not give them a chance, and two more young disciples of the Beast Control Sect came over.

A man and a woman, the man is handsome and the woman is beautiful, with outstanding temperament.

Although they are young, both of them are at the late stage of the Four Realms.

Xu You looked at these two people for a moment and was a little surprised, because he knew these two people and had met them before on the Shenzhou Tianjiao List.

The man's name is Ji Zhengshan and the woman's name is Tong Meng. They are the most outstanding disciples of the Beast Control Sect, ranking second and third in the sect.

Both of them are on the Shenzhou Prodigy List, ranging from thirty to forty, and their strength can be described as Transcendent among the younger generation.

And the two of them have a nickname, the golden boy and beautiful girl of the Beast Control Sect.

Yes, they are a couple of two cultivators, childhood sweethearts. The two have a pair of spiritual beasts, Lianli Asuka, who share the same mind.

Due to their outstanding strength and appearance, the two are very famous not only within the Beast Control Sect, but also outside. They are often featured in major newspapers.

Especially some girls who are obsessed with love, kissing each other every day.

Xu You didn't know why these two people appeared here, but he thought it was related to the Penglai Immortal Society or the Witch Gu Conference.

Now, I have an unclear relationship with the Beast Control Sect because of Quanji, so Xu You didn't say anything.

He just stood quietly beside Li Kun to support him.

After Ji Zhengshan stepped forward, he glanced at Xu You twice more, and then at his fellow disciple, who angrily said the insulting words Li Kun had just said to his senior brother.

After hearing this, Ji Zhengshan showed no expression. He just looked at Li Kun and said, "You insulted our Beast Control Sect just now. Apologize and forget about it."

"Get lost." Is Li Kun the kind of person who gives in? , then continued to sarcastically say, "Are you afraid of what people will say if you do it? What? You want to be a bitch and you want to build an arch?

I don’t want to do this, so why don’t you care about me? It's you, the Beast Controlling Sect, who are the most mean-mouthed ones. "

Ji Zhengshan nodded lightly, then looked at his fellow student and said calmly, "Apologise."

"Senior brother, I."

"Apologise." Ji Zhengshan repeated it, leaving no room for doubt.

The disciple of the Beast Control Sect's face was changing, but looking at Ji Zhengshan's firm eyes, he could only hold his hands and gritted his teeth and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry for what I just said."

"Your name is Li Kun. My junior brother has already apologized. Do you also want to apologize?" Ji Zhengshan turned to look at Li Kun and said.

To be honest, Ji Zhengshan was very disciplined in his dealings this year. Others would have given him, a top 40 talent on the list, a face, and just apologized and it would have been over.

But Li Kun is not like this. As the most talented young monk of the Li clan at the moment, he bears the hope of the Li clan. Ranked third in the Tiangang Immortal League.

The macho man who is ranked thirty-seventh on the list of geniuses in Shenzhou is absolutely proud. If he apologizes now, wouldn't it mean rubbing Li Kun's face on the ground?

Someone provokes you first, and you still have to apologize? The Nanyi Barbarians do not have this reason.

Furthermore, if you, Ji Zhengshan, bend down and apologize first, he, Li Kun, might just give up the favor, but who is this poor guy? What's his level?

Just when Li Kun wanted to be violent, Xu You quickly sent a message with his spiritual consciousness, "Brother Kun, I will set up a stage for you to do it first. If you don't do it, it will leave some excuse in the eyes of others.

Let’s not scold you today, let’s just keep it that way for the time being, be more steady. Of course, there is no need to apologize, just ignore them. "

Li Kun glanced at Xu You, nodded slightly, and turned around to leave.

"You have humiliated the Beast Control Sect and you just want to leave?" Ji Zhengshan said again, "The Li people are still so ignorant of etiquette after so many years?"

His speech was gentle and his tone was calm, and he sounded like he was carrying a gun and a stick, but when it fell into Li Kun's ears, he naturally couldn't bear it.

Li Kun patted Xu You's shoulder gently, "Junior brother, don't worry about it. I'll handle it myself."

After finishing speaking, Li Kun walked directly to Ji Zhengshan. Li Kun, who was as powerful as an iron tower, looked at the other person condescendingly.

"Haha, I only obey those who have strength. If you can't do it, no, even you, the Beast Control Sect, can't do it. What's the use of words? If you don't accept it, then fuck me, or shut up your crooked mouth."

Ji Zhengshan narrowed his eyes slightly, and Tong Meng behind him immediately followed.

Xu You and Hao Ming looked at each other and nodded. The two of them are naturally honest, and if they really get involved later, they will naturally help each other to the end.

Han Qianyue and Long Xin also noticed the movement here and came over immediately.

As they watched the smell of gunpowder between Li Kun and Ji Zhengshan getting stronger and stronger, an old man wearing eunuch clothes suddenly appeared beside them and bowed slightly.

"You two young heroes, please give in a little more. It's not easy to act arrogantly in the important place of the Imperial City. Please understand."

"My father-in-law, this barbarian has insulted my sect. If he just gives in like this, wouldn't it mean that people will look down on our beast-controlling sect?" Tong Meng on the side said lightly.

The old eunuch looked at Tong Meng and then at the unruly Li Kun. It's the most helpless thing to encounter this kind of thing. These disciples come from all backgrounds and it's not easy to adjust them.

But the matter involved Zhou's dignity, so the old eunuch naturally had to be more domineering and tough. Just when he was about to speak, an afterimage suddenly passed by.

But it was the muscular female Long Xin who ran towards the Beast Controlling Sect disciple who started the trouble at the speed of light.


A simple straight punch, but combined with Long Xin's terrifying Martial Dao cultivation.

The power of this punch can be imagined. The disciple flew backwards like a cannonball and hit the floor hard, making a big crater.

The dust flew up, startling everyone around.

No one expected that Long Xin would act so brazenly on such an occasion, and they were a little unable to react for a while.

"I understand what happened." Long Xin clapped his hands calmly, "It was all because of this person who insulted my junior brother with his bad words. After the person who caused the problem was solved, the matter was over.

That's it, let's go. "

Ji Zhengshan and Tong Meng looked at Long Xin with dark faces. He beat his junior brother violently in front of so many people and caused the Beast Control Sect to lose such a huge position. How dare you say that they have broken up?

If they really break up, wouldn't the Beast Control Sect become the laughing stock of the world?

Li Kun didn't react for a moment. He, an irritable senior sister, did this inappropriately.

It's easy to deal with things like shouting and swearing. After all, it's just talking, but it's not appropriate for you to take action. It's better to take action first.

There is no way out, we can only do it.

Of course, Long Xin was taking action for him, so Li Kun naturally didn't say anything, just rolled up his sleeves and prepared to fight.

Han Qianyue looked at this violent girl with some fear. He originally wanted to leave, but when he saw Li Kun rolling up his sleeves, he naturally had to help.

Xu You and Hao Ming looked at each other again, and both smiled helplessly. The comradeship of having prostitutes together is no joke, the stance is very firm.

Of course, Ji Zhengshan also has good friends who come to help.

Everyone has friends, even Zhang Huaiyu, the sissy who created Immortal Gate, came over.

The Beast Control Sect has been very well-behaved during the thousands of years they have lived in Hanzhou in the North. They have given full play to their green tea bitch attributes and have managed the relationship with the Immortal Gate quite well.

Therefore, over the years, the personal relationship between Creation Immortal Gate and the disciples of the Beast Control Sect has been very good.

"Brother Kun, if you and Senior Sister Long get into a fight with Ji Zhengshan and Tong Meng, are you sure?" Xu You walked to Li Kun's side and asked through his spiritual consciousness.

The latter nodded slightly, "It's hard to say that we will win. Those two people are of the same mind and have some strength, but losing is not a problem."

"I understand, that's how it is now. If the quarrel is really too fierce, and what is reasonable becomes unreasonable, senior brother, there is no need for you to label the Tiangang Immortal Alliance as ignorant of etiquette.

In this kind of situation, we still need to give some face. Furthermore, this farce should not be expanded. There is no need to involve too many forces to complicate the situation. So, I have a little idea to solve it. "

"Okay, junior brother, just watch. I believe you. As long as you don't lose your position, it's fine." Li Kun smiled softly.

Xu You knew it well. He bowed directly to the old eunuch and said, "My father-in-law, I remember that there are many martial arts stages set up in the palace."

"Yes." The old eunuch nodded and replied.

When the Xianwu Kingdom was established in the Great Zhou Dynasty, there were naturally many places for martial arts performances in the palace for the royal family's children to practice actual combat.

"Okay." Xu You bowed again, "Li Kun and Long Xin from the Tiangang Immortal Alliance and Ji Zhengshan and Tong Meng from the Beast Control Sect have some disagreements, and they want to resolve them through discussion.

At the same time, this was used to congratulate the emperor on his birthday. "

After listening to Xu You's words, the old eunuch's eyes suddenly lit up. He had been living in the palace all year round and immediately understood what Xu You meant.

Directly solve the current situation, or even turn bad into good, directly turning this bad thing into a good thing.

The old eunuch immediately asked Xiang Li Kun and the others, "Do you mean this?"

Li Kun nodded without thinking. Whether he should say anything or not, Xu You's mind was very good and turned quickly.

Ji Zhengshan also glanced at Xu You twice, pondered for a while, and then nodded.

"Okay." The old eunuch didn't hesitate at all and said directly, "The disciples of the Tiangang Immortal Alliance and the Beast Control Sect want to compete for Your Majesty's martial arts. If you are interested, you can go to the martial arts performance stage next door to watch."

The old eunuch's words defined this matter which should have been difficult to deal with. After staying in the palace for a long time, his art of speaking is very high.

After saying a few brief words, the old eunuch made a gesture of invitation to Li Kun and the four of them.

The four of them immediately followed in stride.

Xu You and others also followed, and many people around them also followed. Everyone is still very interested in this kind of thing, and battles on the Shenzhou Tianjiao List are still relatively rare.

Although this incident was a big one just now, the scope was well controlled. Young people have their own circle of young people, and old monks have their own circle of old monks.

From the time it happened until now, no "senior" has stepped forward to stop it.

Xue Qianluo under the pavilion also noticed when it happened. She would not admit that a large part of her attention still fell on Xu You.

Therefore, when something happened to Xu You, she would naturally know it immediately. Normally, she would not even raise her eyelids when encountering such a situation.

But now she still lifted it a lot more, but still sat there coolly without getting up.

The reason is simple. She now has a deep understanding of Xu You's strength. She does not think that any young monk of her generation is capable of doing anything bad to Xu You.

Let's put it this way, in a one-on-one fight, even if there are some perverts on the list of geniuses, Xu You can't beat him, but he can definitely protect himself.

Zhang Wei didn't get up either, she was still sitting there doing divination, and the divination showed good luck.

There is a very spacious martial arts arena in the courtyard next door. There are several arenas, all built with special stones that will not be easily damaged by spells.

Each arena is also covered by a special isolation formation, which will not spread to other places.

When Xu You and the others arrived, the old eunuch became the "host" with ease. The discussion mode was determined.

A two-on-two melee.

The four of Li and Kun went directly to the ring, then activated the formation, and the battle began.

The onlookers scattered in all directions, all looking towards the ring.

Xu You and the other three sat down on the ground, looking at the other side of the ring with relaxed eyes. They still had great trust in Li Kun's strength.

Brother Kun's other advantages may not be outstanding, but the word "meng" is as consistent as ever.

"Have Brother Kun and the others ever beaten these two people?" Hui Ming asked, and added, "I have seen the actual battle between Ji Zhengshan and Tong Meng before.

It's no problem if we separate Brother Kun, but it's still difficult to attack together. They have cultivated their minds since childhood and are good at joint attack combat. It is by no means as simple as one plus one. "

Xu You looked at the worried Hui Ming and said with a smile, "It's okay. I believe Brother Kun. If it really doesn't work, won't we still be there?"

"What do you mean, junior brother?" Haoming's expression changed.

"I will help appropriately and will not let Brother Kun lose his position." Xu You said.

"Isn't this not good? After all, there are so many people watching, and Brother Kun definitely doesn't want you to do this. It's not fair." Hao Ming hesitated.

"Fair?" Xu You said with a smile, "If Brother Kun wins, it is naturally fair and everyone can get together and relax. But if we really can't beat him, we must not let Brother Kun lose face.

Brother Kun is my brother, and I am here to support him, not to help my enemy and reason with him. Of course, methods and methods still need to be talked about. Even if you want to help, you can't do it without losing Brother Kun's face. "

Hao Ming sighed, "I'm not as good as Junior Brother. Having a good brother like Junior Brother is a great blessing in life! After the banquet, we brothers must go to Feixuan Tower."

A question mark slowly appeared on Xu You's forehead. Now he had every reason to doubt how far Haiming could go on the path of Buddhism.

He was even more worried that if Hui Ming really fell into evil in the future and damaged the foundation of Buddhist Gate, would his master exalt him?

The master of the Great Thunderclap Monastery's Dragon Subduing Arhat Hall will not tell you about the compassion of Buddha, he will only offer physical salvation.

A fierce collision soon occurred in the ring, and the enemies were extremely jealous when they met. The four people fought against each other without holding back at all.

This is the first time Xu You has seen Li Kun take action. It has to be said that Brother Kun is the most fierce among the young Li people for a reason.

His cultivation on Martial Dao can be said to have reached the state of perfection.

The one physical practitioner Xu You had seen before was Zheng Qiang from Luoyan Peak. He was shocked at that time, but now Li Kun and Long Xin are obviously of much higher quality than Zheng Qiang.

It is simply the aesthetics of power and violence.

Fighting with fists and fists, and the power of swallowing up mountains and rivers.

This is the ultimate showdown between the beast master and the nuclear explosion physical warrior.

The scene soon became intense. Li Kun was born in a barbarian tribe. When the barbarian bloodline is stimulated, strange beasts will appear on his body. At this moment, Li Kun has obviously stimulated the power of his own bloodline.

Lifelike bloody patterns of strange beasts appeared on the chest and arms. Xu You didn't know what this strange beast was, but Xu You could feel the wild aura exuded by the strange beast through this formation.

This kind of ancient and desolate aura changed Li Kun's entire aura to resemble that of an ancient god of war.

The fist force can even distort the space, and Long Xin is no exception. Three bloody lines appear on the muscles on his body, and his power is extremely frightening.

Whether it is Li Kun or Long Xin, Xu You is amazed by their skills. This Great Dao of physical training inherited from the Nanyi Barbarian Continent for tens of thousands of years should not be underestimated.

Even if he were to face Li Kun at this moment, he would probably have to put in a lot of energy, and he would never be able to defeat him easily.

On the other hand, Ji Zhengshan's side was still able to hold steady despite such fierce attacks from Li Kun and Long Xin. It is different from Li Kun's single physical combat method.

The two of them used many methods, mostly focusing on controlling beasts. In the end, they even sacrificed their own Spirit Beast, Lianli Feiyao.

These are two colorful Spirit Beasts with outstanding appearance. They are proficient in the Divine Ability of water and fire, and are connected to their master's mind. The cultivation level has reached the four realms, and the cooperation with the master directly greatly improves the strength.

Xu You looked at the power of these two Spirit Beasts, and felt a little itchy in his heart. He didn't think that beast control was anything special before.

Now it seems that my vision is narrow. I will have to study the inheritance of Thousand Beast Valley in the future. When the divine beast Disaster Breaks out of its shell, it may also qualitatively improve my strength.

As Lian Li Feiniao joined the battlefield, the two sides were in a stalemate for a while, and the battle became more intense. Xu You also became more and more emotional.

The top fifty people on the list of talented geniuses are indeed first-class geniuses. If I didn't have the help of Azure Lotus, I would probably not be able to defeat them at this stage just relying on the Nine Yang Immortal Technique.


Li Kun's sharp shout awakened Xu You from his engrossed thoughts. He looked over and his eyes immediately changed slightly.

He reacted immediately, patted his waist, and the Pure Yang True Sword spurted out.

The sword body was burning with raging fire and rushed straight into the isolation formation, directly cutting the formation into two. Finally, the flying sword landed in the center of the ring, and the cold sword energy directly separated the two parties fighting.

At the same time as Xu You took action, the old eunuch also took action, teleporting to the ring and using his Divine Ability to restrain the cultivation of Li and Kun.

When the battle situation came to an end, Xu You stepped forward immediately. It's no good if we don't take action. Li Kun and Ji Zhengshan are obviously on top and have already made a fatal move. They have to risk their lives.

Especially since Li Kun had activated his bloodline power to the extreme just now. This was a unique skill that could determine life and death. How could Xu You watch Li Kun do this?

Even if he wins, he will still end up with his foundation greatly damaged.

As Xu You's sword energy fell, the eyes of the surrounding onlookers once again focused on Xu You and the pure Yang sword burning with fire.

The people present were all disciples from famous sects, and they all had great vision. Xu You had almost used all his strength in desperation, otherwise how could he have cut through the formation.

This is naturally shocking in the eyes of others. Almost everyone present is thinking about whether they can break the formation if they take action.

The answer is very clear, almost everyone can't, so why not look at Xu You.

Xu You had long been accustomed to these sights and didn't pay attention at all. He just came to Li Kun's side and whispered,

"Brother Kun, it's not worth it. You don't have to fight with others like this. It's a big loss."

Li Kun slowly calmed down his fighting spirit at this moment and nodded slightly, "Thank you just now. If you hadn't stopped me, the consequences would be unpredictable.

Damn it, I just got into trouble, it’s just because this person from the Beast Control Sect is too shameless. How can a shameless person deserve to fight like this? "

"Senior brother, it's good if you understand."

Xu You breathed a sigh of relief. Yu Ming and Han Qianyue also came forward to say hello.

As soon as Han Qianyue arrived, Long Xin pulled him over, hugged him generously and asked Han Qianyue if he cared about her.

Xu You looked at this "beautiful" picture in astonishment, and then quickly looked away, not daring to look further.

The picture is hard to describe, it's a bit eye-catching, just like two pure muscular men in the gym, full of passion.

"The disciples of the Tiangang Immortal Alliance and the Beast Control Sect are worthy of being the leader of the Righteous Path, and have great Divine Ability. There is no winner in this competition. I would like to thank several of you for your Majesty's support." The old eunuch said loudly.

Now that the conversation has come to an end, there has been an almost desperate fight, and the necessary steps have been taken.

Li Kun remained silent, and Ji Zhengshan also remained silent. They left the ring without saying anything, but looked deeply at Xu You before leaving.

In this way, this "discussion" started with provocation and ended with Xu You's brilliant sword.

"Junior Brother Xu, long time no see." Just when Xu You and the others had just returned to the main courtyard, a greeting voice came from behind.

Xu You looked back and saw that he was a disciple of Sword Sect, and Xu You also knew this person. It was Tang Ruyi whom he met when he was handling the Lietian Clan task in Moonlight City.

Xu You still has a deep impression of Tang Ruyi. This Sword Sect disciple is not only arrogant but also a real gentleman with integrity.

After escaping to heaven, he came back and tried his best to save himself. Because of this, Xu You thought that the other party was a trustworthy person.

Therefore, when Tang Ruyi said hello, Xu You smiled and bowed directly, "Long time no see, Senior Brother Tang."

Tang Ruyi walked to Xu You and said with emotion, "It's been a long time since we said goodbye to Lietianmen. I didn't expect that my junior brother's cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds during this time.

He has achieved such a great reputation, and even entered the list of geniuses directly. I feel a little dazed.

Junior brother was joking at first and I felt so miserable.

Your name is obviously Xu You, why do you say your name is Duan Aotian? "

Xu You smiled awkwardly, "Didn't Senior Brother want to ask me about the sword or something? I was afraid of trouble, so I gave him a fake name."

Tang Ruyi looked at Xu You faintly, "In the eyes of junior brother, do you really not want to ask me about swordsmanship?"

"That's not true, it's just"

"Okay!" Tang Ruyi patted her thigh directly, "I said at the time that I would ask you about Jianyu after Junior Brother enters the Four Realms. Now there happens to be a ring here. Junior Brother, is it willing?"

That sword strike by Junior Brother just now made my heart surge!

Xu You's expression froze. Everyone in this Sword Sect was indeed a swordsman. They didn't care what the occasion was. How could they come up and ask people about swords?

Of course Xu You directly rejected this request, "Senior Brother Tang, I will definitely do it next time. It is really inconvenient today. I will definitely agree to it next time, Senior Brother."

Tang Ruyi's expression paused, and then he sighed deeply, "Junior brother was able to have such a deep understanding of the sword with the cultivation of the three realms, but now I want to take it to a higher level.

In terms of swordsmanship, I am not as good as my junior brother now, that's all, that's not why I am so ugly, but my junior brother remembers what I said now.

When I have confidence in the future, my junior brother must remember this sword battle with me! "

"Definitely!" Xu You said, cupping his fists.

"Actually, the reason why I came here is not just because of my business. Tang Mou thinks that his swordsmanship is not popular among the younger generation in the sect.

There are five people in my generation who are better than me. The top three look down on me, and the top two are above me. I want to tell my junior brother, there is someone in Sword Sect.

If possible, I would like to ask my junior brother to ask them about the sword. "Tang Ruyi smiled and said, "Before, the Sword Sect disciples thought that there was only one person in Kunlun, Xue Qianluo.

Now there is one more junior brother, you, so those people who are sitting in front of me all want me to talk to junior brother about Wenjian. "

After finishing speaking, Tang Ruyi pointed to a person on the right. That person was dressed in white clothes like him, handsome and indifferent, with an indifferent temperament.

Standing there, it looked like a peerless sword.

At this moment, his cold eyes were looking at Xu You.

"Leng Qingfeng, my junior brother from the same lineage, is slightly younger than me, and currently has three seats in the Sword Sect. We both inherit the domineering swordsmanship of our master, Liu Chuanzhen.

I'm not as good as you, junior brother, but I don't think our swordsmanship will lose to Master Mo's swordsmanship. So, junior brother, will you participate in the Penglai Immortal Meeting later? "

Xu You glanced at Leng Qingfeng. He had always heard about this person. This was the first time he met him today. He had a really good temperament, like Ximen Chuixue.

The force energy on his body is very strong, which is what a sword cultivator should look like.

"I'm not sure about that. As I said before, I will definitely not offend you, Senior Brother Tang, by asking for a sword." Xu You said, cupping his fists.

"Okay." Tang Ruyi smiled, clasped his fists and stood up to leave.

Xu You looked at Tang Ruyi's back with some helplessness. He couldn't do it if he didn't agree. The disciples of Sword Sect were all sword madmen. If they didn't agree to offend others, they would be in trouble.

Let’s draw a cake for Tang Ruyi first, and we’ll talk about the rest later.

[According to the original outline, I could actually write a few chapters here, but after thinking about it, it was too vulgar and blunt to pretend here, so I simplified the plot here and changed it to focus on the foreshadowing of the characters. As a result, the quality of today's content may not be the same. Great, sorry. ]

(End of chapter)

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