Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 246 Chapter 334 335 Devastated? For Xu, It Is Actually A Reward! Justice Kills The First Wom

Chapter 246 Chapter 334 335 Devastated? For Xu, it is actually a reward! Justice kills the first woman in the second round of the match

Hearing this, Xie Siniang subconsciously sat down in front of Xu You.

But looking at Xu You's shining eyes, Xie Siniang suddenly realized something. Doesn't Xu You think this kind of thing is nothing? Not considered humiliation or punishment?

Realizing this, Xie Siniang looked at Xu You in disbelief, "Are you really a pervert?"

"Pervert? I'm not a pervert, I'm a serious person." Xu You answered this question very seriously, and then asked, "Senior Si Niang, are you still sitting down?"

“Shameless little thief!”

Xu You sighed deeply, with a look of helplessness on his face, "I didn't expect that I would be discovered by you, Senior Siniang. You are really wise and powerful."

As he said that, a look of "pain" appeared on Xu You's face appropriately, "However, how could I not be angry! I still have the dignity as a man!

Senior, how can I not care if you photograph me like this? I was just pretending to be excited just now, trying to get you to stop, senior, but I didn’t expect that you, senior, saw through it. "

Xie Siniang's face softened slightly and she said that Xu You, a young man, could not be angry when faced with such "humiliation". As long as he was angry, he would feel relieved.

"Auntie, you won't touch me with your butt again, right?" Xu You asked "a little scared".

Xie Siniang sneered, "Are you afraid now?"

After saying that, Xie Siniang once again placed Xu You in the kneeling position just now.

Then he pressed his clothes all the way with his hands until his curves were perfectly outlined.

Then, sit directly in front of Xu You. Then start looking for angles to record.

When Xie Siniang was looking for an angle, Xu You's eyes were already wide open.

The benefits are really Apex Level benefits.

Xie Siniang is all-powerful in the underground world, but in the end she is still an older leftover woman who still knows too little about the inner world of men.

Why isn't Xu You a pervert?

Deeply influenced by the action culture of his childhood, his knowledge reserve in this area is very amazing. He has long been a pervert!

This is both a foot and a butt. Can this be called hurting one's self-esteem? Can it be called a provocation to men?

This is the most Apex Level perk.

What you call ravage and punishment is not a reward for Xu?

Therefore, Xu You was openly looking at the curve behind Xie Siniang who was very close at hand.

Before sitting down, Xie Siniang deliberately smoothed her clothes to fit her perfectly, so that her plump curves were almost perfectly displayed.

Coupled with the deep waistline and the extreme contrast between the hip and hip lines, it is unrivaled in the world.

A head full of black hair fell on her back, and the unique fragrance of a mature woman spread around her, intoxicating Xu You.

At this moment, Xie Siniang, who was looking for an angle beautifully, finally found it. She did not reveal her face, only showing the curve of her hips and hips, and then the whole person of Xu You.

But soon, after Xie Siniang finished filming, she realized something was wrong. In the picture, Xu You's expression was not angry at all, but she looked vaguely enjoying it?

Monks in the Heavenly Realm are already extremely sensitive to sight. They were so focused on taking pictures that they didn't pay attention. Only now did Xie Siniang feel the burning sight behind her.

This line of sight can be said to be extremely sharp, giving people the ability to see through phenomena and see the essence.

This made Xie Siniang feel extremely awkward on the spot. She suddenly stood up and stared at Xu You.

Xu You was awakened by the sudden movement, and the expression on his face instantly turned to sulk.

Xie Siniang looked at Xu You's silky expression with a dark face. At this moment, no matter how little she knew about men's psychology.

After these few times, she finally confirmed that Xu You is definitely a big pervert!

His humiliating behavior just now seemed like a reward to him, which directly broke Xie Siniang's cognition.

Are all men so shameless?

No, not all men are like this, many men can't stand such humiliation!

Xu You is an exception!

Xie Siniang was biting her lip at this moment. How could this young man, Xu You, who was less than twenty years old, be so perverted?

How did he become like this? How did his master educate him?

Is Mo Yuhuang so unreliable?

Does Huangfu Lan like Xu You like this?

"Senior Si Niang, have you taken enough photos?" Xu You said angrily.

Seeing that Xu You was still acting, Xie Siniang wanted to say no. She also wanted to take Xu You to the balcony, the bathroom, the sofa, the desk, the coffee table, and the ceiling.

He deserves to suffer the humiliation he just suffered, but the way Xu You behaves now makes her dare not do so.

If he really regarded all this as a reward, wouldn't it be a loss of his own blood?

He is happy when he teases himself, and he is still happy when he is teased by himself. Isn’t that teasing in vain? Lose money and make a fuss?

Damn it, how could such a young man exist? Xie Siniang doesn't even dare to call Xu You perverted and shameless now. It's ridiculous to think that scolding him might be considered as a reward?

So, after standing there and hesitating for a while, Xie Siniang still couldn't think of any good way to keep it a secret.

etc! No, even if Xu You regards this as a reward, it doesn't stop him from being afraid that these things will spread.

After all, if it spreads, it will cause enough damage to his image and the image of Kunlun, and he will definitely not be able to sit back and watch.

Therefore, rewards are rewards, but he is still afraid of this move.

After thinking about this essential issue, Xie Siniang's brows gradually relaxed.

That’s all, just give rewards, finish filming and recording first.

Then, Xie Siniang sneered, carried Xu You directly to the balcony, and then fixed him on the railing.

Xu You said helplessly at this time, "Senior Si Niang, I have told you several times, why don't you understand? I am the only one in the picture, no matter how you shoot, it will not affect me.

It must have your appearance and cooperation to achieve the greatest effect. "

"Shut up, do I need you to teach me?" Xie Siniang raised his eyebrows and said angrily.

Xu You shut up obediently and waited for Xie Siniang to make a move, but for a while, Xie Siniang was still thinking about what to do on the balcony.

There is no way, her knowledge and worldview in this area are seriously lacking. This thing cannot be used by imagination, but experience is king.

"Senior, how about I teach you? Can we do it faster so we don't waste time? I'm fully cooperating, just to give you a clue. It doesn't matter." Xu You gave a suggestion in a low voice.

Xie Siniang wanted to refuse sternly, but hesitated and asked, "Then what do you think?"

"It's simple."

Xu You smiled and said, "Just follow what I took with you, senior. Senior continues to kneel. This time, I am in the camera and you are not. Aren't the effects the same?"

"You are so presumptuous!" Xie Siniang said angrily, "If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will tear your mouth apart! You really think I am a good person, right?"

Seeing Xie Siniang getting angry, Xu You smiled and muttered, not daring to say anything more.

Naturally, Xie Siniang would not follow Xu You's suggestion, although it was indeed a very clever idea.

But how could she, Xie Siniang, take the initiative to suffer such humiliation again?

She Xie Siniang is no fool! I don’t even like doing that kind of work that costs nothing!

Just when Xie Siniang put his hand on Xu You's shoulder, Xu You said, "Wait a minute!"

"What do you want to do!" Xie Siniang said with a black face, "My patience has its limit! It is my initiative now, not yours!"

Seeing Xie Siniang's defenseless look, Xu You quickly said, "Senior Si Niang, I'm talking about business. I suggest you change your clothes."

"Why, are you tired of seeing purple?" Xie Siniang gritted her teeth.

"I'm a little tired of seeing you. Oh no, senior, I just thought that others wouldn't recognize you if you changed your clothes." Xu You explained.

"Think about it, senior, in my photo album you appeared in this outfit. It wouldn't be good if the part you took in this photo album was still in this outfit.

In addition, senior, your figure and temperament are very recognizable.

By then, if we are in trouble and two sets of photos are leaked, wouldn't others be able to guess that we are together? "

Xie Siniang was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and it seemed very reasonable.

Although, the probability of them being defeated is extremely low, but what if it happens?

"Senior Si Niang, I don't care if this happens, but I'm afraid it won't be good for you. I'm always thinking about you." Xu You added.

Xie Siniang glanced at Xu You and said nothing this time. She just acquiesced and turned back to the house to change clothes.

"Senior, remember to change into a cooler set of clothes. This will give you greater leverage over me!"

"Shut up!"

Soon, Xie Siniang came back dressed in a different outfit. This time it was a gradient dress, with a gradient of red and purple.

The most important thing is that this long dress is like a tight-fitting dress, a hip-hugging skirt that shows off the body curves.

Coupled with Xie Siniang's invincible figure, Apex Level appearance and impeccable charming temperament, Xu You only felt that he was a little blinded.

Although the long skirt is not very cool, it is far better than cool.

At this moment, Xu You truly realized how incredible Xie Siniang's figure was. Every part of her body was a masterpiece of fatness and thinness.

It's hard to imagine what it would be like to have such a mature woman.

"Good-looking?" Xie Siniang walked up to Xu You, stretched out her hand to hook Xu You's chin, and looked at Xu You with charming eyes.

Xu You just raised his chin and looked at Xie Siniang close at hand.

I couldn't help but marvel at the other person's appearance. How could he have such a good-looking face in this world? Xie Siniang, who has the blood of Celestial Fox, really has an Apex Level appearance.

Just looking at this face makes me feel extremely happy and comfortable.

"Senior Siniang is so good-looking. I have never seen a senior Siniang who is even more good-looking." Xu You said frankly.

"Including Huangfu Lan?" Xie Siniang asked.

"Ahem, this junior has answered this question before. Each has its own merits." Xu You gave a moderate answer.

Xie Siniang smiled slightly and directly unlocked Xu You's cultivation limitations.

The latter was stunned for a moment when he saw this, "Senior Si Niang, you don't plan to continue filming?"

"No more filming."

"This is wrong." Xu You shook his head and said, "Senior Si Niang, how can you give up just because you say you give up?"

"Why, are you too impatient for me to give up? Shouldn't you be happy?"

Xu You smiled stiffly and finally asked, "That's it, right? I have something in senior's hands, right?"

"It's still early." Xie Siniang looked at Xu You and said calmly, "I have also thought clearly. It is useless to restrict you physically. You must attack mentally."

"Senior Si Niang, what do you mean?" Xu You had some bad premonitions in her heart.

"It's not interesting. I'll help you take a video of the conversation."

"say what?"

"It's very simple." Xie Siniang looked at Erlang's legs and sat down with a charming look, her right leg swaying slightly.

"Just say, Xie Siniang is your favorite woman in the world, even more than Huangfu Lan and your master."

"What!" Xu You widened his eyes and said angrily, "Senior, how could you do this! You are going too far!"

"I'm just asking you to say something. I won't show it to others. Why are you panicking?"

The corner of Xu You's mouth twitched slightly. If this real image were taken, it would indeed be much more powerful to him than those photos.

Once it is filmed, it must not be circulated, otherwise the aunt and her master will tear themselves apart.

That means that from now on, we can only live side by side with Xie Siniang.

Alas, Xu You sighed inwardly. He had actually expected it, but he didn't expect that Xie Siniang would play like this. She was worthy of her nickname.

"Come on then." Xu You spread his hands.

"Oh? So happy?" Xie Siniang was a little surprised.

Xu You shrugged, "It doesn't matter. Anyway, we will cooperate well with senior in the future. This thing can't be leaked. Just like senior, your photos can't be leaked. It's the same reason."

Seeing Xu You click on his photo, the smile on Xie Siniang's face stopped again.

There was nothing she could do about it, this matter really worried her. No matter how she made Xu You shut up about the power of this matter.

This is the inequality between men and women. The reputation of a woman's family is really too important.

If Xu You's nude photos leak out, others will say that he is awesome and romantic. But if his story spreads, it will be an abyss.

"Say!" Xie Siniang angrily filmed Xu You.

Xu You recorded this passage generously, and was very cooperative and serious in both expression and demeanor.

As a result, Xie Siniang felt an inexplicable guilty conscience, as if everything she said was true, which made her very uncomfortable and immediately turned her head away from Xu You after taking the photo.

"Senior, how are you? Do you need to say anything else?" Xu You asked thoughtfully.

"No need!" Xie Siniang put away the video angrily.

At this moment, she realized that all her mental attacks were useless. Xu You was really difficult to describe in words.

It's like a piece of meat on a hob. No matter how much you do it, it will feel bad and you won't be able to hit his pain point at all.

"Senior Si Niang, I think this real image has some flaws." Xu You said eloquently, "You think, this statement is unfounded, you don't even appear in the picture.

Who would believe this? If you want me to say it, it would be more convincing when we are more intimate, such as hugging and kissing."

"Shut up!" Xie Siniang shouted to stop Xu You.

He is not a piece of meat, he is just a shameless little thief!

How could there be such a young man? Doesn’t he have any baggage?

Xie Siniang took a deep breath and did not intend to continue. In the end, she would be the only one irritated.

"This matter is settled. We will continue to cooperate well in the future. My handle and your handle have been forgotten by everyone." Xie Siniang made the final decision.

"Okay senior, we will be the most in-depth partners from now on." Xu You said with a smile.

"If there is a third person in this world who sees my photo, I will kill you!" Xie Siniang warned through gritted teeth.

"Senior, don't worry, I will definitely appreciate such a good thing by myself, how can I show it to others."

"What did you say?"


"You are not allowed to look at it either! Let me die there!"


Xie Siniang's face changed a little. She knew that her warning was useless. Xu You would definitely look at it secretly.

Xie Siniang became very depressed when she thought of Xu You secretly looking at those unspeakable photos of herself.

But there was no other way, so she finally just got up and left with a snort.

Seeing this, Xu You stood up and prepared to leave.

"Stay there and don't leave!"

"Senior Si Niang, what do you mean, you won't let me leave?" Xu You asked blankly.

"Why go? Stay here well, you will be indispensable for food and drink. Tomorrow afternoon will be your second round, there is no need to go back to Tianque City again.

Just stay here, no one will bother you. Xie Siniang said and walked out.

Xu You quickly shouted, "Senior Si Niang, how boring am I to stay here alone?"

"Bored? You may face a strong opponent tomorrow. Recharge your batteries and try to win."

"Oh, that really doesn't work. Please help me call two girls from Tower of Ten Thousand Flowers to help me massage my body and recharge my batteries."

"Who do you think I am?" Xie Siniang glared at Xu You with dazzling eyes, then turned around and left without mercy.

Finally, the private room was closed so that Xu You could not come in or out.

Xu You looked at Xie Siniang leaving, then looked at the private room, and finally had no choice but to accept this day of imprisonment.

The next afternoon.

Xu You, who was meditating, was awakened by the sound of pushing the door open. He looked up and saw Xie Siniang walking in.

Today she changed her clothes again. I don't know if it was because of Xu You, but she was wearing a purple dress again.

Her hair was tied up, revealing her slender snow-white neck, and her face still had an infinite charm.

"Go down, your second round will begin soon." Xie Siniang said calmly.

Xu You stood up and walked to the other party, sniffing the unique fragrance of the other party generously, and asked, "When is the third round?"

"Win the second round first and then talk about it."

"When is the third round?" Xu You asked again.

"Two days or three days, not necessarily."

Xu You said nothing more, walked directly around Xie Siniang and said, "I will go back after the second round.

When will the third round start? "

Xie Siniang narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at Xu You's back with a smile. She was aware of Xu You's movements from last night to now, sitting there motionless practicing.

His state of concentration is enough to show that he is basically in such a high-intensity cultivation state for a long time.

This is a young man who is full of talent and hard work. He is indeed a talent that comes only once in thousands of years.

Of course, the premise is that it would be nice if it wasn't so perverted and shameless.

How could such a good young man be so shameless and perverted?

Xie Siniang looked away and walked to the balcony. I don't know if it was a coincidence or something. The position of the railing where her hands were placed was exactly the position that Xu You controlled yesterday.

Xie Siniang himself didn't seem to notice this. He just looked at the bustling arena below, preparing to watch Xu You's second round.

Downstairs, Xu You came down with ease.

As soon as he came down, Xie Yuan walked up to him, hugging Xu You's shoulders enthusiastically and cheerfully,

"Brother Xu, one day is like three autumns after not seeing you. Brother Xu's demeanor yesterday really impressed me."

Xu You smiled slightly to show politeness.

"Brother Xu was in the private room upstairs all day yesterday?" Xie Yu asked hesitantly.


"Then my aunt." Xie Yuan became more and more hesitant.

"Senior Si Niang just locked me up there and let me recharge my batteries for today's competition."

"Sorry, my aunt is like this." Xie Yuan said apologetically.

"It doesn't matter." Xu You smiled and patted his cheap nephew on the shoulder.

Although he does feel a little "captive" by Xie Siniang now, it is not a big problem. Every time he fights, the benefits are extremely rich.

"Who am I playing against today?" Xu You asked.

Xie Yuan replied, "Lin Suluo, the first female disciple of the younger generation of Mo Mei Sect, her cultivation is at the early stage of the Five Realms. She is a very powerful opponent.

The strength is much higher than that of Wang Zheng. "

Xu You nodded.

He naturally knew that Mo Mei Sect was one of the Seven Underground Emperors and the most Apex Level force. The composition of this sect is the same as that of Wuyuexuan, one of the seven sects.

The whole family is made up of women.

What is different from Wuyuexuan is that Wuyuexuan is a normal woman who plays great music. She is usually gentle and courteous, and has very feminine charm.

But this is not the case with the Mo Mei Sect. The women in this sect all advocate independence and self-reliance.

Their personalities are generally strong. It is said that they can do anything that men in the world can do.

In fact, this is a very positive concept. After all, it is good to say that women should not let men down. But with development, it actually changed.

Many female disciples of Mo Mei Sect have become extreme and attack men indiscriminately.

The slogan of independent women is shouted every day, and this trend slowly spread from the Mo Mei Sect, and then evolved into various versions.

Xu You expressed that he was very familiar with this. Isn't this the prototype of Boxer? It's just that the version is relatively backward and not as good as Xu You's previous life.

Therefore, Mo Mei Sect has many little fairy fans who shout about independence and strength every day. The quantity is very large.

In addition to this, Mo Mei Sect also has a lot of male fans.

The reason is very simple. The female disciples of the Mo Mei Sect have a prerequisite, that is, they must be good-looking. Every disciple of the Mo Mei Sect can be said to be at the level of a fairy.

Xu You actually despises this type of male fans.

Do women who are so superior and don't regard men as human beings like them and even lick them like crazy?

Cheap or not?

"Brother Xu, you really can't take it lightly this time. Lin Suluo has fought many people before without any defeat."

"Don't worry, Brother Xie, I will never see any opponent clearly."

"There's one more thing." Xie Yuan whispered, "Brother Xu, if you are confident that you can win this game, you can perform a little harder. A narrow victory is the best."


Xie Yuan explained, "Brother Xu, you may not know that yesterday you caused a big sensation after you defeated Wang Zheng in an instant. After all, in the knockout rounds, it is rare to say that you will be defeated in an instant like Brother Xu.

Wang Zheng was completely ruined yesterday, and even Luo Haimen may have great hostility towards you, Brother Xu. This is not a good thing for you, Brother Xu.

Lin Suluo from the Momei Sect is famous for hating men and has said many radical things.

There are countless monks who like her, and many of them are fanatical. If Brother Xu could defeat her so easily again without any image.

I'm afraid that not only the Momei Sect, but also those people will be angry with Brother Xu.

After all, your opponent is a woman. If you act too harshly, it will have a great impact on you, Brother Xu. It doesn't sound good if it gets out. "

"That's it, I understand. I know it well." Xu You nodded with a smile.

The four words "humanity and sophistication" are the same whether they are on the ground or underground. Sometimes it is indeed a good choice to go out to save some face.

But for Xu You, when this kind of thing is underground, it depends on his mood, and it doesn't matter whether he will be hated by others.

Those of you who are crazy fans should pay more attention, otherwise it will be really troublesome if you get human flesh.

It's just that he doesn't have any affection for such brainless extreme women. He will decide on the issue of mercy when the time comes.

On the way, Xu You secretly put on the black clothes that concealed his aura before heading to his arena today.

The arena is still the same as yesterday, and I will always be in this arena from now on, and the host is still the same host yesterday.

This time is obviously different from yesterday. When Xu You first arrived at the edge of the ring, there were a lot of support and cheers from behind.

There are men, women, and dog gamblers, and there are quite a few of them.

Obviously these people are all the supporters accumulated from yesterday's battle, and their strength is indeed the strongest pass.

"Brother Xie, do I have a good odds today?" Xu You suddenly asked.

"It was high yesterday, but it has dropped a lot today. It is not too high." Xie Yuan said with a smile, "Now this one is almost the same as Lin Suluo."

"Do you usually have a lot of pocket money?" Xu You continued to ask with a smile.

“Sometimes it’s really not enough.”

"I suggest you use all your money to win against me, and you can also borrow some more." Xu You smiled, "This shouldn't be a big problem."

Xie Yuan was stunned for a moment and asked in a low voice, "Is it true, Brother Xu?"

"What, you don't believe me?"

"Letter!" Xie Yuan gritted his teeth, "I'm going to vote now! Brother Xu, please work hard."


After Xu You finished speaking, the host yesterday walked directly onto the stage, looking so passionate again. After saying a bunch of opening remarks to arouse the audience's emotions, he continued.

".This is the ninth game of the second round of the knockout round! One of the two opponents is Zuo Shandiao, who represents the Xie family of Wanbaolou!

Before yesterday, many of you probably didn’t know Zuo Shandiao.

But after yesterday, everyone here must know about Zuo Shandiao!

Yes, in the thirteenth match of the first round yesterday, Zuo Shandiao was defeated by Haimen's Wang Zheng in seconds! The strength cannot be said to be weak, and the Divine Ability cannot be said to be weak.

Yesterday, Zuo Shandiao used sword energy to fight. He must be a monk practicing swordsmanship. Its strength is very impressive at the early stage of the Five Realms!

Let us welcome Zuo Shandiao to the stage! "

As the host's voice fell, overwhelming cheers began to ring out from the surroundings, shouting the name Zuo Shandiao.

Seeing this, Xu You flew directly onto the stage and stood with his hands behind his back.

Dressed in black, he has an outstanding and calm temperament.

Of course, Xu You will not be as pretentious and arrogant as Wang Zheng was yesterday.

He just stood there calmly, waiting to open it.

The host passionately introduced the limited information about Zuo Shandiao, and then raised his right hand and said,

"This time we are fighting Zuo Shandiao against Lin Suluo, the number one disciple of the younger generation of Mo Mei Sect! This Lin Suluo is also in the early stage of the fifth realm and has extremely powerful Divine Ability.

He has had numerous outstanding achievements in the past and is a leader among the young underground monks. He deserves the title of the first disciple of Mo Mei Sect.

Let us welcome Lin Suluo to the stage! "

As the host's voice fell, a tall woman floated up from the other side of the ring.

She was wearing a light red gown. She was thin and tall, and her appearance was also very outstanding. There is a plum blossom between her eyebrows, and her face is rather cold, giving people a very cold feeling.

As Lin Suluo came on stage, the surrounding audience roared and roared, many times more lively than when Xu You came on stage just now.

Xu You looked at the crazy spectators around him from the corner of his eye, and he had an idea of ​​Lin Suluo's popularity. The quality and quantity of his idiot fans are much higher than that of Wang Zheng.

After a long time, the cheers slowly died down.

During this period, Xu You was looking at Lin Suluo.

Lin Suluo just looked at Xu You coldly between her brows, with three parts disdain, three parts indifference, two parts condescension and even two parts disgust in her eyes.

Xu You just narrowed his eyes slightly at this.

Just from this short glance, Xu You had a crush on this tall and beautiful woman.

He has seen this kind of woman many times, and is used to being flattered. When facing the opposite sex, he will naturally feel that kind of charity and contempt.

It's like this fairy can stand with you and say a few words, that is your great honor.

For such a woman, Xu You thinks there is only one way, just kill her and be done with it.

"Okay, the ninth knockout match of the second round between Lin Suluo and Zuo Shandiao has officially begun! The loser will be eliminated directly! The winner will get a hundred points! You two, let's start the fight."

After the host finished speaking, he flew into the air again and began to explain the overall battle situation. Xu You are the only two left facing each other in the ring.

"You hide your head and show your tail, you are a dirty and shameless rat." Lin Suluo raised her head slightly and sneered, then looked at Xu You with disgust, like looking at a rat in the sewer.

Xu You looked at the other party with half-squinted eyes, "Good guy, you put this kind of label on yourself without saying a word."

Xu You was not used to this situation at all, and suddenly his figure disappeared instantly.

When he appeared again, he was already in front of Lin Suluo.

The red dragon hardening technique was cast instantly, and then Xu You punched Lin Suluo hard in the stomach.

The latter's face was extremely horrified and he didn't react at all. Xu You flashed in front of her.

Then he only felt that his stomach was hit hard by an unimaginable punch, and his whole body flew backwards and hit the ground hard.

My body was turbulent, I was feeling dizzy, and I had the urge to vomit bile.

Before she could recover, she just opened her eyes and saw Zuo Shandiao stepping on her stomach with one foot and saying coldly,

"What are you barking at? Huh?"

[Fathers, I am here again asking for monthly votes. ]

(End of chapter)

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