"A good figure for a girl is not about having eight-pack abs."

Eli didn't poke Elena's pain point directly, he just said this lightly.

How does that sentence come to be said, if you lower your head and cannot see your feet, you are the most beautiful person in the world...

Obviously, Elena could not only see her feet when she lowered her head, but also had a clear view of them.

If Elena is 100% satisfied with her appearance, then she is only 50% satisfied with her figure at most, and this is even if she has a pair of straight and slender legs.

How should I put it, the lack of self-motivation about the breasts has been bothering Elena for several years. A few years ago, she thought that when she grew up, her breasts would also grow up, but now she is almost an adult. Now, my breasts are still where they were ten years ago.

She was perfect and had only one regret. Although Eli was talking about abdominal muscles, he was definitely referring to Da Lei in a roundabout way.

But what can she do? This thing just doesn't grow long. It's not like she hasn't tried hard, but the results of her efforts are very disappointing.

Elena is a bit mature. In terms of face, she unceremoniously admits that she is ten-eight points better than Eli. But in terms of figure, she will lose at least fifty points...

Needless to say about the overall score, she was the most beautiful girl in the college, but she actually lost to the most powerful person in the college in the beauty challenge.

It would have been better if she hadn't mentioned the bet beforehand. No matter who loses to Dean Eli, it would not be embarrassing. But she just put pressure on Senior Michelle Michelle in her words. Now it is not only embarrassing, but also embarrassing. You have to really lose someone to the other party...

What should I do, what should I do, I accidentally exported Senior Michelle Michelle? She wouldn't be angry if she heard it over there, right? Hey, maybe not. Didn't she already have a crush on Dean Eli? Wouldn't it be just what she wanted if she lost her to him?

You are so careless. This is really a loss for your girlfriend and a shame. Both of them have made a lot of money. Is she the only one who has to swallow the bitter pill?

"I may have spoken a little too loudly just now. I hope Dean Eli will treat me like a fart. Just pretend I haven't been here today. Goodbye!"

With that said, Elena was ready to oil her soles and run away. As for cashing in her bet... that was love, and it couldn't be contaminated by vulgar things. She just thought it was a joke with Dean Eli and laughed. After that, everyone happily forgets about it.

"Don't leave in a hurry."

In front of Eli, Elena, who was only on the seventh level, was dreaming of running away. Elina didn't even see any movement. Elena, who had just run away a long way, returned to the same place.

"If you are willing to admit defeat, then you should give me a girlfriend. Should you give Michelle to me, or... yourself?"

Although Eli didn't lift up Elena's chin with his fingers when he said this, to Elena's own ears, it felt like she was being teased severely.

He doesn’t just want senior Michelle! How dare you take advantage of me!

Elena was immediately angry! Then he got angry again on the spot.

How dare you provoke her? Haha, if you offend me, you will be miserable. If you offend me, you will be like kicking a ball of cotton. Apart from provoking me, you will not lose anything. In the end, I will be the only one to bear all...

Sigh... She was just beautiful, but he didn't expect that no matter how beautiful she was, she wasn't as beautiful as he thought.

Senior Michelle Michelle alone is not enough to satisfy his appetite. Even her delicate body is being targeted. You are already surrounded by so many beautiful girls, why are you still going home? Adding people?

What's the matter, you want to imitate the monogamy system in ancient times and have a husband with a million wives? How many dishes are there, so drunk?

"Don't try to take any chances with me! I won't treat others as their little wife!"

Even in the face of the extremely powerful Dean Eli, Elena barely mustered up the courage to reject his wishful thinking. She is not a superficial woman. She will give away handsome people for free at the speed of light. Want to abduct her? It’s still a hundred years early!

"What if you become the eldest wife?"

Eli asked casually.

"That's something you can consider...eh?"

Elena answered subconsciously, but as soon as the words came out, she was stunned. How come her mouth was faster than her brain!

"But you can't be the eldest wife."

Eli told the truth very bluntly.

He is a good and law-abiding citizen of the empire. The empire's marriage law stipulates that a man can only have three wives and four concubines (no limit on lovers). There are only three places that can be regarded as his eldest wives, and they are currently booked by Princess Lina. If he gets one, then there are only the last two places left. Based on the relationship between Elena and him when they first met, she will never be able to take the top position no matter what.

"Then don't even think about marrying me! I, Elena, am destined to be the woman you can't have!"

Just now she responded to him out of sheer arrogance, but now that she heard what Dean Eli said, Elena naturally rejected him even more sternly.

"I didn't say I wanted to marry you. You were the one who wanted to bind Michelle. I was interested in Michelle, and I thought you would be a matchmaker..."

As Eli spoke, he spread his hands and said that he really didn't value Elena. It would be no big deal if the matchmaker married her, so he might consider accepting the free gift.

"Senior Michelle is mine! But I'm not adding to it! Even if Senior Michelle is really obsessed with you, I won't give it to you in vain!"

Elena was almost so angry that she almost jumped up. If she hadn't lost the challenge just now and felt a little guilty at this moment, she might have really wanted to have a good talk with Dean Eli.

But the loss was already lost. Senior Michelle had indeed changed her mind. She didn't have enough strength to force her to stay. Even if she wanted to duel with her love rival, it would be a more embarrassing loss...

Really, it was all Senior Michelle's fault for being too fickle. She already had her baby, but she still wanted to be interested in Dean Eli. Didn't she know that she was already taken?

She really deserves to be born in the imperial royal family. She is really messing around in this aspect...

Elena was still sighing while being angry. On the other side, she saw that the people who had stopped on their side gradually came to their senses.

Although Elena intercepted Dean Eli halfway and was already some distance away from their competition area, who among the people present, including most of the audience, was weak?

Their hearing was not better than that of ordinary people. Even if they were some distance away, they could clearly hear the "dispute" between Dean Eli and Elena.

It can only be classified as a dispute. It's not good to say that they are betting on their wives. One of them is the dean of the academy, and the other is an outstanding student. They are both well-known figures in the Imperial Capital Magic and Martial Arts Academy. It would be bad if it got out that they used women as bets.

The most important thing is that one of the parties in the gamble is a woman. It would be even worse if the dean and a woman competed for a woman.

Of course, the people who witnessed all this from a distance knew that it was Elena who took the initiative to provoke it. Dean Eli was just passively fighting. It was not his intention to bet on his wife.

But they also heard what he said after he won. Although most people could hear that Dean Eli was joking, there were always stubborn people.

After all, the dean's jokes were jokes, but they could not avoid the suspicion of molesting female students. If Eli himself was also a student, then he was at most just inappropriate words, which could be attributed to the young man Mu Ai.

But he happened to be the dean of the college. If he joked with a female student as the dean, it would be a minor offense, but it would be a violation of morality.

Relying on his position as the dean, he flirted with a female student and tried to have an improper relationship with her... In short, it was a big deal, and it could be even bigger, but it couldn't be small.

Dean Yi Lai was still too young, or lawless... Well, he was used to being free, or maybe he hadn't adapted to his new identity yet, thinking that he could still flirt with pretty girls as before.

It doesn't mean that you can't flirt with girls after becoming the dean, but you can't flirt with female students in the college...

Although Dean Yi Lai is not a real teacher, he has not taught any classes, and has not taught any students, so he and these students are not considered to be a teacher-student or a closer master-disciple relationship.

But as the head of a college, if we don't talk about reality, but only talk about name, then every student in the college can be considered his student.

Looking at this matter in the context of a teacher-student relationship, oh, it's a bit of a headache...

But it's okay, the college is semi-closed, and if today's incident is to be spread, it will probably have to wait until the next holiday, and the college has enough time to deal with it.

But how to deal with it? So many people heard it, even if 99% of them are normal people, they treat it as a joke and laugh it off.

But there may be that 1% of idiots, or people who are not stupid but have bad intentions, who will exaggerate today's incident and spread it, which will undoubtedly have a very bad impact on the reputation of the college and the reputation of Dean Eli.

But we can't ask all the staff here to swear to the Pantheon and promise not to leak a word just because of this matter, right? If they do this, what do they think of the God of Oath?

This really poses a problem for us...

The people in the leadership seat couldn't help but sigh. In the past two days since the dean took office, he has done nothing and caused a lot of trouble. If we can't beat him, we really want to pull him down and replace him with a new dean...

It's not that we can't beat him. Don't we still have a demigod-level vice dean? But what if we can beat him? This is the dean appointed by His Majesty the Emperor. Can he turn against the royal family for this matter?

"Okay, Elena, stop making trouble, Irina. Dean Lai is teasing you. I confessed to Dean Yilai before, but he rejected me... After that, I couldn't bring myself to come back to you, so I asked Dean Yilai to spread the word to stimulate you and let you come to me on your own initiative. I didn't expect you to be so excited that you would think of challenging Dean Yilai..."

"Now you are laughed at by Dean Yilai, right? I told you a long time ago that Dean Yilai is blessed with many beauties around him, and he doesn't look down on us..."

When the college leaders were about to scratch their heads in distress, a voice suddenly sounded in the audience. Although the voice was not deliberately raised in volume, because it was close, any normal student could hear what she said.

It was Michelle, one of the passive parties, who made a statement, but she did not aggravate the impact of the matter, but to help Dean Yilai out.

With her words, teasing became teasing, and Dean Yilai's personal behavior became a conspiracy with her, so this matter went from being a big or a small matter to a small or a small matter.

As long as she was telling the truth, this matter could be fooled. As for whether she was telling the truth or not...what does it matter? Could anyone interrogate her?

"So you were just kidding me! Damn it! You scared me. I really thought Senior Michelle was going to abandon me!"

At this time, Elena also spoke very cooperatively. Although she didn't look very smart, she was actually very smart.

Since Michelle said so, she had to respond and cooperate. After being together for so long, if there was no tacit understanding, wouldn't it mean that she and Michelle were out of sync?

With Michelle and Elena singing the same tune, it was really a smart person who understood, a stubborn person who suddenly realized, and a person with bad intentions who sighed.

It was not easy to spread rumors now. After all, the two female parties said so. If the rumor spread out, it would be broken with a poke, and it might trap oneself. Only a fool would do it.

Damn it! The hatred of stealing a wife is irreconcilable, so let's forget it this time...

As Michelle and Elena defined Eli's routine operation as a joke, the atmosphere that was a little strange just now instantly returned to normal.

In fact, Eli is not stupid or slow. He can understand what Michelle and Elena are doing, but he doesn't care much about it.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't take teasing Elena seriously. In his opinion, the so-called reputation and reputation are shit. Only the big fist is the hard truth. He doesn't need others to cover up for him. If someone really doesn't like him, just make a move. I'll see if I can beat you to death later.

But facing the kindness of the two school beauties, Eli did not disappoint them. He just nodded along with their words and tried to make an expression like an old father teasing his daughter.

Previously, because of Elena's obstruction, Eli and others had wasted a lot of time. Now that the challenge is over and the "misunderstanding" has been clarified, they won't stay any longer.

So Eli waved to many students, and then turned around and left with the students' default harem group. However, as soon as they left, the audience behind started to talk.

The topic is nothing more than the triangle relationship between Dean Eli, Senior Michelle and Junior Elena. The male protagonist Dean Eli is not important at all. The key is Senior Michelle and Junior Elena...

They actually...

It's incredible, how come no one noticed it before?

But it's good, it's a beautiful girl! At least it didn't take advantage of other bad men. (End of this chapter)

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