Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 254 Chapter 350 351 Xu Jinfu Excited The Audience, And His Waistcoat Zuo Shandiao Became A G

Chapter 254 Chapter 350 351 Xu Jinfu excited the audience, and his waistcoat Zuo Shandiao became a god among everyone. This stock should only exist in the sky

Xie Siniang didn't get angry, nor did she say anything to Xu You.

It is taboo to kill an enemy on the spot. She knew that Xu You also knew that, so Xu You dared to slap her on the butt so boldly.

Xu You was not so bold before, but the reason why he dared to be so bold now is very simple. Today, he owed it to him.

Therefore, Xu You relied on these two points to directly and boldly perform frivolous actions such as slapping her butt.

To be honest, Xie Siniang was not angry, even though this was the first time in her life that a man had slapped her butt like this.

I was just surprised that Xu You was bold and bold, but he was really lifeless.

Xie Siniang is also a little strange about this. The reason why I'm not angry is not because I feel guilty for living underground for so many years. Her heart is as hard as stone.

This kind of secret operation against Xu You's opponent can only be said to be trivial.

So the question is, why wouldn’t I be angry when faced with Xu You’s prodigal behavior?

Is it really because he is afraid that he will not play the game well?

No, that's not the reason. Xie Siniang thought for a long time but still had no answer.

This Xu You does have some indescribable strange attraction to him. It's hard to be angry or disgusted with him. His behavior, speech and energy are indeed very strange.

There is a special attraction to mature women.

No wonder Huangfu Lan fell in love with him, Xie Siniang couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

In the end, she didn't think about it, but reached out and patted her butt.

There was no feeling at all. It was completely different from the one Xu You had just now. The latter's shot made her feel a little strange.

Xie Siniang stretched out, twisted her hips and hips and walked to the edge of the balcony in a charming way, looking down.

Outside the door, Xu You put on a robe to hide his aura as soon as he went out.

Walking all the way down, I looked at my hand and reminisced about the shot I just took.

Darling, Xu You only has one comment in mind, awesome!

The dynamics of the duo and the strength of the rebound cannot be described in words.

This stock should only exist in heaven, and how many times can we see it in the human world.

It’s hard to imagine what it will be like when your belly meets the water wave sensation of Apex Level.

Xu You admired Xie Siniang's physical talent all the way. When he arrived at the exit downstairs, he saw his eldest nephew waiting there at the first sight.

Xue Qianluo is not here, and she is easily exposed to Xu You's identity. She is probably waiting in an auditorium somewhere at the moment.

"Brother Xu, how are you? How do you feel?"

"Very moist." Xu You, whose mind was still occupied by her buttocks, subconsciously replied.

Xie Yuan was naturally stunned for a moment and looked at Xu You with some confusion.

"Let's go." Xu You immediately raised his feet after reacting.

Xie Yuan also quickly followed up and added some general information to Xu You.

As long as Xu You wins this one, Wanbaolou's points will be firmly in the top five.

And now one of the three-person team in the knockout round has been eliminated, and the other will play tomorrow. If they also win, Wanbaolou can go one step further.

If Xu You hadn't been here today, it would have been really difficult for Wanbaolou. The quality of the newcomers this year was really not good.

Besides the Seven Emperors, there are several Apex Level forces that are performing very well, and the overall competitive pressure this year is very high.

Soon, Xu You came to the area where today's competition was held. The knockout round has entered the third round, and there are not many people left.

So we compete a few times a day and only play one at a time.

In other words, there is only Xu You's game in this huge square at the moment.

The number of spectators around can be said to have reached an extremely terrifying level, as the intensity of the competition intensified.

Naturally, many monks on earth came here because of the reputation, so the seats were naturally packed.

But what Xu You didn't know was that today's event was even more lively. There were not enough seats, many people were standing around, and even the outside of the square was crowded with monks.

Broadcast the situation in real time on a large screen.

When Xu You came to the ring through the special channel for players, he realized that there was a sea of ​​people around him.

As soon as he showed up, Xu You was swallowed up by endless waves, and countless people chanted the three words "Zuo Shandiao" with incomparable enthusiasm.

To be honest, Xu You was extremely shocked at this moment. He is very popular now and knows that he may have many fans.

But I didn't expect it to be so exaggerated. There were so many spectators around that I couldn't even see them. There was no place to sit and they were crowded in every possible way.

Is Zuo Shandiao so popular now?

"Brother Xu, you don't know how popular you are now." Xie Yuan said with a proud look, "The Dibang Conference has been held for so many years, and no one has ever been as exaggerated as you, Brother Xu." Powder speed.

In just five or six days, the three words "Zuo Shandiao" spread throughout the Middle Earth and Heavenly Continent. Who in the world does not know "Zuo Shandiao"? "

"Is this like this?" Xu You looked around and finally realized how hot he was now most intuitively.

In fact, it is the right time, right place and right people to achieve unprecedented popularity this time.

You are strong enough, your opponent has enough traffic, and the most important thing is that the current antagonism between men and women has been very serious in history.

Men in particular have begun to awaken, know how to counterattack, and know how to use magic to defeat magic.

And in this context, it is hard to imagine whether Xu You will be popular if such traffic is captured in this way.

Xie Yuan said, "That's for sure, Brother Xu. I don't know how many people are outside now who can't squeeze in. They are all watching the broadcast. And Brother Xu, the real image of your game will be circulated as soon as it is finished." The world."

The corner of Xu You's mouth twitched slightly. Just the broadcast rights and the money from selling the real image could probably be sold for a lot of money.

This damn wealth is overwhelming.

He finally understood why Xie Siniang would be so coquettish in casting a honey trap on him this time, even taking huge risks to match himself with Lin Yuexin in secret.

The terrifying benefits brought by the terrifying traffic are indeed worth what Xie Siniang has done.

no! I am so at a loss! I still don’t want enough! After everything is done, Xie Siniang must pay more!

"Brother Xu, come on. Lin Yuexin is indeed a tough guy, but I believe in you." Xie Yuan said seriously.

"Thank you." Xu You smiled.

Soon, a host flew onto the ring. This man Xu You was very familiar with. He had hosted the first two games. I didn’t expect that he would be the third one.

"Everyone has been waiting for a long time! Welcome to watch the third game of the third round of the knockout round." The host shouted loudly with the microphone-like Law Weapon in his hand as soon as he came on stage.

The sound was extremely loud, ensuring that countless spectators in such a large square could hear the sound.

Apparently, this mic is a very powerful amplified Law Weapon.

As the host's voice sounded, the voices of the surrounding audience shouting "Zuo Shandiao" slowly calmed down.

"Today's game is very special in the entire third round, and you can probably tell it from the excitement today.

And there are many reasons why this is so.”

The host's voice was clear and resonant, and he started with the warm-up opening remarks.

"The most important thing is because of the two people competing against each other today. I believe many of you are here because of these two people.

That is Zuo Shandiao from Wanbaolou and Lin Yuexin from Bright Alliance! "

"Zuo Shandiao is an old acquaintance of mine personally. I am very fortunate to have hosted his previous two games. I have a very deep impression of his ability.

He is an extremely strong player, and those two games left a very deep impression on me. I still don’t know where Zuo Shandiao’s bottom line is.

This is a player full of miracles! At the same time, he is also a powerful man who only cares about victory and defeat!

In these two games, Zuo Shandiao won with absolute power, and at the same time topped the list of popularity in this local ranking conference.

Zuo Shandiao's heroic performance and playing style have been recognized by countless people! At this moment, he is loved by countless people. His fame continues to grow as live footage of the game spreads.

Today is his third round, let's see if Zuo Shandiao's miracle can continue!

Let us welcome Zuo Shandiao to the stage! "

The host's voice became louder and louder as he spoke this sentence. The last sentence was shouted out in an almost roaring manner as he leaned back and bent over, with veins on his neck popping out.

This skillful and emotional speech directly ignited the surrounding auditorium, and countless monks began to chant the three words "Zuo Shandiao" again.

Xu You flew directly to the high arena, stood in the center of the arena, and looked at the countless monks surrounding him, shouting like mountains and tsunamis.

To be honest, this kind of scene made Xu You's mood slowly rise.

Damn, is this what it feels like to be the ultimate idol? It feels a bit good!

The host on the other side was not in a hurry and let Xu You shine on the stage, letting the surrounding audience cheer heartily.

It wasn't until the cheers gradually subsided that the host came to Xu You and asked, "Little friend Zuo Shandiao, do you have any expectations or declaration for this game?"

After asking, the host placed the microphone in front of Xu You.

Xu You said calmly, "I don't have any declaration. I will try my best to win the game."

A very concise and concise sentence, but the host is used to it. In the previous two pre-game interviews, Xu You said less.

He continued to ask, "I have never asked my friend about my strength before. I would like to ask how my friend cultivated to such a strong level?"

This question made Xu You immediately excited. She was waiting for the other party to ask this question! It’s been a long wait!

So, Xu You cleared her throat and said seriously, "Actually, I have a very good secret!"

"Oh? Can you tell me what it is?" The host's eyes were bright, but he didn't expect Xu You's interest in this. I thought he didn't even speak.

"It's very simple. I use Heliansheng's products regularly." Xu You replied.

"He Lian Sheng?"

"Helian Adult Store, I think this is the greatest chain store in the world. It is the products inside that have given me salvation and allowed me to find the meaning of life. I will no longer be confused and become stronger and stronger!"

Xu You finished this paragraph with great emotion, but he did not say too much, but left enough room for imagination.

Yes, this is Xu You's plan. Use this stage to promote your industry. With the current popularity, if the real image spreads later, everyone will know the secret of becoming stronger.

How could you not be curious about Helian Adult Store? Why not go take a look?

After entering the store, Xu You believed that no man would walk out empty-handed, and no woman would walk out empty-handed. As long as they have experienced the product.

As for whether this kind of thing has anything to do with becoming stronger? The answer is definitely it doesn't matter, but it no longer matters at that time. Once this kind of product is bought, it will definitely not be returned.

It doesn't matter if a small number of people retreat.

Selling dog meat on a sheep's head is still a big business as long as your dog meat is fragrant enough for Apex Level.

I don’t know how much advertising fees I can save by advertising here now, and with such a large amount of traffic coming from the mouth of my “idol”, the benefits will be extremely amazing.

How could Xu You, who is well versed in the idol economy, let this opportunity pass? I just thought about this.

As for whether it would be embarrassing to advertise on the spot, Xu You doesn't care.

It's him who is embarrassed Zuo Shandiao, what does it have to do with me Xu You?

Fans pay for idol behavior. His idol is Zuo Shandiao, not me Xu You.

Xu You is a little in love with this vest of yours at this moment. Put on the mask and let yourself have fun!

Hearing the words Helian Adult Store, the host was obviously stunned for a moment. He didn't know this. At this moment, it is suspected that Zuo Shandiao is advertising, but there is no evidence.

As a host, he naturally wouldn't care about this matter and just complimented it a few times.

But it's different in the audience seats off the field. There are still many people who know Helian Adult Store.

As a result, the discussion became extremely lively.

"Does anyone know what kind of store this is? What does it sell? Does it sell health pills?"

"You don't even know about Helian Adult Store? Then your life has been in vain."

"That's right, this store can be said to be the most popular in Tianque City right now. Let me tell you this, no man can walk out of the store empty-handed."

"Really? So powerful? What are you selling?"

"You can find out by yourself. It's not appropriate to say it." Many people replied with a sly smile.

"I didn't expect Zuo Shandiao's taste to be the same as mine! I will support him for the rest of my life!"

"Yes! A strong man like Zuo Shandiao wants to use products from Helian Adult Store. Those who advocate the benefits of quitting porn still dare to speak?"

"Damn it, I want to get stronger! I want to die in Helian Adult Store!"

"Brother, calm down and relax, don't rush to death."

There were endless discussions, which directly aroused the curiosity of countless men.

Xu You was also very satisfied looking at the movement around him. This wave of free advertising is making a lot of money!

The organizer likes to take advantage of my traffic, Zuo Shandiao. Sorry, I will also take advantage of it!

"Okay. Zuo Shandiao's way of becoming stronger is really unique!"

The host finished this sentence in a nonchalant manner, and then looked at the audience again, "Okay everyone, it's time for us to introduce Zuo Shandiao's opponent!

That’s Bright Alliance’s Lin Yuexin! Everyone must be familiar with Lin Yuexin, or even very familiar with it.

Yes, she is the only daughter of the leader of Bright Alliance and the strongest disciple of the younger generation of Bright Alliance! The performance in the local ranking conference was also very impressive.

The opponents in the first two rounds were no match for her, and they were extremely powerful.

There are many legends about Lin Yuexin since she was a child. Her cultivation speed is the fastest among the younger generation in the Alliance. All the younger generation disciples in Bright Alliance are defeated by her.

The external record is also brilliant, with almost no losses. Previously, when I first entered the Five Realms, I could kill the enemies in the Late Stage of the Five Realms by myself.

Not long ago, I encountered a monk who was in the early stage of the Sixth Realm and was chasing him. Lin Yuexin escaped safely and seriously injured the opponent!

This kind of strength is terrifying. Lin Yuexin is the kind of genius who can cross the border and fight against the enemy!

Because he was born in Bright Alliance, Lin Yuexin has been exposed to struggle since childhood. At the same time, she expressed her disdain for men in the world on countless occasions.

Frankly speaking, from now on I will seek the perfect way of heaven and stand above all men! Such ambition really makes people sigh at the greatness of his ambition.

Judging from the potential shown by Lin Yuexin, this may not be impossible.

So, facing such a strong opponent, we will wait and see how Zuo Shandiao responds! We invite Lin Yuexin to the ring! "

The host gave another passionate speech. After the speech, countless roars and tsunamis erupted from the audience.

Most of them are female fans, and Lin Yuexin has more female fans than Lin Suluo. Moreover, after Lin Suluo's failure, countless Su family troops were left homeless.

This time, they also came to support Lin Suluo's sister Lin Yuexin. They only hope that Lin Yuexin can avenge Lin Suluo and kill Zuo Shandiao fiercely!

Clear the names of the little fairy sisters!

Soon, a woman in red clothes floated onto the stage, with a high ponytail and average facial features, but she was very cold.

He has a well-proportioned figure and the most important thing is his domineering temperament, which is proud and powerful. It doesn't look like the temperament a woman should have at all.

He looks more like a mighty young general. This androgynous temperament is actually very woman-killing, coupled with her ideological issues.

Xu You immediately understood why the other party had so many female fans.

For such a woman, countless little fairies will shout crazily: Sister, kill me!

The moment Lin Yuexin came on stage, his stern eyes were fixed on Xu You, with murderous intent in his eyes.

Xu You took it calmly. He had seen this look many times. The host immediately came up to him and said very enthusiastically,

"Lin Xianzi is very popular with everyone. I would like to ask Lin Xianzi what she thinks about this battle with Zuo Shandiao?"

Lin Yuexin did not speak, but coldly made a gesture of wiping his neck to Xu You.

Upon seeing this, the host smiled and said, "It seems that Lin Xianzi is very motivated to fight today. Is it because of Lin Suluo? We all know that Lin Xianzi and Lin Suluo are very good friends."

At this time, Lin Yuexin spoke slowly into the microphone, "It's not just because of Lin Suluo, I just can't stand Zuo Shandiao's behavior.

What's the point of bullying a woman? Such men deserve to die! I will definitely crush his head. "

The host continued to ask, "It seems that Lin Xianzi is quite prepared today, so do you think Zuo Shandiao was not graceful enough when fighting Lin Suluo?"

"Demeanor? Does he deserve this word? He's just a low-class man who hides his head and shows his tail." Lin Yuexin said lightly.

Xu You narrowed his eyes and watched the two people talking back and forth.

The questions asked by this bad host were obviously trying to provoke anger and arouse the emotions of the audience. The auditorium had begun to divide into two groups again.

Countless little fairies cheered for Lin Yuexin's speech, while many male monks felt indignant.

In fact, Lin Yuexin's double-standard thinking makes them uncomfortable.

Why, you women are allowed to hit men? Men are not allowed to hit women? In the ring, we talk about fair strength, but you talk to me about gender?

And the behavior of arbitrarily labeling all men is even more disgusting.

Seeing that the mood in the audience was almost over, the host stopped talking nonsense and flew directly into the air, shouting, "Game 3 of the third round of the knockout round.

The competition between Zuo Shandiao and Lin Yuexin has officially begun! "

Xu You looked at the other party slightly cautiously. This Lin Yuexin was famous and had some strength.

At this moment, Xu You changed his original mind. Originally, he thought that Lin Yuexin and Lin Suluo were different.

She doesn't look down on men unilaterally, but looks down on the weak equally, no matter what gender you are.

In this case, if you hit her yourself, you can be more civilized and less exaggerated, and there is no need to arouse more heat.

But now it seems that my understanding was wrong. This is also a female boxer, the kind of female boxer who is indeed very powerful in her own right.

Maybe it was because she had been in an excellent position for a long time that she felt that all men in the world were like pigs and dogs, or maybe it was because so many female fans slowly eroded her perception.

No matter what the reason is, this Lin Yuexin is a boxer. On the surface, he looks very heroic, but secretly he runs counter to it.

And her ability to become good friends with people like Lin Suluo also proves that people are divided into groups.

This kind of female boxer is actually more exaggerated than those who have been brainwashed.

Confirming this, Xu You decided to change his strategy and beat the opponent violently.

Of course, the more important reason is that Xu You has tasted the sweetness brought by traffic, and he wants to build the title of Zuo Shandiao into an ultimate idol.

The ultimate male idol who never gets any affection!

Then after this round, the popularity will skyrocket again, and you will get more benefits.

Who says that only women can eat the opposite traffic? Xu You also wants to eat this bowl of rice! He wants all male compatriots to speak out!

Build Zuo Shandiao into a sustainable brand! The benefits will continue to come in the future.

Lin Yuexin looked at Xu You with a look of sarcasm on his face.

I saw her right hand making the secrets quickly, black energy wrapping around her fingertips, and speaking three words: Ghost Hand Binding.

In an instant, the arena under Xu You's feet exploded, and three ghastly ghost hands grabbed Xu You with lightning speed.

From the moment Lin Yuexin made his move to the moment the ghost hand appeared, it was extremely fast.

Xu You's reaction was naturally quick. As soon as the ghost hand appeared, he flew away at extremely fast speed.

But the next second, his heart trembled, but at the moment when the ghost hand appeared, Lin Yuexin made another secret, and said three words: Soul Nail.

Several jet-black nails flew in front of Xu You the moment he flew up, and the nails were filled with evil energy and terrifying momentum.

It was extremely fast and was about to hit Xu You's chest.

Red dragon hardening technique!

Xu You immediately wrapped Divine Ability on her chest, and several soul nails were placed on Xu You's chest, making a clanging metal sound.

Although it didn't hurt him, it shook Xu You's body slightly.

He squinted at the other party, Lin Yuexin was indeed a bit strong.

She practices the Left Way, and has extremely high talents and attainments in this area. It is said that she has mastered countless Left Way spells, Divine Ability, which is extremely insidious and impossible to guard against.

You can't guess what she will do next in a battle with her.

Now that I see this small test, I really have to admire this woman's talent.

It's really awesome, there are no cheats and you just rely on your own talent to practice. No wonder Piao Cheng looks down on all men like this.

The host also explained loudly in real time from a high altitude, "It is said that Fairy Lin's left-handed magic skills are amazing, and today she really lives up to her reputation!

Zuo Shandiao almost got hit by these two initial moves, but looking at Zuo Shandiao's ease, this battle is destined to be exciting! Everyone, please open your eyes and take a closer look.”

Lin Yuexin was not surprised to see Xu You blocking his two Divine Abilities relatively easily.

Instead, she stood there and kept kneading with her hands, and all kinds of weird Divine Abilities rushed towards Xu You from all tricky angles.

Facing these elusive left-field magic techniques, Xu You moved quickly while making secrets with both hands.

Draw the hot wheel talisman on the left hand and the diamond circle talisman on the right hand.

On the basis of dual-purpose, Xu You can still cast two Apex Level Five Realm Talismans instantly, and in the most perfect manner.

This was Xu You’s original plan.

Exposure can be avoided to the greatest extent possible.

Although magic talismans are difficult for many Talisman cultivators, at least they are not as exaggerated as war talismans.

Although there are few Fu Dao monks in the world, the cumulative number based on the huge monk base is also very terrifying.

So as long as Xu You doesn't use the battle talisman, he will basically not be exposed. After all, the number of monks who can instantly cast Apex Level quality battle talismans is very, very small, and they can be found by elimination methods.

Of course, facing the monks of the fifth realm, the Apex Level five realm quality talismans are completely sufficient. The Apex Level five realm war talismans are used to fight the sixth realm.

Therefore, it is already the most powerful method that a Fu Dao monk can master.

To fight in the same realm, the same realm in the early stage of the Five Realms is more than enough.

Soon, Xu You had a bunch of hot wheels at his feet and a diamond ring in his hand. Both attack and speed.

At this time, the talisman that Xu You had cultivated in the past was useless in difficult cross-border battles, but now it is just right for use.

As a result, with the blessing of two talismans, Xu You became more and more comfortable.

The Hot Wheel is about speed and can easily dodge spells, while the Diamond Circle is about attacking, and it is also the most powerful and yang talisman, which has a bonus for this kind of left-field magic!

But what was easy for Xu You was a huge wave in the eyes of the audience and the host.

"What!" the host shouted in disbelief, "You may not have seen that Zuo Shandiao just cast two talismans instantly! And they were the Hot Wheel Talisman and the Diamond Circle, which are the highest level in the Five Realms. Talisman!

Oh My God! How did Zuo Shandiao do it! Is he still a genius of Talisman! Swordsmanship, Fu Dao, and physical skills!

Zuo Shandiao is becoming more and more mysterious! Who is he? How many methods does he have left?"

When Lin Yuexin saw that Xu You could instantly cast two talismans at the same time, his originally indifferent expression changed slightly, and there was some incredible color in his eyes.

But with rich fighting experience, she quickly adjusted her mentality and quickly formed the seal with her hands.

Three left-handed spells shot out instantly, sealing Xu You.

The latter disappeared instantly, and when he reappeared, he was riding hot wheels to get close to Lin Yuexin. The diamond circle in his hand transformed from one into a hundred and attacked Lin Yuexin overwhelmingly.

The latter directly used a shield-type Law Weapon with both hands to block it in front of him, and quickly retreated.

But soon her expression suddenly changed, and as soon as she looked to the left, Xu You's figure was still within the attack range.

not good!

Lin Yuexin used Divine Ability, but it was too late. Xu You's golden fist was already coming towards him.


A muffled voice sounded, and the fist blessed by the hardening technique hit Lin Yuexin's lower abdomen hard.

The latter's body suddenly bowed up like a shrimp, sweat pouring down his face, and his body was in turmoil.

The whole person hit the ring and rolled hard, making a big crater on the ground.

"Pick up the shield! I asked you to pick up the shield!"

Xu You instantly stood in front of the other party and looked at Lin Yuexin condescendingly, his voice unusually cold.

"Friends from the audience! Zuo Shandiao won a small victory! As before, he only had victory or defeat in his mind, and he beat Fairy Lin with a heavy punch again!"

The host screamed at the top of his lungs for Xu You's brutal beating of the woman.

Only Zuo Shandiao's violent beating of women can give people such a violent artistic beauty!

The surrounding auditorium burst into overwhelming cheers for Xu You.

The picture of Xu You's Explosive Hammer Fairy's lower abdomen was clearly visible just now, and Lin Yuexin, who had just belittled all men, was lying on the ground like a dead shrimp.

The male monks around him felt a sense of joy after a long drought, and there was only one word of joy in their hearts!

Xu You turned a deaf ear to the cheers around him. He just looked at Lin Yuexin expressionlessly.

The latter's face was extremely gloomy, and he didn't even know he had bitten his lip. At this moment, Xu You didn't take any last hits but instead looked at her in a joking manner, causing her self-esteem to be insulted like never before!

Her body exploded with terrifying cultivation, and she retreated slightly further away from Xu You.

His psychological quality is better than that of Lin Suluo. He doesn't say harsh words in an incompetent rage, but directly uses his big moves without reservation.

"Dear viewers, although Fairy Lin is good at Left Dao magic, what she really relies on is not Left Dao magic. It is the Apex Level evil technique she practices, Myriad Manifestations!

The Myriad Manifestations technique is extremely difficult to practice and is one of Bright Alliance's most Apex Level techniques. Among them, there is an Apex Level Divine Ability Myriad Manifestations Heavenly Venerable Law Manifestation in the Alchemy Realm stage!

Once this Divine Ability is revealed, there are few opponents in the same realm! Previously, Fairy Lin relied on the Myriad Manifestations Heavenly Venerable Law Manifestation to defeat countless enemies!

Now her tendency is to use Divine Ability to fight against her enemies!

It seems that Lin Xianzi doesn't plan to delay it any longer, but chooses to fight Zuo Shandiao directly to the death!

What? Zuo Shandiao actually doesn’t talk about martial ethics! When Fairy Lin was just lucky, he used his amazing speed to teleport to Fairy Lin!

Another hard punch hit Fairy Lin on the chest!

He actually... directly blasted Fairy Lin's chest! It’s so courageous.”

Xu You naturally knows what's good. Just now, he saw at a glance that Lin Yuexin was preparing his Divine Ability to fight. How could he, Xu You, decide the winner so quickly?

Fame is achieved with one punch after another!

So in an instant, he took action to interrupt the opponent's forward casting and directly blasted the opponent's chest!

[Continue to ask for big monthly passes from adoptive fathers~~, I really want them~~]

(End of chapter)

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