Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 244 Chapter 330 331 Awei’S Eighteen Styles, All Without Compromise.

Chapter 244 Chapter 330 331 Awei’s Eighteen Styles, all without compromise.

"Senior Si Niang, I think you don't understand the situation clearly right now."

Xu You directly pressed Xie Siniang, who had no cultivation skills, to the balcony outside, pressed her on the railing, and used his cultivation skills to seal her body.

Because Xie Siniang's figure is too plump, this stance directly makes her curves extremely graceful.

This is the most Apex Level scenery in the world.

Xu You took two steps back and looked at Xie Siniang.

To be honest, deep down in his heart, he really couldn't stand it. The scene in front of him was too Apex Level.

It's hard to say that Saint can stick to his true intentions. In addition, Xie Mengqing has no cultivation at this moment and has no deterrent power.

But soon, Xu You suppressed his inner thoughts.

Not to mention that it is too shameless to do this. When Xie Siniang recovers his cultivation, he will definitely not be able to spare himself, and he can directly shoot himself to death.

Therefore, it is naturally impossible for Xu You to do such a thing. As long as the matter is controlled within a reasonable range, Xie Mengqing will not do anything to herself afterwards.

She still has to play the game on her own, and she is still worried about Kunlun, and she is even more worried about the secrets in her hands.

Xu You's abacus can be said to be rattling, and it just dances on Xie Mengqing's bottom line, the kind that can handle the matter as much as possible without risking his life.

Xie Mengqing's expression felt a little humiliated at this moment. She had never been controlled by a man on the railing in such an awkward posture in her life.

Feeling Xu You's penetrating gaze looking at her back again, Xie Mengqing's face turned into anger.

Damn it, if any man had dared to look at her with such wanton eyes before, he would have lost half his life.

"Xu You, I would like to remind you again, if you take out the antidote now, I can forget the blame, otherwise don't blame me afterwards!" Xie Mengqing bit her lips and threatened.

"Senior Si Niang, I said the same thing. Why can't you see the current situation clearly? Cooperate well with me and I will be done soon." Xu You replied.

Everything has been done. How could Xu You stop before it was completed? How could he be afraid of Xie Mengqing's threat?

Has he not received too many threats from the big guys all the way up to this point?

Xu You didn't dare to waste any more time and took out the law enforcement recorder to take pictures of Xie Mengqing's curvy figure that was leaning on the balcony railing.

I took pictures from the back, from the side, and finally got a picture of my face.

"Are you taking a real picture?" Xie Mengqing looked at Xu You with an angry face.

"Yeah." Xu You nodded, "This is the photo I'm talking about. I'll help you, Senior Siniang, pick out some good-looking ones."

"How dare you!" Xie Siniang said angrily.

"Yes, that's the expression!" Xu You stretched out his fingers and hooked Xie Mengqing's chin, lifting it slightly so that she looked up at him.

At this moment, Xie Mengqing's face had some sunset glow caused by anger, and there was also anger, but from the angle Xu You took the photo, this expression was more of shame.

It was like Xie Mengqing's reaction when her dearest lover hooked her chin.

When Xu You was shooting, he naturally included his manly hands, which directly sublimated the picture.

Xie Mengqing was teased by a mysterious man by hooking her chin like this, and she still cooperated very well.

Only such a photo can be threatening enough.

"Xu You!"

At this moment, no matter how many storms Xie Mengqing had experienced, no matter how well-educated she was, she still lost her mind slightly.

I have never been so humiliated in my life, and I was teased like this by a twenty-year-old young man.

This traumatized Xie Mengqing's self-esteem like never before.

Xu You turned a deaf ear to Xie Mengqing's reaction, his eyes fell on her shoulders, and finally he stretched out his hand directly.

Xu You pushed aside some clothes on Xie Mengqing's shoulders, revealing some round and fragrant shoulders.

The quality of this skin can be said to be the best that only Apex Level women can have, and it made Xu You uncomfortable.

Xu You's actions made Xie Mengqing's condition improve even more, and her arrogant temperament also became weaker.

"Sorry, senior, I have no choice but to do this." Xu You said indifferently, and then began to take pictures of Xie Mengqing's state at this moment.

Then he reached out and messed up some of Xie Mengqing's hair, and now the picture was messy and beautiful.

Of course, in the end, Xu You put his big hand on Xie Mengqing's shoulder and took a group photo.

Xie Mengqing closed her eyes slightly at this moment, and her stunning face was filled with a sense of fragmentation.

What Xu You wanted was this effect, and he quickly captured Xie Mengqing's broken and messy state.

After that, Xu You silently took out a towel and covered the other party's shoulders, then coughed lightly and said,

"Senior Si Niang, don't worry, I really just left these scenes, and I will never do anything excessive."

Xie Mengqing slowly opened her eyes and looked at Xu You with cold eyes, "Do you think what you are doing now is not too much?"

"Senior, at least I acted with respect and didn't take the opportunity to do anything else to you. If I were really cruel, what if I did something bottomless to you now and then killed you?"

Xu You said seriously, "I can even fake the scene after killing you. After we get out, no one will believe that I can kill you, right?"

So, I'm really just looking for protection for myself now. no other meaning. "

After listening to Xu You's words, Xie Mengqing fell silent for a moment. It is undeniable that Xu You's fallacy is somewhat reasonable. He is indeed a gentleman and did not take the opportunity to do more extreme things to himself.

"Auntie, can you stand more enchantingly? I'll continue." Xu You said.

"Shameless little bastard!" Xie Mengqing's originally calm face darkened again, and her eyes became cold again. She really thought too much. This Xu You is a shameless bastard!

"Hey, aunt, if you don't cooperate, then I will do it myself. I'm sorry."

With that said, Xu You helped to kneel Xie Mengqing's body on the ground in an extended kneeling position.

Just like the kneeling yoga posture, it is also the favorite pose for fitness girls.

The curves of Xie Mengqing's body in such a posture can be said to be unstoppable, and the visual impact it brings is truly terrifying.

As the saying goes, if a girl bows her waist, a young woman will bow her waist.

You never know how lethal a most Apex Level beauty can be when she sinks her waist.

"Xu You, just wait for me!"

Feeling that she had never been in such a good shape at this moment, Xie Mengqing said something angrily.

"Senior, I'm actually very curious. Didn't you say you wanted to capture me just now? You also asked me why I could do it with Senior Huangfu but not you.

Why are you now regretting it like this? I haven't even done anything to you and you're so angry, and you're still saying you're going to take me down?

So you were just teasing me orally? "

"Shameless! These are two different things!" Xie Mengqing said angrily.

"Haha." Xu You retorted, "What two different things! You relied on your own strength to overpower me before, so you dared to do whatever you wanted to me in words and body movements.

What's the difference between you then and me now?

Why, you are allowed to tease me like this, but not the other way around?

Senior, let me tell you, men and women are equal! "

"You" Xie Mengqing couldn't refute Xu You's words. There was some truth in this fallacy.

Although the properties cannot be said to be the same in comparison, the essence seems to be what Xu You said.

"Then what you've recorded is enough. It's enough. Can you stop?"

Xie Mengqing's tone was a little gentler. She didn't want to be humiliated anymore, so she naturally wouldn't use a tone that angered Xu You. She wanted to resolve the matter as soon as possible.

"No, I have to come some more. Senior, please cooperate and be patient. It will be over soon."

As Xu You spoke, he raised the law enforcement recorder again and took a 360-degree picture of Xie Mengqing's posture at this moment.

To be honest, it is no longer a matter of ending or not, Xu You found that she seems to have fallen in love with this feeling of shooting.

It's ridiculous. At the beginning, Xu You only wanted to take a few pictures, but now these pictures are enough.

But as the filming progressed, he found that he seemed unable to stop and had forgotten his original intention.

Such a beautiful Apex Level Supreme Grade woman, an extremely plump mature woman, without any cultivation, is ready for you to take pictures of.

Coupled with the blessing of the other party's aura of power and wealth, the threshold in Xu You's heart was infinitely raised.

To be honest, anyone would be tempted to take a few more sets of photos of Xie Siniang as a treasure.

Xu You now has an empathetic understanding of the renowned photography master, Mr. Chen.

shoot! It must be shot hard!

The more sets you have, the more chips you will have, and the easier it will be to deal with in the future!

So, Xu You kept taking pictures around the kneeling Xie Mengqing, taking pictures from behind, side, back and front, leaving the most alluring photos from all angles.

Of course, some humiliation appeared on Xie Mengqing's face again. For her, this was an experience she had never had before in her life.

Thinking about her Xie Siniang status, when had she ever been bullied like this! Still such a young bully!

At this moment, Xie Mengqing felt a thrill in her heart, and she felt a hand on her side.

She couldn't move her head now. She didn't know who it was, but she thought it belonged to Xu You. He was the only one in the room.

She raised her voice and shouted, "Xu You, how dare you! Are you really not afraid of death?"

"Senior Si Niang, don't look back. I'm doing business, don't worry." Xu You replied.

"I want to look back! What are you doing!" Xie Mengqing's voice was trembling a little, and she didn't know whether it was caused by anger or her own feelings.

"It'll be alright soon, don't worry."

Xie Siniang closed her eyes in silence, while Xu You took a picture from a condescending angle.

The whole person of Xie Siniang is included in the picture, including part of her profile, which is enough to identify her.

The most critical thing is your own hand.

Although the two of them are innocent in reality, the information in the picture only expresses one message.

Black Widow Xie Siniang involves a very philosophical physical issue.

If this picture was spread out, it would definitely be a huge wave.

Finally, Xu You bent down and helped Xie Siniang up, and carefully dusted off her knees and hands.

"Senior Si Niang, thank you for your hard work." Xu You said apologetically.

Xie Siniang slowly opened her eyes and looked at Xu You expressionlessly, "So it's over, right?"

"not yet."

The curse word "you" was stuck in his throat, and Xie Mengqing lowered his eyes slightly in resignation.

"Senior, then I will continue to be rude." Xu You said and began to lead Xie Mengqing to the railing of the balcony.

This time, let her stand a little further away from the railing, then slump down, and finally put her hands on the railing.

Then, Xu You reached out to Xie Mengqing with a familiarity, placed his left hand on the other person's waistline with familiarity, and started shooting.

This time the picture concept is very simple, shot on the balcony.

The picture is simultaneously bustling with the crowds of people below, and there is a condescending Apex Level feeling of standing on top of all living beings.

Of course, in the picture, the left hand of Xu You, an old actor, is also at the most perfect angle. Any man who sees such a picture will immediately think about it accurately.

After the shooting, Xu You looked at the finished product and was amazed.

This Xie Siniang's figure is really too outstanding. No matter how she takes the photo, she looks the most Apex Level alluring. With her curves and plumpness, there really is no flaw at all.

"Shameless!" Xie Mengqing said these two words almost through gritted teeth.

"Huh?" Xu You immediately straightened Xie Mengqing upright and looked at the other party's fox eyes in disbelief, "Senior Si Niang, what did you say?"

"It's nothing. Have you had enough? Do you still want to continue?" Xie Mengqing asked in a deep voice.

"Senior, when you adopt such a tone, why do I feel like I have become a bully?"

Xie Mengqing remained silent, Xu You sighed helplessly, and finally pressed Xie Mengqing's shoulder and walked into the house.

This private room naturally has a bathroom, which is very large and spacious. Xu You took Xie Mengqing directly to the bathroom, and even locked the door behind him thoughtfully.

Although this bathroom is not small, it still seems a little claustrophobic if Xu You and Xie Mengqing come in at the same time.

Therefore, the bathroom was soon filled with the fragrance of Xie Mengqing's body. In addition, there were a lot of spices placed here, and the mixture was a bit heady.

Looking at Xie Siniang who was so close, Xu You's eyes were a little wandering.

I don’t really want to read more, and I don’t dare to read more.

"What did you bring me here for?" Xie Mengqing asked with a frown.

"The balcony is ready, so naturally this is the bathroom." Xu You answered matter-of-factly. He needed to record it in every corner of the room.

"Shameless!" Xie Mengqing bit her lip again and whispered.

The corner of Xu You's mouth twitched slightly. To be honest, his current behavior was indeed very manly, so Xu You had no choice but not to refute.

Prepare to continue creating art quietly.

There is a very large bronze mirror in the bathroom. It is polished very smooth and has a very good reflection effect.

Xu You took Xie Mengqing to the mirror, then put Xie Mengqing's hands on the sink, and then stood Xie Mengqing in a slumped posture.

Finally, Xu You stood behind Xie Mengqing, raised the recorder and pointed it at the mirror.

This is the first time for Xie Siniang to look in the mirror like this! Especially when looking at Xu You standing behind him, Xie Siniang felt a rare sense of shame in his heart.

Of course, he was more angry and absolutely ashamed at this moment.

He turned out to be such a shameless person at such a young age. Fortunately, I thought he was a gentleman last time and was mistaken.

"Senior Si Niang, I'm sorry." Xu You said a classic crocodile apology, then put his hand on Xie Siniang's waistline, and finally pointed it at the mirror and started recording.

Xie Siniang's thoughts were a little stagnant, and she could clearly see the effect of Xu You's hand in the mirror.

Click, click, click, Xu You slapped wildly. Of course, the angle must be found well, and it is necessary not to show your face.

After a while, Xu You finished shooting and then straightened Xie Siniang.

He loosened his collar and breathed a sigh of relief. This job is not easy to do, it tests your willpower too much.

Xu You had been looking at the mirror just now, looking distracted.

After that, Xu You's eyes fell on the pool next to him. He had an idea, wouldn't it be great to take a photo in wet clothes?

Such a picture began to appear in Xu You's mind.

And Xie Siniang followed Xu You's gaze and looked at the pool, and then looked at Xu You's thoughtful expression. She gritted her teeth and said, "Xu You, if you dare to take a picture of me like this, I will never let you go."

These words woke Xu You up. Looking at Xie Siniang gnashing her teeth, she really didn't want to be joking. This was definitely a bottom line issue.

Then, Xu You quickly shook his head,

"How is it possible, senior? Who do you think I am? How could I do such a thing?"

After saying that, Xu You immediately took Xie Mengqing out of the bathroom. Of course, I still feel a little regretful in my heart, and I can only wait until I have the opportunity to talk about it in the future.

Huh? Why would I even think about having a chance in the future? After this, it will be good if Xie Siniang can stop fucking herself, and there will be more to come.

Next, Xu You took Xie Siniang to all corners of the house.

Sofas, coffee tables, desks, hangers, cabinets, stools, ceilings, etc.

It can be said that every place in the house is regarded as a background. After a series of events, Xie Mengqing gradually became numb and just wanted to cooperate and end it.

"Huh~" Finally, Xu You breathed a sigh of relief, looking like everything was done.

"It's over?" Xie Mengqing asked.

"And one last one."

Xu You smiled, then bowed and apologized again, and finally brought a soft cushion over and asked Xie Mengqing to kneel on the ground with her back straight.

The upright kneeling posture is a great test for a woman's figure. A woman with a plump figure like Siniang will look very good in this posture.

Especially the standard look of her plump butt sitting on her back feet.

Xu You looked down at this curve at this time, it was amazing.

After that, Xu You asked Xie Siniang to raise her head to make her expression more charming. Finally, he put his left hand on the silky blue hair of the other person's head.

Then turn on the recorder and leave this extremely classic picture.

Finally, Xu You unlocked the restrictions on Xie Mengqing and restored her freedom.

Xie Siniang moved her somewhat stiff body, but her cultivation level still hadn’t returned, and she was still a mortal.

"Give me the antidote."

"Senior who doesn't have an antidote, you'll be fine as soon as the medicine takes effect. It won't take more than a day at most."

Xie Siniang walked to the bench with a serious face and sat down, reaching out to rub her sore shoulders, "What kind of medicine did you give me?

There are few poisons in the world that can hide from my cultivation. Furthermore, I have never heard of poisons that can turn a Heavenly Dao realm monk directly into a mortal. What kind of medicine did you give me? "

"Secret." Xu You smiled without explaining too much, and then immersed himself in his law enforcement recorder, ready to start selecting a photo album.

Xie Siniang watched Xu You tinkering, and she also fell silent, closing her eyes Nurturing Spirit.

Time ticked by, no matter how long it took, Xu You finally got it done.

It can be said that he chose the most perfect set of photos. With this set of photos in hand, he will have no problem handling Xie Siniang in the future.

"Show me!" Seeing Xu You's smiling face, Xie Siniang gritted her teeth and said.

Xu You thought for a while, and then directly projected the photos in the recorder to show the other party.

"Senior Si Niang, let me declare first that these are all fake, don't be angry."

Xie Siniang just looked at the photos projected by Xu You with an expressionless face. Before looking at it, she actually had some psychological achievements and felt that she could easily tolerate such emotional fluctuations with her own self-restraint.

But when those photos came out, Xie Siniang was immediately overwhelmed and couldn't bear it any longer.

These scenes were so exaggerated that it felt as if she had really fought in the corner of the room, and many of the scenes were all very hot.

The kind that she herself found difficult to accept.

Especially those slumped postures and Xu You's hands on the waist.

"That's enough!" Xie Siniang shouted angrily.

When Xu You saw this, he quickly removed it, and then immediately promised, "Senior Si Niang, I really have no choice. I promise you, as long as my place is safe, these photos will not be ruined here. A third person knows."

"Shameless! Perverted!" Xie Siniang gritted her teeth, "As a member of a famous family, he did such a nasty thing! It is simply an insult to the Kunlun family!"

"No, Senior Siniang, you started it first!" Xu You said angrily, "How can you say I am shameless? It was you who used this method to get my secret first.

I'm just following your example now. "

"You fart!" Xie Siniang, who broke through the defense, swore directly, "I am in a high position, how can I threaten people with such a thing?"

"Senior Siniang, no, Senior Huangfu paid a lot for this incident."

"What price did she pay?"

“I didn’t say anything specific.”

"She is farting too!"

Xu You was stunned on the spot and looked at Xie Siniang in astonishment.

Seeing Xu You like this, Xie Siniang sneered, "What a Huangfu Lan, so shameless! Did she set me up in front of you?"

Xu You coughed lightly and said, "Senior, your reputation doesn't seem to need editing."

"What did you say?"

"What are you so crazy about?" Xu You straightened up and said, "Please, senior, the initiative is now in my hands! If you continue to be so crazy, believe it or not, I will do two more tricks?"

"You" Xie Siniang's expression froze, then took a deep breath, and then told everything about Huangfu Lan's visit that night.

After hearing this, Xu You somewhat believed it, but also didn't believe it. After all, the other party's reputation was there. Who knows if he was acting or lying to himself.

"You don't believe it?" Xie Siniang asked in a deep voice after finishing speaking.

"It's hard to talk about senior. After all, it's just one-sided words from senior, and there is no evidence." Xu You shook his head, asked and sighed, "I don't have high trust in senior now."

After saying that, Xu You paused, "Furthermore, why didn't Senior say these things at the beginning? Why didn't he say it after I had played with it so much?

Could it be that senior actually likes to take pictures of these things? "

"If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will tear your mouth open later!"

"That's right." Xu You shrugged, "Anyway, that's it. What we should talk about next is what happens next. I have a few requests."

Before Xu You finished speaking, a communication talisman came in.

Xie Siniang couldn't see it without cultivation, so Xu You took it over. The content was very simple. It was Xu You's turn to play the first knockout match.

Xu You looked at the night outside, and it was nighttime so quickly.

Are you afraid that the photo time will pass so quickly?

"Senior Si Niang, I'm going to play the first game first, and then come up to discuss cooperation."

With that said, Xu You stood up and came to Xie Siniang's side, cast a spell to control her body, and then took her to the balcony overlooking the bottom.

"Senior, just stay here and watch my majestic appearance. I'll be back soon."

Xie Siniang's face was expressionless. Seeing this, Xu You subconsciously wanted to slap the other person's big butt, but restrained himself and just pinched Xie Siniang's cheek, then turned and left.

Xie Siniang felt a little pain on her cheek, gritting her teeth in her heart, but there was nothing she could do.

After leaving this private room, Xu You went downstairs along the same path.

As soon as he arrived on the third floor, Xie Yuan stepped forward, patted Xu You's shoulder affectionately and said, "Brother Xu, here you go, let's go down quickly, your game will start soon."

With that said, Xie Yuan took Xu You down, and Xu You put on black clothes to cover his aura and appearance.

On the way, Xie Yuan asked curiously, "What are Xu You talking about with my aunt? Can we talk all day?"

Xu You coughed slightly. He couldn't tell his cheap nephew that your aunt and I had been taking nude photos in the room all day.

"It's nothing, I've been studying the rules and opponents and stuff like that."

"As expected of Brother Xu." Xie Yuan gave a thumbs up.

"Who do I fight? What do you say if you win, and what do you say if you lose?" Xu You asked.


"What's wrong?"

"It's okay." Xie Yuan said with a smile, "Brother Xu, your opponent in the first round is Wang Zheng, who is the Apex Level genius of the younger generation of Luohaimen disciples. He ranks second in Luohaimen, and his cultivation is at the early stage of the Five Realms.

I hope Brother Xu can win this game. "

Luohaimen is one of the Seven Underground Emperors. It almost monopolizes the herbal medicine business in the underground world. There are many Apex Level alchemists in the sect.

The sect is very powerful and has great connections. Not only in the underground world, but also in the surface world, there are many Apex Level connections.

Xu You said in confusion, "You can cultivate to the fifth realm under the age of twenty-five. A disciple of this level cannot win the top spot in the sect. Is the Luohai sect so strong?"

Doesn't it mean that the disciples of Luohaimen are behind the Seven Emperors in strength? "

"Brother Xu doesn't know. This Luohaimen disciple is not very strong, but their family has a big business. The Spirit Pill is like free money."

"Oh, that is to say, the disciples of Luohaimen prefer taking pills to practice, right?" Xu You said suddenly.

"Yes, so under the level of fellow practitioners, the strength of Luohaimen disciples is actually slightly inferior. This kind of pill-taking cultivation is naturally not as good as Brother Xu, who has laid a solid foundation like this."

Xu You smiled lightly and did not continue to struggle with this person. Instead, he narrowed his eyes and asked, "You asked me to fight the fifth realm monk in the first round. Do I have this level of cultivation in the remaining two rounds? He is getting stronger and stronger. ?”

Xie Yuan cupped his fists and said, "It's almost like this. My aunt said that Brother Xu is very powerful. Only Brother Xu can deal with these tough things."

"Don't I have two teammates? What are their strengths?"

“One is a late stage of the fourth realm, and a monk who is in the early stage of the fifth realm like Brother Xu is also the strongest young generation in our Wanbao Tower.

But his surname is not Xie. "

"I understand." Xu You nodded slightly.

He came to the competition in the name of the Xie family this time, and what he wanted was to help the Xie family earn points and gain a reputation.

Those two teammates were probably eager to embarrass themselves and make a fool of themselves. Xu You even felt that these three tough battles were arranged by the other two companies in Wanbaolou.

But it doesn't matter, tricks are useless in the face of absolute strength.

Xu You still has absolute confidence in this local ranking conference.

Soon, Xie Yuan took Xu You to the ring in the center of the bottom floor.

Now is the knockout stage. The quality cannot be compared to what it was during the day. The level and quality of the monks are far higher than during the day.

Therefore, instead of having many games open at the same time during the day, there are only three games open at the same time.

And now, there are more monks around than during the day, squeezing the vast central venue and surrounding auditoriums to the limit.

It was really a huge crowd. Xu You estimated that the number of these viewers exceeded six figures, which was simply an exaggeration.

The knockout stage of this place ranking conference is really hot.

Also, the quality of the disciples at this stage is estimated to be the same as the quality of the disciples on the Shenzhou Tianjiao List. They are all the most Apex Level disciples of the most Apex Level forces.

When Xu You first came to his ring, a host floated onto the ring.

[Fathers, please give me a monthly pass~~]

(End of chapter)

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