Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 46 (Please Follow Up) This Damn Sense Of Deviation

Chapter 46 (Seeking to Continue Reading) This Damn Sense of Deviation

It can be said that Xu You, relying solely on this method, can dominate in the Third Realm.

The most crucial thing is that the power and quantity of Mirror Flower Water Moon will grow with one's own strength.

One day, when Xu You also has the same strength as Elder Haoyun back then, Xu You has great confidence in reproducing the overwhelming Mirror Flower Water Moon.

Xu You is also looking forward to the growth of Mirror Flower Water Moon.

The bad news is that Xu You himself doesn't know which sword qi the killing move is based on.

Yes, there has never been such a situation in the Haoyun Sword Technique. Normally, the practitioner would definitely know which sword qi is the true killing move.

But Xu You doesn't know.

It's quite absurd.

He knows that this is most likely the deviation mentioned in the Heart of Dao. He didn't expect it to be this kind of deviation.

But if you think about it, even if I don't know, it doesn't matter if the flaw is discovered. After all, I'm the one doing the cutting, regardless of which sword qi it is.

Does this count as absurdity within reason?

Hmm, it must be like this.

Xu You relaxed and then took the opportunity to read the second Divine Ability.

Elder Haoyun only left two Divine Abilities in this sword technique, which is enough to show their weight.

The Mud Ball Palace Sword.

Just four ordinary words, a bit awkward. Xu You carefully read the introduction, which is simple yet complex.

In general, this move, Mud Ball Palace Sword, doesn't play tricks with you. It condenses a Sword Intent in a specific way based on one's cultivation.

In other words, there is only one sword qi, combining the profound understanding of swordsmanship and the enhancement of cultivation.

If Mirror Flower Water Moon wins with finesse and illusion, then Mud Ball Palace Sword wins with brute force.

However, of course, this is fundamentally different from the usual full-force sword qi.

Mud Ball Palace Sword operates in a special way, which can be considered a deviation from the norm.

In ordinary sword cultivation, sword qi is produced by operating one's cultivation and relying on one's own swordsmanship to attach various types of sword qi to the flying sword.

But Mud Ball Palace Sword has only one method of operation: emitting sword qi from the brow!

It doesn't need a flying sword as a carrier, but uses the person as the carrier!

The torso serves as the sword body, and the Mud Ball Palace in the brow serves as the sword tip. Cultivation permeates the whole body, condensing in the Mud Ball Palace, and finally forming sword qi to kill the enemy!

Using a person as the carrier itself carries great risks. A slight mistake can cause the sword qi to rampage within the body, injuring one's own physical body and foundation.

And most importantly, the Mud Ball Palace is the most fragile and precious part of a cultivator's body, followed by the divine soul, which is the foundation of a cultivator's Great Dao. If one is not careful, they will suffer heavy consequences!

Emitting the Mud Ball Palace Sword from the brow is simply a crazy idea.

But this Elder Haoyun actually came up with it, and even succeeded in researching it.

Although there are great risks and potential harm to the physical body and divine soul when cultivating the Mud Ball Palace Sword, once it is mastered, its power is definitely incomparable to ordinary sword qi.

Dancing on the tip of a knife!

This is utilizing one's cultivation and understanding of swordsmanship to the fullest extent, increasing the power several times compared to a flying sword.

Therefore, naturally, the requirements for practitioners to master this move are extremely high. Following it are the warning words recorded by Elder Haoyun.

Only those with exceptional talent in swordsmanship should attempt to practice it!

No wonder, although the Haoyun Sword Technique has been passed down for so many years, fewer and fewer people are practicing it.

Mirror Flower Water Moon is difficult, and Mud Ball Palace Sword is even more difficult.

To achieve mastery, the threshold is too high.

The theoretical introduction and explanations in the Haoyun Sword Technique are indeed very good, easy to understand, worthy of the four words "Foundation of Sword Dao, Basic Mastery."

But when it comes to practical application, it is as difficult as reaching the heavens.

I don't know what Haoyun Shangren is thinking, deceiving people into thinking it's the foundation of mastery, and then relentlessly hitting your face during practice.

Of course, Xu You couldn't care less.

He has a different approach.

Knowing how powerful the Mud Pill Palace Sword is at this Apex Level, how could he not practice?

After a few moments, Xu You put down the Haoyun Sword Technique in his hand, stood up and walked into the courtyard, gazing at the sky with concentration.

Then he took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and recalled the Mud Pill Palace Sword's mantra and operating method.

Soon, Xu You immersed himself in the state of cultivation, and his body seemed to emit a radiant light, shimmering and colorful.

Threads of cultivation rose from under his feet, all the way up, condensing into sword qi, finally gathering at the center of his brow, but it was unclear how much time had passed.

Suddenly, Xu You opened his eyes, his gaze sharp like lightning, with Sword Intent flowing within.

In an instant, a sword qi shot out from the Mud Pill Palace between his eyebrows, cutting through the night sky until it disappeared into the depths of the horizon.

Xu You looked at the remaining traces of sword qi above with some astonishment.

This is not right. Even if he has the desire to cultivate the Dao, it shouldn't happen so quickly, right?

Xu You was a little confused, but quickly immersed himself back into the state of cultivation.

Two days later, at dusk, Xu You was still standing in the courtyard, in the same position as two days ago. The only difference was that he now stood with his hands behind his back, exuding an indescribable aura.

If there were professionals present, they would immediately notice that he was pretending.

Xu You calmly gazed into the distance at the setting sun, occasionally hearing the faint chirping of spiritual birds in his ears. At this moment, it seemed as if there were flowing colors between his brows.

A sword qi, about an inch long, spurted out and condensed in front of his forehead.

Xu You extended his right hand, lightly pinching the sword qi between his index and middle fingers, containing terrifying Sword Intent and energy.

Xu You skillfully played with the "nuclear bomb" using his fingers.

After a moment, a smile appeared on Xu You's lips, and the sword qi in his hand slowly dissipated into silence.

The Mud Pill Palace Sword has reached perfection!

He can control it to such a subtle extent, and both his physical body and the Mud Pill Palace have adapted to it, without any backlash or side effects.

Xu You didn't expect that he would be able to achieve such mastery of the Mud Pill Palace Sword in just two days.

But soon, the smile on Xu You's lips slowly faded, replaced by a pensive expression.

There is another problem. The deviation of the Dao Heart has reappeared.

He first noticed this during the process of cultivating the Mud Pill Palace Sword.

Think about it, the Mud Pill Palace Sword uses the body as a sword, and then shoots out from the Mud Pill Palace.

Doesn't that mean that on the basis of using the body as a sword, it can be shot out from various parts of the body?

Yesterday, at a certain moment, the Sword Intent that had originally risen to the Mud Pill Palace suddenly lost control and traveled back, finally arriving at a very sensitive place.

The Qi Sea acupoint.

That place is very close to Xu You's root acupoint.

At that time, the uncontrollable sword qi directly spurted out from the Qi Sea acupoint, almost scaring Xu You to death!

You have to know, his foundation is quite solid.

When he first came to this world, his body shrank, but Xu You did not. Later, he went through another growth spurt, directly doubling in size.

So now, most of the time, he is in the state of Diao Chan.

The sword qi from the Qi Sea acupoint almost grazed Xu You's skin.

The chilly feeling at that time still gives Xu You a lingering fear when he thinks about it.

It was at this moment that Xu You began to realize that there was a major problem with the deviation of the Dao Heart!

(End of Chapter 3)

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