Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 86 (Please Read) Deep Love Between Disciples

Chapter 86 (Seeking to Continue Reading) Deep Affection for Disciples

Unfortunately, at present, there are no signs of Vermilion Bird Hall responding.

Of course, at this moment, the situation is uncertain, and Perfected Being Zi Yang cannot guarantee anything. He can only say that it is highly probable.

"Sun Lao, as you know, I am quite easy to talk to. But my senior sister may not be the same. If she finds out about this, I cannot guarantee the consequences," Mo Yuhuang added casually.

Perfected Being Zi Yang's expression stiffened slightly, and he shook his head helplessly. "The selection of auspicious signs is beyond human interference. Even if I have the intention, I am powerless."

"What do you mean by being powerless?" Mo Yuhuang revealed her fangs directly. "Sun Lao, let me make it clear. I have set my sights on the Golden Dragon. If the chosen one is not as good as my disciple, I will personally take it away. No one can stop me."

"Mo Fengzhu, how can you think like this? This matter concerns the great fortune of the sect. You are going too far," Zhan Changli, who was beside them, couldn't bear to watch.

"Going too far? Wasn't it too much when you were enjoying that enchanting woman with Sun Lao just now?" Mo Yuhuang retorted.

Perfected Being Zi Yang's smile froze completely, and he coughed lightly. "Mo Fengzhu, the matter of luck is still far away. We don't know how it will change in the future. Why don't you talk about something else? What Law Weapon do you want?"

"The Pure Yang True Sword," Mo Yuhuang said directly without hesitation. "Xu You needs a handy sword."

"Nonsense!" Perfected Being Zi Yang immediately shook his head. "Xu You follows the path of the Dao, so what does he need the Pure Yang True Sword for? This sword ranks fifth among the Immortal Gate Law Weapons and should be given to a disciple with the highest talent in swordsmanship. Besides, Xu You hasn't even formed his Dao Foundation yet."

"If my disciple follows the path of the sword, he will establish the Eight Sword Foundations," Mo Yuhuang said calmly.

Perfected Being Zi Yang instinctively shook his head. "You haven't even formed the Eight Sword Foundations yourself. Only an extraordinary genius can achieve that. Among the disciples of the sect, only Qian Luo has achieved this. If your disciple truly has such talent, with your temperament, you would have long abandoned his Dao Foundation and switched to the path of the sword."

Mo Yuhuang narrowed her eyes. "Sun Lao, how about we make a bet?"

"Another bet? What are we betting on?"

"I bet that Xu You will reach the Fourth Realm and form the Nine Yang Dao Foundation, and within a month, he will cultivate the Vast Cloud Sword Art to perfection," Mo Yuhuang smiled.

"If he can accomplish these two things, the Pure Yang True Sword will be given to Xu You. Additionally, the Lotus Robe will be given as well."

Perfected Being Zi Yang frowned slightly. "And what if he can't do it?"

"If he can't do it, I promise that Vermilion Bird Hall will not say anything about the matter of luck and will fully cooperate with Sun Lao. I also guarantee that my senior sister will not do anything out of line," Mo Yuhuang said confidently.

Perfected Being Zi Yang's brows gradually relaxed.

He didn't believe that Xu You could accomplish either of these two things.

The Nine Yang Dao Foundation is the ultimate Dao Foundation that can be condensed by practicing the Nine Yang Immortal Technique. Even Li Changsheng, who had astonishing talent, fell short of achieving it. Xu You most likely wouldn't be able to do it.

In other words, if Xu You really could accomplish this, it would surely cause a stir in the Immortal Gate. At that time, even the Pure Yang True Sword, ranked fifth, would be inadequate, let alone the Lotus Robe.

Moreover, the Vast Cloud Sword Art is notoriously difficult to cultivate and has been collecting dust in the Sutra Pavilion for many years.

How could Xu You, who follows the path of the Dao, achieve perfection in just one month? Wasn't this a joke?

"Alright, I accept," Perfected Being Zi Yang nodded slightly.

Mo Yuhuang smiled and didn't linger any longer. She turned into a stream of light and flew away.

Zhan Changli watched Mo Yuhuang's figure recede into the distance and couldn't help but feel emotional. "This woman is known for her ruthlessness and rarely interferes with the affairs of the sect. I didn't expect her to be so deeply affectionate towards her disciple."

She loves her disciple so much, and she is so confident in her disciple. Xu You has been in the sect for more than three years, always in seclusion on the Vermilion Bird Peak, without showing his skills. Yet she dares to make a bet. She is truly remarkable."

"Master Uncle, rest assured, you will win this bet. Mo Yuhuang always loses when it comes to gambling. She has hardly won a few times. There shouldn't be a problem," Zhan Changli reassured him.

Perfected Being Zi Yang stroked his beard. "Although that's true, I still feel that something is not right. Oh, did she not spend any money to make this bet with me?"

Zhan Changli was stunned for a moment and fell into deep thought. It seemed to be the case.

No loss either way, gain blood if she wins, and lose nothing if she loses.

"Did I fall into a trap?" Perfected Being Zi Yang asked again.

"No, she won't win anyway. By then, she and her senior sister will naturally reduce a lot of trouble for Master Uncle. That alone is already a gain. Li Changsheng's two female disciples were once notorious, and it was only in the past decade that Mo Yuhuang has slightly restrained herself," Zhan Changli laughed happily.

Speaking of Vermilion Bird Hall, it has always been the biggest headache since Li Changsheng. No one is easy to deal with. The educational philosophy has deviated greatly."

As soon as Zhan Changli finished speaking, another Daoist figure shot towards them and landed precisely.

He was a thin and ordinary-looking middle-aged man, but his temperament was quite eye-catching. He was dressed in a blue robe with an embroidered Eight Trigrams formation on his chest.

When Zhang Changli saw this man who loved to show off, he was immediately displeased. But since his daughter was under his command, he could only greet him warmly. "Lao Yi, long time no see."

Yi Li only glanced coldly at the other person and then slightly bowed to Perfected Being Zi Yang, indicating his greetings. "Greetings, Master Uncle."

Perfected Being Zi Yang nodded slightly and asked, "Have you figured out what the Black Obsidian Venerable of the Demon Alliance is planning while staying in the Heng Alliance?"

"Yes," Yi Li simply nodded.

"Go on," Perfected Being Zi Yang sat up straight.

"First, Black Obsidian is probably looking for Bai Liyuntian to divine something for the Demon Alliance. Second, the two sides may form a cooperation," Yi Li gave his answer.

"What is the matter that Bai Liyuntian is divining? Is it related to the Demon Lord?"

"Most likely," Yi Li replied.

"It seems that the Demon Lord may truly appear this time. This matter is of great importance. Kunlun is closest to the Heng Alliance. I will report this to the Sect Master later," Perfected Being Zi Yang sighed slightly. Under the current circumstances, there seemed to be a subtle change in the wind and clouds.

Yi Li didn't say anything more. Just as he was about to get up and leave, Zhang Changli called out to him, "Lao Yi, help Master Uncle divine a hexagram. Divine the fate of Xu You, a disciple of Vermilion Bird Peak."

Yi Li ignored him. He had no interest in someone he had never heard of before. Only strong individuals could pique his interest.

"He is the successor of Li Changsheng, the former Lord of Vermilion Bird Hall. Mo Yuhuang said he can cultivate the Nine Yang Dao Foundation," Zhang Changli added.

Upon hearing the name Li Changsheng, Yi Li finally stopped in his tracks.

With his broad perspective, even he couldn't help but recall what he had heard and seen of Li Changsheng when he was young.

That man was extremely cool, and someone with such a sophisticated divination ability naturally interested him.

After thinking for a moment, Yi Li returned to his seat. Perfected Being Zi Yang didn't say anything either. He was now a little curious about Xu You.

Although Mo Yuhuang's evaluation might be biased due to her master's influence, with Mo Yuhuang's proud eyes, there were very few people she would acknowledge.

To praise Xu You like this, it definitely meant that Xu You had extraordinary qualities.

Yi Li's face still carried a calm and composed expression. He took out three plain ancient coins and placed them on the table.

The most advanced divination often used the most primitive methods, without any fancy tricks. Yi Li simply arranged the ancient coins in a line.

Then, he dipped his fingertips into three strands of spiritual energy and let them fall onto the ancient coins.

After that, there was a long silence.

The three of them patiently waited. Suddenly, the three ancient coins trembled violently, and three terrifying golden auras burst out from the coins, converging into a pillar of light that shot straight into the sky.

Yi Li and the others paid no attention to the oppressive aura that could tear apart low-level cultivators. They all followed the light with their gazes.

The pillar of light seemed to have pierced a hole in the sky, like an inverted funnel.

Wave after wave of divination power surged crazily in all directions. At the same time, three clear cries came from the top of Moon Jade Pavilion.

The roar of dragons, the cry of phoenixes, and the furious roar of qilins.

It turned out that the three dormant auspicious divine beasts awakened at the same time and cried towards the sky.

The immortal mountain, Moon Jade Pavilion, floating above the sea of clouds, also seemed to tremble slightly. Faced with this sudden and intense anomaly, Zhang Changli and Perfected Being Zi Yang's expressions changed drastically.

This Xu You, how could he trigger such a Celestial Phenomenon?

Zhang Changli looked at Perfected Being Zi Yang in shock, his eyes clearly asking, "Is this the person you divined as the one who has no destiny with Vermilion Bird Hall?"

Isn't this destiny? Who else can have destiny?

It's so terrifying!

(After reading everyone's ideas for props yesterday, I can only say that you are all talented, very impressive.

In the future, in addition to the Great Dao props that are related to the main storyline, I will develop some exquisite small props, hehe.

Also, I made a slight adjustment to yesterday's output, the [Heart of the Sword Saint]. For those who read it immediately yesterday, you may not know, so let me explain.

The side effect has been changed to temporarily render the essence inactive when activated.

As for specific usage scenarios, for example, when there is no output, injecting essence can instantly render it inactive.

Keep it on hand, better safe than sorry. Let's see the specific situation and feedback.

The adjustment was made because it may be used in conjunction with the Moral Sword in specific situations. Writing h is not my intention, it's just that the hands typing on the keyboard have their own ideas!

Damn it!)

(End of this chapter)

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