Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 189 Chapter 219 220 Three In And Three Out, Mo Yuhuang Broke Through The Fusion Of Xu You An

Chapter 189 Chapter 219 220 Three in and three out, Mo Yuhuang broke through the fusion of Xu You and Yun Yanjin, injured himself, and Shura again

"Okay." Mo Yuhuang said angrily, "You're just telling me such a big thing now? Did you just keep silent until I asked?"

Do you still see me as a master in your eyes? "

"No, Master, wasn't I just trying to find a suitable opportunity? Moreover, the incident happened suddenly, so I was a little passive." Xu You explained.

"Hmph!" Mo Yuhuang snorted and patted his shoulder, "Keep rubbing."

"Okay." Xu You immediately reached out and continued to rub Mo Yuhuang's shoulders, and at the same time assured him immediately, "Master, don't worry, we master and disciple will always be the same as before.

Master is the most important person in my life and cannot be replaced by anyone. Don’t worry, Master, I will always be by your side. "

"Now you know how to tell your teacher something nice?" Mo Yuhuang sighed deeply, "It's true that a disciple can't help his teacher. Now he can hide such a big thing."

Xu You was a little dumbfounded. Just when he was about to continue explaining, Mo Yuhuang's eyes suddenly turned sharp, "Wait! Did Yun Yanjin know about this before me?"


"Okay!" Mo Yuhuang slapped the table in front of him angrily, "You tolerated it by hiding it from me. Now that old woman knows it before me. What do you mean?"

Xu You hurriedly said, "Master, Senior Yun didn't know about it before. She just found out the clues carefully. That's why she brought me to Joyous Union Sect just to confirm this matter."

Xu You didn't dare to neglect, and quickly explained in a concise and concise manner what Yun Yanjin had brought him here.

"What do you mean?" Mo Yuhuang slapped the table again after hearing this, "What happened between you and Luo Qiaoqiao is that she Yun Yanjin took a big advantage and cultivated her fortune for eight lifetimes.

How dare you test you now? Are you going to intimidate you? He actually told me that I brought you here to set an example for the disciples of Joyous Union Sect.

It’s so shameless to say anything without opening your mouth! Just wait, Master will find a place for you. Why should she get such a big benefit?

I don’t even go out to ask around. I don’t know how many people have asked me about you and want you. What kind of class is she, Yun Yanjin!

No, I can’t swallow this breath! "

Xu You quickly hugged his master to prevent her from being impulsive, and said quickly, "Master, this is other people's territory, it's not good for us to do this.

Besides, that’s not what Senior Renyun meant. In the end, I was at fault for this matter, and what Senior Yun did was normal. "


"Mo Yuhuang, don't take this breath." Yun Yanjin stepped in from the door, "I was wrong for not notifying you to bring Xu You and testing him.

I apologize to you for this. "

"Eh? You still know how to apologize?" Mo Yuhuang narrowed his eyes.

Yun Yanjin was not annoyed at all, he just smiled and said, "As a sister, I naturally want to apologize to you as a sister. Why do you think so bad of me?"

"Don't come here." Mo Yuhuang said angrily, "You want to act like a well-educated, good woman and elder in front of my apprentice, right? I know every hair on your body, Yun Yanjin, and you're just pretending to be like me?"

Yun Yanjin's eyelids twitched, his face darkened slightly, and he could no longer pretend to be angry. He slapped the table and said loudly, "Mo Yuhuang, please keep your mouth clean!"

Why am I just someone? I am trying to reason with you. Can you be reasonable? "

"Be reasonable, right?" Mo Yuhuang sneered, "I never reason with scoundrels, the sword in my hand is the reason!"

After saying that, Mo Yuhuang directly raised his sword with a clang, and Yun Yanjin also stepped forward at this moment, looking like he was ready to attack.

Xu You looked at these two "childish" women helplessly. Is the sisterhood so fragile now?

We've known each other for so many years, but you still do it just like a firecracker, just do what you say? Will we be able to enjoy the deep love of sisters like no one else in the future?

Xu You expressed his disbelief. He only knew that the two of them could never continue to fight now.

So, he immediately rushed between the two of them, "Master, Senior Yun, listen to me. This matter is really not a big deal. You can't let such a trivial matter affect the relationship between you sisters, right?"

"Who is her sister?"

The two women said almost in unison.

Xu You's scalp was numb, and he winked at Yun Yanjin desperately.

If I had to choose the more mature one among these two "childish ghosts", it would definitely be Yun Yanjin.

It is undeniable that in terms of wisdom, his master is indeed inferior to Yun Yanjin.

Yun Yanjin's mood slowly began to relax, and he nodded invisibly to Xu You, then took a deep breath and looked at Mo Yuhuang and said,

"You are a guest, so I won't argue with you today. I will apologize when it's time to apologize. I have a clear conscience towards you, my disciple.

Not only that, I will treat him better than you treat him in the future! "

"You fart!" Mo Yuhuang pointed at Yun Yanjin's nose, "My apprentice doesn't need you to be nice to him, I will do it myself."

"I hope so." Yun Yanjin said no more, but took out some spiritual wine and spiritual fruits and placed them on the table. No matter what, the hospitality must not be lost.

"You do your thing and I do mine. We are all so old. Don't you understand this?" Yun Yanjin poured a glass of wine and handed it to Mo Yuhuang personally.

Mo Yuhuang sneered, took the spirit wine and drank it in one gulp, "Who doesn't understand the truth? But I don't understand the truth of ulterior motives. In any case, you can't bring my apprentice to Joyous Union Sect without authorization.

Whether it's to me or to Kunlun, you have to give an explanation, not just an apology. "

"Okay, I accept this. If you want to explain anything, I will do it." Yun Yanjin agreed generously.

Hearing this, Mo Yuhuang's smart eyes began to roll again, and finally said, "I haven't thought about it right now, so I just think you owe me something.

From now on, you have to agree to whatever I ask you to do. "

"As long as it doesn't violate my principles, I will accept it." Yun Yanjin thought for a while and nodded.

"There is no basis for what you say." Mo Yuhuang directly took out a jade talisman, wrote the agreement and promise using the jade talisman as a medium, and finally handed it to Yun Yanjin.


"Are you naive?" Yun Yanjin laughed a little in anger, but still took the signature.

Mo Yuhuang took back the jade talisman with satisfaction and snorted, "With this as proof, let's forget about you bringing my disciple to Joyous Union Sect without authorization for the time being.

If you dare to do this again in the future, it won't be so easy. "


"Let's go." Mo Yuhuang stood up directly and wanted to take Xu You away.

Yun Yanjin said loudly, "Are you going to take your disciple away now?"

"What else? The wine has been drunk and the guests have sat down. I don't want my disciple to stay in this place where people's hearts are not ancient. Besides, I have something else to do, so I won't stay any longer." Mo Yuhuang waved his hand directly.

"Wait a minute."


"I just mastered Tianling Yin Yang Dafa just now. You just barged in without even knowing whether it was complete. Xu You needs to stay for a few more days to consolidate it." Yun Yanjin said.

"Is that so?" Mo Yuhuang turned to look at Xu You.

The latter was stunned for a moment, and then nodded. Although he didn't understand why Yun Yanjin used this reason to keep him here anymore, he still cooperated now.

Because he knew that it would definitely be beneficial for Yun Yanjin to let him stay.

"That's it." Mo Yuhuang pondered for a while, then suddenly narrowed his eyes and said, "Don't you want to teach? Then teach now, and I'll stay and observe."

"Is there something wrong with you?" Yun Yanjin frowned slightly.

"It's not enough time."

"What's so good about teaching this kind of technique?"

"I want to see if it is a serious exercise."


"What, are you feeling guilty?"

"Would you like to see it?" Yun Yanjin said angrily, "Xu You, follow me!"

"Ah?" Xu You's expression froze and he didn't react for a while.

"Don't worry, I will help you protect the gate as a teacher." Mo Yuhuang smiled lightly.

This... Xu You doesn't know how to describe his mood now. This kind of slightly private preaching, Mo Yuhuang wants to protect the customs outside?

No matter what I think, I feel like something is strangely wrong.

Yun Yanjin was obviously fed up with Mo Yuhuang's unreasonable troubles, and forcefully took Xu You to the relatively private room inside.

I am really going to test Xu You’s goods here again and help him continue to perfect the yin and yang method of Tianling.

As soon as he brought Xu You into the house, Yun Yanjin slammed the door with his backhand.

Mo Yuhuang, who originally wanted to follow him, was met with disappointment.

"What are you doing? Open the door!"

"Don't you understand that the Dharma is not being preached lightly? How old are you? You have been practicing for many years. Don't you know that you can't disturb the preaching?" Yun Yanjin said aloud.

"If you want to protect the gate, just do it outside. I won't tolerate you."

Mo Yuhuang was not angry after hearing this. There was indeed nothing wrong with what Yun Yanjin said.

Then, Mo Yuhuang waved his hand and said, "Okay, you guys stay inside and I'll guard the gate outside. I want to see if you, an old woman, have a serious attitude."

After saying that, Mo Yuhuang brought a chair over and placed it at the door. His hands went down the waist to press the purple gown, and the two plump water hyacinth petals were pressed against the stool.

He sat there with his legs crossed, looking at the door with a lazy expression, and even grabbed a handful of melon seeds and started eating them at the door.

Inside the house, Xu You could even see the shadow of his master's seductive sitting posture reflected on the doors and windows, and he whispered to Yun Yanjin.

"Auntie, isn't this appropriate for us? How can someone stare at the door like this when we are practicing? I'm not easy to deal with."

"What's not easy to do? What are you afraid of? We are upright, but you are acting like I will do something to you." Yun Yanjin raised his voice slightly, showing that he had a clear conscience.

When Xu You saw this, he knew that it was useless whatever he said, these two old women just did it.

All kinds of childish poles have been thrown into the mix, and all Xu You can do is cooperate silently without exacerbating or inciting serious conflicts.

Then, Xu You sat down cross-legged and assumed a practicing posture.

Yun Yanjin also sat down opposite Xu You. There was a slight hesitation on her face, and she lowered her voice after a while, "The special function of your Jiuyang Spirit Body will be controlled later."

Xu You was stunned for a moment, knowing what Yun Yanjin was talking about and what he was afraid of.

Things like Shen Rong can indeed make people unable to control themselves. Now that Mo Yuhuang is outside, he naturally has to be more careful in this regard.

Xu You showed an indifferent look, as if he didn't know what was special about Shen Rong, and nodded in agreement.

"Let's get started and continue to operate according to the previous Great Zhoutian." Yun Yanjin nodded.

After saying that, she put her right hand on Xu You's lower abdomen. As soon as she put it on, Mo Yuhuang's voice came from outside.

"Men and women are not allowed to kiss each other, and you are not allowed to put your hands on my disciple's belly."

So, Yun Yanjin silently moved his hand up.

"Not even the chest!" Mo Yuhuang's voice came from the door again,

"Mo Yuhuang, are you sick? Are you still peeking?"

"Fart, this peak leader will do the shameless act of peeking? Do you think I am you? I am warning you based on my understanding of you.

Does the transfer of qigong have to be done on the body? Can't you put it on your hands and shoulders? Don’t think that this peak master doesn’t understand cultivation! "

Hearing this, Yun Yanjin silently put his right hand on Xu You's shoulder.

This time it was Xu You's turn to be a little stunned. Can you put it on your shoulder if you put it together?

What happened when you were practicing before? Yun Yanjin either touches his chest or his belly.

"Concentrate, luck!" Yun Yanjin said directly.

"Oh, okay." Xu You began to concentrate on the operation of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

With the current opening just now, and after successfully running for a long time, this "line" is now obviously lubricated enough.

But there was still some interference. Xu You stumbled all the way and struggled for a long time before he finally finished a full week full of sweat.

When it was over, he looked like he had been fished out of water.

Yun Yanjin on the opposite side also opened his eyes at the same time and looked at Xu You with a sigh, "Although it is barely completed, both the speed and smoothness are too low.

It's completely different from just now. Is the power of Jiuyang Spirit Body that you tried just now so useful?

Isn't there such a huge difference? "

"Actually, it's okay. At least it's completed. No matter how skilled I am," Xu You replied.

"At your speed, I'm afraid it will take a lot of time. At least it will take one breath for one week to be enough. The difference between your two quarters of an hour and one week is too big."

"What should we do?" Xu You asked.

It was hard for Yun Yanjin to answer. She couldn't say that she should let Xu You continue to develop the state of cultivation that was successful for the first time. Mo Yuhuang couldn't talk about it outside.

At this time, Mo Yuhuang's voice came from outside the door, "Okay, I believe that what you are teaching my disciple now is a serious method.

Disciple, you practice well and leave first as a teacher. There is no need to stay too long. You can leave when you are familiar with it. It is not a problem to stay in Joyous Union Sect all the time. "

"Okay Master, I'll see you off." Xu You was about to get up.

"No need, just practice hard." After saying that, Mo Yuhuang's figure disappeared.

Xu You was a little surprised that Mo Yuhuang walked away so quickly and neatly. He had no choice but to focus on Yun Yanjin, who said calmly.

"Do not talk,"


"Your master hasn't left yet."


Yun Yanjin sneered and put his hand directly on Xu You's chest.

At this time, Mo Yuhuang's angry voice came from outside the door, "Well, Yun Yanjin, you can't hold it back as soon as I tell you to leave, right?

How long has it been! Do you want to show off? "

"." To be honest, Xu You was shocked now. He didn't expect Yun Yanjin to be so accurate about his master.

The most important thing is, Mo Yuhuang would actually play this trick? This is so damn childish, only a three-year-old child plays with it.

"Master, that's not the case. Senior Yun knows you haven't left, so let's test it." Xu You shouted loudly toward the door.

He had to explain this, otherwise the two women would argue again later, which would cause a headache.

When Mo Yuhuang outside the door heard these words, he fell into a long silence, and finally said casually, "Let's go and practice hard."

"I hope someone is really gone." Yun Yanjin sneered and added, "I'm not interested in playing hide and seek with you."

"Haha." Mo Yuhuang also sneered, and then the figure completely disappeared again.

Xu You breathed a long sigh of relief and looked at Yun Yanjin again. When he was about to speak, the latter just said lightly,

"Do not talk."


"Your master hasn't left yet."

"Isn't it possible? You can't use such a stupid move twice, right?"

"You think too highly of your master." Yun Yanjin snorted and put his hand on Xu You's chest again.


The door was kicked open, and Mo Yuhuang kicked the door away with his long legs in a domineering and elegant manner, and walked in angrily.

"Well you shameless person"

The curse words were not finished after all, because Yun Yanjin was looking at her coldly with his arms folded in a very dignified posture.

Mo Yuhuang looked around and said with a smile, "Disciple, practice well. Master is leaving first."

"Okay." Xu You forced a smile.

Mo Yuhuang turned around and left, and Yun Yanjin said angrily, "Close the door!"

Mo Yuhuang laughed disdainfully, but finally closed the door and disappeared again.

Xu You didn't dare to speak anymore without being reminded by Yun Yanjin this time. He didn't know where his master's immature bottom line would be in the end.

I can only say that Mo Yuhuang is worthy of his reputation, he can always surprise people in different ways.

Yun Yanjin closed her eyes, looking like she was carefully sensing the surrounding situation outside. After a while, he slowly opened his eyes.

Xu You asked, "Are you still there?"

Yun Yanjin shook his head, "It's only a matter of three things. Based on my understanding of your master, she won't be so bored. She has already left."

Xu You breathed a long sigh of relief and then continued, "That aunt"

"Who told you to call me aunt?"


Well, I don’t know if it’s because Shen Rong’s anger has not subsided just now or because he feels guilty and wants to draw a clear line with himself.

Xu You didn't care and just continued, "Senior, how about I try using the special soul method of my Jiuyang Spirit Body?

It feels like you can practice quickly this way, otherwise it would really take too much time and energy to become fully familiar with it if you continue to dawdle like this. "

Yun Yanjin looked thoughtful, and finally said with some hesitation, "Well, are you sure you can do it faster with this?"


"Can the intensity be lowered?"


"It's nothing, let's give it a try." Yun Yanjin took a deep breath, "But you do it yourself, I won't guide you this time."


Xu You didn't hesitate much, just closed his eyes and immersed himself in cultivation.

Soon, he called on the electric current of the Shenxiao Thunder Sword to assist the movement of the Great Zhoutian. As expected, with the added lubrication of these electric currents, the speed was indeed astonishingly fast.

In addition, the line to Dazhoutian has been opened, so the operation is even smoother.

In this way, Xu You used the lubricant to run faster and faster, and the electric current rushing around in the body made his body tremble subconsciously at the moment.

His face looked even more painful.

All this fell into the eyes of Yun Yanjin, who thought something bad was going on in Xu You's body. She couldn't think too much at the moment and directly reached out to check the situation in Xu You's body.

At the same time, she fully mobilized her cultivation. In her mind, she was just assimilated by Xu You unexpectedly.

Now I am on full alert, thinking that Xu You's cultivation level will not be able to assimilate myself.

But the moment Yun Yanjin put his right hand on Xu You, he realized that he was wrong, and it was so wrong.

Just like last time, I fell into darkness again, and then came to the breezy grassland and sank in with Xu You.

I don't know how long it took before the silent room became quiet again.

Xu You put his hands behind his back and looked at Yun Yanjin with an extremely guilty conscience, fearing that she would slap him to death later.

Yun Yanjin closed her eyes again at this moment. She really didn't dare to look at Xu You. This experience twice in a row made her know that this was definitely not an illusion or illusion.

But some special means created such a connection between the two, such an indescribable connection.

This is an unacceptable thing for Yun Yanjin now. It is difficult to accept in all aspects, so he doesn't know how to face Xu You at all.

I really wanted to knock Xu You out with a palm, but I didn't have the slightest strength to strike.

But now when I close my eyes, my mind is filled with the wonderful scene just now, as if I am reliving it.

Yun Yanjin suddenly felt ashamed, even if she opened her eyes or closed them.

After a while, she opened her eyes, raised her right hand with difficulty, pointed to the door, and said in a very low voice, "Get out."

"What?" Xu You didn't hear clearly.

"Get out." Yun Yanjin almost said this through gritted teeth.

"Senior, I don't have any strength, can you wait for me?" Xu You explained.


Just as Yun Yanjin was about to continue talking, the door was kicked open with a bang.

"Well, there has been no movement for so long, and there is no movement of the exercises. What are you doing?" Mo Yuhuang's voice came before anyone else.

When people came in and saw the scene in front of them, their originally lazy eyes widened, and they pointed at Yun Yanjin, speechless.

"Master, why are you back again?" Xu You looked shocked.

Yun Yanjin was biting her lower lip feebly at this moment, and did not think about why Mo Yuhuang suddenly came back. I just clearly sensed that the other party had left completely.

Four times in a row? Isn't this a joke? She Mo Yuhuang can be so bored now.

But this is not important. What is important is that now that we are back, things have become more variable.

"What did this old woman do to you!" Mo Yuhuang asked in a loud voice.

Xu You obviously also knew that if the current situation could not be explained, it would lead to serious problems, so he quickly said, "It's okay, Master, something went wrong when I was practicing just now, and it was Senior Yun who helped me save it.

Only then did I lose some vitality. "

"You don't understand me as a teacher? I have also seen pigs run away. This Yun Yanjin has a rosy face. Is this state an injury?"

"It's really hurt, Master, have I ever lied to you?" Xu You explained bravely.

Mo Yuhuang moved forward step by step, and with every step he took, Yun Yanjin's heart rumbled.

She is also panicking now, because she and Xu You do have "something going on." If Mo Yuhuang finds out later, it will be really hard to deal with.

In his current powerless state, he is really no match for her.

Seeing that Mo Yuhuang was about to arrive in front of him, Yun Yanjin quietly mobilized his cultivation level and directly impacted a spiritual vein in his body.

The internal aura suddenly became disordered, and he suffered considerable internal injuries.

As soon as Yun Yanjin finished doing this, Mo Yuhuang put his hand on her body and immediately noticed the injury in Yun Yanjin's body.

"Huh? Are you really injured?" Mo Yuhuang said in surprise.

Yun Yanjin sneered and slapped Mo Yuhuang's right hand away, "If you had a normal mind, you wouldn't think about these things all day long!"

Seeing Yun Yanjin being so angry, Mo Yuhuang was frightened. He seemed to be making random assumptions and had no reason to refute.

Seeing this, Yun Yanjin felt relieved. Although he paid a small price of injury, he avoided greater trouble.

In terms of this kind of scheming, Mo Yuhuang is really not as good as her.

Mo Yuhuang has the temperament of a lot of swordsmen. He doesn't like to use his brain under normal circumstances. Fighting is the only way.

Unless she encounters something really big, Mo Yuhuang is willing to calm down and use her brain.

Xu You looked at Yun Yanjin in surprise, how could she be injured? The smart and witty Xu You suddenly thought of a possibility.

Yun Yanjin didn’t hurt himself, right?

It is indeed a ruthless Venerable, awesome!

Mo Yuhuang curled his lips and immediately went to Xu You to check on his situation.

Yun Yanjin was injured, and she was still worried about Xu You.

When he put his hand on Xu You, he found that there was no injury in Xu You's body. Mo Yuhuang was relieved, but in the next second, an electric current suddenly passed to Mo Yuhuang's palm.

The tingling sensation burned Mo Yuhuang, and she was startled, and immediately withdrew her hand and retreated directly. ,

This feeling was all too familiar to her. Before, when she gave Xu You the Azure Cloud Sword Sutra, Xu You practiced his own special deviation.

It is this sub-current, the current that can make people extremely happy, and can drive the ultimate divine fusion to higher levels.

Originally, Mo Yuhuang had almost forgotten about this incident, but now that he was shocked by it, his memory was suddenly pulled back to that time.

Needless to say, the divine fusion experience she had with Xu You was something she would never forget in her life.

For so long, she has ignored this matter and wanted to use her time to forget it. After all, this was with her apprentice.

It's really unbecoming.

But now it happened again. While Mo Yuhuang's mind was struck by the memories, he suddenly turned his head to look at Yun Yanjin.

Xu You also shocked her just now? Can this be tolerated?

"Xu You! What did you do to Yun Yanjin? But electricity."

Xu You, who was sitting on the ground, stood up immediately, came to Mo Yuhuang and covered her mouth.

At this moment, Xu You was complaining in his heart. He didn't expect that there was still some electric current dormant in his body.

As soon as Mo Yuhuang, a member of the opposite sex, puts his hand on someone's body, he goes straight into the person's body. Xu You was caught off guard.

Her master naturally knows the beauty and power of this divine fusion, if only she knew that she had just experienced this with Yun Yanjin.

Xu You didn't dare to imagine the consequences. His mind was racing now, and he came up with the only way in an instant.

After covering Mo Yuhuang's mouth, he stepped forward and said, "Master, let's go out and talk about such a private matter."

Mo Yuhuang was stunned for a moment. When she heard Xu You say the word "private", she felt inexplicably guilty and didn't even dare to look at Yun Yanjin. There is an indescribable sense of shame.

At this moment, I also lost some ability to think independently, and let Xu You pull me out.

Sitting on the ground, Yun Yanjin was still breathing slightly, looking at Xu You and Mo Yuhuang out with a thoughtful expression on his beautiful eyebrows.

Thinking about Mo Yuhuang's unfinished words just now and the unbelievable tone when he spoke.

A ridiculous thought suddenly came to my mind. Could it be that Xu You was the same person as Mo Yuhuang before?

If that were the case, wouldn't it be ridiculous? ?

On the other side, Xu You pulled Mo Yuhuang outside and breathed a sigh of relief, "Master, don't talk nonsense."

"I" Mo Yuhuang slowly came back to his senses, and then looked at Xu You with a suspicious expression, "What's going on? Then why is Yun Yanjin injured?"

And what's going on with your current? There was something wrong with Yun Yanjin's face just now. Did you...did you shock her? "

"Yes, there was indeed an uncontrollable output of divine soul current just now. This is because the Heavenly Spirit Yin and Yang method uses the power of the divine soul to carry some of the general trends of heaven and earth to resist the operation, which can have a very good effect.

Therefore, the current was generated only after trying it. "Xu You explained.

"What!" Mo Yuhuang's eyes widened, "You actually used that to her, you..."

"Master!" Xu You interrupted Mo Yuhuang directly and said sonorously, "Master, listen to my explanation, I haven't finished speaking yet!"

Mo Yuhuang took a deep breath and suppressed the sour anger in his heart.

How could she, Mo Yuhuang, allow Xu You and Yun Yanjin to come together when it came to the fusion of souls between the two parties?

[I’ve been writing a lot about the plot of Joyous Union Sect these days. I mainly wrote it smoothly and foreshadowed it, so I can understand it quickly.

In addition, I am very busy during this period, and my head is full of work projects at hand. As a result, I wasn’t very satisfied with the female line during this period, and it didn’t quite capture the feeling I wanted. I'll do it better next time, it won't be a big problem. ]

(End of chapter)

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