Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 212 Chapter 266 267 Auntie’S Cultivation Has Been Completely Lost, She Has Lost Her Realm, R

Chapter 212 Chapter 266 267 Auntie’s cultivation has been completely lost, she has lost her realm, right and wrong, success and failure are in vain, and she is young and full of energy!

Cao Zhong crawled up and down and came to Xu You immediately, knelt down and kowtowed, "Please save Caojiazhuang! Please save Caojiazhuang!"

Xu You shook his head and said, "Sorry, I can't do anything with my current cultivation. There is a high probability that this situation is not something that a monk can do.

I don’t know what exactly happened, and I can’t do anything about it with my current level of cultivation.

Now I can only inform my master's side first. "

With that said, Xu You directly used the communication flying crane, and after leaving the message, he used it as soon as possible.

But soon, Xu You's heart sank again, because after leaving him, the communication crane lost all its spirituality and fell to the ground.

Xu You tried several times in succession, but all failed. His face was already very ugly.

The current situation is more dangerous than he thought. Faced with this unknown and dangerous situation, Xu You's current cultivation level has no way to do anything.

Cao Zhong looked at the situation in front of him and said with a look of despair, "Shangxian, is there nothing we can do?"

"You first organize the rescuers of the Cao Gang yourself, and I'll try my best to contact the door. Rely on yourself first." Xu You said in a deep voice, then looked in the direction of the mourning hall and shot away.

There is really nothing he can do now. There is really nothing he can do to save the people in Caojiazhuang, and he cannot even save himself.

The most important thing now is to find his senior sister. Xue Qianluo's safety is the first priority. She is still studying the Yin spirit power in the mourning hall.

We must find her as soon as possible before anything happens.

On the way, Xu You looked back at the tragic situation in Caojiazhuang, feeling a little heavy.

It has never been experienced before that so many mortal monks died in such a way before their eyes.

At this moment, Cao Zhong was kneeling in the air as if his soul had been sucked out, looking at the miserable situation of hell below.

Who would have thought that a quarter of an hour ago he was the newly appointed leader of the Cao Gang, and he was at the peak of his career.

But the next moment, he went from heaven to hell.

Did Old Gang Leader Cao know that Caojiazhuang would face such a desperate situation before his death? If he had known it in advance, would he still have put so much effort into it? If the three brothers Cao and Man knew, would they still kill each other like this?

The position of a gang leader has gone through many overt and covert decisions, plans, and calculations, and how much blood has been paid.

But when I turned around, everything came to nothing.

Xu You felt a little emotional at this moment, the way of heaven is ruthless, the world is impermanent, fame and fortune, power and wealth, right and wrong, success or failure are all in vain.

You never know what kind of desperate situation you will experience in the next moment in life. Immortal Cultivation World is always cruel, unpredictable and dangerous.

Xu You took out the communication jade talisman to see if he could contact Xue Qianluo. No surprise, just like the flying crane talisman just now, there is no spiritual energy between heaven and earth. This thing is considered useless and cannot be contacted at all.

After all, the basic principle of forging communication jade talismans is to use spiritual power as the medium to communicate information to each other.

Just when Xu You put away the communication jade talisman, an endless suction force suddenly came from the surface.

Looking down, I saw that there seemed to be a crusher under the surface, sucking in everything on the ground through the ravines and cracks and crushing it.

The suction force was so strong that Xu You could only stay still to resist the strong suction force.

But fortunately, as long as you have cultivation above the Fourth Realm, you can resist this suction force when you are still, but you cannot move. The more you move, the greater the suction force.

Xu You saw with his own eyes that two Four Realm monks wanted to fly up because they were afraid, but they were sucked down directly.

Almost in just a moment, Caojiazhuang, which was as big as a small town, was completely destroyed. Only a few ruins were left, and it turned into a ruin, a ruin without any life.

Through the cracks on the surface, you can vaguely see the pure white light starting to emit from underneath, which makes the tragic situation on the surface look a bit ironic.

Looking again, there are no traces of the millions of people in Caojiazhuang at this moment, and there are only a handful of Caobang monks who have cultivated above the fourth level on the ground.

How tragic.

Slowly, the suction slowly stopped, but Xu You still did not dare to move rashly, fearing that something would happen later.

At this moment, a thunderbolt shot from the horizon and landed next to Xu You in an instant.

After the shock dispersed, Xu You, who was alert, looked at the visitor with some surprise, "Auntie, why are you here?"

"Are you okay?" The person who came was none other than Huangfu Lan who had left and returned. He looked at Xu You with concern and asked.

"It's okay." Xu You asked, "Auntie, are you here specifically to find me?"

If it were before, Huangfu Lan would definitely flirt with Xu You, saying that he came here specifically to find you, a little man, and auntie didn't want to see anything happen to you.

But now, Huangfu Lan obviously has no thoughts in this regard, and his expression is extremely solemn.

Xu You also asked solemnly, "Auntie, what on earth is going on? Is this only the case here in Caojiazhuang? Or is it?"

Huangfu Lan said, "Perhaps the entire southern border of Dongyang County has undergone such changes, and the Taihua Mountains have been the first to bear the brunt, with Caojiazhuang being the worst.

I just took a quick glance, and all I could sense was such a shocking change in the world. "

"Auntie, are you saying that the entire southern border of Dongyang County has undergone such changes?"

Xu You asked with his eyes widened in disbelief. You must know that the entire southern border of Dongyang County is huge. Now that such a huge change has occurred in such a large area, what kind of energy can do this.


"It's hard to say. We don't know the specific scope at the moment." Huangfu Lan shook his head.

"Auntie, is this man-made or something? What's going on?" Xu You continued to ask.

"The world has changed dramatically, but it cannot be ruled out that this sudden change was caused by humans. I don't know the specific circumstances. The incident happened suddenly without any warning."

"Auntie, even with your well-informed ability, you don't know about such a big news?" Xu You said solemnly again,

"Then it seems that this matter is really big. Auntie, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time. When I find my senior sister, let's leave immediately. We will retreat first."

"I'm afraid it's hard to retreat." Huangfu Lan looked down at the white light under the surface and said expressionlessly.

"What do you mean?" Xu You was stunned for a moment, and a bad feeling came into his heart.

"I was pulled down by this underground force just now." Huangfu Lan said.

"Impossible!" Xu You shook his head subconsciously, "Although the suction force is strong, the four realms of cultivation are enough to block it. Auntie, you are a monk in the Heavenly Dao Realm, how can you be pulled down by this level of suction force."

"Of course it's not normal, but this is an extremely special existence." Huangfu Lan sighed slightly, "This is most likely the Lost Realm."

"Lost Realm? What is this?" Xu You asked in confusion.

"While I still have some cultivation, let's go find your senior sister first. If it really is the Lost Realm, there may be a big disaster."

Huangfu Lan did not answer Xu You's question, but led him forward, as if time was precious.

Although Xu You has a lot of questions, he can't ask questions now. He needs to find Xue Qianluo first.

However, not long after Huangfu Lan took Xu You out, the aura slowly dissipated from his body.

At this moment, countless white lights from deep underground shone directly through the ravines, and finally these white lights gathered directly on Huangfu Lan.

Xu You was directly bounced away by the white light. His expression changed greatly as he looked at Huangfu Lan who was wrapped in the white light, unable to see what was going on inside.

Faced with this situation, Xu You didn't dare to take action at all, and his mind was spinning rapidly.

At the same time, not only in this place, everywhere Xu You can see with the naked eye, there are also several places hundreds of miles away that are exactly the same as the current situation.

They are all huge terrifying light pillars formed by such white light. Very conspicuous in the dark night.

Suddenly, these white lights came and went as fast as they came, and soon disappeared back along the same path. Huangfu Lan appeared, but he fell straight down.

Seeing this, Xu You quickly stepped forward and grabbed Huangfu Lan's waist and hugged her.

This is the first time Xu You has held Huangfu Lan in such a posture. The feeling of being held by the fragrant and soft aunt is very wonderful.

Especially that plump figure has an indescribable and wonderful feeling in his arms, but Xu You has no thoughts about this now.

His expression changed drastically at this moment, because Huangfu Lan in his arms had no cultivation at all!

Directly turned into a complete mortal body!

Xu You was immediately stunned. He carefully checked the condition of Huangfu Lan's body. He was indeed a mortal without any cultivation.

The strong man in the Heavenly Realm turned into a mortal directly at this moment!

"Auntie, what's wrong with you? Are you okay? Where is your cultivation?" Xu You asked hurriedly.

Huangfu Lan, who is lying in Xu You's arms, is in the same state as usual except that she has no cultivation. She is not panicking now, her expression is very calm, and she is thinking with a slight frown.

Soon, she sighed deeply, "Now it seems that this is indeed the Lost Realm. Little guy, we are afraid we are in big trouble."

"What exactly is the Lost Realm?" Xu You asked.

"The heaven and earth are incomplete, and the way of heaven is also incomplete. The Lost Realm is the collective name for such areas. The so-called lost realm has no trace of the way of heaven, no luck, and no spiritual power.

Only silence!

This is the realm of 'Three Nothings'. When monks in the Heavenly Dao Realm enter, their cultivation will be deprived and suppressed by the only withered Heavenly Dao here, and they will be unable to use any cultivation and become mortals. "

"Is there such a place in the world? Isn't this an absolutely forbidden and deadly place for monks in the Heavenly Dao Realm?" Xu You looked shocked.

"Yes. No one knows how the Lost Realm came into being. The only accepted guess is that it is related to the way of heaven.

Things must be reversed at their extremes, and the way of heaven that helps all things practice will naturally be deprived of it.

Everything in the world is opposite and unified. "Huangfu Lan said slowly,

“Tens of thousands of years ago, the monks at the highest level of the Divine Continent joined forces to clean up the Lost Realm.

After so many years of fighting, the Lost Realm floating on the land of Divine Continent has been basically destroyed.

No lost realm has been discovered for thousands of years. Unexpectedly, there is a lost realm deep here. This really exceeded my expectations.

There has never been any sign or news that there will be a lost realm below.

Then there is only one possibility, this is a lost realm that has been sleeping. There is actually no risk in such a lost realm. Generally not triggered.

If it is triggered now, there is a high probability that it is man-made. Someone has triggered the Lost Realm here. That's why the current situation is caused. "

Xu You listened to Huangfu Lan's words with a look of shock. He had never thought that there would be such a thing as the Lost Realm in this world.

It directly opened up his new understanding.

"So, are the situations just now unique to the Lost Realm?" Xu You asked.

"Well, this kind of annihilation spiritual power and annihilation Gangfeng are unique to the Lost Realm, so I made this judgment."

"Auntie, who do you think inspired it? What to do?"

"I don't know. This cannot be achieved by personal strength. Only the foundation of Apex Level forces can do it. I don't know what to do, but it is always a good thing." Huangfu Lan explained.

"I'm sorry, auntie, if it weren't for me, you wouldn't have come back, and you wouldn't be like this." Xu You said with some shame.

"What are you thinking about, little guy? I will be stuck here without you." Huangfu Lan shook his head slightly and said, "Once the Lost Realm is activated, it will cover a large area, from heaven to earth.

I was within its range at the first time, and I couldn't escape with my cultivation. The Lost Realm is extremely sensitive to monks in the Heavenly Dao Realm, and almost only targets monks in the Heavenly Dao Realm.

Unless your cultivation reaches the extreme level, you can escape from this place with your own heaven-defying abilities. "

Xu You's heart sank, "Then according to what you said, Auntie, wouldn't it mean that monks below the realm of Heavenly Dao have no way at all?"

Huangfu Lan continued to shake his head and said, "That's not true. One of the Four Nine Heavenly Evolutions is Human Escape. Although this Lost Realm is full of desolation and has no spiritual power at all.

However, there are actually not many restrictions on monks below the Heavenly Dao realm. Except that you can't use the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to replenish your cultivation, everything else is the same as outside.

Look at you now, are you not affected too much? "

Xu You carefully felt the situation in his body, and there was indeed nothing wrong with it except that it could not replenish the consumption of cultivation.

Huangfu Lan continued to add, "The lower the cultivation level, the less affected it is. Sixth realm monks can probably only exert two or three levels of power, and five realms are 70 to 80%. Your cultivation level will not be affected at all."

Then, his face lit up, "In other words, with my cultivation level, I can leave this Lost Realm?"

"The Lost Realm is a self-contained realm after all. With your cultivation level, you can only get out through the weakest connection with the outside world, but it's hard to find." Huangfu Lan replied.

"As long as I can go out, then I won't worry." Xu You breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

"You are quite optimistic."

"Auntie, aren't you more optimistic? You are like this now and you are still so calm."

Huangfu Lan said lightly, "Auntie, I have seen the world and experienced many more things than this little guy like you."

"What's the use of more, Auntie, aren't you stuck here now? You can only wait for me to save you?" Xu You puffed up his chest.

"Huh? What do you mean, little guy? Do you want to take advantage of others' danger?"

"I never take advantage of someone's danger, I usually only take advantage of it. But it's hard to say after that." Xu You smiled slightly and said, "Auntie, it's very difficult for me to deal with your mortal body now.

When you were outside, you relied on your own cultivation to play with me wantonly.

Now that our roles are reversed, if I don't take revenge, will it show that I don't understand the style? "

"How do you understand Fengqing?" Huangfu Lan raised his eyebrows.

"I believe in equality between men and women, not reciprocity." When Xu You spoke, she hugged Huangfu Lan's waist tightly.

Don't tell me, my aunt's slender waist is really soft and soft, and the feel is incredible.

"Little guy, what's going on now! Do you still have the mind to do this? Auntie really misjudged you, you are so impatient?" Huangfu Lan tried to use force, but it was useless.

She was extremely uncomfortable with a mortal body. At this moment, she was the weakest woman in the world. She had no ability to resist and could only offend this little guy.

This contrast of teasing status made Huangfu Lan feel an indescribable strange feeling in his heart at the moment. It was so shameful!

He even forgot for a moment that he was in extreme danger.

Fortunately, Xu You stopped teasing at this stage, smiled and did not continue, just said, "The matter is very simple, go find my senior sister first.

Then we find the exit together. "

"I don't recommend finding an exit." Huangfu Lan also calmed down and said.

"Why?" Xu You asked in confusion.

Huangfu Lan explained, "It's very simple. If this Lost Realm is inspired by a certain force, then do you think there will be no one on duty outside the area covered by the Lost Realm? The situation outside is unknown now. If we go out rashly, what will happen?" What if we enter the wolf den again?”

"It makes sense, then we just stay here?" Xu You asked, and then suddenly said, "Actually, even if that force has any purpose.

With the status of you and me, Auntie, they must not dare to act rashly. "

"This kind of thing cannot be guaranteed. The two of us are definitely not strong enough. If we go out rashly, we may not be able to gain face. On the contrary, we will have greater risks."

"That's right." Xu You nodded and said, "To be able to do such a big thing, I must have a big goal. Our identity will become an embarrassment, and it is really not easy to act like this rashly."

"That's right." Huangfu Lan nodded, "So the best way is to remain unchanged in response to changes. Such a big thing has happened here.

I'm sure word will soon spread that the Lost Realm is very involved. Kunlun knows that you and Xue Qianluo are here, so you will definitely take care of this matter.

After all, you two are the future of Kunlun, and nothing can happen to you. And Jubao Pavilion also knows that I am here in Dongyang.

I think they will take care of this matter in the future, so we can just wait. If you don't do something, you won't make mistakes and it won't trigger greater possible changes. It's safest to wait for rescue. "

"Auntie, what you said makes sense, but I don't think so." Xu You replied.

"What do you mean?"

Xu You smiled and said, "I don't really trust human nature, and I always like to speculate on unknown enemies with the greatest malice. The forces that inspire this lost realm have been included in my enemies.

Then we need to speculate on their malicious intent. Auntie, do you think that after they have spent so much effort to create these, do they want to leave more people alive?

I even suspect that monks will be sent in later to clear the place and kill all the living people here to ensure the progress of the matter.

Auntie, you should know that activating the Lost Realm is definitely more than just activating it, there will definitely be a series of subsequent actions.

Then it is natural to ensure that nothing goes wrong in this first step. So I think waiting here is a recipe for death. The probability of something going wrong is higher. "

"Isn't this too pessimistic and extreme?" Huangfu Lan pondered.

"It's not extreme. Auntie, do you think this matter is so secretive that you don't even know about it in advance? How can you hope to survive?" Xu You asked.

"What would you do if Auntie did this?"

"The little guy is so cautious. What you said makes sense."

Xu You smiled and said, "Also, I hate putting my fate on others. I like to have the initiative in my own life.

Waiting for rescue is waiting, but you cannot sit and wait for death. "

"Aren't you afraid that messing up will cause more serious consequences?"

"That means I'm unlucky." Xu You said with a smile, "It's a coincidence. I don't have any other abilities, so I am very confident in my luck.

Besides, isn't it because I have auntie to accompany me? Let's be desperate mandarin ducks first. If we are so unlucky, how can I be afraid when auntie is here? "

Huangfu Lan was stunned for a moment, and then lightly punched Xu You's arm, "You little guy, you are so brave. You are still saying such witty words at this time."

"Auntie, don't you like me saying these witty words?" Xu You asked back.

Huangfu Lan didn't answer, just glanced at Xu You, and then said, "It's just that exporting is not as easy as you think.

The power of the interface that isolates the Lost Realm from the outside world is definitely not something your cultivation level can break through. "

Xu You said, "It does not mean that there are weak points in the connection between different spaces. As long as the weak points are found, I am still confident."

"The Lost Realm is so big. How easy is it to find the weak point? If you are not lucky, it is impossible to find it."

"Auntie, I told you, I may not have enough other abilities, but I am still very confident in my luck."

"Have you always been so optimistic and confident when facing things?" Huangfu Lan asked.

"Otherwise? Just solve the problem when it comes. It's up to you. Naturally, you have to be optimistic and confident. You have to believe that you can solve everything.

If the energy in your heart lasts forever, your life will always be in your own hands! "

Xu You smiled, pinned Huangfu Lan to her back with her backhand, and said a little louder, "Auntie, hold me tight, I'm going to go."

Xu You's sudden movement made Huangfu Lan scream in surprise, because now high in the sky, Huangfu Lan could only hold Xu You's neck tightly with both hands and lie on his back.

Huangfu Lan, who has no cultivation at all, only feels that she is the weakest woman in the world now, and has never felt that her life will one day be as fragile as porcelain.

A mortal body, in such an environment, would simply perish if the slightest misfortune occurred.

Now everything can only depend on the little man under her. Not to mention, it feels really good to lie on the little man's generous back.

Huangfu Lan now feels wrapped in a sense of security, even though Xu You's current strength is only Late Stage.

But I don't know why, it just makes her feel very safe.

Maybe it's because Xu You's confidence at this moment has infected her, or maybe it's because Xu You faces difficulties with an extremely optimistic attitude, which makes her full of confidence.

Or maybe it's what Xu You said, especially the last sentence.

If the energy in your heart lasts forever, your life will always be in your own hands.

Originally, Huangfu Lan always thought that Xu You was a very calm little man, young and mature, with a good attitude.

But at this moment, she also felt the young man's unique vitality and confidence in Xu You.

This kind of youthful spirit is really touching, and it inspires Huangfu Lan, who has no cultivation, to be willing to take risks and fight with Xu You.

This little man is the most complex Body Integration. Every angle is extremely charming.

How could he not like such a young man?

Huangfu Lan finally understood why he liked flirting with Xu You so much. Such a little man was so lustful and lustful that it made people happy.

Gently resting his side face on Xu You's shoulder, you can see Xu You's strong jawline as sharp as a chisel from the corner of your eye.

The smell of Xu You's body has never been so clear to my nose.

In a daze, Huangfu Lan felt that his mentality seemed to have changed. Without any cultivation, I felt a lot of inexplicable admiration for Xu You's "power" at this moment.

Damn it, I just lost my strength, how come my mentality also softened?

"Auntie, please tie your hair, otherwise it will scratch my face and it will itch and affect my operation." Xu You said.

Huangfu Lan silently fixed his hair together with one hand.

"Auntie, how about it? My broad shoulders still feel safe, right?" Xu You said with a smile.

"Are you so cool? Once you gain power, you will dominate Auntie, right?" Huangfu Lan pinched Xu You's arm.

"That's not true." Xu You said matter-of-factly, "If this goes out, it will be Auntie sitting on my head and domineering.

Can I take advantage of this rare opportunity to regain some ground with you, aunt? Get back some of your manly glory! "

"You know how to use the big to bully the small." Huangfu Lan pinched Xu You's arm again.

"Auntie, hold on tight, you can't blame me if I rush too fast and you fall."

Xu You said and grabbed Huangfu Lan's thighs with her big hands to solidify her position on her back. The plump and delicate thighs felt extremely good to the touch.

It’s so special.

In particular, Huangfu Lan's clothes were extremely delicate and slippery, so he could only hold on harder, and his ten fingers almost really dug into the opponent's thigh.

Huangfu Lan exclaimed again at Xu You's movements. It was the first time he was lying on a man's back like this, and the first time he was being held by a man's thigh and carried on his back like this.

Even if the little pervert stopped pinching her, he still seemed to be stroking her.

This made Huangfu Lan almost stop jumping. She felt more and more like a mortal little woman, and she could only lie softly on Xu You's back.

Xu You felt more and more comfortable at this moment, feeling it in her hands and on her back.

You know, Huangfu Lan's northern and southern hemispheres are no joke. They are the kind where you drive a small electric car and she sits behind you and you can keep hitting the brakes.

"Be gentle, it hurts." Huangfu Lan whispered.

"That won't work. I'll feel bad if you fall later, auntie." Xu You emphasized again, "Hold tight, it will be easier to deal with if there is an emergency."

"You have to carry it on your back, right? Can't you just take me flying?" Huangfu Lan said.

"That's so boring. Besides, auntie, I only provide carrying services now and nothing else. If you don't like it, get off the car."

"You" Huangfu Lan was speechless.

"Hurry up, let's go. It doesn't matter if it falls." Xu You emphasized in the end.

"I know." Huangfu Lan didn't say anything harsh anymore, but responded "obediently".

Xu You didn't say any more, and turned into a roar and galloped towards the mourning hall.

But not far away, five black spiritual pillars shot up into the sky in the direction of the mourning hall in the distance, and endless Yin spiritual power spurted out from these five huge black spiritual pillars.

Xu You's face changed immediately when he saw this. He quickened his pace and asked in shock, "Auntie, what is going on? Didn't you say this is the Lost Realm?"

How come there is such a strong Yin spirit power? "

Huangfu Lan looked at the vision in the distance and shook his head, "I don't know."

Xu You's expression was serious and he didn't think too much about it. The change was on Xue Qianluo's side, and he had to rush there as soon as possible.

Soon, Xu You arrived near the mourning hall. He immediately stopped and took a closer look. The five huge black pillars of Yin Spiritual Power were clearly formed from the base of the nowhere Yin Spiritual Power gathering point below the mourning hall.

Xu You couldn't make any progress, because at this moment, the five black pillars were surrounded by violent pressure, and their convergence reached the sky.

Endless Yin spirit power overflows to the outside.

Even though Xu You didn't know much about the formation, at this moment, he knew that the situation in front of him was caused by some mysterious formation.

Otherwise such a scene would be impossible.

Xu You looked around quickly with his eyes, and there was no trace of Xue Qianluo's breath at all.

Seeing this, Xu You's heart sank, and soon his eyes fell on a dark black vortex on the right.

Huangfu Lan also looked over. Although her cultivation level was gone now, her vision was still there, "That black vortex is an existence similar to a teleportation array.

It seems that its shape was suddenly formed due to spatial changes, and was not a man-made setting.

This situation is not uncommon when the boundary is formed. It can be regarded as some kind of unstable space crack. "

Hearing that it was a teleportation array, Xu You was about to step forward to check, but Huangfu Lan immediately stopped him and said, "Don't lean in, the suction force is very strong, and your cultivation level cannot stop it.

Furthermore, no one knows where this spread. Xue Qianluo might have been sucked in accidentally. Or maybe not, he's somewhere else now.

Don't worry, Xue Qianluo's cultivation shouldn't be a big problem. Do you have her soul card? See if anything's okay. "

Xu You immediately took out a divine soul card. Kunlun disciples of their level would have divine soul cards. If anything happened, they would be able to know immediately.

And when we go on missions together, we will make a rubbing and give it to each other to ensure each other's safety.

There is no damage to Xue Qianluo's body, which proves that she is safe and sound now.

Seeing this, Xu You breathed a sigh of relief, he is fine now.

(End of chapter)

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