Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 72 Three Glass Thunder Technique

Chapter 72: Three-Li Thunder Technique

Looking at this token, Xu You couldn't help but feel emotional.

Although being a disciple of the Immortal Gate allows for many privileges, there are still many inconveniences at times.

The official power of the Great Zhou might not give face to Immortal Gate disciples, but they will definitely give face to Zhou Wujin.

Having a token from Zhou Wujin can indeed be very convenient at times.

"Senior, your kindness is profound, and I have no way to repay it." After receiving the token, Xu You sincerely expressed his gratitude.

This is also Xu You's heartfelt emotion. Before, he may have only thought of Li Changsheng as a top-notch cultivator.

Now it seems that he underestimated him. He must be a very charismatic man!

And his charisma must be off the charts!

A friendship from the early years, after so many years have passed and the person is no longer here, can still bring such exaggerated benefits.

No one would believe it if it were said.

At this moment, Xu You completely admired Li Changsheng with a sense of awe.

In the future, he must often pay his respects to the old man!

Shangguan Changge looked at Xu You's expression and vaguely recalled the time when she met Li Changsheng when she was young.

At that time, she was in her prime and was saved by Li Changsheng when she first descended the mountain.

At that time, Li Changsheng was already famous, and his mature and carefree figure left an unforgettable image in her mind.

Whenever she thinks of it, it feels like yesterday.

A lifetime of regret from a single encounter.

But in the end, they were just passing acquaintances. Li Changsheng, such a charming person, couldn't possibly stop for her. After they separated, she married Zhou Wujin due to faction and family power issues.

Her whole life was thus decided.

People in this circle of marriage understand that before marrying her, Zhou Wujin had also let go of a relationship.

As a scion of a prestigious family, many times there is no other choice. That's why Shangguan Changge will never forget Li Changsheng, who is carefree and free.

Not only because of their feelings, but also because Li Changsheng's freedom is what she has always yearned for.

Shangguan Changge gazed at the full moon in the sky with a touch of melancholy.

Xu You quietly waited on the side without disturbing Shangguan Changge, who was lost in her memories. He could feel the weight of this friendship emanating from her.

He could also sense that Li Changsheng's past must have been quite extraordinary.

"Promise me one thing." Shangguan Changge suddenly turned to Xu You and said.

Xu You quickly replied respectfully, "Please tell me, Senior. I will definitely abide by it."

"You are talented and young, reaching such a level at such a young age, and your appearance is outstanding. Perhaps even surpassing your master in his prime. As your strength grows stronger in the future, don't become a heartless person."

Shangguan Changge spoke slowly, and even a hint of resentment could be seen in her eyes.

Xu You was taken aback. He never expected that the thing she wanted him to promise would be this.

He looks like the kind of heartless person?

That's a joke, how is that possible?

I, Xu You, am a righteous gentleman!

"I promise, Senior. I will conduct myself with propriety in the future and never become a heartless person." Xu You bowed and replied.

Shangguan Changge nodded approvingly, and then sighed, "Youth is truly wonderful."

These words didn't have much impact on Xu You's ears, as he is currently young.

He couldn't understand that time is the most merciless thing. Every generation of young people has their own Great World and has once been considered top-notch.

But when they look back in old age, they often have achieved nothing.

Fortunately, Shangguan Changge quickly suppressed such emotions and said, "Rest here tonight, and I still need to meet some old friends. We'll talk more tomorrow."

Furthermore, Mo Yuhuang's approach is correct. In the future, when walking among outsiders, say that you are her disciple, not Li Changsheng's disciple. This is to avoid arousing people's covetousness."

"Alright, I understand. Senior, you're busy." Xu You cupped his hands and then suddenly asked, "Senior, may I ask you a question?"

"Go ahead." Shangguan Changge stopped in his tracks, his back turned to Xu You.

"What kind of person was my master before?" Xu You was curious.

"He..." Shangguan Changge seemed to be lost in thought, his graceful figure exuding a sense of timelessness. Then he softly said, "He was someone unforgettable."

After speaking, Shangguan Changge left the courtyard, leaving Xu You standing there in astonishment.

In his heart, there were only two words: "What the f*ck."

The level of coolness was simply off the charts.

No, he still had a long way to go. He needed to learn from the old man. He couldn't just accept the inheritance of cultivation, he also needed to inherit other excellent qualities.

After feeling a myriad of emotions, Xu You stood still for a while before returning to the pavilion and sitting down, taking out a replica of the Sanskrit Bell and playing with it in his hand.

The golden bell was adorned with mysterious Sanskrit inscriptions, and a spiritual aura flowed within it. This defensive Law Weapon didn't require complicated techniques to use. It only needed one to infuse their cultivation into it to automatically protect the owner.

Although Xu You didn't know much about the Great Thunderclap Monastery in the Western Paradise Continent, which was one of the five sects, he knew that its purpose was to alleviate all suffering in the world.

They usually acted low-key and rarely participated in conflicts between forces. The monastery was often closed, with only a certain number of disciples spreading the teachings of Buddhism across the Divine Continent.

Therefore, the function of this Sanskrit Bell was also in line with the nature of their sect, advocating love and non-aggression.

After playing with it for a while, Xu You put away the replica Sanskrit Bell and sat down in meditation, immersing his cultivation in his divine mansion.

He was preparing to refine Senior Sister Luo Qiaoqiao's soul staff.

After completing the Azure Lotus set, Xu You spread out his right hand.

On it were two dark beads, shimmering with a faint brilliance.

[Barrier-Breaking Divine Eye]

[Can perceive the essence of evil energy. Comes with the Divine Ability, Three-Layer Thunder Technique. Can be used directly through chanting without relying on cultivation. Can break through barriers. (Growth-type, increases with one's own strength)]

It seemed like he had obtained something extraordinary.

It was a thunder technique, which could be classified as an Apex Level offensive technique. Mastering it was extremely difficult.

Moreover, it was a growth-type ability, which was a heaven-defying existence.

Wait a minute?

How does one chant this? Do I have to sing when using this Divine Ability?

Although Xu You was handsome, his singing voice was unbearable.

And that wasn't the main point. During future battles, he couldn't possibly ask the opponent to stop and listen to him sing a song, right?

Xu You's expression changed, and he carefully read the description several times. It really required singing.

Azure Lotus was as stubborn as ever. Xu You sighed and spread his palm again, the two small black beads lying quietly in his palm.

Then, they directly turned into two streams of light and entered his eyes.

His eyes felt a slight flow, but there was no other abnormality.

However, the functionality of this Barrier-Breaking Divine Eye was now engraved in his mind, ready to be activated at any time.

With this Divine Eye and the thunder technique, singing was nothing.

Slightly satisfied, Xu You continued to meditate and cultivate.

The next morning.

Xu You was awakened by the butler, who said that Zhou Wuji and Shangguan Changge were inviting him for morning tea.

After finishing his meditation, Xu You left with the butler.

In the daylight, the City Lord's Mansion appeared even more luxurious. Xu You arrived at a spacious and bright hall.

(End of this chapter)

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