Who told him to rush up there?

Chapter 172: One Practices Five

Jessica and Cecilia's surprise attack failed, and Eleanor who followed up was far from a match.

Now the hope of the whole village falls on the two backline mages, Princess Lena and Evelin. We can only see if they can change the situation of the battle after taking action. They don't want to directly defeat the powerful Eli, but they want to be able to deal with it. He caused real trouble and created opportunities for the fighters in the front row.

"Eli sees the move!"

As Princess Lina screamed, a raging fire dragon rushed directly to Eli's face, followed closely by a crystal clear jade bowl. Judging from its fluctuations, it was at least a sacred treasure.

When Princess Lena took action, Evelin was not to be outdone, and summoned a large number of undead creatures with a wave of her hand. There were no skeleton zombies among them, but a vast expanse of black warriors and undead knights.

However, as more and more undead creatures gradually took up most of the space in the arena, Princess Lina's previous attack route was also crowded by undead creatures. The surging fire dragon hit Eli before it could reach him. A few Darth Vaders.


The fire dragon exploded wildly, and all the black warriors along the way were turned into ashes, but at the same time, the blazing fire dragon was also consumed. When Eli was finally attacked, only a few scattered sparks were left. .


Seeing this scene, Princess Evelin and Princess Lina were stunned at the same time. Although they had never teamed up to fight an enemy before, such a poor cooperation still made them unbearable.

Fortunately, Princess Lina's fire dragon was quite powerful and cleared away all the obstacles along the way. At least it paved the way for the Jade Bowl Sacred Artifact and prevented such a precious treasure from being wasted on teammates.

The flying jade bowl swelled in the wind, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a giant bowl that could cover several square meters in radius. Driven by Princess Lina, the huge jade bowl flipped down, directly standing on the spot. Eli was moved and dunked into the bowl.

"Hurry up! I can control him for five seconds at most and output with all my strength!"

Seeing that the jade bowl successfully held Eli, Princess Lina quickly shouted to her teammates that her jade bowl was a control-type sacred weapon. The person covered by it could not cause damage to the outside world, but people outside But it can attack the people inside through the jade bowl.

If a normal saint-level powerhouse were to activate this holy weapon, he would be able to control the opponent for at least ten seconds, but with Princess Lina's strength, she could last up to five seconds. This is the result of the perfect fit between her and this holy weapon.

"Eat me with one move, Meteor Fall!"


"Be good and let Eleanor crush you!"


Almost at the same time, Cecilia, Jessica, Eleanor and Evelin all burst out with their highest output in a short period of time. They knew that it was impossible to hurt Eli with their strength, so they didn't even have the slightest chance of hurting him. Keep your hands.

First, Cecilia's Meteor Fall hit Eli's shoulder, but Eli pushed it away with his shoulders down, then Jessica's Wind Flower Fury Slash was knocked away by Eli's punch, and then Eleanor's Fury... The sound of the hammer struck the ground, but it didn't touch Eli's side at all. In the end, Evelin's scream of the dead soul failed to shake Eli's soul at all.

Princess Lina's activation of the Jade Bowl Sacred Artifact can indeed limit Eli's suppressed strength for five seconds, but it only limits his attacks and actions, and cannot limit his defense. With the strength of these other people, in just a short time Five seconds were not even enough for them to wear away Eli's body-protecting fighting spirit.

"It's okay, come again!"

Seeing that her teammates' attacks were in vain, Princess Lina quickly threw out a rope before the Jade Bowl Sacred Artifact dissipated, and tied up Eli. After successfully restraining Eli, she then shouted.

Princess Lena has many treasures, so they have many opportunities. If they fail once, I don’t believe they will fail again and again. No matter how strong Eli is, he is still made of flesh and blood, and there will definitely be flaws!

The beautiful girls thought so, and the attacks in their hands were not slow at all. The sharp attacks landed on Eli with great precision, but they were all blocked by his body-protecting fighting spirit and failed to hurt his fur.

Is this the defense power of a new Saint? Forgetting the attacks of Eleanor and Evelin, why can't even the repeated attacks of Jessica and Cecilia fail to break through his body-protecting fighting spirit? You are too tough!

If the weakest saint level is so terrifying, then are there anyone in the world who can surpass the level and defeat powerful enemies?

In fact, Eli did not cheat. The intensity of the fighting energy he used was indeed at the level of a first-time saint. The reason why this level of body-protecting fighting energy can make two half-step and half-saints sigh with excitement is purely because Because the gap between the holy level and those below the holy level is too huge.

You must know that the entire mortal world and even the demon world refer to entering the holy level as transcendental becoming a saint. The word "becoming a saint" does not need to be explained, and the two words "supernatural" naturally represent transcending mortals (devils) and becoming powerful in another dimension. exist.

As long as you don't become a saint for a day, even if you reach the semi-saint level, you will still have a mortal body after all. No matter how strong you are, there is a limit. Once you become a saint, the whole person or the entire demon who has entered the holy level will complete it once. Sublimation, not only will the strength improve by leaps and bounds, but even the life form will change to a certain extent.

Of course, entering the holy level does not mean that you are invincible. It is just a life sublimation. What becomes stronger is strength and what increases is life span, but it does not change the species. The strong ones in the holy level are cut off. The head will also die, and it will hang if it is chopped into pieces.

After the saints, but before the gods, only the gods can live as long as the heaven and the earth, and shine with the sun and the moon. As long as the soul is immortal, they can be immortal.

Elai is now playing the role of a beginner in the Saint Rank. He is naturally not comparable to a god, but a true Saint Rank is as invincible as a god in front of those who have not yet entered the Saint Rank.

Since the history of the Mortal World has been recorded, there have been many peerless geniuses who can challenge Saint Rank masters with non-saint bodies, but there are only a handful of peerless geniuses who can defeat Saint Rank masters with non-saint bodies. These people are all peerless geniuses who have dominated one or even multiple eras. Each of them is a terrifying existence that can leave a name in history and be passed down to this day.

Jessica and Cecilia are undoubtedly geniuses among geniuses. They are two of the pillars of the future of the human race. They can be called peerless talents, which are not comparable to ordinary geniuses.

But even if they want to reach the level of peerless geniuses that are rare in history, they still lack some luck and strength. They have the strength to challenge Saint Rank masters across levels, but it is still a bit difficult to win.

Of course, the comparison here is about hard power, and does not include Princess Lina who relies on soft power. If any half-saint can have as many holy weapons or even semi-artifacts as Princess Lina, then let alone defeating a saint-level strongman, it is more than enough for one person plus a bunch of holy weapons and semi-artifacts to fight two or three saints.

After all, artifacts are also part of strength. If you insist on requiring a saint-level strongman with an ebony sword and a half-saint with a dragon-slaying sword to fight and win, it is a bit too much.

The current beautiful girl phalanx relies on Princess Lina's control of the holy weapon to launch a slightly weak attack on Eli again and again. If there is no control of Princess Lina, with Eli's fighting style, he would have killed many people in the beautiful girl phalanx long ago.

"I still have some! Keep going!"

Princess Lina was still not convinced. After the jade bowl and the rope-like holy artifact, she activated a golden page. Under the golden light from the page, Eli couldn't move at all. It was another binding holy artifact. Princess Lina was really a little goblin who was obsessed with people (physical).

After Princess Lina finished speaking, the others continued to violently output without even taking a breath. Evelyn, in a hurry, even raised her staff to hit Eli's head in the interval between chanting spells, but the result was naturally in vain.

Cecilia's knight's lance stabbed out afterimages, Jessica's sword energy was everywhere in the ring, and the undead creatures under Evelyn were completely tireless and kept repeating the maximum chopping.

The most powerless one was Eleanor, who was born with divine power. She was obviously very strong and held a powerful war hammer of semi-artifact level in her hand, but every time she hammered, Eli would easily bounce it off. It felt like she was not hitting Eli, but a huge piece of cotton.

"What should I do! If I can't break his body protection fighting spirit, it's useless to fight!"

Eleanor, who was more impatient, became more and more angry. The repeated useless efforts had made her lose patience. If the other sisters hadn't stopped, she would have wanted to throw away the hammer and play it badly. Anyway, it wasn't a real fight, and it wouldn't be shameful to lose to Eli...

"Hold on for a while, I feel like there's a little chance..."

Cecilia took the time to respond to Eleanor in her busy schedule. She didn't say this to comfort her. In fact, under their series of attacks, Eli's body protection fighting spirit was indeed well protected, but the total amount of fighting spirit at the beginning of the Saint level was limited, and it was impossible to endlessly defend against attacks close to its defense limit.

Eli's strength is mainly reflected in his body and soul. His fighting spirit has always been a shortcoming. Even if it is not specifically limited to the level of the initial entry into the Saint level, it itself only has the strongest Saint level stock.

Even the crazy killing of the mutated demon soldiers can quickly consume Eli's fighting spirit, not to mention the situation where he can only passively defend.

"Really? Then I... bad!"

Hearing Cecilia's words, Eleanor temporarily gave up the idea of ​​​​playing badly, and Princess Lina on the other side was also very happy after hearing it, but just when she was busy being happy, the golden light page was invalid, and her next holy weapon had not yet been activated...

As soon as the word "bad" landed, Eli saw Jessica, who was the most aggressive, being knocked back with a punch, and then the fighting spirit burst out, and the gushing Qi shook Cecilia's attack. After temporarily solving the two enemy's biggest output points, Eli quickly took a few steps forward, broke through to Eleanor, and then grabbed Eleanor's war hammer.

The warhammer that has advanced to a semi-artifact has its own spirituality and will spontaneously resist people other than its owner from touching it, but the spirituality of the semi-artifact itself is not enough to resist the claws of a demon that is countless times stronger than its owner.

So in just a short second, Eli snatched Eleanor's precious warhammer and smashed her head with the hammer. Eleanor's big head came into close contact with her own warhammer. Eleanor, who had not yet reacted to the shock of losing her weapon, was directly smashed into circles and then fell to the ground.

Fortunately, this warhammer was her own weapon and instinctively protected her, so even if Eli was powerful, this hammer only knocked Eleanor unconscious and a big bump bulged on her head.

Eleanor, defeated!

With the weakest Eleanor being eliminated, Eli's next target was directly placed on Evelyn. She was the second weakest existence on the field, and it was her turn according to the order.

Seeing Eli's eyes fall on her, Evelyn subconsciously covered her chest, and then she reacted. This was on the ring, not on the bed. Eli was definitely not targeting her to bully her. At most, he was planning to defeat her easily.

This is exactly what happened. After determining his target, Eli quickly moved. He rushed forward and knocked away Jessica and Cecilia, who were attacking him together. He also dodged another holy weapon activated by Princess Lina. Eli crossed mountains and seas and directly knocked the undead creatures and their masters along the way out of the ring.

Given Evelyn's weak body as a necromancer, Eli didn't need to attack her deliberately. With just this collision, Evelyn fell to the ground like she was run over by a truck and couldn't even get up.

This was because Eli held back to avoid really hurting her. Otherwise, with her body that had only been strengthened for two days, how could she withstand the impact of a Saint-level strongman.

Evelyn, out!

After getting rid of the two weakest opponents, the remaining ones on the field are more difficult to deal with. Needless to say, Jessica and Cecilia are both half-step and half-saint. It is not difficult to defeat them with his suppressed strength, but it is a bit troublesome to win quickly.

As for Princess Lina, this guy only has the apparent strength of the seventh level, but there are too many good treasures on hand, so it is a bit difficult to deal with her in a short time.

Forget it, let's deal with Jessica and Cecilia first. At least he is familiar with them and knows their fighting styles. As long as he can suppress them for a while, he will naturally find a way to get rid of them.

Thinking of this, Eli dodged the holy weapon that Princess Lina was chasing after, and rushed towards Jessica and Cecilia who were ready to join forces to meet the enemy.

Jessica's sword, Cecilia's gun, Eli's fist, in Princess Lina's eyes, these three things seemed to be played with in a flowery way, making her dazzled and overwhelmed. Although she had the ability to activate the holy weapon to participate in the battle, it did not mean that her real strength of the seventh level could understand the battle of the holy level.

"What should I do! I can't seem to help you."

Eli who was moving and Eli who was standing still were completely different. At the beginning, Eli did not dodge or avoid them just to test their real fighting power. After the test, he began to fight back. With Princess Lina's strength, she naturally could not locate him.

Princess Lina, who had repeatedly attacked without success, was anxious. Seeing that Jessica and Cecilia were getting more and more tired, she could not help at all.

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