Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 262 Chapter 366 367 Huangfu Lan Yun Yanjin Yue Qingyu Serves As A Judge, Facing Off Against

Chapter 262 Chapter 366 367 Huangfu Lan Yun Yanjin Yue Qingyu serves as a judge, facing off against the number one genius in China!

Mr. Nie explained at the same time, "This Xu You is a disciple of Kunlun, and he was unknown before.

After coming to Tianque City, he began to become famous. In a very short period of time, from the early stage of cultivation in the fourth realm to the current middle stage of the fifth realm, the speed is astonishing.

It directly broke Kunlun's cultivation speed record of nearly a thousand years.

He inherited the Nine Yang Immortal Technique lineage of the Vermilion Bird Palace, and formed the Eight Yang Dao Foundation when he entered the Four Realms. It was the same as Li Changsheng back then.

Now he holds the title of Kunlun's number one disciple. "

"Li Changsheng? I think I heard someone say that before. Is it very powerful?"

"It's amazing! Back then, his strength was all over the world, and he was powerful in China."

"Is that so? Then this Xu You is also very powerful?"

"Young master, you can watch his two rounds of competition. He is very powerful." Mr. Nie nodded.

"Eh? How can I be called Mr. Nie?" Nie Zijun suddenly became interested, "I have never heard of this name before.

It seems that I am ignorant. "

As he said that, Nie Zijun looked directly at the real image. When he saw Xu You on the screen, he was startled at first, then frowned, and finally stared at all the details of the game without missing a beat.

It wasn't until he saw Xu You's first round of real images that he raised his head slightly, and then his brows furrowed tighter.

"Young Master, what's wrong?" Mr. Nie asked aloud.

Nie Zijun shook his head, "He is very strange! But I can't say where to blame him!"

"Is he Zuo Shandiao?" Mr. Nie asked in surprise.

Nie Zijun paused and shook his head, "I don't know."

"Young Master, you are born with keen senses. Over the years, you can basically perceive big and small things accurately. This Xu You can actually give you such a feeling, so you should pay more attention.

Just look at his second round performance. "

Nie Zijun nodded and continued to look at the remaining image.

After reading it, his brows furrowed again. Strange, very strange!

I don't know why, although Xu You and Zuo Shandiao are far apart, there is always a sense of absurdity in his heart that the two of them overlap.

The temperaments of Xu You and Zuo Shandiao are very different. They look like two people, and their bodies seem to be fuller. And Xu You's arrogance is not like that of Zuo Shandiao.

Nie Zijun continued to pick up the real image and look at it carefully. The more he looked at it, the weirder it became. Finally, he suddenly stood up.

"it's him!"

"What did the young master say?"

"It feels exactly the same to me when he hits a woman! That's how he hits a woman!" Nie Zijun gritted his teeth.

"Young Master, isn't this too arbitrary? There are so many men in the world who beat women."

"Xu You also knows Martial Dao."

"This old man saw that Xu You's Martial Dao is much better than Zuo Shandiao. In fact, Zuo Shandiao doesn't know anything about Martial Dao at all. He just relies on the weird Divine Ability to look like it.

But this Xu You is the embryo of a real Apex Level martial artist. Perhaps you can't tell, young master, that punch is something that only the most Apex Level martial artist can do. "

"How can it be so different?" Nie Zijun asked.

"Yes, one in the sky and one on the ground. If you told me that it took nearly a month to cultivate a person with no martial arts foundation to this level, I would definitely tear him apart.

There is no such thing as this in the world. Martial Dao relies on building a foundation day by day, and there are no shortcuts. " Mr. Nie said in a very affirmative tone.

Hearing these words, Nie Zijun hesitated again, "But Xu You also knows swordsmanship!"

"His master is a swordsman, so it's normal to know a little bit about it."

"But...but" Nie Zijun couldn't say anything for a while. In the end, he just stared at Xu You's back facing away from everyone and said,

"Xu You gives me a really weird feeling!"

"Well, young master, let's read everything first and then draw a conclusion."


So, in the following time, Nie Zijun read all the remaining real images as quickly as possible, and it was not until late at night that he rubbed his forehead with a tired look.

Then he gritted his teeth and said,

"That's it Xu You! No one gave me any weird feeling, except Xu You!"

Mr. Nie said in a deep voice, "In that case, the young master can focus on Xu You first. But the old man still thinks that there is an essential difference between Xu You and Zuo Shandiao.

Young Master, please don't get into trouble, otherwise if Kunlun is offended, it will be a bit troublesome for us. "

"I know. His next game is tomorrow, right?"


“Buy the ticket that’s closest to you then.”


On the other side, Xu You naturally would not think that Nie Zijun would always want to find Zuo Shandiao.

Of course, it doesn't matter even if Xu You is known. His current strength and means are fundamentally different from Zuo Shandiao. Even if people doubt him, there is no evidence at all.

Xu You didn't panic at all.

He had just left the central square and had just accompanied Xue Qianluo to play the second round and won.

But it is still a bit difficult for Xue Qianluo. The opponents at this stage are all Apex Level geniuses, so it is really difficult to beat him.

But it's not a big problem. With Xue Qianluo's true strength, as long as he's not unlucky, he can go a long way.

Originally, Xu You wanted to find Luo Qiaoqiao, but this little girl is no longer in Tianque.

Her rotation period ended early, and this time Yun Yanjin forcibly took her back to the Joyous Union Sect, and then forced her to practice in seclusion, saying that she would not be allowed to leave until she touched the threshold of the Five Realms.

Xu You didn't know why Yun Yanjin suddenly started to force Luo Qiaoqiao to practice, and he couldn't ask more questions. He could only wait until Luo Qiaoqiao came out of seclusion.

Now Xu You has to go to Jubao Pavilion. It was Huangfu Lan who called him there just now.

I haven't seen my aunt for a month now, and I miss Xu You very much.

Xu You is now very familiar with Jubao Pavilion, and the people in Jubao Pavilion are also very familiar with Xu You, as Huangfu Lan's extremely special guest.

Xu You always gets the best reception every time he comes, and this time is no exception.

It was the good-looking lady who led him all the way to Huangfu Lan's private room, and then stepped back sensibly, as if she had no interest in Huangfu's personal affairs.

When Xu You knocked on the door, the first thing he saw was Huangfu Lan busy behind the desk.

"Good evening, aunt." Xu You called sweetly after closing the door, "You are still busy so late. Do you have a lot of work recently?"

Huangfu Lan put down the work at hand and looked up at Xu You, with surprise in his eyes.

Soon, she stood up and walked to Xu You, then looked Xu You up and down carefully.

"Have you really changed so much? I thought you had changed a lot when I saw you playing in person, but now I see you have changed so much when I look at it up close."

After saying that, Huangfu Lan began to reach out and pinch Xu You's arm, marveling, "Is this a physical body that you can condense with your cultivation? Is it to this extent!"

"How are you, Auntie, I have strong muscles, right?" Xu You smiled and flexed his biceps to show off his masculinity and majesty.

Huangfu Lan frowned slightly, "Martial Dao is the most important of all the Great Dao in the world, and he has never said that there is a shortcut.

How could you have condensed it to such an extent in such a short period of time! Little guy, Auntie is telling you very seriously.

Did you use any quick or taboo methods? This will only cause irreversible damage to your foundation! "

"Don't worry, Auntie, you just don't know who I am. I'm very stable and won't do stupid things." Xu You explained.

"As for my achievements in Martial Dao, it is due to my uncle's training and transformation during this period, as well as my own physical skills."

Huangfu Lan's expression softened slightly, and he waved to Xu You and interrupted, "Since you said that, I'm relieved. As for your physique and skills, you don't need to tell me.

So, your uncle Gongsun Li has been training you during this period? "


Huangfu Lan clicked his tongue and said in surprise, "Your uncle is worthy of being the number one physical practitioner in Kunlun. He is really powerful. He is much more reliable than your master."

After saying that, Huangfu Lan slowly walked back to the table and said at the same time, "Your master is training you to get good results in the conference, right?"


"You are still so young, and Kunlun puts such a thing on your shoulders?" Huangfu Lan is so wise, he can naturally know what Gongsun Li wants Xu You to do at once.

"I can't say that." Xu You said with a smile, "My master has been so kind to me, and I can't repay it in this life. I will do my best for this kind of thing that I can do."

Huangfu Lan smiled lightly and didn't say much. Instead, he bent down slightly to pick up the materials on the huge table.

Xu You stood behind her, admiring the exquisite Apex Level curves on her back.

Today's aunt is wearing a relatively loose robe, which looks like pajamas. The quality of the clothing is extremely silky and snug.

This style of clothes is very suitable for young women and mature women to wear, and can show the gentleness that mature women have to the greatest extent.

Just like Huangfu Lan at this moment, her black hair is spread out casually, and her lazy and charming feeling is extremely fatal.

Especially the pouting curves made the loose robe full.

The full curves of this kind of loose clothing are actually more attractive, giving people more space to appreciate.

The current aunt really doesn't shy away from herself at all.

Xu You's eyes were hot, and he was admiring openly, not as furtively as before.

Since the last time they were in Huangfu Lan's private residence, the relationship between the two has already reached the skyline.

From the perspective of the Huangfu family, these are enough to give the two of them the extreme label of "a cowardly couple."

Soon, Huangfu Lan turned around and looked at Xu You, holding a few jade charms in his hand,

"You are becoming more and more bold now, aren't you?"

"No, no." Xu You shook his head and chuckled.

I looked at Huangfu Lan so hotly, and the latter could naturally sense it, so I asked this question.

Xu You's coping method is also very simple. When you are with Huangfu Lan, you only need to remember four words: shameless.

If you are thick-skinned, you will be able to enjoy your life with Auntie.

Huangfu Lan glared at Xu You, trying to keep his composure and not show it to others.

Although it has been a month, Huangfu Lan was still very excited when he saw Xu You today.

Not to mention that the two of them hugged her and nibbled her for so long last time. After Xu You left, Huangfu Lan, who was above her, still thought that Xu You had finally completed a self-salvation.

During this month, Huangfu Lan felt extremely ashamed every time he thought of this incident.

It took nearly a month to feel like she was slowly adjusting, but she found that she seemed to be overthinking.

Because it wasn't like this at all when I saw Xu You again, especially when I touched the other person's arm that was much stronger than before.

Naturally, my heart was slowly turning upside down again.

"Take it." Huangfu Lan threw the jade talisman in his hand to Xu You.

"What's this."

"All the personal information of all contestants above the Late Stage of the Five Realms in this Penglai Fairy Club."

Xu You suddenly said, "Isn't this all public?"

"Publicly?" Huangfu Lan said angrily, "You compare that level of information with the information from Jubao Pavilion? I spent a lot of effort to get these.

It's basically everything on the surface and behind the scenes, very comprehensive. Since you want to get a good ranking, you must know yourself and your enemy. "

Xu You was a little moved by Huangfu Lan, "Auntie, you are so kind to me. Did you just give me these things when you asked me to come?"

"What if?"

"You didn't say you missed me?"


"I just missed my aunt, so I came here in a hurry. These materials are indeed good, but compared to these materials, I think it would be best if my aunt missed me."

"Shut up! Don't even look where you are! Can you say this nonsense here?"

"Then I understand. You can say these things if you are not here. I understand, auntie." Xu You happily put away the jade talisman.

"Okay, it's okay, you can go." Huangfu Lan quickly waved his hand.

"Are you going to let me go?" Xu You was stunned for a moment.

"Otherwise?" Huangfu Lan said, "My third uncle is beginning to feel something is wrong now. What if you stay here for a longer time?

You really think the Huangfu family are fools. "

Xu You's expression froze for a moment, and he said helplessly, "Okay, then I'll leave first, and then I'll find you in private."

After saying that, Xu You suddenly looked behind Huangfu Lan in surprise, "Senior Huangfu, why are you here?"

Huangfu Lan was shocked when he heard this, and quickly turned around to look, but there was nothing behind him.

Knowing that he had been tricked, Huangfu Lan looked back angrily.


But she didn't know when Xu You came closer, and kissed Huangfu Lan on the lips the moment she turned around.

"You uh."

Xu You took a hard sip, and then ran out quickly, "Auntie, I'm leaving first. The rouge on your lips today is sweeter than last time."

After realizing it, Huangfu Lan felt the lingering taste on his lips, his face instantly turned red and he raised his right hand.

Xu You who ran to the door was grabbed by the back of Destiny's neck and dragged back.

"How dare you be so presumptuous!" Huangfu Lan said angrily.

"Auntie, don't be angry. I can't help it. I really can't help it. It's been so long since I've seen Auntie. I miss her so much. I want to kiss her day and night."

Listening to Xu You's sweet words, Huangfu Lan felt increasingly ashamed.

The little guy is always like this, sweet words of love come out of his mouth. I don’t know how he can be so shameless at such a young age.

But I have to say that listening to love words makes people full of joy. This is why Xu You's sweet mouth is liked by her aunt.

"Shut up, that's enough!" Huangfu Lan raised his eyebrows and said.

Xu You really shut up this time.

"I haven't asked you yet, how do you feel about using such a name as Zuo Shandiao?" Huangfu Lan snorted coldly.

"No idea." Xu You quickly shook his head, "I will never have anything to do with Zuo Shandiao again in this life."

"Haha." Huangfu Lan sneered, "I also heard that during that time in Tianyuan City, you basically stayed at Xie Mengqing's place every day?"


Xu You was shocked. Since Xie Siniang had a criminal record, the first thing Xu You thought of was whether Xie Siniang had told Huangfu Lan that he and she had become lovers again.

But then I thought about it, probably not. This matter is something that is good for both of them and is something that is kept secret.

How could Xie Siniang talk nonsense about this matter? Of course, it is not ruled out that Xie Siniang is showing off on Huangfu Lan's side.

You don't have to say anything specific, but it seems possible to say something ambiguous. After all, these two have been bitter enemies for many years.

"What?" Xu You pretended to be surprised, "Is it senior Si Niang and auntie? What did you say?"

"What?" Huangfu Lan raised his eyebrows slightly, "You know what you did with that vixen."

"Auntie, don't just listen to the wind and rain. I was under house arrest during that time, and I was not allowed to go until I finished the game." Xu You said helplessly.

"You also know Senior Siniang's methods, and I am no match for him. If I had known better, I shouldn't have agreed to help in the game."

Huangfu Lan did not doubt Xu You's words. In her opinion, although Xie Siniang was charming, she was extremely ruthless in both character and methods.

Xu You's house arrest is nothing to her.

Furthermore, with Xie Siniang’s character, it is impossible to have anything to do with Xu You.

Although Xu You was lustful, Huangfu Lan knew that he was more afraid of death than lustful.

It is impossible to dare to have anything happen to a black widow with such a fate like Xie Siniang. Even if she has the evil heart, she has no courage at all.

Therefore, from Huangfu Lan's perspective, if Xu You hooked up with Xie Siniang in such a short period of time, she would be the master of the Jubao Pavilion tomorrow.

Of course, having said that, warnings still need to be warned.

Huangfu Lan didn't want Xu You to continue to have contact with the vixen, so he said seriously, "It's good that you know. That vixen has no bottom line.

If you continue to have contact with her, you will be eaten up and wiped clean one day, and not even the dregs will be left! "

"Okay, Auntie, I listen to you!" Xu You agreed seriously.

In fact, Xu You now also knows that when it comes to Huangfu Lan, she magnifies Xie Siniang's "badness", just like the incident where she and Huangfu Lan were secretly photographed by Xie Siniang.

She didn't threaten Huangfu Lan with this matter, but Huangfu Lan said she did.

This made Xu You somewhat amused. The fight between these two mature women was fierce. After fighting for so many years, they were indeed extremely difficult to deal with.

While it was funny, Xu You was also a little worried and had a headache.

I'm a little worried about what to do in the future. If Huangfu Lan knows that she and her old enemy have reached this point, I'm afraid it will be very difficult to explain.

You need to think about how to deal with this matter.

"What are you thinking about?"

"No." Xu You looked away and smiled, "I was thinking about auntie's teachings."

"Go, go, we can't stay any longer." Huangfu Lan waved his hand.

"Auntie, I can't bear to leave you. Can you give me a hug?"


"Just give me a hug! I really can't bear to leave my aunt!"

With that said, Xu You went up to hug Huangfu Lan.

"Let go!" Huangfu Lan pushed Xu You symbolically, but did not push him away at all, allowing himself to be hugged tightly by Xu You.

In fact, if you really want to push it, how can Xu You get close with her cultivation level? This symbolic push was just to maintain the reserve of my aunt.

Feeling Xu You's broad chest, Huangfu Lan's heart began to ripple.

The little guy's body is much wider and his flesh is much stronger. Being held in his arms like this, there was an indescribable sense of security and satisfaction.

But soon, Huangfu Lan felt something was wrong, but Xu You's big hands touched her waistline at some point, and they were about to move down.

Huangfu Lan suddenly pulled out of his sinking thoughts, pushed Xu You away directly, and said with a slightly sullen face,

"Little guy, you are so presumptuous!"

Xu You felt sorry.


He took a quick sip on Huangfu Lan's lips, then ran away without saying anything.

"Auntie, I'm leaving now, see you later! Auntie's rouge is so sweet!"

Huangfu Lan stood there with a changed expression, and finally touched his lips and placed his right hand on his hip.

The image of Xu You hugging her and kissing her secretly filled her mind.

This little guy is really going too far!

The next afternoon, Xu You set off for the Central Square on time.

At this moment, he was sitting in the carriage meditating, and he was accompanied by many Kunlun disciples, all of whom were there to cheer for Xu You.

After these two rounds, Xu You's strength has been absolutely recognized, and many disciples in the sect have placed their hopes on Xu You. It's an honor to cheer him on.

In the morning, Lu Beimu and Xiao Yuhe both finished the game. Unfortunately, they did not advance to the fourth round.

In fact, being able to reach the third round with the Four Realms Late Stage is already very impressive, but it only stops there.

From now on, there will be older high-level players, as well as T0 level players under the age of 25 from various forces, such as Xue Qianluo.

The results of today's draw have been notified to Xu You this morning.

The opponent is Yan Tingwei, a 22-year-old Five Realm Late Stage!

The number one disciple among the younger generation of Penglai Immortal Gate!

Ranked first on the Shenzhou Prodigy List!

Penglai Immortal Gate, as the leader of the five sects and seven sects, is the number one Immortal Gate in the Divine Continent, and the talented disciples in the sect are like crucian carp crossing the river!

And Yan Tingwei's ability to win the first place in such an Immortal Gate is enough to prove the terrifying power of her strength.

Putting aside everything else, the 22-year-old Late Stage is enough to show how awesome her cultivation talent is!

What's more, she has an extremely impressive record.

Since his debut, the monks of his generation have never been defeated! When I first entered the Fifth Realm Late Stage, I killed a Sixth Realm Late Stage Demonic Cultivator!

It's to kill, not to defeat!

Thus establishing the first position on the Shenzhou Tianjiao list!

It can be said that in the eyes of countless people, Yan Tingwei is the most powerful disciple under the age of twenty-five in the entire Divine Continent.

It is an extremely heaven-defying existence.

And Xu You met such an opponent directly in the third round, which no one expected.

You know, if you lose in the third round, the probability of grabbing the top 50 places to go to Penglai Secret Realm is very low.

In other words, whoever loses in this game will miss the secret realm, which is quite cruel.

Because whether it is Yan Tingwei or Xu You, the strength shown at this moment is enough to enter the top 50. But I didn't expect that we would bump into him before that happened.

Games with a cruel color are always the most attractive, not to mention such cruelty between two extremely powerful people.

The popularity of this game can be imagined. It’s full of gimmicks!

The competition between the old No. 1 Immortal Gate’s No. 1 disciple and the current No. 1 Immortal Gate’s No. 1 disciple.

Xu You, who has been killing opponents all the way, but whose true strength is still unknown, is known as the most outstanding disciple of Kunlun in thousands of years.

The number one disciple of Penglai Immortal Gate who has never been defeated among his peers, and who does not know where his strength is among his peers, is aloof!

No matter who loses, he will basically have no chance to follow up!

With the addition of all these factors, when the lottery results came out in the morning, the ticket prices for this game had already been sky-high!

Countless people are eagerly anticipating the excitement of this game.

But the vast majority of people still believe in Yan Tingwei more and feel sorry for Xu You. Because no matter how powerful you Xu You is, facing the first disciple is really difficult.

Along the way, Xu You remained meditative, and the Kunlun disciples around him remained silent for fear of disturbing Xu You.

At this moment, they were even more nervous than Xu You who was meditating there.

The car drove all the way, and after arriving at the Central Square, Xu You and others got off the car.

Xu You took the lead, followed by the Kunlun disciples who walked towards the venue in a hurry.

When the surrounding monks watching the battle saw Xu You, they all moved out of the way, leaving countless discussions wherever they passed.

Xu You's impressive accumulation in the first two games, coupled with today's various gimmicks, the game between him and Yan Tingwei is destined to be the most popular game today and even since the beginning!

After arriving at today's ring, the Kunlun disciples behind Xu You were cleared to the auditorium, while Xu You himself stood on the edge of the ring with his hands folded.

He had a calm expression on his face, and his aura was very eye-catching.

Of course, this is a nice thing to say, but in the eyes of others, there is only one thought: this man is full of arrogance, and his pretentiousness has reached the Celestial Human Realm!

The surrounding auditorium has long been packed with people, and the number of spectators is unknown, and they are all coming in several steps.

The popularity of this battle is overwhelming, and everyone wants to watch the live broadcast as soon as possible.

At the same time, three seats away from the judges' seat at the highest point of the auditorium, a mature woman walked in first.

She is wearing Joyous Union Sect clothes, and her figure is plump and graceful, like a ripe peach. Her appearance is extremely outstanding, very intellectual and feminine.

If Xu You were here, he would recognize the other person at a glance as Luo Qiaoqiao's master, Joyous Union Sect's Joyous Venerable Yun Yanjin.

Yun Yanjin walked to the judges' seat on the far left, stretched out her hand to press the hem of her skirt, and sat on the bench with her plump buttocks bent upside down.

Her warm legs were folded together, and then her eyes began to look in the direction of the ring, and they immediately fell on Xu You's back.

Not long after Yun Yanjin sat down, a slightly surprised voice came from beside him, "Elder Yun? Why are you here?"

Yun Yanjin turned around and saw the charming and plump Huangfu Lan.

Yun Yanjin nodded slightly and greeted the other party, "I am a judge, but why is Manager Huangfu here?"

"What a coincidence, I'm also a judge." Huangfu Lan also pressed down on the hem of her skirt, and her buttocks were as solid as porcelain buckled upside down on the stool. Continue to ask,

"Why did Elder Yun come to be the judge?"

Although the judges are monks from the Heavenly Dao Realm, they are basically elders from the early stages of the Seventh Realm, or some elders who are not that strong.

It is basically impossible for top Seven Realm Late Stage bosses like Yun Yanjin and Huangfu Lan to come here as judges, and the organizers will not invite them.

There is only one possibility, and that is to come by yourself.

Yun Yanjin just smiled and said, "I would also like to ask why Manager Huangfu came to be the judge?"

"This game is very popular." Huangfu Lan said with a smile, "At the same time, I also stopped by to watch Xu You's game."

"Oh? Manager Huangfu is familiar with Xu You?" Yun Yanjin asked with excitement.

"Familiar." Huangfu Lan said, "He has a gold card with me and is considered my VIP."

"Guanshi Huangfu really knows how to invest." Yun Yanjin said calmly.

"Then who did Elder Yun come for?" Huangfu Lan asked with narrowed eyes.

"Here for my disciple." Yun Yanjin continued.

"Luo Qiaoqiao?"

"Do you know my disciple?"

"I've heard of it." Huangfu Lan smiled lightly. As the steward of Jubao Pavilion, she knew everything firsthand.

Although Yun Yanjin kidnapped Xu You to Joyous Union Sect, it was well hidden, but Huangfu Lan must have known about it.

She also knew that Mo Yuhuang went to rob someone, and that the cause of all this was a girl named Luo Qiaoqiao.

Yes, Xu You and this Luo Qiaoqiao are lovers!

After knowing this, Huangfu Lan was naturally very angry. This little guy is really passionate!

But she hadn't gotten into it yet and didn't think too much about it. But then she got involved with Xu You for no apparent reason, and she forgot about it.

Subconsciously, I cannot regard a girl as a love rival. There is a generation gap between the two of them. She is the same generation as Yun Yanjin.

If word of this gets out, how will Huangfu Lan deal with herself?

She only remembered this when she saw Yun Yanjin. Then Huangfu Lan looked at Xu You's back with sullen eyes.

After he finishes fighting this Penglai Immortal Society, he must be taught a lesson!

At this moment, there was movement next to him, and a fairy in white clothes sat down.

Huangfu Lan and Yun Yanjin turned their heads at the same time and were stunned. This third judge was Yue Qingyu.

Yue Qingyu was wearing white clothes, with long hair combed back, and a slight coldness on his face.

She has a completely different temperament from Yun Yanjin and Huangfu Lan.

The latter two are mature women, both plump and ripe like peach.

Yue Qingyu is different. She is the spokesperson for the words coldness and gentleness. Her gentle temperament is as gentle as water, coupled with the same extraordinary appearance, she is unparalleled in the world.

Huangfu Lan and Yun Yanjin were shocked that Yue Qingyu would come to watch the competition as a judge?

Yue Qingyu is a well-known "home girl". Let alone competitions, she is rarely seen at ordinary gatherings.

He has always given people the impression that he is a very mysterious magician who is good at the way of heaven.

And this time he actually came to be a judge?

Could it be that it was Yan Tingwei, the number one disciple of Penglai, who took the stage this time?

[Family members, please ask for guaranteed monthly tickets at the beginning of the month! ! ]

(End of chapter)

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