Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 257 Chapter 356 357 The Ultimate Feast Of Fun! The Showdown Between Apex Level Geniuses! Xu

Chapter 257 Chapter 356 357 The ultimate feast of fun! The showdown between Apex Level geniuses! Xu You’s incredible operation

As soon as Xu You stepped into the ring, the surrounding audience began to roar with cheers.

The number of fans accumulated in the three rounds is extremely terrifying. Although only two days have passed since the third round, the popularity has not completely dissipated.

But it's enough. At this time, as long as the three words "Zuo Shandiao" are spoken in Tianyuan City, no young monk will know it.

On the other hand, Zuo Shandiao was also included in the list of those who were most wary of criticism by the little fairy community.

I don’t know how many little fairies wrote essays in various popular newspapers to accuse Zuo Shandiao of his crimes.

In short, Zuo Shandiao is not only famous for beating women violently, but more importantly for his strength.

There is a saying that the boundaries of Zuo Shandiao's strength are still unknown.

Faced with the current enthusiasm for him, Xu You turned a deaf ear. He just wanted to end the game as soon as possible. Now, every second he stays, he is in danger of being exposed.

Soon, the host came on stage. Xu You looked up and saw that he was still the same person from the first three rounds. It was probably the organizer who had bound him to him.

As the host came on stage, passionate speeches began again. There was plenty of time at this time, and besides giving speeches, I was also tasked with doing a lot of advertising.

After a full quarter of an hour, the host said loudly, "Welcome again to the first game of the final round of the knockout rounds!

This round of competition will pit Tianxiahui, which ranks first in points, against Wanbaolou, which ranks fifth. The two contestants are Zuo Shandiao and Nie Zijun!

These two don't need any introduction from me. Everyone knows the strength of these two after watching the games during this period.

Zuo Shandiao won three games in a row! And they are all the kind who don’t try their best! The strength is so powerful and profound that there is still no clear answer.

After these three games, Zuo Shandiao has attracted countless fans, and its popularity has always remained at the top of the conference. It can be said that everyone knows it.

Far ahead!

I believe that many people at the scene today came to watch the live game for Zuo Shandiao.

Let us welcome Zuo Shandiao to the stage! "

The host landed with a passionate voice, the audience cheered again, and Xu You calmly flew onto the stage. Calmly face the gazes and cheers of the endless audience around you.

Then the host continued, "Nie Zijun is also amazing, winning the first few games even easier than Zuo Shandiao.

He cultivated to the middle stage of the Fifth Realm before the age of twenty-five. As the leader of the younger generation of disciples of the Seven Emperors, Nie Zijun performed steadily and always maintained his strong strength at the ruling level.

Two such powerful opponents collided at this moment. This is bound to be a very fierce competition. Of course, Nie Zijun's victory is still greater in the eyes of many people.

After all, the difference in strength between people with higher cultivation levels is also very obvious. The early stage of the Five Realms is still much more difficult than the middle stage of the Five Realms.

I don’t know if Zuo Shandiao can create another miracle this time!

Believe first, then question! I believe these two people will bring us endless exciting games! Let us welcome Nie Zijun to the stage! "

After the host finished speaking, a young man in a silver robe flew onto the ring. He looked at Xu You quietly with his hands folded.

The moment Xu You saw the other party, he was slightly stunned.

Wearing a jade crown, with long hair tied up, her face is like a crown jade. It is small, but its face shape can be said to be an Apex Level oval face, and its facial features are extremely outstanding.

The eyes are sparkling and moist, the bridge of the nose is straight and graceful, and the mouth is small but full and moist. Together, they show an amazing beauty.

It was an indescribable beauty, different from the women Xu You had seen before, and had a unique charm.

Especially that little mouth. Isn’t this a fucking cherry mouth?

There is also an outrageously white and tender skin, as delicate as white and flawless jade. Is this a skin condition that men can have?

Just looking at the face, 99% of people will think that this is a beautiful little girl.

Wearing a silver robe, she has a tall figure and a plain chest.

But the waist is very thin, and it is even more slender when tied with a jade belt. How can a man have such a waist?

To be honest, Xu You is in a weird mood right now. This person clearly looks like a beautiful woman at first glance.

But when I looked closely, whether it was his chest or the pine-like temperament on his body, I felt that he was a man.

Especially those eyebrows, which seemed to have been carefully trimmed to form heroic sword-shaped eyebrows, with the peak of the eyebrows quite impressive.

Xu You was silent. No wonder Xie Yuan just said that many people would doubt their own orientation when they see Nie Zijun.

When I saw him today, it turned out that his reputation was not in vain.

Xu You admitted that if the other person was really a man, the looks of this boy and girl would be incredible, especially his handsomeness which was slightly better than his own.

At this moment, Xu You really didn't dare to tell the other party's gender.

This is definitely Schrödinger's gender. Only after you actually try it yourself can you finally determine whether it is a boy or a girl.

Nie Zijun just looked at Xu You calmly, with a look in his eyes.

The host came to Xu You at this time, pointed the microphone at him and asked, "Little friend Zuo Shandiao, now you have successfully reached the fourth round.

The opponent's strength in this round is a little higher than yours. What do you think of this opponent? What should you do? Have something to say? "

"Try your best." Xu You said two words concisely.

"Little friend Zuo Shandiao still cherishes words like gold." The host smiled, and when he was about to take back the microphone, Xu You took the microphone directly.

He raised his gaze and looked at the audience around him, "Hello everyone, many people have come through Wanbaolou in the past two days to ask about my relationship with Helian Adult Store.

Asked me if I had received any money from them. Let me clarify here that I am just a loyal user of this chain store.

And their shops have indeed benefited me a lot. Every time I enter the sage mode, my mind becomes clearer and my practice becomes twice the result with half the effort. That’s why I recommend it to everyone.

Don't tie me to Helian Adult Store. They haven't paid me any money yet, so they don't want any more free advertising, just so you know. "

After saying this, obscene laughter came from everywhere in the audience. After Xu You’s last advertisement, everyone present basically knew what this store was about.

Now I just regret that it is too late to know that goods are in short supply now and there is no stock at all. Orders are scheduled for a month later.

"Of course, I am giving myself a small advertisement here. If any forces want to cooperate with me, they can go through Wanbaolou. I will consider whether to cooperate or not."

After adding the last sentence, Xu You handed the microphone back to the host.

The latter smiled awkwardly, but he did not expect that Xu You would be caught off guard by another wave of advertisements.

After whispering a few words, he came to Nie Zijun's side again, handed the microphone to him, and asked the same question.

"Try your best." Nie Zijun, like Xu You, replied indifferently.

The sound also sounds neutral, but to be honest, it sounds a bit nice.

Although the host was troubled by the two people's lack of words, he had no choice but to take the initiative to light up the scene and roar loudly and passionately.

When the audience's passion was almost ignited, the host flew up and shouted, "The first game of the final round of the knockout round has officially begun!"

Neither Xu You nor Nie Zijun were in a hurry to take action, they just looked at each other.

After a while, Nie Zijun disappeared with a hiss, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of Xu You, with a terrifying right hand fist and a faint green light on it.

Xu You placed his hands across his chest, and the hardening technique was instantly applied to his arms.


This heavy punch landed on Xu You's arm, and the huge impact knocked Xu You back ten steps.

Every time he took a step back, Xu You stepped heavily on the ring, leaving a deep hole to relieve his strength.

When Xu You stopped, his arms were slightly numb. He squinted his eyes and looked at Nie Zijun, who was standing there proudly.

It's a bit interesting. This person is so powerful among the five realms that Xu You has only seen in actual combat so far.

When masters compete with each other, they can roughly guess the opponent's strength at a glance.

The foundation of Nie Zijun's cultivation is as solid as Mount Tai, as sharp as a golden sword, and as domineering as lava.

The overall strength is extremely strong!

Ordinary monks in the early and middle stages of the Sixth Realm are absolutely no match for him. Monks of the Fifth Realm at this level are extremely rare!

No wonder they can be ranked among the top two young monks in the underground Immortal Cultivation World.

With such strength, there are only a few people on the Shenzhou Tianjiao list who can surpass him.

Xu You fell into deep thought for a moment. This time it was a tough fight. He couldn't be beaten like before. He couldn't beat him without some powerful Divine Ability.

When Xu You retreated, some men and women in the surrounding audience cheered.

After so many games, I'm used to seeing Zuo Shandiao blast his opponents, but now it's a bit hard to accept that he's falling behind.

But if the opponent is Nie Zijun, there is really no way. Nie Zijun's strength is like a monster in the hearts of young people.

He is absolutely unique among the young people in the underground Immortal Cultivation World.

"Nie Zijun was the first to hit Zuo Shandiao with a heavy punch! This is something I have never seen in the first three rounds!" the host shouted,

"As we all know, Nie Zijun is not a physical practitioner, but has only practiced Martial Dao. Now, is he dissatisfied with Zuo Shandiao's previous behavior by punching him first? Treat him with his own way!"

The host first offended and then explained, "I have to tell you something! Zuo Shandiao has several Great Dao Divine Abilities, and so does Nie Zijun.

According to President Nie himself, Nie Zijun’s cultivation talent is the highest among all the members of the Tianxia Association in the past thousand years!

He majored in the Heaven and Earth Hegemony Technique practiced by all successors of the Tianxiahui! Apex Level exercises that belong to the Taoist category. But at the same time, he can also practice Yin Formation, Taijutsu, Puppetry, and other Great Dao Divine Abilities.

He is an out-and-out Apex Level genius. This is a collision between two of the most Apex Level geniuses. Please watch this battle carefully! "

The surrounding audience members all held their breaths. At this moment, they forgot about their idol status and just wanted to see what kind of sparks would come out of the duel between the two most Apex Level geniuses.

Xu You looked at the other party in slight surprise. This Nie Zijun was more and more beyond his expectation.

He didn't expect that the other party could cultivate so many things while taking into account his rapid rise in cultivation.

He had played a big trick, and that's why he was so perverted. This is the first time Xu You has seen someone so awesome on his own.

It can only be said that the genius of Apex Level is indeed abnormal.

Without thinking too much, Xu You made a secret with his right hand, and the spiritual power of heaven and earth surged.

Five Elements Thunder!

Xu You cast the talisman instantly, and five thunderbolts fell from Nie Zijun's head in an instant.

The speed is so fast that there is no way to avoid it.


The thunder from the sky fell directly on Nie Zijun, turning him into charcoal. What finally emerged was a charred puppet.

There was no movement on Xu You's face, and she made another seal with her right hand.

Magic Talisman: Earth River Cart!

I saw a wall of rock and earth rising from the surface behind Xu You.


The moment the rock and soil wall came out, a heavy punch fell on it.

But Nie Zijun didn't know when he came behind Xu You, and the fist fell and the earth collapsed.

In the dust, Xu You turned around in an instant, making a secret with his left hand and forming a fist with his right hand.

Talisman: Binding Immortal Vine!

Seven or eight emerald green vines sprouted out of the arena again, trapping Nie Zijun.

Then Xu You punched hard.

Not towards Nie Zijun, but towards the air on the right.


The thick punching sound caused ripples and disturbed the surrounding air.

Under Xu You's heavy punch, Nie Zijun appeared out of thin air and took ten steps back. The ring was also filled with many small and medium-sized holes when he retreated.

And "Nie Zijun", who had just been tied up by the Immortal Binding Vine, turned into a puppet and landed on the ground.

Puppetry is a left-field magic that has ever-changing capabilities and is extremely difficult to practice. And this Nie Zijun has already practiced to the point of perfection.

To be honest, if the opponent was not Xu You, he would have easily defeated his opponent in these two moves.

After Nie Zijun stabilized his figure, he slightly squinted his beautiful eyes and looked at Xu You who was standing calmly.

The surrounding auditorium was silent except for the host's voice explaining the battle just now.

Everything that happened just now happened in a flash of lightning. Countless young people felt their eyes were dazzled. The two people on the stage had already experienced several high-level fights.

Finally, it ended temporarily with Nie Zijun retreating.

The battle scenes are picturesque. Although they would not be able to understand many details if it were not for the host's explanation, it does not prevent them from feeling that this is an Apex Level battle.

It's like a silver player watching two of the top professional players compete with each other for the ultimate performance.

The feeling of being immersed in the scene and breathing with the rhythm of micro-manipulation is so addictive.

Such as drinking iced sour plum soup in the dog days of summer. The refreshing feeling extends from Tianlinggai to tailbone.

"You are very strong." Nie Zijun looked at Xu You and said suddenly.

"You too." Xu You replied sincerely.

"I hope you won't hold anything back and go all out to respect your opponent." Nie Zijun continued.

"Same for you." Xu You nodded.

The two of them stopped talking and disappeared from the ring at the same time in the next second.

The movements were so fast that they could not be caught by the naked eye. The arena was empty, but the audience could feel the fluctuations caused by strong physical collisions exploding everywhere.

The sound of fists hitting flesh exploded everywhere.

From time to time, Zuo Shandiao was hit to the ground, and then Nie Zijun was hit to the ground.

The two of them go back and forth like a turn-based game.

This round they were purely fighting for their physical skills.

After a while, with the sound of a distant explosion, the two men both appeared and stepped back.

The dust was flying in the ring, the host's voice was extremely passionate, and the audience remained deathly silent.

At this moment, everyone has only one idea. If you can't watch this game, it's easy to doubt your life. The difference between humans is fucking bigger than the difference between humans and dogs.

There are simply no words to describe the genius and artistry of this Apex Level showdown.

Xu You was panting slightly at this moment and looked at Nie Zijun who was also panting.

In fact, he is not very good at physical skills. He relies on the hardening and gelling techniques as well as the sensitive blessing of spells to fight against the opponent.

I have to say that Nie Zijun is really strong in physical skills, so strong that even Xu You can deeply sigh.

After these rounds of fighting, the two of them have developed a sympathy for each other.

It is really difficult for geniuses of their level to meet opponents in the same realm who can truly fight against each other.

And once you meet them, you will inevitably feel a sense of sympathy for meeting similar people.

Nie Zijun looked at Zuo Shandiao in front of him, his breath surged slightly, and he said, "I want to know who you are."

"Sorry, it's inconvenient." Xu You shook his head.

Nie Zijun paused for a moment and then directly performed the secret with his left hand.

Yin Formation: Heavenly Devouring Thunder!

Five turbid thunders fell from Xu You's head instantly.

Xu You was shocked and evaded as fast as possible. But the incident happened suddenly and Xu You couldn't escape everything.

The last thunderbolt fell on him, electrocuting him directly.

The sky thunder drilled into his body with endless yin energy. Xu You immediately used the Nine Yang Immortal Technique to drive these yin energy out of the body.

Then he looked at Nie Zijun angrily, "Are you so small-minded? You don't follow martial ethics when I refuse? Are you so small-minded?"

To be honest, Xu You was really angry. The two men played in a gentlemanly manner today.

Xu You was very relaxed and unguarded just now, and the gelling technique was useless. But he didn't expect Nie Zijun's sneak attack without any moral ethics.

What the hell is wrong with not telling you my identity? Call as soon as you come up?

Be careful!

Faced with Xu You's anger, Nie Zijun paused for a moment, did not answer, and made a fist with his hands again.

Xu You stopped scolding when he saw this and was on full alert.

This yin formation belongs to the category of the Great Dao of evil energy. Divine Ability is mostly manifested by the power of the formation and the power of Taiyin, which can corrode the human body and soul.

It can be regarded as a relatively evil Great Dao.

This Lord Nie practices Taoist martial arts, and also practices the evil Great Dao. This incompatible cultivation method of water and fire is really weird.

This is absolutely not possible in the above-ground Immortal Cultivation World, that is, only in this underground driving world can all kinds of innovative cultivation be possible.

This provides Xu You with an idea. He has always practiced the righteous way, but he can try to practice the evil way in the future. Many times it can have incredible effects.

Yin Formation: Nine Yin Killing Formation!

As Nie Zijun's kneading movements stopped, a gray beam of light rose simultaneously from nine specific directions in the entire arena, and finally a yin fire glowing green emerged from it.

Xu You looked at the nine green yin fires with great vigilance, and he could feel the terrifying yin energy in them just by looking at them.

Then nine yin fires shot towards Xu You at the same time in an extremely weird trajectory. At the same time, nine gray light beams were connected together to form an inverted magic circle.

Directly trap Xu You in the magic circle, restricting his flexibility.

After displaying the Nine Yin Killing Formation, Nie Zijun's aura was obviously sluggish, and there were many beads of sweat on his forehead.

Obviously, this Divine Ability is also very stressful for him.

Within the Nine Yin Killing Formation, Xu You was currently stepping on the Hot Wheels to avoid the nine Yin Fires.

The pressure is also full. This thing has a tracking and locking function, and its elusive trajectory is unpredictable. The most important thing is that it is integrated with the formation above.

Energy is being continuously sent in, and the Yin Fire is not weakening, but is getting stronger.

If he continues like this, he will be hit sooner or later. If these nine yin fires fall on you, you will definitely be seriously injured.

Xu You looked up at the formation. The top priority was to break the formation.

Talisman: Five Elements Heavenly Thunder!

When the Five Elements Sky Thunder from Zhi Gang Zhi Yang fell on the Yin Formation, it made a huge explosion, and a hole was blown out of the formation. However, the hole was completely repaired in an instant.

Xu You frowned slightly and looked at this weird formation. Then, while dodging, he simultaneously activated several talismans to attack.

It can cause damage, but it cannot cause actual damage.

After a while, Xu You panted slightly and looked at the stubborn Nine Yin Killing Formation. Damn, this thing is really difficult to break. It really can't be broken without some real skills.

"Ni Wan Palace Sword! It's up to you! Don't go astray when you activate it now!" Xu You secretly whispered in his heart.

As long as the Niwan Palace Sword does not come out from between your eyebrows, no one will recognize it as the Niwan Palace Sword if it comes out from somewhere else!

He is the only one in the world who knows how to use the "Dick Sword", so there is no chance of anyone recognizing him!

As for using the dick sword in full view of the public, it is really not appropriate, the society will die.

But it doesn’t matter to Xu You, because again, it’s him, Zuo Shandiao, who died in society, and it has nothing to do with me, Xu You!

Xu You, who is wearing a vest, will not care about these problems.

Soon, Xu You pinched the sword technique of Niwan Palace Sword with both hands. When the spiritual energy began to move in the body in a special way, Xu You felt happy!

It’s this familiar feeling! It’s this familiar feeling of the cock sword that I haven’t seen for a long time!


Xu You shouted loudly, and then began to thrust out his big hips, and one after another extremely sharp sword energy shot out from his perineum point.

Da da da~~

The golden bird Trinlin is extremely powerful!

Soon the Nine Yin Killing Formation began to crumble. This Niwan Palace Sword was originally the most Apex Level sword skill Divine Ability, relying on the absolute sharp sword power.

Now Xu You's cultivation level can easily kill five realm monks with a Niwan Palace Sword, not to mention the power of such a formation.

Under the power of the Niwan Palace swords, this formation could not hold up at all.

Outside the formation, Nie Zijun was standing there, staring at Xu You with his beautiful eyes.

Others are stupid.

I have never seen such a heaven-defying sword energy attack method in my life.

Can you imagine this? In a ring with countless people watching, a man thrust out his crotch and kept firing sword energy.

The picture is so beautiful that I don’t dare to look at it any longer. If I look at it twice, it will explode!

The host's synchronous commentary also echoed around, "Nie Zijun first used a thunder technique to sneak attack Zuo Shandiao without respecting martial ethics.

It seems that the two of them were chatting for a while and got into trouble, so Nie Zijun got angry and took action!

Zuo Shandiao was hit, but it was not a big problem.

What! Nie Zijun directly deployed a large Yin array.

I know this Yin Formation. It is the famous Nine Yin Killing Formation. Its Yin Fire God is difficult to defend against! Together with the formation, life and death are endless. Unless those who enter the formation can break the formation, there is no way to avoid it until they are defeated by the Yin Fire.

I didn’t expect Nie Zijun to have such terrifying accomplishments in the Yin Formation! He is really an absolute genius!

Although Zuo Shandiao is flexible, he can only escape in embarrassment now! He tried many spells, but couldn't break the formation.

For Zuo Shandiao, it seems that he is in a dilemma.


Zuo Shandiao plans to use sword skills to break the formation! Wow, his sword energy is invincible, very powerful sword energy. With this level of sword energy, it would not be difficult to break the formation.


What is Zuo Shandiao doing? He's thrusting his crotch! His sword energy was actually inspired from the perineum point!

Oh my gosh, I've been hosting competitions big and small for decades! Never seen such a form of sword energy? What kind of sword skill is this?

How can there be sword energy shot out from the perineum point in the world?

Zuo Shandiao is still sticking out his hips, he."

At the end of the sentence, the host gradually lost his voice and just stared blankly at Xu You who kept thrusting his crotch.

After hosting competitions for so many years, what big scenes has he not seen? What kind of outrageous situation have you never seen?

Well, I’ve never seen this before.

The unimaginable heaven-defying sword energy has never been heard of or seen before. Is that a place where you can also practice swordsmanship?

Isn't he afraid of becoming a eunuch? Or is he a eunuch himself?

Everyone in the surrounding auditorium was also silent, watching Xu You's operation.

They think the same as the host, but with an extra layer. Many of them are young people. If this situation happens to them, they will have to find a way out.

But Zuo Shandiao looked as if nothing had happened and was very serious!

How strong his psychology must be! Is it because he has such a strong psychology that he can become such a strong man?


A huge explosion sounded, and the Nine Yin Killing Formation was directly cut through by the Niwan Palace Sword. The strong wind wrapped in the broken formation made the surroundings chaotic.

Nie Zijun's clothes were blown by the wind, but he did not have any mood swings because the formation was destroyed. He just stared at the man named Zuo Shandiao in front of him.

He is really weird!

Xu You breathed a long sigh of relief and slowly landed on the ground, standing there with his hands folded, his temperament was indifferent.

The perverted behavior just now is like two people.

He also noticed the silence around him, and roughly knew the reason for it, but he was not panicked at all, and he was not ashamed at all with the mask on.

He was just pretending to be a master with his arrogant head raised.

"Hey, do you still want to fight?" Xu You looked at Nie Zijun and said calmly, "I'm not as shameless as you to sneak attacks, but if you keep wandering around, don't blame me for taking action directly."

Nie Zijun gradually calmed down after hearing the words, and his expression that had always been relatively indifferent was full of hesitation to speak.

He wanted to ask Xu You a question, but in the end he didn't speak. He just nodded slightly and said,

"Usual methods will never lead to victory or defeat, so there is no need to waste time and just decide the result with one move. Otherwise it is meaningless."

"That's what I meant." Xu You nodded with satisfaction. He didn't have many ordinary and unknown methods, and he couldn't delay it any longer.

When the host on the side heard this conversation, he immediately cheered up, came back from the downtime, and said passionately,

"Zuo Shandiao just showed us a unique counterattack and successfully broke through the Nine Yin Killing Formation! Now the two of them have to show their true strength to fight and decide the outcome!

let us wait and see! I can't imagine how wonderful this will be!

What Nie Zijun really relies on is the Heaven and Earth Hegemony Technique. It is said that its Divine Ability has three points of Origin Returning, corresponding to the three realms of humanity, alchemy, and heaven!

But we still don’t know where the true limit of Zuo Shandiao’s strength lies! I hope to see Zuo Shandiao’s true strength later.”

On the stage, Nie Zijun took a deep breath and used all his strength to utilize his majestic cultivation. The whole person's momentum kept rising.

The mighty Taoist energy spurted out, completely different from the time when he used the heretical means just now.

And the strong Taoist aura is filled with an extremely domineering aura.

Xu You squinted at Nie Zijun's strength. It is indeed the Heaven and Earth Domination Technique, an Apex Level technique that can only be practiced by the descendants of the president of the Tianxiahui.

Just from the quality of the breath, you can tell that this is absolutely awesome.

In an instant, Nie Zijun used his full power with a powerful momentum. At the same time, both hands quickly made secret gestures.

Earth Yuan Slash!

The Divine Ability of the most Apex Level Heaven and Earth Domination Technique that can be practiced in the Alchemy Realm. Three points, the land in Origin Returning, Primordial Spirit pass!

Buzz buzz~

The surrounding spiritual energy of heaven and earth immediately boiled, condensing into dozens of murderous golden knives around Nie Zijun.

Mysterious inscriptions floated and swirled on the illusory golden sword, followed by the sun's suppression.

These magnificent golden knives stood there brightly, each one buzzing with a clear and crisp sound, and exuding an extremely domineering aura.

I didn't even dare to look directly at him, the domineering energy and wheel sun could directly burn my eyes.

Xu You was a little stunned when she saw the terrifying Divine Ability created by Nie Zijun.

He knows his stuff, and the sophistication and power of this Divine Ability can be said to be unique among the five realms.

With this move, it is no problem to kill the ordinary six realms in the early stage.

Look at their skills, the Divine Ability that comes with them can be so powerful. The Seven Kills and Pojun of his Nine Yang Immortal Technique are useless.

Compared with ordinary people, it is indeed remarkable, but compared with the situation in front of me, it is impossible to do anything.

If Nine Yang Immortal Jue, who is known as the invincible Late Stage, continues to be so far away when he is in the Heavenly Dao realm, he will be scolded.

Looking at Nie Zijun's shocking Divine Ability, Xu You didn't dare to be careless. Of course, he had already planned to use the shocking sword skills he just learned a few days ago.

Of course, he must use the combination skill Thunder Sword Skill. After the transformation, no one in the world will recognize the combination skill, and he is the only one.

"Why aren't you moving?" Nie Zijun asked with a slight frown when seeing Xu You still pretending to be cool with her hands behind her hands.

"Let me see if you still don't have martial ethics to conduct a sneak attack."

Nie Zijun's mouth twitched slightly, "I'll give you three breaths."

Xu You was about to take action, but his expression suddenly changed, and his eyes were fixed on the wheel of the sun above the golden knife. He was right, there was a very shallow ray of the general trend of the world!

This shocked Xu You. Nie Zijun's talent was so terrifying, and he could cultivate Divine Ability to such an extreme level!

Even if there is only this shallow wisp of the general trend of heaven and earth, the power bonus it brings is incomparable.

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(End of chapter)

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