Who told him to rush up there?

Chapter 148 Manual Adventure, Customized Treasure Hunt

Since Princess Lina has successfully broken through to the seventh level, the real purpose of this outing has been achieved. The few people and the dragon packed up their moods and prepared to return.

On the way back, Princess Lina seemed very excited. From time to time, she gathered a small fireball to burn in the air. With her delicate operation, the small fireball changed into different shapes, sometimes turning into a heart, sometimes into a flaming rose, and sometimes into two cat ears.

Princess Lina had a lot of fun, and Eleanor, who was following her, seemed a little unhappy. If she was bullied by Eli, it would be a small matter. Anyway, she was almost used to it. But if Eli took a fancy to her, it would be troublesome.

Now he still seems to treat me as a child, and it seems that he has no strange thoughts, but it is hard to say for a long time. After all, I am one year older than him. When he realizes this, can he still resist not attacking the cute Eleanor?

The doting look in his eyes before was really scary. It felt like he would reach out and hug her in his arms in the next second.

No, I have to stay away from Eli, whether I am treated as a cute little sister who can be legally married or as a fragrant and soft plush toy!

Eleanor secretly made up her mind that she must not become a meal for a playboy.

The group walked while playing, and returned to the Demon Hunting City just when the sun was at the middle.

Because he was very satisfied with the meal last night and was too lazy to go back to the city lord's mansion to cook for himself, Eli simply took people to Hans Hotel and enjoyed a hearty lunch.

After lunch, Eli took Jessica, Cecilia and Alyssa back to the City Lord's Mansion first, while Princess Lina took Evelyn and Eleanor out for a stroll.

Although the Demon Hunting City is far from prosperous now, compared with the poverty of the past, it has at least a commercial street, even if it is filled with low-end goods and crude handmade products.

Perhaps women have a natural love for shopping, and even Lina, the princess of the empire, is no exception. Unlike her, Evelyn followed Princess Lina to temporarily avoid Eli, and Eleanor had similar reasons to Evelyn.

Jessica and Cecilia are still the best behaved. Shopping is not as important as accompanying your own man. Let's reward them well after returning to the room...

As he walked towards the City Lord's Mansion, Eli thought so, while his mind was always paying attention to the sneaky figure of a dog.

This guy followed them all the way, and even hid outside the yard to keep watch when they were sleeping. It seems that the aura leaked when deliberately rewarding Jessica before has completely hooked her. In addition, the event bonus of kissing Lina today to help her break through the high level, let's see if you can still escape my fishing net.

Not long after they left, the three people of Eli and Alyssa returned to the city lord's mansion. At this time, the kitchen in the outer courtyard was busy. They had eaten dry food all the way on the road before, and now they were very enthusiastic about hot meals.

Crossing the outer courtyard, Eli led two women and a dragon into the inner courtyard. Alyssa, who had been playing outside for half a day, was already yawning, and she consciously went into the room to take a nap.

After Alyssa left, Eli also took Jessica and Cecilia back to the room, but he was not busy with daytime lust, but pulled the two women to sit down at the wooden table in the room.

Given the familiarity of Jessica and Cecilia with their master, they knew that he had something important to arrange by looking at Eli's expression and movements.

Sure enough, after the two of them sat down, Eli also pulled a stool and sat on it, and then began to explain things.

"We will rush back to the imperial capital tomorrow. Before that, I have some things for you to do."

When Eli spoke, his expression was extremely serious, which made Jessica and Cecilia look solemn and alert.

"Here is the map for you. When it's late tonight, you go to the location marked on the map and bring me the things buried there."

As he said, Eli took out an old and yellowed map from the storage space and handed it to the two. Jessica reached out to take the map, quickly glanced at it, and handed it to Cecilia.

Cecilia took the map, read it carefully, nodded to Jessica, and put it away.

"Remember, go quietly, don't alarm anyone, and don't tell anyone about this, including Evelyn."

Seeing the reactions of the two, Eli gave another instruction, as if he was afraid that they would accidentally make a mistake.

"We will do the work, master, just rest assured, leave it to us!"

Cecilia patted her well-sized chest and assured with confidence.

Although Jessica didn't say anything, she nodded seriously to Eli. If it was her words, she should be more reliable than Cecilia.

Dear Jessica and Cecilia, this is one of the few resources I didn't occupy first. In your previous life, you accumulated strength through this adventure, so that you could soar to the sky in the days to come and gradually grow into the peak powerhouses of the human race, the pillars of the sky.

It was precisely because the two women's strong road originated from the Demon Hunting City that the weak and humble Eli Bruno in his previous life was able to have a little relationship with the two proud daughters of heaven. Otherwise, how could the Demon Hunting City, which was thrown into the city and was inconspicuous, attract the attention of Jessica and Cecilia, who were already famous at the time, and even come in person.

Those two things were enough to change the lives of Jessica and Cecilia. They were not far behind the little blue pills that Eli fed them. They were treasures that could truly create gods.

"Have you finished explaining the business? Since we have to wait until late at night, does the master have to give me and Jessica...a mission reward now?"

Just when Eli was thinking about the grace of Jessica and Cecilia in his previous life, Cecilia, who had taken over the task, came over and asked for the task reward with a charming look.

You need a reward before the task is completed. Besides, is this task for me? Aren’t they all benefits for you? You still want a reward, and see if I don’t punish you, a greedy little beauty...

After thinking about it, Eli took off his coat and pulled Cecilia, who was clinging to him, to the bedside.

Because last night was Evelin's first night... to be honest, it was the first night Evelin and Eli slept together, so Cecilia couldn't have a warm and sticky kiss with her master. Now she has free time, It just so happened that no one else was here, so I had to make up for it harshly.

Jessica originally did not intend to participate, but considering that Cecilia was careless and greedy, in order to prevent the master from being overly exploited by the succubus, she could only participate in the competition as a referee.

At the same time, on the simple commercial street of the Demon Hunting City, Princess Lina chose a handmade small ornament. It was shaped like a giant dragon roaring to the sky. It had a big head, a thick neck, long legs, and very long forelimbs. Short, one after another flames are being sprayed out from its mouth.

"Look, does this look like Alyssa? Buy it back and give it to it to play with. It should like it."

Princess Lena held up the small ornament and liked it more and more, but she still turned back to ask Evelyn and Eleanor for their opinions.

"It does look a lot like Alyssa, but this thing is too small for Alyssa, not even as big as a knuckle."

Evelin tasted the small ornament carefully, and then expressed her thoughts.

Indeed, this thing will not look too small in the hands of Princess Lina, but Alyssa is a serious dragon. Although she is still a baby dragon, her size is already half the size of a house. An ornament of this size is in In front of Alyssa, it was no worse than the human race looking at a soybean.

"That's true. Then... let me play with it myself. Just put it on the desk and use it to press paper."

I have to say that Princess Lina really likes this little ornament. Even if she can't give it to Alyssa, she can't dispel her desire to buy it.

"Boss, how much does this cost?"

With that said, Princess Lena touched the bracelet and prepared to take out the money to buy this mini Alyssa ornament.

"One hundred thousand gold coins."

The boss was an old human lady with gray hair. She was stooped but looked very shrewd. When Princess Lina asked about the price, she glanced at Princess Lina and then held out ten fingers.

"One hundred thousand gold coins, right? I..."

As soon as she agreed casually, Princess Lina was stunned, and she also paused in taking out the money. She couldn't believe the price she heard.

Although some people have always jokingly called her the richest woman in mainland China, she is just rich, not stupid.

It's just a handmade ornament, and it's made of wood. Even though the carving is excellent and the whole dragon is vivid, it's not worth one hundred thousand gold coins...

She is not an ordinary princess who grew up in an ivory tower. Even if she doesn't understand the value of goods, she still knows that people usually use copper coins and silver coins to trade.

She had been on the battlefield and worked as a civilian. She knew that just one gold coin could buy a lot of food and send it to the front line.

One hundred thousand gold coins is nothing to Princess Lina's net worth, but if the military rations that are enough to feed a million-strong army can only buy a small toy, then how wealthy the people of the empire will be.

"You can obviously grab it directly, but you still want to give us a small ornament. Thank you very much."

While Princess Lena was still calculating the value of 100,000 gold coins, Eleanor, who was already in a bad mood, stood up and helped her roommates and sisters to criticize the boss.

"Oh my God, my head is talking."

Hearing Eleanor's sinister words, the boss didn't take it seriously at first, and then looked at the speaker. The next moment, he blurted out a surprised voice as if he was frightened.

"Nonsense! The mouth is on the head, so everyone has to use their head to speak. Is it possible that you can still speak with your belly?"

Eleanor jumped on the spot and pointed at the boss's nose very rudely.

"Oh, it turns out you have a body. I just saw a head floating on the table, which scared me."

As he spoke, the boss stroked his chest, looking shocked.

This time, even though Eleanor's little head was not very smart, with her keen sense of height topics, she still heard that the hateful boss was trying to blackmail her.

"You are only as tall as a table! Do you believe it or not, I will smash your stall to pieces!"

Eleanor's little flames came up immediately. If it weren't for the boss's age, she would have smashed it instead of the stall.

"Kid, don't be angry, I'll give this to you for free, not even a copper coin."

Looking at Eleanor who was furious and jumped much higher than the table, the boss did not show a scared expression. Instead, he smiled and took out a mini hammer, which was about one finger long and as heavy as a peanut.

Even though Eleanor has small hands, this mini hammer still looks "delicate" in her hand.

"Who wants your little gift! Such a small thing will slip through your fingers when you grab it. What's the fun in it!"

As she said this, Eleanor was about to throw back the mini hammer that her boss had put in her palm, but before she could do anything, the heavy-duty warhammer stored in her storage space suddenly became irritable.

That warhammer was made for her by her father himself. It was a birthday gift for her eighteenth birthday. As the dwarf king who is the best at forging and has the most rare materials, her warhammer is not an ordinary thing.

Even if it cannot be compared with a semi-artifact for the time being, it is at least stronger than a holy weapon, because it already has its own spirituality and is only one step away from condensing the soul of the weapon.

Now, even across the storage space, Eleanor can still feel the riot of the warhammer. As its owner, she has been with it for three years. Eleanor can vaguely feel an emotion similar to desire from its spirituality.

Is it craving this little thing? Eleanor was a little dazed holding the mini hammer. Why are you greedy for such a broken thing? The size difference between you two is bigger than that between me and Eli!

"You don't want money, right? Then I'll accept it with reluctance. By the way, don't laugh at my height anymore."

Eleanor retracted her outstretched hand, and then put the mini hammer into the storage space without leaving a trace, and placed it together with her real war hammer.

"The little friend is not... not outstanding, but has a bad temper. This little dragon will sell you 100,000 gold coins, and it's okay to give you one or two small gifts."

As he said, the boss took out a white miniature staff from nowhere, which was also about one finger long. If you don't look closely, you might think it's a toothpick, but in the Dawn Empire, no one should use white bones to grind into toothpicks.


The boss stretched out his hand and handed the bone miniature staff to Evelyn, who was watching the fun. The latter took it with a confused look on her face and subconsciously said "thank you".

Unlike Eleanor putting away the small hammer, Evelyn did not experience any abnormality when holding this small staff. She looked at the little thing from left to right but could not figure out what it was, so she simply put it away and left it alone for the time being.

"Pay the money, buy it, and take it back to show Eli."

At this time, feeling the amazing changes in the storage space, Eleanor quietly approached Princess Lina and whispered to her shoulder.

At this time, her war hammer had been transformed unconsciously and promoted to a semi-artifact.

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