Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 200 Chapter 241 42 In The Same Month, The Sweet Kiss Of The Herring Was So Sweet That It Bro

Chapter 200 Chapter 241 42 In the same month, the sweet kiss of the herring was so sweet that it broke. They both fell in love, the purest love.

"Miss Xue, you and Xu You haven't known each other for a long time, right?" Huangfu Lan asked aloud.

Hearing Huangfu Lan's question, Xue Qianluo slowly looked away and nodded slightly, "Not long ago."

"I feel like you care about Xu You very much?"

"Is there any?" Xue Qianluo asked.

"Yes." Huangfu Lan nodded firmly, "And it's an unusual level of concern."

"That's it, okay." Xue Qianluo nodded matter-of-factly.

Huangfu Lan was stunned for a moment, looking at Xue Qianluo who looked normal, she didn't react.

So, the other party responded with a good one? Like a normal thing?

This is wrong. A normal girl would be shy when hearing such words, or would deny it outright.

"Don't you think that such concern goes beyond the friendship between fellow disciples?" Huangfu Lan continued to ask.

"Where is it exceeded?" Xue Qianluo looked at Huangfu Lan with a strange expression.

Huangfu Lan continued, "If the person who went to that flying boat was not Xu You, but another fellow disciple of yours, would you still be watching like this?"

"No." Xue Qianluo shook his head as a matter of course.

"Isn't that right? This proves that you treat Xu You differently from others."

"It makes sense." Xue Qianluo was stunned for a moment, then fell into thinking for a moment, and finally asked directly, "Then what? What's wrong?"

Huangfu Lan's expression froze, "No, isn't this obviously wrong? You treat Xu You differently from others!"

"Yeah, then what went wrong?" Xue Qianluo continued to ask.

"It's just not right." Huangfu Lan was stunned by Xue Qianluo's reaction. The girl in front of him seemed different from what he had seen before.

This brain circuit is simply not what a normal girl should have, it's very strange.

Then, Huangfu Lan said directly, "Then such mistakes are often due to emotional reasons."

Huangfu Lan didn't directly ask Xue Qianluo if he liked Xu You. It was inappropriate to ask like this. The two of them were not familiar enough yet.

But now it has been made clear enough.

"That's right, that's really weird." Xue Qianluo replied generously.

Huangfu Lan was silent, very strange, very strange.

Xue Qianluo is simply not what an ordinary girl should look like. How can any girl be like this?

She also knew that such a shrewd person as Xu You could not know that Xue Qianluo might have a crush on him. No one could sense this.

Xue Qianluo's expression, or her love, is simply different from ordinary people.

Faced with this situation, Huangfu Lan was at a loss for words, as if he were talking to a duck. The two of them are not on the same frequency.

"Miss Xue, what do you usually like?" Huangfu Lan was now interested in Xue Qianluo and wanted to know what created the brain circuit of the girl in front of him.

"Sword." Xue Qianluo's words were concise and to the point.

Huangfu Lan nodded and said, "I know you are a very talented swordsman, is there anything besides swords?"

Xue Qianluo fell into thinking, and soon his eyes became confused, as if he couldn't find it.

Huangfu Lan tried to ask, "No more?"

"It should be gone." Xue Qianluo shook his head.

Huangfu Lan was silent again. All she could think about now was that the Great Dao of Jianxiu should be eliminated!

Few of the monks who focus on swordsmanship are normal people, all of them are paranoid!

A good girl, such a delicate girl was harmed like this. What fun is there in life if she only has a sword?

"Is there really nothing left?" Huangfu Lan continued to ask, "Even if it means going out to play or eat delicious food?"

"Not interested in."

"You're not interested in going out with anyone?"


"Then if Xu You takes you out to eat, would you be interested?" Huangfu Lan asked directly.

"Xu You?" Xue Qianluo pondered, "If Xu You, that's okay."


Huangfu Lan rubbed his forehead and began to curse Xu You in his heart.

How can this little guy be so virtuous? Why is he so popular? It's simply too much!

Irresponsible little man!

"Miss Xue, how did you and Xu You know each other?" Huangfu Lan began to ask in detail. She wanted to know what kind of medicine Xu You gave Xue Qianluo!

"We met during the mission, when we were in Moonlight City." Xue Qianluo replied.

"So it's just a coincidence?"

Xue Qianluo shook his head, "No, I went to find him specially."

"Huh? Didn't you guys not know each other at that time? Why are you looking for him specifically?"

"Ask the sword."

"Asking about swordsmanship?" Huangfu Lan asked in surprise, "I know that Xu You knows swordsmanship, but I won't let you take the initiative to ask him about swordsmanship, right? How can his swordsmanship skills compare with yours?"

Xue Qianluo said solemnly at this moment, "Xu You is better than me in swordsmanship."

"Impossible!" Huangfu Lan shook his head directly and said, "You are the master of the Eight Swords Swordsman. Your swordsmanship talent is extremely rare, and you have the appearance of a swordsman. Xu You majors in Taoism. No matter how much he practices swordsmanship, how can he compare with you? ?”

"Those I've tried are better than me." Xue Qianluo affirmed calmly.

Huangfu Lan couldn't say anything at the moment. Xue Qianluo really didn't seem to be able to exaggerate, and her character probably didn't disdain exaggeration.

This was the first time Huangfu Lan knew that Xu You was so terrifying in kendo.

The information about Xu You that she had learned before did not specifically indicate this. She just thought that Xu You was just a part-time student, not much better.

Now I didn’t expect Xu You to hide so deeply. Bayang Dao Foundation is already amazing enough, but now the swordsmanship is so amazing?

Aunt Huangfu's heart is surging now, as if she has gotten to know Xu You again. Why does this little man feel like he can't dig to the bottom, and the more he digs, the more surprises he gets.

She now understands why Xue Qianluo behaved like this not long after he met Xu You, and the answer is ready to come out.

In the field of kendo where Xue Qianluo is strongest, Xu You can surpass her even though she has both skills.

It’s so easy to create a personality cult for Xu You.

With a little penetration, you can fully understand Xue Qianluo's state of mind. A girl like Xue Qianluo who pursues power and pursues Great Dao really cannot control this.

If you want to say that kendo is Xu You's true calling, it may only arouse Xue Qianluo's competitive spirit, but now that it is practiced concurrently, the taste has changed and it is really unbearable.

Coupled with the fact that Xu You looks so good, how can a girl's heart resist?

Huangfu Lan was now murmuring in her heart, so she continued to ask Xue Qianluo about her and Xu You.

Xue Qianluo also answered briefly and concisely, out of politeness to his seniors. After all, this is a senior who Xu You has a good relationship with, so he should not be neglected.

The more Huangfu Lan listened, the more he muttered in his heart, and the excellent impressions of the little man from more angles gradually became three-dimensional in his mind.

This is a little man with advantages all over his body. My understanding of him before was still too shallow.

How come you are so fat? Shouldn't I be Xue Qianluo's "emotional mentor"? How did it become Xue Qianluo to enrich his understanding of Xu You?

The key is that I still can't refuse. Listen, this damn little guy!

No wonder women are so popular! If I were dozens of years younger, I would probably not be able to serve him for more than three days, and I wouldn't be able to tease him like before.

For a time, Huangfu Lan's heart became more and more agitated, and what he was talking about today only made him sink deeper.

After the chat, Fei Zhouli fell into silence again, and Huangfu Lan couldn't say anything more.

Xue Qianluo is an excellent and strange girl. She only has two things in her heart now, one is kendo and the other is Xu You.

But even though Xu You is in her heart, she still doesn't understand love and doesn't understand what feelings are.

This kind of thing can only be understood by herself, and she can slowly understand it later. No matter what she says now, she will only be misunderstood by her magical brain circuit.

Huangfu Lan sighed inwardly, and turned his attention to the white flying boat again. Xu You still didn't come out, and he didn't know anything about the situation inside the flying boat.

If he doesn't come out later, he will have to knock on the door.

Otherwise, if something happens to Xu You inside, it will be too late to regret. She is particularly concerned about Xu You now and plans to have more fun with this little man in the future.

When she is with Xu You, she feels that life is more interesting and lively.

This little man can bring her great emotional value, which is something she has never experienced before.

I have worked hard for half my life and have been fighting for my career, and now I can’t enjoy it too much.

The little man just happened to come, but she would not let go. She would have to rely on this little man for so many years to come.

In the white flying boat, the small bamboo forest is still green, and the scene under the pavilion is still extremely beautiful.

Yue Qingyu still maintains the same posture as before. Occasionally, the breeze passes through, and the loose white shirt sways gently.

Her icy lips were still attached to Xu You's mouth, and she didn't know how long she had maintained this position.

Suddenly, the lips parted.

Yue Qingyu's palm-sized face stepped back slightly, and their faces were only a few inches apart, and their breaths were warm and gentle.

Xu You was still in a state of unconsciousness, looking at the Yue Qingyu so close at hand, at the other party's delicate little face, and at the catfish whiskers on both sides of the other party's cheeks.

There is a very unreal feeling, like a dream.

Xu You put his hand on his mouth, as if he could still feel the moisturizing feeling just now, it was so real.

The taste was excellent. Although it wasn't a very deep kiss, the sweetness stuck to your mouth and you couldn't wipe it off, let alone forget it.

This... suddenly kissed Yue Qingyu?

Xu You's thousands of thoughts slowly gathered back, and all the feelings were finally classified as unbelievable.

We just kissed each other after two meetings. How about we meet each other for a third and fourth time?

Qingyu doesn't play according to the routine this month. How could she do this? As a woman, shouldn’t she be reserved?

This is a feudal society, not open?

Xu You stared blankly at Yue Qingyu, who looked thoughtful at the moment. The jade finger of his right hand was also placed in front of his lips, as if he was savoring and feeling.

Xu You just looked at each other directly, and her heart began to beat again. This was a heartfelt physiological reaction when she saw her lover and Bai Yueguang.

The kind that cannot be controlled by humans at all.

I can't get enough of this fairy-like little face in front of me. The more I look at it, the happier I am.

Xu You knew that he was completely trapped in the whirlpool called love.

And this kind of vortex is the kind of vortex that cannot be autonomous.

Xu You is a philanthropic person. He likes Luo Qiaoqiao, Wu Yanluo, those aunties, and he also has a good impression of Zhou Wan'er.

But Yue Qingyu is completely different from them.

For the former, Xu You can at least achieve a lot of autonomy and be the leader of emotions instead of being a slave of emotions.

Huan Ai can't even think about directly shaking one's own heart and controlling one's emotions. It is an emotion that can be actively controlled, with a sense of stability.

But when facing Yue Qingyu, I couldn't do this. I don't know where the body came from, so much love came out of my body, and I couldn't control it at all.

It directly turned him into a little love fool who was a little worried about gains and losses.

This kind of situation usually only occurs in innocent boys who have no emotional experience.

In other words, like Luo Qiaoqiao and the others, Xu You is an emotional and rational person, but with Yue Qingyu, has he become a love brain?

broken! I, Xu, am in love!

Ah, this damn sweet love.

As we all know, a normal boy only has one love dream in his life. Xu You never thought that his dream would come true for Yue Qingyu.

After this kiss, Xu You has confirmed this.

When they kissed just now, he was completely confused, his heartbeat was beating at 180 beats, like a puppet, his face was red and his ears were red, and he looked like he was having a love brain attack.

Unexpectedly, Xu, a man like an eagle, would one day become a love brain for a woman.

Is this heavenly marriage really so awesome? Is the word "fate" really so powerful?

Wouldn't it be so exaggerated for Yue Lao to chase after him to feed him?

Xu You's current mood is divided into two parts. One is the messy thoughts, and the other is the moon-like woman in front of him. Her smiles and smiles are all in his mind.

He looked at Yue Qingyu, who was still deep in thought, looked at the other party's Ruyue appearance in white clothes, and then looked at the other party's little face without any flaws.

With love exploding in her heart, Xu You directly stretched out her hand and placed it on the side of the other person's face.

Compared with Xu You's big hands, Yue Qingyu's face is really small, and her skin is extremely delicate. The feeling coming back from her palm is like touching the most exquisite work of art.

Xu You didn't even dare to use any force, for fear that the other person's face would be damaged like porcelain.

The warmth in Xu You's palm made Yue Qingyu slowly wake up, and the thoughts in her eyes returned to normal. She looked at Xu You quietly, her eyes like water.

She didn't feel uncomfortable with Xu You's touch at all. Instead, she stretched out her jade hand and gently grasped Xu You's wrist.

Slowly, Yue Qingyu's ears turned a little bright red, and Xu You, who had sharp eyes, saw it all at once.

"Sister Qingyu, your ears are red."

"Really? I'm fine." Yue Qingyu answered the question openly.

Xu You was stunned for a moment. It was obvious that Yue Qingyu didn't seem to understand this sentence or the real reason why it was red?

At this time, Yue Qingyu slowly said, "I'm sure."

"What?" Xu You asked in confusion.

Yue Qingyu slowly took Xu You's hand away and sat back down, with seriousness on her face, "I should be in love with you now."

ha? Xu You was stunned on the spot and was down again for a while.

My sister Qingyu this month is really a Transcendent Level woman, right?

He came up and kissed you first, and then said he loved you. This was something Xu You couldn't handle. Xu You had never seen such a straightforward woman.

The people who heard it were really shy. The truth about this kind of thing is that feelings are the main thing. Saying it blatantly does not conform to the concept of being restrained and reserved.

But there is a saying that when such a fairy said these words to herself, Xu You felt indescribable joy in her heart.

Wait, didn't she just kiss herself to confirm the answer?

So cool.

"What about you, is that true?" Yue Qingyu had a faint smile on her lips and looked at Xu You calmly.

"Ah this."

Love brain, activate!

Xu You huffed and began to increase the power of his heart. It was so straightforward and direct. This was so embarrassing for an innocent young man like himself.

"Sister Qingyu, how did you confirm it?" Xu You took a deep breath and asked.

"My face is red, my heart is beating fast, and my body is very hot."

Yue Qingyu pointed at her body, then at her face, and finally at her chest. As she spoke, she even took Xu You's hand and wanted to put it directly on her chest to feel her heartbeat.

But in the end, I realized that it was not appropriate to put it up now.

So, Yue Qingyu continued to add, "My thoughts are affected and I follow your joy. Well, this should be regarded as loving you, right? Do you understand?"

"I" Xu You swallowed, "That should be it, I am the same way"

"So this feels very strange." Yue Qingyu's little face was obviously a little red now, but she strangely didn't show much shame.

Still Luoluo Fangfang started to analyze his situation very gently and softly.

"The marriage between the Peach Blossom Sacred Tree is really wonderful."

"Yes, this is the second time we have met." Xu You said with emotion.

"No, it's not the second time." Yue Qingyu shook her head.

"Uh, haven't you before?"

"I think of you a lot in private. It's amazing, like it's engraved in my mind." Yue Qingyu looked at the bamboo forest, "So, when I sensed you just now, I couldn't help but come over and call you out of nowhere."

Xu You looked at the profile of Yue Qingyu's face, her cheeks were red, and she told herself these longing words in the gentlest sister's tone.

Forget it, now I have fallen into the hands of Yue Qingyu, fallen under the fate of this marriage.

Then enjoy it and live up to this dreamlike marriage.

"Sister Qingyu, what are we like now? What are our identities to each other?" Xu You asked aloud.

"Identity, um, just a Taoist couple." Yue Qingyu turned around and smiled at Xu You, "I don't know what a Taoist couple is specifically.

But I should try my best to be a good Taoist companion. What do you think? "

"Uh, I don't have any questions." Xu You answered slightly awkwardly.

Isn't this thing awkward? The speed of progress is simply more than a hundred times. In just a short time, it has directly crossed over to Taoist companions.

Xu You doesn't even have the slightest doubt now that Yue Qingyu will tell herself that she wants to have a child in an hour.

This feeling is really amazing. Xu You doesn't know how to describe it. He can only sigh at the greatness of the two words fate and fate.

"I don't usually like to go out or communicate too much with others, so we don't want to make this matter too stormy.

I don't like this, we can just live our own lives, what do you think? "Yue Qingyu continued.

"Okay, listen to sister."

Xu You nodded slightly, he could understand Yue Qingyu, the other party was an old home girl, so naturally she didn't like those useless social interactions.

Over the years, he has barely made an appearance in the Immortal Cultivation World, and he has not done any major deeds. He only attracts attention simply because of his appearance and mysterious strength.

Yue Qingyu herself doesn't like to receive such attention. She has her own rich world.

She believes in destiny and believes in letting everything take its course, so she can face her marriage to Xu You with such a calm attitude.

From Xu You's point of view, Yue Qingyu is a strange woman, a strange woman who can impress people very deeply.

"But Sister Qingyu, what do you think my master said?" Xu You asked guiltily, "She couldn't cut off the marriage card at the beginning.

What if I knew this? I do not know how to put it. "

After hearing this, Yue Qingyu also fell into deep thought. After a long time, he said, "Xiaoyu's character is indeed um. It's hard to say. Let's do this. I'll talk about it slowly later. You don't need to say anything more. It shouldn't be a big problem." .”

"Okay." Xu You nodded obediently.

In fact, Xu You still has a lot of worries that he has not asked. After all, the relationship between Penglai Immortal Gate and Kunlun is still very subtle.

One is number one now, and the other is number one in the past. How could it not be subtle?

In addition, Yue Qingyu is very popular within Penglai. I don’t know how many Penglai disciples regard her as their idol.

If the people in Penglai knew that a younger generation disciple of Kunlun and Yue Qingyu had become a Taoist couple, it would definitely cause a big earthquake.

When the time comes, countless Penglai disciples will have their mentality broken. Can they not target themselves?

Alas, this soft rice doesn’t taste good either. It’s too stressful. I don’t know how much overt and covert jealousy I must have received.

All I can say is to take it one step at a time and believe that Yue Qingyu will protect itself.

Even now, Xu You still feels a very unreal feeling and is filled with emotions.

"How about we try again?" Yue Qingyu said suddenly, interrupting Xu You's thoughts.

"What to try?" Xu You asked.



"Well, it feels amazing and weird. I want to do it again."


Yue Qingyu didn't actually ask for Xu You's opinion. She wanted to do it, and then she did it directly.

Yue Qingyu stood up again and moved towards Xu You. Soon the two were only a few inches apart.

Xu You's eyes opened wide, the long-lost feeling of stiffness in his body returned, and his expression began to freeze.

Yue Qingyu Qingning's eyes flickered at Xu You, her long eyelashes were particularly eye-catching, and Kazilan's big eyes were full of pure emotion.

The two looked at each other like this. After a while, Yue Qingyu turned his head slightly and slowly approached.

Two thin lips touched Xu You's mouth briefly, and then separated. The distance between the lips was only two or three inches.

Yue Qingyu's cheeks had begun to glow with the sunset. She pursed her lips slightly and said in a low voice, "It feels great, how about you?"

Xu You also pursed her lips and nodded.

So, Yue Qingyu immediately dunked it again, this time more enthusiastically than the previous two times.

He even held Xu You's head with both hands without any knowledge, and the two of them sank in at the same time.

Xu You's hands also subconsciously gently held Yue Qingyu's shoulders. Her shoulders were thin, but they felt as delicate as jade.

The picture was extremely beautiful, the sweet smell kept coming out, and soon filled the entire pavilion, the purest kiss that was so sweet that it was so sweet.

It's like two men and women who fell in love for the first time. At this moment, they completed the confirmation of each other's emotions, and then kissed in a sublimated manner.

Such men and women have no other miscellaneous thoughts in their minds and return to the original, truest and simplest form of love.

Tightness is the most ordinary kiss, and that's enough.

Time froze again at this moment, and I don't know how long it took before the two of them separated slightly.

At this moment, not only Yue Qingyu was blushing, but Xu You's face was also extremely red. The romantic man really looked like the most innocent boy at this moment.

"Huh, that's amazing." Yue Qingyu breathed a long sigh of relief and looked at Xu You with his head slightly tilted, like a Hakimi that belongs exclusively to Xu You.

Xu You couldn't stand the look in his eyes. Feeling the sweet smell left on his mouth, he said,

"Sister Qingyu, you took the initiative just now, this time I want to take the initiative."

"You still want to come."

Before Yue Qingyu finished her questioning, Xu You directly pressed on her. The arms hugged Yue Qingyu so tightly that both of them could hardly breathe.

After a long time, the two separated again.

The sunset on Yue Qingyu's face was obviously brighter than before. She reached out and touched the place on her shoulder where Xu You had hugged her just now.

There was a strange color on his expression, "Does a hug also have such a wonderful feeling?"

"Then I'll come this time and give you a hug."

Yue Qingyu said this, then walked to Xu You and got into Xu You's arms autonomously.

She pressed her cheek against Xu You's chest, wrapped her arms around Xu You's waist, and slid her whole body directly into Xu You's arms.

Xu You is tall enough. Although Yue Qingyu is tall, he is still much taller than her. In addition, his chest is broad enough to accommodate Hakimi who is seeking a hug from him.

So, Xu You once again stretched out his arms and hugged Yue Qingyu's shoulders.

The air became quiet for the first time. For Xu You, the gentle sister in his arms made him feel extremely relaxed and comfortable. He could feel the sweetness of the other person and his heart was filled with joy.

As for Yue Qingyu, she felt that she had discovered a new world. Whether it was a kiss or a hug, it could bring her a very wonderful feeling.

It was a kind of absolute physical and mental relaxation. The whole person felt like he was swimming in a warm sea, and the boundless warmth enveloped his heart.

The hug that originally extended from love turned out to be so warm, causing all kinds of chaos in the heart.

Yue Qingyu does not reject this feeling at all, but is extremely happy. The warmth brought by the throbbing of the whole heart is so fascinating.

Xu You lowered his head slightly, Yue Qingyu raised his head slightly, and their eyes met again, entwined with their love for each other.

So, he stood on tiptoes and lifted up his skirt.

The third kiss between the two blossomed passionately under the pavilion.

As the saying goes: a kiss driven by emotion is better than any form of expression.

After a long time, the two separated again.

But they were not willing to leave each other's arms, and still hugged each other tightly.

"Xu You, tell me, why is marriage so wonderful? It's better than anything I've experienced in the first half of my life." Yue Qingyu murmured,

"I don't have many hobbies. What I like most is looking at the world's luck above the East China Sea, and cultivating with the sea breeze blowing there. I originally thought this was the most beautiful life.

But now I find that this is not the case, and now I know that marriage can bring such a wonderful experience.

I kind of regret it now. "

"What do you regret?" Xu You asked confused.

"You shouldn't have waited so long, there's no need to wait so long to meet."

"Ah." Xu You nodded, "Actually, I think so too."

Listening to the words of his sister who is many years older than him, Xu You now only has one thought. Not only has he been trained to have a love brain by the fate of heaven.

This month, Qingyu seems to be worse than herself, and she has also been turned into a pure love brain.

How does this look like a boss from Immortal Cultivation World Apex Level? Where is the appearance of an Apex Level boss who can participate in the major decisions of Penglai Immortal Gate, the number one Immortal Gate in China?

Isn’t this just a little girl who is in love?

For Penglai, this is bad news like a bolt from the blue, but for me, it is good news like a bolt from the blue.

The love brain is for you!

Love and affection cannot be deceived, and true love cannot be faked, but can also be felt deeply.

This is what the two of them are doing at the moment.

After another while, the two of them let go of their embrace, and the gentle smile on the corner of Yue Qingyu's mouth was already full of sweetness.

The sweet smile of the intimate and gentle elder sister is a killer. Xu You also smiled and reached out to gently rub the corner of Yue Qingyu's mouth.

"It's a pity that after finishing the affairs in Tianque City, I have to go back to Penglai. I don't know when the next meeting will be."

"It's simple. If you miss me, or I miss you, Sister Qingyu, you can see me anytime. We're just a continent apart," Xu You replied.

Yue Qingyu smiled and nodded gently. Although she knew that it was impossible for the two of them to meet frequently at this stage, she was very happy to hear Xu You say this.

"Sister Qingyu, I suddenly discovered that the marriage left by my unreliable master is really good, very good, very good. Now I am very grateful to him."

Xu You smiled so brightly that the corners of her mouth stretched to the back of her head.

He is now really grateful to Li Changsheng for this matter. He used to think that arranged marriages were stupid. If young people want to pursue their own love, it is up to me!

But after experiencing it, I can only say that it really smells good.

Especially when the object of this arranged marriage is such a fairy.

Thank you old man, I will give you three more sticks of incense in the future!

"Huh?" Yue Qingyu raised her chin slightly, "Thank you now? You mean you thought this was something bad before?"

[As an old rule, you must spend more words and ink on emotional descriptions, especially if there are multiple female protagonists, and you can't save it. It's definitely not the word count. Writing these things consumes more brain cells than pushing the plot. This kind of thing is really difficult to write]

[Please buy a guaranteed monthly ticket at the beginning of the month]

(End of chapter)

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