Who told him to rush up there?

Chapter 191 Eleanor didn’t fall this time!

So dealing with high-level undead creatures is no longer about directly summoning them to fight, but communicating with them through spells, and then paying a certain price to make them fight for her.

Evelyn is indeed at level eight now, and it doesn't cost too much to summon level seven undead creatures, but even if it is a level eight necromancer who is one level higher, summoning level seven undead creatures is not something that can be done in the blink of an eye, and there must be a process of spellcasting and communication.

The time that the wraith scream can control Eleanor can't be long, so Evelyn can only "speak in a short way" with the level seven undead creature to be summoned, without the process of bargaining, and directly offer a price, 30% of mental power and 30% of magic power, to help me knock down the opponent who will not resist from the ring.


Evelyn's consciousness heard two very short words, and then under her spell, a huge undead warrior appeared out of thin air on the ring, and without saying a word, he swung the giant sword in his hand and slashed at the unconscious Eleanor.

Just by chopping an enemy who has temporarily lost the ability to resist, you can get 30% of the spiritual power and 30% of the magic power of the eighth-level necromancer. This is a good deal that can make a profit without losing money. No undead creature can refuse it.

Even if the seventh-level undead creature is already an undead lord, it is also rushing to do this kind of service. Fortunately, it is more alert than the average undead lord and responded to Evelyn first. Let me take this benefit.


The bone giant sword fell fiercely, but it did not hit the dwarf as expected, but fell on a heavy war hammer. The war hammer did not react, but the giant sword in its hand was broken into several gaps and could not be used.

What's going on?

The summoned Undead Lord was a little surprised. He lost a weapon before he got any benefits, and it was the strongest weapon in his hand. Even if he got paid afterwards, he would not be considered to have made a profit...

And this was just the first step on his road to blood loss. When the war hammer appeared, it meant that Eleanor had woken up. His opponent changed from a dazed sandbag to a lively Berserker Loli. Although Eleanor could not beat other sisters, could she not beat an ordinary seventh-level Undead Lord?

"Damn it! Take my hammer!"

Eleanor, who had just woken up, was full of anger. She was very careful. In order to guard against the scream of Evelyn's soul, she blocked her ears with cotton balls before the attack. Although the damn scream was weakened because the sound could not be transmitted, the part that acted on the soul still made her fall.

Fortunately, the weakened scream of the soul also shortened her control time, allowing her to wake up in time to catch the attack of Evelyn's summoned creature.

Most people would be scared just by looking at the terrifying Undead Lord, but Eleanor, who had fought on the battlefield, was not afraid of these things. She wielded a heavy war hammer with great vigor and rushed towards the enemy in front of her without any reason.

How could Warhammer Loli passively defend? This ugly Undead creature should be smashed flat with a hammer!



The huge war hammer and the huge bone sword collided fiercely. Just like before, Eleanor's war hammer was intact, while the Undead Lord's bone sword was shattered.

Maybe after two or three blows, the Undead Lord's bone sword was broken into pieces, and in Eleanor's crazy hammering, not only was its weapon scrapped, but its bone armor was also hammered to pieces, and even its dry muscles were smashed into holes. If it weren't for the soul fire still burning, it would have died again.

It's a big loss! The soul of the Undead Lord was trembling. The dwarf in front of him looked not very good, but he was really ruthless when fighting the undead. In just a few rounds, it was beaten to a corpse.

The most important thing was that the dwarf saw that there was nothing to beat on it, and had already shifted his attention to its soul fire. That thing could not be beaten. If it was really extinguished, it would be completely finished...

"I don't want mental power and magic power! I admit defeat! Let me go back!"

The Undead Lord, who knew the situation, raised his hands high to surrender. The undead creatures were not really immortal, so there was no need to sacrifice his soul for a little benefit.

As the Undead Lord raised his hands to surrender, the summoning channel established by it and Evelyn reappeared. Almost at the same second when the channel appeared, the defeated Undead Lord plunged into it and returned to the underworld in disgrace.

The high-level undead creatures and high-level necromancers establish a cooperative relationship, not a subordinate relationship at the lower level. The summoned undead creatures can cancel the cooperation, and in most cases they don't have to bear the cost of breach of contract.

Of course, in the earliest times, when high-level undead creatures and high-level necromancers cooperated, no matter which party violated the agreement, they would suffer backlash damage, and the degree of damage depended on the consequences of the breach of contract and the value of the transaction between the two parties.

But after the invasion of the demons, the three realms of the mortal world, the divine world and the underworld formed an alliance. The relationship between the necromancer and the undead creatures was not only a partner, but also an ally. Therefore, when the two parties cooperated after that, as long as they did not betray their allies when fighting against the demons, the breach of contract by the party would not be backlashed.

However, although this kind of breach of contract usually does not require any cost, it is still rare for the summoned high-level undead creatures to surrender and escape. After all, in a transaction, you have to talk about credibility, otherwise who will cooperate with him in the future?

Without enough spiritual and magical nourishment from high-level necromancers, the growth of ordinary undead lords will definitely be much slower than those popular undead lords.

But in a situation like today, it has to run away. The opponent is a grumpy dwarf who will not blink when he hits people. Seeing the battlefield, it also knows that its employer and opponent are just in a ring match. Even if it runs away, it will not cause too serious consequences. But if it does not run, with the dwarfs’ violent temper, God knows how they will hit it.

There is no need to think too much, just run away!

As the undead lord returned to the underworld, only Evelyn and the domineering Eleanor were left on the ring. Although Evelyn saved 30% of her spiritual and magical power because of the undead lord’s active abandonment, there were no undead creatures on the field. How could she fight with Eleanor, a violent loli?

"Sister Evelyn, I won't be polite to you!"

Eleanor rushed towards Evelyn quickly with a war hammer in hand. She couldn't leave her time, lest she had any new tricks. This time, she couldn't even open her mouth. She just swung her hammer and flew her away!

As a high-level martial arts master, Eleanor was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, she raised her hammer to attack Evelyn. In such a short time, Evelyn only had time to summon an undead knight and had to face Eleanor's war hammer.

And the undead knight she summoned in a hurry didn't even take half of Eleanor's hammer. It was flattened in half a blink of an eye. It didn't play an effective blocking role at all, allowing Eleanor to easily break through in front of her.

There are no sisters on the ring! Eleanor, who had lost to Evelyn twice in a row, would never be polite to Evelyn. She raised her hammer and smashed the magic shield that Evelyn had hastily put up. The remaining power directly acted on Evelyn through the air, easily knocking her weak body out of the ring.

"Evelyn fell off the ring, Eleanor won!"

Elai under the stage announced the result of the competition at the right time, which made Eleanor on the ring happy for a while.

It was really rare. Eleanor avenged her previous shame and defeated Evelyn's sister. She was no longer the weakest one among the sisters!

As for Evelyn who fell off the ring and lost, she stood up and patted the dust on her body. She didn't seem to care much. After all, she and Eleanor had played three games in total, and she won two of them. Even if she lost this game, she won the two-win-three game.

And it was not shameful to lose to Eleanor. After all, her strength was not weak. She had the ability to fight across levels. In addition, her hammer was a semi-artifact. Ordinary eighth-level warriors were no match for her. It was already very good that she could beat her twice in a row.

However, Evelyn was still a little envious of Eleanor's happy look with the semi-artifact hammer. Her war hammer could be upgraded to a semi-artifact because she met a mysterious old woman in the Demon Hunting City and she was given a mini hammer.

Evelyn also had a small gift from the mysterious old woman, a miniature bone staff that looked like a toothpick, but I don't know if it was because there was no attachment to upgrade or some other reason, her bone toothpick had never shown any effect in her hand.

You know, even the dragon ornament that Princess Lina spent 100,000 gold coins to buy back greatly evolved Alyssa. The only thing that has not worked from the mysterious old woman is her toothpick staff. She once asked Eli to study it for a while, but even the knowledgeable Eli was helpless and had no idea about the toothpick staff.

After a long time, Evelyn's thoughts faded, but she was still envious of losing to Eleanor today and watching her holding the hammer to show off her power. If she also had a semi-artifact-level staff in her hand, and could summon undead creatures and release undead magic instantly, it would be unknown who would win today.

"It's okay, it's just a small loss, and I'll win it back next time."

At this time, Eli came over, patted Evelyn's shoulder gently, and comforted her.

Winning and losing are common to the strong. Temporary wins and losses are nothing. Becoming stronger is the hard truth. Learning more lessons from failed matches is also a way to improve. After all, failure is the mother of success...

"I'm fine. It's just a competition between sisters. I don't care about winning or losing."

Evelyn smiled at Eli, and then walked to the sidelines and sat down, quietly waiting for the next match to start.

"Then, the next match is Alyssa vs. Jessica. I don't need to shout to start. It will start when Alyssa is ready."

When Eli announced the two opponents of the next match, Eleanor, who had just come down from the ring, was stunned. Evelin, who was sitting on the sidelines like a good baby, also turned her head to look at Eli.

Although I know that Alyssa will also play today, why did she directly reach the highest intensity? Who is Jessica? Except for Princess Lina, she is the second most powerful existence in the sister list tied with Cecilia. No matter who faces her, they dare not say they will win. Is she the one that Alyssa can challenge?

Shouldn't Evelyn summon an undead creature of level 3 or 4, or at most level 4 or 5 to practice with it first? Even if Jessica suppresses her strength to level 4, she might be able to beat Alyssa up.


But no matter what others think, after watching the sisters fight these two games, the dragon-like aggressive factor hidden in Alyssa's bloodline has been activated a little. The elder brother called it to the stage, so it will fight with sister Jessica!

Although the lady and aunt said that good babies can't fight, Alyssa is no longer a very small baby. Alyssa is ten meters tall, so she should be able to play with her sisters more vigorously.

Alyssa basically regarded the ring competition as a game at this time, but to be precise, it was not wrong, after all, no sister would really beat it.


With Alyssa's howl to indicate that she was ready, Jessica and Alyssa's competition officially began.

At the beginning, Jessica only used her strength at the third and fourth levels. Although there was a certain gap with Alyssa, whose aura was comparable to that of a fifth-level strongman, in Jessica's opinion, it was enough.

After all, Alyssa had no combat experience. At most, she could use some brute force and some innate abilities, such as fire breathing. If she, who had experienced many battles, could lose to the confused Alyssa, then she would go find a piece of tofu and die without the master's help.

The battle went just as Jessica expected. She deliberately changed to a common broadsword that couldn't cut through Alyssa's scales. She fought Alyssa with such a common weapon and still made her spin around.

Jessica was good at speed. Even if she only used the strength of the third or fourth level, she couldn't keep up with Alyssa, who was dizzy from fighting. From the beginning of the fight, Jessica was unilaterally hitting Alyssa with the sword.

She chopped its left side first, and Alyssa turned her head to the left. When it turned around, she chopped its right side sideways, and Alyssa turned her head back to the right. This game was not a competition at all, but Jessica was training Alyssa and trying to teach her some basic fighting skills.

At the beginning, Alyssa was chopped around by Jessica, but as the battle continued, the smart Alyssa gradually learned something. Although she still couldn't catch Jessica's figure, her turning and exerting force were much more flexible than before.


Finally, after being tickled by the broadsword, Alyssa accurately caught Jessica's route and blocked her halfway. However, due to her lack of strength, Alyssa was hit in the mouth by the sword and was pushed back by Jessica's sister.

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