Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 79 (Today Is The Key To Transcendent Level, Please Read It!) A Song Of Heartbreak

Chapter 79 (Today's Transcendent Level is crucial, please continue reading!) A heartbreaking song

At this moment, Qingyou's rebellious mentality emerged again. He locked onto Zhang Wei once more, and then Xu You carried the big clock and hurried over, panting.

After locking onto Shi Caifeng, Xu You followed suit.

The two of them tugged and pulled at each other several times, competing for a breath of air.

Zheng Qiang, who was in the black mist, was confused and anxious.

Zhang Wei focused on setting up the formation, leaving her back to Xu You. Shi Caifeng numbly watched Xu You jumping back and forth in front of her from time to time.

Finally, Qingyou, the main attacker, stopped first, almost spitting out old blood from exhaustion.

Xu You at this moment was like a slippery and hard mud turtle, making Qingyou furious.

Since cultivating the Ghost Domain, this was the first time he felt so uncomfortable being choked.

Just then, a golden light burst from Zhang Wei's location, its brightness even able to penetrate the black mist and be seen by others.

Everyone looked towards that direction, and Zheng Qiang asked excitedly, "Junior Sister Zhang, is the formation complete?"

"I'll give it a try," Zhang Wei didn't make any guarantees.

Soon, the golden light surged upwards, and wherever it passed, the black mist dispersed.

Xu You and the other three watched the golden light with hope.

"Hehehe, do you think a mere small formation can break my Ghost Domain?" Qingyou laughed arrogantly, then recited a cryptic incantation from his mouth.

The denser black mist once again directly suppressed Zhang Wei's formation power.


In an instant, the golden light suddenly shattered, and everything returned to absolute darkness.

"Submit to me!" Qingyou laughed even more wildly, his laughter filled with absolute confidence.

At this moment, Zhang Wei frowned, clearly indicating her failure and underestimation of the power of this Ghost Domain. More importantly, time was limited, and she couldn't thoroughly research it.

Just as she was about to continue, Xu You's voice came from the darkness.

"Everyone, leave breaking the Ghost Domain to me, I have a secret technique. The thief is secretly observing, and to ensure the Ghost Domain's continuous existence, it must be broken with a single strike. Otherwise, it will only waste our cultivation. Preserve your strength for now and wait until the Ghost Domain is broken. Don't make any more moves!" Xu You said loudly.

Zheng Qiang and Zhang Wei immediately stopped at his words, trusting each other as disciples of the Kunlun Immortal Sect.

Since Xu You had a confident battle plan at this moment, they naturally followed and wouldn't oppose or say anything meaningless. They only offered their support.

"Younger brother, be careful." Zheng Qiang, Zhang Wei, and Shi Caifeng almost simultaneously said these words.

"Young people don't know their limits! Die for me!" Qingyou, who was already furious, went berserk upon hearing Xu You's words.

He directly charged towards Xu You, preparing for close combat! He wanted to twist this kid's head off.

Xu You stood still, calmly watching Qingyou approaching him.

Originally, he didn't want to take action, but now he had no choice. Breaking this peculiar Ghost Domain in a short time was impossible.

This was very disadvantageous for them.

After all, no one knew if this ghost cultivator had any other tricks up his sleeve.

Therefore, Xu You decided to shamefully take action.

Yes, he was going to use the Three-Layer Thunder Technique!

[Breaking Barrier Method]

[Can perceive the essence of evil energy. Attached with the Divine Ability Three-Layer Thunder Technique, it can be used directly through chanting without relying on cultivation. It can break through barriers. (Growth-based, increases with one's own strength)]

After verifying the previous Divine Ability, Xu You had enough confidence to completely break through this Ghost Domain. It was just that singing was a bit embarrassing, which is why Xu You hesitated earlier.

He has the burden of being an idol.

Right now, he doesn't have time for much else. He directly opens his mouth and sings loudly, using the rhythm to fully activate his cultivation. His hands quickly form hand seals.

The surrounding air instantly freezes, and countless blue divine thunder shoots out from Xu You's body.

Wherever the divine thunder travels, there is a continuous rumbling sound. In the end, it forms a thunderstorm that sweeps through the entire ghost domain.

Wherever it goes, the black mist is directly shattered and annihilated. The vast ghost domain unexpectedly dissipates simply and purely under the power of the Three Liri Thunder Technique.

The village returns to its original appearance, and not even a trace of gloom remains. The light pours down, and everything becomes positive energy.


The ghost cultivator Qing You, who was rushing towards Xu You, suddenly brakes and stops in mid-air. The recoil causes the hat on his black robe to fall off.

That face is directly exposed in the air.

Middle-aged appearance, with a withered and pale complexion, as if he hasn't seen the sun in over a decade. Sunken cheeks, no trace of flesh on his face, like a skeleton wearing human skin, very ugly.

At this moment, Qing You still hasn't reacted, staring blankly, his eyes filled with confusion.

What happened to my home?

What happened?

In the blink of an eye, my home is gone.

The ghost domain is his home, where he lives day and night, like a fish in water. Now his pond has been completely drained by someone.

He is like a fish suddenly exposed on the ground, feeling helpless at the moment, not knowing what to do.

Then, subconsciously, he quickly puts on his clothes and tightly wraps his face.

As a middle-aged man who has been a recluse for decades, looking like a ghost and never seeing the sunlight, he has long been somewhat sensitive.

In the ghost domain, he is the king, ruthless and wild. Now that he has been "stripped naked" in such a blatant manner, he is very panicked, feeling socially anxious.

Not only him, at this moment, Zheng Qiang, Zhang Wei, and Shi Caifeng all have a look of confusion on their faces.

They instinctively look towards Xu You's direction, only to see that his momentum is powerful, and the thunderstorm on his body is blinding.

So dazzling!

The most crucial thing is that he is still singing?

The inertia of the Three Liri Thunder Technique's chant forces Xu You to finish singing. At this moment, he is still "showing off" his unbearable singing voice.

He...he cleared the ghost domain?

Junior Brother Xu is winning by singing?

After cultivating for so many years and gaining experience in battles, they have never seen singing win a fight.

Then the scene becomes somewhat magical. Zheng Qiang and the others are stuck in place, while Qing You's grotesque expression and body movements freeze in mid-air, appearing somewhat absurd and comical.

And Xu You is still aah-ing with his voice, ending on a high note in this final part of the chant.

Finally, it is Zheng Qiang who reacts first. He directly teleports to Xu You's side and hurriedly asks, "Junior Brother, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Xu You shakes his head. "Ah~"

Seeing that the high note is about to come, Zheng Qiang directly covers Xu You's mouth with his hand. "Stop singing, Junior Brother. If you keep singing, someone will die. The ghost domain has already been resolved by you."

Only then does Xu You snap out of his immersed state. He also looks around in confusion, and then sees several gazes gathered on him.

The memories before the singing just now flood into his mind like a tide.

At this moment, Xu You almost embarrassingly calculates the square footage of a three-bedroom apartment with his toes.

(End of this chapter)

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