Who told him to rush up there?

Chapter 242 The Essence of Life

Because of the stimulation of the beautiful scenery in front of him, coupled with the amplification bonus of the secret of life, Eli's desire was aroused as never before.

At this moment, that bullshit Terra Alloy instantly became the second hardest thing in the world.

What kind of person the high priest is, Eli's sudden change cannot be hidden from her. As an envoy of the goddess of life, although she has no experience, her theoretical knowledge is much richer than that of ordinary elves.

Eli's reaction is undoubtedly an affirmation of her charm, which means that her body is very attractive to him.

"Eli, it seems that you are not unmoved. Since you are also interested, it doesn't count as me forcing it on you."

With that said, the high priest threw away the sacrificial robe and put it on Eli's body candidly. She knew a lot, but she really had no practical experience, so she needed Eli's cooperation.

Fortunately, it was hard to say whether Eli would cooperate, but little Eli expressed his willingness to fight.

If the day is right, the location is at her house, and the person is willing to cooperate, then there is no need to wait any longer. The high priest grabs the waistband of Eli's trousers without hesitation, preparing to help him and himself remove the final obstacle.

But before she could take off Eli's pants, a strong hand fell from the sky and grabbed her wrist tightly.

"Okay, if you go any further, you'll be making a big mistake."

Eli's voice was a little stiff, and his big hands looked strong, but in fact they were a little trembling. His extreme state could indeed help him get out of trouble, but it couldn't restrain his strong desire.

Even if he still has his sanity, the semi-god-level secret of life is not so easy to crack. At least Eli can't get rid of it with just one thought.

"It's not you who made a mistake, it was me who took the initiative to seduce you."

Although her hand was caught by Eli, the high priest did not panic at all. How could she not see Eli's state at the moment? He just broke free from her restraint, but he did not get rid of her temptation.

"You can still possess me now. My strength is far greater than yours. You don't have to pity me too much. You can release yourself to your heart's content..."

The words of the high priest seemed to have some kind of magical power. Eli felt a little dizzy after hearing it, and his mind was greatly affected. Even the hand holding on to the high priest became much looser.

"Haha, if I am really released, there may be nothing left before the grave, but I will probably be dead afterwards..."

Eli suppressed the throbbing in his heart and said dryly, he did not dare to tarnish their high priest in the territory of the Elf Empire. It would not only give her a handle to blackmail him, but also seek death at the deepest level.

If you really do this, there is basically no possibility of being reformed, and the only result is that you will be cremated.

For a crime of this magnitude, no matter how peaceful or indifferent the elf was, he would not be able to forgive him. The last thing he wanted to do was buy a chicken and a dog for his family first, and then clean up...

To be honest, he dared to talk even to the high-ranking Elf Queen, but facing the high priest who was the envoy of the Goddess of Life, he really didn't dare to touch her, even if the Goddess of Life had fallen. But it is a serious crime of blasphemy. No religious race can tolerate such criminals.

If he did this now, he might be able to feel good for a while, but he would definitely suffer a loss for the rest of his life. He didn't even mention whether he would die afterward. At least Luna, Wendy and Clea would have to break up with him.

"As long as I protect you, no one in the entire Elf Empire can touch you. Just obey your desires and leave everything else to me..."

The high priest's voice sounded faintly. Compared with the calm and cold voice before, it was now a little more charming. Eli's heart trembled when he heard it, and he almost couldn't control himself.

Now he is still somewhat conscious, but his body reacts very strongly, and he wants to kill the charming elf in front of him on the spot.


Eli was afraid that he would break the rules of heaven if he couldn't help it, so he bit his tongue hard, but his body was too strong and his recovery power was amazing. Even self-mutilation could only suppress his desire for a few seconds.

"It's useless. My secret technique is a gain magic. No method can be used to immunize or dispel its effect. It can only be resolved by releasing it as much as you want, and releasing it at least three times."

The high priest had already removed all the obstacles on his body. Even though he was still holding her wrist, he didn't know how she did it quietly. Eli didn't even notice.

"High Priest, you..."

Eli's voice became drier and drier. He was really dizzy now. He was actually being teased in front of his face. Or maybe his eyes were actually aware of it, but he didn't intend to notify his brain.

"You don't have to think about anything, just do what you do best to me..."

The high priest's voice became more and more magical, and both Eli's reason and Lychee expressed that they couldn't stand it.

"Then...I won't be polite."

As he said that, Eli pushed away the high priest who was almost clinging to him and pushed her down on the table. The latter was just a little stunned, thinking that Eli had overcome his own desires because of his supernatural powers.

It turns out that he thinks the posture is wrong, so just cooperate with him, since I don’t know how to do it anyway.

Just as the high priest was thinking this, Eli also gasped and pressed forward. The next moment, she should be taken down by Eli smoothly.

But before the next moment, the high priest realized something was wrong...

The high priest is inexperienced, and her theoretical knowledge also tells her that it is not a correct life-pregnancy operation. He is very experienced.

"You don't have to do it to release your desires. High Priest, you are still too young. You don't know how many ways to have fun in a boudoir..."

With that said, Eli demonstrated one of them to the high priest. The latter was stunned and couldn't help but struggle up, but Eli's hands and legs were so strong that she couldn't move at all.

Little boy, I may be half a step behind you when it comes to physical strength, but when it comes to physique and strength, even if you have three high priests stacked up together, I can convince you!

"Learn more, and this move, this move, and this move!"

What followed was almost a complete teaching process. Eli demonstrated and taught at the same time. He changed the tricks eighteen times, but every time he failed to fulfill the wish of the high priest.

Fortunately, although the high priest is already old, she still has her splendor, and her appearance and figure are top-notch. Even her skin is as delicate and smooth as an eighteen-year-old girl. Eli is very satisfied with her.

Of course, the most basic courtesy was still there, and he was still saluting. He just overcame the high priest's secret technique of desire.

Afterwards, instead of lighting up a cigarette and enjoying the aftertaste, Eli picked up his pants and left. He was really afraid that the high priest would use his secret technique again.


The sound of the wooden door closing sounded, and Eli's footsteps became farther and farther away. The high priest, who had clearly withstood the violent storm but was still intact, came back to her senses and looked down at her body. She suddenly showed a bright smile.

If Eli was still here, the smiling high priest would definitely make him come again two, two, three, four times. It's a pity that no one is watching this beautiful scenery, so no one can appreciate it.

"It's really... a great experience."

The high priest shook his head and sighed. There was no joy or anger in his voice, but there were obvious mood swings.

"Although the process was wrong, fortunately the result was good."

The high priest smiled again, and after smiling

That's not dirty, that's the benefit she seeks through all kinds of temptations.

It's just that she obviously underestimated the intensity of Eli's desire and physical strength.

After all this work, the high priest didn't even bother to take a shower first, so he hurriedly put on a new priest's robe and ran to the queen's residence overnight.

Because the relationship with her sister is quite harmonious, they actually live quite close to each other. Eli was seen by the Elf Queen when she left the high priest's residence before. Now that her priest sister is looking for her in such a hurry, the Elf Queen has My immediate reaction was that something was wrong.

As for what happened, she didn't need to think about it in detail. It was easy to guess based on Eli's lustful nature and her sister's smell of Eli's scum.

"Sister, you..."

"What are you doing? Give me the goddess!"

The Elf Queen wanted to ask questions and send troops to capture Eli and torture her, but before she could say a few words, the high priest interrupted her.

She didn't even just reach out to ask the Elf Queen for the Goddess of Life. Looking at her anxious look, she was afraid that if she dared to delay for even a second, she would snatch her away.

"What do you want from me?"

A leaf floated out from the Elf Queen's crown. It only had time to ask a question before it was caught by the high priest.

The green leaves only lasted for a second before being dyed white. The goddess of life whose soul resided among them let out a scream, seeming to feel a little uncomfortable.

But soon, this discomfort was replaced by comfort. This seemed ordinary, but it had an amazing tonic effect on her. It is not an exaggeration to say that if it could soak in it day and night, its resurrection plan would be great. It can advance at least a hundred years, and it will soon grow from leaves into towering trees again.

"What kind of divine object is this? Its effect is so terrifying..."

The elf queen on the side is not blind, although she cannot feel the same with the leaves and enjoy the nourishment of this life essence. The leaves are at least one circle bigger than before, and more green.

Even at the bottom, a little tree branch has grown faintly. Although it is only a little bit, it is also a quite surprising change.

"This is something I have worked hard for. It took a lot of effort."

What the high priest said was correct, but not entirely. She worked hard for a while, but she didn't put in much effort.

It can only be said that she is worthy of being the goddess of life. Even if there is only a trace of the remaining soul, she can analyze the source.

The high priest knew that he could not hide it from the goddess, and she had no intention of hiding it. Since this matter was her personal decision, she was determined to bear all the blame for it.

The Elf Queen and the enlarged leaf tilted their heads at the same time. They were a little confused for a moment, but they were both extremely smart elves and gods, and they roughly guessed what was happening in less than a moment.

"Uh... ugh..."

"Bold! Lily, how dare you...Goddess, are you okay..."

Almost instantly, the retching sounds of the leaves and the angry rebuke of the Elf Queen sounded at the same time, but there was no cowardice or regret on the face of the reprimanded high priest.

"Lulu, and the goddess, one of you is stingy and the other is overly reserved, and you don't know how to maximize the use of others for your own benefit. Since you are not willing to do this dirty work, then let me do it. The stigma If you don’t want to bear the insults, then I will bear them!”

The high priest looked at the Elf Queen and the leaves with a look of hatred on his face. They knew Eli's special nature, but they only used him to a minimum, and were only willing to pay three elves in exchange for something that he himself didn't even know about. A little bit of faith.

Unlike her, she had made up her mind when she learned from the goddess that Eli was a foreigner. Others might not know the use of foreigners, but as the elf who was most proficient in the law of life in the mortal world, she knew what the goddess needed most.

He needed Eli, a foreigner, to believe in his soul. He was not from this world. Although his belief could not represent all the creatures in another world, it was a great help that was different from the creatures in this world, and could help the goddess recover to a great extent.

But that was only a help for the soul level. Compared with the soul that still had a residual soul, the goddess's body was truly completely destroyed. Although they were both trying to resurrect, the efficiency of resurrection with and without a body was completely different.

Instead of trying to get Eli to convert to the goddess and help him repair his soul a little bit, it would be better to use his unique life essence in this world to help the goddess rebuild her body first. (End of this chapter)

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