Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 67 (Please Read) Wounded And Lying In The Beauty World

Chapter 67 (Seeking to Continue Reading) Wounded Beauty Amongst the Beauties

Xu You felt like he had a long dream, and he slept very comfortably.

He was covered with a layer of soft bedding that he had never felt before, and the dreamland was warm like spring.

In a daze, he felt someone touching his thigh.

Reflexively, he reached out and grabbed the person's arm, saying, "Master, please behave yourself!"

Upon hearing these words, the owner of the hand paused for a moment and then broke free.

This action gradually awakened Xu You, and when he opened his sleepy eyes, he saw an elegant and exquisite room.

He was lying on a soft bed.

Sitting by the bed was a... a mature woman?

The mature woman was not Mo Yuhuang, but a woman even more familiar than Mo Yuhuang.

She was alluring and beautiful, with an apex level of charm and femininity, which was Xu You's first impression.

But the next second, Xu You panicked and retreated with the blanket in his arms. The other party was strong, with a strength that exceeded Xu You's perception.

Waking up to find such a powerful and extraordinary mature woman by his side, how could Xu You not be flustered?

"Who is the senior, and where am I?" Xu You tried to force a smile and said, "I am Mo Yuhuang, the Peak Master of Vermilion Bird Peak in the Kunlun Immortal Sect."

"Enough." The mature woman stood up, and her thin clothes slid down like flowing water, revealing the smoothness of her skin.

Her figure was mature and full.

The heavy fruits almost bent her slender shoulders, and her gorgeous red robe was dazzling in the room. Her round thighs were faintly visible under the skirt.

Her hair was neatly combed, adorned with ornaments, and her face had a warm and beautiful appearance. There was a lazy feeling between her eyebrows that only a mature sister would have.

Especially her eyes, they were as seductive as if they could speak.

Her outstanding and charming face, coupled with her mature aura, could be considered a killer for young men.

This was a woman who made people feel respectful at first sight.

"Qiaoqiao is my disciple." Venerable Huanxi introduced herself concisely.

Xu You was first stunned, then relieved, and finally forced a smile and asked, "Have you seen Senior Sister Luo? Is she okay?"

"It's fine." The other party answered, then suddenly sat down by the bed, looking up and down at Xu You. Finally, her gaze fell on the wooden hairpin left by Li Changsheng on Xu You's head.

"You follow the Daoist path, and your Sword Qi can cut through the Four Realms?"

"Just lucky." Xu You modestly smiled.

"It's not surprising that you are Li's disciple." Venerable Huanxi said lightly.

Xu You was shocked. He didn't expect the other party to recognize him as Li Changsheng's disciple.

He couldn't admit to this kind of thing. Li Changsheng had accumulated countless debts in his early years, and Xu You didn't want to bear them. Who knows, maybe this sister in front of him had a grudge against Li Changsheng.

Xu You explained immediately, "Li Changsheng is my master, and I am Mo Yuhuang's disciple. Senior, do you know my master?"

Venerable Huanxi looked at Xu You with a hint of teasing and said, "Naturally, I know her. I'm just a few years older than her."

After saying that, she stood up again and casually said, "If it weren't for my disciple insisting that I come to heal your injuries, I wouldn't be here. You are healed now."

After speaking, Venerable Huanxi left the room with elegant steps, leaving behind a fragrant breeze.

Xu You looked at the slight indentation on the side of the bed where the other party had sat, and could see the fullness of the other party's buttocks. He could even faintly feel the residual warmth on it.

Xu You lifted the blanket and muttered to himself.

I wonder if all these mature women have this habit, sitting on their beds and touching their thighs to examine their bones.

Mo Yuhuang is like this, and Luo Qiaoqiao's master is also like this.

Xu You knows nothing about Luo Qiaoqiao's master's specific situation, but from the surface, they are definitely a strong Transcendent Level existence.

After taking out a clean set of clothes from the storage ring and changing into them, Xu You finally took a look at the surrounding environment.

Very familiar, isn't this the territory of the Joyous Union Sect?

It's the room where Luo Qiaoqiao lived when she first came to Xichuan City.

No wonder the smell here is so familiar, even the blanket smells like Luo Qiaoqiao.

Xu You tried hard to recall what happened before, but his memory fragmented again after he stimulated his moral Sword Qi.

How did he solve the backlash force back then? Was it the Clear Heart Pill?

Thinking of this, fear surged on Xu You's face. Taking too many of those pills would make him weak. It can't be that, right?

He quickly reached down and felt relieved in his heart. He was as strong as ever, just like a diamond.

Wait, how did he solve it then?

Xu You fell into deep contemplation. There were three people present at that time, so it shouldn't have been done in a too indecent way.

"Xu Junior Brother, Xu Junior Brother, are you awake?" The sound of knocking on the door interrupted Xu You's thoughts.

Curiously, Xu You approached the door and saw a middle-aged man with the Kunlun Immortal Sect emblem on his chest. He had three strands of long beard and wore an official hat.

Although he was also a cultivator at the Fourth Realm, he didn't look like a cultivator. Instead, he looked more like an official.

"I have seen Senior Brother. May I know how to address you?" Xu You invited the man into the room and asked with a cupped fist.

"I am Wei Wuping, temporarily in charge of the branch office in Xichuan City." Wei Wuping explained with a smile.

"I have seen Senior Brother Wei." Xu You bowed again to greet him.

Kunlun Immortal Sect has many branch offices in various places. People like Wei Wuping, who are in charge of important matters in places like Xichuan City, are usually elite disciples from outside the sect.

There is no contemptuous hierarchy between the inner and outer disciples in Kunlun Immortal Sect. Everyone is very friendly.

Without the contribution of a large number of outer disciples to Kunlun Immortal Sect, how can the talented core disciples be able to cultivate with peace of mind?

"Two days ago, when Junior Brother was brought back by Fairy Huo, I wanted to take you back to our own branch office. But considering the seriousness of the matter, I had to leave Junior Brother temporarily in the Joyous Union Sect.

Later, Venerable Huanxi came, and I could only wait outside. As long as Junior Brother is safe, I can rest assured.

Junior Brother has truly turned the tide this time and greatly honored our Immortal Gate. Lady Huo and Venerable Huanxi are both grateful to us. Junior Brother is truly heroic."

"Senior Brother is joking. Thank you for your concern." Xu You replied without any arrogance. Only then did he realize that he had been unconscious for two days.

After a detailed understanding, Xu You finally learned what happened after he regained consciousness.

Within a short period of time after Huo Lianyi was kidnapped, various forces in Xichuan City were in motion. They dispatched a large number of people to patrol the city and its surroundings.

Later, before Xu You and the others were found, Huo Lianyi piloted a flying boat and brought Xu You and Luo Qiaoqiao back.

Since the person who was kidnapped was unharmed, everything was easy to explain. After Huo Lianyi and the awakened Luo Qiaoqiao explained, everyone knew that it was the work of the Demon Alliance.

(End of this chapter)

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