Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 172 Chapter 185 186 Female Virtues A \"Blind Date\" Partner With Full Traditiona

Chapter 172 Chapter 185 186 Female Virtues A "blind date" partner with full traditional attributes, fighting Gu Chengshan again

"Later I learned that you and your fellow disciple reported the body of the thunder demonic beast to Shangji Academy. Was it a one-horned thunder dog from the fourth realm?" Nie Zheng continued to ask with a burning gaze.

"Yes, it's a one-horned thunder dog from the Four Realms Late Stage." Xu You nodded.

"What a pity." Nie Zheng said with a little regret, "I wonder if I saw other one-horned thunder dogs at that time? Or did I see other thunder-type Demonic Beasts?

We currently have a huge shortage of Thunder Demonic Beasts. If you know the whereabouts of the extra Thunder Demonic Beasts, please tell me. I would like to thank you very much. "

"No." Xu You shook his head and said, "Back when that evil thief was able to escape, my senior sister and I chased it for a long time. Finally, it escaped hundreds of feet and was caught by my senior sister with her Divine Ability.

The seniors must also know that the one-horned thunder dog's thunder-type Divine Ability is so powerful that my senior sister and I spent a lot of effort to kill it.

If it weren't for my senior sister's Divine Ability, it would be difficult for me alone. Xu You said with some fear, "After that, we wasted a few hours killing the Demonic Beast and quickly retreated."

I didn't dare to stay longer because I was afraid that there might be other thunder-type Demonic Beasts, so except for the thunder dog, I really didn't see any other thunder-type Demonic Beasts. "

"Thank you for telling me. It's a pity that a good thunder dog has been lost." Nie Zheng shook his head helplessly.

"Senior, you're welcome." Xu You bowed.

"Is there anything else?" Mo Yuhuang asked impatiently.

"It's okay, I disturbed Peak Master Mo." Nie Zheng said apologetically.

Mo Yuhuang waved his hands and said nothing, but just took Xu You away.

Yang Tai squinted at the backs of Mo Yuhuang and Xu You as they left, and asked, "Mr. Nie, do you think what Xu You said is true or false?"

Nie Zhengdao said, "Xu You and Xue Qianluo act calmly, and there is almost no discrepancy between their words and deeds. Eighty percent of it is true."

"Where is the 20% leave?"

"Presumably, the two of them probably did discover the mysterious underground space when they were on the run to hunt down the Four Realms Thunder Dog, but they just didn't dare to enter due to their cultivation.

Yesterday, Lagan Desert reported news that there were Kunlun disciples appearing in Lagan Desert. It must be that Kunlun knew about the strange things underground and sent people to investigate.

There is a high probability that this matter was learned from Xu You and Xue Qianluo.

However, the number of people sent by Kunlun Immortal Sect were not many, and their level was not high. It was just an ordinary earth-exploring mission.

It seems that they do not know the preciousness of this underground space, which can also be supported by the fact that Xu You and Xue Qianluo have never gone down there.

We just popped up to ask Xu You about this issue just to make final decisions. His answer was somewhat vague at the end. "

Yang Tai nodded and said, "So, what Mr. Nie means is that Xu You and Xue Qianluo can basically be ruled out going into the underground space now."

"Yes." Nie Zheng nodded lightly, "The next focus will be on the strong ones in the Heavenly Dao realm. As I said, no matter how far we go, we must find them."

"Yes." Yang Tai said with some hesitation, "But since Kunlun has sent people to investigate, sooner or later they will investigate the underground space and discover the mine field. Do we want to stop it?"

Nie Zheng shook his head and said, "No. We can't let Kunlun know that we have anything to do with this matter. Let them find out if they find out. Quanji's Cave Mansion no longer has any useful value, and the Great Elder Dongli has removed it and consolidated it." , has now completely collapsed.

As long as Kunlun doesn't know about Quanji, then the underground space will know about it. Although the huge secret place in the thunder field is precious, it is of little use to us now.

As long as you find the mythical beast eggs, nothing else is as important. "

"Understood." Yang Tai nodded slightly, "And even if Kunlun discovers the Thunder Domain, we will inevitably have to ask Kunlun for some benefits in the future if we know about it.

After all, other forces on the Central Earth Heaven Continent cannot just sit back and watch Kunlun obtain this treasure. "

"What you said reminded me of a direction." Nie Zheng's expression changed, "It stands to reason that if someone from the sect discovers this underground space, it will be inherited by Quan Ji.

Then they have no reason to abandon this minefield land, and we have never found any trace of development in this underground space. "

"Mr. Nie means that that person is not a member of the sect? But an Independent Cultivator?" Yang Tai asked.


"Then this is a direction." Yang Tai pondered, "It would be much easier if it was an Independent Cultivator. After all, there are not many Independent Cultivators above the Heavenly Dao realm, so it would be much easier to check.

However, the circulation of Independent Cultivators in the Tiandao Realm is high. They often travel to various continents. This also increases the difficulty, but it is still easier and more convenient than checking the vast forces.

Mr. Nie, you don’t know that it is really difficult for us to check the Heavenly Dao Realm monks from the sect’s forces, and we are very timid. "

"Then let's start from the direction of Independent Cultivator in Tiandao Realm."

"Understood." Yang Tai clasped his fists and said, "It's Mr. Nie who thinks about the abyss. I admire him."

On the other side, after Xu You and Mo Yuhuang left the area, Mo Yuhuang sent a message, "Are these two people suspicious of you?"

"It's okay, Master. I know it well. If they were really suspicious, they wouldn't ask me these irrelevant questions on this occasion.

They chose to ask me this question just because they didn't doubt me enough, and they even wanted to exclude me and not waste time on me.

So now I am the safest, Master, don’t worry. "Xu You said with a smile.

"Ah? What and what?" Mo Yuhuang didn't go around the corner for the first time.

When Xu You was about to explain in detail, she waved her hand directly and said, "You have a good brain, I trust you. Since you said so, I feel relieved."

But again, this beast-controlling sect is acting despicably. You must be careful. If anything goes wrong, be sure to ask me for help. "

"Okay Master, don't worry, I know it well." Xu You said with a smile.

"Okay, you know all the people you should know. I still have something to do. I have to go meet the elders there are two old men. I can't take you with me, so you can play by yourself." After Mo Yuhuang said that, he left first go.

Xu You watched his master leave here. When he was about to leave, a familiar voice came from behind him, "Xu You."

Xu You looked back and saw Shangguan Changge. Shangguan Changge, who was wearing palace attire, was very gentle at the moment and was looking at him with a smile.

Xu You immediately came forward and bowed to say hello, "I've met Senior Shangguan,"

"No need to be polite, just come with me for a walk." Shangguan Changge said with a smile.

"Okay." Xu You responded quickly and said apologetically, "It's been a long time since we last said goodbye. It's my fault that I haven't contacted my senior for a long time. Please forgive me, senior."

"What do you mean by that, am I the kind of elder who is unkind to others?" Shangguan Changge said with a smile.

Xu You smiled and quickly said no. I still have great respect and gratitude for Shangguan Changge Xu You. That time in Xichuan City, Shangguan Changge helped me a lot by giving him imitation Sanskrit bells.

Moreover, her husband Zhou Wuji's token also helped her. It was really easy to use. It was indeed much easier to use in the official organization of Zhou Dynasty than her status as a Kunlun disciple.

"It's only been so long, but I didn't expect that your cultivation would improve so quickly, and you would become so famous." Shangguan Changge was quite emotional.

Xu You always maintained a humble attitude in the face of the other party's compliments, and went to the Three Treasures Palace for nothing. He did not think that Shangguan Changge came to him just to chat about these things, and patiently waited for the other party's follow-up.

Soon the two of them reached a place in the outer courtyard where there were relatively few people. At this time, Shangguan Changge stopped and waved to the outer platform on a two-story attic nearby.

Xu You raised his eyes slightly and saw a girl sitting there alone, getting up and walking down.

Soon, the woman came down, dressed dignified and elegant in white, her long hair was combed into a bun, and she simply wore a jade hairpin through the restraints.

The facial features are delicate, the demeanor is gentle, and there is a slight smile on the corner of the mouth, which makes people feel comfortable looking at him. The expression on her face was managed just right, making her look like a lady.

She is more like a gentle woman born in a water town in the south of the Yangtze River.

"This is my daughter, Wan'er. I said before that I would like to introduce you to each other. You are all young people of the same generation. It would be good to make more friends.

The little girl is quiet and doesn't have many friends. As a mother, I naturally want to introduce some friends to her when I have the chance. "

Shangguan Changge first said this to Xu You, and then said to Zhou Wan'er, "Wan'er, this is Xu You, my mother's old friend in the early years."

"I've met Miss Wan'er." Xu You bowed and said hello.

"I've met Mr. Xu." Zhou Wan'er saluted gently, with an elegant posture. The bowing gesture was pleasing to the eye, as if she was a lady walking out of a painting.

This Zhou Wan'er has given Xu You only one feeling from the beginning to the present. The standard template of an ancient quiet woman is simply a textbook-level lady.

Every move and even the subtleties of his expression give Xu You a feeling of spring breeze.

To be honest, staying with this kind of girl can greatly amplify a male's masculinity.

"You guys chat, I won't interrupt you." Shangguan Changge said with a smile, and then Shi Shiran left.

Xu You looked at Shangguan Changge's leaving figure, and he realized.

This is a blind date between herself and her daughter!

Xu You was dumbfounded. He didn't know how to describe Shangguan Changge. In ancient times, daughters' families were all very reserved.

Is she so comfortable letting herself be alone with her daughter?

Xu You looked at the lady in front of him and fell into deep thought. The problem was not big, just make a friend first. It’s hard to refute Shangguan Changge’s face.

"Hello, Miss Zhou. My name is Xu You. I am a disciple of Kunlun." Xu You smiled.

Zhou Wan'er didn't understand why Xu You had to repeat her message. She didn't ask and just answered gently, "Hello, my name is Zhou Wan'er, a disciple of Taiyi Sect."

"Of course I have heard of Miss Zhou. Miss Zhou is a talented disciple of Taiyi Sect and is well-known." Xu You praised.

"Master Xu is the best among men, Wan'er is not worth mentioning." Zhou Wan'er bowed slightly and said.

"Let's go up and sit. I'm tired after walking all night." Xu You made a suggestion.


So the two of them walked up to the attic, with Xu You half a step behind and Zhou Wan'er walking in front.

The distance of each step is the same. Taking small steps, the walking posture is very standard, elegant and pleasing to the eye, as if it was measured with the most accurate ruler.

When they reached the attic, Xu You sat down on the bench.

Zhou Wan'er hesitated for a moment and sat down at the other end of the bench. His sitting posture was still very dignified, with his hands gently crossed on his legs.

The back is straight and the curves are graceful.

Xu You's sitting posture was relatively lazy, but seeing the other party being so serious, he couldn't help but sit up straight. ,

He finally discovered that Zhou Wan'er's whole body was full of etiquette and gestures expected from a royal family. This kind of education he had received since childhood was already engraved in his bones.

This made Xu You somewhat uncomfortable.

It has been quite a while since I entered the Immortal Cultivation World. The female monks I know are actually people with their own personality traits and their own style of doing things.

The most important thing is that they basically don't pay attention to any rules and regulations such as secular etiquette, and deal with the world according to their own preferences.

But the Zhou Wan'er in front of me is completely different. Although she is an excellent immortal cultivator, she does not have the freedom and ease of an immortal cultivator in her bones.

The daughter of an aristocratic family embodies the noble lady's appearance vividly, the most standard traditional girl's appearance cultivated under the framework of countless dogmas.

Xu You didn't know how to get along with the other person for a while. This was the first time he met such a professional and charming woman.

I really don’t know how to communicate, and I’m afraid I won’t be able to offend others later.

So, all I could do was keep quiet with a smile on my face, my smile was going to be so fucking stiff.

Zhou Wan'er also always maintained this sitting posture, with a slight smile on his lips, as quiet as water.

The overall gentle temperament coupled with the outstanding appearance and figure are really impressive, but when I look at the other person, I feel a sense of tranquility in my heart for no reason.

Xu You was a little stunned for a moment. He had always despised feudal dogma in the past and believed that such education suppressed people's nature and erased their character.

But when Zhou Wan'er, who was really educated under such rules, sat next to Xu You, all his previous thoughts were overturned.

It's really hard not to like this kind of down-to-earth demeanor and demeanor, the joy of spring and snow.

Damn it, have we become a feudal landlord?

There's nothing we can do about it, who wouldn't be confused by such a woman?

To use an extreme analogy, you go to a brothel and get drunk like mud. When you come home, your wife is still as gentle as water to help you clean up and cook you sobering soup.

Waiting for you to change clothes and go to bed, helping you massage to relieve fatigue, taking care of all aspects very thoughtfully and in an orderly manner.

Damn feudal society, no wonder those landlords and rich people didn’t agree with anything they said when it was overthrown.

After Xu You came to this world, she thought that only secular women would have such qualities. Unexpectedly, Zhou Wan'er also revealed such qualities.

This and her identity as a genius disciple brought about a very serious and inconsistent sense of separation.

Or are most female monks from aristocratic families like this?

"Ahem." Xu You coughed twice and quickly got rid of the thoughts in his mind.

I came to the Immortal Cultivation World to fight, not to be a local master.

At this time, Zhou Wan'er stood up holding down the hem of her skirt and walked to the table with light steps. There was wine on the table. She lifted the wine pot with her left hand, dragged the bottom of the pot with her right hand, and poured a glass of sake.

Then he handed the glass of sake to Xu You.

The latter saw that the other party was so happy even pouring wine, and there were only two words in his mind:

Elegant, so elegant.

"Miss Zhou, this is" Xu You took the wine glass in shock.

"Listening to your cough, I think your throat is a little dry. This sake can soothe your throat. Give it a try." Zhou Wan'er smiled lightly.

"That's it, okay, thank you, Miss Zhou." Xu You drank the glass of wine in a hurry.

Xu You has never seen such a world. In his view of the world, how could there be such a gentle, sensible and pleasant girl in the world?

And such a girl also has a very prominent life experience, is an only daughter, and is also very outstanding.

Xu You never imagined that an outstanding girl who grew up in such a background would be so virtuous.

Could it be that he was acting? No, it's not like that at all. This is the upbringing in the bones.

Brother, I have learned a lot today.

Isn’t this feudal era all dregs?

"Thank you, Miss Zhou." Xu You thanked you.

"You're welcome, just call me Wan'er, that's what everyone in the family calls me." Zhou Wan'er sat down slowly with his hands on the hem of his clothes, and his hip and waistline were perfectly outlined.

"Has Miss Wan'er been practicing in Taiyi Sect before?" Xu You asked aloud.

"Yes, basically at home and Taiyi Sect, going both ways." Zhou Wan'er replied.

"So when you succeed in your cultivation, will Miss Wan'er plan to stay in Taiyi Sect or return to the Great Zhou Dynasty Sect?"

"I don't know yet, just listen to my mother." Zhou Wan'er said with a smile.

"Senior Shangguan?" Xu You asked hesitantly, "You will go wherever Senior Shangguan tells you to go?"


"You haven't thought about where you want to go? Or your own decision or something like that." Xu You continued to ask.

"My own?" Zhou Wan'er fell into deep thought for a moment, then shook his head, "Not really, just follow mother's arrangements."

"So that's it." Xu You felt a little emotional in his heart. This kind of family education is actually somewhat abnormal. It is actually very boring for people to follow this step-by-step throughout their lives.

But if you think about it carefully, aristocratic families are different from ordinary families. They need such a step-by-step approach to contribute to the continuation of the family and to try their best to make their family last forever.

From this point of view, there is nothing wrong with it. In the end, an individual is just a screw in front of the family, and there is no need to hit it anywhere.

At this moment, Xu You also gradually understood how Zhou Wan'er's character was developed. The day-in and day-out education from childhood to adulthood formed her current character.

Such a girl is indeed very suitable for marriage, because such a wife can definitely live a very good life with her husband.

Xu You is now even sure that no aristocratic family can refuse a marriage like Zhou Wan'er's. Such a woman can be prosperous for three generations as a eldest wife.

But what Xu You doesn't understand is why Shangguan Changge wants Zhou Wan'er to have a "blind date" with him. Logically speaking, shouldn't he find a family of equal strength?

Next, Xu You gradually became familiar with Zhou Wan'er, and the two of them chatted about more topics, ranging from astronomy to geography, six arts, and even folk customs.

Xu You finally discovered that Zhou Wan'er not only has a beautiful and gentle appearance, but also has deep inner cultivation.

After getting along with her, she is simply a treasure girl, the dream wife of many men.

However, Xu You couldn't help but feel excited as the contact deepened. Of course, it didn't mean that he fell in love with the other person directly, but simply felt that if married wives were like this, then no man would be afraid of marriage.

Of course, there are also shortcomings, that is, it does lack a bit of personal spirituality and some of its own soul.

But actually speaking on the other hand, if she really had these things, she wouldn't be so gentle.

It can only be said that these two character qualities are indeed naturally opposed.

Zhou Wan'er and Luo Qiaoqiao are two completely opposite personalities. What if a woman can have both personalities at the same time?

"Miss Wan'er, have you ever thought about looking for a life of your own?" Xu You and Zhou Wan'er are not sitting now. Instead, they are standing behind the railing and looking down.

Zhou Wan'er just smiled lightly, and then asked, "Why do you think I'm not living my own life now?"

Xu You was stunned for a moment, then smiled casually, "I'm superficial."

"Then if you get married in the future and the other person asks you to be your husband and raise your children, would you be willing? Then you might give up on your cultivation." Xu You asked again casually.

"Does Mr. Xu like women who take care of their husbands and raise their children?" Zhou Wan'er fell into deep thought.

"No, no." Xu You quickly waved his hand, "I just asked casually."

Zhou Wan'er still maintained a shallow smile, thought for a moment, and said frankly, "After chatting for so long, Wan'er probably knows what kind of person Mr. Xu is.

Mr. Xu, you are a smart man, and you must know what my mother meant when she asked you to be friends with me.

It's just in the name of making friends, to see if Mr. Xu is interested in Wan'er. The best thing is to become a Taoist couple. "

The sip of wine Xu You just poured into his mouth spit out. He didn't expect that Zhou Wan'er, who was so gentle and quiet, would change his style so much at this moment and start playing straight.

This shock shook Xu You's cognition again. He thought that this lady would not say these words so straightforwardly.

Xu You was stunned. He turned to look at Zhou Wan'er, "Miss Wan'er, you..."

"Don't get me wrong." Zhou Wan'er replied seriously, "I'm just stating a fact. My mother thinks so, and the young master is also a smart man.

Wan'er doesn't want the young master to be difficult, but it will be difficult to talk to my mother when the time comes. It would be better for Wan'er to lift the veil directly.

Of course, sir, don’t worry, Wan’er will not tell my mother during today’s chat, no matter what, we are all friends. "

Listening to the other party's clear and stable words, Xu You was a little dumbfounded.

Indeed, it is naturally impossible for Zhou Wan'er to fall in love with him after seeing him for the first time. The reason why she is so calm is precisely because she doesn't understand what feelings are at all.

She just regards the matter of Taoist companions as a necessary process in life, and since it is a process, speaking out openly is the best way to deal with it.

So in the face of this situation, Xu You calmed down, and even got distracted by the other party in a serious manner, and analyzed the matter in depth with the other party by talking about business.

"Miss Wan'er, you should have heard the word like, or the word emotion."

"I heard it."

"Did Miss Wan'er ever have someone she liked?"

"How do you specifically describe your likes?"

"That's right, that's right. It means that you can't stop thinking about that person. When you think of that person, your heart beats faster. That's pretty much it."

"That's not the case."

"Then I think that for two people to become Taoist couples and become husband and wife, there must be a foundation of love. They cannot just become Taoist couples directly.

After that, the relationship between Taoist couples without feelings may not be stable. "

"I don't agree with Mr. Xu's words." Zhou Wan'er shook his head directly, "I come from a noble family and have learned about this. Many Taoist monks from aristocratic families become Taoist monks directly. There is no step like you mentioned.

My mother also said that feelings can be cultivated after becoming a Taoist monk. "

Xu You was defeated. This girl's thinking is quite advanced. She has come out with marriage first and love later. It can only be said that there are still differences in the two people's understanding of Taoist companions, but neither is right or wrong, both are reasonable.

Zhou Wan'er continued, "So, Mr. Xu wants the kind of Taoist couple relationship formed out of love?"

"Yes." Xu You smiled.

"I understand." Zhou Wan'er nodded thoughtfully.

Xu You hesitated to speak. He was afraid that the girl's thoughts might be distorted. In the end Xu You gave up discussing this topic.

Instead, he said directly, "In short, we are friends now. We will talk about the future matters later. Let the development take its course. What do you think, Miss Wan'er?"

"Okay." Zhou Wan'er nodded lightly.

"Let's get to know each other again. My name is Xu You, a disciple of Kunlun." Xu You solemnly stretched out his right hand towards the other party.

"What does this mean?" Zhou Wan'er was a little confused.

"The custom in my hometown is to shake hands when meeting good friends."

"That's it." Zhou Wan'er stretched out his hand to hold Xu You's right hand and hesitated for a moment, "My name is Zhou Wan'er, a disciple of Taiyi Sect."

To be honest, she still doesn't understand why Xu You solemnly introduced herself three times from the beginning to now. What is the difference? Zhou Wan'er's little head was lost in thought.

After being honest, I decided on the melody. There was no reason for it, and Zhou Wan'er didn't know why. He suddenly felt much more relaxed.

This was a very strange feeling. After chatting for a while, Xu You said goodbye and left.

Zhou Wan'er stood on the edge of the railing, folding his hands in front of his lower abdomen, always looking at Xu You's back with a gentle attitude.

Today's meeting was not similar to what she had imagined before, and a strange feeling began to brew in her heart.

This doesn't feel like the kind of like Xu You mentioned just now, but I simply feel that Xu You gives people a very different feeling.

Zhou Wan'er couldn't describe it. He just recalled the content of the chat with Xu You word by word.

Then I still can't describe it, but the more I think about it, the more profound the impression becomes.

It wasn't until Shangguan Changge came to her that she could pull her thoughts away.

"I've met my mother." Zhou Wan'er bowed and saluted.

Shangguan Changge nodded gently, "After chatting for so long, what do you think of Xu You?"

"Very good." Zhou Wan'er replied truthfully.

"Oh?" Shangguan Changge raised his eyebrows slightly, "What did you talk about? What does he think of you?"

"Just an ordinary exchange, as for his thoughts, I don't know." Zhou Wan'er shook his head.

"Don't be in a hurry, the days are long." Shangguan Changge said calmly, "Let's go, I will take you to meet some elders."

Zhou Wan'er followed her mother and left calmly.

On the other side, Xu You was thinking about whether to leave the palace directly. Anyway, the banquet was coming to an end and he had nothing to do.

"Hey, where did you go just now? I've been looking for you for a long time!"

A very familiar voice came from behind. Xu You immediately turned around with a smile and looked at Luo Qiaoqiao with his hands on his hips and a slightly unkind expression on his face.

"I haven't gone anywhere, I've been busy."

"Busy?" Luo Qiaoqiao leaned forward and sniffed Xu You, "Whose body does such a nice fragrance come from?"

"It belongs to my master. She just took me everywhere to identify people." Xu You's expression remained unchanged.

"Really? Your master doesn't smell like this." Luo Qiaoqiao was a little doubtful.

"She changed the spices recently." Xu You explained casually, and then his face turned serious. "What, what do you doubt about me?"

"Hehe, no, no." Luo Qiaoqiao stepped forward and gently held Xu You's arm. So are the lively elves.

Luo Qiaoqiao is no longer shy about Xu You now, but just can't hide his love for her. There is no way, the relationship between the two has reached the deepest level, more than once or twice.

With Luo Qiaoqiao's temperament, it is natural that he can get along with Xu You like this now.

"Well, there are so many people, please be careful how you behave." Xu You coughed lightly.

"It's not interesting here, let's go out and play," Luo Qiaoqiao said with a smile.

"Okay, let's go play." Xu You also laughed.

His thoughts were completely separated from the gentleness of Zhou Wan'er just now, and fell on Luo Qiaoqiao, a girl with great personality.

"Come to my house and play, my bed is big and soft!"

"Bah!" Luo Qiaoqiao blushed instantly, "Xu You, you are sick! When you are with me, this is all you think about, right?"

"No, are you going to beat me up now? Who was the one who held me back last time and refused to let me go? Now that you are happy, you just don't care about me, right?"

"Xu You! What nonsense are you talking about!"

"I'm not talking nonsense, I'm just asking you if you want to go! There is no shop like this after passing this village!"

"If you don't go to Kunlun Tower, go somewhere else!"

"That's okay. I kind of miss the place where we first went. How about we go to Gucheng Mountain again?" Excitement appeared on Xu You's face, and his eyes lit up.

"Xu You!" Luo Qiaoqiao's face became even redder. She pinched Xu You's arm hard and said stubbornly, "Then let me make it clear to you that I only want to study the compatibility between the dual cultivation method and the world.

It's not what you think. "

"I understand, I understand, you have the final say." Xu You said cheerfully.

"Hmph, pervert! Dirty!" Luo Qiaoqiao snorted and walked forward quickly.

Xu You caught up immediately, and what Luo Qiaoqiao said, Luo Qiaoqiao had to beg her when she got to the battlefield later!

Under the night, Xu You led Luo Qiaoqiao away from the imperial city, away from Opening Heaven, and rushed as quickly as possible to the very commemorative battlefield of Gucheng Mountain.

(The story of the Imperial City ends today. It’s a bit delayed. There are more people in the shop. They can be used in the future, so I really need to spend more time on it.)

(End of chapter)

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