Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 210 Chapter 262 263 Now, Who Is In Favor And Who Is Against? The Killing Begins! Tiger Poiso

Chapter 210 Chapter 262 263 Now, who is in favor and who is against? The killing begins! Tiger poison food food, blood spirit formation

The second elder paused for a moment, looked meaningfully at Cao Zhong, who was covered in blood, and finally cupped his fists at Xu You and said, "I wonder what Xu Shaoxia has in mind."

"Strive for talent." Xu You said with a smile.

At this time, Cao Rui and Cao Di both clasped their fists at Xu You and said, "Xu Shaoxia, talent is something that takes time to manifest.

This is something relatively nothing, how can it be compared? The method of recommendation is the long-standing tradition of Caobang. "

"Then I have an idea." Xu You said, "One month is enough to tell whether you are suitable to be a gang leader. In this way, whoever thinks you can be a good gang leader can come forward.

I can help you and make you the leader of the gang against all objections. But if I want to establish a military order and do my best, if it is not recognized within a month, I will kill it myself.

how? "

As soon as Xu You said this, no one from the Cao Man family dared to answer the question. It was a joke. It wasn't some magic. Who would do such a thing with their head in their belt?

Whether or not you can get recognition is not a matter of words. Who would foolishly agree to such a request?

Xu You saw the silence of the three people and said nothing. He just looked at Cao Zhongdao and said,

"Cao Zhong, what do you think?"

"Okay. I am willing to issue a military order!" Cao Zhong nodded directly and said, "If it fails, I am willing to die."

"Okay!" Xu You smiled and said to everyone, "You have all heard it. Doesn't everyone have any opinions?"

Cao Man cupped his fists and said, "Xu Shaoxia, choosing a gang leader is a big deal. Is this too childish?"

"It's no joke." Xu You said calmly, "I still know a little bit about Cao Zhong, he has a bit of the demeanor of the old gang leader Cao, so it would be perfect to be this gang leader.

Of course, if he is incompetent, I will take his head off with my own hands. "

Cao Man still shook his head and said, "Xu Shaoxia, I'm afraid it's hard to convince the public like this. The fourth brother has never dealt with any big or small matter in the gang for many years, so it can be said that he has no experience.

Moreover, if the qualifications are really low, how can the people below truly support him? This will only cause greater division within the Caogang. "

Xu You said lightly, "I remember that Cao Zhong had been with the old gang leader Cao for a long time, right? He has some experience.

As for the support issue that you are worried about, I said that if he cannot be the leader of the gang, I will kill him with my own hands. It won't take more than a month for you to make an election again.

Caobang can still afford the trial and error cost of this little time. "

"Xu Shaoxia, this is indeed against the rules." The second elder and third elder of the Cao family said at the same time, "If the name is not correct, the words will not be correct.

Even if Shaoxia forced Cao Zhong to become the leader of the gang, he would find it difficult to continue. Why not continue to study the way of the Saint and write books behind closed doors, it would be better than wasting a life. "

The two elders looked at Cao Zhong and said the last words.

When Xu You was about to speak, Cao Zhong bowed directly and said, "Thank you, the two elders are concerned about you."

After saying that, Cao Zhong bowed deeply to Xu You and said, "If my name is upright, will the Immortal be willing to help me or uphold justice?

In other words, my life is not in danger until I prove that I am justified. "

Xu You's heart moved, and she was a little surprised that Cao Zhong suddenly said such words,

He said calmly, "I only follow the rules of the Cao Gang. If you follow the rules, I will naturally help you and be impartial. Don't worry, I will keep your life safe until you prove it."

"With these words from the Immortal, I can rest assured."

Cao Zhong bowed deeply to Xu You again, then took out a jade talisman and handed it to the second elder, "Elder, please take a look. This is what my father left for me some time ago."

The two elders of the Cao family took the jade talisman and looked at it. Soon, they looked at Cao Zhong with some surprise.

The second elder said slowly, "Yes, this is the magic mark left by the gang leader, and the content inside is also true, without any trace of tampering."

"What is it?" Cao Man asked.

"The gang leader said that he will pass the throne to Cao Zhong in a hundred years."

"Impossible!" Cao Rui immediately stood up and denied, "How could my father leave such a suicide note? If it is true, why can't we let us know?

And only tell Cao Zhong? "

Cao Rui had to stand up and object first. In terms of hatred, he and Cao Chong had the deepest grudge.

After all, the death of Cao Zhong's mother had a lot to do with his mother. If Cao Zhong really became the leader of any gang, it would really be over.

"The things were indeed left by the gang leader, there is no doubt about it." The third elder said firmly, and then stared at Cao Zhong, "Why didn't you tell me about this earlier?"

"Before I said anything, three assassins took my life. If I had said it first, how would my life have been saved? At this time, with the protection of the Immortal, I dare to speak out. May I ask the elders if I am justified now?" Cao Chong said, holding his fists.

The second elder was silent for a moment, and then said, "The gang leader's death will naturally count, but only you know about this matter, and no one else will witness it.

I and several other elders didn’t know anything about it. If word spreads, you still can’t convince the public."

"Father left me the means to convince the public." Cao replied again.

"What is it?" The second elder stared at Cao Zhong with his cloudy eyes.

Cao Zhong did not answer hastily, but turned to look at Xu You and bowed again, "Shangxian, whatever I do next, it will be for the Cao family and Caobang.

Please forgive me. "

Xu You narrowed his eyes even more and looked at Cao Chong. At this moment, the fourth son of the Cao family with a Confucian style in front of him became a little strange to Xu You.

There is less elegance and more indifference on his body.

Xu You just nodded lightly, "Don't worry, I will make a decision on my own."

"Thank you, Immortal."

Cao Zhong nodded slightly, and then immediately walked to the three people lying unconscious on the ground. He picked up the thick rope that tied them and dragged them out, saying.

"Come with me, and I will naturally prove to you that I am worthy of my name. Prove the last words my father left for me."

With that said, Cao Chong dragged the three of them out of the meeting hall.

Everyone in the hall stared at Cao Zhong's back. The sudden last words from the old gang leader Cao caught everyone off guard.

In this situation, Cao Zhong immediately became the focus. He said that if he could prove it, he could only keep up.

But due to Cao Zhong's almost transparent identity, no one stood up.

Seeing this, Xu You stood up slowly and said with a smile, "Everyone, just follow me. We have to find out what's wrong. It won't waste much time."

With that said, Xu You and Xue Qianluo took the lead and followed. With Xu You taking the lead, other middle- and high-level people in the room also slowly got up and followed.

The two elders of the Cao family frowned and thought, and the four elders of the guest ministers all followed silently, without much emotion.

As for Cao Man, Cao Rui, and Cao Di, the three second-generation direct descendants of the Cao family, their expressions were more or less different than before.

Especially Cao Rui, his face now looked gloomy and terrifying. He stared at Cao Zhong's back with a biting look in his eyes.

Cao Zhong didn't care about the sight of others, he just dragged the three of them forward, with all the middle and high-level members of the Cao Gang following behind him.

A few quarters of an hour later, Cao Zhong led his people to the destination, which was the place where the coffin of the old gang leader Cao was stored.

The old gang leader has not passed his first seven years, the mourning hall is still there, and the coffin is still lying there quietly.

Xu You frowned slightly when he saw Cao Zhong bringing people to the coffin. Suddenly he thought of the sacrificial formation that Huangfu Lan had told him before.

Looking at Cao Zhong's indifferent and firm expression, Xu You half-squinted his eyes, and then looked at Xue Qianluo, telling her to stay alert and be careful.

Xue Qianluo, who had a high tacit understanding with Xu You, nodded slightly and didn't ask for warning. He just listened to Xu You.

And now Huangfu Lan, who had followed all the way and was hiding in the low altitude, like Xu You, thought of this sacrificial formation, put away his laziness a little, and looked down.

Cao Zhong casually put down the thick rope in his hand, turned around and looked at the people behind him.

"Why did you bring us here?" Cao Hao asked in a deep voice, "Why did you bring us here late at night to disturb my father's sleep?"

Cao Zhong stretched out his hands to carefully smooth out his clothes, then took off the silk scarf on his head and put it into his arms solemnly. Then he said indifferently.

"Today I will not do this as a Confucian scholar, but as the fourth son of the Cao family."

"Second Elder, Third Elder." Cao Zhong turned to face the two old men and clasped his fists and said, "Strength is always accompanied by sacrifice and blood, this is inevitable.

If you want to maintain the status of the Caobang under the current circumstances, you have to pay the price in blood. I am doing all this for the Cao family. I hope you two can understand. "

"What on earth are you going to do?" The second elder frowned like the bark of a dead tree.

Cao Zhong said calmly, "Keep the glory of the Cao family."

After saying that, Cao Zhong walked directly to the coffin with heavy steps and opened the lid of the coffin.

"Bastard, what are you doing!"

The Cao family almost shouted at Cao Zhong in unison, trying to stop him.

"Xu Shangxian, please help me control the situation. I'm very grateful. I didn't do it maliciously." Cao Chong said solemnly with his back to Xu You.

With a thoughtful look on Xu You's face, she turned to the Cao family and said,

"Don't worry, everyone, although what Cao Zhong did is extremely inappropriate, he must have his reasons, and he won't do anything stupid.

Let's see what he wants to do. If he really does something treacherous, I will take action without you taking action. "

When the Cao family members saw Xu You and Xue Qianluo standing up to protect him, although their faces were ugly, they restrained themselves for a while, and all their eyes were fixed on Cao Zhong.

If he dares to do anything rebellious, he will rush forward and strangle him.

Cao Zhong still looked at the body of the old gang leader lying in the coffin with an indifferent expression, and then he quickly made a hand seal with his hands, and five bloody jade talismans shot out from his arms.

These five jade talismans scattered on the ground and blended in. The landing point was the Body Integration of the five Yin spiritual powers underground.

The moment the red jade talisman fell in, it combined with these Yin spiritual powers, and suddenly five thick red rays of light rose from the ground to the sky.

The last five red light pillars merged into a red light curtain from above and turned upside down.

Everyone looked at the strange phenomenon above their heads in amazement. The red light curtain kept exuding a cold and bloody atmosphere.

The monks below the fifth level couldn't help but feel an inexplicable murderous intention in their hearts, and the mental state of the fifth level monks was also greatly affected.

Of course, Xu You and Xue Qianluo are fine, and the intensity of these auras has not yet affected them.

Xu You just looked at the light curtain above his head curiously, and now he was basically sure that Cao Zhong was activating the sacrificial formation.

According to Huangfu Lan, the blood sacrifice formation below was the blood spirit sacrifice of the Luo people back then, and its specific effect is unknown.

Xu You wanted to know the answer more and more. This was the first time he had seen this magical method. I also really want to know what this blood spirit sacrifice is.

"What is this?" Xue Qianluo frowned slightly and looked at the red light curtain above his head, "It looks like a formation, but not like it. There is a big difference."

Xu You explained with a little spiritual consciousness, "This is an independent branch of the formation, it is a sacrificial formation."

"Huh?" Xue Qianluo obviously knew about such a thing as the sacrificial formation, but he had never seen it before. He was a little surprised and asked, "How can a mere Cao Gang have such an ancient sacrificial formation?"

Xu You told Xue Qianluo all the popular science knowledge that Huangfu Lan gave him in the morning.

After hearing this, the latter, like Xu You, stared at Cao Chong with some curiosity, as if he also wanted to know the secret of it.

After the light curtain was formed, Cao Zhong quickly performed the magic spell with both hands, and wisps of red spells emerged from his body and disappeared into the Entering Spirit coffin.

At the same time, he was singing an obscure and mysterious ancient language in a low voice, which gave him a sense of vicissitudes across time and space.

The cold feeling that can directly impact the soul.

Following Cao Zhong's spells and chants, the bloody pattern under the coffin exploded into a dazzling red light, and five red veins appeared on the ground.

These veins started from the red jade talisman and finally concentrated on the circular pattern under the coffin.

Finally, the circular blood-colored pattern slowly rose into the sky, and the mysterious lines on it were particularly clear in the night, making my eyes feel dizzy.

Immediately afterwards, the body of Old Gang Leader Cao in the coffin was slowly pulled out by the bloody pattern.

The surrounding Cao family disciples all widened their eyes when they saw this situation, as if they wanted to go up and tear Cao Zhong alive.

However, due to Xu You's lustful power, he did not dare to rush forward and said anxiously, "Xu Shaoxia, Cao Zhong doesn't know what to do with the gang leader's body.

If this continues, I'm afraid I'll be sorry for the gang leader and ask him to stop! "

"No rush." ​​Xu You waved his hands indifferently, "I said, if Cao Zhong does something treacherous, I will personally take action. What's the hurry?"


The voice of speaking soon stopped, because a scene happened in front of them that subverted everyone's understanding.

I saw that the old gang leader Cao floating in the air actually "came back to life"!

Those red rays of light poured crazily into Cao Lao's gangster's body along the five red spiritual veins, and the pale and lifeless body slowly regained its vitality.

Finally, the whole person opened his eyes and looked directly at everyone.

When the people around him saw the old gang leader's eyes and felt the majestic power of cultivation in him, they were all horrified.

How could there be a way to resurrect the dead in this world?

If he is seriously injured, there may be powerful monks who can change his fate and rescue him by force, but for a person who has finished his lifespan and has passed away.

Even if a real immortal takes action, it is impossible to save him.

Unless you are talking about refining a puppet like a zombie, but that is also a living body without self-awareness. The old gang leader in front of you seems to have really come to life.

Everyone's brains almost stopped thinking, and a ridiculous idea came to mind. Could it be that the old gang leader faked his death? Otherwise it can't be explained at all.

Especially the three Cao Man brothers were dumbfounded at this moment.

Finally, the old gang leader Cao slowly landed and walked step by step in front of Cao Man and the others.


Cao Man spoke up immediately, but as soon as he said the word father, his voice stopped abruptly.

Cao Man only felt a warmth and a little pain in his chest. He looked down and saw that at some point, his father's right hand had penetrated his chest and pinched his heart.

Cao Hao's thoughts gradually blurred and his mind went blank. Looking at his father's extremely indifferent expression, he didn't know what was going on.

Why would his father come back to life in this way and then take his own life?

Heart hurts.

Cao Man finally lost consciousness completely.

This sudden change directly changed the expressions of the people around them. Cao Rui and Cao Di were in a state of confusion at the moment, and they were overwhelmed by the situation in front of them.

The two of them looked at this bloody scene with confusion and fear in their eyes.

I have been living under the pressure of my father all year round, and now I can’t walk away after seeing such a scene.

The second elder and the third elder also changed their expressions at the same time, and rushed towards the old gang leader Cao to rescue Cao Ma, "Guang leader, what are you doing?"

Gang Leader Cao didn't speak at all, he just maintained the posture of stabbing his son's heart with his hand.

The two elders couldn't get close at all, and were directly bounced away by the old gang leader's cultivation.

His cultivation is now flourishing, just like he was in the early stages of the Six Realms during his lifetime. The two elders who were in the early stage of the Five Realms were naturally unable to get close to each other.

"Young hero, Cao is seriously rebellious, please take action, young hero!" Cao Rui finally came to his senses at this time and shouted to Xu You.

Xu You also looked at the instigator Cao Zhong with a cold face at this time, "What are you doing?"

Cao Zhong clasped his fists at Xu You, "All this was arranged by my father during his lifetime. It is not within my ability to do it. I am just fulfilling my father's plan.

Again, I will never do anything harmful to Caobang, please be patient. "

"Young hero, don't listen to this person's slander. Please take action quickly." Cao Di couldn't bear it at this moment and looked at Xu You in panic.

Xu You shook his head, "I believe this is the arrangement of the old gang leader Cao. Cao Zhong is just a four-level monk, and he can't control the old gang leader Cao.

This is an internal matter of the Cao Gang. It is not appropriate for me to take action. If the old gang leader Cao's plan is ruined, it will be a huge crisis for the Cao Gang. "

"Young hero, are you going to sit back and watch me die?"

With Xu You's current mentality, he would naturally ignore such moral kidnapping remarks. After all, this is still an internal matter within the Caobang.

The current situation is obviously arranged by the old gang leader Cao. Just now the old gang leader's suicide note came to clear his name, and now this plan comes to clear his name. The main thing is to pave the way for Cao Chong and make him look legitimate.

Then, Xu You just stood on the sidelines with a slight contemplation.

He came to help the Cao Clan through the crisis, not to be a holy mother.

Gang leader Cao Lao is a heroic figure, and his arrangements naturally have considerations above his position.

Previously, Xu You had wondered why such a powerful figure as the old gang leader Cao did not leave any public last words after his death, which caused internal turmoil in the Cao Gang.

Now it seems that the old gang leader still has his own arrangements.

What Xu You has to do now is to watch, study and understand the underlying logic and cruelty of the spiritual world.

Soon, the old gang leader brought the dying Cao Man back to Cao Chong's side.

With his right hand inserted into his eldest son's heart and his left hand on Cao Zhong's shoulder, the three of them landed in the middle of the sudden red scene.

The red light curtain in the sky and the five red spiritual veins once again emitted red light and converged on the mysterious pattern.

The old gang leader used his own body as a medium to absorb all of Cao Man's cultivation, strength, and vitality and then "transferred" it into Cao Zhong's body.

Cao Hao's physical body shriveled up visibly to the naked eye, and his physical condition also became older at an alarming speed, like an octogenarian.

In the end, the whole person turned directly into a mummy, with sparse white hair on his head.

During this short process, Cao Zhong felt great pain on his face, and powerful vitality and cultivation power was poured into his body.

He himself did not say a word, and his cultivation level continued to rise. He reached the middle stage of the Four Realms, and finally stopped directly at the Late Stage of the Four Realms!

Gang Leader Cao casually threw away the old mummy of Cao Man in his hand. The mummy fell to the ground without any vitality at all.

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them more and more blankly. Such a terrifying, strange and magical scene exceeded all their cognition.

The eldest son of the Cao family, Cao Hao, who was still presiding over the meeting just now, has now turned into withered bones, and the most disliked Cao Zhong has now directly cultivated to cross two small realms in succession.

And the person who facilitated all this turned out to be the deceased old gang leader Cao!

Even though tiger poison does not eat its children, the old gang leader Cao actually gave all his eldest son's life and cultivation to Cao Zhong in a strange way.

All of this made the people around stunned, and the scene was silent.

The old gang leader Cao also had a look of indifference on his face at this moment, and then his eyes fell on Cao Di again.

"No! Father no!"

The moment his eyes fell on him, Cao Di's face was filled with despair and panic, and his whole body immediately turned into a shock and wanted to run away.

But how can the monks from the Fourth Realm escape from the monks from the Sixth Realm?

In just a moment, the old gang leader Cao Di suddenly appeared behind Cao Di and thrust his hand through his chest in exactly the same way.

Cao Di looked down at the withered hand that passed through his chest with a confused and disbelieving look on his face, his heart still beating stubbornly.

But he was held firmly in his father's hand.

Blood dripped from the wound, and his consciousness slowly dissipated along with the blood. With all his strength, he could only see his father's old and indifferent face when he turned around.

A bitter smile of resentment appeared on Cao Di's face. He didn't expect that his life would end in such a way.

After the monks from the surrounding Cao Gang saw that Cao Di was also killed by the gang leader, everyone felt in danger, with shock in their eyes.

But no one dared to run away first. With Cao Di's death situation here, no one dared to joke with the Six Realm monks with their own lives.

Cao Rui was slumped on the ground at this moment, his eyes full of fear. The successive deaths of Cao Hao and Cao Di made him feel like he was falling into the abyss.

Soon, the old gang leader Cao took the dying Cao Di back to the blood pattern again and performed the same weird ritual as Cao Yu did just now.

He acts as an intermediary and turns Cao Di into Cao Chong’s nourishment!

The process is still old and shocking, with the blood-colored light curtain, red veins and patterns emitting an increasingly weird red light.

In a very short period of time, Cao Di, like Cao Man, turned into an old mummy and fell to the ground.

Cao Zhong's body glowed red, and his face still showed pain. His cultivation level continued to rise, and finally he broke through the bottleneck of the fifth level.

It has stopped at the cultivation level of the early stage of the fifth realm.

It's just that he is in the Great Realm and his cultivation is a bit unstable, but he has indeed entered the fifth realm!

Xu You frowned as he looked at the strange scene above. The tiger was poisoned and the child was eaten. The old gang leader Cao, who had come back from the dead, did not hesitate to sacrifice the lives of his two sons to pave the way for another son.

Such behavior, to be honest, made Xu You feel a little cruel.

Can these cultivating families really do such a thing for the benefit of the family? If everyone in the Cao family follows suit in the future, how will this family survive?

This approach, which is almost evil, really has a great visual impact on people.

And the weirdest thing is that this blood spirit sacrificial formation can actually use other people's cultivation for your own use! And surprisingly efficient!

There are many methods of absorbing other people's cultivation, but they are all evil heretics, something Demonic Cultivators like.

However, that kind of absorption method basically absorbs less than half of the opponent's cultivation level, the conversion efficiency is very low, and it also faces the complex persecution caused by the power of different cultivation levels in the body.

It causes irreversible damage to the body, so the Demonic Cultivator that absorbs the Great Dao of others' cultivation is basically not normal, and in the end, it will become neither human nor ghost.

But this was obviously not the case for Cao Zhong in front of him. After using the old gang leader as an intermediary, those cultivation levels were transformed into the purest spiritual power and transferred into his body.

And it can be directly converted into cultivation to increase strength. This kind of operation surprised Xu You very much.

You must know that the threshold for these five realms is also very high, and the price and preparation required when breaking through are staggering.

This Cao Zhong is not a Tianjiao monk, but he can directly rely on such means to force a breakthrough.

Interesting, this Blood Spirit Sacrifice Formation is indeed interesting. as big as World, nothing is nonexistent.

At this time, Xue Qianluo, who was next to Xu You, had already knitted his brows tightly together, and said in a cold voice, "This is like an evil act, killing relatives in front of so many people. If it spreads, it will be bad for your reputation.

It may affect us at Immortal Gate, saying that we in Kunlun are feeding evil spirits and crooked ways. Such behavior cannot be expanded. "

"Sister, wait a minute!" Xu You quickly grabbed Xue Qianluo, who was full of honor and mission at Immortal Gate, and said, "This is not the way of the devil. It's just looking at bloodthirsty.

But it is essentially another pure transformation of strength, or inheritance. Strictly speaking, they are not considered heretics.

After all, you also know that this sacrificial formation has always been bloody. This isn't too out of bounds right now. Let's see. "

Xue Qianluo paused for a moment and nodded. She believed what Xu You said, so she continued to stand beside Xu You and watch.

Soon, the aura of Cao Zhong floating on the blood-red pattern had stabilized, and he looked like a monk in the early stage of the Five Realms.

At this moment, Cao Lao Gang leader pressed his hands directly on Cao Zhong's Tianling Cap, and the flesh and blood on his body immediately turned into majestic cultivation power and poured into Cao Zhong's body.

Cao Zhong's expression once again showed intense pain, and his cultivation level began to rise again.

After a while, the body of Old Gang Leader Cao slowly became ethereal and transparent, and finally turned into stars and dispersed in the air.

And Cao Zhong's cultivation level actually climbed directly to the Five Realms Late Stage!

The people below were all shocked and speechless now, and they all stared blankly at this ridiculous and weird scene.

Slowly, the red light curtain, the red spiritual veins, and the blood-colored pattern gradually dissipated. The five groups of Yin spirit power under the ground were still the same, but the blood-colored jade symbols on them were all dim and shattered.

The Blood Spirit Sacrifice Formation is ready!

Cao Zhong slowly floated down, his eyes were cold, and he glanced around with an indifferent expression.

He first bowed to Xu You and said, "Thank you to the immortal for protecting the road."

Xu You looked at Cao Zhong in front of him with indifferent eyes. He did not speak, and Cao Zhong maintained an absolutely respectful posture of bending down and bowing.

There is no pride or laziness in his cultivation because of his great improvement. He still respects Xu You, who only has the cultivation of "Early Four Realms".

Xu You will do whatever you say.

In the end, Xu You just nodded lightly, "You should explain it to the people in Caobang first."

"Can Shangxian continue to support me as the leader of the Cao Gang?" Cao Zhong continued to ask.

Xu You smiled faintly, "You made such a big noise, and your cultivation level has reached the Fifth Realm Late Stage. It's obvious that this is the intention of the old gang leader Cao.

Since it is the intention of the old gang leader Cao, I have no reason to oppose it. I will naturally continue to support it, but whether you can get the support of the gang depends on you. "

"Thank you, Immortal."

Xu You continued to say calmly, "But let's talk ugly first. I will know later whether your behavior just now is in line with the right path. If it is the method of evil heretics, don't blame me for helping the Cao Gang clean up the family."

"Yes, Immortal, I have a clear conscience." Cao Zhong assured.

Then Cao Zhongcai continued to look at the people in Caogang and said slowly,

"Everything is the gang leader's plan. This formation is called the Blood Spirit Sacrifice Formation. It is a secret technique that is not passed down within the gang. Only the previous gang leaders know about it and are qualified to use it.

The gang leader set up this formation when he was still alive, so I took advantage of the situation. As for the deaths of Cao Hao and Cao Di, they were also part of the plan.

They sacrificed for the future of Caobang and helped me condense to my current level of cultivation. In this way, we can continue to maintain the existing structure of our Caobang.

From now on, I am the leader of the Cao Gang. Who agrees and who opposes? "

"No, what happened just now? Is it considered brother-killing and father-killing?" Miao Tianfang, whose face had not yet subsided with swelling, hesitated for a moment before standing up.

"You said it was the gang leader's plan. Do you have any evidence? As we all know, the gang leader is kind-hearted. How could he use the life of his legitimate son and himself as your nourishment?

This must be your conspiracy! Your methods are clearly demonic! "

The more Miao Tianfang spoke, the more excited he became, and the more he felt justified, and his voice became more impassioned, "So, before a reasonable explanation is given, your cruel behavior does not qualify you to be the leader of the Cao Gang!"

After Miao Tianfang finished speaking, the surrounding Caobang monks began to make moves again.

[Please give me a monthly pass, okay?]

(End of chapter)

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