Who told him to rush up there?

Chapter 234 Secret Talk

She didn't know much about him, but that didn't matter, her best disciple, the Elven Queen, had heard rumors about him.

Young, powerful, with amazing potential, promising future, lustful...

This is a rumor about him from the outside world. I can’t say it is completely true, but at least it can be used as a reference.

And after trying it just now, let alone people outside, they are really good at judging people...

It's good to have weaknesses, and easy to bribe. Anyway, she has the entire elven empire under her control, and she wants money and beautiful women.

But you can't feed him in one go, otherwise you may not be able to keep him in the future. Just feed him in twos and threes. If you get tired of these few, there are still so many elves waiting behind you. There are not many other elves. Beauties with various styles can collect tens of millions, which will definitely make him want to leave.

Now it's just an elf princess, a royal guard captain and an ordinary princess. It's no big deal. Compared with things related to the God of Creation, he is willing to give it to the elf queen even if he likes her.

"Mother, don't worry. I am not as skilled as others. After losing, I will marry someone stronger and younger than me. I don't feel wronged."

At this time, Luna opened her mouth to comfort the Queen Mother who seemed to be blaming herself. However, it was hard to say whether the Elf Queen felt better after she said this. Anyway, it sounded unpleasant to Clea.

Although I have lost to him before, I didn’t risk my life with him. Now that you’ve lost yourself, even I have been implicated. It’s such an injustice...

But it was irreversible now, and she could only hope that sister Wendy could feed him enough so that he could stop tossing her a few times.

Clea, who loves art, is different from most cold elves. She is a little more enthusiastic about people and things, and she is not like those elves who forbid emotions. She has been influenced by some literary works, and she has a little bit of longing for love. , but also because of the influence of literary works, she also knows that marriage is the grave of love.

To sum up, she is continuously single, intermittently wants to fall in love, and is indefinitely afraid of marriage.

But now, it's really good. She is no longer single, she is no longer in love, and she is about to get married...

Good things come to nothing, and bad things follow one after another. It would be great if Eli was a demon. She could also prevent him from resisting his tragic fate, and even steal his tribute after his death.

But apart from being a pervert, he has nothing to do with the demons. On the contrary, he is also a famous anti-demon hero. How can you resist him? Is it possible that I can only struggle a little more on the bed? Is that resistance or is it to cheer him up?

"Hey, I'll go back and clean up too. It'll be my turn tomorrow night, right? I hope he won't fall apart due to the tossing. His body is so hard that even a knife can't cut it..."

In the end, Clea could only sigh and temporarily accept her fate. She was the most loyal royal guard. No matter how much she was wronged, she could not disobey Her Majesty the Queen's orders, not to mention that the next Queen thought the same way.

"Then I... will leave first. If Her Royal Highness the Princess is... unable to stand him, you can come and call me and I will help you..."

Unlike the other two sisters who had never gotten along with Eli, Wendy had seen Eli and Cecilia get into a tent. Although she had not witnessed their "game" with her own eyes, she could still be considered a spectator.

Although Eli kept saying that he would not touch Princess Luna, men were always lying, especially for a pervert like Eli. Even a tenth of what he said was too much to believe. She was really afraid that it would be completely zero. The experienced Princess Luna was tortured by Eli, and she was willing to share the burden for her sister.

"I'm a high-ranking saint. How could he do this to me? Well, I'll think about it. I'll ask you for help if the time comes..."

When Luna heard this, she originally wanted to say that she was a powerful saint, so why would she ask sister Wendy, a high-level powerhouse, to help her, but when she thought of Eli's artifact scimitar, which was so hard that it could only break the skin, she hesitated a little. She had never eaten pork, or even seen a pig run away, but she knew that it was all about physical fitness, and she was really afraid of Eli's abnormal strength.

"Go back. Let's all go back first. Regarding Eli... I owe you. I will compensate you when the festival is over."

Even the Elf Queen cannot give them an explanation. She can only compensate them afterwards. The goddess still has a lingering soul that should not be made public. Even her most trusted daughter cannot reveal it. She He was so straightforward that he couldn't hide anything in his heart.

Among the elves today, only she and the high priest knew about this matter. Even the great elder was kept secret by them, and they only waited for the day when the goddess revived to make the matter public.

However, if Eli is still here and knows this secret, he will not have any hope for the resurrection of the goddess of life, because when the Elf Empire was destroyed in the last life, there was no goddess of life who could turn the tide. I'm afraid it wasn't Pia's cry. The remaining soul was killed by the demon clan.

And as Eli and the three little elves left one after another, only the Elf Queen and the Life Leaves in her crown were left in the vine house.

In the absence of outsiders or insiders, the Elf Queen slumped down on the chair, resting her head on her forehead, unable to help but sigh.

How powerful the Elf Empire was in the past, even the Empire of Dawn, which had the Holy See of Light, could not look down upon them. However, with the fall of the goddess, although the Elf Empire still maintained its appearance, people were panicking inside.

All the elves don't know what to do after losing the protection of the patron saint, whether to continue fighting on the battlefield or to stay in a corner.

They are no longer special beings that cannot be killed. Even because of the fall of the goddess of life, their longevity characteristics have been weakened. The elves who could live for a thousand years may now only have a maximum lifespan of 700 years.

It’s not that the elves have become afraid of death after losing their patron saint, they just don’t know what to fight for.

Because every elf is a loyal believer of the goddess of life. They regard the goddess of life as the most important thing in life. They don’t care about anything else, even the survival of the continent.

They used to fight for the goddess, not to protect the entire continent. If there was no oracle of the goddess, they would at most protect the forest of elves.

This is not because they are cold-blooded, but this is the inevitable result of the general detachment of the entire race.

Fortunately, the goddess of life has not really fallen completely. She still has a wisp of residual soul in the queen’s crown. Otherwise, the queen of elves herself would be at a loss because of the fall of the goddess.

Now there is still the Queen of Elf who is not in a state of panic supporting the empire, and the High Priest assists her, which makes the entire Elf Empire barely maintain itself without major turmoil.

But the Elf Empire is no longer so united now, and has been secretly divided into two factions.

One faction believes that the goddess of life has passed away, and the elves will eventually wither, so the whole tribe should retreat to the Elf Forest and worship day and night, no longer care about the outside world, and finally let nature take its course and die with the goddess.

The other faction believes that the supreme goddess of life has fallen at the hands of the demon god, so the elves should gamble everything and fight the demons to the death, and will never give up until the last elf, and will die in a grand manner on the road of revenge of the goddess even if the tribe is extinct.

The two factions of elves refused to give in to each other and argued endlessly at the internal meeting. If it were not for the high prestige of the Queen of Elf, who could still shock them, I am afraid that the huge Elf Empire would be close to collapse.

It's a pity that the goddess of life is still here, but she can no longer give oracles. For the time being, the Elf Queen can only represent her. As for where the elves should go, she has already made plans. Once the ceremony is over, she will announce her arrangements through the Elf Queen.

"Lulu, go and get that drop of blood for me."

Just as the Elf Queen was in melancholy, the crown on her head trembled slightly twice, and then a telepathic voice sounded in her heart.

That drop of blood?

Oh, is it the drop of blood that fell when Eli was chopped by Luna?

She didn't pay much attention to the blood just now, but was just surprised at the strength and hardness of his body. Now that the goddess mentioned it, she realized that there were some unusual changes in the breath of life in the vine house.

Originally, this was the center of the Elf Forest, and all the core figures of the elves lived around it. Influenced by these strong people, the concentration of the breath of life here was the highest in the entire continent.

But at this moment, the already extremely high concentration of life breath here seemed to be affected by something, and it soared to an outrageous level. Elf warriors like Luna and Clia might not be able to detect it, but the Elf Queen had studied life magic, and she could easily sense the change in breath as long as she carefully tasted it.

"Elai's blood... Such amazing vitality..."

Following the instructions of the goddess, the Elf Queen carefully peeled off the drop of bright red blood on the vine ground, forming a small blood bead, then took off the crown on her head, took out the leaf sandwiched in it, and suspended it next to the drop of blood.

"This is not ordinary blood, it is essence blood..."

Even without the goddess' explanation, the knowledgeable Elf Queen can tell the difference between ordinary blood and essence blood.

He had only suffered a minor skin injury, and lost only a drop of blood. How could he lose blood essence? Wouldn't it take many days of hard training to condense a little bit of life essence?

Even if she was the top expert of the elves, a being close to godhood, her blood was only about 12% of blood essence. If she wanted to condense more, she would not only have to spend a lot of time, but also have to have the right methods.

Anyway, even if she was under the personal guidance of the goddess, if she wanted to break through the blood essence ratio to 20% or even 30%, she might have to become a god before she could achieve it.

On the other hand, this drop of blood of Eli was definitely blood essence. Was it that he was fine on the surface, but in fact he was forced to lose blood essence due to severe internal injuries, or was it that his blood essence ratio reached an extremely high level, and any blood he lost was blood essence?

"What a terrible talent! No wonder he obviously took so many natural treasures to force his realm up, but he didn't show any weak performance. His foundation is too good. Even if the drugs piled up, it couldn't affect his foundation..."

The green leaves were floating around Eli's blood essence. With her understanding of the essence of life, she could completely deduce Eli's talent and growth process.

Even Eli himself felt that he only had an average talent and grew up quickly by taking pills and absorbing treasures. But in the eyes of the remnant soul of the goddess of life, she was most surprised by Eli's talent, a talent that could digest all nutrients completely without wasting any of them, nor accumulating or dissipating them.

This talent looks very similar to the Devouring Talent of the Sky-Swallowing Dragon Beast. Both absorb the energy of others or other things to improve themselves, but in terms of absorption efficiency and conversion rate, the two are incomparable.

For example, if a holy-level Sky-Swallowing Dragon Beast swallows a demon king, after digesting the demon king, it will get less than 8% of his power at most, and this conversion rate is already considered a top-level devouring talent. .

And if it is Eli, of course he cannot swallow the Demon King. After all, he is only a human and does not have a stomach as good as the Sky-Swallowing Dragon Beast. But if he eats an Earth-shaking Holy Fruit, the power he can increase will at least be the energy of that Holy Fruit. Eighty percent of...

As for why it's not 100%, it's not that he can't absorb the remaining 20%. It's just because the core of the holy fruit is inedible as a seed, so he can't absorb the remaining energy.

"Doesn't that mean that if there is enough supply of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, Eli can become a super strong person quickly?"

The Elf Queen was also observing carefully. When she heard the goddess sighing, she blurted out these words almost without thinking.

"Theoretically, this is the case... But there are restrictions on the use of heavenly materials and earthly treasures from the same source, and it is impossible to superimpose them infinitely. Eli should have used different types of heavenly materials and earthly treasures as much as possible under the blessing of fate. He has grown up to this point at such a young age, and if I want to use this kind of ripening method to make him grow up quickly, I'm afraid it will be difficult..."

The leaves continued to sway, and then denied the Elf Queen's idea. After all, the resources in the mortal world were limited, and it was not easy to quickly give birth to Eli who was close to a demigod. If we want to continue to mature him by this method, it is not that I am determined not to be able to do it, it can only be said to be quite difficult.

At least according to the current treasure inventory of the Elf Empire, there are no natural or earthly treasures that can be effective on Eli, but at least it is better than nothing.

Hey, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat. Let Klea deliver it to him later. Taking it with him and his treasure may enhance the efficacy of the medicine...

"Is there any divine object that can help?"

The Elf Queen also knows the current situation. Every additional demigod-level strongman is a great help to the hundreds of tribes. She very much hopes that her son-in-law can explode quickly and become a legendary demigod in one go.

"There are so many divine objects... It's a pity that my subspace has been destroyed. Unless I fully recover, I can't access the divine objects in it. As for the other gods... My current soul is too weak and I really can't compete with them. Get in touch…”

The leaves trembled twice, and he said helplessly or sighing.

Why didn't she want to help the people outside her life grow up quickly, but now she couldn't protect herself, with only the last remaining soul left, she couldn't help even if she wanted to.

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