Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 197 Chapter 235 236 The Eldest Princess Zhou Min, Yue Qingyu Asked Me To Ask Questions, Wome

Chapter 197 Chapter 235 236 The eldest princess Zhou Min, Yue Qingyu asked me to ask questions, women are tough, you are even tougher! gold plated

The driver did not go in. After delivering Xu You, he drove to another place. The person who led Xu You was the housekeeper of the house.

It is enough to see that the eldest princess attaches great importance to Xu You.

Along the way, Xu You remained silent, and the butler led the way. The scenery on the road was very good, and the things required for various layouts were extremely expensive.

The luxury of this mansion cannot be described in terms of money.

After walking for a quarter of an hour, the housekeeper finally brought Xu You to a small courtyard.

The yard was empty, without any flowers, plants or trees, just a cold stone table.

In addition, there was only a study room. Xu You took a second look at this extremely simple courtyard. The courtyard fully reflected the kind of owner it was.

Come to think of it, this eldest princess is probably a person who likes simplicity very much, and this is probably the case in her life.

Xu You walked to the study and knocked on the door gently, "Xu You came to pay homage to the eldest princess."

"Come in." A clean female voice came from inside the house.

Xu You no longer hesitated and pushed the door directly in.

As Xu You expected, the interior of the house is still simple and tough. It doesn't look like a woman's study, but more like a powerful man's study.

The layout and furnishings all reflect this.

Xu You's eyes finally fell on a tall figure near the window.

It was none other than the Great Zhou Princess, Princess Zhou Min of Changping.

She is no longer dressed in the gorgeous and noble palace attire she wore when they met before, but instead wears a refreshing style.

Wearing a sapphire blue silk shirt with a neutral style and holding a folding fan in his hand, he couldn't hide his graceful and luxurious aura. I saw that she was extremely beautiful, with clear black and white eyes and bright eyes.

Her eyebrows are like peaks, with a clarity that is different from ordinary women.

The white jade handle of the folding fan in his hand is the same as the handle of the fan.

Xu You immediately looked at the opponent's waist and saw gold hooks and treasure belts. The thin waist was particularly eye-catching.

Her whole body bursts with heroic spirit, coupled with her tall figure, this temperament is something few women can possess.

The eldest princess in front of her, Zhou Min, wears a neutral style. Her appearance and bearing are as good as those of a man or a woman.

Xu You was somewhat surprised by Zhou Min's magnanimity. To be honest, it was extremely rare for a woman to be able to carry off the neutral style so well.

She is probably at the ceiling level, and women with this style are very refreshing, and heroic women give people a particularly different feeling.

However, she has cold white skin, which slightly neutralizes some of the heroic spirit on her body. She is obviously full of Supreme Grade female attributes, but the surface style blends with it to create a very unique taste and temperament.

"I've met the eldest princess." Xu You bowed slightly, but his attitude was still very good.

After all, this eldest princess is about the same age as her master, and they are from the same generation. Although she looks younger, she still has a strong smell of a mature woman.

The demeanor on the body and the sense of worldliness in the eyes can reflect the sense of age and experience. There is a sense of contrast between age and appearance.

Such an aunt who looks young but is actually mature is actually very "terrifying". Xu You has read some scientific research before and said that such an aunt is very powerful in combat!

I don’t know if it’s true or not. Let’s talk about it later. Well, I’ll tell you.

"With such a talented person, he is as rich as jade. It's no wonder he is so popular." Zhou Min looked at Xu You twice and said with the fan shaking slightly in his hand.

In response to the other party's compliment, Xu You just continued to clap his fists. Although he felt a little strange, he did not answer the question.

"If you come here, why did you beat up my coachman?" the eldest princess asked calmly.

"That person is ignorant." Xu You said calmly.

"You don't know that you are mine?"


"You know you're still fighting?"

"If you hit me, I'll hit you."

"Young people should not be too arrogant."

"Isn't it a bit inconsistent to be energetic when you are young but to be energetic when you are old?" Xu You asked in return.

His attitude was always neither humble nor arrogant, decent and tough at the same time.

Just kidding, the Great Zhou Royal Family and the Kunlun Immortal Sect are forces in two different systems.

Although the eldest princess has immense power, Xu You has no reason to be afraid of her. He gives her face because she is Mo Yuhuang's friend and can be regarded as half of his elders.

Otherwise, how could Xu You come?

The fact that he is obedient in front of Yun Yanjin and Huangfu Lan does not mean that he is such a person.

When it’s time to be hard, when it’s time to be cocky, Xu You is never ambiguous. Young people come out to earn a living.

Furthermore, Aunt Huangfu will flirt with him, then Xu You will activate his passive skills and become a little shy boy.

And now the eldest princess does not seem to be such a person at present. Although this aunt is indeed very moist, tasty, and mature, she has not yet begun to understand her.

If women are tough, then you must be tougher.

Zhou Min was not annoyed by Xu You's answer. He just narrowed his eyes and said, "It is said that Kunlun disciple Xu You is sensible and humble, but now it seems that this is not the case."

Xu You smiled, continued to bow, and said as a junior, "I wonder why the eldest princess called me?"

"Your master and I can be considered friends, and we can also be considered half of your elders. Furthermore, I was born in Penglai, and the five sects and seven sects are connected by the same spirit, so there is no need to be so formal.

Just call me uncle. Zhou Min said slowly.

"That's right." Xu You paused, "I usually don't call my master's sisters and friends my master's uncle."

"What are you shouting about?"


"Huh? I'm indeed old enough to be your aunt, but if you call me like that, you're calling me old, right?" Zhou Min didn't expect Xu You to have such a special hobby.

But she thought again, and finally nodded slightly, "You can shout whatever you want. How many aunties have you recognized?"

"Not many." Xu You said with a smile, "I'd better continue to use the honorific title. I can wait until I get to know the eldest princess well before talking about auntie."

Zhou Min glanced at Xu You twice. In a short period of time, Xu You completely overturned her previous impression of him.

This young man is a bit strange.

Zhou Min walked to a table on the right side with long legs and sat down, then said to Xu You, "Come, sit down."

Xu You was not polite, walked over and sat down opposite Zhou Min.

Looking at the eldest princess from a close distance, Xu You felt that she was more and more good-looking. Putting aside the heroic spirit on her body, her facial features were indeed unmistakable, quite delicate and mature.

The most important thing is that this cold white skin is too eye-catching. Cold white skin is one of the most rare skins at High Level and is of high quality.

Girls with cold fair skin are not ugly at all.

"I came to you mainly for my personal reasons."

"Please make it clear, Princess."

"You went to Prince Xiao's Mansion last night, right?"


Zhou Min paused for a moment, "Xichuan County Governor Zhou Wuji was very kind to me in his early years, and he was an elder brother who treated me very well in the clan. His daughter Wan'er is a niece that I like very much.

King Xiao usually calls me aunt according to his seniority. Before his mother passed away, I promised her that I would treat my nephew well.

According to my original thoughts, Wan'er and Xiao Wang are actually a good match. "

Xu You suddenly came to his senses and said frankly, "So, is this why the eldest princess came to me?"

Zhou Min smiled and said, "I'm not so small-minded. I said this is just my idea. Young people can solve their own problems. It's up to them whether they have a chance or not.

I won't take any action, I'm just curious about what's going on with you and Wan'er now? "

"This" Xu You didn't know how to explain it well for a while. The relationship between him and Zhou Wan'er was very complicated now, but soon, Xu You nodded.

"are friends."

"Friends?" Zhou Min narrowed her eyes and said, "Prince Xiao said that you and Wan'er have become friends. You said they are friends?"

Xu You paused, "It depends on the development."

Zhou Min said meaningfully, "Are all the successors of Jiuyang Immortal Jue so irresponsible? Although luck is good, if it is not handled properly, it will be a disaster.

You are still young, so don't follow the path of your master, otherwise you may endanger your life in the future. "

"The eldest princess still knows my master?"

"I don't know him, but I've heard of his famous name."


Xu You didn't have much to say, and began to complain about his cheap master again. His outstanding reputation sometimes made some people have a stereotyped impression of him.

"Don't worry, eldest princess, I am a gentleman. I am by no means a profligate child, and I will not be involved in any misfortune. I am a serious person." Xu You explained.

"I hope so." Zhou Min said with a slight smile, "Prince Xiao and Wan'er are not destined to be separated. That is his personal destiny, and I will not say anything.

Are you friends now? "

"Yes, good friend." Xu You replied.

"You are a wonderful person. Prince Xiao's eyes are as high as his head. I am curious about how you convinced him." Zhou Min said curiously.

"Sincerity for sincerity, I am a sincere person." Xu You replied truthfully.

Zhou Min's eyes were slightly lowered. She had now discovered that Xu You opened his mouth without saying a word of truth.

There is something fundamentally wrong with the inheritance of the Kunlun Vermilion Bird Hall. Li Changsheng, Mo Yuhuang, and Xu You.

It’s just the same thing.

"Is the eldest princess looking for me just for this matter?" Xu You continued to ask.

Zhou Min shook his head, then looked Xu You up and down, and finally asked with a slightly strange expression on his face, "Do you know Yue Qingyu?"

When Xu You heard this name, he fell into a trance.

My mind immediately flashed back to that day on the shore of the North Sea, when Yue Qingyu, dressed in white, stood on the beach, looking up at the Peach Blossom Sacred Tree.

Even though a long time passed, he and Yue Qingyu only met briefly.

But all the details of the other person's moment were directly engraved into the deepest part of Xu You's heart.

The Peach Blossom Sacred Tree is really not unworthy of its reputation, but at that time, after just one glance, it was like a thousand years ago.

Different from all the other women Xu You knows, Na Yue Qingyu is the only one who exists in Xu You's heart.

Although the two have never met again for so long, the impression and feeling become deeper every time they think about it.

By now, it has become indelible.

Xu You didn't know how to describe this feeling, it was like the two of them had been entangled for ten lifetimes. Then I was completely captivated when I first saw it.

At that time, even someone as powerful as Mo Yuhuang could not cut off the marriage card between him and Yue Qingyu under the peach blossom tree, so he had to give up in the end.

He also said that he would never meet again in order to delay or dissipate the divine power of marriage of this peach blossom tree as much as possible.

For so long, Xu You has tried not to think about this matter, thereby weakening it.

But he knew that all this was in vain. It would not fade away with the passage of time, but would accumulate and worsen.

Seeing Xu You's appearance, Zhou Min's eyes became even more thoughtful.

After a long time, Xu You was able to get out of this emotion. He looked at Zhou Min hesitantly, "We know each other. Senior Yue has a good relationship with my master. We have met once."

"Only met once?" Zhou Min continued to ask.

"Yes. Why did the eldest princess suddenly ask Senior Yue, and why did she know about it?"

Zhou Min said slowly, "The day before yesterday, Qingyu asked me something, and it was about you."

Xu You was stunned for a moment and said quickly, "Senior Yue, what did you ask me? Why did you ask me?"

"I don't know." Zhou Min shook his head, "I don't know why I asked you suddenly. I asked her but she didn't tell me. Although I have been practicing in Penglai for many years.

But Qingyu's status in the sect is far above mine, so it's hard for me to ask her anything in return. I just told her about your current situation. "

"Is that all?"

"That's it, what else do you want?"

Xu You remained silent.

Zhou Min continued, "Qingyu lives in seclusion. She has been in Penglai Immortal Gate for almost ten years. She only went out once nearly a year ago. It should be the time you met her, right?"

"That should be it." Xu You replied casually.

"Qingyu has never cared much about others, especially juniors, but this time you suddenly came to me to ask about your situation, I am very puzzled.

I called you here now. Is there something going on between you and Qingyu? "Zhou Min stared at Xu You.

Xu You shook his head calmly, "It's okay, maybe it's because of my master that Senior Yue cares about me."

Naturally, Xu You couldn't tell Zhou Min about the Peach Blossom Sacred Tree. This matter was only known between them and Mo Yuhuang.

It is simply not easy to spread the word, otherwise it will only be harmful rather than helpful.

So facing Zhou Min's current curiosity, Xu You naturally pretended not to know.

Zhou Min knows countless people, how could he not see that Xu You is vague now, and Xu You's reaction just now when he heard the word Yue Qingyu,

She became even more certain that there was a deeper connection between Xu You and Yue Qingyu.

Although I am not very familiar with Yue Qingyu, I am aware of the other person's slightly indifferent temperament.

This matter is full of weirdness. Of course, Xu You is pretending to be stupid now, and Zhou Min can't force him to ask.

Curiosity is curiosity, and there are some things that cannot be touched or investigated indiscriminately.

Of course, Zhou Min doesn't think about the relationship between men and women now, because it is so outrageous and impossible.

"Is Senior Yue still in Penglai now?" Xu You asked.


"Will Penglai Immortal Society come to Tianque?" Xu You continued to ask.

"I don't know." Zhou Min shook his head.

Xu You was silent again, feeling a little sad in his heart. This damn feeling was out of control at all.

"However, if she comes, I will tell you." Zhou Min half-squinted his eyes and said,

"Thank you, princess." Xu You clasped his fists slightly, "I wonder if the princess has other things to do?"


"Then I'll take my leave."

"Go ahead."

Xu You stood up and bowed, then turned around and left. He was very upset now and didn't want to stay any longer. He just wanted to be quiet.

Zhou Min looked at Xu You's leaving back with a thoughtful look in her heroic eyes. She was really curious about what was going on between Yue Qingyu and Xu You.

Very very curious.

One is Yue Qingyu, who has a very special status at Penglai Immortal Gate, and the other is the best young disciple in Kunlun.

How did these two people establish such a secret and unknown connection? What is the relationship?

In the next few days, Xu You temporarily returned to his old life style, doing various things assigned to him by the door.

After leaving the Princess Mansion, the words Yue Qingyu couldn't stop popping up in his mind, which made him feel confused from time to time.

This feeling of "destiny" was really difficult for Xu You to deal with. It took him a day or two to slowly sort it out and think about it clearly.

Let everything come as it comes, don't force it, don't resist it, just let it take its own course.

Anyway, no matter how you say it, you will definitely not lose money.

Early that morning, Xu You was about to go out to do errands, but a steward called him as soon as he came downstairs.

"Deacon Xu, Manager Zhang asked you to go to his place."

"Okay, let's go." Xu You paused, but didn't ask why, just agreed.

Xu You quickly arrived at Zhang Changli's room with ease. As soon as he opened the door and entered, he saw Zhang Changli making tea there again.

"Uncle Master, why are you calling me?"

Zhang Changli has not been in Tianque these days. He just returned yesterday.

"Sit." Zhang Changli pointed to the chair opposite and smiled.

Xu You came forward and sat down. The other party poured Xu You a cup of tea and asked, "Did you spend some time in seclusion practicing magic spells?"


"how's it going?"

"Ashamed." Xu You shook his head and said, "The magic talisman is indeed difficult. I underestimated it. Now I can only say that my cultivation is average."

"Don't be in a hurry, take your time. The difficulty of the magic talisman is incomparable to that of the spiritual talisman." Zhang Changli comforted him. After all, it had only been a while, and it was normal for him not to make much progress.

However, it did give Zhang Changli a sense of disparity. Xu You showed potential that he had not seen in thousands of years when he was in the Talisman stage.

Now I don't know why Fa Fu slows down this speed.

Zhang Changli didn't dare to ask any more questions, for fear of hurting Xu You's self-confidence. Wait for a while and ask again. If there is no progress, I will give Xu You a good look at it.

Zhang Changli couldn't bear to let go of such a good Fu Dao seedling.

"I heard a few days ago that you were taken to Joyous Union Sect by Yun Yanjin? Then your master killed you again? What happened? Look at how angry your master is.

Elder Qingcang had a hard time growing his beard, but your master just pulled off most of it. "

Xu You said apologetically, "My master is indeed a bit impatient, and I really feel sorry for Elder Qingcang about this. The matter is nothing serious and has been resolved."

"It's fine." Zhang Changli glanced at Xu You meaningfully, and then said in surprise, "Huh? Are you in the Late Stage of Four Realms?"

"Yes, good luck." Xu You replied.

Zhang Changli was silent. How long had it been since Xu You broke through the middle stage of the Fourth Realm last time? Wait, he had just broken through the Fourth Realm when he came to Tianque, right?

What the hell.

Such a terrifying cultivation speed shocked Zhang Changli speechless. It was the only cultivation speed he had ever seen in his life.

That's all, Xu You cannot judge it with common sense or compare it with historical experience.

After a while, Zhang Changli took a deep breath and continued, "I came to you for business, but we can wait until Qian Luo comes."

Xu You nodded slightly. When he finished his first cup of tea, the door was pushed open, and Xue Qianluo, dressed in white, walked in with a long sword on his back.

Her eyes first fell on Xu You, then she clasped her fists and nodded to Zhang Changli, "What does Peak Master Zhang want from me?"

"My nephew sat down and said."

Xue Qianluo walked over to Xu You and sat down, and the latter poured her a cup of tea directly.

Zhang Changli then said, "I'm looking for my two nephews to come here today because there is something that needs you two to do."

As he spoke, Zhang Changli took out two jade talismans and handed them to the two of them respectively, and continued, "You go to the Taihua Mountains in Dongyang County. There is a big force called Taihua Sect over there, and there is a subsidiary force called Taihua Sect. Caobang.

The two of you go to Caobang to solve the dilemma. "

"Caogang?" Xu You asked with some confusion, "Why don't we just let the Taihua Sect handle this kind of thing?"

Zhang Changli smiled and said, "The Cao Gang is now complicated, with internal and external troubles. The purpose of letting you go this time is mainly for experience. The two of you can solve this matter with your own efforts."

Xu You suddenly realized that this was actually gold plating on the base layer.

Each position of power in Kunlun attaches great importance to the ability of the person in power. No matter how talented you are and how knowledgeable you are in practice, you must have the ability to do things.

Otherwise, no matter how good you are in cultivation but you don't know how to do things, or you have too little experience as a leader, you won't be able to do it.

When there are big or small problems, as a leader, you can't give good solutions or take the helm. If you don't understand, then those who don't understand are the pure side effects of being a leader.

Therefore, some disciples in the sect who are optimistic that they can move up in the future will let them go through training in advance. Generally, they start from the grassroots forces and then slowly work their way up.

Until you develop your abilities, then I can safely hand over the position to you.

This is completely different from coming to Kunlun Tower to be a deacon. Going to an outside office to be a deacon is what every Tianjiao disciple has to do. The main thing is to sharpen his vision and increase his knowledge in cultivation.

And going to the grassroots level is an even higher level on this basis. Very few disciples will arrange such an opportunity for you.

Arrangement means that they will be trained as successors in the future. This is not only the training method of Kunlun, but also other big forces.

A qualified leader must be skilled in both civil and military skills and possess skills.

Let's put it this way, people like Xu You's age are sent to the grassroots level to be gilded, which means that they are trained at the lowest level to be the peak master, and they are basically the most valued in the sect.

"Early before, the head coach specifically told me that if there was a good opportunity, I would let you two go and practice.

There has never been a good situation for you before, but now this Caobang is just right for you.

I reported it, and the door agreed, so you two can go.

The specific details are still very complicated, and they are all recorded in the jade talisman. You can read them slowly on the way and understand them more thoroughly, so that you can start work when the time comes.

Of course, you should try your best to do everything well there and then come back. "Zhang Changli continued to explain.

"Understood." Xu You didn't refuse. Since this was a knock on the door, he couldn't refuse.

Furthermore, this kind of thing is indeed a good thing. You can learn more about the specific operation of the middle and lower-level Immortal Cultivation World, and at the same time exercise your abilities.

But what Xu You didn't expect was that it was Gong Yangzheng who had specifically asked Zhang Changli before. During the time when he lived with the old man, Xu You's filter for Gong Yangzheng had already been shattered.

I thought the old man was treating me the same way, but I didn't expect that he would start to act like a successor, which made it very difficult for me.

Seeing that Xu You agreed so happily, Xue Qianluo didn't say anything and nodded silently.

Next, Zhang Changli told Xu You some things that "low-level workers" should pay attention to. Naturally, he had such an experience in his early years, so he passed on his experience.

Of course, it’s useless to say this kind of thing, you have to experience it yourself.

To summarize, Zhang Changli mainly talks about the three core points: conduct in life, kindness and power, and the allocation of resources and power.

Once people form a group or a collective Body Integration, it becomes the most complex thing in the world. A perfect leader needs to have very strong comprehensive capabilities.

This also applies to monks, and they value it even more, because after all, everyone is a cultivator of immortality.

Finally, Zhang Changli gave Xu You and Xue Qianluo each a disguise mask. These are special Law Weapons that can change their appearance when worn on the face.

Even monks below the level of Heavenly Dao cannot tell it unless they look carefully. It is considered a very expensive mask-like Law Weapon.

The reason Zhang Changli gave this was to allow Xu You and Xue Qianluo to do things without their real names.

After all, the two of them have such great names that many things are inconvenient and they cannot exercise effectively.

In addition, it would be bad if some forces with ulterior motives found out. Security is very important.

Only Zhang Changli knew about going to Caobang for training, so that safety could be ensured to the greatest extent.

And when the time comes, the name of going there is just that the disciples of the Shang Sect are here to help, so no one will think too much about it.

Time is tight and the task is heavy.

After leaving Zhang Changli's room, Xu You and Xue Qianluo tidied up a little before heading to Dongyang County. Xu You also left some messages for other friends.

A few quarters of an hour later, a white flying boat sped out from Kunlun Tower. Xu You and Xue Qianluo stood on the flying boat and headed east.

"Senior sister, I haven't even asked you yet, how is the Yuming Heart Gu? Is it completely refined?" Xu You asked casually.

"Well, it's refined."

"How's the effect? ​​Is it that exaggerated?"

Xue Qianluo nodded slightly, "The effect is very good, it can probably increase the effect of cultivation by 30%."

"How much? Thirty percent?" Xu You's eyes widened, "Didn't you say that it can only be increased by 10 to 20 percent at most?"

"I don't know, maybe I'm lucky."

Xu You was a little surprised that this Jade Ming Heart Gu could play a clear and assisting role in the extreme such as Xue Qianluo. The effect was based on the host's talent.

The general situation is 10%, and the best ones have 20%. Xu You has never heard of people like Xue Qianluo who directly work to 30%.

It's simply an exaggeration. You know, cultivation is almost certain. Every tenth percentile improvement is a very scary thing.

The Jade Ming Heart Gu can increase the cultivation effect by 10%, which is enough to become one of the three major clan-suppressing divine Gus of the Gu God Clan. One can imagine how rare it is to be able to condense and increase the cultivation speed.

Now Xue Qianluo has suddenly improved by 30%, which means that his cultivation efficiency is 30% higher than that of monks with the same talent.

The magnitude of this horror is exaggerated over time.

Xue Qianluo, however, remained calm and said, "This will only become weaker and weaker as my cultivation level improves. It is estimated to be only 20% when I reach the sixth level, and the effect will become less and less after that."

"That's enough, it's already very impressive." Xu You said with emotion, "Congratulations, senior sister."

Xue Qianluo looked at Xu You, and Qingning asked with some confusion in her eyes, "I heard that you have been studying the Tao of Talismans during this time?"


"Why do you suddenly want to practice Talisman Dao? Talisman Dao is complicated and energy-consuming. It affects your Great Dao too much."

"It doesn't matter, I'm sensible. Don't worry, senior sister, I won't delay my Great Dao."

Xue Qianluo didn't say much more. Xu You was indeed very measured in this regard and just asked,

"You broke through again!?"

"Hey, study hard and practice hard."

Xue Qianluo was speechless for a moment and slowly fell silent. He just felt that Xu You was exaggerating a bit too much.

"I heard a few days ago that you were taken back to Joyous Union Sect by Venerable. What was the reason?"

"This, um, it's nothing serious. Senior Huanxi asked me for something, so he took me there." Xu You explained casually.

Xue Qianluo hesitated for a moment and did not continue to ask further questions. That was her temperament. If the other party did not want to talk in depth, she would not ask more questions.

The two of them slowly stopped communicating, each carefully looking at the information inside the jade talisman.

Dongyang County is one of the nine counties in the Great Zhou Dynasty. It is adjacent to Jiushen County and on the east side of Jiushen County. Its area is slightly smaller than Jiushen County, but it can also be said to be vast.

The terrain of Dongyang County is somewhat peculiar. The Wei River, the longest river in the Great Zhou Dynasty, runs through the middle. The north is almost entirely plains. The land is fertile and produces countless grains every year.

The grain production of this half of Dongyang County can feed the hundreds of millions of people of the Great Zhou Dynasty, so Dongyang County is also known as the granary of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

But south of the Wei River, there are endless mountains, and there are even more mountains.

Therefore, this half of Dongyang County is not suitable for the survival of ordinary people. The environment is relatively harsh and the number of ordinary people is very small. Some of the few people are indigenous people who have lived in the mountains for many years.

It stands to reason that such a place with many mountains should be full of spiritual energy and suitable for immortal cultivators to live.

But otherwise, almost 70% to 80% of these mountains and fields are spiritually barren places, the kind that even Independent Cultivators would not want to go to.

However, although there is not enough spiritual energy, there is a lot of yin energy in the vast mountains and fields, and this type of yin energy is most popular among ghost cultivators.

Therefore, that area is most likely to breed ghost cultivators, and it also gave birth to an Apex Level ghost cultivator force, the Ghost Shadow Sect.

That area was also called the Dongyang Ghost Land, and there were very few human monks.

[The new aunt Zhou Min, um, I plan to go into the training contrast style, but it hasn’t been completely decided yet. I don’t know if I can write it now. I will think about it based on the plot, and it will look plump later anyway. ]

(End of chapter)

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