Who told him to rush up there?

Chapter 264 Compare Strength with Me

Dragon-slaying artifact?

The Dragon King's brows furrowed, but he had already made a move with his hand. He saw it hit Eli with a straight punch without any fancy, who had just wounded Elder Meng Da. When the latter saw its extremely fierce fist coming towards him, he even He didn't even retract the battle ax that broke the Sin Dragon's claws, but just kept his free hand and clenched his fist to face him.

Seeing this situation, Elder Mengda, who had been hit one after another and whose combat power was drastically reduced, looked happy. This guy Eli relied on the power of the divine weapon to continuously hit it hard. Do you think that the dragon demigods are not afraid?

He was afraid that he didn't know how terrifying the Dragon Emperor's strength was. If the Pope of Light and the Elf Queen were the pinnacle of magic in the mortal world, then the Dragon Emperor was undoubtedly the pinnacle of body and power in the entire mortal world.

Even the Pope of Light, who is recognized as the most powerful person in the mortal world, does not dare to confront the Dragon King head-on. He can only rely on the terrifying power of light magic and superb body skills. Even if he wants to defeat the indestructible Iron-walled Dragon King, It will take a long time and consume as much of the Dragon King's physical strength as possible to have a chance of victory.

So far, no demigod strongman has been able to withstand more than three punches from the Dragon King. Even those who can withstand one of his punches are rare beings. Eli, a newborn calf, is really not afraid of dragons, and he even tries to fight with the ultimate in power. Dragon King wrestling.

Although the Dragon King has not yet revealed its true form, it has been incarnate for hundreds of years. Even in human form, it can exert 90% of its power, let alone the human race whose physical strength is far inferior to that of the dragon race or even the Warcraft. If the dragon demigod, who has also refined his body, comes up, the Dragon King can beat it to a bloody pulp with just one punch.

Elder Mengda seemed to be able to see the scene of Eli transforming into a blood gourd at the next moment, but the Dragon King's swift punch was not as fast as his thoughts. At that moment when Elder Mengda was thinking endlessly, there was a The figure suddenly broke into the battle and forced the Dragon King's iron fist back.

"Thor! What are you going to do!"

Forcibly closing his fist made the Dragon King feel suffocated for a moment, but what made him even more suffocated was his daughter Thor who stretched out his arms to block Eli.

On the other side, Eli, who also forcibly closed his fist but had no problem at all, was also surprised. Even with his temperament, he couldn't figure out why Princess Thor would sacrifice her life to protect him, even though he didn't need this protection.

The key is that the Dragon King's action is very fast. With Princess Thor's strength, it is impossible to come to the rescue in time after it takes action. In other words, before the Dragon King takes action, Princess Thor has already made up her mind to help him.

"Father shouldn't ask me what I want to do, but I want to ask father what I want to do! You want to take action against the genius of the human race and share the worries of the demon race!"

Princess Thor, who was only at the eighth level of strength, stretched out her arms to block her demigod-level fiance, and loudly questioned her legendary demigod-level father. This scene was a bit funny, but neither Eli nor the Dragon King could laugh. .

"Father is also following the oracle's orders. What does it have to do with the demons..."

Although the Dragon King is already very old, he is still a shameless dragon. He can barely tell some lies with his eyes open, but his confidence is obviously not very strong.

It is true that it is acting in accordance with the oracle, but taking action against the genius of the human race who can be regarded as the banner of the younger generation's resistance to demons is indeed a stupid thing that makes the demons happy to their relatives.

It couldn't argue loudly, because it knew that the oracle was ridiculous, but after all, it was just an ordinary dragon and did not dare to disobey the true god's order.

"Father, are you afraid that I can hear you clearly because your voice is so low? Have you forgotten how your mother and concubine died? Eli avenged the murder of your wife for you!"

At this time, Princess Thor stretched out her hand to wipe the tears that had flowed out of the corner of her eyes. Then she pointed her hand directly at her father's nose and questioned him louder.

When her words came to light, Eli was even more surprised. However, the Dragon King standing opposite him was stunned when he heard the words, but he did not have much psychological fluctuations.

About a hundred years ago, one of its concubines died on the central battlefield. The demon that killed it was a powerful demon king of the demon clan. It is said that he was known as the number one demon under the great demon king among the demon clan. He was extremely powerful. Even if you look down upon it, the potential is astonishing.

At that time, the Dragon Emperor was still fighting in the depths of the central battlefield. He did not react much after hearing the news. After all, she was just an ordinary concubine among his many concubines. In the heart of the majestic Dragon Emperor, the dead concubine was even more important. The word "beloved concubine" is not even included. If it hadn't given birth to a daughter with acceptable talent but extremely beauty, it would have almost forgotten this concubine.

Precisely because of its indifference, when it heard about what Eli had done on the anti-demon battlefield, it only briefly took a look at how many demons he had slaughtered, how many demon kings he had killed, and even fought with half of the Holy See of Light. The gods teamed up to kill a big demon king.

As for the many demon kings he killed, was there one who had killed its concubine? Sorry, I really can't remember. If Thor hadn't shouted out now, it would have even forgotten about it.

"Revenge for killing your wife? My wife is only the Dragon Queen, and your mother is just a concubine. Thor, Eli may have avenged the murder of your mother for you. No wonder you couldn't wait to express your anger when I mentioned the marriage. I am willing to marry him... But to me, he has avenged me, but it really doesn't matter, but I will still remember his kindness and be gentle. "

As he spoke, the Dragon King waved his hand, and Thor, who was originally blocking Eli, flew out. If Luna hadn't immediately rushed to catch him, she would have fallen heavily to the ground.

The plot of the old father gritting his teeth and being unable to take action will not happen to the Dragon King when his daughter protects his future son-in-law. Let’s not talk about whether it cares about this daughter that much. Given the strength gap between it and Thor, what can she stop? Is she lonely? ?

"If I just thought you were a bit pedantic and rigid before, now I can say that I look down on you. You can't even protect your own woman, but you still have the nerve to call yourself the king..."

Princess Thor in front of him was easily expelled from the stage, but Eli, who had lost his shield, did not panic at all. He ignored the elder Monda who was severely injured by him, directly took back the battle ax that was not even stained with blood, and turned He clenched his fists and looked directly at the powerful Dragon King.

Under his direct gaze, the Dragon King waved his hand to stop Elder Meng and Second Elder who were about to encircle them.

If it personally suppressed a young man and asked other dragons to help, would it have the nerve to call itself the strongest dragon clan?

"Women are just a change of clothes. Among the Dragon Emperors of the past, I am not one who is greedy for beauty. However, I still have hundreds of harems and only one concubine. Why should I care so much? If one dies, there are hundreds more. Woolen cloth."

The Dragon King doesn't quite understand Eli's idea of ​​treating women as important objects. Isn't it that if you change them every few days, they won't be the same every year? There is no idea of ​​tools.

"You are damned for thinking this way, but because you are good at resisting demons and can be considered a fierce general on the battlefield, I will spare your life."

Eli really couldn't stand the Dragon King. It was really stupid and bad. If it wasn't his father-in-law after all and worked very hard to kill the demons, Eli would really want to give it a good break. Pull, pull, pull.

Now, I'm too lazy to correct its distorted ideas. It's very troublesome to reason with it, so let's talk physics to it.

"You're not old, but your tone is not bad. I want to see if your fists are as strong as your words!"

Although the Dragon King's temper is not very good, it is not easily angered. Although it feels underestimated by Eli at the moment, it is not angry. It just feels that the young man does not know how to be generous and should give him a little. Teach a lesson and eat.

With that said, the Dragon King, just like before, charged up his dragon power and punched straight away. It seemed like there was no skill at all, but in fact there was really no skill at all. All that was there was pure and extreme power. If Eli had punched this punch, If he avoids it, he will be blown away by the fist wind. If he doesn't avoid it, then don't blame it for showing too little kindness.

"My toughest thing is not my mouth or my fists. My toughness should be what you lack most right now..."

When Eli saw the Dragon King's punch coming, he had no intention of evading it. Instead, he accurately poked the Dragon King's lungs before punching him, weakening 90% of his strength.

"Young man is looking for death!"

The Dragon King, who is getting older, has become somewhat powerless in recent years, so he has become more and more contemptuous of women. But for any male, this kind of thing cannot be ridiculed, because what the hell is this guy talking about? Really!

As a result, the strength that had just been released a little was fiercely replenished by the Dragon King. On the spot, he forgot about his previous words of remembering him and dealt with Eli with a 100% serious attitude.

This time, Thor didn't intervene again. The Dragon King's swift and fierce iron fist blasted out with all its strength. In less than a second, the two fists of one dragon and one man collided with each other.



It was obviously just a collision, but there were two roars in succession. The first sound was the sound of dragon fists and human fists colliding together, and the second sound was the sound of Dragon King taking half a step back and crushing the ground with one foot. sound.

The originally lively palace suddenly became audible due to these two roars. Almost all the dragons present were shocked and couldn't say any foul words for a long time.

Even the elves who had some confidence in Eli were a little dumbfounded, and the high priest who guessed that Eli had gained more benefits from the goddess than on the surface was also quite surprised.

At most, she only thought that Eli had the capital not to be afraid of the Dragon King, but she never thought that he would be able to put the powerful Dragon King at a disadvantage in the first fight.

"Huh... You have some strength, but you can't compare with me."

Eli looked at the Dragon King, whose expression changed the most in the field, and said with a loud smile.

If it were other legendary demigods, it's hard to say that Eli would be able to defeat him now, but what he was facing now was the Dragon King who specialized in cultivating the physical body and trying to prove the Tao with force. To be honest, it wasn't particularly challenging. …

It lasted ten or eight seconds more than other Eli, but compared to physical strength and strength, to put it bluntly, not to mention the Dragon King alone, it was all the dragons present, including the two demigod giants. The dragon inside was all crumpled into a ball and fed to the Dragon Emperor to increase his strength, but he was not afraid at all.

After all, compared with his level of strength, which is still at the pinnacle of the mortal world, his body is already at the level of a divine body, and the corresponding power is also amazingly strong. No matter how strong the Dragon King is, he is only the body of a mortal dragon; It's the limit, but Eli hasn't figured out where his limit is yet. Maybe he won't be able to measure it until he reaches the God Realm.

"How...is it possible..."

Compared with Eli's ease, the Dragon King's face was full of disbelief at the moment. It had a little strength left at first, but after being stabbed hard, it had already made up its strength. What it punched out was almost its human. The form has reached its ultimate power, it can be said that it is going all out.

But even when it tried its best, it couldn't even touch Eli, and it couldn't even fight on equal terms. It was actually knocked back half a step, and it was visibly at a disadvantage.

The most important thing is that although its clenched fist was stable at this time, it had actually suffered some minor injuries and was now in great pain, but it was so strong that it didn't care about these minor injuries.

Not only was it at a disadvantage, but it was also slightly injured. Since the Dragon Emperor ascended the throne, he had never suffered such a loss. Even the powerful demon kings of the demon clan could not make it so embarrassed. The only one who could make it feel this way was probably the Pope of Light.

But who is the Pope of Light? He is a thousand-year-old monster, the messenger of the supreme God of Light, and his magic of light is invincible in the mortal world. Even the most powerful demon king of the demon clan cannot fight him alone. It is normal for him to lose to the Pope of Light, but losing to Eli, who is a thousand years younger than the Pope of Light...

"You... are really amazing!"

The Dragon King is not a dragon that cannot afford to lose, but it depends on who it loses to. If it is facing the Pope of Light, the Queen of Elf, or the Lord of Dawn, then it has nothing to say, but the one standing in front of it now is Eli.

A young rookie who is less than a hundred years old, or even less than twenty-one years old, loses to him. The old dragon over eight hundred years old cannot afford to lose to this dragon!

So, while lamenting that Eli was really strong, the Dragon Emperor completely ignored the restrictions of the palace, twisted his body, and directly broke through the ceiling and turned into a thousand-meter-long dragon. When it showed its true form, it directly surpassed the two demigod dragons on the side. As for Eli, who was originally facing it, he was only the size of a grain of rice in its eyes.

Damn, like the demons, they like to change their size at will!

Eli lightly spit, and then without waiting for the Dragon Emperor to make a move, he punched its ankle directly.

With the current huge size of the Dragon Emperor, it is impossible for it to avoid Eli's attack, but after changing into its original form, the Dragon Emperor's defense is more than ten times stronger, and it will not be easily injured by Eli.

But Eli's fist is still too hard. Even the Dragon Emperor in its original form feels a little difficult to withstand his iron fist. This single punch may be okay, but if it is hit more, I am afraid that its original form will not be able to bear it. (End of this chapter)

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