Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 32 Mo Yuhuang’S Little Fan Girl

Chapter 32: Mo Yuhuang's Little Fan

"Yes," Xu You said seriously, "I can guarantee that this is the only one, and no one else can produce this pill. It will definitely sell well among the senior sisters."

Of course, there is not much stock of this pill, so it can only be sold quickly. I will leave this one for the senior sister to verify, and if she has any ideas, she can contact me at any time. I will go and gather more."

Luo Qiaoqiao carefully looked Xu You up and down, and suddenly asked, "Which peak are you from?"

"I am from Vermilion Bird Peak."

"Are you a disciple of Sword Immortal Mo Yuhuang?" Luo Qiaoqiao's voice suddenly became excited.

"Yes, she is my master."

"Okay, I agree to this deal." Luo Qiaoqiao smiled brightly.

"In that case, I will trouble the senior sister." Xu You felt delighted and bowed.

For Xu You, this was definitely a good deal, because a pill that can double the effect of dual cultivation is like a holy medicine for the disciples of the Joyous Union Sect. It will definitely sell at a high price and be highly sought after.

Although the Fire Snake Demon is rare, it is not a rare monster. Xu You can go and kill them one by one later, striving to produce a large quantity of Fire Snake Beast Cores.

Wealth will come rolling in.

"I won't disturb the senior sister any longer. I will wait patiently for good news from the senior sister." Xu You stood up and bid farewell.

However, Luo Qiaoqiao reached out to stop him. "No rush, please sit."

"What else does the senior sister have?" Xu You asked, puzzled.

"Tell me about your master," Luo Qiaoqiao said, resting her hands on her small chin, her eyes shining.

Xu You was slightly stunned by Luo Qiaoqiao's fangirl attitude. He suddenly remembered that Mo Yuhuang indeed had quite a few fans among the younger disciples.

He didn't expect to encounter one right in front of him, and it seemed like she was a senior fan.

To be honest, Xu You felt a bit absurd.

It's true that distance creates beauty. In Luo Qiaoqiao's eyes, with her filtered lenses, Mo Yuhuang was indeed an independent and charismatic woman.

But in Xu You's eyes, after spending time together day and night, that image had long been shattered.

He could only sigh at the damn charm that Mo Yuhuang exuded when she was high and mighty outside.

"What do you want to know?" Xu You forced a smile and prepared to say some good things.

He couldn't disappoint Luo Qiaoqiao, as it would not be conducive to the progress of their work.

"Two years ago, Senior Mo beheaded a wicked Five-Clawed Flood Dragon on the banks of the Wei River, cutting the river with a single sword and saving the people along the river from water and fire. Can you tell me the details of this?" Luo Qiaoqiao asked excitedly.

Xu You cleared his throat twice. He had asked Mo Yuhuang about this when they were chatting privately. That day, she lost all her money at the casino and casually took out a Flood Dragon to vent her anger.

Unexpectedly, she accidentally did a great deed and made it into the Shen Zhou Mansion newspaper, and the sect also rewarded her generously.

How shameless was Mo Yuhuang? She directly accepted it with great fanfare, allowing people to praise her and accepting all kinds of treasures.

Of course, Xu You couldn't say that now. He made up a noble reason and praised Mo Yuhuang to the extreme. Luo Qiaoqiao listened with shining eyes.

"Well, that was two years ago. Senior Mo single-handedly pulled out the Ghost Valley and rescued countless cultivators who had been deceived and trapped inside. How did she do that?"

Xu You cleared his throat twice again. He also knew about this.

After defeating the Flood Dragon, Mo Yuhuang accepted interviews and endorsement deals, earning a lot of money. Once she had earned enough money, she took a large amount of funds to the Ghost Valley to continue gambling and prepare for a comeback.

The Ghost Valley was originally a place of filth and corruption, a large underground gambling den.

After Mo Yuhuang lost all her money, she suspected that the Ghost Valley had set her up and, in anger, she flipped the table and caused a scene in the Ghost Valley.

In reality, the Ghost Valley would never dare to deceive Mo Yuhuang, an Apex Level powerhouse. It was simply that her gambling skills were lacking.

But there was nothing they could do when an Apex Level powerhouse suspected you, without any reason.

In her desperation, Mo Yuhuang turned the Ghost Valley upside down and accidentally discovered that besides being a gambling den, the Ghost Valley also engaged in the trafficking of low-level cultivators.

This was a matter that angered both humans and gods in the Immortal Cultivation World. Mo Yuhuang's overturning of the Ghost Valley became the most righteous act during that period of time.

Her "noble reputation" occupied the headlines of several issues of the newspaper.

Of course, Mo Yuhuang still publicly acknowledged her righteous actions without mentioning the underlying reasons.

If it weren't for Xu You being her only disciple, he would have been deceived by her appearance as well. After all, how could such a peerless beauty and powerful woman have any bad habits?

It was just that Xu You was too close to her soul, causing his perception to shatter. This person just couldn't get too close.

In fact, these things were considered good, at least she did a good deed. Many times, Mo Yuhuang's actions were hard to explain in words.

In this way, Xu You exaggerated in front of Luo Qiaoqiao against his own conscience.

As Luo Qiaoqiao grew more and more admiring of Mo Yuhuang, her opinion of Xu You also underwent a tremendous change.

After all, he was Senior Mo's only disciple. How could someone who could become Senior Mo's disciple have such a bad character? He must be a righteous and upright person!

After returning from Luo Qiaoqiao's place, Xu You had been cultivating in his own room, nurturing his spirit.

Bai Genshuo, on the other hand, continued to wander around the Fragrant Garden, wanting to make his reputation as a great and handsome man even more resounding.

On the following night, Xu You finally emerged from his meditation state.

Today was an even-numbered day, so it was likely that something would happen to the girls in the Fragrant Garden.

"It's so quiet this late, what's going on?" Inside the room, Bai Genshuo, who was covered in rouge, asked casually while sipping his drink.

Xu You glanced at the sky outside and called the madam inside the corridor.

"Are the girls alright tonight?" Xu You asked.

"Yes, they're all fine."

Xu You furrowed his brows slightly, wondering if someone had noticed that something was amiss on their side.

The astute madam naturally noticed Xu You's concern and hurriedly explained, "Immortal Xu, it's probably because Director Fang from the Bureau of Demonic Control personally came. He has been waiting downstairs, that's why nothing happened."

"Director Fang?" Xu You asked, "Hasn't this director been to the Fragrant Garden before?"

"He has come a few times, but it was always during the day for investigations. This is the first time he has come at night. Oh, he's sitting over there," the madam pointed in the direction of the main hall downstairs.

Xu You followed her gaze and saw a middle-aged man in the uniform of the Bureau of Demonic Control, named Fang Yuan. He had a shallow beard, a rough appearance, and a fierce expression, but he looked quite capable.

"This person is Fang Yuan, the director of the Bureau of Demonic Control in Luofeng City. He is also the only mid-stage fourth realm expert in the Bureau of Demonic Control in Luofeng City. I heard he's good with guns and used to be in the border army. I heard he's quite ruthless in his methods."

Bai Genshuo, who had appeared out of nowhere, explained to Xu You.

Xu You looked at the man and assessed him for a moment.

Just then, Fang Yuan's gaze directly turned towards Xu You, and a hint of a smile appeared on his fierce face. He then stood up and walked towards Xu You.

(End of this chapter)

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