Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 226 Chapter 294 295 Yue Qingyu And Mo Yuhuang In The Hot Spring Pool, My Baby Cabbage Was Ta

Chapter 226 Chapter 294 295 Yue Qingyu and Mo Yuhuang in the hot spring pool, my baby cabbage was taken away?

Hearing the words "dead eunuch", Cao Zhengchun suddenly came back to his senses, and his anger soared.

He, Cao Zhengchun, hated being called a dead eunuch most in his life. How could he, a monk in the middle of the Sixth Realm, be humiliated by two juniors?

"Boy, you're done!" Cao Zhengchun said with a sneer on his face, his cultivation exploded from his body, and he teleported towards Xu You.

Xu You looked like he was about to be torn apart, and his self-cultivation skills were freely sprayed out. He was so powerful that anyone who saw him would applaud.

At this level, he can kill monks from the fifth realm at will.

Xu You put his hands down and looked indifferently at Cao Zhengchun who was rushing towards him, and even took the time to signal Xue Qianluo not to take action.

After a while.

Next to Shen Shou, there was another friend kneeling in the same posture as him.

Cao Zhengchun's face was swollen like a pig's head, and he was at a loss. What happened just now?

I just remember that I galloped towards Xu You very bravely. Isn't it easy to beat the junior with my own cultivation?

But soon, Xu You taught him a lesson.

Before he could clearly see what was happening, he was stunned by a brilliant sword energy, and then he was picked up and slapped on his face by countless big mouths like raindrops.

That really hurts!

It really hurts!

The one that has touched the depths of the soul.

Cao Zhengchun was a little confused and still didn't react. With his narrow vision, his eyelids were swollen and narrowed into gaps, he saw Shen Shou beside him, who was still watching his nose and heart.

Cao Zhengchun suddenly became furious.

"Fire your mother, you're cheating me!"

His voice was very vague, and he was about to rush towards Shen Shou.

Then Xu You stepped on the big pig-headed face and said, "Stop being fired, are you embarrassed? Is that what you said? Stay calm, I want to ask questions."

Cao Zhengchun's expression was filled with extreme pain, and he squinted at Xu You who was condescending, thinking that he had been killed like a pig and dog just now, how dare he have any temper now.

In such a short period of time, he had been so hyped that his life would be in danger if he spoke any more.

"You ask, you ask, I tell."

"Wouldn't it be fine if it had been like this? Do you have to get a beating?"

Xu You put a smile on his face again, bent down slightly to help Cao Zhengchun up, and dusted off his clothes.

When Xu You was about to brush off the dust on the other person's face, Cao Zhengchun subconsciously shrank back and looked at Xu You with some fear. He looked like he was being fed a shadow by his mouth.

Xu You smiled, retracted his hand without leaving a trace, and then asked warmly.

"Hall Master Cao, what's going on outside now? Are the people from Kunlun Immortal Sect here?"

The situation was stronger than the people. Cao Zhengchun just hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "Many people came to Kunlun Immortal Sect. They said that Zhang Changli, the steward of Tianque City, arrived first.

Then a bunch of monks from the Sixth Realm came one after another, and finally two palace masters and two peak masters came. "

"Two hall masters?" Xu You was stunned for a moment, "Are you sure?"

Cao Zhengchun continued to speak vaguely, "Young hero, what I said is true. Those two peak masters are also eighth-level monks. They are looking for you and Fairy Xue by name.

That's why Elder Geng issued the order to reward you and Fairy Snow for capturing you and Fairy Xue alive. "

"Who are the two palace masters and the two peak masters?"

Cao Zhengchun replied, "Master Azure Dragon, the master of Azure Dragon Palace, Master Kunlun, the master of Kunlun Palace, Sun Li, the master of Luoyan Peak, and Linghu Yuan, the master of Kunlun Peak."

After hearing this, Xu You became more and more stunned. He did not expect that he and Xue Qianluo could have such a full hand.

There are only five palace masters in Kunlun, and now two are here, and the most important thing is Master Kunlun.

This is the oldest palace master, and it is not an exaggeration to call him a contemporary living fossil of Kunlun. Moreover, I have not left Kunlun Immortal Sect for many years, and now I am here.

What’s more, my great uncle is also here!

Xu You almost didn't react when he heard the name. Although he had been under Mo Yuhuang's purple skirt for many years, he had never met this great uncle.

I only know that the other party has been taking turns in Nanyi Manzhou, and I only heard his name but never saw him.

I heard that he is a very, very good Apex Level martial artist. I don’t know when he came back, but he happened to be here to support me.

Xue Qianluo was not too surprised. She grew up in Kunlun Peak and knew her importance in the eyes of her master and master.

Huangfu Lan was also a little surprised. She didn't expect that Kunlun would send out such a grand display, which can be said to be the highest level of support.

"Are the people from Jubao Pavilion here?" Huangfu Lan asked.

Cao Zhengchun squinted and couldn't see clearly that the person asking the question was Huangfu Lan, but he still replied honestly, "The news came a quarter of an hour ago. I don't know if the people from Jubao Pavilion are here now."

"Who is that Elder Geng?" Xu You continued to ask.

"Ming Gongming, Elder Geng, the elder of the Tianlong Tribe." Cao Zhengchun replied.

"The four elders of the Ghost Shadow Sect are all monks in the Eighth Realm of Heavenly Dao. This Geng Gongming is famous and very capable." Huangfu Lan explained.

Xu You nodded slightly and continued to ask Cao Zhengchun, "How many of the four elders are coming outside?"

"They are all here, but they are responsible for different places. Elder Geng is in charge here."

"You ghost shadow sects are all out?" Xu You asked with narrowed eyes.


"You're so brave, aren't you afraid of stealing the chicken but losing the rice?" Xu You sneered.

Cao Zhengchun tried his best to smile and did not dare to answer.

"Okay, I know what I need to know. I am a person who keeps my promises." Xu You smiled lightly.

Surprise filled Cao Zhengchun's face, "Young hero, can you let me go?"

Xu You smiled and said, "Can you leave? This Elder Shen has seen everything just happened. What will happen if your Ghost Shadow Sect knows that you tell me everything?"

I heard that the rules of your Ghost Shadow Sect are very strict. "

Cao Zhengchun's expression paused, and then he looked at Shen Shou with fierce eyes, and his pig-headed face could express a ferocious expression.

"Then if I kill him, young hero, can you let me go?"

After hearing this, Shen Shou looked up and stared at Cao Zhengchun expressionlessly.

"He is your classmate!" Xu You said in surprise.

"Don't blame me for being unkind!"

"Have courage!"

Xu You gave a thumbs up in approval, then took out the Chunyang True Sword and pierced Cao Zhengchun's chest.

The dead eunuch's Yin Qi was indeed very strong, and the Pure Yang True Sword made a sizzling sound when it penetrated the opponent's chest.

Like a soldering iron dropped in water.

Cao Zhengchun was stunned at first, then a little confused, and finally looked down at the Chunyang True Sword that passed through his chest, and his consciousness began to slowly drift away.

"Didn't you say that you are a person who keeps his promises? Why are you like this now?"

Xu You smiled and said, "I am a person who keeps my promises. I will let you go after we chat without promising you. You, you can't compare with Elder Shen in this regard."

They confirmed this with me before questioning, and then they dared to tell me everything. From now on... um... I'll be more careful in my next life. I'll just do this in this life.

Besides, I promised Elder Shen first that I would silence you later. First come, first served, I'm very disciplined.

Don't be a eunuch in your next life. What's the point of a useless life? "



Xu You didn't even let Cao Zhengchun say his last words, and directly stirred the Chunyang True Sword to completely end the other person's life, and at the same time absorbed the opponent's soul back.

Cao Zhengchun just fell down like this with no eyes open. He didn't even realize that his life had ended so suddenly and worthlessly here until he died.

Watching Cao Zhengchun's body fall, Shen Shou on the side looked at Xu You quietly, "Thank you, Xu Shaoxia."

"Let's go, take me to the exit." Xu You said calmly.

"Yes." Shen Shou did not dare to hesitate and flew up first.

Xu You and Xue Qianluo followed Huangfu Lan immediately. Next to them, Deacon Sun also followed silently at the back, not daring to get too far away. He now has a very deep understanding of Xu You.

This guy is ruthless and very capable, so he can't be offended.

In Huaiyang City, the sky is high and the clouds are vast, the wind is gentle and the sun is beautiful.

Huaiyang City is a medium-sized city in Jiu Shen County. There are many such cities in Jiu Shen County, but Huaiyang City is famous throughout the Zhou Dynasty for its unique geographical scenery.

In terms of tourism strength alone, Huaiyang City ranks among the top three in the entire Great Zhou Dynasty.

Therefore, although the size of Huaiyang City can only reach the middle level, because of its unique and magnificent scenery, countless powerful monks come here to visit every year.

Although the temple is small, it has many gods.

Under such hustle and bustle, various industries derived from Huaiyang City are in full bloom, especially the service industry, which is unprecedentedly developed and extremely luxurious.

Some people say that although Tianque City is big, the truth theory is not as fun as Huaiyang City in many aspects.

Especially for many male monks, this Huaiyang City is simply a paradise. Only you can't imagine that there are no Apex Level experience services that are not available here.

The level of development of the customs industry cannot be matched by more than three fingers of cities in the entire Middle-earth Heavenly Continent.

Moreover, the custom industry here is famous for its service. As long as you have enough money, you can be served better than the emperor.

Flying dragons in the sky, playing the piano with ten fingers, green oceans, roaming the world, and mandarin ducks washing their hair are all childish.

There are so many more Apex Levels available.

It is no exaggeration to call it a man’s paradise.

In addition to the custom industry, Huaiyang City is most famous for its hot spring industry.

Legend has it that where Huaiyang City is located, a fire phoenix beast died countless years ago. After the fire phoenix beast's body was buried deep in the ground, an extremely special fire vein was finally born.

The temperature of this fire vein is extremely high, and the fireworks on it will never go out, so the temperature deep underground in Huaiyang City is extremely high all year round.

Coupled with the topography here, countless natural hot springs are finally formed, because these hot springs are heated by this unique spiritual fire.

It is said that soaking in this hot spring year after year will be of great benefit to spiritual practice. It can subtly improve the monk's physical fitness, warm the body, soul, etc.

Of course, it’s unclear whether this is marketing or reality, because no one would be full enough to soak in the hot springs here every day.

But the quality of Huaiyang Hot Spring is really good, and everyone who has experienced it says it is good, so the name has finally been awarded.

Huaiyang became the hot spring capital of the Zhou Dynasty, with countless visitors every year.

Tiansheng Hot Spring is the most Apex Level among the many hot spring stores in Huaiyang. It has the best quality. The quality of the hot springs is the best, and the natural consumption is also the most Apex Level.

Ordinary monks are not qualified to enter this hot spring shop. Only monks from the fourth realm and above are accepted, and they must have enough wealth to spend.

Because the effect of this Tiansheng Tangquan is extremely good, even the monks below the Fourth Realm cannot withstand the impact of this fire spiritual power.

Tiansheng Hot Spring is built along the mountain, and the higher the quality of the hot spring, the better the scenery.

At the highest point, there is a hot spring mouth located on the edge of the cliff. The spring water here is living water. After each guest is entertained, the mouth of the spring is sealed for half a day. The next guest will be served only after all the spring water has been changed several times.

The effect is also best at the mouth of the hot spring. In addition, it is on the edge of a cliff. When you soak, you can see the endless magnificent scenery below the mountain, so the price is also surprisingly expensive.

It’s fully booked for the next ten years.

But today, a very powerful guest came here and jumped in line.

Not only did the store have nothing to do, but they even had to smile and treat her warmly, with the same enthusiasm as they did to my aunt.

This powerful guest is none other than Mo Yuhuang.

Of course, the majestic Master Mo Peak will not bully the market. He will pay every penny he deserves, and even very proudly takes over half of the mountain and does not allow other guests to enter or leave.

In Mo Yuhuang's words, she wants to entertain good sisters, likes to be quiet, and doesn't like to be disturbed.

No matter what the store dares to say, any request will be complied with. Even if Tiansheng Tangquan is the number one in Huaiyang City, the financial backer behind it is also very impressive.

But against a boss of Mo Yuhuang's level, there is no way, especially since Mo Yuhuang's reputation is not very good.

If you really make the other party angry, the Tiansheng Tangquan will be smashed later.

The well-informed store owner who came with Mo Yuhuang, the good sister she called, could also recognize the clothes on her and judged that she was the boss of Immortal Gate in Penglai.

Now I don't dare to provoke him even more, and everyone will obey.

But what makes the store happy is that although Mo Yuhuang is unreasonable, her sister who looks like Celestial Immortal is very polite and classy.

After opening the store for so many years, the store owner has seen countless female monks. But there is no one as good-looking and as Apex Level-like as this Celestial Immortal.

Mo Yuhuang can compare to her Celestial Immortal sister in terms of appearance, but how can she recognize a store with its own "violent terror" filter.

A fairy woman and a female devil are incomparable.


At the top of the mountain, in the mouth of a large spring, Mo Yuhuang breathed a long sigh of relief, his face looking very comfortable.

The mouth of this hot spring is very large. It is the most Apex Level hot spring that Tiansheng Hot Spring only receives guests once every half a month.

At this moment, the hot spring water is steaming, the water mist is surrounding it, and the unique fire spirit power is evaporating from it.

Mo Yuhuang is sitting on the edge of the hot spring mouth, with the cliff behind him and the endless scenery outside.

Her lotus-rooted arms were spread out and resting on the edge, and her whole body was leaning back extremely lazily.

Naturally, you only need to wear close-fitting clothes to soak in the hot springs. You can't see clearly inside the misty hot spring noodles. The thick white mist is like flowing milk.

Only the area above the collarbone of Mo Yuhuang was exposed. The collarbone was as exquisite as ever, and there was a shallow stream of hot spring water in the clavicle fossa.

Because Mo Yuhuang tilted his head slightly back at this moment, his neck became longer and fairer, with some water drops hanging on it, which looked very attractive.

Her long hair was tied high on her head to prevent it from getting wet, and her thick-skinned facial features still looked amazingly beautiful in the mist.

At this time, Mo Yuhuang Xu You is the most recognized and liked. The master's lazy posture is as stunning as any other woman.

There is another woman beside Mo Yuhuang, her best sister Yue Qingyu.

Like Mo Yuhuang, Yue Qingyu is also half leaning on the edge, but her hands are in the water.

Compared with Mo Yuhuang's wild posture at the moment, she looks much more ladylike. Sitting there relatively dignified, only the top of her neck was exposed.

The exposed necks are surprisingly white.

As we all know, cold white skin is the most Apex Level skin color that enhances women’s beauty, and Yue Qingyu’s skin color is the most Apex Level cold white skin color.

The kind that makes it difficult to take your eyes away.

Her face is very small, as big as a palm, and her long hair is tied up on her head, which makes her face even smaller. Her delicate facial features fall out of the dust, and through the dense white mist, there is an even more difficult feeling. The astonishing beauty of metaphor.

Like a picture of the Divine Maiden that can only be viewed from a distance, the gentle smile at the corner of the mouth makes the painting lively and unparalleled.

"How about it? Let me tell you, taking a bath in this hot spring is one of the most beautiful things in the world." Mo Yuhuang said lazily to Yue Qingyu.

She has always liked bathing in hot springs, and she even built a large artificial pool in her cottage on Vermilion Bird Peak.

I always go there to take a dip whenever I have nothing to do. Xu You’s massage skills were developed by massaging Mo Yuhuang while she was taking a bath.

Of course, the man-made ones are not even remotely comparable to the Apex Level quality hot springs.

The silky feeling of the living water flowing over the body here is much more comfortable than at home. Coupled with the special fire spirit power of this place, the spring water formed is even Apex Level.

Even Mo Yuhuang's cultivation can be felt to be of great benefit here.

"It's indeed good." Yue Qingyu smiled lightly, "I've heard for a long time that the fire spirit veins in this underground place are unparalleled in the world, and it seems to be true today."

"No, why don't you care about the cultivation matters if you don't enjoy it at this time?" Mo Yuhuang said a little unhappy, "Let go of your cultivation, relax your body and mind, and enjoy it. This is the respect for this hot spring."

Hearing this, Yue Qingyu smiled again, and then relaxed and soaked.

Soon the temperature caused her to produce a lot of sweat beads, which hung on her face and mixed with the spring water. Her face began to slowly turn red, and a refreshing heat spread throughout her limbs.

Yue Qingyu couldn't help but lean back a little lazily with his eyes half-closed to enjoy.

The scenery on the cliff in front of you is magnificent, and the green mountains and green waters are full of wonders. The green and empty sight makes the whole person more relaxed.

These past few days can only be considered a serious "touring in the mountains and rivers" now.

At that time, after separating from Xu You, Yue Qingyu came directly to Tianque City and was not in a hurry about the Penglai Immortal Society.

Then, after Yue Qingyu briefly explained the affairs in the house, she immediately went to find Mo Yuhuang, the best sister she had played with since childhood.

The two were very happy to see each other again. Mo Yuhuang immediately said that he would do his best to be a landlord and take Yue Qingyu to have some fun.

Yue Qingyu naturally agreed. In fact, when she first arrived in Tianque City, she was still hesitant about whether to go to Mo Yuhuang.

After all, on the way here, she and Xu You directly followed the way of heaven, and their relationship suddenly changed.

I wonder what Mo Yuhuang would do if he knew about this.

Originally, Yue Qingyu's temperament would not be said to be too concerned about the outside world. As long as she followed her heart, she felt that it was the most correct path, so she went to find Mo Yuhuang openly.

But Mo Yuhuang even seemed to have forgotten about it, and did not mention anything about the Peach Blossom Sacred Tree at all.

Seeing that Mo Yuhuang was still so careless, Yue Qingyu just smiled and didn't say anything more.

After all, he had promised Mo Yuhuang not to get too involved with Xu You.

Now that I have directly broken my promise, I can't say it directly. She knows the temper of a good sister like myself, and she has to pay attention to certain methods and timings.

Therefore, Yue Qingyu didn't take the initiative to mention Xu You's matter, and concentrated on going sightseeing with Mo Yuhuang.

But when she went out with Mo Yuhuang, Yue Qingyu realized that she was still too naive.

Mo Yuhuang is still the sister she is familiar with. When she goes to have fun, she does not forget to take herself to experience the local gambling house.

In her words, if you go out to play, naturally all aspects must be arranged according to the top standards, which will cost a lot of money.

The reason was fair and aboveboard, and he even asked Yue Qingyu to predict his luck, thus grabbing a lot of money.

In the past few days, Mo Yuhuang's mouth was grinning to the back of his head. From time to time, he pinched Yue Qingyu's face and said that she was his wealth.

No, now they can book most of the Tiansheng Hot Spring to enjoy, and the money they use is the money they win.

All the way to Apex Level Fuyou was supported by the money earned.

Yue Qingyu had no choice but to help. Of course, she hid her appearance and aura.

Otherwise, if this were to be known to others and spread back to Penglai Immortal Gate, it would greatly damage the image of the family and herself.

The boss in charge of luck at Penglai Immortal Gate relies on this kind of heavenly method to win money?

Very unauthentic!

"It would be great if my beloved disciple was here. His skills are superb." Mo Yuhuang said with some regret.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Yue Qingyu asked slightly puzzled, "What method?"

Mo Yuhuang was stunned for a moment and realized that he had said something wrong. He felt guilty at the time.

If Yue Qingyu knew that he had his beloved disciple take care of him and take baths every day, would that be okay?

Although he is innocent, who would believe it? Too indecent.

Although Mo Yuhuang is careless and often does things based on her preferences, she still does a very good job of keeping this matter confidential.

He only messes around with Xu You in private and never talks nonsense outside.

"It's nothing. I think I love my disciple. As you know, Xu You is very well-behaved and filial." Mo Yuhuang said casually without changing his expression.

Yue Qingyu smiled and nodded slightly, expressing his agreement with Mo Yuhuang's idea.

"Why do I feel that you are getting more and more beautiful?" Mo Yuhuang suddenly reached out and pinched Yue Qingyu's chin, looking left and right as he spoke.

At this moment, Mo Yuhuang's posture looked like a gangster teasing a fairy.

Beauty is a creature that not only men like, but women also like, especially those beauties with Apex Level quality.

So at this moment, under the dense white mist, Mo Yuhuang felt that his good sister looked particularly beautiful today.

In front of Mo Yuhuang, Yue Qingyu's character is independent, which is very different from outside or when facing others.

It is only this best sister who has played with her since childhood that makes Yue Qingyu have such a side.

She patted Mo Yuhuang's hand away slightly and rolled her eyes lightly.

"My little Yueyue is so beautiful."

Mo Yuhuang was obviously having fun and held Yue Qingyu in his arms.

To be honest, in terms of cost, there is a big gap between Yue Qingyu and Mo Yuhuang in terms of exaggeration.

Being hugged by Mo Yuhuang, Yue Qingyu submerged into the water, and then he felt it most intuitively and clearly.

She immediately broke away from Mo Yuhuang's dominance and said, "How old you are."

"Boring." Mo Yuhuang curled his lips, spread his hands again, and leaned back, enjoying the heat.

Yue Qingyu wiped the milky-scented warm water from her face, then combed her wet hair again, and looked at Mo Yuhuang enjoying herself there.

Since the words just now fell on Xu You, Yue Qingyu pondered for a moment and then said in a casual tone,

"Xiaoyu, do you like Xu You very much?"

"Of course, that's my only beloved disciple."

"Is it that good?"

"Of course, no one can compare."

Yue Qingyu looked at Mo Yuhuang in surprise. She knew the other person very well. Under normal circumstances, it would be impossible for Mo Yuhuang to say these words.

Being able to say these words means that she has deeper feelings in her heart, and she really likes her disciple Xu You.

"Can you tell me? Why do you feel so good?"

Mo Yuhuang opened his eyes and looked at Yue Qingyu suspiciously, "Why are you asking these questions?"


"Just curious."

"What else?" Yue Qingyu's mood was stable and his expression remained unchanged.

Mo Yuhuang looked carefully and couldn't find any flaws. He didn't ask any more questions and just shook his head and said, "There's nothing to say. I can't let you know too much."

"Why?" Yue Qingyu asked puzzledly.

"Why else? Didn't you and Xu You have a romantic relationship?"

As soon as he said the word "marriage", Mo Yuhuang was stunned for a moment, and then stood up suddenly.

The water splashed everywhere, and the beauty came out of the bath. The silky hot spring water flowed down Mo Yuhuang's equally silky close-fitting clothes, and the water droplets were as delicate as jade on her beautiful back.

But she herself didn't notice at all the overwhelming temptation she had at this moment.

Just stared at the moon herring.

I remembered everything!

When Yue Qingyu came before, Mo Yuhuang always felt that he had forgotten something very important, but he couldn't remember it.

Naturally, her character would not think about using her brain hard, and wait until she automatically thinks of it later.

Now after saying the word "marriage", she realized that this matter was very big!

The marriage card between Yue Qingyu and Xu You under the Peach Blossom Sacred Tree is still hanging. Back then, I could never cut off the marriage card.

As a product of heaven, the Peach Blossom Sacred Tree has never failed to display the marriage cards on it.

When Yue Qingyu and Xu You separated before, the former said that his Great Dao could control this kind of thing.

Mo Yuhuang still trusted Mo Yuhuang at that time, and he also said at that time that the two of them should not meet again. Otherwise, if they really said that they had made a marriage or something, what would that mean?

It has been more than a year since the incident happened, and Mo Yuhuang had long forgotten about it. Now that he suddenly remembered it, he didn't panic.

"Don't get excited." Yue Qingyu smiled gently, took Mo Yuhuang's hand and asked her to sit down, "Don't be surprised."

After Mo Yuhuang sat down again, he stared at Yue Qingyu and shook his head, "No, no, that's not the case. Let me forget it. We have talked a lot in the past two days."

Mo Yuhuang furrowed his beautiful brows, fell into deep thought, and finally affirmed, "Including this time, you have mentioned Xu You's name a dozen times in total!

Many times you mentioned it inadvertently while chatting! "

"Huh?" Yue Qingyu was stunned for a moment, and asked with some confusion, "Is there any?"

"There must be!" Mo Yuhuang said firmly, "This kind of thing can't go wrong! I just said there is something wrong! It turns out to be here!"

Yes, as long as it is about Xu You, Mo Yuhuang's brain is invincible, and his brain speed is unmatched. He is the most powerful detective in the world.

She's not some stupid beauty, she just doesn't want to use her brain. Once she does, she's a smart one!

Yue Qingyu obviously did not expect that Mo Yuhuang's IQ would be so high at this moment, nor did he realize that he could mention Xu You's name so many times in the past two days.

Really? Yue Qingyu fell into deep thought. It was terrible that he could mention this kind of thing unconsciously.

In other words, the words "Xu You" have been engraved into the deepest part of his heart, which makes Yue Qingyu feel a little dazed.

This feeling of being controlled by fate is actually like this. I have calculated my life's luck, but when it happens to me, I am also the one in the game, and I have no control over it.

"Well, even if this is the case, it's nothing." Yue Qingyu continued to say with a smile.

"It's nothing! You and Xu You tied up this marriage card, how can it be nothing?" Mo Yuhuang looked at Yue Qingyu more and more suspiciously.

"Or, you think this kind of thing doesn't matter at all."

"Xiaoyu, if it is really fate, if it is really determined by fate, then this kind of thing has nothing to do with it?" Yue Qingyu asked tentatively.

Mo Yuhuang stretched out his hand and touched Yue Qingyu's forehead, "Xiaoyue, are you confused? What is your identity? We are from the same generation.

You are Xu You’s uncle! How can there be any reason in the world between a master's uncle and a master's nephew? "

"This is not a matter of principle. It doesn't matter if everyone talks about it. It is the way of heaven and all things grow. Only by letting nature take its course can we achieve great things." Yue Qingyu said with a smile.

Mo Yuhuang's eyes widened, "What do you mean by that? Are you and Xu You in a relationship?"

Impossible, impossible!

Mo Yuhuang was a little panicked. Now, what she was most worried about was not her seniority at all. She was afraid that Xu You would trick Yue Qingyu into Penglai Immortal Gate.

I raised such white and tender cabbage, but it was taken away by my good sister?

How could Mo Yuhuang agree to such a thing!

That is the only disciple she loves the most. She has to serve her all her life and live with her forever. Master, kindness and disciple are filial piety. This is the future for her and Xu You.

How could he go to another sect?

Now Mo Yuhuang can no longer imagine his future life without Xu You. Without such a well-behaved, filial and considerate little cotton-padded jacket, what fun and happiness will there be in the future life!

[Please give me a monthly pass, babies~~, Huaiyang City is Fengyue City, as well as the hot springs and other things. I will use them in the future, so I will write more in this chapter. ]

(End of chapter)

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