Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 265 Chapter 372 373 Dependence With Siniang Before Separation. Domineering, Please Fight Tho

Chapter 265 Chapter 372 373 Dependence with Siniang before separation. Domineering, please fight those who humiliate Kunlun in the Six Realms! Shocked the whole audience!

At the judges' table, Huangfu Lan, Yun Yanjin and Yue Qingyu fell silent. They had not previously communicated how to grade.

Didn’t expect that they all gave full marks?

How is this going?

Huangfu Lan feels that after all Yun Yanjin, her apprentice and Xu You are in good terms, it is reasonable to give them full marks.

Yun Yanjin thinks that Xu You is a top talent in Jubao Pavilion Investment, which Huangfu Lan can barely give a perfect score.

But both of them looked at Yue Qingyu at the same time. What's going on?

It’s not her turn to give ratings to anyone, right?

It was her Penglai people who lost. The number one disciple in Penglai was defeated. No matter what happened, it would be a very embarrassing thing. And Yue Qingyu was sent here from Penglai this time to be in charge of the Immortal Association.

She Yue Qingyu couldn't give this rating even for ten thousand reasons.

Yun Yanjin was extremely puzzled, while Huangfu Lan looked at each other more and more thoughtfully, recalling the events of that day again in his mind.

Seeing both of them looking at her, Yue Qingyu was silent for a moment, and then explained, "My hand slipped and I held the wrong sign."

Huangfu Lan and Yun Yanjin were stunned for a moment at the same time, never expecting such an answer.

Looking into Yue Qingyu's particularly sincere eyes, the two of them squeezed out a stiff smile at the same time to express their belief.

On the other side, Xu You, who was showing off his attitude, didn't know that he was given a perfect score by Huangfu Lan and others. He was still immersed in the atmosphere of showing off.

You have to fill up your pussy so that people can see what Kunlun’s style is!

Just when Xu You left the venue, several Kunlun disciples came over. They looked at Xu You solemnly and said, "Junior brother, come with us."

"What's wrong?"

"Senior Brother Jiang Feng, he can't survive!"

Xu You frowned slightly and immediately left with these disciples.

Jiang Feng's third round match was scheduled at about the same time as Xu You's.

On the way, Xu You learned that Jiang Feng was unlucky today and bumped into a six-level opponent in the third round!

It can be said to be extremely unlucky.

It stands to reason that with Jiang Feng's Five Realm Late Stage strength, there is a very high probability that he can pass this round. In addition, Jiang Feng is the former number one disciple of Kunlun, and his strength is very strong.

Ordinary Six Realm monks can deal with it casually. But this time the opponent is more ruthless. He is a monk in the early stage of the Six Realms of the Beast Control Sect.

Before he was twenty-five years old, he was the number one disciple of the Beast Control Sect at that time, and his strength was unfathomable.

Soon, Xu You rushed to Jiang Feng's side.

There were many Kunlun disciples watching the battle in the auditorium. At this moment, they were all staring at the ring, their faces full of anger, and their fists clenched.

Seeing Xu You coming, everyone looked at Xu You and then made way for Xu You.

As soon as Xu You arrived, he became the backbone of these young disciples.

This situation became more obvious after Xu You won the second round.

In the world of spiritual cultivation, strength speaks for itself. Xu You at this moment is naturally qualified to be one of the backbones of this Penglai Immortal Association.

After settling down, Xu You also looked at the ring. He did not share the good news with his classmates that he had defeated Yan Tingwei in another round.

Because the situation in the ring is not optimistic, and the surrounding atmosphere is also very bad.

A senior brother next to him told Xu You about the situation.

The person from the Beast Control Sect was called Lu Jin, and he was extremely powerful. He would attack without mercy as soon as the match started.

Jiang Feng was defeated and was struggling to hold on. His injuries were already serious at this moment.

Although Xu You only came into contact with Jiang Feng during his time at Xianhui, he had a very favorable impression of him.

As Kunlun's first genius, he didn't have any aloof qualities about him.

On the contrary, every time I come into contact, I can feel the gentle and gentle feeling of a gentleman from the other person.

Jiang Feng has an excellent reputation among the family. He is patient with others and has a very gentle temper. Many disciples came to him for advice and he patiently answered their questions.

He is a true gentleman, seeing Jiang Feng looking so seriously injured at this moment.

Xu You looked at the top of the ring with a slightly gloomy expression. He now saw the specific situation. Jiang Feng defended unilaterally.

Lu Jin summoned a canine pet. At this stage, others did not take action, but just drove the vicious dog to attack Jiang Feng.

The evil dog's cultivation level is at the Late Stage of the Fifth Realm, and Jiang Feng, who was seriously injured, could only hold on to the defense. Lu Jin just looked at it teasingly.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Lu Jin is humiliating Jiang Feng with a vicious dog. How could a Kunlun disciple not be angry if he behaved like this?


At this time, Jiang Feng's body exploded again, sending the evil dog flying away. Then he spurted out several mouthfuls of blood, fighting his seriously injured body, and quickly made seals with his hands. Several frightening golden dragons flew out from behind and flew towards Lu Jin.

"Senior Brother Jiang, please stop! If you continue like this, your foundation will be damaged!" The Kunlun disciples couldn't bear to shout when they saw Jiang Feng working so hard.

But Jiang Feng turned a deaf ear and just rushed towards Lu Jin resolutely.

Seeing that his spirit dog was injured and fell to the ground, Lu Jin looked a little ugly. He patted his waist, and a huge green snake came out.

The Monster Qi on his body is monstrous, his cold snake eyes are spitting out words, and his cultivation level seems to be at the early stage of the Sixth Realm.

I saw Cyan spitting out a breath of black energy, and then rushed towards the golden dragons.

The two sides struggled together, and the illusory golden dragons were no match for them, and were quickly swallowed alive by the green snake one after another.

The golden dragon was disillusioned, and Jiang Feng spat out several mouthfuls of blood again, his breath extremely weak.

Lu Jin immediately jumped in front of Jiang Feng, kicked Jiang Feng hard on the chest and stomped him to the ground.

Then he looked at Jiang Feng, who was being stepped on by him, with cold eyes. He bent down slightly and said coldly, "Trash, how could you be the strongest disciple in Kunlun?

Now admit defeat to Mr. Lu, and Mr. Lu will not torture you. "

Jiang Feng kept coughing, blood surged from his mouth but he had no intention of begging for mercy.

When Lu Jin saw this, he was about to take action again. At this time, the host swooped over to him and grabbed his wrist. He glanced at Jiang Feng on the ground and announced directly,

"Kunlun disciple Jiang Feng is no longer capable of fighting. In this battle, Beast Control Sect Lu Jin will win."

Seeing this, Lu Jin took his feet back from Jiang Feng's chest.

Xu You flew onto the ring immediately and helped up the dying Jiang Feng. He transferred a trace of spiritual energy into Jiang Feng's body. The condition was very bad, and the damage was very serious.

The foundation was severely damaged, and the injury was more serious than Xu You expected.

There is still a lot of sinister aura left in the body. It is obvious that Lu Jin deliberately kept this energy in Jiang Feng's body.

"Brother, are you okay?"

Jiang Feng shook his head slightly bitterly, with blood oozing from the corners of his mouth, but he still maintained a gentlemanly demeanor and said,

"I'm sorry, junior brother. It's because my senior brother is incompetent and he has brought shame on the sect. He is a disciple of Kunlun in vain."

"It doesn't matter, senior brother, just try your best." Xu You smiled slightly, and while transferring cultivation into the other party's body, he asked, "Senior brother, there is a lot of hidden power in his body, do you have a grudge against this Lu Jin?"

"It's not a grudge." Jiang Feng said weakly, "We had a fight ten years ago, and he was not as good as me at that time. It's a pity that I'm stuck in the Late Stage now and haven't gained the Gold Core yet."

"A gentleman's words are small, and a villain's words are big." Xu You said, "Then Lu Jin has always been jealous of you, senior brother."

"There's nothing to say. The Kunlun sect is weak and unworthy of being in the fifth sect."

As soon as Xu You finished speaking, Jiang Feng's post-match interview came to his ears. His words were so frivolous and sarcastic.

Xu You raised his head slightly and squinted at the opponent's back, then looked at the anger of the Kunlun disciples in the audience and their helplessness against this anger.

"Hello, host, can I ask a question?" Xu You stood up directly and asked the host politely.

The host looked back at Xu You in surprise. Lu Jin also stopped talking and looked back at Xu You with a faint look in his eyes.

"Please speak." The host nodded.

"I remember there is a rule in the conference that a person with a low level of cultivation can request a fight in the same round as a person with a high level of cultivation, right?" Xu You asked aloud.

The host thought about it carefully, nodded and said, "There is such a rule, do you think so?"

Xu You directly used his cultivation to expand his volume, and said to Lu Jin in a loud voice,

"Kunlun disciple Xu You has won the third round. In the fourth round, I invite the Beast Control Sect disciple Lu Jin to fight. Will you accept it?"

Lu Jin narrowed his eyes slightly and said calmly, "Are you sure?"

"Should you answer it or not?" Xu You asked again.

"Since you took the initiative to seek death, then Lu will accept it." Lu Jin said calmly.

"Host, please register with the conference. The fourth round will be against Lu Jin next."

After Xu You said these words, he directly carried Jiang Feng on his back and left the ring.

Lu Jin squinted at Xu You's leaving figure.

The host was a little stunned. He actually knew Xu You. As a professional host, he naturally knew all the contestants at this stage.

I also know that Xu You's performance in the first two rounds was really good, but if he comes to challenge the early stage of the sixth realm in the middle stage of the fifth stage, isn't this looking for death?

Lu Jin is not an ordinary six-level monk, he was once the number one genius of the Beast Control Sect! What did Xu You use to fight?

Wait, he seemed to have won the third round just now?

If I remember correctly, he seemed to be facing Yan Tingwei in the third round, right? Won?

The host looked at Xu You's back in astonishment for a moment.

At the same time, the audience in the audience also exploded. This kind of initiative to cross the border to challenge is rare!

It can be said that this conference is probably just like this.

So everyone started to discuss who Xu You was, how awesome he was.

Brother Youdong naturally began to popularize Xu You and his previous brilliant record. At the same time, the news that Xu You had just defeated Yan Tingwei also came through.

The audience became even more excited. This was big news!

I never expected to see such an awesome thing!

Then Xu You really beat the number one talent in Shenzhou with an upset. Was it because that game gave him enough confidence to challenge Lu Jin?

"This Xu You is so awesome! Damn it, no matter what, I won't accept this courage!"

"Yes, after all, he is also challenging for the sect. Just now, Lu Jin did not regard Jiang Feng as a human being. In any case, this Xu You is an act of a warrior!"

The audience slowly began to praise Xu You's behavior. Taking the initiative to fight for the honor of the sect is always a cool and handsome thing.

Especially disciples like them from various factions would not ridicule such behavior at all.

"Junior Brother Xu, how can you be so impulsive! No, you can't take the initiative to challenge Lu Jin. Lu Jin's strength is unfathomable. Although you are strong, your cultivation is too low.

It's not easy to get to the next round if you face him. No, I’ll go find the host.”

Jiang Feng said a little anxiously, using his last strength to break free from Xu You's back.

"Senior brother, don't worry. You know who I am and I won't do anything I'm not sure about."


"It's nothing." Xu You quickly brought Jiang Feng back to the Kunlun disciples, handed Jiang Feng to someone else and said, "Take Senior Brother Jiang back to Kunlun Tower immediately.

Senior Brother Jiang has a lot of hidden injuries in his body. He must immediately seek treatment from the elders in the building and take him back quickly. "

"Yes." Several disciples immediately took Jiang Feng and left first.

The remaining disciples all looked at Xu You. Just when they were about to speak, Xu You stretched out his hand and said, "Don't worry, I'm measured. I have to fight in this game."

All the disciples were silent, and then looked at Xu You with extremely complicated eyes.

Especially those who are older, seeing that Xu You has been burdened to such an extent at such a young age, there is no place for the shame in their hearts.

"Anyway, it's not a big problem. I'll leave first. Trust me." Xu You smiled, waved his hand, and turned around to leave.

All Kunlun disciples watched Xu You's back quietly. Xu You at this moment was really all the hope of Kunlun for them.

Jiang Feng was defeated at all costs, but the senior brother who was thought to be the strongest before the game ended first, which made everyone feel heavy, until Xu You stood up like a dawn at this moment.

Xu You seems to be their only light and only hope at this moment.

On the other side, Xu You let out a long breath as he left the central square.

The challenge just now is inevitable and necessary. If he does not stand up, Kunlun's reputation today will fall to the bottom again, further damaging the self-confidence of the majority of Kunlun disciples.

Therefore, he had to get this situation back, and get back all the face and humiliation he had suffered.

No one can stop him.

Lu Jin must be dealt with by him personally.

As for whether he can win or not, Xu You doesn't think much about it. The battle with Yan Tingwei just now has already determined his current strength.

He had a rough idea of ​​Lu Jin's strength just now. He has a way to die.

I have never had any good impressions of Xu You, the five surnamed family slaves of the Beast Controlling Sect. They are just rats in the ditch. They have been trash since they stabbed the Thousand Beast Valley in the past.

Now he has jumped out to oppose Kunlun everywhere, and Dongyang is also inseparable from the Beast Control Sect.

His wolf ambition is obvious. He stepped on the corpse of the Thousand Beasts Valley to sit in the seventh sect. This time, he obviously wanted to step on Kunlun to move up a level and reach the fifth sect.

However, Xu You did feel a little emotional.

Among the disciples of the Five Sects and Seven Sects who participated in the Penglai Immortal Association this time, there were only two or three thirty-year-olds who were not monks in the Sixth Realm, and Kunlun was among them.

It is enough to show that Kunlun's current fortune is indeed not good, and his disciples are indeed weak.

Although the older generation can still hold on in front of the strength, they dare not think about it in a few hundred years.

Of course, these are not important at the moment. What is important is how he will fuck that Lu Jin in the next fourth round!

After leaving the Central Square, Xu You did not go back to Kunlun Tower but left Opening Heaven directly.

After the third round of the knockout round, the players will be given a few days to rest so that they can be in better condition for the next game.

What follows is the true peak match of the king. If nothing else, with his current record, the next one will be the hardest.

It is still very difficult to really win the championship, so you must not take it lightly.

Therefore, Xu You is ready to continue to retreat and study the ultimate Divine Ability, the integration of battle talismans and sword skills.

After experiencing the awesome combination of spells and sword skills, Xu You is now naturally eager to research this.

The place Xu You chose to retreat is the place where Gongsun Li took him before. For some reason, Xu You is now very affectionate to this wilderness.

This place has carried so many changes in me. It can be said that, besides Kunlun, this is my second place of enlightenment. The whole person has undergone the most fundamental change here.

The only pity is that Gongsun Li is not here now, which makes Xu You quite regretful.

Xu You was really benefited and moved by the teachings of his uncle.

The fourth day I miss Uncle Gongsun.

Just when Xu You was about to continue studying, a communication jade charm in his pocket lit up.

It was Xie Siniang's message to him, asking him to go to Tianyuan City. He didn't say anything, just asked him to come over.

Xu You was a little strange, but as soon as he thought of Siniang's figure in his mind, he turned around and galloped in the direction of Tianyuan City.

Soon, Xu You arrived at Tianyuan City. He made a simple disguise before entering the city.

At this stage, it is still not allowed to let people know about his relationship with Wanbao Tower, otherwise it will still arouse suspicion.

At this time, the number of monks in Tianyuan City has obviously dropped significantly, and it seems to be a little deserted. With the end of the Earth Ranking Conference and the opening of the Penglai Immortal Society, Tianyuan City's traffic dropped significantly during this period.

The place where Xie Siniang met Xu You was not the Wanbao Building, but the old place, a private room above the square where the Dibang Conference was held.

The square is also very deserted now, with only some small activities being held here. Xu You arrived at the secret room on the roof in a low-key and familiar way.

"Si Niang, here I come."


Xie Siniang's lazy voice came from the room.

Xu You opened the door directly and went in. When he just entered and closed the door, he felt a gust of fragrance coming before he could react.

When Xie Siniang's plump body was leaning against her chest, Xu You realized what she was doing, and then looked down at Xie Siniang in her arms.

The other party was wearing extremely thin red clothes today. The buttons on the upper body were not fully buttoned, and the collarbone was shining brightly.

Her hair was combed up casually, with some pearls and hairpins stuck in it, making her look like a woman.

Her face is still as charming as ever, and her fox eyes are still looking at Xu You with all kinds of charm.

The body is soft and smells delicious. With such a plump and beautiful woman in his arms, Xu You felt relieved all of a sudden.

Speaking of which, I haven't seen Xie Siniang for a long time, and I have been feeling nervous during this time.

At this moment, in this familiar secret room, Xu You felt very relaxed. There were too many beautiful memories between him and Siniang here.

"Sure enough, after practicing Martial Dao, my body is much stronger than before."

Xie Siniang reached out her hand and pressed Xu You's chest unceremoniously, saying with some amazement.

Then, she let go of Xu You, stood two steps back, looked Xu You up and down, and said seriously, "When I saw you in action, I felt that you had changed a lot.

Now that I'm looking at it up close, I realize it's really big. If it weren't for the smell of you, I would have doubted whether this is you now. "

"Does Si Niang have such a sensitive nose? Can you distinguish it like this?" Xu You said with a smile.

"I am a vixen." Xie Siniang glanced at Xu You with a charming smile, then walked to the bench and sat down with her legs crossed.

Xie Siniang, who likes to hang in neutral, is no exception this time, and the water ripples the moment she sits down.

Especially today's thin silk gown, combined with that plump and unparalleled figure, has a very strong visual impact.

"I couldn't believe it when I saw the real image, especially after watching the battle between you and that Yan Tingwei, I couldn't believe it."

Xie Siniang started making tea with her bare hands and said a little strangely, "I know your physical condition better than anyone else. When you left here that day, you still had no achievements in cultivation on Martial Dao.

How could it be so exaggerated in such a short period of time? I dare say that your current pure Martial Dao cultivation is almost invincible among martial arts practitioners of the same realm.

how did you do it? "

"My master Bert trained me."

"Gongsun Li?"


"Gongsun Li is very powerful. She is known as the God of War in Kunlun, but no matter how powerful she is, she is still not a god. How could she train you to be like this in such a short period of time?"


"If it's not convenient to say, just say it." Xie Siniang continued without any concern, "I'm not curious about the truth, I'm just curious about a little bit."

"Sister-in-law, tell me."

"I heard that the physical fitness of martial arts practitioners will double. How many times has it doubled since you have practiced to this point?" Xie Siniang asked, while his eyes wandered around Xu You.

This kind of look is all too familiar to Xu You.

"Si Niang can verify it by herself. It feels like there are still a lot of them." Xu You replied.

Xie Siniang gave Xu You a charming look and said, "Why are you standing there? Come and sit."

Xu You stepped forward and sat down. He had just settled down. Xie Siniang handed him a cup of tea and said in a raspy voice,

"Dad, please have tea!"

Xu You was so excited that he took the tea cup. Damn it, who can withstand this?

Suddenly I remembered the scene where Xie Siniang said this on the incense couch.

"Siniang, you now know the game I just finished." Xu You calmed down and asked a little strangely.

"Of course I have always paid attention to you. I also know that you took the initiative to challenge that Beast Control Sect disciple." Xie Siniang replied.

"You know it so soon?" Xu You asked in surprise, "Then why did Si Niang call me here this time?"

"What? I have to call you here because I have something to do?"

"Of course not."

Xu You put down the teacup and stood up, sat down next to Xie Siniang across from him, put his right hand on the other person's thigh and rubbed it a little.

"If Si Niang calls you, I will come at any time."

Xie Siniang leaned back slightly, placed her right hand on Xu You's leg, and put her left index finger in front of Xu You's mouth.

"I will go back to Donghai Shengzhou tomorrow. I want to see you before I leave."

"Then I understand." Xu You held Xie Siniang's catkins and looked at the couch, "Auntie, you want to stay here with me for one night before leaving, right?"

"Yes, but this is also for your own good." Xie Siniang chuckled, "I know you have been under a lot of pressure and anger recently, so naturally I want to help you."

"Will Fourth Mother be so kind to me?"

"If I am not good to you, who will be good to you?" Xie Siniang's voice became more and more charming.

"More Xie Siniang." Xu You said very movedly, and then continued a little faintly,

"But in fact, it's more of your own thinking, Si Niang. From now on, if it's Si Niang that you need to call me again every time, and then let me go directly after solving the problem, then what will I become?"

"This is the agreement I made with you before. What? Are you going to go back on it now?"

"If you don't regret it, it's all my money anyway." Xu You said with a smile.

Xie Siniang raised her eyebrows upon hearing this, "What do you think I am?"

"Oh, don't talk about this, don't talk about Si Niang. Si Niang, do you still remember what happened to me last time?" Xu You changed the subject directly.

"What's up?"

"Didn't you say that next time I come to see you, I will bring you some of the latest products from Helian Adult Store. I brought them here specially today." Xu You said softly.

"Little rascal, what did you bring? Is it as fun as you said?" Xie Siniang knocked on Xu You's chest.

"It's very fun!" Xu You said confidently.

Hearing this, Xie Siniang put down the tea cup, raised her right hand slightly, and then sent Xu You directly to the incense couch over there.

"Oh, Si Niang, are you in such a hurry?"

"It's urgent."

Xie Siniang's plump body immediately floated to the couch and landed softly on Xu You's side. Then she hooked her feet and pulled the bed curtains shut.

"Alas alas"

"Slow down, Si Niang. I'm very tired from playing games these days."


Xu You's voice was gradually drowned out.

After a whole night.

The next morning, Xu You half-leaned against the bedside with a refreshed look on his face.

He is a little surprised now. It turns out that after having a certain level of cultivation in Martial Dao, he can really have such a big impact on his physical fitness!

There is no doubt about Xie Siniang's strength. After that day and night last time, Xu You was a loser.

But this time it was different, the two were evenly matched. No, Xu You is slightly better!

Up to now, his condition is still excellent, and he doesn't feel tired at all.

Xie Siniang was lying on Xu You's arms, her face glowing with new vitality, and her charming face was full of coquettishness and laziness.

Her right hand caressed Xu You's arm, "Your practice of Martial Dao was not in vain."

"No, Siniang, I am practicing this Martial Dao for my own strength. You say that as if I am practicing specifically to do things with you."

Xie Siniang smiled lazily, sat up a little, combed her long hair with both hands, and said smoothly,

"I still have to remind you of something."

"What's up?"

"I just want to tell you that you have to have a certain sense of crisis in your heart."

"A sense of crisis? From what aspect?"

"Of course it belongs to your Kunlun people." Xie Siniang sounded a little more serious, "Every step is not easy when surrounded by wolves, especially the matter in Dongyang County."

"What happened to Dongyang County?" Xu You asked seriously, "What news did you get, Si Niang?"

"That's not true. I know it's definitely not as many as yours in Kunlun. I just have a bad feeling." Xie Siniang said slowly, "My senses are quite sensitive."

Xu You said helplessly, "Okay, I understand. Many people think so. But why do you care about our Kunlun, Siniang?"

"I don't care about Kunlun, I care about you. How can there be a complete egg when the nest is overturned."

"Thank you. Si Niang, how can you say such unlucky words!" Xu You said angrily.

"I still believe in your Kunlun's strength. It has lasted for so many years. How can something happen overnight?"

After tying her hair, Xie Siniang stood up, put on her clothes and landed on the ground. She tied her belt and said,

"What I'm most worried about is that you are at the Penglai Immortal Association this time. Although you have reasons to fight for Kunlun, you will be destroyed by the wind.

If you stand out too much, everyone in the world will know about you, and what will they think then? Kunlun is lucky again? Has luck fallen on you?

Even if you have Kunlun's full protection by then, I don't need to elaborate on the risks. "

Xu You was silent for a moment. He naturally knew this, and it was indeed extremely risky.

But again, only Kunlun can stand up now, and he must stand up. This risk is unavoidable.

"Siniang, thank you for reminding me and caring, I know."

"I don't mean to persuade you." Xie Siniang looked back at Xu You after getting dressed, "Although I don't know you thoroughly, I also know what kind of person you are.

My words cannot persuade you. Just want to tell you two things.

First, temporary honor and disgrace are nothing. No matter what state you reach, the most important thing is to retain a useful body. There is hope for everything.

I hope that no matter what happens to you in the future, you will remember what I said today.

Keep the green hills. "

"Okay Si Niang, I understand."

"Second, it's very simple." Xie Siniang bent down slightly and hooked Xu You's chin, "If you encounter some extreme situations in the future, just ask me for help.

I may not necessarily have a solution for many things, but there is one thing I can guarantee you.

No matter how bad the situation is, if I can keep you alone, I will have no problem at all. "

"Siniang, I'm very touched that you did this. You are so kind to me." Xu You said touchedly.

"If you don't do well, I won't even think about it and no one will look for you in the future."

"Huh? Is that why?"

"This reason is enough, it is related to my happiness in the second half of my life."

"I know." Xu You said with a slightly dark face, "But why do I feel like what you said today, Si Niang, is like a curse on me."

Xie Siniang shook his head slightly, "Be prepared for a rainy day. I have always been like this. I like to think about the final consequences of things. If I don't tell you this now.

If something urgent happens in the future, you, a little naughty boy, won’t even dare to come to me, the black widow, for fear that I will sell it to you. "

"Siniang, what kind of person am I?" Xu You replied, "How can I not believe you, Si Niang!"

Xie Siniang glanced at Xu You lightly, and then threw a bag of Shenzhou coins to Xu You, "You performed well last night, I reward you. Let's go, see you next time."

After saying that, Xie Siniang disappeared directly.

[Today is a little overdone. Hehe, as usual, please ask for the tickets you have on hand during the double monthly pass period! ! What~~ ]

(End of chapter)

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