Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 232 Chapter 306 307 Lover During The Day, Groom At Night. Pear Blossoms Bring Rain Luo Qiaoq

Chapter 232 Chapter 306 307 Lover during the day, groom at night. Pear blossoms bring rain Luo Qiaoqiao, great happiness Zhou Wan'er

After that, Xu You continued to refine the spirit stick from the early stage of the Sixth Realm.

[Marriage Line]

[A thousand-mile marriage is tied by a thin thread, and there is true love between heaven and earth, which can span mountains and seas, species, and genders. This line can be dropped on any two animate objects.

Interpretation: Depending on the cultivation strength and characteristics of both parties, the effect of the marriage line is strong, and there may be unpredictable abnormal progress and changes. Remember not to try it lightly to avoid irreversible effects. ]

A burst of warm light passed by, Xu You opened his palms, and there was a red marriage line on it.

Combined with the description of this marriage line, Xu You was a little stunned for a moment. This thing seems a bit awesome?

Can any living thing be matched? Xu You's mind couldn't help but run wild.

Soon, Xu You shuddered and stopped thinking. He didn't know how to use this thing.

To say that the marriage line of heaven between himself and Yue Qingyu is a legitimate marriage line of heaven, it is orthodox.

And this thing looks very evil and definitely not a good thing. Of course Xu You doesn't know how to use it, so just leave it for now. It's up to you whether you can use it later.

Thinking about it, Xu You put away this thing that was a bit useless to him.

Then, he continued to refine the remaining mid-six realm spirit stick.

[Reverse Tiangang]

[Divine Ability to rebound all spells directed at divine souls by monks at the seventh level of Heavenly Dao Realm and below.

Interpretation: The reflected spell will be cast back on the other side, or it may cause additional variable special bonus damage. ]

Seeing this Divine Ability that was against Tiangang, Xu You's eyes immediately lit up. He had used so many useless five-level spirits before, but this time he directly used an Apex Level explosive seed.

This Divine Ability looks awesome, rebounding all spells aimed at the divine soul. The only thing that can be done is that it cannot be rebounded against the physical body.

But it is already very good. Divine Ability spells involving the divine soul are difficult to guard against, and the divine soul is the foundation of a monk, so having this Divine Ability can be regarded as making up for one's shortcomings.

Soon, a warm current passed through the Divine Mansion, and Xu You finally mastered the Reverse Tiangang.

Xu You is still satisfied with the harvest of the soul stick at this moment. This Rebellion Tiangang alone is worth the pain he suffered before.

After refining these soul sticks, Xu You stood up. Just when he opened the door to leave, a gust of fragrant wind came.

Luo Qiaoqiao suddenly burst in, and then threw himself into Xu You's arms like a baby swallow.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaval." Xu You was a little stunned by the impact, and retreated repeatedly, and finally leaned against the wall.

Feeling the strength with which Luo Qiaoqiao hugged him, Xu You reacted with a smile. He could even feel the other person's heartbeat.

Every beat was made with the kind of absolute care that beats for yourself.

It feels great to be so worried and cared about. Xu You's eyes softened and he reached out to touch Luo Qiaoqiao's hair.

"Qiaoqiao, I'm fine. Isn't this okay? Just relax a little, I won't be able to breathe until I'm hugged by you."

"I don't!" Luo Qiaoqiao raised his head and looked at Xu You with his small face. His delicate features were drooped together, which made me feel pity for him.

Especially those twinkling eyes, which were actually red and moist at the moment.

It was obvious that she had cried just now.

Thinking of Luo Qiaoqiao's appearance just now, Xu You's heart softened even more, and she reached out to touch the corners of Luo Qiaoqiao's eyes with some reluctance.

"Don't cry, Qiaoqiao, I'm not doing well."

"Who is crying! I won't cry!" Luo Qiaoqiao grabbed Xu You's hand and held it tightly, with the small hand holding the big hand.

"Okay, okay, you won't cry. You still don't believe me, you are lucky." Xu You said with a smile.

But as soon as he finished saying this, Luo Qiaoqiao's eyes instantly began to shed crystal tears, the kind that he couldn't stop.

Xu You panicked all of a sudden, quickly wiped away Luo Qiaoqiao's tears and asked,

"Oh, what's wrong? Did I say the wrong thing?"

"Oops! I don't want to cry!" Luo Qiaoqiao stamped his feet and reached out to wipe away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

Then he hugged Xu You tightly, put his face against Xu You's chest and rubbed it, with a whimper in his voice, "Woo, do you know how worried I am about you.

This time the situation is more serious than before. How can you tell me to relax after I understand the seriousness of the matter? Woohoo. "

"I'm sorry, I made you worry." Xu You also stretched out his hands and hugged the lovely girl in front of him.

He felt very distressed now. He had never seen Luo Qiaoqiao cry so hard before.

"Hmph!" After a while, Luo Qiaoqiao's tears finally stopped. She snorted, pushed Xu You away, and said with her hands on her hips.

"I'm not a fragile little woman! This kind of thing is normal for monks like me, it's nothing!"

Xu You looked at Luo Qiaoqiao who was changing back and forth so quickly, and he was a little stunned.

Then he said in a dumbfounded voice, "Yes, yes, my Qiaoqiao is the strongest!"

"Hmph." Luo Qiaoqiao raised his chin cutely, "But after all, you have to promise me one thing!"

"you say."

"In the future, once you encounter any danger, the most important thing is to protect your own safety. No, you must protect your own safety!

Don't make me so worried anymore. If anything happens to you, I...I..."

Luo Qiaoqiao didn't finish what he said, for fear of being unlucky.

Xu You immediately promised, "Okay, I will definitely remember it. Don't worry, I can't make my Qiaoqiao widow."

"Bah, bah, bah!" Luo Qiaoqiao quickly covered Xu You's mouth, "Don't say such unlucky words!"

"Okay, okay."

Xu You smiled, then hugged Luo Qiaoqiao in front of him, rubbed him into his chest, and said lovingly.

"Tell me, when I think of a Qiaoqiao who is so worried about me, how could I not be careful about myself?"

"Oh, let go of me. The door is not even closed. Someone will come outside." Luo Qiaoqiao said a little shyly.

"Yo? Now you know how shy you are? Who was so bold at the door just now?" Xu You joked.

"Let go!" Luo Qiaoqiao reached out and pinched Xu You's waist.

"Don't let go!" Xu You firmly refused, shaking his head and saying, "Look at whoever you like, I'm doing it legally! No one can find fault with it!"

Seeing how powerful Xu You's hoop was, Luo Qiaoqiao, although she was very shy now, had no choice but to hide in Xu You's arms like an ostrich.

After a while, Luo Qiaoqiao asked softly, "What happened over there? Why are you suddenly in danger?"

Xu You explained to the other party concisely and comprehensively.

After listening, Luo Qiaoqiao hugged Xu You tighter. Although Xu You didn't speak in detail, Luo Qiaoqiao also knew the dangers Xu You faced along the way.

One mistake could literally lead to death. Thinking about this, Luo Qiaoqiao felt a little worried.

"Don't worry, I'm just lucky. Blessings in disguise often happen." Xu You said with a smile.

Luo Qiaoqiao patted Xu You on the shoulder, and then noticed Xu You's current cultivation level, and said in shock, "So, the adventure you encountered in the Lost Realm really allowed you to directly break through to the fifth realm. ?”

"Yeah, it's just good luck. It's great luck, otherwise it wouldn't have been so fast." Xu You said with a smile.

Luo Qiaoqiao slightly let go of his embrace, looked Xu You up and down, and finally said with drooped lips, "I feel farther and farther away from you."

"Huh? What does that mean?"

"When I first entered the Fourth Realm, you were still in the Third Realm. Now that I am only in the middle of the Fourth Realm, you have broken through to the Fifth Realm. If this continues, I will have to make a difference in your cultivation by then."

"Well, I'm not a superficial person. My cultivation level is just a little bit off, so that's nothing." Xu You waved his hand.

"You won't think that my cultivation level is low in the future?"

"How is that possible!"

"No, you will definitely dislike me when the time comes. Master said that there will be no common language between men and women if the gap in hard conditions is too great."

"Your master is talking nonsense." Xu You knocked Luo Qiaoqiao on the small head in a fit of laughter, "Don't worry, I won't despise you even if you have this level of cultivation throughout your life.

What I like is you as a person, not your cultivation. "

"Bah, you have only cultivated this level in your whole life." Luo Qiaoqiao put her hands on her hips and rolled her eyes at Xu You.

Xu You looked at the exquisite little face of Luo Qiaoqiao in front of her, especially when she looked at the two thin tender lips of the other party, her whole body became agitated.

He wanted to take a few bites.

Luo Qiaoqiao has always been a very fragrant and soft girl, and Xu You couldn't refuse her fragrant and soft girl.

Looking at Xu You's eyes, Luo Qiaoqiao was also a little panicked. She was all too familiar with such eyes.

He quickly took two steps back and looked at Xu You nervously, "Hey, don't mess around. You know what kind of occasion this is."

Xu You just smiled, raised his hand, closed the door tightly, and said with a smile, "Oh, are you still shy with me here?

Do you remember Guchengshan? Do you remember the restaurant in Tianque? Do you remember the sea of ​​flowers in Joyous Union Sect? "

Every time Xu You asked a sonorous question, Luo Qiaoqiao's face turned rosy and his whole body's strength decreased by three points. Thinking of the meaning of these places, he became soft and weak.

"What's wrong with me here now?" Xu You continued to ask oppressively.

Luo Qiaoqiao shook his head and said, "No! This is Kunlun Tower, and it's still daytime!"

"So what?" Xu You said, "Who am I afraid of in my own room?"

As he spoke, Xu You said earnestly, "Qiaoqiao, our dual cultivation technique is very good. I am doing this for your own good. You think, dual cultivation will promote the growth of cultivation."

Doesn't this help you catch up with me faster? It will be of great benefit to you. "

"No way"

"Oh, Qiaoqiao, it's okay. Then, let's kiss, and I won't do anything else."

Seeing Xu You's almost coquettish tone, Luo Qiaoqiao wondered how he could still hold on to his defense, and pinched the corners of his clothes nervously with both hands.

Close your eyes and tremble your long eyelashes slightly. The sound is like the sound of a mosquito,

"Then that's what we've agreed. You're not allowed to mess around. Otherwise I'll be really angry."

Upon hearing this, Xu You stepped forward and rubbed Luo Qiaoqiao, wrapping his hands around the other person's slim waist.

Seeing the other person's red and nervous face and the long fluttering eyelashes on the closed eyes, Xu You couldn't help but kiss him directly.

Soft, sweet and glutinous as before.

How can Xu You hold on to this feeling? A man said he only kisses on the mouth, how could he just kiss on the mouth?

Just when Xu You wanted to continue, there was a knock on the door, followed by Xue Qianluo's voice, "Is junior brother here?"

Xu You originally wanted to pretend not to be there, but Luo Qiaoqiao didn't know where he got the strength to push Xu You away, and took a few steps back with his face flushed.

Xu You bared his teeth when he saw this. Why did Xue Qianluo come to find him at this time? Isn't this a joke?

"If anyone is looking for me, I'll leave first. I'll talk to you next time! I have something to do at home tonight, so I'll see you later." After Luo Qiaoqiao finished speaking, he ran away.

When he opened the door, he lowered his eyebrows and left in a hurry without even looking at Xue Qianluo.

When Xue Qianluo saw Luo Qiaoqiao suddenly come out of the room, he was a little stunned, especially when he looked at the other party's crystal earlobes.

Even if she doesn't understand the relationship between men and women, she still knows that it was definitely not simple in the room just now.

"Senior sister, what do you want from me?" Xu You came out and asked with a relaxed look.

Xue Qianluo glanced at Xu You's room, and his voice suddenly became colder, "It's okay."

After saying that, Xue Qianluo turned around and left.

The smile on Xu You's face suddenly froze there, and he looked at Xue Qianluo as if he had changed.

At this time, Xue Qianluo, who had walked some distance away, stopped and threw two porcelain pill bottles to Xu You without looking back.

After Xu You took it, he asked at the other person's back, "Sister, what is this?"

"Healing." Xue Qianluo still said these words coldly, turned around and disappeared.

Xu You opened the porcelain bottle, which was Apex Level's elixir for restoring essence and blood. In the Lost Realm, Xu You's loss of essence and blood was still very severe.

Naturally, it has not fully recovered yet, and it still needs some recuperation.

Xue Qianluo was thinking about this matter, and as soon as he came back, he went out and spent a lot of money to buy these elixirs.

Xu You looked at the elixir in his hand, and then at Xue Qianluo who had disappeared. He couldn't help but rub his forehead helplessly, it was done.

How could all this be such a coincidence? Xue Qianluo came just when he and Luo Qiaoqiao were about to take a step further.

Xu You shook his head helplessly, finally closed the door and went downstairs.

After all, he had just come back from the danger. Xu You was one of the monks who got along well with him in Kunlun Tower to report that he was safe, and then he had a little contact with his new friends.

Finally, when it got dusk, Xu You flew directly towards the eastern suburbs of Tianque City.

Luo Qiaoqiao, this little girl, didn't know what she was doing, and Xu You was going to see Zhou Wan'er now.

After replying to the other party that he was safe in the morning, I received another letter from Zhou Wan'er, saying that if he had time, he would take care of himself.

Nothing happened in the evening, and Xu You's impression of Zhou Wan'er was really good, so I went to the appointment.

After all, Tianque City is too grand, so Xu You's footsteps didn't arrive at the place Zhou Wan'er mentioned until the lanterns were first lit.

This area is outside Tianque City and is a very private suburb. This huge suburb is inhabited by dignitaries.

They are all very large manors, far apart from each other, and the privacy is very good.

Moreover, there are some monks patrolling around the suburbs around the clock, which ensures great security.

Many big shots in Tianque City are keen to build a manor in this suburb. Daily cultivation and some hospitality can play a big role.

When we arrived at the top of this suburb, the lights below were flickering and it was very lively.

There are so many manors, the kind that can't be seen from Xu You in mid-air, they are staggered apart from each other and are extremely splendid.

It should be said that there are really too many rich people in Quecheng today.

When approaching the suburbs, Xu You landed. There was a forbidden air formation here. As the Romans do, Xu You cannot force his way in.

As soon as he landed, a female monk with a level of cultivation in the Third Realm came up to her and saluted Xu You very respectfully, "I wonder if the young master is a visitor or on business?"

"Visitor." Xu You directly took out a token and threw it to the other party, which was given to him by Zhou Wan'er just now.

"Sir, please come with me." The woman looked at the token and said respectfully.

This respect is not only because of the token, but also because of Xu You's current cultivation level and the Kunlun Immortal Sect clothes on her body.

Soon, the female monk took Xu You into a spirit horse car, which she drove personally, taking Xu You to the destination.

After a quarter of an hour, Xu You arrived at his destination.

After getting out of the car, the woman said a few words of respect, then drove away in the car.

Xu You stood in front of the gate of the manor, looking up at the manor.

It is very large, and the outer walls are high and deep, stretching to places invisible to the naked eye. The gate of the manor in the middle is seven to eight feet tall, and the plaque on it has six big characters written: Xichuan County Sheriff's Mansion

This is Zhou Wuji's property. He and Shangguan Changge usually like to stay here when they come to Tianque City.

Of course, only Zhou Wan'er is here now. Thinking of this, Xu You couldn't help but murmur.

It means a lot that Zhou Wan'er chooses to stay here. In such a private residence with such a strong character, Xu You knows what it means when a young lady invites a young lady to her.

Recalling the previous conversations with Zhou Wan'er, Xu You felt a little emotional. It seemed that Zhou Wan'er had made up his mind to have a "marriage first, love later" relationship with him.

At this time, the middle door of the manor in front of him opened wide, and Xu You looked along.

Two rows of servants walked out slowly, one row of men and one row of women. In the middle, Zhou Wan'er walked out with dignified and steady steps.

She was wearing a light cyan long dress with wide sleeves. The collar was very high and buttoned up to her neck, leaving only a little bit of her fair neck exposed.

There are two ribbons hanging low from the rounded shoulders, a few necklaces on the front of the chest, and a jade belt binding the slender waist.

The tall body is walking with graceful steps, very ladylike.

The black hair is combed into a bun and fixed with two emerald green hairpins.

The facial features are still as delicate, gentle and elegant as when they first met, which looks very good on this palm-sized face.

Especially those clear eyes, so clean that they seemed to be able to speak.

The expression management was still just right, with a warm smile on his gentle oval face, looking at Xu You like this.

It's soothing to look at, and what comes over your face is an extremely gentle and watery temperament.

Seeing Zhou Wan'er like this, Zhou Wan'er who is a dignified lady, Xu You's mood suddenly relaxed with happiness.

My whole heart felt warm. Zhou Wan'er can always bring him such magic.

Seeing her, the whole world became brighter unconsciously.

Xu You knows that this is the effect created by Zhou Wan'er's unique aura.

Again, when you stay with a person of the opposite sex, you can feel comfortable, relaxed, and warm from the inside out.

That means that the magnetic fields of the two of you are extremely consistent, and it can also be described as a destiny fit.

Zhou Wan'er can bring Xu You such a feeling, such a warm feeling.

Xu You also put a smile on his face, raised his feet and walked towards him.

As soon as they stepped onto the steps, the two rows of servants each took out a willow branch and flapped it in the air.

Xu You looked at the scene in front of him in astonishment, not knowing why.

Zhou Wan'er also took out a willow branch, walked up to Xu You, patted him gently, and explained in a gentle voice,

"This is a custom in Xichuan County. If you are in danger, take a photo and everything will go smoothly after that."

"Is there any other explanation?" Xu You smiled and spread his hands to match Zhou Wan'er's patting.

It wasn't until after slapping him around that Zhou Wan'er smiled and said, "Let's go in."

Xu You nodded slightly and followed in. The two rows of servants were still waiting at the gate.

Xu You was stunned by the bright red and purple decorations in the manor as soon as he entered. He didn't even have the heart to appreciate the luxurious layout of the Apex Level manor.

She just pointed at the bright red and purple hangings with some astonishment, "Miss Wan'er, this is"

"This is a custom. The color purple is a color of righteousness, so it is perfect for warding off evil spirits." Zhou Wan'er explained in his gentle voice.

"Is that so? When was this arranged?"

"I knew you were coming back during the day, so I sent someone to make arrangements."

"Miss Wan'er, do practitioners still believe this?" Xu You asked curiously.

"Sincerity leads to wisdom, Wan'er believes it."

As soon as Zhou Wan'er finished speaking, two more teams of servants came up. They were all wearing bright red festive clothes and carrying flower baskets in their hands.

It was full of bright red petals, and these servants kept throwing these bright red petals towards Xu You.

The rustling petals soon fell all over Xu You's body, and also covered Zhou Wan'er.

This time, Zhou Wan'er directly answered without waiting for Xu You to ask, "Sir, this is still a custom. These are the petals of the Qingyuan flower, which can remove bad luck."

Xu You began to murmur in her heart. If there was another red carpet laid out here, wouldn't it become a wedding etiquette for the two of them?

To be honest, Xu You has never seen such a way of catching up with the wind and washing away the dust.

Who would have thought that as soon as Xu You came up with the red carpet idea, a bunch of servants started to roll out a large and spacious red carpet under his feet.

Xu You stopped immediately, glanced at the red carpet at his feet, and then looked at Zhou Wan'er with a faint look.

Seeing this, Zhou Wan'er also stopped and stood beside Xu You, smiling, "It's still customary, stepping on the red carpet means good luck in everything."

"Miss Wan'er, why do I feel like something is wrong? I always feel like you just welcomed me into your Zhou Mansion under the pretext of marrying the wind and washing away the dust?" Xu You said with a hint of ridicule.

Zhou Wan'er's big eyes flashed, and his crystal eyes looked at Xu You, "Young Master, Wan'er doesn't mean this, she just wants to help you.

If the young master feels something is wrong, then Wan'er will ask the people to disperse. "

"It doesn't matter. Since it's Miss Wan'er's intention that she has been preparing for so long, how can I be so boring." Xu You smiled and immediately stepped onto the soft red carpet.

Zhou Wan'er still kept a gentle smile on his face and followed Xu You up side by side.

So, along the way, the road was paved with red carpets, flowers were blooming, and the sky was glowing. As we walked, there were even musicians playing cheerful tunes on both sides.

The scene can be said to be full, and I don’t know how many servants participated in this journey. And these servants who were supposed to be taking care of the wind and cleansing the dust barely opened their mouths to call themselves uncle.

Along the way, Xu You didn't know the special meaning of Zhou Wan'er.

Looking at Zhou Wan'er with a gentle smile on his face, Xu You was a little bit dumbfounded. This lady's methods of chasing men were so surprising.

Xu You didn't even think there was any violation at all, if it were another woman doing this. It's hard for Xu You not to suspect the other party's scheming and sinister intentions.

But since Zhou Wan'er did this, Xu You had no such idea at all.

On the contrary, I feel that Zhou Wan'er's "cautiousness" of taking advantage of the situation is indescribably romantic, and it touches my heart.

Who says that only girls like those well-prepared romances and surprises? Boys also like them very much!

At this moment, Xu You has fully realized the pleasure of this, and the boy also needs someone to love him!

In this way, after walking for about two quarters of an hour, Xu You stopped in a small courtyard.

The poetic and picturesque setting of this small courtyard is still full of bright red tones. The inner courtyard is spacious, with a bright moon in the sky and flowing water beside it. The artistic conception is extremely high.

"You all go down and bring up the food I prepared." Zhou Wan'er instructed the servants around him.

The servants then left one after another. After that, Zhou Wan'er said to Xu You, "Master, let's take a seat. Wan'er has just cooked some dishes herself."

"Can you cook?" Xu You asked in surprise, but Xu You soon realized that this question was extremely stupid.

How could an extremely traditional woman like Zhou Wan'er not know how to cook? She was probably proficient in all the skills a girl should have.

"I know a little bit about it. I'll ask you to taste it later." Zhou Wan'er smiled lightly.

"Then I have to look forward to it." Xu You walked into the courtyard first and sat down at the big table.

Zhou Wan'er also came forward and sat down. There were no dishes on the table, only a pot of spiritual wine.

Zhou Wan'er held the wine flask with his bare hands and poured Xu You a glass of spiritual wine. The spirit wine is amber in color and has a fragrant aroma. Even if Xu You doesn't like drinking, he will pick it up and taste it as soon as he smells it.

"Good wine!" After finishing the drink, Xu You praised sincerely. This wine ranks among the top three of all the drinks he has ever drunk, and its quality and taste are at the Supreme Grade level.

"As long as you like it, Master." The smile on Zhou Wan'er's face became brighter.

At this time, some servants came in again, carrying exquisite dishes and plates, and the table was quickly filled.

Xu You looked at the delicious dishes on the table and exclaimed in surprise, "Miss Wan'er makes so many!"

"The Jie Feng Banquet should be more sumptuous, sir, you can try it." Zhou Wan'er said, pointing to the dishes on the table.

Xu You was naturally not polite. He directly picked up his chopsticks and started eating one after another.

The texture and taste of every dish are impeccable. They are so delicious that Xu You’s index fingers are full of excitement.

Zhou Wan'er saw Xu You eating so deliciously, and the smile on her face became warmer. She put her hands on her chin, and her eyes were like the stars in the sky falling on Xu You.

Especially when watching Xu You devouring the food he cooked, an indescribable sense of accomplishment spread in his heart.

The more delicious Xu You's food is, the happier she will be.

"Miss Wan'er, what do you think? Let's eat together." Xu You chewed the food and praised, "Miss Wan'er is so good at cooking. I rarely eat such delicious food."

"If the young master likes to eat, Wan'er will often make it for him in the future."

"Ahem, let's talk about it later." Xu You smiled and continued to cook like crazy without paying attention to table manners.

In this way, after a while, Xu You half-leaned back on the chair with satisfaction and patted his belly.

He was so full that he couldn't speak. He just gave Zhou Wan'er a thumbs up.

The latter thoughtfully poured Xu You a cup of soothing tea and smiled slightly, "This time the young master was in jail. Now he is back in good health. God bless you."

"God bless you." Xu You followed.

Xu You didn't dare to take all the credit for such a narrow escape, saying that he was so overbearing that it was not up to him.

People, if you want to live a long and peaceful life, stop saying such extreme things. Thank God is a very good way of saying it.

"Wan'er would also like to congratulate Young Master on his great improvement!" Zhou Wan'er sincerely wished Xu You.

"Thank you." Xu You smiled, "This time it's a blessing in disguise. I had a little better luck. It was a fluke."

After saying that, Xu You bowed to the other party and said, "Thank you Miss Wan'er for your kindness and hospitality today."

"Young master and Wan'er, do you still need to be polite?" Zhou Wan'er looked at Xu You with slightly twinkling eyes.

Xu You couldn't stand this look, he was so gentle and intellectual. He now has little resistance to such a considerate and good sister.

Then Xu You smiled and said, "I'm being polite. Anyway, thank you Miss Wan'er."

After saying this, the surrounding air fell into silence for a while, but it was not abrupt, but very peaceful, but there was a little bit of embarrassment in the peacefulness.

Yes, the current decoration of this courtyard is too festive, and coupled with the embellishment of the surrounding scenery, an atmosphere called ambiguity is quietly brewing between the two.

In ancient times, what would a man and a woman do in such an atmosphere after they had had enough wine and food?

The answer is self-evident, especially since there is still a romance brewing between the lonely man and the widow.

Xu You now has a ridiculous premonition. If he directly said to Zhou Wan'er: Miss Wan'er, let's change this reception banquet into a wedding banquet tonight.

Zhou Wan'er will most likely agree directly and then start the festive wedding ceremony.

[On the first day of the month, please get a guaranteed monthly ticket. ]

(End of chapter)

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