Elai finally agreed to go to the Kingdom of Dragons after finishing the matter in the Elf Empire.

This was not because he was weak-willed, but mainly because it was a pity to give Princess Thor's beauty to others.

Elai did not have the ambition to sweep away all the beauties in the world, but for the beautiful women who were related to him or should have belonged to him, he would naturally have the idea of ​​"a pity to give them to others", which might make him look a little greedy, but greed is better than eunuch.

After smilingly sending Dekar Homan away, Eli and Luna went back to the house to have a very light breakfast.

In the Elf Empire, eating meat is out of the question. The relationship between the elves and small animals is closer than that between them and humans. They can't do things like slaughtering small animals for envoys from other countries to eat and drink.

So everyone can only follow the local customs and follow the elves' light diet and eat a lot of vegetables and fruits.

Eli himself was not particularly particular about food. He ate whatever was available. If he felt that the food was bland, he could secretly kiss Luna to supplement his sugar intake. However, every time Luna was kissed, she would stuff a fruit into his mouth to block his mouth. After a few times, Eli ate all the fruit on the plate.

After a simple breakfast, Luna left angrily. She had a small appetite, but Eli still made her hungry.

After Luna left, Eli had nothing to do in the territory of the Elf Empire. The festival would not start until the day after tomorrow. He simply stayed indoors and prepared to take advantage of the rare leisure time to adjust himself.

Eli was not very keen on cultivation. He preferred to take shortcuts, so even if he had free time, he would not practice hard, but would only settle down at most.

But he also knew that the strength gained by chance and opportunity was not stable enough. Everything won by luck might be lost by strength in the future, so he would also make some adjustments to himself.

Just like now, Eli will spend time to sort out his various indicators, whether it is soul or body, martial arts or weapons.

His soul realm is quite high, and simple warming and nourishing progress is slow, so he will deliberately tear his soul when conditioning himself, and then use the spiritual medicine that nourishes the soul to repair it and strengthen it.

His physical strength is higher, even the top medicinal bath in the mortal world has no effect on him, so when conditioning himself, he will use his own spear to attack his own shield, in simple terms, hammering himself, not seeking rapid progress, but seeking a beating.

And his martial arts are not profound, he likes to be great and simple, not pursuing the ultimate exquisiteness, but the most direct and effective attack. As the saying goes, it is better to hit one accurate one than a hundred fierce ones. What he wants is the most fierce and difficult to avoid swift output.

As for his weapon, it can no longer be strengthened. Maybe in the eyes of others, his battle axe is already a divine weapon, but Eli knows that it is not a divine weapon because it has no spirit in it. It just reaches the divine weapon level in terms of strength, hardness, sharpness, etc., but it lacks its own spirituality, and it is still a step behind.

This day, Eli was in seclusion in his room. He set up a ban at the door. In the current Elf Empire, no more than five elves can break in without his consent, but they are all the highest level of the Elf Empire and it is impossible for them to come and disturb him.

At noon, when the maid of the State Guesthouse came to bring him lunch, Eli did not open the door, but just let her put it outside the door. Not long after the maid left, Princess Luna, who left angrily in the morning, came again. At that time, Eli was using his soul to look inside his meridians and blood vessels, dredging the slightly blocked parts, and he had no time to tease her, so he sent her away with a few words.

Eli still remembered that Princess Luna had said something cruel before she left, saying that if he dared to play with her, she would ignore him and she would complain to the Queen Mother and deduct his dowry quota.

She said that, but she probably didn't do it, because when Eli combed himself completely and night fell, his room welcomed the first guest after the unsealing, Wendy Elena.

Compared with the somewhat squeamish Princess Luna, Wendy was much gentler. When she came, she prepared dinner and supper for Eli. She cooked dinner herself and supper herself.

Although Eli was familiar with her, it was the first time that one person and one elf were alone in a room like this. However, like Luna, she was also his fiancée... or more accurately, an unmarried concubine? In short, she was already his elf.

It was just a simple man and a woman in the same room, which was nothing. When Eli was full and warm, he thought about that, and that was the highlight of the night.

Before Wendy came, Sister Luna had found her and told her about the precautions for sleeping with Eli. She said she talked for a long time, but it can be summed up in a few words: just hold him, don't rub him.

As long as the above seven words are followed, there is at least a 90% chance that he will not lose his virginity...

Of course, there is also a 10% chance of accidents. After all, he was a doll all night last night, and it is possible that he has been suffocated. He didn't dare to let her in at noon.

In Wendy's original expectation, sleeping with Eli would have to be tossed six or seven times, otherwise it would be unfair to his strong body.

But listening to Sister Luna's story, he was so patient last night, which was not in line with his personality and reputation, so Wendy only believed half of Sister Luna's words. He may not be in a hurry to get Sister Luna's body, but he must have tasted it, otherwise Sister Luna would not have blushed while talking.

Now she is sitting next to Eli, holding her cheeks in her hands as she watches him eat the dinner made with love, recalling their first encounter on the battlefield and their subsequent companionship. After getting married, that experience became a bit more memorable.

Eli ate this dinner very quickly. Although it was all simple vegetables and fruits, it had to be said that Wendy's cooking skills were worthy of recognition, at least three points better than the elf cook at the State Guesthouse.

It's just that the dinner has been finished, but Eli has no desire to feel full and warm. It's not that Wendy is unattractive to him, but compared to the Holy-level Princess Luna, she is not as good as Cecilia. Wendy's is really inedible.

The body of the elves is relatively fragile, so Eli must pity her because she is a delicate flower, and he should just be a doll for one more night.

Eli was prepared to endure it for another night, but Wendy's bravery exceeded his expectation. In fact, she knew nothing and had no experience or experience, but she remembered Sister Luna's words, just hold her. , don't mess around.

If that is the seven-character mantra to preserve oneself, then the method of dedicating oneself is naturally the opposite.

So, when Eli was about to simply hug the elf to sleep, Wendy, who was shrinking in his arms, started to rub against him dishonestly...

Eli looked down and saw that Wendy's pretty face was as red as fire, as if it could drip water, but she still clumsily got in close contact with him, using her soft body and relatively broad mind to warm him.

To be honest, Wendy is not good at seducing men. Her movements are too clumsy and awkward, but it is this clumsy feeling that makes her cute even more.

"What? Do you want to be one step ahead of your two sisters?"

Eli tapped Wendy's chin and asked softly with his lips close to her pointed ears.

"If...if I can feed you, then my sisters can...suffer less."

For the elves with extremely low desires, having sex between men and women not only makes them shy, but also makes them feel embarrassed.

That kind of thing is not enjoyment for them, it is more likely to be suffering. As the younger sister of the three little ones married outside, Wendy knows that she is the least powerful and the most useless one, so she should make the sacrifice. , attracted the most "firepower", not only to keep the two sisters, but at least to bear more for them.

"Are you looking down on me, or are you looking down on yourself? If I want to take action, let alone you. Even a hundred elves can't save Luna and Clea."

Eli's lips directly touched Wendy's pointed ears. As she trembled slightly, Eli bit her ear directly, and then spoke to her vaguely.

It's just that unlike Lina's ears, which are sensitive, biting Wendy's ears made her tremble slightly for a while, but the effect was not outstanding, and she soon regained her composure.

Wendy is the most typical indifferent elf. It is very difficult to arouse her desire, at least when everyone is wearing clothes. Eli tried to kiss her cheek along the ear, and even slipped on her cheek. He reached her lips and kissed her, but she didn't react much.

Even if he stuck out his tongue and successfully captured Wendy's sweet tongue, she had a mediocre response. Apart from her face turning even redder, there was no sign of emotion.

Although Eli was not the kind of pervert who had to resist the other party to get pleasure, Wendy's stiff reaction still made him a little frustrated.

This kind of thing can't be called a cold goddess. This is just a big lump of ice. I don't know how warm it would be to melt her.

Of course, Eli is by no means a person who gives up easily. Since kissing cannot conquer Wendy, he can naturally do more extreme things. After all, he is not a novice like Wendy who can only mess around.

So, when Eli put his big hand into Wendy's arms and began to climb the peak, her expression gradually changed. Although it was not yet emotional, Eli could clearly feel her whole body. Softer.

Finally, when Eli climbed to the top and gained victory, Wendy collapsed in his arms, gasping for air.

Sample, you are cold and cold, but after all you are a young person who has never seen the world. I only need to use some small tricks, not to mention big moves, even small combos, without even using them.

"Isn't this enough? You still want to attract firepower?"

Eli let go of Wendy's fragrant and soft lips and began to taunt her.

"I...I'm fine. You can be more...a little more extreme."

It was clear that her mouth was soft after tasting it just now, but it became hard as soon as he let go, which shows how fickle girls are.

"Then I won't be polite."

With that said, Eli gently pushed the clothes off Wendy Xiang's shoulders and leaned over to hold her down.

After that, the ice and snow melted, and the room was filled with fragrance and it was so beautiful.

Wendy proved herself with her low soft power. She couldn't do anything to help her sisters suffer more. She was simply too weak and useless.

Early the next morning, Eli was woken up by Wendy's kiss. Obviously, although she had experienced last night's defeat, she was not convinced, so as soon as she woke up, she took the initiative to start a fight with Eli again. Compete.

Eli had no intention of showing off his prostitution in daylight, but Wendy's provocative and clumsy kiss forced him to accept the challenge.

He knew that Wendy didn't know the taste from the marrow, she just hated her own incompetence, so she wanted to become proficient as soon as possible so that she could share more of the burden for her sisters.

Just a rookie is a rookie. Rome was not built in a day, and skills cannot be learned in a day. Wendy, who took the initiative to provoke, was overturned and settled by Eli in a few moves, and she didn't even last as long as last night.

However, no matter how fast it ended, it took some time. When Wendy was weak, Luna, who seemed to be idle every day, came to visit again, and she was quite rude. If Eli hadn't set up a ban at the door, I'm afraid she would have barged in directly.

"The sun is shining on your butt! Eli, why don't you get up!"

Princess Luna outside the door urged him to open the door, and Wendy on the bed was hurriedly getting dressed. Eli was not in a hurry at all. After he dressed slowly, he waited until Wendy had finished packing before opening the door for Princess Luna.

"Why are you so slow? Hmm? What's that smell? It smells so good."

As soon as she entered the door, Luna was ready to attack Eli, but she was attracted by a burst of unusually good fragrance, and she forgot what to say next.

As Luna asked, Eli tilted his head to look at Wendy, and saw that her pretty face was flushed. Considering that her face was far less stubborn than her mouth, Eli did not explain to Luna the source of the fragrance.

In fact, as long as Luna smelled Wendy's body along the source of the fragrance, she could probably guess... Oh, she couldn't guess, and she didn't have the relevant knowledge.

Anyway, after a light taste last night, Eli was very satisfied with Wendy. Well, more than satisfied, it can be called a surprise.

She not only smells good, but also tastes good. If other women are made of water, then Wendy is made of nectar, and she is sweet from the inside out.

Although her strength is low, her software and hardware are too strong. She is the kind of top-notch food that can't be missed. Every inch of it can't be missed.

On the other hand, Princess Luna is much stronger than Wendy, her appearance is slightly better, and her figure is evenly matched, but in terms of "practicality" and "edibility", she is not as good as Wendy.

It would be better to let Wendy be the vase princess and Luna be the vanguard team's super fighter.

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