Chapter 53: Master's Test

Mo Yuhuang was still dressed in purple, but in a different style. At this moment, she appeared even more delicate, with her left hand gently supporting her chin, allowing her dark hair to fall freely.

Two towering mountains pressed mercilessly on the bed, and the flying sword disappeared into the unfathomable depths.

The curves flowed with astonishing elegance, the waistline indented while the buttocks arched impressively.

Her right hand lightly rested on her waist, and her plump thighs elegantly crossed each other.

Bare feet, whiter than the snow-white fur beneath them.

Her eyes tightly closed, long eyelashes occasionally trembling. The morning sun and mountain breeze seeped through the window, casting a layer of holy light upon her.

The thin clothes on her body swayed gently with the breeze, exuding countless charms. This scene could be painted, a rare appearance of a noblewoman.

When Xu You entered, his gaze was immediately captivated by this enchanting sight.

Based on his many years of experience, he could tell that his master was truly asleep.

"Master, please don't sleep." Xu You shouted loudly, and it took a while before he finally woke Mo Yuhuang from her drowsiness.

She opened her sleepy eyes and lazily looked at Xu You. At first, she didn't react, but then she yawned and sat up.

Her curves became even fuller and more abundant in front of Xu You.

Whenever Mo Yuhuang sat like this, the allure of her hip curve was beyond words.

At this moment, her clothes on the right shoulder slipped slightly, revealing a delicate and smooth fragrant shoulder.

A kind of hazy and disheveled beauty.

"Master, your clothes." Xu You reminded her.

Mo Yuhuang ignored it and just patted the bed, gesturing for Xu You to sit down. This patting motion caused her clothes on the right shoulder to slip even more smoothly.

Xu You reluctantly walked over and sat down beside Mo Yuhuang. As soon as he sat down, the scent unique to Mo Yuhuang enveloped his nose and mouth.

Especially this bed, Mo Yuhuang always rested on it.

Regardless of its temperature and delicacy, the aged fragrance was intoxicating.

Damn, her body scent.

After Xu You sat down, Mo Yuhuang yawned and started touching him all over.

"Master, please control yourself!" Xu You once again grabbed Mo Yuhuang's criminal hand.

"That's not right. Your aptitude is still not good enough. How could you make progress in swordsmanship?" Mo Yuhuang touched her chin, looking puzzled.

"Maybe you touched the wrong place, Master?" Xu You replied.

"It's impossible. I've touched your aptitude many times. It can't be wrong. How did you comprehend the sword?" Mo Yuhuang looked Xu You up and down.

"Just like this, nothing special." Xu You replied.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, very serious." Xu You answered sincerely.

Mo Yuhuang lifted Xu You with one hand, and after a moment of dizziness, they were already above the sea of clouds.

At this moment, Xu You was hanging under Mo Yuhuang's crotch, looking very ungraceful.

Her clothes were thin, and the wind on the sea of clouds was strong, blowing everything infinitely. Xu You could even smell a unique and unconventional fragrance.

"Show me your sword." Mo Yuhuang casually threw Xu You to the opposite side, suspending him in the air with his cultivation power, allowing him to float without relying on a Law Weapon.

"What sword?" Xu You asked, unable to look directly at Mo Yuhuang.

Who let her dress so scantily? The gusts of wind might blow her away completely.

"The Mud Palace Sword," Mo Yuhuang replied. "I want you to shoot out the Mud Palace Sword with all your strength."

"Alright." Xu You trusted her without any doubt.

He immersed himself in his thoughts, and the mantra of the Mud Pill Palace Sword circulated smoothly, directly mobilizing his entire cultivation.

In the next moment.

Hmm? Not good!

Xu You was startled, but it was already too late.

He saw himself leaning forward, and a pure sword qi shot out from the position of his Qi Sea acupoint.

Facing this flashy move from Xu You, Mo Yuhuang raised an eyebrow lightly. She extended two fingers and gently pinched the incredibly refined sword qi.

Then she carefully examined it.

She seriously judged the composition of this sword qi that had shot out from Xu You's special position.

After a moment, Mo Yuhuang casually threw the sword qi aside, causing waves to surge in the sea of clouds.

"You call this the Mud Pill Palace Sword?"

Xu You explained somewhat embarrassedly, "Well, the principle is actually the same. Sometimes this sword qi would deviate when I cultivate, but it won't cause any harm to my body. Please rest assured, Master."

Mo Yuhuang didn't say much anymore. She glanced at the waves behind her with the corner of her eye, then instantly appeared by Xu You's side, placing her hand on his shoulder.

In the next moment, the two of them returned to the previous bed.

In a daze, Xu You could only feel the immense strength of his master.

"I can't understand your body." Mo Yuhuang lazily stretched her waist, revealing her slender waist slightly in the air.

"Old man Lu came out of seclusion two days ago, and the first thing he did was look for me. Do you know why he looked for me?"

"I don't know," Xu You shook his head.

"He strongly recommended that I destroy your foundation in the Dao and switch to the path of the sword," Mo Yuhuang said indifferently.

"What!" Xu You was startled, quickly moving away and shaking his head. "Master, please don't mess around. I can't destroy my Dao Foundation and switch to the path of the sword. I've always said that I will only cultivate the sword as a secondary practice."

"Now you're scared?" Mo Yuhuang said with a hint of teasing.

Xu You dryly laughed twice.

Mo Yuhuang continued, "Only you can inherit the old man's Great Dao, and besides, although you have some talent in swordsmanship, it's nothing compared to me."

Xu You felt relieved and asked, "Can I continue to learn swordsmanship from you, Master?"

"At this stage, the Haoyun Sword Art is enough for you. Let's talk about it when you reach the fourth realm and condense your Dao Foundation."


"Massage my shoulders, I'm a bit tired," Mo Yuhuang half-lay on the bed, her hands folded on her flat abdomen.

Xu You obediently sat behind Mo Yuhuang, gently placing his hands on her delicate shoulders and massaging them.

This scene was familiar to both master and disciple. Previously, when Mo Yuhuang was teaching Xu You cultivation, she also cultivated his ability to serve her.

At that time, the young and weak Xu You had no resistance against his master's "authority."

A small horse had no power to resist a big cart.

Slowly, he was trained by Mo Yuhuang into the shape she wanted.

There was no choice but to rely on his master for food, so it was only natural to help her massage her shoulders.

Xu You stared intently, occasionally catching a glimpse of the magnificent scenery of famous mountains and great peaks.

Even lying down, this astonishing grandeur was not something an ordinary woman could compare to.

"En~" Mo Yuhuang let out a comfortable hum. She was quite satisfied with Xu You's technique.

(End of this chapter)

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