Chapter 91: Severing the Bond of Marriage

In the instant Xu You saw the name, a sense of confusion surged in his heart. He glanced at Yue Qingyue, who was also quietly looking at the peach blossom plaque.

"This plaque has not yet triggered a bond of marriage, but it's good to sever it."

Mo Yuhuang laughed and walked straight to the peach blossom plaque. When it comes to severing the bond of marriage, the parties involved cannot do it themselves, only she can do it.

But she couldn't act recklessly. The peach blossom divine tree is born in accordance with the will of heaven, and it is entangled with countless karmic bonds of marriage.

Even if Mo Yuhuang is strong, she cannot act rashly. If she makes a wrong move, it could have far-reaching consequences. Fortunately, this plaque has not fully triggered the bond of marriage, so the resistance should not be too great.

Mo Yuhuang stood there observing the plaque with her hands behind her back, while Xu You and Yue Qingyue stood quietly side by side behind her.

The sunset's glow spilled onto their shoulders, and Yue Qingyue suddenly looked at Xu You and asked, "Are you cultivating the Nine Yang Immortal Art?"

"Yes," Xu You nodded in response.

Yue Qingyue smiled lightly, and Xu You didn't know why she was smiling, but he felt that beneath that meaningful smile, there was still a touch of heart-stirring tenderness.

The two of them stood there quietly like this.


A faint sound rang out, indicating that Mo Yuhuang had finally made a move. A tiny Sword Qi condensed at her fingertips, carrying the might of the heavens.

The Sword Qi accurately landed on the peach blossom plaque, without affecting the surroundings in the slightest.

In theory, this kind of spiritual wooden plaque would be instantly reduced to dust under Mo Yuhuang's Sword Qi. However, the bond of marriage formed by the peach blossom divine tree unexpectedly stood firm like a rock.

Mo Yuhuang, seeing this, showed a hint of surprise between her eyebrows and gently pressed her right hand again.

The bond of marriage plaque buzzed and vibrated, causing the branches to tremble as well.

With this, the plaque finally couldn't hold on and was directly severed by the Sword Qi, falling from the branches.

Mo Yuhuang took the divided plaque and handed each piece to Xu You and Yue Qingyue, saying, "Alright, although it has become more solid, it has still been severed. There's no reason for us to be involved in the matters of those two old men. Let's call it quits. This can be kept as a memento, after all, it's a plaque formed by the divine tree."

Xu You touched the half piece of the bond of marriage plaque in his hand, feeling a slight chill. It didn't feel like wood, but rather had a metallic sensation.

Looking closely, the names on it were not carved, but rather the natural patterns grown by the divine tree itself.

Xu You marveled at this. The peach blossom divine tree was truly extraordinary. When Li Changsheng made his vow, he wasn't even a tadpole.

But this divine tree could accurately grow his name. Truly miraculous.

Wait a minute, he transmigrated here, so theoretically he doesn't belong to this world. The peach blossom divine tree is a product of this world's will of heaven, yet it can detect him?

Xu You's thoughts wandered, unable to comprehend it. In the end, he put the half piece of the bond of marriage plaque back into his chest.

On the other side, Yue Qingyue, like Xu You, took a few glances before putting it back into her chest. Then, she smiled gently at Huanyu Feng.

"Xiao Yu."

Before she could finish speaking, a sudden anomaly occurred.

A powerful suction force directly pulled Yue Qingyue and Xu You towards each other.

The force was so strong and fast that it was beyond human resistance.


Xu You's chest and Yue Qingyue's chest tightly pressed against each other, and the collision produced a distinct sound.

Xu You felt dizzy and his vision blurred. The impact was strong, and if it weren't for Yue Qingyue's quick reaction, using a soft light technique to reduce most of the force, Xu You would probably have been killed by that blow alone.

In his confusion, Xu You could only feel one thing.


Indescribable softness.

It transmitted from the point of contact between their chests to his brain cortex, as if resting on a cloud, making him feel light-headed.

The space between his nose and mouth was filled with the unique fragrance of Yue Qingyue, a gentle scent that brought peace when smelled.

Looking at Yue Qingyue, who was so close, Xu You could see her beautiful face, with peach-like skin and willow-like eyebrows, captivating and enchanting.

Yue Qingyue seemed to be unaware of the inappropriate actions between her and Xu You. Instead, she looked to the Peach Blossom Divine Tree, lost in thought.

Both Xu You and Yue Qingyue could naturally feel that they were in this situation because the divided marriage token had been inexplicably reconnected by a mysterious force, causing them to be so close.

Seeing this, Mo Yuhuang raised an eyebrow. She immediately moved forward, placing her hands on Xu You and Yue Qingyue's shoulders, channeling her cultivation into her hands to pull them apart.

"Master, be gentle, you're going to break us!" Feeling the immense force on his shoulders, Xu You quickly spoke up.

Mo Yuhuang ignored him and increased the force. The sand beneath her feet cracked, forming a deep fissure of several zhang in length.

Finally, a crisp sound was heard.


It sounded like a cork being pulled out of a bottle, or like the sound of something being pulled out of a toothless snake's mouth.

Xu You and Yue Qingyue were forcibly separated by Mo Yuhuang.

As soon as they were apart, the two pieces of the marriage token flew out of their chests and floated in the air, then merged together.

In that moment of closure, a dazzling red light radiated from the token, and finally, the whole token shot back to its original position on the Peach Blossom Divine Tree.

Unlike before it was severed, the name on the marriage token was now vivid and lifelike, with a sparkling and translucent light that seemed to have a spiritual presence.

It was much brighter than the other activated marriage tokens around it, and its fullness of spirit immediately caught people's attention.

At the moment the marriage token fell into place, Xu You suddenly felt dazed.

Subconsciously, he looked towards Yue Qingyue, but the clear impression he had of her became blurry.

He couldn't even find the right words to describe how Yue Qingyue looked in his eyes at this moment.

There was a sense of unreality, as if the woman who appeared repeatedly in his dreams could only be seen vaguely when he tried to look at her with all his might.

Upon waking up, his heart was filled with a sense of melancholy.

The Yue Qingyue in front of him seemed to be like this, even though she was right in front of him, standing there, what he saw and what he got felt dreamlike.

Xu You couldn't speak at this moment, he just stood there in a daze, his heart rippling with wave after wave of ripples, feeling a ridiculous sense of familiarity with the woman in front of him, as if he had seen her a thousand times, a thousand times over.

It was absurd.

"Hmm?" Mo Yuhuang raised an eyebrow.

"There's no reason for this, right?" She stepped forward and looked up, muttering to herself, "I just severed its connection with the Heavenly Dao, so how can a mere marriage token have such spirituality?

Come and see if this has turned into a marriage instead."

Mo Yuhuang beckoned to Yue Qingyue, and the latter's body paused for a moment before her thoughts cleared.

Just like Xu You, she had fallen into a similar situation, her mind being attracted and immersed by an unknown force. However, her profound cultivation allowed her to quickly recover from the influence, but only in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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