Here, Luna was thinking hard and scratching her head, but she couldn't think of a way to defeat Eli.

Over there, as soon as Eli reached the State Guesthouse, he was blocked by an elf. The elf blocking his way was none other than the elf's sister Klea, who had suffered a terrible disaster previously and was implicated as a dowry wife.

Eli called her a long list of names, but there was only one key point, and that was Big Thunder.

With the elf's slender figure, she can grow a tactical weight that is comparable to Jessica's, and may even be a little better. Clea can be said to be a true slender branch that bears fruit.

It's just that her clothes are relatively conservative, and her strong breasts can only be seen from the outer outline. If you want to find out more and see whether she and Jessica are stronger or weaker, you may have to wait until tonight's welfare session. .

"Eli Bruno, I'm here to inform you that it's my turn to accompany you tonight, but one of the sisters in charge of the night watch before the festival has something to do. I have to stay on duty for her, so you should go to bed tonight. Come on, don’t wait for me.”

Clea was not familiar with Eli, and she had not bet her life with him. It was unfair to become his dowry for no reason. Now it was her turn to have the unlucky thing of sleeping with him. She thought about accepting her fate, but it came to pass. Still unwilling to give in, she hoped to hide if she could, or delay if she couldn't. Anyway, as long as she delayed tonight, the festival would begin tomorrow, and she would be safe for the time being.

"You elves are so short of manpower? You, the captain of the royal guard, have to make up for the missing night guard?"

Eli is not very wise, but he is not stupid either. How could Clea fool him with such a poor excuse? Now that the entire elves have withdrawn from the battlefield and returned to the Elf Forest, not to mention the shortage of one manpower, there is only one short breath. If there are 100,000 elves, they can easily make up for it.

"Then let me tell you straight, I don't like you very much. If you want me to sleep with you now, I don't want to... Of course, I will obey Her Majesty the Queen's will to marry you. I will not regret the marriage and will not marry you in the future. After we get married, I won’t run away from you when I should sleep with you, but that’s not the case today. You have to give me some time to accept you.”

Clea had no hope of deceiving Eli by making up random reasons, so she had already prepared these words from her heart, not only to impress Eli to let her go, but at least to let him know that she was not a doughty person. Yes, they also know how to resist.

"It's okay if you said so earlier. I, Eli, am not a good person, but I don't even bother to force women to do this kind of thing. If you don't want to sleep with me, you don't have to come to sleep with me. I won't come back when you think about it." Late."

Hearing that Clea told him what she had to say, Eli didn't give in to her. Just as he said, he didn't think he was a good man, but he was by no means a jerk who forced himself on a woman. As long as the woman didn't want to, he would He won't force it.

When he faced the favor of Princess Thor of the dragon tribe, he had thought that the melon that was twisted was not sweet, but it could quench his thirst. But at that time, it was him who was being twisted, not the woman, not to mention that a melon like him could use it. If you twist it forcefully, won't it fall off as soon as you touch it?

"Are you really willing to wait for me to think about it instead of dragging me into the room and ruining it later?"

When Kelia heard what Eli said, she had a surprised expression on her face, as if she was seeing him for the first time. What he said did not match his personality very well. It was rumored that he was not reincarnated by a hungry ghost. ?

"If you want to be ruined, then follow me into the house. If you don't want to, then go back. When you come back to the Empire of Dawn with me, I will slowly train you..."

Regarding Clea's distrust, Eli rolled his eyes at her. You can question my strength, but you can't doubt my integrity. When I say no, I can definitely keep it!

"Then don't regret it. If you don't mess with me today, you will have to wait until at least more than a month later."

Kelia thought for a while and felt that it was useless to believe it. It didn't cost money anyway, so she should believe it more or less. A person with status like Eli couldn't tell real lies.

"If you insist on asking for it, I won't be polite!"

Eli said, making a gesture to reach out for Laklia's hand. The latter nimbly dodged it, and her originally stern face turned into a smile, as if she had picked up a big bargain.

"Then I'll leave first and won't come tonight. Next time... next time we meet, I'll reward you with a kiss, but only on the face, not the mouth for the time being."

Clea, who has read a lot of literary works, is more knowledgeable than Luna and Wendy. In addition, she is also the oldest, and she is more courageous in this regard. She dared to tease her future husband before leaving.

What's the point of kissing on the face? Even kissing on the lips is not a big reward. With your approachable style, if you want to reward me, you should reward me with kissing Xingtian's eyes...

However, as Klea left happily, Eli lost the opportunity to meet Xing Tian's eyes, but he did not regret it. Even a scumbag like him had his own bottom line, and he was not without taboos.

After bidding farewell to Clea, Wendy was not here, and Luna didn't reply. Eli returned to the room alone.

Because he had spent time sorting it out yesterday, he really had nothing to do today, and tomorrow was the beginning of the Elf Festival. He didn't plan to do anything before the festival, but if he didn't do anything, the work had to do him. .

After he returned to the house, he didn't even stay for ten minutes. Clea, who had said goodbye to him with a smile, came over with a long face.

As the captain of the royal guard, she couldn't even maintain the courtesy of knocking before entering the house. She just elbowed open Eli's door and rushed in blankly.

"What? You want it?"

When communicating with a proper lady like Clea, or even a woman who might be on the side of a mature woman, you can't just talk like you're trying to coax a little girl, and you can talk a little bit more naughty.

"I didn't want it, but Her Majesty the Queen pushed me over..."

Klea's face was full of reluctance but helplessness. As the captain of the Royal Guard, her duty is to protect Her Majesty the Queen and Her Royal Highness the Princess, and to unconditionally obey the orders of the Queen and the next Queen.

She secretly refused to sleep with him, but her mistake was that she ran to work obediently after refusing to sleep with him. Originally, it was still early, it was not even noon, and it was still early to sleep with him, but Her Majesty the Queen had approved her leave early this morning and asked her to get acquainted with Eli early to avoid having a disharmonious night.

Now that she was stupidly returning to work, how could Her Majesty the Queen not know that she had skipped another shift? She didn't even have to question her, as Her Majesty the Queen immediately drove her over.

"That doesn't matter. As long as you don't want it, I don't have to touch you."

Eli said and patted Clea on the shoulder, as if to comfort her, but in reality he was observing her carefully, watching the turmoil caused by being patted on the shoulder.

Maybe she is really stronger than Jessica, and can be called the most powerful thing he has ever seen. The only ones who can compare with her are the small branch of the tauren clan in the orc kingdom, and the women of the cow clan. Orcs.

But the tauren clan all look crooked and cracked, so how can they not have Clea's good looks and strong breasts.

"Then you have to keep your word. I'm going to stay in your house tonight, and you can't take the opportunity to touch me."

When Klea spoke, her hands were still covering her chest. It was obvious that she also knew where her greatest attraction to men lies.

This is also what she is most proud of. The huge Elf Empire has a population of hundreds of millions, and there are tens of millions of young elves, but no one has a better figure than her. It is Her Royal Highness the Princess with extraordinary talent and the third person in the Elf Empire. Her Majesty the Queen, who is known as a beauty, is not as good as her in this aspect.

"Don't worry, Luna and Wendy are coming tonight. I'm going to torment them and I won't bully you."

In order to make Clea feel at ease, Eli told her the good news in advance that she could sleep with him tonight. Unfortunately, this news was not good news for Clea. It was better to say that it was better than being alone. Sleeping with you Worse news.

"How could they...didn't you feed them enough? Is it possible that you are looking for something worthless?"

It was obviously a night that belonged to her, but her two younger sisters had to get involved. She was just a little shy at first, but now she was even more so. It was quite embarrassing whether she let her look at them or let them look at her.

"How is that possible! Why don't you try it tonight?"

But a man can't be told no by his own woman, so if Celia really wants to be beaten, he has to give her a show of strength even at the risk of making Cecilia angry.

"That's not necessary. You'd better care for your two sisters."

If it was just words, then Clea would have a lot to say, but if it was true, then she could only shake her head crazily.

Now that she was about to sleep, she didn't even care that the condition for her original agreement to marry Eli was to keep her sister. Originally, it was just a step for fun. How could she keep her sister when she was about to get married? Unless Eli Really not.

"Then do me a favor tonight and hold Luna down for me. I'm going to bully her tonight."

I had tasted the sweet taste of Wendy last night, and this morning I promised Luna to take good care of her. I just agreed not to touch Clea, so there is no doubt that tonight is Luna's home court.

Although with his strength, it was easy to subdue Luna on the bed, but it would be best if someone helped hold her down, and he would be happy and relaxed.

"That's not okay. I am a subordinate of Her Royal Highness the Princess. I cannot do anything wrong."

Hearing Eli's outrageous request, Klea waved her hands and shook her head repeatedly. If she wanted to talk about her top leader, it would of course be Her Majesty the Queen, but if she talked about her direct superior, it would undoubtedly be Princess Luna.

Although Luna is her younger sister in terms of age, she is her superior in terms of strength and status. The Royal Guard belongs directly to Her Majesty the Queen and Her Royal Highness the Princess.

"That is within your empire, you are her subordinate, but in my backyard, you are all my wives and concubines, no matter how big or small, so you have to listen to her under the bed, but in bed, you should listen to her mine."

Eli explained to Clea earnestly that he did not want any superior-subordinate relationship in his harem. Clea was just a dowry girl and she was also his woman. How could Luna be older than her? This was not suitable for him. ideas.

Although the Empire of Dawn where he lives has regulations on three wives and four concubines, and he is willing to abide by these in name, in real life, he will not clearly distinguish between wives and concubines, let alone Luna, that is Lina, he wouldn’t let her be superior at home.

"I admit that what you said makes sense, but we are still in the Elf Empire now, and we haven't married you yet. Then Princess Luna is still my superior. I can't help you hold her down. At most... When you bullied her, I pretended not to see it and didn't help her. "

Eli has Eli's ideas, and Klea also has her own persistence. Once she is the captain of the royal guard of the Elf Empire, she will also be a subordinate of the highest royal family of the Elf Empire. She must live up to her responsibilities.

"But Wendy is too weak. She can't hold Luna down. If Luna struggles too much, I will still have to rely on me to suppress it..."

Seeing that Clea refused to help, Eli couldn't force him. He could only ask Wendy to help, but she might not be very useful.

"Why do you assume that Princess Luna will fight desperately? You are so experienced, can't you rely on your own skills to make her paralyzed and let you do whatever you want?"

Many of the literary works that Clea has read contain a small part or a lengthy discussion of male and female love, so compared to ordinary elves, she still has some theoretical knowledge, but she has no practical experience. Men who think they are powerful can conquer women through experience and skill alone.

"Of course I can handle her easily during the process, but she will inevitably be shy and embarrassed at the beginning. Bumps and bumps are inevitable. Just get used to it."

Generally speaking, this kind of thing can only be practiced and is not easy to explain in words, let alone explaining it to Klea, who has zero experience. It is impossible to explain it in a few words. Eli can only say that he is used to it.

"Then you have to figure it out yourself. I won't help you, nor will I help Luna."

Klea spread her hands, indicating that she didn't want to help the two of them, so she would just be a spectator, as long as they didn't harm her as a fish in the pond.

"Then you stay away and watch, otherwise if Luna surrenders too quickly and I haven't had enough, I may drag you into the trap."

Eli said as he moved closer and sat next to Klea, with a malicious expression on his face.

"I believe you keep your word. If you say you won't touch me, you won't touch me."

Clea didn't dodge Eli's stickers. She didn't want to sleep with him right now, but it would be acceptable if she just got closer. After all, they were engaged.

"Okay, no touching, but if it's just a hug, it doesn't count as that kind of touching, right?"

As he spoke, Eli leaned closer and stretched out his hand as if to hug Clea. However, before he could hold Clea firmly, an elf scratching his head broke in at the door.

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