Who told him to rush up there?

Chapter 261 Provoking Trouble

Because of the words of the demigod dragon, the hall suddenly became dead silent.

The old dragon king, who was sitting high on the throne, frowned when he heard the words, and was obviously surprised by his brother's wildness.

Eli picked up the wine bowl calmly, but did not drink it himself. Instead, he handed it to Luna, who almost jumped up and slapped the table beside him.

Princess Thor, who was sitting on the other side of him, was a little embarrassed at this time. She only needed to be a beautiful dragon quietly, drink two cups with Eli casually, narrow the distance, and get to know each other a little better.

But with the uncle's abrupt words with a hint of meaning, she didn't know if it would provoke Eli, but at least the elf women around him would definitely not be very comfortable.

Sure enough, although Luna, who was the most impulsive, was blocked by Eli's bowl of wine, on Luna's other side, the former captain of the Elf Empire Royal Guard, Claire, couldn't stand it anymore.

She pushed the exquisite fruits and vegetables on the table that were probably specially prepared for them, and then stood up straight. However, just when she was about to refute the rude demigod dragon, Eli, who was sitting steadily on the seat, spoke before her.

"But in my opinion, you don't deserve it."

These seven short words seemed to have no emotion, but in the silent hall, these words spoken by Eli were no less than thunder.

"What a joke! I am a dragon demigod! How can there be a woman in this world that I can't match? Since the elves have broken the rules to marry, why can't I marry a few elven girls!"

The demigod dragon who spoke earlier was obviously not talking casually, but was well prepared. Under Eli's blunt words, it suddenly became furious, and slapped the ground with its huge dragon claws, shaking the whole hall a few times.

"What kind of demigod am I, and what level of demigod are you? Are you worthy of being compared with me?"

The demigod dragon, which has always maintained its original form, looks ferocious and fierce, but who is Eli? He dared to contradict the Elf Queen, who was much more powerful than him at the time, not to mention the demigod dragon in front of him who is only of the same level as him.

In fact, Eli is not completely clear about the marriage "policy" of the elves, but he can get four elf wives, which is obtained by relying on his unparalleled talent, domineering strength and the favor of the Goddess of Life.

And this shameless old dragon in front of him wants to get something for nothing by breaking the rules, which is a beautiful idea.

"Arrogant! How dare you, a young boy, look down on my dragon demigod! Who gave you the courage to be so presumptuous in the territory of my Dragon Kingdom!" The demigod dragon who was refuted by Eli was obviously looking for trouble on purpose. It was obviously a dragon that caused the trouble, but now he wanted to bring up the name of the Dragon Kingdom. This made the old dragon king on the high throne frown even deeper. "It was my Elf Empire that gave him the courage! The rule of my tribe not to intermarry with the outsiders and the insiders was only made an exception for Eli. If you want an elven girl, Mondo, you can go to the Elf Empire to ask for it yourself, as long as you have the courage and strength!" At this time, even the high priest who didn't care much about the tribe's affairs couldn't sit still. After all, for her, every girl of the elven tribe was a reserve force to better exploit Eli in the future. They were all elves who could contribute to the revival of the goddess. How could they be wasted on foreign dragons? "Why wouldn't I dare? The Elf Empire is a long way away. I will write a letter to the Elf Queen to ask for some elven concubines."

The words of the high priest obviously touched the lungs of the demigod dragon named Mondo. It is very rampant now, but that is because it is in the territory of the Dragon Kingdom. If it really goes to the Elf Empire and dares to ask the Elf Queen for elves, it may never come back based on its strength compared to the Elf Queen...

"Really? Then write it now, and press your handprint after writing it. I can deliver the letter for you for free, and I can also help you bring Her Majesty the Queen here."

As Eli said this, he took out paper and pen from the storage space, and at the same time signaled Mondo to turn into a human form and write a blackmail letter on the spot... no, a letter asking for elves.

"Write! I can be a witness!"

Luna also put down the wine bowl that Eli had stuffed into her mouth and joined in cheerfully. She was very unhappy when Mondo spoke before, but now it was different. She didn't mind forming a mixed trio of men and women with Eli and the high priest to confront this rude dragon together.

"Eli Bruno! Lily Elena! And you, a little girl who is not even a demigod, you dare to offend the great dragon demigod, are you bullying my dragon clan for having no dragons!"

Mundo seemed to be completely enraged by Eli and the others. He stood up on the spot without paying attention to the ceiling of the palace. The demigod dragon in its original form was surprisingly large. It was originally 100 meters high when it was lying down. Now it stood up straight, at least 300 meters high.

And this is the size that was adjusted to build the palace. In fact, if the dragon fully reveals its true form, it can even reach a height of one kilometer, which is almost as huge and terrifying as more than 300 human-built buildings. Whenever it moves, it is almost like a mountain moving, with extraordinary power.

"I just look down on you. I still respect His Majesty the Dragon King... But if His Majesty the Dragon King thinks that I am showing off and bullying the prince of the Dragon Kingdom, then I will not respect you anymore."

Elai knew all the other characters, but he didn't know how to write the word "coward". Not to mention that he was provoked by a dragon, he was not afraid even if other dragons were provoked by him.

This included the old dragon king. The legendary demigod was very powerful, but Eli was no longer a "weakling" under the demigod. He didn't dare to boast that he was absolutely invincible among the same level, but it was almost impossible for any demigod to defeat him, even the legendary demigod.

"How dare you! How can you talk to His Majesty the Dragon King!"

At this time, the other demigod dragon that had never spoken before also opened its bloody mouth, as if angrily scolding Eli for his rudeness, regardless of the fact that it was their own dragon that was rude to the elves first.

"Then how did you talk to us! The elves can be killed but not humiliated! In the past hundreds of years, no one has dared to covet my elves!"

Claire also joined the battle at this time. Although she seemed very weak compared to the two demigod dragons, she would not give in in terms of momentum.

"Heh, you can kill but not humiliate. Three thousand years ago, the elves were frequent visitors to major auctions, and they were bought and sold by all the major forces. At that time, there were special slave-hunting groups to hunt elves. Which big family could be without elves? Now you have only been powerful for more than two thousand years, and you want to suppress the powerful dragons that have dominated the continent for 100,000 years?"

Compared with Mondo who only knew how to roar in incompetence and rage, the demigod dragon who spoke later was obviously well prepared. It did not roar in anger, but directly pointed out the painful history of the elves before they were protected by the goddess of life. That was a history that the elves today had never experienced, but it was emphasized in the history books of the tribe and every elf must remember.

Although after receiving the blessing of the goddess of life, all the elves who were lost were rescued and all the slave-hunting groups were deprived of their right to live, there are still records in history that not all the real villains were punished. Some of them were powerful, some had deep backgrounds, and some were powerful. Even the elves blessed by the main god could not do anything to them.

After all, there was no invasion of the demons at that time, and the tribes on the continent and even the gods were far from being as united as they are now. Among them, the deadly enemies highlighted by the ancestors of the elves were the human race and the dragon race.

One of them was the former overlord, and the other was the newly promoted first strongest tribe. Because dragons are lustful, humans are also not picky about meat and vegetables. The proportion of elves hurt by these two tribes reached as much as 90%. For the rest of the smaller enemies, the elves who became stronger later went to the door to seek due justice, but only the human race and the dragon race could not do anything even in the heyday of the elves.

All this took a turn for the better a thousand years ago. Since the outbreak of the Anti-Demon War that year, the situation took a sharp turn for the worse, forcing the gods and the various races on the continent to unite. The relatively reclusive elves proposed a condition for joining the war, which was to punish the culprits of the year.

Of course, it was already two thousand years after they had been at large. Most of the sinners and even the sin dragons with long lives had passed away. Only a very small number of extremely powerful ones could survive until then. Therefore, the list of punishments submitted by the elves were all the top strongmen who dominated the continent at that time, including two human gods who had already ascended to the true god and a dragon true god.

And such a condition would not be agreed by the Ten Thousand Races Alliance and the newly established Temple of the Gods. After all, it would cause the Anti-Demon Alliance to lose a lot of powerful combat power.

But the Elf Emperor at that time was also a great leader. He did not directly force the Alliance of All Races and the Temple of the Gods to agree to his conditions, but personally led the army to attack, and with the power of the Elf Clan, he broke through the five fronts of the Demon Clan, and even killed three great demon kings of the Demon Clan. At that time, the newly promoted True God of the Elf Clan also severely injured two demon gods, making them unable to recover their combat power for hundreds of years.

However, the price paid by the Elf Clan to accomplish such a feat was also extremely heavy. At least tens of millions of Elf Clan warriors died in that battle, and two Elf Clan demigods died. Even the Elf Clan True God who severely injured the two demon gods was seriously injured, which indirectly led to his death in the future God War.

The result of the Elf Clan's desperate fight shocked everyone at the time. Even among their mortal enemies, some admired their determination and courage and voluntarily stepped onto the most dangerous battlefield to atone for what they had done.

It was also because of those few people who took the lead that the Lord of the Dawn of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance finally made the decision, and the high and mighty God of Light also sent down an oracle. All the sinners and sinful dragons on the list of punishment of the elves, including the three true gods, were sent to the most dangerous front to fight for a hundred years. If they died on the battlefield, they would be punished, but if they were lucky enough to come back alive, it would be considered that they redeemed their sins and the old grudges were wiped out.

I just don’t know whether to say it’s a pity or fate. None of the people and dragons and even gods on the list of punishment of the elves came back alive in that hundred-year war. After all, the early stage of the anti-demon war was the most intense period of war, not to mention that they were in the most dangerous battlefield.

Since then, the Mortal World Alliance, which was still called the Ten Thousand Races Alliance at the time, but actually had less than 5,000 races left, no longer had any grudges. After their sincere cooperation and unyielding struggle, it eventually evolved into the current Hundred Races Alliance.

Of course, this is not to say that they did not cooperate well or that they were not brave in fighting, but that the invading demons were simply too strong. After a thousand years of war, although the demons were no longer as ferocious and unrivaled as they were at the beginning, they were unstoppable in the mortal world. The price paid is too heavy to bear.

In the past, there were thousands of countries and alliances of all races, but now there are less than 200 countries and more than 100 races left. The demons have been stubbornly resisted by them for thousands of years, but now that half of the continent has fallen, the situation is still very serious. Not optimistic.

But now, due to the previous outbreak of the elves, the demons have suffered heavy losses, and they will not be able to recover for a while, so the current battle situation is much easier, and the front line has a rare respite.

Therefore, at least 70% of the fact that the current dragon clan can drink and have fun in their own territory so peacefully instead of being trapped in the battlefield is due to the elves, and the two demigod dragons who are now making rude remarks are treating the battlefield meritorious clan in this way. of.

Regardless of anything else, just because they directly poked at the painful history of the elves and ridiculed and provoked the meritorious clans in the previous war, no elf would be able to bear it, let alone they are not ordinary elves.

"Your Majesty the Dragon King, the first elder and the second elder of your country have provoked our Elf Empire with such remarks. Can I think that the Dragon Kingdom intends to go to war with the Elf Empire?"

As the princess of the Elf Empire and the confirmed next Elf Queen, Luna had to stand up and express her attitude at this moment.

You must know that the ones who are provoking are not ordinary dragons, but two demigod dragons. They are both high-level leaders of the Dragon Kingdom. They are named princes and have real power in their hands. Based on their status in the Dragon Kingdom, in one word, A single line without saying it represents the meaning of Dragon Kingdom, but the relationship cannot be clarified casually.

"Start a war? Hahahaha, it's so funny. You elves don't even have a god to back you now, but you dare to start a war with the dragons who are protected by the Dragon God and protected by the two true gods?"

By this time, Elder Mengda, who was deliberately provoking, was almost out of his sight. He didn't even bother to find another excuse and started to mock him directly.

"Even without the protection of gods, my elves are not afraid of any enemy! Even the powerful demons cannot make the elves bow their heads, let alone a descendant of a sinful dragon like you!"

The words of the high priest were resounding. She might not be as good as Luna to represent the elves, but after all, Luna is still lacking in strength now. In this case, only she, the elder, could take the lead. (End of chapter)

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