Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 74 (Please Read) Qingyun Temple Under Azure Cloud Mountain

Chapter 74 (Seeking to Continue Reading) Azure Cloud Mountain's Qingyun Temple

Xu You stood there, staring blankly at the figure of Huo Lianyi disappearing into the crowd. What is going on here?

Why did Huo Lianyi say such things for no reason?

Could something have happened when I was unconscious?

Thinking about this, Xu You shivered. Did something happen that shouldn't have happened that night?

Unable to remember, Xu You stood there for a long time before finally walking away.

The office of Kunlun Immortal Sect in Xichuan City was not luxurious, just a simple three-story building, in line with the low-key concept of Kunlun Immortal Sect.

The first floor had a storefront, mainly selling damaged items such as pills, talismans, and Law Weapons from the Immortal Gate.

After Xu You revealed his identity and entered, Wei Wuping came out to greet him immediately.

"Senior Wei, is there anything I can help with?" After reaching the third floor and sitting down, Xu You asked right away.

Wei Wuping explained the situation.

Outside the Hengling Mountains, about five to six hundred miles away from Xichuan City, there is an Azure Cloud Mountain.

Under Azure Cloud Mountain is Qingyun Temple, a small sect protected by Taiyi Sect, which is why they have an official identity recognized by the Great Zhou Dynasty.

The night before, the entire village under Azure Cloud Mountain disappeared for no reason, and the disciples sent by Qingyun Temple to investigate also disappeared without a trace.

Naturally, this matter was reported to Taiyi Sect for the first time.

However, there is only one inner disciple of Taiyi Sect handling affairs in Xichuan City, and the others are all busy.

The matter is urgent, and Taiyi Sect is too far away from Xichuan City.

That's why they sought help from Kunlun Immortal Sect.

From beginning to end, Taiyi Sect never thought of letting the Demon Subjugation Department of the Great Zhou Dynasty handle this matter.

In the eyes of the Five Sects and Seven Sects, the Great Zhou Dynasty is not part of the same circle.

For the Five Sects and Seven Sects, it is normal to help each other with such small matters, as long as the reward is sufficient after the matter is resolved.

So Wei Wuping directly notified the inner disciples handling affairs near Xichuan City, asking those who were available to help deal with this matter.

Naturally, Xu You would not refuse such a request and agreed directly.

He was the first to arrive, and according to Wei Wuping, two more people would come. He patiently waited.

Before long, the first person arrived.

He was a man in his thirties, wearing a black robe, with a strong and tall figure, and ordinary facial features.

But the aura he exuded made people not dare to underestimate him.

After exchanging identities, Xu You learned that the other person was Zheng Qiang, a disciple of Luoyan Peak.

Luoyan Peak belongs to the Vermilion Bird, and the peak master is Senior Sister Mo Yuhuang.

Xu You did not know this senior brother whom he had never met before, but he knew that he was a powerful physical cultivator. Therefore, the disciples of Luoyan Peak who practice physical cultivation are the most numerous in Kunlun Immortal Sect.

Currently, he is on duty in the Southern Barbarian Continent and has been for many years.

So in recent years, Luoyan Peak has not had a proper peak master, and the affairs have been jointly managed by the elders of the peak.

With a tall figure and a strong aura, Zheng Qiang is a core disciple of Luoyan Peak, at the Late Stage of the Fourth Realm.

He is steady and responsible, highly respected by the young disciples of Luoyan Peak, and has a high prestige.

"Greetings, Senior Brother Zheng." After exchanging greetings, Xu You immediately bowed to Zheng Qiang.

"Hahaha, these past few days I've been hearing a lot of talk about you, my junior, while I was here in Xichuan City on business. I had only heard before that Master Mo had taken on a true disciple, but I hadn't had the chance to meet you until today. Seeing you now, my junior, you truly have an impressive presence. Well done."

Zheng Qiang was clearly a very straightforward person, and immediately struck up a conversation with Xu You.

Xu You had a very favorable impression of Senior Zheng, as he constantly exuded three words: positive energy.

Zheng Qiang had a dignified and steady demeanor, and combined with his martial cultivation path, he gave off a sense of reliability and stability.

The second person to arrive was a striking woman. She wore a wide Great Dao robe in a vibrant blue color, with a Tai Chi symbol on the front and a Bagua symbol on the back. Her sleeves fluttered, and she wore a lotus flower crown. Her eyes were like lightning, making it impossible for anyone to underestimate her.

In her early twenties, she had already reached the initial stage of the fourth realm in her cultivation, which was quite impressive.

Zheng Qiang had been doing well in the sect for these years, so the woman greeted him as soon as she arrived.

The former also introduced each other briefly.

It was only then that Xu You learned that she was actually Zhang Wei, the sole direct disciple of Yi Li, the peak master of Crimson Serenity Peak.

The three auspicious divine beasts that descended in the Immortal Gate last time were subdued by Yi Li and Zi Yang, a Perfected Being from Moon Jade Pavilion, working together.

So Xu You had a deep impression of Crimson Serenity Peak and Yi Li, considering them to be big shots. Zhang Wei being Yi Li's successor meant that she must have considerable talent and research in the Qimen Divination.

After Xu You and the others had gathered, the inner disciple from Taiyi Sect who sought their help finally arrived.

She was a young woman dressed as a Taoist nun, appearing to be around twenty-one or twenty-two years old. Her face was fair, and she had a beautiful appearance. Her cultivation seemed to have just reached the initial stage of the fourth realm.

"Shi Cai Feng greets everyone." The woman politely bowed to Xu You and the others in the Daoist manner.

After a simple mutual understanding, they immediately set off together.

After leaving the city, Xu You and his group flew for about six to seven hundred miles before finally stopping in front of a series of undulating mountains, landing on a lush green peak.

This was the outermost part of the Hengling Mountain Range, and because it was close to the capital city of Western River County, there were hardly any demonic creatures openly lurking here. Instead, it was relatively rich in spiritual energy.

In this final stretch, there were many small sects and factions, both official and hidden, thriving and multiplying. These sects included both formal and wild factions, and there were many of them.

The Great Zhou Dynasty was a country established by immortal warriors, but it couldn't control behemoths like Kunlun Immortal Sect within its borders.

However, ordinary large and small immortal gate sects still relied on the favor of the Great Zhou Dynasty to survive.

If one wanted to establish a sect, they had to obtain an official decree from the Great Zhou Dynasty. Otherwise, they would be considered a wild faction, and if discovered by the Great Zhou Dynasty, they would usually be eliminated directly.

Below their feet was Azure Cloud Mountain, with a good environment and slightly higher spiritual energy than usual.

Therefore, there were many scattered villages at the foot of the mountain.

Among them, Qingyun Sect was the only officially recognized immortal gate sect on Azure Cloud Mountain, with Taiyi Sect as its backing.

Although the Daoist temple was small, it was considered a prominent sect in the surrounding mountains.

The four of them quickly arrived at the elegant gate of the sect at the foot of the mountain.

Shi Cai Feng walked ahead and knocked on the door.

Soon, a middle-aged man wearing a blue Daoist robe, with three strands of long beard and a five-flower crown on his head, hurriedly opened the door, his gaze immediately falling on Shi Cai Feng's Daoist robe.

This Qingyun Daoist had reached the mid-stage of the fourth realm in his cultivation, but he showed a very respectful attitude towards Shi Cai Feng.

"I am Qingyun, the honored master of Qingyun Sect. I greet the immortal."

Shi Cai Feng only nodded lightly, accustomed to this feeling of being in a lower position.

(End of Chapter)

(Note: I read all the comments from yesterday. Thank you all for your support. Love you all!!)

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