Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 252 Chapter 346 47 Master And Disciple Enhanced Version Of Divine Fusion. Too Realistic To F

Chapter 252 Chapter 346 47 Master and Disciple Enhanced Version of Divine Fusion. Too realistic to face each other, the transformation and sublimation of the relationship

"Master, come here, hold my hand and feel it." Xu You said.

"No!" Mo Yuhuang refused without even thinking. Just kidding, after a while, he was electrocuted by his apprentice as soon as he got hold of him. How would he face him in the future?

Just like the divine fusion with him last time, do you still want to be your master?

"You can just tell me orally or perform it for me to see what the problem is."

"You can't speak or perform, Master, you have to experience it personally."


"Absolutely serious."

Mo Yuhuang hesitated for a moment, and finally floated slowly to Xu You, "What's going on?"

"This is the kind of master who has no problem with the process. It's just that the last step of using the power of the soul to perform micro-management feels a bit strange."

"What kind of weird trick?"

"I can't describe it." Xu You mused, "You also know that Master, I like to study some combination skills, and this frightening sword skill seems to be able to be combined with the thunder sword skill to form a very weird effect."

Xu You explained a little bit.

He discovered this thing two hours ago, when he was learning how to micromanage the engraving of the power of the soul.

Then suddenly there was a deviation, that is, he agreed to go astray. He was originally performing the frightening sword skill, but it could also stimulate the effect of the thunder sword skill at the same time.

The Thunder Sword skill is also inspired by the power of the soul, but it does not pay attention to micro-management.

Then this deviation started to go wrong, and the two sword skills seemed to be strangely combined.

This situation is somewhat similar to the combination of the Thunder Sword Skill and the Shenxiao Sword Skill at that time.

The only difference in the Thunder Sword skill is that it can electrocute people's souls. Xu You didn't know it at the time, so he electrocuted Mo Yuhuang immediately.

The combination of the two sword skills of Shenxiao Benlei can directly create a divine fusion space, and then pull the woman into the divine fusion space to perform the divine fusion. Xu You is the king of that space.

So it stands to reason that the combination of Thunderbolt and Shocking Sword Skills should also have some new effect changes.

It's just that Xu You doesn't know the specific effect. When he used it personally, he just felt an electric numbness.

However, with Xu You's current sufficient experience, he can conclude that there must be other effects. He has to find out this effect, otherwise he will not dare to use combination skills in the future.

So, he asked Mo Yuhuang to ask.

"Another combination? What combination did you use this time?"

"That's it." Xu You first explained the principle, "The Thunder Sword Technique stimulates the sword energy of the Thunder Technique, and the power of the soul is enhanced by the Thunder Technique.

Finally, the magic circle that can be formed during micromanipulation engraving has its own thunderstorm attribute. In other words, when the frightening sword skills are activated, they can also be accompanied by thunder skills, doubling the power! "

"So powerful?" Mo Yuhuang frowned slightly and looked at Xu You, "Why are you always so whimsical? In just one day, you can study how to combine two sword skills?

Didn't my master tell you that you are not allowed to combine sword skills without authorization in the future? The sword skills of the three Azure Cloud Sword techniques I taught you all need to be activated with the power of the soul.

Do you need to say more about the importance of the soul? A little carelessness can turn you into an idiot! Why are you always disobedient and do your own research? "

The more Mo Yuhuang talked, the angrier she became. It was because Xu You's behavior was too unloving. In her eyes, it was a self-destructive behavior that was too ambitious.

If something really goes wrong with the soul, the irreversible damage can cripple the person.

Xu You smiled and did not dare to argue. Naturally, he couldn't tell Mo Yuhuang that he was in danger. There was definitely no problem with safety.

So in the face of Mo Yuhuang's concerned anger, Xu You would not quibble.

After the other party calmed down a little, Xu You hurriedly said, "Master, I didn't do it on purpose, I just put it together inexplicably when I was practicing."

When Mo Yuhuang heard this, his eyebrows became closer together, "Then how far have you practiced? Have you hurt your soul?"

"It's not hurt, but I'm a little unsure of the effect."

"I understand, you can use it and I'll control your soul." Mo Yuhuang said.

There is nothing that can be done now. Although Mo Yuhuang is afraid that the divine fusion effect will be the same as last time, he has to control it personally before he can rest assured.

Xu You is so young and can easily go astray, but she doesn't dare to be careless when it comes to her soul. No matter what, you can take control no matter what.

"Okay Master, then I'll start."

Mo Yuhuang put his hand on Xu You's shoulder, channeling a ray of spiritual energy to explore Xu You's soul at any time.

Xu You, on the other hand, performed the Thunderbolt and Shock combination sword skills step by step.

The process at the beginning is the same, quickly pinch the first half of the sword technique to form a three-foot-long green sword energy.

The second half is completely different. Before, the power of the soul was used for micro-management.

But now it is to use the power of the soul fused with the thunder aura of the Thunder Sword Skill to perform micro-management.

When the endless electric current passed through Xu You's soul, the numbing feeling brought by the electric current instantly spread throughout Xu You's soul. At the same time, this current can naturally pass into Mo Yuhuang's body.

Faced with this situation, Mo Yuhuang had anticipated it and did not let go.

It's just that she can hold on if she gets shocked!

Of course, it was inevitable that his face would be electrocuted red. After all, it was the electric current acting on the soul.

As a result, Mo Yuhuang's face and ears were stained with clouds at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his overall condition was not good.

But Mo Yuhuang still gritted his teeth and pressed Xu You's shoulder.

Why can my disciple always endow a very serious and powerful Divine Ability with such attributes?

Then, Xu You began to engrave.

The power of the souls carrying the power of thunder began to carve the magic circle at an extremely fast speed, but the carving took only a moment.

Both Xu You and Mo Yuhuang’s expressions changed drastically!

Because at this moment, both of them felt a huge pulling force from their souls.

Mo Yuhuang was shocked. She was very familiar with this situation!

Although she had only experienced it once, it was deeply engraved in her mind, the process of being pulled into the mysterious space of her apprentice.

How can Mo Yuhuang let his thinking consciousness enter this mysterious space?

Going through it again is really something that neither master nor disciple has to do.

Mo Yuhuang wanted to pull her hand away, but found that she couldn't do it. The endless pulling force fixed her whole body there, and her consciousness slowly no longer belonged to her.

Falling directly into boundless darkness.

Damn it! How can you do this! This was Mo Yuhuang's only thought when he lost consciousness.

At this moment, Xu You was also experiencing this situation, and his mind fell into boundless darkness.

Faced with this familiar situation, Xu You almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

No, why is it the Divine Fusion Space again? Your combination of Ben Lei and Shen Xiao is this, so why is the combination of Ben Lei and Jing Xun also the same?

Isn't this a scam?

Xu You wanted to stop, but couldn't. He is a little panicked now and can't imagine how Mo Yuhuang will beat him after it's over!

Damn it.

Xu You also completely lost consciousness.

After passing through the darkness, Xu You saw this picture in a hazy state.

Blue sky, white clouds, beach.

The veteran actor’s magical scene.

No, no!

The previous Shen Fusion Space was fuzzy and hazy, like a dream.

But now the beach and the blue sky look so real that Xu You can even clearly feel the softness of the sand on the soles of her feet.

The most important thing is that slowly he found that his consciousness was less hazy and more real and clear. It's not like a full dream state, but a half dream and half awake state.

What's happening here?

Could it be said that it is the delicate effect of the micro-manipulation of the frightening sword skills?

Wang Defa!

Is this how this micromanipulation effect works? Damn it!

The next second, a purple figure appeared on the beach.

Xu You tried hard to see the other person clearly, but it was still unclear and a bit blurry, especially the face could not be seen clearly at all.

But the figure is very clear.

Xu You also immediately recognized that this was Mo Yuhuang, because he was naturally very familiar with Mo Yuhuang's figure.

Immediately afterwards, Xu You's thinking suddenly stopped, and the whole figure seemed to have lost the ability to think and fell into a state of instinctive behavior.

His thoughts began to sink slowly again, and then he was driven forward by a mysterious force. He and the purple figure slowly approached each other, and finally embraced each other on the beach.

And the moment they embraced each other, the last trace of their consciousness disappeared.

The rest is driven by nature.

Maybe a long time passed, maybe a moment passed.

When Xu You's mind returned to reality, he was covered in sweat, and the clothes on his body were so wet with sweat that they would become wet when twisted.

Mo Yuhuang also opened his eyes at the same moment. His eyes were blank at first, then a little afterthought, and finally extremely frightened.

Especially when you can see Xu You clearly in front of you.

Mo Yuhuang immediately retreated, leaving Xu You far away.

Many strands of hair were stuck to her cheeks due to sweat. The sunset glow on her face was like heavy makeup, and her chest was heaving violently, looking dazed and unbelievable.

The scene just now was so vivid in my mind, as if it was engraved in my mind.

Yes, this experience is completely different from the previous ones.

The last time I entered Xu You's divine space, it was a fuzzy feeling, like a dream. Especially after I regained consciousness, I felt more and more like it was a dream.

It's just that compared to ordinary dreams, this dream has a deeper memory and is not so easy to forget.

As time goes by, those memories from that time will naturally fade away and will no longer have such a big impact on her soul.

This is why she can face Xu You calmly in the future.

But this time it was completely unacceptable. The details were full. Although she still couldn't see Xu You's face clearly, she was 100% sure that it was Xu You.

Nothing is like a dream at all! It’s where the reality is manifested! It's those real details, so ridiculous!

At that time, my thinking was stagnant and my soul was still. The whole person is driven.

Now my thoughts are flowing, my soul is back, and all kinds of feelings brought about by the experience just now are flooding back overwhelmingly.

The psychological defense of Mo Yuhuang was broken again and again! The whole person stood there as if down.

Xu You on the opposite side also had the same experience at this moment. When he felt that ridiculous memory and experience coming back to his mind, his whole body was also shut down.

In this way, the surroundings fell into absolute silence.

There is only the noise of the wind between heaven and earth. Xu You and Mo Yuhuang are facing each other in a daze.

In the end, Xu You managed to wake up first, "Teacher"

When he opened his mouth to speak the first word, Mo Yuhuang looked like a frightened little rabbit, not daring to look at Xu You.

Without saying a word, the whole person turned into a fright and left. I don’t know the direction, I don’t know the destination, I just feel at a loss and just want to leave this place first.

If there are embarrassing cracks in the world at this moment, Mo Yuhuang can fill them alone.

Xu You stared blankly as Mo Yuhuang quickly disappeared into the sky, not daring to chase or shout.

He now knows Mo Yuhuang's mood or state of mind, and the other party naturally cannot accept such a thing happening now.

It was so sudden that I was completely unprepared.

Even Xu You doesn't know how to face it at this moment.

Damn it, he really didn't expect that the effect of this combo would be an enhanced version of Shen Fusion!

It's so close to semi-revealing that it's so clear and profound.

It’s not that the combo skills are different, the deviation must be different! Even if you had the Divine Ability before, the situation would not be like this now, and it would not be such an unmanageable situation.

Damn, if he knew the consequences, Xu You would definitely not let Mo Yuhuang test it.

At this moment, Xu You had so many thoughts in his mind that he couldn't handle them smoothly and it was extremely complicated.

The person just floated in the air in a daze, not knowing what to do for a while.

Not surprisingly, from today on, his relationship with Mo Yuhuang may not be able to return to the absolutely pure state it was before.

How should we get along with each other in the future? How to deal with this? At this moment, Xu You had no answer in his heart.

No matter how smart and wise he is, he is still helpless in the face of such a thing.

In this way, Xu You was in a daze. It was not until a few hours later that he calmed down a little and slowly stabilized his thoughts.

In any case, things have happened. There is no use in escaping. You have to think about solutions.

And maybe this will fade away as time goes by.

Xu You thought for a while and sent a greeting message to Mo Yuhuang.

But after waiting and waiting, there was no news.

Well, Mo Yuhuang currently chooses to escape the stage. I can understand that her mental condition must be worse than mine.

After all, she does not have the same mindset of information explosion as herself.

Thinking about it, Xu You couldn't help but think of Shen Rong just now and the details.


Xu You slapped himself hard and scolded himself: Are you still a human? Now is the time to think about the details? He is simply a traitor!

After another while, Xu You breathed a sigh of relief.

You have to find something to do for yourself. If you don't divert your attention, you will be really useless.

Therefore, Xu You continued to study the shocking sword skills.

He first began to study the combination effect, and called the combination of these two sword skills the Thunder Sword Skill.

With the bonus and changing effect of the Thunderbolt Sword Skill, it is almost unrecognizable as the Shocking Sword Skill.

Sword energy, sword formation, and sword rain, these three stages are all filled with violent thunder power.

The power can be said to have increased by a full 30 to 40%, which is very terrifying.

The destructive effect of the sword energy at the impact point is even more astonishing. Ordinary early and middle-level monks in the Sixth Realm will definitely die under the lethality of this thunder sword skill.

Even if one has a powerful cultivation level in the early and middle stages of the Sixth Realm, he will still be disabled.

But Xu You is still not satisfied, because the effect of practicing this frightening sword skill to the highest Apex Level can be borrowed from the general trend of the world. In that case, the power can be greatly improved.

In the following time, Xu You devoted himself to improving his proficiency and borrowing the general trend of the world.

Xu You is very experienced in using the power of the soul to borrow the general trend of the world, so it is not difficult to get started.

One day later, Xu You looked at the airburst in the distance with satisfaction.

The bursting sword energy overflowed with aura, and it also carried the faint pressure of the general trend of heaven and earth. The power is nothing short of terrifying!

Perfection of Thunder Sword Skills! It has been cultivated to the most perfect level!

Xu You glanced at the sky and sighed after a brief moment of joy.

The last one galloped away, preparing to return to Kunlun Tower.

This morning, when Xu You woke up from the room, he breathed a sigh of relief.

For the past two days, he stayed in his room without going anywhere, using his cultivation to enrich himself and calm his mind.

Three full days have passed since the last time I had a meeting with Mo Yuhuang.

Xu You's mental state has almost been adjusted now. He has completely accepted this matter and no longer has any emotional troubles about it.

But Mo Yuhuang is still different. In the past few days, Xu You has been in constant contact with him.

But the news was all in vain. Faced with this situation, Xu You was helpless.

But he is not in a hurry. He still has to give his master enough time to adjust to this kind of thing. Xu You also believes that Mo Yuhuang can adjust well.

The mentor-disciple bond that has existed for so many years should still be there. It just takes time to complete this sudden and sudden change.

Xu You let out a long breath again. As soon as he stood up, he found that someone had left a message for him.

It was sent by Xie Yuan, asking Xu You to come to Tianyuan City. Today is his third round of competition.

After Xu You replied to the other party with a message that he would leave immediately, he got up and went out.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Xue Qianluo walking over, looking like he was coming to find him.

"Sister, good morning."

Xu You greeted Xue Qianluo enthusiastically, and he hadn't seen Xue Qianluo for several days.

The two of them haven't spoken since last time because of Luo Qiaoqiao's incident.

Xue Qianluo just nodded slightly as a greeting.

Xu You was not in a hurry, and immediately greeted him warmly, "Sister, do you want to see me for something? Come in and have a cup of tea."

"I won't drink any more tea." Xue Qianluo shook his head and asked, "I have a question for you."

"What." Xu You was a little curious.

"Are you Zuo Shandiao?"

"Ah?" Xu You was stunned for a moment, how come even Xue Qianluo knew about this.

Xu You thought it was Han Qianyue who said it at first, but it didn't matter, this kind of thing was not a big deal.

"Senior sister, how did you know?" Xu You asked.

Xue Qianluo took several copies of the Di newspaper and handed them to Xu You.

The latter took the Di newspaper and read it. These were all very popular Di newspapers, and at this moment they all invariably recorded a very hot news.

[A strong man was born in this local ranking conference, Zuo Shandiao. Lin Suluo, the strongest disciple of Mo Mei Sect, was brutally murdered! ! ! ]

The title is just like this, and the content is even more exciting, directly describing Xu You as the ultimate woman killer without emotions.

He even exaggeratedly described him as beating women every day and feeling uncomfortable all over if he didn't beat her for a day.

It also gave rise to many nicknames, such as the Girl Butcher, the Violent Man, the Flying Big Kick, and other illogical titles.

Especially the title of Girl Butcher has received responses from countless people.

Then the page information is accompanied by high-definition pictures, all showing Xu You's fierce appearance when he exploded with Lin Suluo.

To be honest, there were many people who hit women in previous competitions. But there was no one as ruthless and unilateral as Xu You.

First of all, when everyone competes with a female monk, even if their strength exceeds theirs, they will more or less give some face and just defeat her.

Even if it means a violent beating, it will be won with Divine Ability.

Rude scenes like Xu You's with punches, kicks and slaps are very rare.

In addition, Lin Suluo is a very famous independent woman with impeccable appearance and figure, and she is an absolute genius in cultivation.

In the entire Immortal Cultivation World above and below the surface of the Divine Continent, they are all the talents of the young generation who are ranked at the top of the Apex Level.

It can be said that there were countless auras superimposed on her body, and then she was blasted into such a state by a strong man who came out of nowhere. Her master didn't even recognize her after being beaten.

The most important thing is that the Divine Ability and strength displayed by Zuo Shandiao make it impossible to guess his origin. We only know that Zuo Shandiao's explosive hammer Lin Suluo didn't use much strength.

How could such a match full of quality and gimmicks not become a big hit?

There is currently a lot of discussion surrounding the following points.

First, who is Zuo Shandiao? Where is the limit of his strength?

Secondly, now countless fairies have spontaneously formed an alliance to attack Zuo Shandiao's behavior, and want Zuo Shandiao to kowtow to Lin Suluo and admit his mistake. By the way, this incident was used to criticize the male community, and the trend became more and more intense.

Third, many men have spontaneously formed alliances to support Zuo Shandiao, the girl butcher, and the macho man.

In the major newspapers, there was a lot of quarrel because of this incident.

Countless newspapers, which are good at marketing and gaining traffic, came out after smelling the stench, adding to the matter and raising the profile.

Therefore, in the past two days, this matter has become the subject of heated discussion among many young people.

There are even many Taoist monks asking each other for their opinions on this matter.

Then it caused countless tragedies. I don’t know how many Taoists had different opinions on this matter, and then they had a big quarrel and finally broke up.

But the Girl Butcher never had any information.

From "The Lost Butcher" to "The Lost Love" and finally to "The Lost Girl" and "The Lost Brain".

This incident can be said to have caused a stir in the field of couples. It is known as a guide to whether the male test subject has a brain or not.

In short, this matter is becoming more and more demonic and absurd.

After reading these newspapers, Xu You fell silent.

He didn't expect that the matter would ferment in this way during the two days he was in seclusion. He is now indifferent to those who discuss him and the ridiculous things that have happened because of it.

I'm just worried about one thing, that is, what if my vest is broken in the future?

It’s broken!

Damn it, Xu You didn't dare to think about it. My head hurts just thinking about it.

Damn, Xu You now regrets not listening to Xie Yuan. You should be merciful and not so violent.

Damn it, are all these people so idle? How could a mere competition cause such a big reaction?

It was as if his arena match had become a trigger and exploded.

Xu You's mind was spinning very fast now. He was thinking about the details of that game and whether he had revealed anything that he shouldn't have disclosed.

Does Niwan Palace Sword count?

It shouldn't count. His Niwan Palace Sword was originally improved by the heart of questioning. Moreover, it was instantaneous under the cauldron, and the angle should not have been captured.

But I'm afraid that someone will take a frame and look at the real image to peel off clues. If they deduce clues and then apply them to me, it's still a waste.

It's bad, Xu You doesn't want to play the third game.

The risk of exposure now increases exponentially, and the opponents in the third round will definitely be tougher. I can no longer hide all my Divine Ability to win the game.

"So, junior brother, are you really Zuo Shandiao?" Xue Qianluo continued to ask.

"It's me." Xu You rubbed his forehead, "Senior sister, how did you know it was mine? How did you tell?"

"I also watched the video, and I recognized your Soul Formation. This kind of weird Divine Ability should be uncommon." Xue Qianluo replied.

Xu You suddenly realized that when he was in the underground mine field, he relied on this glue to save himself and Xue Qianluo's wealth and life.

At that time, she even put Xue Qianluo in her belly several times. No wonder she could recognize it.

"But it's unrealistic to say it's me just because of this, right?" Xu You asked confused.

Xue Qianluo paused, "You can feel it."

"Can you feel it directly? I'm wearing a robe that hides my aura. Even a monk in the Heavenly Dao Realm wouldn't be able to tell it at all if he doesn't force himself to see it." Xu You said.

"Behavior, movement and posture. In short, you can feel it." Xue Qianluo said lightly.

Xu You was stunned for a moment. Is this so? He didn't expect that Xue Qianluo had such keen observation skills.

No, this is not a matter of observation, but familiarity or a woman’s instinctive feeling. But this situation is usually based on certain foundations.

For example, familiar family members or lovers.

Thinking of all Xue Qianluo's previous states and reactions to him, Xu You slowly began to think of a possibility.

He is not a straight man who is an emotional idiot. He is still very considerate. Thinking of such a possibility, Xu You feels inexplicably guilty for some reason.

Why do you feel guilty?

"Why did you become Zuo Shandiao and go to the Land Ranking Conference?" Xue Qianluo didn't realize that Xu You had seen through a certain question at this moment. She just continued to ask.

"Ahem." Xu You calmed down his thoughts and explained the reason briefly and concisely.

Xue Qianluo was a little silent after listening. Although he didn't understand why Xu You had to do these transactions, it was not important. What was important was how to do it.

"Then you still want to go for the third round?"

"Yes, the promise must be fulfilled."

"What if it's exposed?" Xue Qianluo pondered, "With the current intensity of discussion about this matter outside, it would be very troublesome if people knew you were Zuo Shandiao."

"I try to be careful." Xu You rubbed his forehead.

Xue Qianluo hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "I have an idea. Don't you know how to fight wearing a cassock? That means no one knows who Zuo Shandiao is.

I can put on robes and take the field for you, and I happen to be a sword cultivator.

It won't matter if it's exposed then. If I beat Lin Suluo violently like that, there would be no problem. If a woman hits a woman, it won't cause such a big discussion. "

Xu You was stunned, what a genius idea!

I, the senior sister, should say it or not, but sometimes her mind spins really fast.

But soon Xu You smiled helplessly and said, "Sister, the organizer knows my gender."

"No one has seen you, how can they assume Zuo Shandiao's gender? Is there anything wrong with a woman dressing up as a man?"

"Awesome." Xu You gave a thumbs up. Unexpectedly, Xue Qianluo actually said this sentence. How many versions ahead was this?

Could it be that senior sister is the real genius?

"It still doesn't work. My bone age has also been measured. It can't be hidden. If it is discovered that the substitute has faked the game, all the results will be invalid." Xu You shook his head.

Xue Qianluo was silent, and finally he could only say, "Then you should be more careful."

"Yes, I will, thank you, senior sister."

"When is the third round?"


"Now? Let me go with you. I just want to take a look." Xue Qianluo said.

"Okay." Xu You agreed happily without refusing.

Then, the two of them went downstairs together.

When he came downstairs, Xu You found that even the Kunlun disciples on the first floor were discussing Zuo Shandiao's affairs, and they were talking very excitedly.

Seeing this, Xu You's head hurt even more.

Tianyuan City, Xu You and Xue Qianluo entered the city in a low-key manner.

This is also Xue Qianluo's first time in Tianyuan City. The underground Immortal Cultivation World is also extremely unfamiliar to Xue Qianluo. She has basically never been exposed to the underground Immortal Cultivation World.

Therefore, Xu You showed a lot of curiosity on the way just like when he first came.

It's just that Xu You can't take her to go shopping in a big way now, it's a sensitive period.

The two of them sat in the car and drove towards the Central Square.

Xu You got in touch with Xie Yuan on the way, and the two met secretly outside the square.

Xie Yuan specially asked for a large carriage from Wanbao Tower that could isolate all detection and successfully connected with Xu You.

"Brother Xu, long time no see. How are you?"

As soon as he entered Xie Yuan's carriage, he clasped his fist towards Xu You enthusiastically.

"It's okay, just a little unexpectedly annoying." Xu You smiled helplessly.

"I can't help it. I didn't know this matter would become such a big fuss. Didn't I remind Brother Xu at the beginning that we should stay on the line?"

Xie Yuan looked at Xu You with some resentment. Obviously, this incident also caused him a lot of trouble, and he was not having a good time these days.

Countless police officers took the trouble to find him, so much so that he didn't even dare to leave the house.

"My, I didn't think too much about it at the time." Xu You smiled apologetically.

[Fathers, here you are asking for monthly tickets again, okay~~. ]

(End of chapter)

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