Who told him to rush up there?

Chapter 232 Can’t afford to be hurt

"Right here? That's fine, but I won't show mercy to you because you are my future wife. If you lose too badly later, don't cry. I'm not very good at coaxing girls."

Eli looked around and found that this was indeed a good place for a duel. It was not only quiet but also solid. Even the amplified moves here would not affect the onlookers, which was perfect for him to reassure Luna.

"Do you think you can definitely beat me? Under the demigods, I don't believe anyone can be my opponent!"

Princess Luna's self-confidence is not without reason. She is also a strong person who has fought on the battlefield. She is by no means a show-off. When the battle in the central battlefield was the fiercest, she even fought against the Demon King. Although she failed to win, There was no major defeat. As for the powerful demons below the Great Demon King, she didn't even know how many she had killed.

She has also encountered strong demons who are half-step demon kings, but they are nothing more than that. No matter how famous Eli is, he is only at this level. Is it possible that he still has the ability to transcend to the peak of the strong?

If the combat power of a demigod is so easy to achieve, it is not worthy of being half a god. Luna knows her own strength very well. She can't beat a real demigod, but a fake demigod can be destroyed as soon as she says it will be destroyed. .

"Really? Then I will open your eyes today."

With that said, Eli stopped talking nonsense and directly raised the battle ax and pointed it at the tip of Luna's nose.

"Then let's rely on our ability to speak!"

Princess Luna also gave a sweet shout after hearing this, clenched the scimitar in her hand and went straight towards Eli.

Although her combat power is unparalleled, after all, she suffers the disadvantage of being at a lower level than half a level. She will not be as easy as she says. She will not give Eli the slightest chance and will put him in a desperate situation from the beginning.

Her scimitar is not an ordinary weapon, not even an ordinary semi-divine weapon, but a peerless magic weapon that is only one step away from the divine weapon. The most important thing is that this scimitar is connected to her life. As long as she explodes with all her strength , the power of the scimitar will also skyrocket, and it will be able to rival the divine weapon in a short period of time. This is why she has such confidence.

Once Eli takes her first blow recklessly, her subsequent attacks will be faster and faster than the last. This is the advantage of her double swords. The attack speed is much faster than his bulky battle axe.

It's just that Princess Luna is not only extremely beautiful, she also wants to be even more beautiful. Eli did block her scimitar with an ax as she expected, but before her other scimitar could follow the attack, The first scimitar was already out of hand.


This is a semi-artifact connected to my life! Why did you say it was dropped?

Princess Luna was a little distracted for a moment. She had never encountered such a situation since her debut. It was no wonder that she was in a daze. Even the Elf Queen, who was silently watching the battle, was a little surprised at this moment.

His battle ax is... a bit interesting.

She didn't pay much attention when he used this ax to hold her scepter before. After all, it was just a symbol of imperial power and not a weapon she commonly used. But now she saw that the ax blade was deflected and it peeled off Luna's scimitar. , she realized that Eli's battle ax had some tricks.

It's a pity that she is not a dwarf. Even if she has good knowledge, she cannot recognize the material of the battle axe. After all, there are specialties in the art, and what she is proficient in has nothing to do with forging weapons.

Even the Elf Queen couldn't see the reason for being famous, and Luna was even more confused. Fortunately, she had rich combat experience and knew that now was not the time to be dazed. No matter how much confusion she had in her heart, she suppressed it for the time being. He picked up the only remaining scimitar and stabbed Eli.

It's just that this scimitar was blocked by Eli's easy and freehand side axe, just like the previous scimitar. She was about to retreat and look for another opportunity to attack, but she felt that the scimitar in her hand was blocked by Eli's sword. It was like the ax was sucked, and it couldn't be drawn at all.

But Luna had been in battle for a long time and could not sit still and wait for death. She used all her strength, and the dark green fighting spirit even leaked out of her body, forming a layer of light. Under her full strength, she was tightly bound. She finally pulled out the sucked scimitar.

Seeing this, Eli secretly praised how powerful he was. Even the effect of the magic magnet could be forcibly removed. Her strength was as tough as her mouth. She really couldn't defeat him in a short time.

If he fought her head-on, it might take thirty or fifty rounds to win her, but Eli was determined to establish authority in front of him so that she would be willing to practice with him in the future, so it was best for her not to win by force.

We must win quickly and with integrity, otherwise such a proud princess will not be easily convinced.

"You can take my ax and give it a try!"

Eli shouted loudly, and the fighting spirit all over his body suddenly surged. Under Luna's gaze, the sharp battle ax seemed to have a soul, exuding extremely terrifying pressure, even in her hand. The semi-artifact scimitar was trembling slightly, making her unsteady in holding it.

Her scimitar is a peerless weapon that is close to being an artifact. Relying on its dominance, she has never suffered a loss on the weapon since her debut. But now looking at Eli's battle ax, it seems to be more powerful than her scimitar. Better, could it be a real artifact?!

I haven’t heard of which god Eli is a fanatic believer in. Where did he get the artifact?

Divine weapons have no other source except those given by gods. After all, the divine fire and divine power needed to forge divine weapons are unique to the divine world. In the mortal world, even the demigods of the dwarves can use the top divine objects. A true artifact cannot be forged.

And because of the power of the artifact, even if the gods want to bring it down to the mortal world, it will take a lot of effort, and it is very likely to be blocked or even robbed by the demon god in the process. Therefore, there are only ten artifacts in the entire mortal world today. Only six of them are in the boundless ocean. There are only four artifacts in the entire continent.

Of course, this is the number of artifacts on the surface, and no one knows how many there are secretly. Just like the battle ax in Eli's hand, it is not on the list of artifacts, but it should be an artifact...

"Well done! Let me see the power of the artifact!"

Luna yelled again, and stabbed Eli with only one scimitar in her hand. She was not stupid. How could she give Eli a chance to accumulate strength? Even if this sword could not hurt him, it would at least interrupt him. She must strike with all her strength, otherwise with Eli's strength and the power of the divine weapon, she might really be defeated in an instant.

It's just that since Eli wants to convince Luna, he can't simply rely on the power of the artifact to crush her. His charged ax may seem to be infinitely powerful, but it's actually just a bait to seduce Luna. When he stabbed with a single sword, Eli released his strength on the spot, and the seemingly powerful battle ax was thrown to the ground with a clang.

Seeing this scene, Luna was puzzled and hurriedly changed her tactics. However, it was too late. Eli, who had thrown away his ax, directly reached out to meet her scimitar, as if he was being hacked at the door.

Do you think your hands are also artifacts? Can they block my semi-artifact scimitar?

Luna just wanted to defeat Eli, and had no intention of seriously injuring him. Although her hand was not a critical point, the sharpness of the semi-artifact was not comparable to that of ordinary weapons. He stretched out his hand to pick it up in such a dazed way that it was extremely shocking. It was possible that her scimitar would pierce the palm of his hand, and the spirituality of the semi-artifact was enough to destroy his flesh and blood recovery ability, making his hand useless on the spot. Unless there was a magical medicine to help, it would be extremely difficult to heal afterwards.

Luna hesitated for a moment, and in the next second she withdrew 70% of the strength in her hand. Almost at the same time, Eli grabbed her blade, and with just a tight squeeze, she instantly suppressed her restlessness. semi-artifact scimitar.

Luna: "???"

This is a semi-sacred weapon that has recognized its owner. It is not a mortal iron produced by a blacksmith shop. How come it became so obedient in Eli's hands and could not even rub a hair off his body?

Moreover, although I withdrew my strength, I couldn't hold back the blade. Why did you grab it with your good hand without drawing a drop of blood!

But there wasn't much time to complain at this time, because after Eli reached out and grabbed the scimitar, he tried his best to snatch the scimitar from her.

She had already been cut off by a knife before. If she lost this scimitar again, she would be left with nothing. Because the elves are not born with strong physical strength, they do not practice boxing and kicking very much. If they lose their weapons, not to mention they are very strong. If you don’t save one, you will at least get a big discount.

In order to avoid being punched to death by Eli, this scimitar must not be taken away!

Fortunately, this is a semi-artifact connected to her life. As long as she holds it tightly, even if Eli is stronger, there is no way...well.


The sound of the scimitar falling to the ground was heard, and at the same time, Luna, who was full of doubts, had her hands clamped behind her back by Eli, and she was pushed all the way to the table not far away and held down.

Luna, who was rubbing her face against the table, quickly reacted and tried hard to struggle, but Eli's strength was too strong. She was like a chicken being caught by a goshawk, and all her efforts were in vain.

"What evil method did you use! Defeat me like this, I won't accept it!"

First she was skinned with a knife, and then a knife was snatched away from her. She didn't even have time to use her skills. She was stabbed twice before she was subdued inexplicably.

She did lose to Eli, but the loss was too strange. It was not that she refused to admit defeat, but it was difficult for her to admit defeat. This was different from fighting on the battlefield. The demons were all stupid and could only scream and rush towards them. She slashed and slashed, but Eli was different. His tricks were too weird to understand.

"Then I'll convince you."

At this time, Eli's voice came from behind, and at the same time, he threw the two scimitars she had lost on the table, right next to her face.

"what do you mean?"

As Eli sucked the two knives and threw them to her, her restrained hands were naturally freed. However, she stood up straight by holding on to the table, but she couldn't figure out what Eli meant.

"Take them and attack them with all your strength. Don't hold back even half of your strength. I'll teach you how to recognize yourself."

Eli's voice sounded flat, with no fluctuation at all, but Luna frowned when she heard it. Does he look down on me? I'm attacking with all my strength with a complete magic weapon. Are you going to subdue me with your bare hands?

"Okay! Even if I lose once, I will not leave any room for this attack. If you win, I will go with you tonight. If you can't catch it, I will admit the defeat just now, but then I can't leave with you until we get married..."

Luna is also a straightforward elf. Although she was unconvinced just now, she still accepted defeat. Now this time she only thinks of saving her face. She will marry Eli even if she wins or loses.

It's just that if she can win, she definitely doesn't want to lose twice. She will lose completely. You can win the championship, but in terms of physical strength, you have to admit that I am stronger.

So, Luna stopped talking, holding the two scimitars tightly in her hands, and concentrating all her energy. She didn't fight hard this time, but attacked with all her strength. She frantically mobilized all the controllable fighting spirit, all the soul power and life breath that could be injected. If she didn't strike, it would be fine. After she struck, either Eli would fall down or she would lose her strength.

These were two slashes with no way back. If Eli could take them without the help of the artifact, she would have to admit that he was indeed stronger than herself.

Of course, if he couldn't take them, he might have to use the magic medicine treasured by the clan. After all, if she didn't hold back, two slashes with all her strength would make grass grow on the graves of opponents at the half-step great demon level.

That is, Eli had just shown her a fierce show of his strength, letting her know that his physical strength was so terrifying that even a scimitar close to the artifact couldn't break his defense, but that was only when he held back his strength. It was unknown what would happen when he was at full strength.

Anyway, it is impossible to kill him with two swords. He is really weird and really strong. No matter whether you win or lose, marrying him is not a big loss. It's just that I am a little too impatient...

"Elai, look at me carefully and see how powerful I am!"

Luna shouted loudly, and at the same time, her two swords slashed directly at Eli without mercy. The dazzling green light even filled the entire Fujiya. According to Eli's knowledge, Princess Luna's attack has reached the highest output limit below the demigod. No wonder she is confident of defeating any opponent below the demigod.

Even the Elf Queen who was watching the whole process was full of satisfaction. As expected of her successor, he had such strength at such a young age. It was not a problem for him to surpass her in the future. I just wonder how powerful Eli, who was more famous than Luna, would be when he exerted his full strength. Maybe he could really break through the limit and hit the demigod level output?

No one knows what Eli's output limit is for the time being, but his defense limit... seems to be invisible, because as Luna chopped down with two life-threatening knives, Eli just held up his muscles and stretched out his hand to take it without dodging.

This time, he did not achieve no injury, but the excitement in Luna's eyes dimmed because of his injury.

It was not because she felt sorry for hurting Eli, but because this injury... was too eye-catching, which could only show her incompetence.

Look, if you don't pay attention, his wound that broke the skin and shed a drop of blood stopped bleeding. If you don't treat it quickly, it will heal!

She attacked with all her strength without reservation, exerting all her fighting spirit and strength, infusing her with her soul power and life force to the limit, and even stimulating the power of the scimitar. She cut a little of his skin, causing him to bleed a drop of blood...

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