Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 205 Chapter 251 52 The Secret Between My Aunt And I, The Magic Of Divine Communication, And

Chapter 205 Chapter 251 52 The secret between my aunt and I, the magic of divine friendship, and the fatal charm of a mature woman’s emotional outlook

I don't know how long it took for Xu You and Huangfu Lan to wake up.

Xu You is currently lying on the pillar without much strength. He has killed one thousand enemies and damaged eight hundred. The consequences of this thing on himself are also considerable.

But fortunately, I have a lot of experience and sufficient mental training, so now I won’t appear too unbearable, and I can barely hold on.

But Huangfu Lan is different. This is her first divine fusion.

Strictly speaking, this is Huangfu Lan's first special experience in most of his life, and it is the most Apex Level of divine fusion.

No matter how strong her mentality and temperament is, Huangfu Lan, so what?

Under the divine thunder sword, all living beings are equal!

No matter how awesome the aunt is, no matter how strong her heart is, she will not be able to withstand such endless current.

This has nothing to do with willpower. It belongs to human instinct and cannot be violated at all.

Xu You looked at Huangfu Lan in front of him.

She was now paralyzed on the ground, looking upward with unfocused eyes like a fish without bones.

Huangfu Lan's figure has always been amazing, and the curves brought about by such a lying posture are extremely eye-catching.

To be honest, her current state is such that she cannot even mobilize her cultivation. If she goes up at this time, she will definitely be able to do whatever she wants.

Of course, it is impossible for Xu You to do such a shameless thing. This is out of morality and morality, and it is definitely not because of fear of Huangfu Lan's revenge afterwards.

In this way, Xu You unbuckled the rope while looking at the beautiful aunt's body intently.

This rope is a Law Weapon. Now that Huangfu Lan is too busy to take care of himself, he naturally cannot control the rope. Xu You can break free very easily.

After loosening the rope, Xu You moved his stiff body, and then quickly took back the little heart in Huangfu Lan's hand.

After that, he sat there very obediently, not daring to move, waiting for Huangfu Lan to wake up.

After a long time, Huangfu Lan, who was paralyzed on the ground, slowly woke up, but his eyes were still confused and fragmented, and he didn't know what was going on.

She has been guarding her body for most of her life, but today she suddenly experienced such a fierce divine fusion that it knocked her unconscious.

After a while, Huangfu Lan slowly sat up, breathing slightly, when his eyes fell on Xu You.

The hazy memories and reality just now began to flood back into her memory overwhelmingly.

The whole person stood up suddenly. The feeling was so real and deeply engraved in my mind. It was an experience I had never had before.

Now just recalling the experience just now, Huangfu Lan's whole body becomes tense.

Finally, he sat down on the chair with some weakness.

This time, the sitting posture is no longer with legs crossed, but a very ladylike sitting posture with legs folded sideways.

Finally, Huangfu Lan stared at Xu You,

"Just now. What was that thing you just had?"

His voice was trembling a little, and it was obvious that he had not completely calmed down yet.

"I didn't do anything, auntie, and I don't know what happened." Xu You shrank her neck.

"You fart!" Huangfu Lan pointed at Xu You's nose with rare explosiveness, "Just now, you clearly cast some spell on me!"

"Auntie, the conscience of heaven and earth, what kind of cultivation do I have, what kind of cultivation do you have, and what kind of magic can I do to hurt you, auntie?" Xu You asked in return.

"Then what happened just now?"

"Yes, I also want to ask auntie what happened just now." Xu You pretended to be innocent and said, "I just wanted to resist auntie.

Then I cast my natal magic, and then suddenly it seemed a little strange, like a dream.

When I came back to my senses, I found you collapsed on the ground, aunt. "

"What dream?" Huangfu Lan asked, breathing slightly.

Xu You lowered his head shyly, "It's hard to describe this dream, it's just a dream anyway. I don't know how to describe it."

Huangfu Lan stared at Xu You when he heard this, "I'll give you another chance. If you don't tell the truth, I will kill you directly."

After Huangfu Lan finished speaking, the aura of cultivation on his body began to slowly become stronger and pressed towards Xu You.

This is the first time Xu You has seen Huangfu Lan show his strength, and he is under great pressure.

Then, he hurriedly said, "Auntie, don't worry, I'll explain in detail. It's like this, this is the Divine Ability of Nine Suns Immortal Art. It's a very special technique.

There is a certain probability of triggering its magical effect when I cast it. If I have a deep enough relationship with the other person, or if the other person likes me.

There is a certain probability of triggering this miracle, but the probability is actually not high. I just tried it casually with the idea of ​​​​serving a dead horse as a living horse doctor. "

"What magical effect?"

"That's right. Well, maybe we will do some beautiful dreams together in terms of soul."

"What are you talking about?" Huangfu Lan said angrily, "I have never heard that the Nine Yang Immortal Technique has such a wonderful effect! How can there be such a magic technique in the world that can defeat the superior?"

Xu You hurriedly said, "Auntie, how many people have practiced Nine Yang Immortal Jue over the years. I am the only one in this lineage, and there is only one successor in each lineage.

Auntie, how could you possibly know the magic of Nine Yang Immortal Jue?

Furthermore, this is not an attempt to defeat the superior, it is a divine ability technique with a prerequisite for the divine soul. It means that both parties want, wait, aunt, did we succeed just now? "

"How is that possible!" Huangfu Lan snorted without thinking.

"Auntie, what did you just do?"

"Can't I lie down for a while when the ground is cool?"


Huangfu Lan looked at Xu You with a changeable expression, "So, Nine Yang Immortal Jue really has such a wonderful magic? What is it called?"

"Yes. Ask God to teach Dafa."

"Shenjiao Dafa? What is it?"

“Just as the name suggests”

"Who have you tried on before this?"

"I haven't tried it yet. Auntie, you are the first one." Xu You said shyly, "This technique is very special and cannot be used indiscriminately.

Auntie, you can think of it as similar to the dual cultivation method in Joyous Union Sect. The failure rate is very high, and both parties must have a deep foundation."

"How come I've never said that before?" Huangfu Lan was suddenly stunned for a moment, and then seemed to think of something.

Li Changsheng, the previous practitioner of Nine Yang Immortal Technique, was extremely popular back then. Could it be because of this technique?

Damn it, isn't this Nine Yang Immortal Technique a Taoist technique that is said to be the most powerful and most yang? How could there be such an obscene technique?

Even if it's obscene, can it still be so powerful?

How could Xu You's cultivation level have such a big impact on him?

But apart from this, Huangfu Lan really can't think of any other possibility, and indeed only the Nine Yang Immortal Jue seems to be able to do this.

"Auntie, what did you see just now?" Xu You asked quickly, "This is the first time I have used it on others. I want to know if it works."

Huangfu Lan sneered, "Pretend, keep pretending. It's the first time, right? Do you think I believe it? That familiar look just now told me that it was the first time?"

Besides, I didn’t have anything to do just now, do you understand? There is nothing! "

"Okay, Auntie, I understand." Xu You lowered his head.

Huangfu Lan calmed down slightly and looked quietly at Xu You who lowered her head. At this moment, her eyes were full of mixed emotions.

I actually experienced something so unspeakable just now.

She wanted to find out how Xu You did it, but she didn't know what method to use. She would admit it once asked.

I am Huangfu Lan, how can I put myself in a low position just because of such a thing?

The most important thing is that she doesn't know how to face Xu You now. As soon as she sees him, all the details of Shen Rong just come to mind.

Naturally, it is even worse to continue to torture Xu You. Whether it is the matter of Yue Qingyu or the matter of Xu You secretly kissing him just now, they are not worth mentioning compared with this matter.

And how could he continue to torture me in this state? It simply cannot be done.

If I stay in this small room with Xu You any longer, I'm afraid something big will happen later.

Moreover, she has no intention of hanging around with Xu You now. She really needs to be alone now.

"Little guy, when you get out of this door, forget everything that happened here just now. Do you understand? If I know what you said outside, I really don't blame Auntie for being ruthless."

Huangfu Lan said with a serious face.

Xu You was stunned for a moment, raised his head and asked, "Everything?"


"Then what if I can't forget?"

"If you can't forget it, forget it!" Huangfu Lan said without any doubt.

Xu You said, "But... well, I can only promise you, auntie, that I will rot in my stomach for everything, but I will definitely never forget it.

This is a matter between my aunt and I. How could you let me forget it? Can't forget it at all! "

"You" Huangfu Lan took a deep breath, "I don't care what you think. In short, no third party is allowed to know. This is top secret, understand?"

"Auntie, you know." Xu You smiled, "This is a secret between me and auntie!"

Huangfu Lan said no more, but felt a little headache.

Xu You continued to ask cautiously, "Auntie, how is that technique? I want to try it again. Auntie, can you cooperate?"

"Xu You!" Huangfu Lan glared angrily, "I told you, nothing happened to me just now! If you talk nonsense again, I'll chop you up!"

Xu You smiled and retracted his neck.

Huangfu Lan straightened up his limp body with a dark face and stood up, preparing to leave.

Today's ridiculous interrogation can only end here.

Seeing this, Xu You quickly got up and followed him.

When the two of them walked out of the torture room together, the latter raised his right hand and punched a hole in the outside of the claustrophobic corridor in front of him.

The sunlight rushed in instantly, dispelling the darkness on the corridor.

Xu You squinted at the light with some discomfort. After staying in the small dark room for a long time, her eyes had already adapted to the pink color tone.

Now when I first see this light, I feel dazzling.

Huangfu Lan also squinted at the light, and the strong wind blew in, quickly drying her clothes.

She opened her arms to embrace the sunshine and the strong wind, as if she wanted these two things to wash away the sinking inside.

Looking at the well-behaved Xu You from the corner of his eye, Huangfu Lan was suddenly in a trance. Everything that happened inside just now was like a dream.

A very absurd dream.

She never thought that so many things would happen after she took Xu You into this torture room.

Before going in, she simply wanted to tease Xu You and ask what happened with Yue Qingyu just now.

I was full of confidence that I had a chance to win, and I could play with this little guy in the palm of my hand just like before.

But I didn't expect that I would be directly involved.

Not only was she secretly kissed by the little guy, but I was also in a soul-searching relationship with him.

This is really an extremely ridiculous thing. Huangfu Lan never thought that he would be "counter-killed" by Xu You on his own flying boat.

After seeing the light, she still couldn't tell what kind of mood she was in. She was too passive now.

The initiative is not clear at all, and I don’t know what to do next or how to face it.


For a long time, Huangfu Lan breathed a long sigh of relief and slowly stabilized his mentality.

Temporarily suppressing all the little things that happened in the small dark room just now, the whole person returned to the calm manner he should have been.

"Let's go, little one."

Huangfu Lan said lazily, twisted his hips and walked up.

Xu You responded, and then hurriedly followed. Seeing Huangfu Lan's nonchalant look, he was amazed. She was indeed an aunt, and her psychological adjustment ability was really awesome.

There was no sign at all of what had happened in the house just now, as if nothing had happened.

Of course, Xu You didn't dare to show anything wrong now, he just followed Huangfu Lan obediently.

"Little guy, remember what I just said to you. I have completely forgotten everything that happened just now. If I hear even the slightest rumor anywhere in the future.

Don't blame the aunt for being cruel, she really won't be merciful then. "Huangfu Lan emphasized again lightly.

"Don't worry, Auntie, I'm all rotten in my stomach. No one in the world will know."

Xu You also hurriedly reassured, joking, this kind of thing must not be known to a third party.

Otherwise, everyone from the Huangfu family to the ends of the earth will take him back and chop him up, and what’s more. Xu You has so many personal confidantes.

If he knew about this, he would never survive tonight. Especially Yun Yanjin, who definitely clicked himself immediately.

Therefore, Huangfu Lan emphasized that he must strengthen his full cooperation.

The two fell into silence for a while. Huangfu Lan said nothing more and just walked slowly to the top floor together.

Soon, the two returned to the house on the top floor.

In the bright room, Xue Qianluo was sitting cross-legged and meditating alone. When he heard the noise, he opened his eyes and looked at Xu You and Huangfu Lan.

Based on her experience, she naturally didn't find anything wrong with the two of them. She just looked at the sky outside and asked a little strangely, "Why have you been here for so long?"

Xu You stepped forward and sat down without changing his expression and said with a smile, "Senior Huangfu's flying boat is too luxurious and has too many things. I can't even see it, so I spent a lot of time."

Xue Qianluo nodded slightly without any doubts.

Huangfu Lan looked at Xu You with a slightly raised eyebrow, with a hint of contemplation.

At this moment, she had a new impression of Xu You's image.

I didn't realize it before, but now I'm surprised to see Xu You acting so calm and calm, as if nothing happened.

More of a displeasure!

What do you mean, little guy? So many things happened just now, and now you can act like nothing is wrong?

Logically speaking, he couldn't be so calm and act like nothing was wrong.

Huangfu Lan herself spent so much effort adjusting and suppressing her emotions.

So Xu You is so relaxed?

What does this mean? Wouldn't having such a close relationship with me, Huangfu Lan, give you any psychological fluctuations?

Who do you think I am, Huangfu Lan? Does it have such no weight in your heart?

Or should you say that Xu You has a lot of experience in fighting this kind of thing, which is why you can act so familiar and calm.

No matter which possibility it is, Huangfu Lan is a little angry now!

Especially the latter one, doesn't it indirectly prove that he is a playboy?

No, the more he thought about it, the angrier he became. If Huangfu Lan didn't have enough tolerance and restraint, Huangfu Lan would have been unable to sit still.

After all, what happened just now happened so long ago.

Xu You's peripheral vision fell on Huangfu Lan at this time, and he keenly felt something was wrong with her expression.

His mind was spinning rapidly, comparable to Sherlock Holmes, and he suddenly realized that his comfortable behavior towards Xue Qianluo just now was indeed unreasonable and could easily misunderstand Huangfu Lan.

Of course, you can't quibble or explain too much at this time. Xu You continued to maintain this state, giving a little bit of words and spoke in a very emotional tone.

"Although the time just now was short, it seemed like a lifetime."

"Huh?" Xue Qianluo expressed confusion.

"It's nothing." Xu You shook his head, "I just realized that there is a broader world. I will never forget it in my life. I will work hard in the future."

After saying that, Xu You fell silent and stopped talking.

Seeing this, Xue Qianluo didn't ask any more questions, closed his eyes and continued to meditate.

Huangfu Lan on the side looked at Xu You with a slightly calm expression, then walked to his stool and sat down, lying on the back of the chair and closing his eyes and falling asleep.

The room suddenly fell into silence, and the flying boat was still speeding through the white clouds.

In the afternoon, Feizhou entered the area of ​​Dongyang County.

Dongyang County borders the southeastern area of ​​Jiushen County, so when Xu You and the others arrived in Dongyang County, they arrived in the northern area first. Looking down from a high altitude, the endless plain land has no end.

All kinds of grains are grown on it, and it deserves the title of Granary of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Xu You walked alone to the deck outside and deliberately lowered some of the airships. The speed was not too fast, and he flew all the way down the plain at the normal speed of the airship.

At dusk, we finally arrived at the Wei River that crosses the entire Dongyang County.

The Wei River is so wide that it cannot be crossed by humans. It falls like a bright jade belt on the earth.

To the south of the Wei River, there are continuous mountains and fields. Xu You marveled at the topography of Dongyang County. The Wei River actually divided two completely different worlds.

Standing on the bow of the boat, Xu You felt relaxed and happy looking at the grand scene of the setting sun hanging upside down over the earth and the Weishui River.

Even though he is now a cultivator who can soar between heaven and earth at will, he can never get tired of seeing such magnificent scenery.

"You feel so comfortable. Are you still in the mood to enjoy the scenery?"

Huangfu Lan's lazy voice came from behind, awakening Xu You's thoughts.

He turned his head and found Huangfu Lan standing beside him at some point.

"Auntie." Xu You shouted nervously.

"Why, why are you nervous?" Huangfu Lan asked calmly.

Xu You looked at each other in astonishment. The state of Huangfu Lan in front of him was exactly the same as before. There was no difference at all, and there was nothing wrong at all.

It was as if what happened in the dark room had no impact on her at all, or she had never experienced it at all.

The current open-mindedness and calmness cannot be faked, it is a sign that he has completely digested this matter.

"I'm not nervous." Xu You shook his head.

"What? Are you still thinking about what happened just now?"

"No, I forgot all about it. It's rotten in my stomach."

"Why are you panicking? Auntie is not testing you." Huangfu Lan rolled his eyes at Xu You, "You don't think Auntie will be affected by this incident, do you?"

Xu You smiled and nodded slightly.

"Then you underestimate Auntie too much. Over the years, Auntie has experienced big and small things that you can't imagine. Do you think you can be in this position without a strong heart?

What just happened seemed a little ridiculous to me, and I was caught off guard. It did cause strong psychological fluctuations for my aunt, but it was not a big problem. "

Huangfu Lan said lazily, stretching towards the sunset. The northern and southern hemispheres on his chest were magnificent, shining brightly in the sunset.

The warm yellow light hit the side of her face, and her plump and plump figure was silhouetted into a beautiful oil painting of a lady under the setting sun.

The gentle and noble side face is still as good-looking as ever, and there is really no flaw in the facial lines.

And the absolute calmness and mature womanly scent that exudes from her body are even more charming under the sunset.

Xu You looked at Huangfu Lan's current state and was slightly fascinated.

Only then did he realize that why he had such a crush on Huangfu Lan was definitely not just because of her good figure, good looks, and coquettish personality.

It's more about her very charming inner self and the state that her whole person exudes.

Huangfu Lan is completely different from ordinary little women. She is strong, determined, and her heart is like a mountain and sea. Even if the waves are rough, she can adjust quickly.

Able to maintain the most elegant appearance and the calmest mentality.

And this Apex Level strong mentality is actually very attractive.

It’s not just little girls who like powerful “boss”, little boys also like such powerful sisters or aunts.

The charm of this Apex Level mature woman is very lethal to young boys.

It wasn't until this moment that Xu You truly discovered what attracted him most to Huangfu Lan.

After what happened just now with Xu You, an ordinary little woman would most likely be shy and reserved, and then she would burst out with that kind of ambiguous spark and have a heart-pounding journey.

Huangfu Lan takes a different path. She can openly express all her feelings to herself, and then quickly adjust back to the attitude of a big woman.

Such a mature woman is really fucking adorable.

Xu You especially likes Huangfu Lan like this.

Auntie is still the same auntie, and she is still the auntie who can ride on her at this stage.

He became a little guy again.

You have to work harder! Strive to enrich your own strength and wings.

Sooner or later, he has to rely on his own strength and skill to make the mature and powerful aunt in front of him call him a big guy!

He Xu You also wanted to hook Huangfu Lan's chin and tie her to the rack with a thick rope in the torture room just now!

Motivation suddenly came, and Xu You felt extremely motivated at this moment!

Just thinking about this picture makes Xu You tremble with excitement.

"Little guy, what are you thinking about?" Huangfu Lan asked with half-squinted eyes.

"It's nothing, auntie. I was wondering how long it will take to arrive."

Huangfu Lan came slightly closer to Xu You, stretched out his hand to hook Xu You's chin, raised it slightly, and said jokingly,

"Auntie, I'm fine now, but I'm afraid that you can't get out, little one. What should I do?"

Xu You said stubbornly. "Don't worry, auntie, there's nothing wrong with me. I'll be able to adjust in minutes."

"Huh? It's not a good habit to be conceited and talk big."

"I never speak big words. A true man speaks out when he speaks out. How can I be limited by the love between my children?"

"A tough talk?"

"Don't be harsh."

"Little guy, what do you mean?" Huangfu Lan narrowed his eyes, "You mean to take advantage and run away? And then become that kind of irresponsible man?"

"Auntie, how come you always misunderstand me? What kind of person am I, Xu You?"

"It seems so at the moment. Auntie has just discovered that you are not as simple as you appear on the surface. Are you very experienced in matters between men and women?"

"Rumors. I am an innocent boy." Xu You said a little shyly.

"Haha," Huangfu Lan sneered, "Guess whether I believe it or not."

"I will prove it with practical actions in the future." Xu You said.

"Oh? What practical action?"

Xu You did what he said and walked directly towards Huangfu Lan, looking like he was going to kiss her.

Huangfu Lan didn't even think about it, and placed his palm directly on the side of Xu You's face to stop him, "Little guy, is this the action you mentioned?"

"Huh?" Xu You, whose face was squeezed and deformed, replied.

Huangfu Lan said angrily, "Although I don't care what happened just now, that's not the reason why you can still mess around. You little guy, you don't have much strength, but you are very courageous.

Who gave you the courage to do this to me? "

"It's you, aunt!"

"Me?" Huangfu Lan chuckled and tapped Xu You's forehead, "You, I don't know where you learned such a thick skin at such a young age.

It seems that there are really naturally cheeky people in this world. You little guy, it’s too early to play wantonly with your aunt, just wait a few more decades. "

"I can wait for decades, but I'm afraid, auntie, that if you can't wait, it will break if you keep holding it in." Xu You muttered.

"What did you say?" Huangfu Lan raised his eyebrows with anger.

"Nothing, nothing."

Huangfu Lan snorted and hit Xu You on the head with a backhand, "I hope you will always be so tough in the future, but don't let Auntie down."

"Don't worry, Auntie, I'm very motivated now and will definitely help you get out of Sea of ​​Bitterness as soon as possible." Xu You promised.

Huangfu Lan gave Xu You a flattering look, "A bold little guy is indeed rare. But Auntie warns you, you are free to provoke Auntie now if you want to.

But if you provoke other aunties while provoking me, you know the consequences. "

Xu You's heart was moved, and he nodded as usual and said, "Don't worry, Auntie, you are so fierce, I can't stand you alone. No matter how many more, I can't bear it."

Huangfu Lan ignored Xu You lazily, turned around, swung his wide sleeves and walked back into the cabin.

Xu You looked at Huangfu Lan's plump back. Auntie, she is really delicious.

This energy in her body is really charming.

This damn charm instantly filled Xu You's desire to conquer.

The flying boat continued to fly along the Weishui River, and then slowly stopped when night fell.

Below is the Taihua Mountains that stretches for thousands of miles, and Caobang is inside.

Huangfu Lan had already put away the flying boat, floating in the air with Xu You and Xue Qianluo, looking at the mountains below.

The current atmosphere between the three of them is still very good.

Not to mention the relationship between Xu You and Xue Qianluo, Huangfu Lan still built a good friendship with Xue Qianluo after a day of scattered communication.

For Huangfu Lan, she still likes Xue Qianluo, who has an abnormal brain circuit, and appreciates her obsession with kendo.

The wonderful experience between her and Xu You in the dark room seemed to be a catalyst for the two of them.

It should have taken some time to adapt to this change, but after the exchange on the deck at dusk, coupled with Huangfu Lan's own adaptability, it can be said that it was solved on the spot.

The two of them have naturally returned to the same state of getting along as before when they could flirt with each other, and the relationship can be said to have reached a higher level, becoming more natural.

How to describe this feeling, Xu You thought of a word, "the teacher is famous."

Yes, after what happened in the little black room, the two of them seemed to have more acquiescence in such a late-year relationship.

In the future, to a certain extent, the two of them can act more "arbitrarily" and become more famous.

For such a change, Xu You can only say that it is a good life.

The Little Black Room directly skips many lengthy early stages, saving a lot of time and energy costs.

As his relationship with Huangfu Lan progressed, Xu You directly regarded the black room incident as a new turning point.

Let's call it a dark room incident.

At this time, Huangfu Lan pointed to the mountains ahead and said, "The Cao Gang is in Caojiazhuang, thirty miles ahead."

Xu You turned to Xue Qianluo and said, "Senior sister, we can put on the masks. By the way, we should also reduce our cultivation to the early stage of the Four Realms, which is more convenient."

Xue Qianluo nodded slightly and agreed with Xu You's idea. After the two gathered their breath, they put on their disguise masks. Under a burst of light, both of them changed drastically.

You can only vaguely see the shadow from before between the eyebrows, and everything else has been fine-tuned. The gap is so big that even acquaintances can't tell.

[Please give me a monthly pass, okay?]

(End of chapter)

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