Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 235 Chapter 312 313 The Seven Underground Emperors, Darkness And Turmoil. Don’T You Know Tha

Chapter 235 Chapter 312 313 The Seven Underground Emperors, darkness and turmoil. Don’t you know that Junior Sister Xue likes you? You are made in heaven

Late at night, by the river.

Xu You held Luo Qiaoqiao's hand and walked aimlessly by the river.

The party had ended, and the two of them did not rush back to Tianque, but just wandered around here.

Luo Qiaoqiao gently shook Xu You's hand, his steps looked light and cheerful, and the smile on his face also showed joy.

"Why did you suddenly come to our party?" Luo Qiaoqiao asked.

"I'm here, wouldn't it be too naive if I didn't go?" Xu You reached out and touched Luo Qiaoqiao's nose.

"How about this surprise? Can you give me Qiaoqiao a face?"

"Hmph, it's okay." Luo Qiaoqiao raised his chin slightly and looked at the little tsundere, but he felt much more happy in his heart.

Naturally, we can't let Xu You know about this kind of thing. We have to let him keep up his efforts and continue in the future!

But what Luo Qiaoqiao didn't know was how could she hide her little expression from Xu You? The two of them knew each other well, and Xu You knew what she was thinking just by moving her nose.

Of course, Xu You would not reveal the arrogance of the girl next to her, and would just gently touch Luo Qiaoqiao's little head.

"Tell me about sister Wan'er. What kind of sibling relationship do you have now?" Luo Qiaoqiao asked curiously.

Xu You was very calm and said a lot of things about Chelulu in a concise and concise manner, which were all reasonable expansions of what Zhou Wan'er just said to Luo Qiaoqiao.

He kept Zhou Wan'er's instructions in mind, now is not the time for pallets, just wait for Zhou Wan'er's cooperation.

After listening to Xu You's words, Luo Qiaoqiao didn't have the slightest doubt and just muttered, "Remember to tell me in advance about such things in the future, otherwise it will be bad if there is any misunderstanding."

"Is there any misunderstanding?" Xu You asked curiously, "Qiaoqiao, do you still remember our original agreement?"


Xu You said, "Trust. We have said that we should trust each other the most. What you just did is not like this. You didn't even listen to my explanation first."

"Ah? I didn't." Luo Qiaoqiao's voice was slightly lower, and he lacked confidence.

Seeing this, Xu You whispered while the iron was hot, "Then how are you going to compensate me?"

"What are you compensating for? What are you doing!" Luo Qiaoqiao looked at Xu You who was staring at him eagerly and jumped back two steps.

"I didn't have a chance in the morning, but now I have the perfect opportunity!" Xu You emphasized.

Luo Qiaoqiao was so frightened that he ran away. Xu You didn't expect that the other party would run so quickly. He didn't react and shouted,

"Why are you going?"

"I'm going to find Sister Wan'er!"

"Hey, what about me?"

"Go back by yourself. I'm staying with Sister Wan'er tonight, and I want to talk to her! I'm very happy chatting with her!"

Luo Qiaoqiao said these words and disappeared in a flash.

Xu You didn't forcefully catch up, but just stood there dumbfounded.

Luo Qiaoqiao really thought about it, but thinking about it from another angle, now she went to find Zhou Wan'er, which was absolutely good news for her.

With Zhou Wan'er's ability, as long as he has more contact with Luo Qiaoqiao, everything will fall into place.

Thinking of this, Xu You smiled and shook his head, turned around and left the place.

Early morning, Breaking Dawn time.

Xu You opened his eyes and ended the practice.

Looking up at the scenery outside Kunlun Tower, Xu You stretched slightly.

After returning from the suburbs last night, Xu You had been meditating in his room until just now.

After getting up and washing up, Xu You picked up the newspaper and read it while eating breakfast.

He picked up a large key newspaper and read it. There were two most important events for the entire Shenzhou at the moment.

One of them is the Penglai Immortal Meeting. As the date gets closer, the matter about the Penglai Immortal Meeting becomes more and more intense. I don’t know how many newspapers in China kept reporting on this incident.

After all, it is the grand event organized by Penglai Immortal Gate, the most powerful Immortal Gate in the Immortal Cultivation World of the Divine Continent today. It is natural to imagine how lively and attractive it is.

Any incident involving scraps from the Penglai Immortal Society will be reported by countless newspapers.

Previously, the incident of Yue Qingyu coming to Tianque was reported by countless newspapers as the biggest front-page headlines for several days.

To this day, this matter still occupies a lot of attention in the latest Dibao.

The three words "Yue Qingyu" are the current traffic password. The Apex Level boss who is in charge of Penglai's luck is kind-hearted and kind. I don't know how many people want to have a look at Yue Qingyu.

It's just that Yue Qingyu basically doesn't show her face, so many monks only hear her name but don't know her face, and don't know what she looks like.

They just spread rumors that Fairy Moon is the most beautiful fairy in the world.

Xu You can prove that this is not just a rumor, because he actually kissed this fairy.

Nowadays, Tianque City is becoming more and more lively day by day, and countless outstanding young monks come to Tianque City like a pilgrim to attend the meeting.

The entire chain behind this can be said to be unprecedentedly grand for Tianque City. In such a large city, the accommodation is almost full.

Many temporary gathering places had to be built outside the city for people to live in.

And all this is because of the Penglai Immortal Society.

The second most important thing is what happened in Dongyang County. With the fermentation yesterday and the day before yesterday, the general outline of this matter has almost spread throughout the Immortal Cultivation World.

Discussions about the actions of the Ghost Shadow Gate and the Lost Realm are unprecedentedly hot, and of course, the same is true for Kunlun. Including the Tiandou Conference the day before yesterday, the discussion was also explosive.

Everyone knows that Kunlun is now completely involved with the Ghost Shadow Sect, and no one knows how things will develop in the future.

Countless forces are silently watching this tug of war.

Many forces want to see what kind of fangs Kunlun will show this time.

You know, it's been countless years since the last time Kunlun took action like this. It's so far that almost no one knows Kunlun's true strength now.

Therefore, this time, many forces will naturally want to take this opportunity to know what Kunlun's current strength is, and whether it is really as powerful as the bottom among the five sects and seven sects.

It can be said that this incident has a turning effect on the future structure of the entire Shenzhou. No matter what the final result is, a new round of turmoil is inevitable.

Kunlun is the first card in this dominoes.

Right now, these two things are occupying the pages of all Di newspapers, and the rest of the things are insignificant compared to these two things.

Of course, Xu You still watches them all.

And he also noticed that the Profound Transcendence Valley is also really active. Almost every issue of Di Di News will mention the Profound Transcendence Valley to some extent.

And Xu You also knows that Profound Transcendence Valley has collusion with the Demon League, and the Demon League is now even more ambiguous with Hengmeng and the like.

In fact, this aspect is also Xu You's hidden worry. After all, the Demon League and Hengmeng have always been eyeing Kunlun. I don't know if they will take advantage of the Dongyang County incident to cause trouble behind Kunlun this time.

Of course, Xu You believes that there will be considerations and precautions in the door. Now Xu You still believes in Kunlun's ability to do things and comprehensive consideration of problems.

After that, there were some various news, and Xu You also read them all to better understand Immortal Cultivation World.

The new issue of Shenzhou Tianjiao List has also been released, and the rankings have changed slightly.

However, Xu You's ranking is still at the same position as before and has not been updated. Because after entering the middle stage of the Four Realms, Xu You almost did not engage in large-scale fights to the public.

And it's only been two months, so it's normal for Di Bao not to know Xu You's true strength.

It is true that Xu You's progress speed is too exaggerated, so exaggerated that even in the circle of Tianjiao, he is not human.

Whose genius has cultivated from the fourth realm to the fifth realm in just a few months?

The growth rate of Xu You's strength has long exceeded the update speed of Di Bao.

There is indeed a certain delay in the update of the Tianjiao List of the Shenzhou Di Daily. After all, not everyone can make up for it in a timely manner when it comes to standing out.

However, not many people know that Xu You has now reached the fifth realm.

In addition, there is a lot more introduction to Xue Qianluo in this update, because her cultivation has broken through the five realms, and there are enough predictions about her on the Tianjiao list.

I'm very optimistic that she can make it into the top ten, and her real strength on paper can be updated only when there is a battle next time.

After reading these newspapers, Xu You made a special trip to learn about the current Kunlun internal news in Dongyang County.

Yesterday, many monks from Kunlun rushed to Dongyang County for reinforcements. And all the monks of the Ghost Shadow Sect retreated back to Dongyang Ghost Land within one day.

It was as if they had simply given up on the Lost Realm, while Master Kunlun and the others were still studying the Lost Realm with all their strength, trying to figure out how to annihilate the Lost Realm without damaging the foundation of Dongyang County.

Judging from the current situation, Kunlun seems to be on the advantage side, and the Ghost Shadow Sect doesn't even have the will to resist.

And for the time being, no other force has come out to target the Ghost Shadow Sect openly.

But Xu You knows that these are all superficial situations, and the inner turmoil is still immeasurable.

I only hope that Kunlun can solve the biggest obstacle of the Lost Realm as soon as possible, and then it will be relatively easy, but this is destined to be a cruel tug-of-war.

After eating, Xu You left Kunlun Building. He originally had a private matter to attend to, but he just walked out of the door.

The tall Han Qianyue came directly from the outside and hugged Xu You.

Also coming with Han Qianyue was Baek Keun Suk, who was smiling brightly and his eyebrows were dancing like a caterpillar.

He looked full of energy and blood, and he seemed to be living a very good life.

Although Xu You's trip to Dongyang County took a lot of time, several months, but in fact it only passed a short period of time.

It hasn't been many days since Xu You's adult store started to open in Tianque, but these few days are enough.

With the full endorsement of Xiao Wang Zhou Xiaoyue, coupled with the in-depth cooperation agreement reached between Xu You and Jubao Pavilion.

It can be said that this adult store has no resistance, and has a large influx of contacts and funds. In just a short period of time, it has opened seven or eight branches in Tianque City.

It looks like it will soon completely occupy the vast market of Tianque City. After that, with Jubao Pavilion taking the lead, it will soon be able to expand to the entire Great Zhou territory.

So, why can’t Baek Keun Suk be so high-spirited at this moment? My whole body was already floating, and my eyes almost drifted to the sky when I walked.

The branch is expanding so fast, which is a pain for Ding Qing. It can be said that he and his junior brothers worked hard day and night.

Now Ding Qing's master does not punish Ding Qing for this incident. He feels that Ding Qing is not doing his job properly and is disgraceful to the family tradition.

The reason is simple. Now Ding Qing's dividends are as high as a mountain every day.

Even though Ding Qing's master is well-informed and has strong money-making ability, Ding Qing throws a lot of Shenzhou coins in front of him every day.

My temper gradually softened, and I began to feel that this matter was actually nothing and that there was much to be done.

As a result, now more than half of the disciples of the entire Azure Dragon Peak have slowly begun to take over the refining of the Law Weapon. In the future, it is estimated that the profit from this alone can be as much as half of that of the Azure Dragon Peak.

Now that internal and external troubles have been resolved, Helian Adult Store is operating at full capacity and growing at the craziest speed.

Money is the best medical beauty and confidence for a man, and this is the case for Baek Keun Suk at the moment.

Even though his cultivation level was much inferior to that of Han Qianyue, at this moment, Han Qianyue still called him a good friend.

Yes, these people have become rich visibly. When taking Han Qianyue out for shopping, he only chooses expensive ones, not the right ones.

Han Qianyue envied Han Qianyue for being a generous person. Under the insinuation, Han Qianyue also knew that Baek Keunshuo was doing this.

Han Qianyue was naturally shocked by Han Qianyue's temperament. He immediately surrendered to Baek Genshuo and was willing to stutter under Mr. Bai.

In this way, the two completely hooked up. Originally, the time for Han Qianyue's rotation was coming soon, but because of the quick way to make money, he was forced to stay in Tianque City and did not want to go back.

"Old Xu, long time no see! You are so fierce!" Baek Keun Suk looked at Xu You with a smile, and his attitude was very good.

He, Baek Keun Suk, is not a fool, he is very discerning. He is only able to achieve today because Xu You's thighs are thick enough to take him off.

Therefore, he, Mr. Bai, can be as arrogant and flamboyant as he likes outside. But in front of Xu You, he is the cutest and most honest little Geun Suk.

"Junior brother, long time no see. Why the hell did you enter the fifth realm! Damn it."

Han Qianyue was now looking at Xu You with wide eyes, looking in disbelief.

how to say? When Xu You came to Tianque City, it was still the early stage of the Four Realms, and he was in the Late Stage.

What the hell, now my own cultivation is still standing still, but Xu You directly entered the fifth realm?

Anyone else would be yelling at me, damn it. Who can not be upset? It only took a short time to cross an entire realm.

There are so many geniuses in Shenzhou, but I have never seen such a terrifying and exaggerated one.

Han Qianyue, who has ridiculous psychological construction on Xu You, also wants to scold her at this moment.

"It's a fluke. I got better luck and made a breakthrough with a little luck." Xu You said with a smile.

"Old Xu, this is how humble you are. In my eyes, you are the most awesome in the world!" Baek Keun Suk continued to lick.

Xu You looked at the other party with a half-smile, "Master Bai, are you offending me by saying this?"

Xu You naturally knew that Baek Keun Suk was enjoying great success during this period, so he asked this question. Baek Keun Suk still has some abilities, but he is easily distracted.

Xu You has to hammer this point hard.

"Lao Xu, what are you talking about? Just call me Xiaobai." Baek Keun Suk smiled coquettishly.

"You boy, do you know how to be humble now? You have already said it." Han Qianyue laughed and cursed directly, then turned to look at Xu You and sighed,

"We have also heard about the incident in Dongyang County. Fortunately, junior brother, you are fine. Good people have their own destiny."

"I have always recognized Lao Xu's good fortune. There is nothing in the world that he cannot solve."

Baek Keun Suk on the side praised, and then said with some worry, "But this matter is really a very big challenge for us in Kunlun.

From my perspective, I can guess how difficult this follow-up will be, damn, the dog-like ghost door and those dog forces hiding in the sewers.

If I let the young master know who it is, I must kill them! "

"It's too late for you to go to Dongyang now." Xu You said lightly.

Baek Keun Suk smiled coquettishly, "Let the big guys in the door see what's going on first. From now on, if anything useful comes to me, I won't even bat an eyebrow."

"Go, go." Han Qianyue waved his hand angrily, and then asked Xu You some things about the Lost Realm.

Xu You said briefly and concisely.

Finally, Han Qianyue patted Xu You on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Junior brother, I'm calling you because I want to call you to go somewhere together. I haven't seen you for a long time, and I'm thinking about my junior brother very much.

Of course, the main thing is to have something to do. "

Xu You groaned, "What's the matter?"

"What? Junior brother, are you busy with something?" Han Qianyue asked back.

"There's nothing too important to be busy with."

"Then let's go, come with senior brother." Han Qianyue directly hugged Xu You and walked out, "You have come back from danger, no matter what, you have to come here."

Han Qianyue didn't even give Xu You a chance to refuse and directly dragged him out.

As soon as the three of them turned the corner of the stairs, they met Xue Qianluo.

Xue Qianluo had a cold face at the moment, his expression was not very good, he was very cold. He simply glanced at Xu You and the other three, and then left without looking back.

Han Qianyue and Baek Keunsuk, who originally wanted to say hello, had their smiles freeze on their faces.

"Junior Sister Xue's temper is getting colder and colder now." Han Qianyue shook his head.

"Yeah, the look she gave me didn't scare me to death. Her aura was too strong." Baek Keun Suk was still frightened, and then asked strangely,

"That's not right. How come Senior Sister Xue's cultivation has reached the middle stage of the fifth realm?"

"Yeah? What's going on?" Han Qianyue also asked in confusion.

"The adventure we met together." Xu You smiled.

"That's even more wrong." Han Qianyue shook his head and said, "Junior Sister Xue was very kind to you, Junior Brother, and she was unique in both attitude and behavior.

Why has it changed now? "

"Brother, don't talk nonsense." Xu You said.

"Nonsense?" Han Qianyue looked at Xu You teasingly, "You really think that senior brother is an emotional idiot. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that you and junior sister Xue are not simple."

"Yes." Bai Genshuo said with deep approval, "Based on my deep understanding of emotions, most of the reason why Senior Sister Xue can come to Tianque City is because of you, Lao Xu.

You can't deny this. What does it mean for a girl to come all the way here? Lao Xu, please stop pretending to be stupid. "

"That's right, junior brother, take good care of it." Han Qianyue patted Xu You's shoulder cheerfully, "Junior Sister Xue is the only one in our family who is worthy of you. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that she likes you.

You two are a match made in heaven, cherish it and benefit from it. "

Xu You looked at the two people with black lines on his head. At this time, Baek Keun Suk continued to strike while the railway was hot, "It's just that the situation with Senior Sister Xue just now was obviously wrong. Lao Xu, have you done something sorry to Senior Sister?"

I'm very good at judging people, and senior sister is definitely the kind of person who is jealous and angry. "

"Shut up." Xu You suppressed Baek Keun Suk's guess, but couldn't help but look back at Xue Qianluo's thin back.

Thinking of yesterday's events in his mind, Xu You fell into deep thought for a moment.

Let Han Qianyue blow wind in his ears, let him take him out of Kunlun Tower, get into a car and drive away.

Thousands of miles north of Tianque City, there is a place called Tianyuan Valley. There is a huge city in the valley, Tianyuan City.

This place is surrounded by unknown black fog all year round, and is a taboo place recognized by all the people in the large area around Tianque City.

Once touched by this black mist, it will immediately turn into white bones.

Not only ordinary people, but also low-level monks in one or two realms cannot survive in this black mist.

The reason why there is such terrifying black mist here is because of the properties of Tianyuan Valley.

If there is white in the world, there must be black. There are two forces of good and evil that live under the sun, headed by the Five Sects and Seven Sects.

Then there are countless dark forces hiding underground.

Compared with Tianque City, the largest city in the Tianzhou of Middle-earth, which is upright and upright, Tianyuan City is mainly low-key. All the dark sides of Tianque City's inability to trade fall on this Tianyuan City.

Therefore, as time passed, Tianyuan City became the darkest city in the Tianzhou of Middle-earth.

From a certain perspective, Tianque City and Tianyuan City are two companion cities, one bright and one dark, one good and one evil.

Of course, many people in the world know about Tianque City, but few know about Tianyuan City.

"Senior brother, why did you bring me to Tianyuan Valley?"

Outside Tianyuan Valley, Xu You in the car looked at Tianyuan Valley wrapped in endless black fog and asked something strange.

"Junior brother, you know Tianyuan City, right?"

"I know." Xu You nodded.

Having been in Tianque City for so long, he naturally knows that Tianyuan City is the most dark and turbulent city in Tianzhou in Middle-earth. Tianyuan City is very well-known among the monks.

This Tianyuan City can be said to be the darkest and evil gathering place in the world. All three religions and nine streams are all-encompassing and all-encompassing.

Almost all the dark forces in the world have their shadows in Tianyuan City. It can be said that whether the underground world is in chaos or not, Tianyuan City has the final say.

Heliansheng, which Xu You asked Wu Bufan to open before, was actually established through Tianyuan City. The flow of underground money and even money laundering through cooperation with Jubao Pavilion also had to go through this underground bank.

So Xu You went out of his way to learn about Tianyuan City and understand the structure of the dark side of this Immortal Cultivation World.

It can only be said that it is an eye-opener. It is not easy to be classified as a dark underground force. It's two different worlds from the one on the ground.

Even evil forces such as the Demon League, Hengmeng, and Fengdu cannot be called underground forces. They are all serious above-ground forces, and they cannot be compared with the underground.

The real underground forces are actually Apex Level killer organization forces such as Liusha Pavilion, which previously wiped out Kunlun's subordinate families.

The underground forces are full of evil, do all kinds of evil, and do not care about the bottom line. Everything is based on absolute interests, and there is no second law.

To sum up, those underground forces are not playing the way above ground, they are cunning, cruel, ruthless and turbulent.

All bloody and barbaric rules.

Today, there are seven most powerful underground forces in the entire Immortal Cultivation World, named the Seven Emperors. He is the leader and talker of underground forces.

The status can be compared to the five sects and seven sects.

And this Tianyuan City is a huge city built by the forces of the Seven Emperors. There are only five underground giant cities of this scale among the five divine continents.

This one in Tianzhou in Middle Earth is Tianyuan City.

Although Tianyuan City is also filled with underground chaos and darkness, because it is controlled by the Seven Emperors, there is still order and it has its own world and rules.

As a result, countless underground and shady transactions were carried out in Tianyuan City, and countless kinds of wealth flowed through every year.

Previously, Xu You had wondered why such a huge underground city was built so grandly thousands of miles away from Tianque City.

And how can such a huge underground world ensure its operation and survival?

Later, Xu You also understood that no matter what the world background is, as long as it is a world dominated by humans.

There must be such a cruel and shady underground world. No matter how the forces on the ground are innocent and aloof, who can know the methods behind them?

How can all kinds of interest transfers be exposed to the sun?

Dealing with the underworld is essential.

Therefore, the relationship between the earth and the earth is a false proposition, and everyone is in a relationship of companionship and interdependence.

Every year, countless righteous people cry out to kill Tianyuan City, but every year, the thunder is loud and the rain is small, and the matter is ignored.

It's even getting stronger. Who dares to really stand up and try?

Those gentlemen who claim to be the forces of light were the first to refuse!

"You have been in Tianque City for so long, and your junior brother has never been here, right?"

"Never came."

"Today's venue is inside, let's just have fun in there." Han Qianyue said with a smile.

Xu You frowned slightly in thought, but didn't say anything.

Although various forces such as the Five Sects and Seven Sects have issued strict orders not to allow their disciples to have contact with the underground world, especially Tianyuan City.

But whether the order is followed or not is another matter.

Probably because there are so many interesting things in Tianyuan City, countless things that cannot be played in other places, so you can be as curious as you want.

Therefore, even the disciples from famous and upright sects would secretly come to Tianyuan City to enjoy themselves.

And the major forces basically turn a blind eye to such things, and will not care as long as there is no big trouble.

It is better to open up than to block. The road to immortality is long, so there is nothing wrong with relaxing.

Of course, that's not something you can play casually. You still have to be very low-key when going to Tianyuan City to spend money. It is different there from the outside.

Outside, evil forces also have to explain the rules of the game on the surface, but this is not the case underground.

With its own rules and regulations, even if you are a disciple of the five sects and seven sects, if something happens inside, it is difficult to say that it can be solved smoothly.

Therefore, the famous disciples who go to Tianyuan City to have fun will keep a low profile and will not be too public.

Of course, except for Xu You's level.

Even if a disciple of Xu You's level is in Tianyuan City, he will be given a certain amount of face and will not let anything happen to him easily.

Otherwise, it would be really troublesome. So, if Xu You is not acting stupidly like a pig or a dog, there is basically no risk.

Therefore, today it was said that the situation was there, Xu You did not resist, and was even a little curious. I want to see what is going on in Tianyuan City.

The three of Xu You continued to drive slowly, and finally came to a very spacious entrance. There are many entrances to Tianyuan Valley, and this is one of them.

There is a special person guarding the place, who is the official monk of Tianyuan Valley. They are all wearing uniform pure black uniforms, and their expressions are cold and murderous.

Entering and exiting Tianyuan Valley requires a special Tianyuan Order.

This kind of thing is not difficult to obtain, and it can be obtained naturally using Han Qianyue's method.

After entering the valley, the three of them hurried in along a spacious Great Dao. After half an hour, the three of them came to a city wall hundreds of feet high.

The majestic and tall city walls stretch as far as the eye can see, and the equally tall city gates are carved with the huge word Tianyuan.

This is the first underground city in Tianzhou in Middle-earth, Tianyuan City. There are countless monks coming and going, from all three sects and nine streams, and most of them are wearing black robes.

On the way here, Xu You and the others also changed into black robes, otherwise wearing Kunlun clothes would be too eye-catching here.

There were still several teams of monks at the city gate managing the order of entry and exit. After queuing for a relatively long time, Xu You entered the city smoothly.

The city is brightly lit, with tall houses on both sides of the streets and countless businesses. The streets are extremely spacious, with an endless stream of pedestrians and vehicles.

Tianyuan City is known as the city that never sleeps. Because the darkness outside the valley is always shrouded in darkness and the sun is never seen here all year round, there is this brightly lit spectacle all the time.

Xu You glanced at the surrounding architectural styles. There is no unified standard, but various styles. Custom buildings from different places can be seen everywhere.

It's like a strange mixture of cities, it looks strange and strange, but it also has a strange sense of harmony.

Han Qianyue led the way and introduced the situation in the city to Xu You in detail, as if he had gone home.

"Junior brother, what we are going to this time is a newly opened romantic restaurant owned by Wanbaolou."

Hearing the words "Feng Yue Place", Xu You began to have faint black lines on his head. He should have thought of it a long time ago. What other serious places could a senior brother like Han Qianyue take him to?

What the hell, do we have to choose such a romantic place every time? What a disgrace!

However, Xu You is not very interested in Fengyue Place at the moment, but is more interested in Wanbao Tower.

The name of Wanbao Tower is unremarkable, but it can be famous as one of the Seven Underground Emperors.

It is the most Apex Level force in the underground world, and Wanbao Pavilion's target is directly the Jubao Pavilion.

There is a saying in Immortal Cultivation World: Treasure Pavilion in the sky and Wanbao Tower underground.

There are no things or transactions in the world that these two forces cannot accomplish. This sentence is enough to reflect the weight of Wanbao Tower.

[Today is a transitional chapter, adding some world settings. The second step is to have a new core aunt character appear. Now there are good white aunties, then there are bad yakuza aunties!

This network expansion line is still very important. By the way, please ask for monthly tickets. The monthly tickets are a bit pitiful]

(End of chapter)

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